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IPPP/06/95 DCPT/06/190 Constraints on New Physics from γ and |V | ub 7 0 0 2 Patricia Ball∗ n a J IPPP, Department of Physics, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK 1 3 2 v 5 2 3 2 1 6 0 / h p - Abstract p e h The SM unitarity triangle (UT) is completely determined by the parameters γ and |V | : ub v whichcanbeextractedfromtree-levelprocesses andareassumedtobefreeofnewphysics. i X By comparison with other determinations of UT parameters one can impose constraints r a on new physics in loop processes, in particular B mixing. Talk given at CKM06, Nagoya (Japan), Dec 2006 ∗ [email protected] Independently of any new sources of flavour violation induced by new physics (NP), there is always a Standard Model (SM) unitarity triangle (UT). It is completely deter- mined by two parameters, which one can choose as |V /V | and γ – the rationale being ub cb that these parameters can be determined from tree-level processes and hence are ex- pected to be essentially free of new-physics effects. In this talk we discuss the impact of the presently available information on |V /V | and γ on possible new physics in B ub cb mixing, based on Ref. [1]; we include the most recent update on (sinφ ) presented at d cc¯s ICHEP2006. Let us first discuss the status of |V | and |V |. The latter quantity is presently known ub cb with 2% precision from semileptonic B decays; we shall use the value obtained in Ref. [2] from the analysis of leptonic and hadronic moments in inclusive b → cℓν¯ transitions [3]: ℓ |V | = (42.0±0.7)·10−3; (1) cb this value agrees with that from exclusive semileptonic decays. The situation is less favourable with |V |: there is more than 1σ discrepancy between ub the values from inclusive and exclusive b → uℓν¯ transitions [4]: ℓ |V | = (4.4±0.3)·10−3, |V | = (3.8±0.6)·10−3. (2) ub incl ub excl The error on |V | is dominated by the theoretical uncertainty of lattice and light- ub excl cone sum rule calculations of B → π and B → ρ transition form factors [5, 6], whereas for |V | experimental and theoretical errors are at par. A recent improvement of the ub incl method used to extract |V | has been suggested in Ref. [7]; it relies on fixing the shape of ub the exclusive form factor from experimental data on the q2-spectrum in B → πeν, which helps to reduce both the experimental and theoretical error of |V | . The “low” value ub excl |V | is in agreement with the determination of |V |, by the UTfit collaboration, from ub excl ub only the angles of the UT [8]. In this report we shall present results for both values of |V |. ub As for the UT angle γ, tree-level results can be obtained from the CP asymmetries in B → D(∗)K(∗) decays. At present, the only results available come from the Dalitz-plot analysis of the CP asymmetry in B− → (K0π+π−)K−, with K0π+π− being a three- S S body final state common to both D0 and D¯0. This method to measure γ from a new- physics free tree-level process was suggested in Ref. [10] and has been implemented by both BaBar [11] and Belle [12], but the BaBar result currently suffers from huge errors: γ = (92±41±11±12)◦, γ = (53+15 ±3±9)◦. Other determinations of γ from BaBar Belle −18 QCDF, γ = (62±8)◦ [13], SCET, γ = (73.9+7.4 )◦ [14], SU(3) fits of non-leptonic QCDF SCET −10.7 B decays γSU(3) = (70.0+−34..83)◦ [15], radiative penguin decays, γB→Vγ = (61.0+−1136..50+−89..93)◦ [16], and global UT fits [8, 17] all come with theoretical uncertainties and/or possible ◦ contamination by unresolved new physics. In this report we shall use γ = (65 ± 20) , which is a fair average over all these determinations. With γ and |V /V | fixed, let us first have a closer look at the B0–B¯0 mixing pa- ub cb d d rameters. In the presence of NP, the matrix element Md can be written, in a model- 12 independent way, as Md = Md,SM 1+κ eiσd , 12 12 d (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 where the real parameter κ ≥ 0 measures the “strength” of the NP contribution with d respect to the SM, whereas σ is a new CP-violating phase; analogous formulae apply to d the B system. The B mixing parameters then read s d ∆M = ∆MSM 1+κ eiσd , (3) d d d (cid:2) (cid:3) φ = φSM +φNP = φSM +arg(1+κ eiσd). (4) d d d d d Experimental constraints on κ and σ are provided by ∆M and φ , the mass differ- d d d d ence and mixing phase in the B system. While the interpretation of the very accurately d knownexperimentalvalueof∆M dependscruciallyonhadronicmatrixelementsprovided d by lattice calculations, φ can be measured directly as mixing-induced CP asymmetry in d b → cc¯s transitions [4]: (sinφ ) = 0.675±0.026, (5) d cs¯ which yields the twofold solution ◦ ◦ φ = (42.5±2.0) ∨ (137.5±2.0) , (6) d where the latter result is in dramatic conflict with global CKM fits and would require a large NP contribution to B0–B¯0 mixing. However, experimental information on the sign d d of cosφ rules out a negative value of this quantity at greater than 95% C.L. [18], so that d ◦ we are left with φ = (42.5±2.0) . d The SM prediction of the mixing phase, φSM = 2β, can easily be obtained in terms of d the tree-level quantities R and γ, as b R sinγ 1−R cosγ b b sinβ = , cosβ = . (7) 1−2R cosγ +R2 1−2R cosγ +R2 b b b b p p Here the quantity R is given by b λ2 1 V ub R ≡ 1− . (8) b (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) λ (cid:12)V (cid:12) (cid:12) cb(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Using Eq. (4), the experimental value of φ can immediately be converted into a result for d the NP phase φNP, which depends on both γ and R . It turns out that the dependence d b of φNP on γ is very small and that R plays actually the key rˆole for its determination. d b With our range of values for γ and |V | we find ub φSM = (53.5±3.8)◦, φSM = (45.9±7.6)◦, (9) d incl d excl (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) corresponding to φNP = −(11.0±4.3)◦, φNP = −(3.4±7.9)◦; (10) d incl d excl (cid:12) (cid:12) results of φNP ≈ −1(cid:12)0◦ were also recently obtained(cid:12) in Refs. [19, 20, 9]. Note that the d emergence of a non-zero value of φNP is caused by the large value of |V | from inclusive d ub semileptonic decays, but that φNP is compatible with zero for |V | from exclusive decays. d ub 2 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 d d κ κ 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 σ [deg] σ [deg] d d Figure 1: Left panel: allowed region (yellow/grey) in the σ –κ plane in a scenario with the d d JLQCD lattice results (11) and φNP . Dashed lines: central values of ∆Mlatt and φNP, solid d excl d d lines: ±1σ. Right panel: ditto for th(cid:12)e scenario with the (HP+JL)QCD lattice results (12) and (cid:12) φNP . d incl (cid:12) (cid:12) We can now combine the constraints from both ∆M and φ to constrain the allowed d d region inthe σ –κ plane. These contraints depend onhadronic input for ∆M in terms of d d d the parameter f Bˆ1/2 for which there exist two independent unquenched lattice results, Bd Bd one by the JLQCD collaborationwith N = 2 active flavours [21], and oneby the HPQCD f collaboration with N = 2+1 active flavours [22]. We also give the corresponding results f for the B which we will need below: s f Bˆ1/2 = (0.215±0.019+0 )GeV, Bd Bd −0.023 (cid:12)JLQCD (cid:12) (cid:12) f Bˆ1/2 = (0.245±0.021+0.003)GeV, (11) Bs Bs −0.002 (cid:12)JLQCD (cid:12) (cid:12) ˆ1/2 f B = (0.244±0.026)GeV, Bd Bd (cid:12)(HP+JL)QCD (cid:12) (cid:12) f Bˆ1/2 = (0.281±0.021)GeV. (12) Bs Bs (cid:12)HPQCD (cid:12) (cid:12) The last but one entry is a combination of both HPQCD and JLQCD results, as the HPQCD collaboration is yet to provide results on B . Bd The corresponding constraints in the σ -κ plane are shown in Fig. 1. We see that d d a non-vanishing value of φNP, even as small as φNP ≈ −10◦, has a strong impact on the d d allowed space in the σ –κ plane. In both scenarios with different lattice results and d d different values for |V |, the upper bounds of κ < 2.5 on the NP contributions following ub d ∼ from the experimental value of ∆M are reduced to κ < 0.5. In order to determine κ d d ∼ d more precisely, it is mandatory to reduce the errors of ∆Mlatt, which come from both γ d and lattice calculations. The value of γ can be determined – with impressive accuracy – at the LHC, whereas progress on the lattice side is much harder to predict. Let us now have a closer look at the B -meson system. The big news in 2006 was the s 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 s s κ κ 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 σ [deg] σ [deg] s s Figure 2: The allowed regions (yellow/grey) in the σ –κ plane. Left panel: JLQCD lattice s s results (11). Right panel: HPQCD lattice results (12). first measurement, by the CDF collaboration, of ∆M [23]: s ∆M = (17.77±0.10±0.07)ps−1. (13) s In order to describe NP effects in B mixing in a model-independent way, we parametrize s ∗ them analogously to (3) and (4). The relevant CKM factor is |V V |. Using the uni- ts tb tarity of the CKM matrix and including next-to-leading order terms in the Wolfenstein expansion, we have V 1 ts = 1− (1−2R cosγ)λ2 +O(λ4). (14) b (cid:12)V (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) cb(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Consequently, apart from(cid:12) th(cid:12)e tiny correction in λ2, the CKM factor for ∆Ms is indepen- dent of γ and R , which is an important advantage in comparison with the B -meson b d system. The accuracy of the SM prediction of ∆M is hence limited by the hadronic s mixing parameter f Bˆ1/2. In Fig. 2, we show the constraints in the σ –κ plane. We see Bs Bs s s that upper bounds of κ < 2.5 arise from the measurement of ∆M . Consequently, the s ∼ s CDF measurement of ∆M leaves ample space for the NP parameters σ and κ . This s s s situation will change significantly as soon as precise information about CP violation in the B -meson system becomes available. s To date, the CP-violating phase associated with B0–B¯0 mixing is not very well con- s s strained. In the SM, it is doubly Cabibbo-suppressed, and can be written as follows: φSM = −2λ2η = −2λ2R sinγ ≈ −2◦. (15) s b Because of the small SM phase in (15), B0–B¯0 mixing is particularly well suited to search s s for NP effects, which may well lead to a sizeable value of φ . The presently available s information on φ stems from measurements of ∆Γ and the semileptonic CP asymmetry s s as ; they have been re-analysed very recently in Ref. [24] with the result fs sinφ = −0.77±0.04±0.34 or sinφ = −0.67±0.05±0.29, (16) s s depending on the value of ∆Mlatt; both results would imply a 2σ deviation from the SM s prediction sinφSM ≈ −0.04, but are heavily theory dependent. In order to test the SM s 4 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 s s κ κ 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 σ [deg] σ [deg] s s Figure 3: Combined constraints for theallowed region (yellow/grey) in theσ –κ planethrough s s ∆M for the HPQCD results (12) and CP violation measurements. Left panel: the SM scenario s (sinφ ) = −0.04±0.02. Right panel: a NP scenario with (sinφ ) = −0.20±0.02. The s exp s exp solid lines correspond to cosφ >0, the dotted lines to cosφ < 0. s s and probe CP-violating NP contributions to B0–B¯0 mixing in a less theory-dependent s s way, the decay B0 → J/ψφ, which is very accessible at the LHC, plays a key rˆole and s allows the measurement of sinφ = sin(−2λ2R sinγ +φNP), (17) s b s in analogy to the determination of sinφ through B0 → J/ψK . d d S In order to illustrate the possible impact of NP effects, let us assume that the NP parameters satisfy the simple relation σ = σ , κ = κ , (18) d s d s i.e. that in particular φNP = φNP. To illustrate the impact of CP violation measurements d s on the allowed region in the σ –κ plane, let us consider two cases: s s i) (sinφ ) = −0.04±0.02, i.e. the SM prediction; s exp ◦ ii) (sinφ ) = −0.20±0.02, i.e. the above NP scenario φ = φ ≈ −11 . s exp d s In Fig. 3, we show the situation in the σ –κ plane. The constraints on the NP parameters s s are rather strong, although κ could still assume sizeable values, with the upper bound s ◦ κ ≈ 0.5. In the SM-like scenario (i), values of σ around 180 would arise, i.e. a NP s s contribution with a sign opposite to the SM. However, due to the absence of new CP- violating effects, the accuracy of lattice results would have to be considerably improved in order to allow the extraction of a value of κ incompatible with 0. On the other hand, s a measurement of (sinφ ) = −0.20±0.02 would give a NP signal at the 10σ level, with s exp κ > 0.2. s ∼ Let us conclude with a few remarks concerning the prospects for the search for NP throughB0–B¯0 mixing at theLHC. This task will bevery challenging if essentially no CP- s s violating effects will be found in B0 → J/ψφ (and similar decays). On the other hand, as s 5 we demonstrated above, even a small phase φNP ≈ −10◦ (inspired by the B data) would s d lead to CP asymmetries at the −20% level, which could be unambiguously detected after a couple of years of data taking, and would not be affected by hadronic uncertainties. Conversely, the measurement of such an asymmetry would allow one to establish a lower boundonthestrengthoftheNPcontribution–evenifhadronicuncertaintiesstillpreclude adirectextractionofthiscontributionfrom∆M –andtodramaticallyreducetheallowed s region in the NP parameter space. In fact, the situation may be even more promising, as specific scenarios of NP still allow large new phases in B0–B¯0 mixing, also after the s s measurement of ∆M , see, for instance, Refs. [25, 26]. s In essence, the lesson to be learnt from the CDF measurement of ∆M is that NP s may actually be hiding in B0–B¯0 mixing, but is still obscured by parameter uncertainties, s s some of which will be reduced by improved statistics at the LHC, whereas others require dedicated work of, in particular, lattice theorists. The smoking gun for the presence of NP in B0–B¯0 mixing will be the detection of a non-vanishing value of φNP through CP s s s violation in B0 → J/ψφ. Let us finally emphasize that the current B-factory data may s show – in addition to φNP ≈ −10◦ – other first indications of new sources of CP violation d through measurements of B0 → φK and B → πK decays, which may point towards a d S modified electroweak penguin sector. All these examples are yet another demonstration thatflavour physics isnotanoptionalextra, but anindispensable ingredient inthepursuit of NP, also and in particular in the era of the LHC. References [1] P. Ball and R. Fleischer, Eur. Phys. J. 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