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January18,2013 2:17 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 1 CONSTRAINTS FROM COSMOGRAPHY IN VARIOUS PARAMETRIZATIONS 3 ALEJANDROAVILES1,2,CHRISTINEGRUBER3∗,ORLANDOLUONGO1,4,5,HERNANDO 1 QUEVEDO1,4 0 1Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de M´exico, AP70543, 2 M´exico, DF 04510, Mexico n 2Departamento de F´ısica, InstitutoNacional de InvestigacionesNucleares, AP 70543, a M´exico, DF 04510, Mexico J 3Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Freie Universita¨tBerlin, Arnimallee 14, 7 D-14195 Berlin, Germany 1 4Dipartimento di Fisica and Icra, Universita`di Roma ”LaSapienza”, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, I-00185, Roma, Italy ] 5Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universita`di Napoli ”Federico II”, Via Cinthia, O I-80126, Napoli, Italy C . We use cosmography to present constraints on the kinematics of the Universe without h postulating any underlying theoretical model a priori. To this end, we use a Markov p ChainMonteCarloanalysistoperformcomparisonstothesupernovaIaunion2compi- - o lation,combinedwiththeHubbleSpaceTelescopemeasurementsoftheHubbleconstant, r and the Hubble parameter datasets. The cosmographic approach to our analysis is re- t s visitedandextendedfornewnotionsofredshiftpresentedasalternativestotheredshift a z.Furthermore,weintroduceanewsetoffittingparametersdescribingthekinematical [ evolution of the Universe in terms of the equation of state of the Universe and deriva- tives of the total pressure. Our results are consistent with the ΛCDM model, although 1 alternative models, with nearlyconstant pressureand no cosmological constant, match v theresultsaccuratelyaswell. 4 4 Keywords: Cosmography;Parametrizationsofz;Equationofstate. 0 4 1. Introduction . 1 0 In recent years, the wide success of the generally accepted cosmological concor- 3 dance model has been overshadowed by some inconsistencies, one of which being 1 the problem of dark energy, addressing the unexplained positive accelerated ex- : v pansion of the Universe.1 Various efforts, mostly in the form of modifications or i X extensions of the standard model of cosmology, have been introduced to under- r stand the physicalnature of dark energy.Many models have been developed in the a literature, but unfortunately none of them has managed to clarify the origin and nature of dark energy satisfactorily.2 Most of these models are based on the notion of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, described by the Friedmann-Robertson- Walker (FRW) metric, ds2 =−c2dt2+a(t)2(dr2/(1−kr2)+r2sin2θdφ2+r2dθ2). Given the considerable amountof proposalsto resolvethe issue of dark energy and the difficulties in distinguishing fairly between models and evaluating precisely the degree of accordance between a model and the data, it is desirable to develop an analysis which describes solely the kinematics of the Universe without relying im- plicitlyonaparticularmodel.3 Thepurposeofthisworkistwofold.Wefirstdiscuss ∗Email:[email protected] January18,2013 2:17 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 2 the concept of cosmography,a technique of data analysis able to fix bounds on the observable Universe from a model-independent point of view; giving particular re- gard to developing a viable cosmographic redshift parametrization, which reduces the systematic errors on the fitting coefficients. In addition to that, we derive con- straintsontheequationofstate(EoS)parameteroftheUniversedirectlyfromdata, alleviating the degeneracy problem between cosmologicalmodels. 2. The experimental techniques of Cosmography In this section, we present the basic principles of cosmography and illustrate the wayofperformingthe cosmographicanalysis.By involvingthe cosmologicalprinci- ple only, and correspondingly the FRW metric, it is possible to infer in which way dark energy or alternative components are influencing the cosmological evolution, withoutimplicitlypresuminganyspecificpropertiesornatureofthesecomponents. TheideaistoexpandthemostrelevantobservablessuchastheHubbleparameteror cosmological distances into power series, and introducing cosmological parameters directlyrelatedtotheseobservablequantities.3 Indoingso,itispossibletoappraise whichmodelsarewellinaccordancewithdataandwhichonesshouldbediscardedas aconsequenceofnotsatisfyingthebasicdemandsofcosmography.Inexpandingthe luminositydistancedLintoaTaylorseriesintermsofthecosmologicalredshiftz,we z introduce two further notions of redshift, defined as y1 = 1+z and y4 = arctanz. These parameterizations are designed to reduce some disadvantages of the com- monly usedand well-knownnotionofthe redshift z forthe analysis,as e.g.the loss of convergence of the power series for values of z > 1. In particular, while y1 was previously introduced in the literature,4 we propose to use y4, which has been ob- tainedbyrequiringabetterconvergencebehaviorofdL.Ourrecipefordetermining a redshift variable consists in satisfying three considerations: a) the luminosity dis- tanceshouldnotbehavetoosteeplyintheintervalz <1,b)theluminositydistance should not exhibit sudden flexes and c) the curve should be one-to-one invertible. It turns out that the newly introduced y4 is more suitable for a cosmographic analysis than y1. For y4, the parametrizationof the luminosity distance is given by dL =c/H0·hy4+y42·(cid:16)1/2−q0/2(cid:17)+y43·(cid:16)1/6−j0/6+q0/6+q02/2(cid:17)+O(y44)i.Further- more,tocounteracttheproblemofhighinaccuracieswhichiscreatedbycuttingthe powerseriesexpansionstooearly,wehaveexpandedallquantitiesuptosixthorder. For the numerical fits we made use of the recent data of Union 2 supernovae Ia, of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) measurements of the Hubble parameter,and of the H(z) compilations,5 using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method by modifying thepubliclyavailablecodeCosmoMC.6 Inadditiontoourgeneralizationsregarding different notions of redshift, we also include a parametrization of the cosmological distance in terms of the EoS parameter ω of the Universe and of the derivatives Pi of the total pressure. This allows us to directly fit the EoS parameter of the Universe from data without having to undergo disadvantageous error propagation in calculating the values from the cosmographic series. This procedure gives clear January18,2013 2:17 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9.75inx6.5in main 3 constraintsonthe EoSparameterandonthe pressurederivativesinthe framework of GeneralRelativity, and thus providesa direct way to compare the predictions of a model for the EoS to observationaldata.7 The parametrization of the luminosity distance in terms of the EoS parameter set and as a function of y4 is given by dL(y4)=c/H0·hy4+y42/4·(cid:16)1−3ω(cid:17)+y43·(cid:16)5/24−P1/4H02+ω+9ω2/8(cid:17)+O(y44)i. The numerical results for the parameters of the cosmographic series, i.e. H0,q0,j0 etc.,usingthenewlyintroducedredshifty4,canbefoundinTable1.Thenumerical results show a good agreement with ΛCDM, although they seem to be compatible with dark energy possessing constant pressure and an evolving equation of state as well. The corresponding cosmologicalmodel8 appears to be quite indistinguishable from ΛCDM. Table 1. Table of best fits and their likelihoods (1σ) for redshift y4, for the three sets of parameters A ≡ {H0,q0,j0,s0}, B≡{H0,q0,j0,s0,l0}andC≡{H0,q0,j0,s0,l0,m0}.Set1ofobservationsisUnion2+HST.Set2ofobservationsisUnion 2+HST+H(z). Parameter A,Set1 A,Set2 B,Set1 B,Set2 C,Set1 C,Set2 χ2 530.3 544.8 529.7 544.6 529.9 544.5 min H0 74.55+−77..5543 73.71+−55..2294 73.95+−77..9292 73.43+−65..0754 74.12+−87..2778 73.27+−65..8961 q0 −0.7492+−00..56829298 −0.6504+−00..43237053 −0.4611+−00..56472120 −0.7230+−00..54855815 −0.4842+−20..79122860 −0.7284+−00..64086328 j0 2.558+−78..494113 1.342+−11..379810 −3.381−+120.1.64193 2.017+−33..104292 −1.940+−82..014418 2.148+−34..401346 s0 9.85−+7246..6699 3.151+−31..972701 −37.67−+8690..5110 5.278−+1134..077362 −13.48−+7311..6258 2.179−+4325..192169 l0 – — N.C. −0.13−+9665..7857 N.C. −11.60−+119837..8986 m0 – – – – N.C. 70.9−+22429574..85 Note: H0 is given in Km/s/Mpc. N.C. means the results are not conclusive - the data do not constrain the parameters sufficiently. References 1. J. E. Copeland, M. Sami, and S. Tsujikawa, Int.J. Mod. Phys. D 15, 1753 (2006). 2. S.Weinberg, in Cosmology, Oxford Univ.Press, Oxford (2008). 3. C. Cattoen and M. Visser, Phys.Rev. D 78, 063501 (2008); O. Luongo, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 26, 20, 1459 (2011). 4. M. Visser, Gen. Rel. Grav. 37, 1541 (2005). 5. R. Amanullah et al. (SCP Collaboration), Astrophys. J. 716, 712 (2010); A.G. Riess et al., Astrophys. J. 699, 539 (2009); R. Jimenez, L. Verde, T. Treu, and D. Stern, Astrophys.J. 593, 622 (2003). 6. A.Lewis and S. Bridle, Phys.Rev. D 66, 103511 (2002). 7. A.Aviles, C. Gruber, O.Luongo, and H. Quevedo,Phys.Rev.D 86, 123516 (2012). 8. O.Luongoand H.Quevedo,Astroph.and Sp.Sci. 338,2, 345 (2012); O.Luongo, H. Quevedo,arXiv:1104.4758 (2011).

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