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Preview Constraining the Radiation and Plasma Environment of the Kepler Circumbinary Habitable Zone Planets

Draftversion February2,2016 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.01/23/15 CONSTRAINING THE RADIATION AND PLASMA ENVIRONMENT OF THE KEPLER CIRCUMBINARY HABITABLE-ZONE PLANETS Jorge I. Zuluaga1,2, Paul A. Mason3, Pablo A. Cuartas-Restrepo2 Draft versionFebruary 2, 2016 ABSTRACT The discovery of many planets using the Kepler telescope includes ten planets orbiting eight binary 6 stars. Three binaries, Kepler-16, Kepler-47, and Kepler-453, have at least one planet in the cir- 1 cumbinary habitable-zone (BHZ). We constrain the level of high-energy radiation and the plasma 0 environment in the BHZ of these systems. With this aim, BHZ limits in these Kepler binaries are 2 calculated as a function of time, and the habitability lifetimes are estimated for hypothetical ter- n restrial planets and/or moons within the BHZ. With the time-dependent BHZ limits established, a a self-consistent model is developed describing the evolution of stellar activity and radiation proper- J ties as proxies for stellar aggressiontowards planetary atmospheres. Modeling binary stellar rotation 0 evolution, including the effect of tidal interaction between stars in binaries is key to establishing the 3 environment around these systems. We find that Kepler-16 and its binary analogs provide a plasma environment favorable for the survival of atmospheres of putative Mars-sized planets and exomoons. ] P Tides have modified the rotation of the stars in Kepler-47 making its radiation environment less E harsh in comparison to the solar system. This is a good example of the mechanism first proposed by Mason et al. Kepler-453 has an environment similar to that of the solar system with slightly . h better thanEarthradiationconditionsattheinner edgeofthe BHZ.Theseresultscanbe reproduced p and even reparametrized as stellar evolution and binary tidal models progress, using our online tool - http://bhmcalc.net. o r Keywords: binaries: general–planet-starinteractions–planetsandsatellites: individual(Kepler-16b, t Kepler-47c,Kepler-453b)– stars: activity s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION arebeingmadetoconstrainthemagneticandplasmaen- 2 vironmentofcircumbinaryplanets(Mason&Clark2012; The outstanding work of the Kepler Observatory cir- v Masonetal.2013;Sanz-Forcadaetal.2014),findingthat 6 cumbinary team has resulted in the discovery of 10 con- binaries could potentially pose severe restrictions on the 9 firmed planets around eight moderately separated bina- habitabilityofEarth-likeplanetsandexomoons. Wenow 2 ries (all have binary periods in the range of 8-60 days). know that stellar aggression, in the form of high-energy 0 These are Kepler-16 (Doyle et al. 2011), Kepler-34 and radiation and coronal-activity-related mass-loss, would 0 Kepler-35 (Welsh et al. 2012), Kepler-38 (Orosz et al. haveaneffectontheevolutionofplanetaryatmospheres, . 2012b), Kepler-47 (Orosz et al. 2012a), Kepler-64 (Kos- 1 especially their capacity to retain water (see, e.g. Lam- tovetal.2013;Schwambetal.2013),Kepler-413(Kostov 0 et al. 2014), Kepler-47 (?) and Kepler-453 (Welsh et al. mer 2013). 5 In Mason et al. (2013) we proposed a mechanism for 2015). Interesting, three out of eight of these systems 1 which some BHZ planets experience Earth-like or lower (38%), namely, Kepler-16, Kepler-47, and Kepler-453, : v host giant planets in the circumbinary habitable-zone levelsofstellaraggressionandtherebyhavethepotential i (BHZ)4. to retain water. Tidal torquing of stellar rotation, espe- X ciallyforcertainbinaryperiodsandinitialeccentricities, Thestudyofconditionsthatplanetsfacewhileorbiting r aids in the reduction of stellar activity. The reduction a binary system has attracted the attention of the exo- a in intensity of rotationally driven dynamo action results planetary community. Several authors have studied the in a decrease in stellar coronal activity, potentially pro- stabilityoftheirorbits(Dvorak1986;Holman&Wiegert moting life on planets. We refer to the sum of these and 1999)andthekindandlevelofinsolationexperiencedby otherbeneficialeffects forlife onplanetsaroundbinaries planetswhileilluminatedbytwostars(Harrington1977; as the Binary Habitability Mechanism (BHM). Haghighipour & Kaltenegger 2013). The conditions for Recent observations lend support to the tidal astro- the formation and migration of these planets have been physics of BHM. For example, Wasp-18, a 0.63 Gyr old studied by Pierens & Nelson (2008), Kley & Haghigh- F6 star, is orbited by a nearby giant planet, with a 0.94 ipour (2014), and Kley & Haghighipour (2015). Efforts day orbital period. The star shows a low level of activ- 1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, ity, normally expected for a much older star (Pillitteri MA02138, USA et al. 2014). This effect has been described as “prema- 2FACom-InstitutodeF´ısica-FCEN,UniversidaddeAntio- ture aging.” In another example, the interaction of HD quia,Calle70No. 52-21,Medell´ın,Colombia 189733 with a close-in planet, has resulted in the oppo- 3New Mexico State University - DACC, Las Cruces, NM, site effect ona muchlargertimescale (Wolk et al.2011). 88003, USA 4Recently,thediscoveryofathirdplanetaroundKepler-47. The HD 189733, a relatively old star, displays anomalously discoveryofthisplanetmayimplyamodificationoftheproperties high activity levels, lending support to our prediction ofKepler-47casconsideredhere. 2 thatearlytidalrotationaltorquingcouldresultinahigh Inordertoprovidethereaderanopportunitytorepro- levelofactivity. Wecallthelatterphenomenonthe“for- ducetheseresultsandtofurtherexplorethevastparam- ever young” effect, in reference to the fact that tidal in- eter space of circumbinary planets, a Web-based BHM teractionofa star witha stellaror substellarcompanion Calculator, BHMcalc , is made available using the link could make the star very active (to appear young) for http://bhmcalc.net. In Mason et al. (2015) we intro- a longer time than expected from single-star evolution duced the first version of the tool. Here we present a (Mason et al. 2013; Sanz-Forcada et al. 2014). comprehensiveversionofthe calculator,detailing allthe Although the specific physical mechanisms operating new physical effects described in this paper, and provid- in the case of Wasp-18 and HD 189733 may be differ- ing an improved and user-friendly interface. ent from those predicted in stellar binary systems, these Other online tools have recently been made available discoveriesconfirm the necessity of including tidal inter- (Cuntz & Bruntz 2015; Mu¨ller & Haghighipour 2014). action in order to assess stellar activity levels of stars Like these, the BHMcalc provides renditions of the in- with companions and its effect on their planets. stantaneous and continuous BHZ. In addition, BHMcalc Inpreviouswork,weusedfirstorderestimationoftidal calculates time-dependent stellar and planetary proper- synchronizationtimes(Masonetal.2013). Morerecently ties and utilizes them to study HZ environments. Most (Masonetal.2015),weexploredhabitablenichesaround critically, the rotational evolution of the stellar compo- hypothetical circumbinary environments, using a basic nents is derived, allowing for estimates of the resulting modelforstellarrotationevolutionincludingstellartides stellar mass loss and magnetic activity. Stellar emis- but applied only to the early phases of main-sequence sion is used to evaluate effects experienced by planets. evolution. Specifically, we select the integratedX-ray and extreme- Here our models are refined by (1) extending the time ultravioletradiation(XUV)andstellarwind(SW)fluxes frame to the critical pre-main-sequence phase where ro- as derived for planets, located over a range of distances tational and activity evolution is much richer; (2) ap- fromthebinarycenterofmass,asproxiesforhabitability. plying a more physically motivated model for stellar ro- Forthispurposeweestimatethe XUV-andSW-induced tational evolution, including but not restricted to angu- planetary atmospheric mass loss. In all cases, the evolu- lar momentum (AM) transport inside the star; and (3) tion of each star is calculated independently and orbital estimating mass loss and X-ray emission using the lat- averagesare used to calculate the combined effect of the est solar-inspired models, relating basic stellar proper- binary on the planet. ties and rotation to chromospheric and coronal activity This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the (Cranmer et al. 2013). sample of three Kepler binaries possessing BHZ planets For these three critical refinements, we are applying isdescribed. Section3presentsanefficientmodeltocal- modelsthathavebeendevelopedandtestedinthecaseof culateBHZsandtheirevolutionintime. InSection4,we single-stars. Weareassumingherethatthesamemodels revisitthe argumentfor the need to access the radiation can be applied to describe low-mass stars in moderately andplasmaenvironmentofplanetsaspotentialdriversof separatedbinaries(orbitalperiodslargerthan8daysand atmosphericevolution. High-energyradiationandwinds separations larger than several tens of stellar radii). We are key to constraining habitability. The comprehensive willjustifyandtestthisassumptionlateroninthepaper. model used to calculate the evolution of rotation and We apply our improved and extended model to the activity is described in detail in Section 5. The model interesting and well-characterized Kepler binaries with is applied to constrain the radiation and plasma envi- BHZ planets. The planets currently knownin those sys- ronments of the solar system as a reference in Section tems are Neptune to Saturn sized, so no surface habit- 6. The binary rotational evolution affects potential cir- ability is expected. However, it is reasonable to suspect cumbinary worlds and so is presented in Section 7, and that Earth-like planets may exist in the BHZ of similar the radiation and plasma environments are investigated binaries (Egglet al. 2013). Additionally, since circumbi- in Section 8. Finally, in Section 9, a summary and the nary giant planets appear to be common, some of them conclusions of this investigation are presented. mayharborpotentiallyhabitableexomoons(Helleretal. 2014). These planets and putative moons are expected 2. KEPLERCIRCUMBINARYHABITABLE-ZONEPLANETS to experience harsh environments from aggressive host Itisinterestingtonotethatwhilenoneofthecurrently stars. Thus, understanding the radiation and plasma known transiting circumbinary planets are Earth-like or environment experienced by these bodies is a key effort even super-Earths, this may be due purely to three se- to accessing their potential habitability (Zuluaga et al. lection effects. The Kepler telescope is most sensitive to 2012; Heller & Zuluaga 2013). the detection of large planets, orbiting small stars, on The present aim is to constrain the radiation and short-period orbits. However, the fact that on average plasma environment of these HZs and to investigate the circumbinaryplanetshavelongerperiodsthanthoseKe- effectthattheseconditionshaveontheatmosphericevo- plerplanetswithsingle-starhostsisnotaselectioneffect. lution of hypothetical terrestrial planets and exomoons. Short-periodcircumbinaryplanetsarelimitedbydynam- This model can readily be applied to other Kepler bi- ical stability (Harrington 1977; Dvorak 1986; Holman & naries or any other system with well-determined param- Wiegert 1999) and probably also because of formation eters. Future telescopes like PLATO (Rauer et al. 2013) (Pierens & Nelson 2008; Kley & Haghighipour 2014). willlikelydiscovercircumbinaryplanets exhibiting some Remarkably, the BHZ extends well beyond the orbital potentialforhabitability. Ouraimhereistoinformsuch stability limit in many cases (see Mason et al. 2015). In searches by showing how a more comprehensive theory addition, residence of planets in the BHZ appears to be of planetary habitability can be applied to circumbinary common, as 3 of the 10 known transiting planets are lo- planets especially in the presence of interacting stars. cated in the BHZ and three binaries out of eight harbor 3 a BHZ planet. The limits of the HZ, around either single-stars or a InTable1,propertiesofthethreetransitingBHZplan- binary, are calculated by finding the radius of a circle ets and their host stars are listed. Hereafter, we will centered in the barycenter of the system, where the av- refer to this as the KBHZ sample. The binaries in the erage flux S received from the star or the binary is h i KBHZ sample areamongthe best-characterizedbinaries equal to the critical flux calculated with Eq. (1). known, mainly owing to the extraordinaryobservational In the case of a single-star, S is equal to the nearly h i constraintsprovidedby transiting circumbinaryplanets. constantflux S =L/d2 measuredatdistance d. Here sing To study the binaries in the KBHZ sample, we focus L is the bolometric luminosity of the star measured in on three different scenarios, selected to answer the fol- solar units and d is in astronomical units (AU). More lowing questions: (1) If the actual circumbinary plan- precisely and as we will explain later, L is a corrected ets wereEarth-likeplanets insteadofgiantplanets, then luminosity that takes into account the response of the wouldthose planets be habitable?5. Fromnecessity, this atmosphere to the incident stellar radiation (see Eq. 4). must be based on current understanding of Earth-like The radius of the ith HZ edge l will then be given sing,i habitability. (2) Assuming that the actual circumbinary by: planets,whichhavemasseslargerthanoraroundthatof Saturn, would be able to harbor a Mars-sized exomoon, L S = (2) then would these moons be able to retain a dense and eff,i l2 sing,i moist atmosphere in order to sustain life? And maybe mostimportantly,binariesliketheseareverycommon,so Around binaries, planetary atmospheres, even if plan- (3) what are the constraints on habitability of currently ets are in a circular orbit, will be subject to a variable unseen planets within the BHZ of similar binaries? In- flux andspectrum of radiation. The instantaneous bolo- sightintotheseandotherquestionsisgainedbystudying metric flux on a circumbinary planet is calculated as well-observedcases, where the environmental conditions L L experiencedbyplanetsunderthereignofthebinarymay 1 2 S (d,θ)= + (3) be investigated. bin R2(d,θ) R2(d,θ) 1 2 It is important to stress that the current investiga- where R and R are the distances from the stars to tion is not restricted by dynamical or formation con- 1 2 a point in a circle of radius d. θ is the angle between straints, which may or may not limit the likelihood of the line joining the stars and a fixed point on the circle. these scenarios (Chavez et al. 2013, 2015; Andrade-Ines Thisangleisafunctionoftime,anditwilldependonthe & Michtchenko 2014; Forgan et al. 2015; Pilat-Lohinger relativeangularvelocityofthe binaryandatestparticle et al. 2014). The basic dynamical constraint imposed on the circle. planets have stable orbits is included as it extends into R and R are given by the BHZ in some cases (see Section 3). We assume that 1 2 exomoons and multiple planets could lie in stable orbits withintheBHZofthesebinaries,basedonourownbasic R2(d,θ)=(d r sinθ)2+r2cos2θ tests using numerical orbital integrations. 1 − 2 2 R2(d,θ)=(d+r sinθ)2+r2cos2θ 2 1 1 3. THECIRCUMBINARYHABITABLE-ZONE wherer =qr/(1+q)andr =qr aretheinstantaneous 1 2 1 EstimatesofBHZboundariesquicklyfollowedthe Ke- distances of the stars to the barycenter and q =M /M 2 1 plerdiscoveries(Mason&Clark2012;Quarlesetal.2012; isthebinarymassratio. Therelativedistancer between Haghighipour& Kaltenegger2013;Kane& Hinkel 2013; the starsisalsoafunction oftime forthe generalcaseof Masonetal.2013). Ourapproach,asthatofothers,isto an eccentric binary orbit. usethemodelsofKastingetal.(1993),updatedbyKop- Since the two stars have different effective tempera- parapuetal.(2013b)derivedforsinglestarstoalsoesti- tures, S and S cannot be directly compared as in bin eff,i matethemorecomplexBHZlimits. Animprovedversion the case of single-stars. However, in the case of stellar ofthefirst-ordermethodpresentedinMasonetal.(2013) twins, the two sources will have the same effective tem- is developed and applied here. perature and their fluxes can be summed directly. On HZlimitsaredeterminedbythecriticalfluxesatwhich theotherhand,indisparatebinariestheratiooftheflux planetary surface temperatures are compatible with the of the secondary to that of the primary scales with the existence of liquid water. Using one-dimensional atmo- fourth power of the ratio of their effective temperatures. sphericmodels,Kopparapuetal.(2013b)calculatedcrit- Asaresultthecombinedspectrum,tofirstorder,maybe ical fluxes assuming that the planet is exposed to black- assumedtohaveaneffectivetemperatureequaltothatof body radiation with an effective temperature Teff: the primary and the total flux equals Sbin (Mason et al. 2013). A verification of this approximation is discussed Seff,i ≡Seff,i,⊙+aiT∗+biT∗2+ciT∗3+diT∗4 (1) below. A more consistent method to take into account the Here T = T 5780K, and S and a,b,c,d are ∗ eff eff,i i i i i − differences in effective temperatures of the stellar com- the effective critical flux for a solar-mass star and the ponents is to replace bolometric luminosities L and L interpolationcoefficientsfortheithboundary(seeTable 1 2 in Eq. (3) by weighted luminosities (Haghighipour & 3 in Kopparapu et al. 2013a). Kaltenegger 2013; Cuntz & Bruntz 2015): 5 It isimportantto stresshere that this isanhypothetical sce- nario. Wearenot under any circumstance assumingthat the dis- L′ =L (1+[S (T ) S ]l2 ) (4) covered giants planets can behabitable orthat terrestrialplanets 1,2 1,2 eff,i 1,2 − eff,i,⊙ i,⊙ alsoexistintheBHZofallofthem. The weights in parenthesis account for the different 4 Parameter Kepler-16b Kepler-47c Kepler-453b Stellar Properties M1 (M⊙) 0.6897±0.0034 1.043±0.055 0.944±0.010 R1 (R⊙) 0.6489±0.0013 0.964±0.017 0.833±0.011 Teff1 (K) 4450±150 5636±100 5527±100 Prot,1 (d) 35.1±1.0 7.775±0.022 20.31±0.47 M2 (M⊙) 0.20255±0.00066 0.362±0.013 0.1951±0.0020 R2 (R⊙) 0.22623±0.00059 0.350±0.006 0.2150±0.0014 Teff2 (K) ... 3357±100 3226±100 Prot,2 (d) ... ... ... [Fe/H] (dex) -0.20 -0.25 -0.34 Closest Evolutionary Track M1∗ (M⊙) 0.70 1.05 0.90 M2∗ (M⊙) 0.20 0.35 0.20 Z1∗ (M⊙) 0.010 0.010 0.008 ∆τ∗ (Gyr) > 13 5.53 10.1 MS,1 Binary Properties Tage (Gyr) 2.0–3.0 1.0–5.0 1.5–2.5 Pbin (d) 41.07922±0.00007 7.44837695±0.00000021 27.322037±0.000017 abin (AU) 0.22431±0.00035 0.0836±0.0014 0.18539±0.00066 ebin 0.15944±0.00062 0.0234±0.0010 0.0510±0.0037 Planetary Orbit Pp (d) 228.776±0.029 303.158±0.072 240.503±0.053 ap (AU) 0.7048±0,0011 0.989±0.016 0.7903±0.0028 ep 0.0069±0.0012 < 0.411 0.0359±0.0088 References Doyle et al. 2011; Winn et al. 2011 Orosz et al. 2012b Welsh et al. 2015 Table 1 The KBHZ sample, Kepler binary systems harboring planets in theBHZ. Note. Quantities marked with an “*” are model parameters. spectral distribution of each source and the response of formula. No numerical integrations or calculations over planetary atmosphere to these spectra. a grid of points around the system are required. This ToobtainthelimitsoftheBHZ,S givenbyEq. (3), feature greatly improves the speed of calculation, which bin theequationshouldbeaveragedoveratimelongenough is especially important for the exploration of the vast compared to the periods of the system. If the binary parameter space of circumbinary habitability. eccentricity is not too large, an analytical expression for We have compared the BHZ limits for all the Kepler S may be used: binarieswith knowncircumbinaryplanets calculatedus- h i ing our method and those used in three different inves- tigations. The results are presented in Figure 1. We hSbini(d)= n6=m√A2mL′n−Bm2 "1−π1arctan √AB2mm−Bm2 !# (5) htwaveeenfotuhnedBthHaZttlhimeiatsveurasignegotfhtehenreewlatmiveethdoiffderaenndcethbaet- P with n,m=1,2, A d2+r2 and B 2dr . of Haghighipour & Kaltenegger (2013) is less than 4% Finally, the BHZmli≡mits aremcalculatemd≡by solvming the 6 The difference found by comparing our method with equation that of Mason et al. (2013) is less than 1%. The limits calculated by Cuntz & Bruntz (2015) are systematically S = S (l ) (6) more conservative than all of the other methods, with eff,i bin bin,i h i the inner limits 10% farther out and the outer limits Although other authors have developed alternative ∼ 10% closer in than the other methods. methods to estimate the limits of the BHZ (Haghigh- ∼ ipour & Kaltenegger 2013; Kane & Hinkel 2013; Mason 3.1. Evolution of Insolation and BHZ etal.2013;Cuntz&Bruntz2015;Mu¨ller&Haghighipour 2014), all of them share the most important character- Generally, it is possible to assume that moderately istics of the method presented here. In particular, our separated stars in binary are formed at the same time. method is an improvedversionof the first order method Moreover, stellar evolution shows that stars with differ- used in Mason et al. (2013) by incorporating some key entmassesevolveatdifferentratesandindifferentways. elements of the methods presented by Haghighipour & Kaltenegger (2013) and Cuntz & Bruntz (2015). An in- 6 Themethoddevisedbytheseauthorsproducesdynamicaland asymmetric BHZ. Comparison with our method depends on the terestingadvantageofourmethodwithrespecttoothers assumptionsmadeabouthowtoconverttheirasymmetricallimits is the fact that for low eccentricities, the calculation of intooursymmetricones. Partofthediscrepancymayinvolvethis theBHZlimitsrequiresfindingtherootsofananalytical ambiguity. 5 Figure 2. Kepler-47 is shown as an example of the evolution of the BHZ (green area). BHZ limits are shown as a function of age (solid blue and red lines). The HZ for a single-star with a Figure 1. Comparison of BHZ limits for all the Kepler binaries massequal tothe primaryisalsoshown(dashed lines). Since the having circumbinary planets, calculated with four different meth- system iscomposed of asolar-likestar andanM dwarfthe limits ods: Haghighipour & Kaltenegger (2013); Mason et al. (2013); for the single primary and the binary are almost the same. The Cuntz & Bruntz (2015) and the current paper. The limits calcu- CBHZishighlighted(shadedgrayregion;seetextforexplanation). latedwiththemethodpresentedhereareusedasreferencevalues The semimajor axis of Kepler-47c, is shown as a horizontal line. (abcsisavaluesandsolidblacklinesinupperpanel). Dashedlines Neglectingeccentricityeffects,thehabitabilitylifetimeofthisorbit correspondtoadifferenceof0.1AU(∼10%). isroughly3.5Gyr. Thus, in order to investigate habitability around a bi- Wehavetestedthatthistimeisclosetothetimeofzero- nary,stellarevolutionmodels for eachstarmust be used agemain-sequence(ZAMS)oftheprimarystar,whichby to determine the time dependence of the BHZ. definition is the more massive component of the system. Itisimportanttoaskwhetherthefundamentalproper- Planets in the CBHZ remain inside the BHZ during the ties of low-mass stars, such as effective temperature and entiremain-sequencestageoftheprimaryasitisthestar luminosity used to calculate the BHZ, evolve in binaries with the shortest lifetime. The definition of the CBHZ exactly as they do in single-stars. For moderately sep- inner edge is trickier. We define it as the position of the arated binaries, (periods larger than 8 days, stellar sep- inneredgeoftheinstantaneousBHZcalculatedwhenthe arations larger than tens of stellar radii), such as those primary star abandons the main-sequence (close to the studied in our sample, the Roche lobes of the stars are end of the nuclear hydrogen-burning phase). oneorderofmagnitudelargerthanthestellardiameters. In order to assess the present insolation conditions in For instance, in the case of the tightest binary in our theKBHZsampleweplot,inFigure3,theinstantaneous sample (Kepler-47), the filling factor of the primary (ra- BHZ calculated in the middle of the range of estimated tio of stellar radius to Roche lobe size) is 0.2 during ∼ age (See Table 1 for ages and references). Along with PMS (when the star is largest) and 0.1 during main- ∼ BHZ limits, the insolation and photosynthetic photon sequence (Eggleton 1983). At those filling factors the fluxdensity(PPFD)areshownasafunctionofplanetary shape of the star is only slightly modified by the com- orbital phase. See Mason et al. (2015) for details on panion and its interior and atmospheric properties are PPFD calculations. practically the same as for a single-star. In the BHZ diagrams of Figure 3, the planetary or- HZ evolution is also a natural outcome of the evolu- bit has been placedamong different landmarkdistances: tionofsingle-stars. Inthe samewaythatthe continuous BHZ and CBHZ edges, binary orbit, equivalent Earth HZ is defined for single-stars (Kasting et al. 1993), it insolation distance, and last but not least, the critical is generalizedto binaries and a continuous circumbinary stability distance a , defined as the minimum distance habitable zone (CBHZ) is defined. crit wheretestparticleshavestable circumbinaryorbits. We InFigure2,theevolutionoftheBHZforKepler-47and computethiscriticaldistancewiththesemi-empiricalre- its associated CBHZ is shown. We use stellar evolution- lationship of Holman & Wiegert (1999): ary models, at each age, to calculate the instantaneous properties of both stars. Then the limits of the HZ at thattimearedetermined. ShownherearethetheRecent a (1.60+5.10e 2.22e2 + (7) Venus andEarlyMarscriteria. The outerCBHZ limitis crit≈ bin− bin 4.12µ 4.27e µ 5.09µ2+ defined by the instantaneous outer edge of the BHZ as − bin − calculatedatthe time whenthe binaryflux isminimum. 4.61e2 µ2)a . bin bin 6 Figure 3. BHZs, insolation and PPFD (see Mason et al. (2015) for an explanation) for the KBHZ sample. Left: Along with the BHZ instantaneouslimits,thebinaryorbit,thecriticaldistance(dashedblackline),theplanetorbit(solidblackline),thelimitsofthecontinuous BHZ(orangesolidlines),anddistancesofbinaryorbitresonances(concentricgraycircles)areshown. Thedistanceatwhichtheequivalent Earthinsolationisreceivedismarkedwithadottedblackline. Right: InsolationandPPFDarecalculatedinunitsofpresentEarthlevels notonlyatthedistanceoftheplanet(blueandredsolidlines,respectively)butalsoatalllocationswithintheBHZ(shaded areas). 7 Here µ = M /(M +M ), and a and e are the So far we have calculated insolationas a way to assess 2 1 2 bin bin binary semimajor axis and eccentricity,respectively. Al- habitability conditions in circumbinary planets. But in- though dynamical instability likely occurs outside the solationisnottheonlyfactorconstrainingthecapability critical limit as well, as also discussed by Holman & of a planet to sustain life (for a review of many other Wiegert (1999), all the planets in our sample are safely factorsseeKasting2009andreferencestherein). Among beyondthiscriticaldistance. However,inKepler-16,a other endogenous and probably exogenous factors, the crit lies inside the BHZ, restricting the instantaneous exten- presence of a properly dense atmosphere with the right sion of the BHZ as well as the CBHZ; see top left panel amount of water is mandatory. of of Figure 3. When a is larger than the inner edge Thesolarsystemisagoodexampleofaplanetarysys- crit ofthe continuousBHZ we useits value asthe inner edge tem where among three planets (and a sizeable moon), distance. located close or inside the HZ, two of them, Venus and In the instantaneous BHZ diagrams of Figure 3, dis- Mars (plus the Moon), are un-inhabitable mainly due tances at which orbital resonances with the binary oc- to factors related to the composition and mass of their cur are also shown. It is very interesting to notice, and atmospheres. likely not coincidental, that in both cases, Kepler-16b The evolution of a planetary atmosphere is driven by and Kepler-453b,the planet remains entirely in between the influx of high-energy radiation and plasma from the two resonances throughout its orbit. This supports the host star. This has been a matter of researchin the last idea that orbital binary resonances may play a role in two decades (Kasting 1996; Lammer et al. 2007, p. 127; theformationandfinalarchitectureofcircumbinarysys- Lammer et al. 2009, p. 399; Lammer et al. 2010; Lam- tems. Notice also that Kepler-47c crosses many tightly mer2013;Tianetal.2013,p.567). Althoughitisnotyet spaced resonances, not plotted in its BHZ diagram in clear which factors determine the survival of Earth-like Figure 3 for clarity. atmospheresordrivetheircompositiontofavorhabitable The planet Kepler-16b has a nearly circular orbit just conditions, multiple lines of evidence show that the in- inside the maximum greenhouse limit. Kepler-47c has teraction of a planet with its young host star is a strong a highly eccentric orbit and leaves the BHZ for part of factor in determining the fate of potentially habitable its orbit. It does, however, currently spend most of its planet atmospheres (Lammer et al. 2007, p. 127; Lam- time within the HZ, especially given the slower velocity mer et al. 2009,p. 399; Tian 2009; Zendejas et al. 2010; at apastron (see insolation diagram in the middle right Zuluaga et al. 2013). panelofFigure3). TheplanetKepler-453bhasaslightly Two key factors are involved in this interaction. The eccentricorbitandalwaysremainsinthe HZ,just inside firstisthelevelofX-raysandextreme-ultraviolet(EUV) the runaway greenhouse limit. radiation, collectively called XUV radiation, incident on According to our calculations, of all the circumbinary theplanet. Thesephotonsheatuptheupperatmosphere Kepler planets, only Kepler-16b is in the CBHZ, i.e. it andundercertainconditionscouldleadtomassivelossof will lie inside the BHZ during the whole lifetime of the volatiles (Tian 2009; Tian et al. 2013, p. 567). The flux primary star, which is in turn larger than the age of the ofchargedparticles,mainlyprotons,andtheirassociated universe. This condition would seem at first very fa- magnetic fields (SW) is the other factor. The direct in- vorable for the emergence and evolution of complex life. teraction between this continuous flow of particles and However other factors could limit the long-term habit- fields and planetary atmospheres strongly impacts un- ability within environments surrounding Kepler-16 and magnetized planets and moons (e.g., Venus, Mars and similar binaries (see Section 8). the moon). Resulting nonthermal processes may remove Kepler-47c and Kepler-453b do not remain inside the large fractions of planetary atmospheres, or in extreme BHZ for the main-sequence lifetime of the primaries. cases they can strip them almost completely (Zendejas However, both remain inside (although very close to et al. 2010). Mars is the best known example of the ef- the inner edge of) the BHZ for astrobiologicallyrelevant fect of this kind of aggression eliminating habitability. times (3.5 Gyr and 4 Gyr respectively). If we believe Recent data from the MAVEN Mission (Rahmati et al. stellar evolution models, Kepler-47c is about to leave or 2014;Jakoskyetal.2015)areshowingtheincreasedlevel hasjustleft the mostoptimistic BHZ,beingcurrentlyin of importance that SW interaction with the atmosphere a Venus-like state in terms of stellar insolation. hasinshapingthe evolutionofMars’scapabilityto have In order to calculate BHZ evolution and other key liquid water on its surface (habitability). quantities for models, the stellar properties available in Modeling the interaction between the radiation and the PARSEC v1.2 evolutionary tracks are used (Bressan plasma fields of the star and, in this case, the binary et al. 2012, 2013) 7. In addition to providing good cov- system is key in assessing the habitability of all plan- erage in metallicity and mass, the PARSEC tracks sample ets. However,since binaries are relatively novelenviron- the PMS stages of stellar evolution well (and of course ments, at least for planetary systems, we need to under- also the main sequence), a key feature when attempting standandlearntomodelaspectsofstellarevolutionthat to study the early evolution of stellar rotation. More- havebeenappliedforyearstosingle-stars. Inthefollow- over, these models reflect improvements for low-mass ingsectionswedevelopatheoreticalframeworktomodel stars (Chen et al. 2014). In the BHMcalc tool we pro- the evolutionofstellaractivityandits roleinthe chang- vide access to other evolutionary model results. ingconditionsfacedbytheatmosphereofacircumbinary habitable planet. 4. THEEVOLUTIONOFATMOSPHERESASAKEY 5. STELLARROTATIONANDMAGNETICACTIVITYIN FACTORFORASSESSINGHABITABILITY BINARIES 7 http://people.sissa.it/bressan/parsec.html 5.1. Evolution of Stellar Rotation 8 The evolution of stellar rotation has been a matter of n f (e2) (1 e2)3/2f (e2)Ω . intense research over the last several decades, not only ×(1 e2)6 (cid:20) 2 − − 5 n(cid:21) − in single but also in binary stars (for a recent review see Bouvier 2013 and references there in; for the evolution Here k2 is the apsidal motion constant that quantifies of rotation in binaries see Claret et al. 2005). the response of the star to tidal distortion, and it de- The largediversityofstellarrotationperiods observed pends in generalon the internalmass distribution of the in stars of all ages (especially PMS stars)has driven the star; t = f (M R2 /L )1/3 is the timescale diss diss targ targ targ developmentofadiversearrayofsemi-empiricalandphe- for dissipation of tidal energy inside the target star, and nomenological models describing the evolution of stellar κ I/(M R2 ) is the gyration radius. Eccentric- AM (Kawaler 1988; Chaboyer et al. 1995; Matt et al. ≡ q targ targ 2012). Thesemodelshavebeenextensivelytestedagainst ity functions f (e2) and f (e2) are defined by Eqs. (2) 2 5 samples of stars (both single and binary) in young stel- and (3) in Hut (1981). larclustersandmorerecentlyinlow-massfieldstars(Ir- We assume that while tides are raised over the whole win et al. 2011). The details of these models depend on star,only tides within the convective layer contribute to weakly constrained parameters; however, a general con- AM dissipation (Zahn 2008). As a result, the torque in sensus has been reached about the general forces and Eq. 10 only affects the envelope of the star. Alterna- timescales driving stellar rotation evolution. tively, we can assume that tides raised in the radiative Here we apply and extend some of these models for core are dissipated on timescales much larger than that starsinmoderatelyseparatedbinaries(i.e. binarieswith in the convective zone, rendering the resulting torque similar masses and orbits to those of the KBHZ bina- comparatively small. ries). For details concerning the physical motivations, The parameter f quantifies the efficiency of tidal diss history of development, and success of these models at energy dissipation. Although a fundamental theory of reproducing observations, please refer to Bouvier (2013) this process capable of correctly explaining observations and references therein. of close binaries is still lacking (see Claret 2011 for a Although the applicability of these models to stars in discussion) we assume for simplicity that f 1, as is diss ≈ binary systems has not been systematically tested, we used,forexample,inClaret(2012). Alternativetheories, assumethatsome ofthe underlyingmechanisms willop- predict values of f within one order of magnitude. diss erate in the stellar components of these binaries as if Thus, for instance, the turbulent dissipation theory of they wereisolatedstars. A detailedtestofthis hypothe- Zahn (2008) predicts a value f 3.5. diss ≈ sis shouldbe pursuedin future researchefforts. Still, for For nonnegligible eccentricities, tidal braking could the range of orbital separations and stellar masses con- drive stars to a pseudosynchronous final state where ro- sidered here, the evolution in insolation hypothesis re- tational angular velocity is related to, but not exactly, main as a goodone for the same arguments givenbefore the averageorbital angular velocity (Hut 1981), to support the applicability of single-star evolutionary models. Ω 1+ 15e2+ 45e4+ 5 e6 In general, the AM of the ith layer of a star evolves n sync = 2 8 16 (10) while obeying Newton’s angular second law: sync ≡ ω (1 e2)23(1+3e2+ 3e4) − 8 For binary eccentricities e in the range 0 0.5, 1 < dJi = . (8) nsync <2.8, implying that provided enough ti−me, stellar dt Ti components of a binary will be locked in a rotational X state where their periods are close to that of the binary Here J = I Ω is the instantaneous AM of the layer, period. This result will not depend on the mass loss i i i I its moment of inertia, Ω its instantaneous angular history of each star. Once locked, the magnetic activity i i velocity, and is the net torque over the layer. of the stars becomes frozen at a given value, which in i In the case ofTlow-mass stars (M <1.3M ), it is cus- some cases could mimic the behavior of a star that is P ⋆ ⊙ tomary to assume that the star has two distinct interior much younger or older (Mason et al. 2013). layers: a radiativeinner core(i=core) anda convective ThesecondexogeniceffectremovingAMfromthecon- envelope (i= conv). It is also assumed that both layers vective layer is mass loss via magnetized SWs. Not only rotate independently as rigid bodies (i.e. no differential does the mass leaving the surface of the star carry AM, rotation). but in magnetically active stars the flow of chargedpar- The convective envelope is subject to two different ex- ticles is also coupled with the corotating magnetic field, ogeniceffects: (1)tidalbreaking, ,and(2)lossofAM up to few to several tens of stellar radii. This leads to a tid via a magnetized SW . T lossofAMthatisseveralordersofmagnitudelargerthan SW To calculate , weTuse the formalism developed by that in stars without a convective envelope (Schatzman tid Hut(1981). AccTordingly,atargetstarofmassM and 1962). targ radius R , rotating at an instantaneous rate Ω and Although a successful, comprehensive, and self- targ affected by a secondary star of mass M in an orbit consistentmodelof magnetizedSW AM loss has notyet field with semimajor axis a, eccentricity e, and mean angular been developed, a semi-empirical formula, developed by velocity n, feels an effective tidal torque given by Kawaler (1988) and modified by Chaboyer et al. (1995), succeeds at producing results consistent with observa- tionsforalargerangeofstellarmassesandages. Accord- 3k I M 2 R 6 ingly, the torque exerted by the magnetized SW scales 2 field targ = (9) withangularvelocityΩ,stellarmassM ,andradiusR , Ttid −κ2t (cid:18)M (cid:19) (cid:18) a (cid:19) × ⋆ ⋆ diss targ 9 following this earlycontractionisto integratethe angularvelocity instead of the AM using 1/2 −1/2 TSW =KCΩmin(Ω,Ωsat)2 (cid:18)RR⊙⋆(cid:19) (cid:18)MM⊙⋆(cid:19) ddΩti = I1iddJti −ΩiddIti (16) (11) wheretheterm Ω (dI /dt)accountsforthecontraction KC and Ωsat are two free parameters that can be (expansion) of t−heirespiective layer. It is important to adjusted to reproduce the scale of observed rotational stressthatalthoughthelargerchangesinI happendur- rates and their distribution, respectively. In order to re- i ingthePMS,wearealsointegratingEq. (16)duringthe ducethenumberoffreeparametersinourcomprehensive main sequence. model, Ω is calculated following the scaling relation- sat From a purely dynamical point of view this contrac- ship tiontermisassociatedwithtwodiscrepancies. Therapid contraction of the star during the first stages of stellar τ conv,⊙ Ω =Ω (12) evolutioniscompoundedwiththegainofspecificAMby sat ⊙ (cid:18) τ (cid:19) conv accreting gas. Angular accelerationof the star may con- tinue even to near breakup velocities (P 0.1 days). where τ is the convective overturn time (see Section rot conv ∼ Observations, however, show that the rotation rates of 5.2.2). This scaling relationship has proven to be useful PMS stars are orders of magnitude slower (with periods in reproducing the distribution of rotation periods for of 2 10 days). Although still debated, the solution to low-mass field stars (Irwin et al. 2011). − this discrepancy may rest on the assumption that stars More recently, success in modeling the rotational rate transferthisAMexcesstotheiraccretiondisk. Thisdisk distributionofstarsinyoungclusterswasachieved(Matt lockingpersists fora timescale τ 2 5Myr,ending etal.2012;Gallet&Bouvier2013)usingasemianalytical disk ∼ − with disk dissipation. fit of MHD simulations to the originalmodel of Kawaler The second discrepancy arises when considering the (1988) along with a recent model for stellar mass loss value and sign of the contraction term for the radiative (Cranmer & Saar 2011). However, its application is still core. In stellar evolution simulations, the core suddenly restrictedto starswith mass nearlyidentical to the Sun. forms at around 10 100Myr and grows to its final size Ourinteresthereisinstarsrangingfrom0.2to1.05M ; ⊙ − over a time an order of magnitude smaller. As a result, see Table 1. A comparison between the results obtained the moment of inertia of the core increases rapidly, po- with the semi-empirical formula used here (Eq. 11) and tentially producing a sudden rotational breaking of this those obtained with the formula by Matt et al. (2012)is layer. EvenafterconsideringtheexchangeofAMduring left for a future work, but it is not expected to alter the the growth of the core, as is done in Allain (1998), this major conclusions of the current work. sudden braking still occurs. Although unobservable, a As the convective envelope loses AM, a difference in sudden deceleration of the radiative core would produce angular velocity between the envelope and the radia- a signature in the evolution of the envelope and would tive core is established. A variety of physical processes, create a discrepancy with observations. such as magnetic fields, hydrodynamical instabilities, Tobe consistentwithpreviousresults,weassumethat andgravitywaves,mayredistributeAMinthestellarin- thecontractiontermforthecoreinEq. 16isthesameas terior, reducing this difference with time. To model AM that of the convectiveenvelope. An investigationof how redistribution we follow, as is customary, the prescrip- this apparent deceleration in the radiative core seems tion by MacGregor& Brenner (1991), by estimating the to be prevented is a critical matter in need of further mutual torque due to the difference in rotation rates as research. given by For each system studied here, numerical integrations ∆J of Eqs. (16) were performed for both stars in the bi- ∆J = (13) nary including their mutual tidal interaction. For that |T | τ ce purposewe takeasinputs the valuesofkeystellar struc- The AM exchanged is ∆J = (I J turepropertiesasafunctionoftime(e.g. apsidalmotion conv core − I J )/I , and τ is a free parameter called the constants,momentsofinertia,andconvectivezonethick- core conv tot ce core-envelope coupling timescale. ness), from stellar evolutionary models (Bressan et al. Insummary,theAMoftheconvectiveenvelopeandthe 2012, 2013) as well as from interior structure models radiative core of each star in the binary evolve following (Baraffe, 2014, personal communication). the equations 5.2. Magnetic Activity dJ Theultimatepurposeofcalculatinginstantaneousstel- conv = + + (14) tid SW ∆J lar rotational periods is to calculate the magnetic activ- dt T T T ity as a function of time. Magnetic phenomena in the dJ rad = . (15) atmospheres of cool stars are driven by the action of a ∆J dt −T dynamo in their convective zones that in turn is respon- Themomentofinertiaofboththe convectiveenvelope sibleforproducingSWsandhigh-energyradiation(XUV and the radiative core evolves in time and affects the emission). rotational history of the whole star. PMS evolution is Progress in understanding and characterizing these especially important in this respect. During PMS, stars processes in the Sun, allowed S. Cranmer and S. Saar contractthe most. A pragmaticapproachto accountfor to develop a self-consistent model of SW acceleration 10 applicable to other cool stars (Cranmer & Saar 2011). a valid constraint for stars in the moderately separated Their model accurately predicts stellar activity observ- binaries under consideration. ables such as the average photospheric magnetic field At distances large enough from the binary or in very strengthandmasslossratesasafunctionofseveralbasic disparate binaries (q 1), it is reasonable to assume ≪ stellar properties such as mass, radius, luminosity, and that the SW flux and dynamic pressure are simply the rotational period. sum of the quantities produced by each star, i.e. TheirpubliclyavailableroutineBOREASis appliedhere in order to calculate the instantaneous mass loss rate of F F +F (21) SW,bin SW,1 SW,2 each star in the binary system. For details on the input ≈ physics, assumptions, and free parameters used by the models of Cranmer and Saar, refer to Cranmer & Saar PSW,bin PSW,1+PSW,2. (22) ≈ (2011). For close orbiting planets, these simple assumptions are expected to break down under realistic conditions in 5.2.1. SW some binaries. Recently, the conditions under which the Armed with the mass loss rate M˙ , the properties of interaction between the winds of binaries could strongly the SW are calculated in a straightforwardmanner. We interact, rendering this approximation imprecise, have assume that the wind reaches its terminal velocity vSW been studied using MHD simulations. The results of at a distance rt from the stellar center, being equal to these simulations suggest that even in an extreme case the local escape velocity: of solar-mass twins, the SW flow is only strongly mod- ified at close circumbinary distances. Within the BHZ 2GM⋆ the simple approximationgivenin Eq. (21)is applicable v = (17) SW r r for the purposes of studying the plasma environment of t potentially habitable planets. Adistancer =2.5R isassumedinordertoreproduce t ⋆ the current average solar wind condition as observed at 5.2.2. XUV Emission Earth distance. One of the most detrimental effects that planets face By mass conservation, the particle mean density as is earlystellar activity. During the earlyhistory ofplan- measured at a distance r from the star is given by ets,thehigh-energyradiationfluxfarexceedsthatwhich M˙ theyreceivelateron. InthecaseofEarthforexample,it n = (18) hasbeen estimated (Guinan & Engle2009)that 4.5Gyr SW µmp4πr2vSW agothe X-raysflux was10-100times largerthan present Earthlevel(hereafterPEL)owingtosolarcoronalactiv- where µ is the mean molecular weight of the wind parti- ity. cles and m is the proton mass. For a fully magnetized p The effect that such flux has over time on planetary SW µ=0.6 (Cranmer 2008; Cranmer & Saar 2011). atmospheres ranges from simply a modification of the This stream of charged particles continuously impacts upper atmospheric chemistry (Tian et al. 2008; Segura the atmosphere of planets, at a rate given by et al. 2010; Hu et al. 2012, 2013; Hu & Seager 2014) to rapid photoevaporation via induced heating of the exo- F =n v . (19) SW SW SW sphere(Lammeretal.2003;Lammeretal.2009,p. 399; At the distance of the HZ, the wind is supersonic and Lammer et al. 2010; Zendejas et al. 2010). Both phe- has a negligible thermal pressure. As a result, it exerts nomenacouldhaveverydetrimentaleffectsonplanetary adynamicpressureoverplanetarymagnetospheresgiven habitability. Estimatingthefluxofhigh-energyradiation by is thus an essential element in the assessment of habit- ability of any planetary environment. P =µm n (v2 +v2 ) (20) TheemissionofX-RayandEUVradiation(1-91.2nm) SW p SW SW orb andtheirdependenceonstellarageandrotationalperiod where v is the orbital velocity of the planet. have been extensively studied in the case of single-stars. orb The Cranmer & Saar model has been developed in or- Astronganticorrelationbetween ageandXUV luminos- der to describe activity in single-stars. The previous ity has been observed (Ribas et al. 2005; Penz & Micela assumptions concerning how to convert mass-loss rates 2008; Penz et al. 2008). into SW properties, may work well in describing SWs Binary stars follow a different set of rules. First, ro- for moderately spaced binaries, as well as isolated stars, tation and age are not necessarily correlated, especially but the applicability of these models to binaries has not when the binary period is short (of the order of days) beentested. Additionally,othereffectscouldarise,mod- orif the binary eccentricity is largerthanabout 0.1,ow- ifying the underlying assumptions on which this model ing to tidal torques. Second, and as explained before, is built. For example, a star could illuminate the atmo- strong magnetic interaction between the stellar compo- sphere of the companion, thereby modifying the vertical nentsinthefirsttensofMyrcoulddriverotationalevolu- atmospheric structure. Coronal X-ray heating may play tionandhenceactivitytowardvaluesthatareuncommon a critical role in some cases. The acceleration due to in single-stars. gravity is also modified by the presence of a close com- In spite of the most common recipes used to estimate panion. Stellar wind shocks could also arise, modifying XUVlevelsasafunctionofstellarage(see,e.g.,Zuluaga the simple model described herein. We assume that the et al. 2012), which will not be applicable in the case acceleration mechanism working in single stars provides of binaries for the reasons given above, we use here an

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