Draft version February 20, 2017 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.12/16/11 CONSTRAINTS ON BYGONE NUCLEOSYNTHESIS OF ACCRETING NEUTRON STARS Zach Meisel InstituteofNuclear&ParticlePhysics,DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio45701,USAand JointInstituteforNuclearAstrophysics–CenterfortheEvolutionoftheElements,www.jinaweb.org Alex Deibel DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,MichiganStateUniversity,EastLansing,Michigan48824,USAand JointInstituteforNuclearAstrophysics–CenterfortheEvolutionoftheElements,www.jinaweb.org Draft version February 20, 2017 7 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 Nuclear burning near the surface of an accreting neutron star produces ashes that, when com- pressed deeper by further accretion, alter the star’s thermal and compositional structure. Bygone b nucleosynthesis can be constrained by the impact of compressed ashes on the thermal relaxation of e quiescent neutron star transients. In particular, Urca cooling nuclei pairs in nuclear burning ashes, F which cool the neutron star crust via neutrino emission from e−-capture/β−-decay cycles, provide 7 signatures of prior nuclear burning over the ∼century timescales it takes to accrete to the e−-capture 1 depth of the strongest cooling pairs. Using crust cooling models of the accreting neutron star tran- sient MAXI J0556-332, we show that this source likely lacked Type I X-ray bursts and superbursts ] (cid:38)120 years ago. Reduced nuclear physics uncertainties in rp-process reaction rates and e−-capture E weak-transition strengths for low-lying transitions will improve nucleosynthesis constraints using this H technique. . h p 1. INTRODUCTION crustcool,andthesurfacethermalemissionpowersanX- - o Accreting neutron stars are unique probes of matter ray light curve (Ushomirsky & Rutledge 2001; Rutledge r abovenuclearsaturationdensityandatlowenoughtem- et al. 2002). The cooling light curve reveals successively st peratures for quantum phenomena to emerge (Schatz & deeperlayerswithtimeandprovidescluestothethermal a and compositional profile as a function of depth (Brown Rehm 2006). Accretion drives various nuclear burning [ & Cumming 2009; Page & Reddy 2013; Turlione et al. processes near the neutron star surface that depend on 2015). 2 the accretion rate and the composition of accreted ma- The presence of Urca cooling, neutrino cooling via e−- v terial (Keek et al. 2014). Nuclear burning regimes in- capture/β−-decay cycles between a pair of neutron-rich 0 clude stable hydrogen burning (Schatz et al. 1999), un- nuclides in an electron-degenerate environment (Gamow 3 stable hydrogen burning in Type I X-ray bursts (Schatz 7 et al. 1998; Woosley et al. 2004; Parikh et al. 2013), & Schoenberg 1941; Tsuruta & Cameron 1970), was 2 unstable carbon burning in superbursts (Strohmayer & recently identified in the crusts of accreting neutron 0 Brown 2002; Schatz et al. 2003; Keek & Heger 2011), stars (Schatz et al. 2014) and in the shallower ocean . (Deibeletal.2016b). Urcaneutrinoluminositiesdepend 1 and each burning regime produces a characteristic nu- on the energy cost for e−-capture, i.e. the Q-value, as 0 clear abundance “ash” distribution. Further accretion Q5 , and the ambient temperature as T5. Urca neu- 7 compresses nuclear burning ashes deeper in the neutron EC trino cooling significantly impacts the thermal structure 1 star and drives further nuclear reaction sequences (Sato of neutron star crusts by acting as a high-temperature : 1979) that replace the neutron star crust with processed v thermostat therein (Schatz et al. 2014; Deibel et al. ashes. As a result, the ocean and crust of an accreting i 2015,2016b). Inprinciple, allneutron-richnuclideswith X neutronstarhaveathermalandcompositionalstructure an odd number of nucleons A lead to some Urca cool- far different than the equilibrium state expected for an r ing (Meisel et al. 2015; Deibel et al. 2016b), but the a isolated neutron star composed of cold-catalyzed mat- strength of Urca cooling depends on Urca nuclide abun- ter (Haensel & Zdunik 1990a). dances in the crust X(A) and rates at which e−-capture Models of neutron star quasi-persistent transients are and β−-decay proceed, which are quantified by weak- especially impacted by the details of accreted ashes. transition strengths log(ft) (Deibel et al. 2016b). These neutron stars sporadically accrete matter from HerewedemonstratethatUrcacoolinginneutronstar their accretion disks during ∼month to ∼year long out- crusts reaching temperatures near T (cid:38)109K during ac- bursts. Activeaccretiondrivesnuclearreactionsthatde- tive accretion has an observable impact on the quies- positheatintheneutronstar’soceanandcrust(Haensel cent light curve. In Section 2, we calculate Urca cool- & Zdunik 1990b; Gupta et al. 2007), and the increase ing neutrino luminosities using X(A) from calculations in temperature brings these layers out of thermal equi- of neutron star surface nucleosynthesis and log(ft) de- librium with the core. When accretion ceases and the rivedfromexperimentaldata. InSection3,weaddUrca system enters quiescence, the neutron star ocean and cooling nuclei to a model of the quiescent thermal relax- ationofthehotneutronstartransientMAXIJ0556-332, [email protected] [email protected] where the high crust temperature leads to strong Urca 2 cooling. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Type I X- rayburstsandsuperburstsontheaccretingneutronstar 1 MAXI J0556-332 (Matsumura et al. 2011; Homan et al. 2014) (cid:38) 120years ago can likely be excluded due to the ) 10- 1 impact Urca cooling would have on the quiescent light A ( X cpuorsvsieb.leWatephriegshelnigthatndfunrtehaerr-fuextupreerinmuecnletaarl pwhoyrskictshfaatciils- n, 10- 2 o ities that will improve these constraints in Section 4. cti10- 3 a r F 2. URCA COOLING NUCLEI PAIRS s 10- 4 s When ashes of surface nuclear burning processes are a M buriedbyfurtheraccretion,theyenteradegenerateelec- 10- 5 tron gas whose Fermi energy E increases with depth. F WtheheenleEctFron≈-c|aQpEtuCr|efotrhraesghiovlednennuecrlgeyu,s,e−w-hcearpetuQreECenis- 10- 60 20 40 60 80 100 Mass Number, A sues that preserves the mass number A but changes the proton number Z to Z − 1 (Sato 1979). The finite- Fig. 1.—(coloronline.) Abundancedistributionsforashesfrom temperature environment enables e−-capture to proceed modelcalculationsofsuperbursts(gray-shadedhistogram),stable when|QEC|−kBT (cid:46)EF (cid:46)|QEC|+kBT,wherekB isthe burning(blackhistogram),andTypeIX-rayburstsforanominal Boltzmann constant, and provides phase-space for the nuclearreactionratelibrary(red-dashedhistogram)andwiththe product of the e−-capture reaction, i.e. daughter, to un- 59Cu(p,γ)ratereducedbyafactorof100(blue-dottedhistogram) todemonstratethesensitivitytonuclearreactionrates. Theblack dergo β−-decay within the same depth-window (Schatz filled-circles indicate mass-numbers with intrinsically strong Urca et al. 2014). For cases in which the β−-decay rate of coolingstrengths,accordingtoSchatzetal.(2014). the e−-capture daughter is significant with respect to its e−-capturerate,aconditionwhichisfulfilledforallodd- A nuclides due to the monotonic increase of |Q (A)| EC opt for their (Singh et al. 1998) “Centroid” minus their for decreasing Z, an e−-capture/β−-decay cycle can cre- “Width” for a given ∆J-∆π, corresponding to a rel- ate an Urca pair. Pairs with significant weak-transition atively fast, but plausible weak transition rate. This strengths, i.e. small log(ft), exhibit rapid cycling and generally results in ft roughly one order of magnitude consequently produce large neutrino luminosities. Lay- smaller than assumed in Deibel et al. (2016b), but one ersinthecrustthatcontainUrcacyclingnuclei,denoted orderofmagnitudeormorelargerthanthequasi-random Urcashells,limittheheattransferbetweenregionsabove phaseapproximationftemployedinSchatzetal.(2014). and below the Urca shell. We calculate the abundances of Urca pairs by mod- The neutrino luminosity for an Urca shell can be ex- eling hydrogen and helium burning in the neutron star pressed as envelope,whilerelyingonpreviousmodelcalculationsfor (cid:16)g (cid:17)−1 carbon burning in the neutron star ocean. Type I X-ray Lν ≈L34×1034erg s−1X(A)T95 214 R120 , (1) burstandstablehydrogenburningasheswerecalculated usingtheopen-sourcesoftwareMESA(Paxtonetal.2011, as derived in Tsuruta & Cameron (1970); Deibel et al. 2013, 2015) version 8845. We primarily use parameters (2016b). Here X(A) is the mass-fraction of the e−- employedinPaxtonetal.(2015)toreproduceTypeIX- capture parent nucleus in the composition, T9 is the ray bursts from the source GS 1826-24 (Galloway et al. temperature of the Urca shell in units of 109K, R10 ≡ 2004; Heger et al. 2007), which produces bursts that un- R/(10 km), where R is the radius of the Urca shell from dergo the full rp-process. Our model uses their (Paxton the neutron star center, and g ≡ g/(1014 cm s−2), et al. 2015) 305-nucleus nuclear reaction network (with 14 where g = (GM/R2)(1−2GM/Rc2)−1/2 is the surface rates from REACLIB V2.0 (Cyburt et al. 2010)), an ac- gravityoftheneutronstar. Theintrinsiccoolingstrength creted composition with X(1H) = 0.72, X(4He) = 0.26, of the Urca pair, L , is given by and 2% metals with a solar composition, and an en- 34 velope base luminosity L=1.6×1034 ergs s−1 (Woosley L =0.87(cid:18)106 s(cid:19)(cid:18)56(cid:19)(cid:18) QEC (cid:19)5(cid:18)(cid:104)F(cid:105)∗(cid:19) , (2) et al. 2004). Type I X-ray bursts were produced us- 34 ft A 4 MeV 0.5 ing an accretion rate M˙ = 3 × 10−9 M yr−1, while (cid:12) M˙ = 4×10−8 M yr−1 was chosen to reproduce sta- where (cid:104)F(cid:105)∗ ≡ (cid:104)F(cid:105)+(cid:104)F(cid:105)−/((cid:104)F(cid:105)+ +(cid:104)F(cid:105)−), the Coulomb (cid:12) ble hydrogen burning. X(A) were extracted from the factor (cid:104)F(cid:105)± ≈ 2παZ/|1−exp(∓2παZ)|, and α ≈ 1/137 MESAresultsbyaveragingoverashlayerswithconverged is the fine-structure constant. abundances and lacking any hydrogen or helium burn- We use values for L similar to those in Deibel et al. 34 ing, as has been done in similar studies (Cyburt et al. (2016b),whicharebasedonQ calculatedusingatomic EC 2016). We average over the ashes following 14 Type I mass excesses from Audi et al. (2012) and log(ft) based X-ray bursts and for an equivalent burning time for the onexperimentalvalueswhenavailable;otherwise,log(ft) stable-burning ashes. X(A) from Schatz et al. (2014) areobtainedfromTable1ofSinghetal.(1998)usingthe were adopted for superburst abundances and are based experimentallydeterminedgroundstatespin-paritiesJπ of the e−-capture parent and daughter nuclides1. We file of experimental nuclear structure data maintained by the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory 1 EvaluatedNuclearStructureDataFile(ENSDF)–acomputer (www.nndc.bnl.gov)–asof2015December11. 3 TABLE 1 Properties of the strongest Urca e−-capture reactant nuclides, i.e. parents, identified in this work and in Schatz et al. (2014), absent even-A nuclides, excluded by Meisel et al. (2015); Deibel et al. (2016b). Type I X-ray burst ashes from the multi-zone calculations from Cyburt et al. (2016), as well as the last burst from models 1 and 2 of Jose´ et al. (2010) are included for comparison. ECParent |QEC|(MeV) log(ft) L34 XSB XS XXTRhiBsWork XXCRybBurt,MZ XXJoRsB´e,1 XXJoRsB´e,2 29Mg 13.3 5.1 8.2E+3 1.9E-6 1.6E-4 8.4E-4 1.8E-4 6.9E-4 6.7E-4 31Al 11.8 4.9 4.2E+3 4.3E-6 3.4E-4 2.6E-3 2.8E-3 1.8E-3 1.4E-3 33Al 13.4 5.2 3.7E+4 4.0E-6 8.8E-5 4.7E-3 5.2E-3 5.1E-3 2.4E-3 55Sc 12.1 4.9 2.4E+3 1.8E-2 1.3E-3 3.3E-3 4.7E-3 5.3E-3 4.0E-3 57Cr 8.3 11.6 8.6E-5 1.6E-3 1.7E-3 3.9E-3 4.1E-3 3.1E-3 3.4E-3 57V 10.7 4.9 1.2E+3 1.6E-3 1.7E-3 3.9E-3 4.1E-3 3.1E-3 3.4E-3 59Mn 7.6 11.6 5.2E-5 3.1E-4 2.3E-3 4.2E-3 4.5E-3 3.8E-3 3.7E-3 63Cr 14.7 14.4 1.1E-6 6.5E-9 3.6E-3 2.1E-2 9.5E-3 3.3E-3 3.2E-3 65Fe 10.3 11.6 2.1E-4 4.2E-12 1.6E-2 2.8E-2 1.5E-2 2.2E-3 3.1E-3 65Mn 11.7 11.6 4.1E-4 4.2E-12 1.6E-2 2.8E-2 1.5E-2 2.2E-3 3.1E-3 on models described in Keek et al. (2012). Ash abun- the open-source code dStar (Brown 2015; Deibel et al. dances are shown in Figure 1. Urca cooling neutrino 2015). dStar solves the general relativistic heat diffu- luminosities were then calculated from X(A) results for sion equation using the MESA numerical library (Paxton TypeIX-raybursts(X ),superbursts(X ),andsta- etal.2011,2013,2015)foraneutronstarcrustusingthe XRB SB blehydrogenburning(X );the10strongestUrcacooling microphysics of Brown & Cumming (2009); Deibel et al. S pairs are listed in Table 1. (2015). We model the quiescent period of MAXI fol- We demonstrate the sensitivity of our results to vari- lowing a 480 day accretion outburst near the Eddington ations in rp-process nuclear reaction rates in Figure 1 mass accretion rate M˙ ≈2×10−8 M yr−1 (Homan Edd (cid:12) by comparing to Type I X-ray burst ash abundances et al. 2014). Following the light curve fit from Deibel for a reduced 59Cu(p,γ) reaction rate, which was one et al. (2015), the model uses a neutron star mass of of the most influential rates for odd-A nuclide produc- M = 1.5 M , a neutron star radius of R = 11 km, a (cid:12) tion identified by Cyburt et al. (2016). The sensitivity crustimpurityofQ =1,acoretemperatureofT = imp core of our results to the X-ray burst model choice is demon- 108K,andalight-elementenvelope. Inadditiontoheat- stratedinTable1bycomparisontoashescalculatedfrom depositionfromaccretion,weincludeM˙ -dependentshal- other multi-zone X-ray burst studies (Jos´e et al. 2010; low heating over the pressure range log (P) = 28.2− Cyburt et al. 2016). We note that the X-ray burst ashes 10 28.6 (with P in cgs units) inferred from the break in the fromWoosleyetal.(2004)aresubstantiallyqualitatively MAXIlightcurvenear≈10–20days(Deibeletal.2015), different, where odd-A mass-fractions are orders of mag- wherethestrengthoftheshallowheatingQ isadjusted nitude less than those found in our present calculations. sh toreproducethelightcurveatearlytimes. Inpastwork, Odd-A nuclide abundances are also substantially lower it was shown that the shallow heating strength must be for the single-zone X-ray burst ashes of Cyburt et al. between Q ≈6–16MeV per accreted nucleon to match (2016). sh the hot surface temperature of MAXI J0556-332 at the outset of quiescence (Deibel et al. 2015). To investigate 3. CRUST COOLING WITH URCA PAIRS the impact of Urca cooling, we include an Urca shell at We assess the impact of Urca cooling on the quies- the e−-capture depth for the strongest layer identified cent light curve of MAXI J0556-332 (“MAXI”). MAXI in Table 1, 33Al, for which XXRBL34 ≈ 160 at a pres- is one of a handful of accreting neutron star systems sure P ≈ 3.6×1026erg cm−3(|Q |/(3.7 MeV))4 ≈ Urca EC observed to date that have undergone an extended ac- 6.2×1028 g cm−1 s−2 (Deibel et al. 2016b). cretion outburst (∼months) followed by a long quiescent Figure 2 shows the temperature as a function of depth period(∼years)(Matsumuraetal.2011;Cornelisseetal. for various times during active accretion with and with- 2012;Homanetal.2014). Amongaccretingneutronstar out33AlUrcashellcoolingforTypeIX-rayburstashes. transients, MAXI is exceptional due to the strong shal- Shallow and deep-crustal heating drive the crust out of low heat source required to match observational data of thermalequilibriumwiththecore;however,thepresence the cooling light curve (Homan et al. 2014; Deibel et al. ofanUrcashelllimitsthecrusttemperaturebyprevent- 2015). The inferred strong shallow heating results in a ingshallowheatingfromdiffusingtogreaterdepths. This relatively large neutron star crust temperature, mean- effectwillimpactthelightcurveattimes(cid:38)20days,cor- ing that Urca shell neutrino luminosities would be espe- responding to thermal times at depths greater than the cially large for this object if Urca nuclides were present shallow heating source. in the crust. Furthermore, detection of hydrogen in the To reproduce the observations in the absence of Urca MAXIatmosphereindicateshydrogencomprisesasignif- cooling, we choose a Q =6 MeV per accreted nucleon sh icant fraction of the accreted material (Cornelisse et al. shallowheatsource(Deibeletal.2015). Notethatwedo 2012). Therefore, MAXI is an ideal source to search for not fit our crust parameters to the observational data, observational evidence of Urca cooling in the accreted as the purpose of this work is to demonstrate the sig- neutron star crust. nature of Urca cooling on formerly accreting transients. We model the quiescent light curve of MAXI using 4 [ ] 350 300 1.6 ] 250 1.4 [ 1.2 200 = , = , = ] 1.0 150 = , = , = = , = , = [ 0.8 100 = , = , = 0.6 = , = , = 50 0.4 100 101 102 103 104 0.2 [ ] 0.0 Fig. 3.— (coloronline.) EffectivetemperatureofMAXIJ0556- 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 332asafunctionoftimeforanobserveratinfinity. Crustcooling modelsareshownforvariouschoicesoftheUrcacoolingstrength [ ] XL34, crust impurity Qimp, and shallow-heating strength Qsh. Data points are from (Homan et al. 2014), except for two points Fig. 2.— (color online.) Crust temperature profiles in MAXI, near ∼1000 days, which are preliminary (Aastha Parikh et al., in 0days(light-graylines),48days(graylines),and480days(black preparation). lines) after the onset of an accretion outburst. Models with Urca cooling (solid lines) and without Urca cooling (dashed lines) are shown for the 33Al Urca shell assuming Type I X-ray burst ash abundances. The red-shaded area and thin blue-line indicate the We have examined the impact of Urca neutrino cool- zonesforshallowheatingandUrcacooling,respectively. ing on the predicted quiescent thermal relaxation of the hotneutronstartransientMAXIJ0556-332. Modellight curves that include Urca cooling layers dip below the observations between ≈ 10days and ≈ 103days, before Whenweincludethe33AlUrcashellinthecrustcooling returning to a cooling trend that matches observations model, the predicted light curve shows a marked depar- after (cid:38)103days. As a result, to fit quiescent cooling ob- ture from the observations at early times. In particu- servations, we find that MAXI must be absent of Urca lar, the light curve shape changes and dips below the cooling at the strength expected for Type I X-ray burst observations between ≈ 10days and ≈ 103days, before ashes at the depth at which 33Al undergoes e−-capture. returning to a cooling trend that matches observations We can also exclude Urca cooling from 55Sc e−-capture after (cid:38) 103days. Note that the dip caused by the Urca at the strength expected for superburst ash abundances, cooling layer alters the shape of the light curve in a way coincidentally at nearly the same depth, since this cool- that is difficult to compensate through changes in other ingis≈1/3asstrong. Assuch,wecanconstrainbygone neutron star parameters. We have, however, attempted nucleosynthesis on the surface of MAXI by calculating tocounteractthe effectofUrcacoolingbyalteringother the time it would take for surface ashes to be buried to model parameters as follows. the depth of the 33Al Urca shell. To compensate for the Urca cooling, we first increase For our calculations, the Urca shell depth of P ≈ Q to 8 MeV per accreted nucleon, which restores the Urca sh 6.2 × 1028 g cm−1 s−2 corresponds to a total accreted rough reproduction of observations out to tens of days, mass of ≈ 4.9 × 1027 g, or ≈120 years of constant though amarkeddeparture is stillpresent ≈100 days af- accretion at the inferred time-averaged outburst rate tertheendofaccretion. Onemightexpectthissignature (cid:104)M˙ (cid:105)≈M˙ ≈2×10−8 M yr−1 (Homan et al. 2014). to disappear for higher crust impurities, as higher Q Edd (cid:12) imp Therefore, we conclude that MAXI likely lacked Type will lengthen the thermal-diffusion timescale and effec- I X-ray bursts and superbursts (cid:38)120 years ago. Note tively smear-out discrete features in the crust thermal that this is a lower limit that assumes MAXI has been profile (Brown & Cumming 2009; Page & Reddy 2013). constantly accreting at M˙ = M˙ with a 100% duty Therefore, we adjust Q to 100, likely the maximum Edd imp cycle for the past 120 years. Our results are consis- plausible value (Schatz et al. 2001), but find the dip in tent with the near-Eddington accretion rate inferred for the cooling light curve near 100 days persists. We find MAXI (Homan et al. 2014; Sugizaki et al. 2013), which such a signature in the light curve is present for cooling strengths (cid:39) 1/10th our nominal X L for 33Al for implies stable nuclear burning of accreted material on XRB 34 the neutron star surface (Schatz et al. 1999; Keek & anaccretingtransientwithacrusttemperature(cid:38)109K. Heger 2016) and that the crust of MAXI J0556-332 is Figure4highlightsthesignatureofanUrcacoolinglayer composed of stable burning ashes which have weak Urca on the transient light curve by showing the residual to cooling strengths. Furthermore, our results are consis- our baseline dStar calculation. Substantially stronger tent with the lack of observed Type I X-ray bursts for cooling would be required to see the impact in a tran- this source (Sugizaki et al. 2013) and provide an addi- sient with a crust temperature near ∼ 108K, such as tional verification of the assumed accretion rate and the MXB 1659-29 (Brown & Cumming 2009; Deibel et al. assumed distance for this source. 2016a), due to the T5-dependence of L . ν Surface nuclear burning at other timescales, such as Type I X-ray bursts at other accretion rates or differ- 4. DISCUSSION ent compositions of accreted material, could possibly be 5 The Urca cooling signature identified here in the light 40 curves of cooling transients can be verified in the com- ] ing decades with continued monitoring of the X-ray sky [ 20 by present telescopes such as MAXI2, NUSTAR3, and ASTROSAT4, near-future telescopes such as NICER5, and planned telescopes such as LOFT6. In particular, al 0 identification of additional hot transients and long-term u d burst/burning monitoring for these sources would be si 20 most desirable. e R In general, we find that Urca cooling in the crust has 40 an observable impact on the light curves of transiently accreting neutron stars in quiescence whose crusts have 100 101 102 103 104 achieved temperatures ∼ 109K for Urca nuclides with X(A) (cid:38) 0.5% and log(ft) (cid:46)5. In particular, using [ ] log(ft) derived from experimental data and data-based Fig. 4.—(coloronline.) Residualsforcrustcoolingmodelswith systematics and X(A) from model calculations of neu- UrcacoolinginFigure3relativetothemodelcalculationwithout tronstarsurfaceburningconditions,weexcludetheexis- UrcacoolingassumingXL34=0,Qimp=1,andQsh=6MeV. tenceofTypeIX-rayburstsandsuperbursts(cid:38)120years ago for the source MAXI J0556-332. Modeling light constrainedusingthetechniquepresentedhere. Thee−- curves of this and other neutron star transients with hot crusts after accretion turn-off can provide a window capturedepthsoftheUrcapairsinTable1spanaccreted masses of ∼ 1026–1028 g, which correspond to surface to examine the stability of surface nuclear burning on accreting neutron stars over millennia, improving con- nuclear burning ∼ 2.5–250 years ago for a neutron star with a 100% duty cycle accreting at M˙ ∼ M˙ and straints on the structure of accreted neutron star crusts. Edd ∼ 25–2500years for accretion rates M˙ ∼ 0.1 M˙ typ- Edd ical of Type I X-ray bursters (Galloway et al. 2008). Though many of the cooling strengths (XL in Ta- 34 ble1)areweak,futurenuclearphysicsmeasurementsand We thank Laurens Keek for providing superburst ash model calculations of surface nuclear burning may find abundances and Jeroen Homan for sharing the last two stronger cooling. For varied accretion rates and nuclear data points of the cooling curve of MAXI J0556-332 reaction rates, X could be enhanced by several orders ahead of publication (Aastha Parikh et al., in prepar- of magnitude, with the few-percent level as the empir- tion). Z.M. is supported by the Department of Energy ical limit for odd-A (Schatz et al. 1999, 2001; Parikh under grant No. DE-FG02-88ER40387. A.D. is sup- et al. 2013; Cyburt et al. 2016). In addition, ft could ported by the National Science Foundation under grant be smaller by one or two orders of magnitude based on No. AST-1516969. We thank the International Space systematics (Singh et al. 1998). Future nuclear physics Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland for support re- measurements of particular interest are rp-process reac- ceived as a part of the International Team on Nuclear tion rates impacting the production of A = 29, 31, 33, Reactions in Superdense Matter. We also thank the De- 55, 57, 59, 63, and 65, as well as log(ft) for low-lying partment of Energy’s Institute for Nuclear Theory at transitions involved in e−-capture on 31Al, 33Al, 55Sc, the University of Washington for partial support during 57Cr,57V,59Mn,63Cr,65Fe,and65Mn. Suchstudiesare the completion of this work. This material is based on possibleviaindirectmeasurementsatpresentstableand work supported by the National Science Foundation un- radioactive ion beam facilities and direct measurements der grant No. PHY-1430152 (Joint Institute for Nuclear at near-future radioactive ion beam facilities. Astrophysics–Center for the Evolution of the Elements). 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