Constraining the propagation speed of gravitational waves with compact binaries at cosmological distances Atsushi Nishizawa1,∗ 1Theoretical Astrophysics 350-17, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA (Dated: February 5, 2016) In testing gravity a model-independent way, one of crucial tests is measuring the propagation speedofagravitationalwave(GW).Ingeneralrelativity,aGWpropagateswiththespeedoflight, while in the alternative theories of gravity the propagation speed could deviate from the speed of light due to the modification of gravity or spacetime structure at a quantum level. Previously we proposed the method measuring the GW speed by directly comparing the arrival times between a GWandaphotonfromthebinarymergerofneutronstarsorneutronstarandblackhole,assuming that it is associated with a short gamma-ray burst. The sensitivity is limited by the intrinsic time 6 delaybetweenaGWandaphotonatthesource. Inthispaper,weextendthemethodtodistinguish 1 theintrinsictimedelayfromthetruesignalcausedbyanomalousGWspeedwithmultipleeventsat 0 cosmological distances,alsoconsideringtheredshiftdistributionofGWsources,redshift-dependent 2 GW propagation speed, and the statistics of intrinsic time delays. Weshow that an advanced GW b detector such as Einstein Telescope will constrain the GW propagation speed at the precision of e ∼ 10−16. We also discuss the optimal statistic to measure the GW speed, performing numerical F simulations. 4 I. INTRODUCTION such cosmic rays on the Earth lead to the limit on GW ] c speed, c υ < 2 10−15c [29]. The constraints on g q The second-generation laser-interferometric gravita- anisotrop−ic GW spee×d from the gravitationalCherenkov - r tional wave (GW) detectors would accomplish the first radiationhavebeen extensivelystudied in the contextof g detectionofaGWinthecomingafewyearsandopenup gravitational standard-model extension via Lorentz vio- [ GW astronomy [1]. After that, the detections of multi- lation [30]. However, the above constraint on isotropic 2 pleeventsatcosmologicaldistancewouldberealizedwith GW speed can be applied only to subluminal case. On v the third-generation ground-based GW detector such as theotherhand,fromtheobservationaldataoftheorbital 2 Einstein telescope (ET) [2] and 40-km LIGO [3]. The decay of a binary pulsar, the constraint on superluminal 7 GW observations enable us not only to gain information GW speed has been obtained, c υg .10−2c [31]. Al- 0 | − | aboutastronomicalobjectsandcosmology[4]butalsoto though this constaint can be applied to both super- and 1 0 test gravity theories in strong and dynamical regimes of subluminal propagations, there is still large parameter . gravity (for reviews, see [5–8]). spaceallowedformodificationofgravity. Inaddition,all 1 To test gravity with GWs, it is crucial to search for the constraints above are indirect measurements of the 0 6 anomalous deviation from general relativity (GR) in a GW velocity. Therefore, the direct measurement of GW 1 model-independent way. There have been many sugges- propagationspeed is crucial in testing gravity theories. : tions of such methods: seeking for the deviation from Sofartherehavebeenafewproposalstodirectlymea- v GR in GW phase evolution of compact-binary inspiral- sure the GW propagation speed. One is comparing the i X ing [9–12] and in GW waveforms of black-hole ringdown phasesofaGWanditselectromagneticcounterpartfrom r [13, 14], and non-GR GW polarizations [15–18]. One of a periodic binary source [32, 33]. However, to eliminate a other tests is measuringthe propagationspeed ofa GW. unknown intrinsic phase lag between the GW and the In GR, a GW propagates with the speed of light [19], electromagneticwaveatthe source,twosignalsatdiffer- while in the alternative theories of gravity the propaga- ent times (e.g. a half year) on the Earth’s orbit around tion speed could deviate from the speed of light due to the Sun have to be differentiated. Then the gain of the the modification of gravity (see [20–23] for general for- differential signal is suppressed by the propagation dis- mulations, and for more specific cases, nonzero graviton tance of the order of 1AU. A similar method us- ∼ mass [24, 25] and extra dimensions [26]). Also the mod- ing the Rømer time delay has been suggested recently ification of spacetime structure at a quantum level may [34]. A GW signal from a periodic GW source is mod- affect the propagationof a GW [27, 28]. ulated in phase due to the Earth revolution. Although GWpropagationspeedhasbeenconstrainedindirectly this method does not require any electromagnetic obser- fromultra-highenergycosmicrays. Assumingthecosmic vation, the measurement precision is again determined raysoriginateinourGalaxy,theabsenceofgravitational basically by the baseline of the solar system. Cherenkov radiation and the consequent observation of To extend the baseline and improve the sensitivity, in ourpreviouswork[35],wehavereportedasimplemethod directly comparing the arrival times between GWs, and neutrinos or photons from supernovae (SN) and short ∗ [email protected] gamma-ray burst (SGRB), assuming that the SGRB is 2 associated with a NS-NS or NS-BH binary merger [36], GW propagates with the speed of light. The sign of ∆T whereNSandBHrepresentneutronstarandblackhole, can be both positive or negative, depending on whether respectively. One might concern about unknown intrin- thepropagationspeedoftheGWissuperluminalorsub- sic time delay at the source, which depends on the emis- luminal, respectively. sion mechanisms of GWs, neutrinos, and photons. How- In order that the finite time lag due to the anomalous ever, numerical simulations have been well developed in GW speed is detectable, ∆T has to exceed uncertainties these days and start to allow us to predict the intrinsic intheintrinsictimelagoftheemissions,τ τ int,min int ≤ ≤ time delays. Thanks to the developments of numerical τ , and satisfy one of the following two conditions: int,max simulations, the future multimessenger observations of a τ <∆T +τ for ∆T >0 and ∆T +τ < int,max int,min int,max GW, neutrinos, and photons can test the GW propaga- τ for ∆T <0, equivalently, int,min tion speed at the precision of 10−15, improving the ∼ previous suggestions by 8-10 orders of magnitude. In ∆τint < ∆T , (2) | | thispaper,weextendthepreviousmethodtoamultiple- event case at cosmological distance, and show that the with ∆τint τint,max τint,min. ≡ − intrinsic time delay canbe distinguished froma true sig- NoteinthederivationofEq.(2)thatwehavenottaken nal due to anomalous GW speed by considering their into account the detection timing errors of a GW and a redshift dependences. We also show that some combina- photonwhen they are detected onthe Earth. The phase tions of signals cancel out the intrinsic time delay and errorofaGWsignificantlydependsonthesignal-to-noise give nearly optimal sensitivity. ratio (SNR) and is given roughly by ∆φgw (SNR)−1 ∼O This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we [37]. For a NS binary merger detected by aLIGO, SNR briefly review the method comparing the arrival times is typically 10 at 200Mpc. Then the detection timing of a GW and a high energy photon from a SGRB in or- error of a G∼W is at most 10−3sec. This is also true ∼ der to constrain GW propagation speed, extending the for ET because of a similar SNR for a NS binary even previous formalism to compact binaries at cosmologi- at a high redshift. Because the intrinsic uncertainty of cal distance. In Sec. III, we introduce the framework emission time, e.g. 10sec or more for SGRB photons, ∼ of Bayesian inference for parameter estimation of GW is much larger than the detection timing error, we can propagationmodels. The method is numerically demon- neglect it when we consider the constraint on the GW strated in Sec. IV, showing the expected constraints in speed. the future. In Sec. V, several details of the method are Next we derive the explicit expression of ∆T, tak- discussed, taking into account more practical situations: ing into account the redshift effect due to the cosmo- optimality of the statistic, scaling of sensitivity, and the logical expansion, because the third-generation ground- presence of high-z cutoff for SGRB detection and its ef- based GW detector such as ET enables us to observe fect on sensitivity. Finally, Sec. VI is devoted to a sum- NS-NS binaries at cosmological distances up to z 2, ∼ mary. In this paper, we use the unit c=1. whileforNS-BHbinariesuptoz 4[38]. Letusassume ∼ a flat Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) universe for simplicity. Strictlyspeaking,thisassumptionisnotvalid II. ARRIVAL TIME DELAYS whenwedealwith modifiedgravitybecausedynamicsof the cosmic expansion is also modified. However, to be consistentwithobservationaldata,the cosmicexpansion Let us start with a brief review of the method com- has to be close to that in ΛCDM universe and is well paringthe arrivaltimes ofa GWanda high-energypho- approximated by ΛCDM model for our purpose here. ton from the same source to constrain GW propagation The comoving distance from the observer at z to a speed. As a source, in this paper we concentrate on a o SGRB, assuming that the SGRB is associated with a source at redshift z is NS-NS or NS-BH binary merger. z υ g AGW is emitted atthe time t=t andis detected on χ(z ,z)= dz , (3) e o H(z) the Earthatt=te+Tg,wherethe arrivaltime refersto, Zzo for instance, the merger time of a NS binary and T is g andiswrittenχ (z ,z)whentheGWpropagationspeed the propagation time of the GW from the source to the 0 o is υ =c. Here H(z) is the Hubble parameter given by Earth. Ontheotherhand,aγ-rayphotonaccompanying g tothepromptemissionofSGRBisemittedatt=t +τ e int H(z)=H Ω (1+z)3+Ω . (4) with some intrinsic time delay τ and is detected at 0 m Λ int t = te +τint +Tγ, where Tγ is the propagation time of where Ω and Ω = 1pΩ are the energy densities of thephotonfromthesourcetotheEarth. Theobservable m Λ − m matter and a cosmologicalconstant, and H is the Hub- isthedifferenceofthearrivaltimesbetweentheGWand 0 ble constant at present. In this paper, we use the cos- the photon and is given by mological parameters, H = 100h kmMpc−1s−1 with 0 0 h = 0.68, h2Ω = 0.14 [39]. It is convenient to define τobs =∆T +τint . (1) 0 0 m δ (c υ )/c. The GW propagation speed υ is in g g g ≡ − Here wedefined ∆T T T ,whichvanishes whenthe general time-dependent [20–22] and should deviate from γ g ≡ − 3 We define the difference of arrival times in the source frame by ∆T(z) τ (z) ∆T˜(z) , τ˜ (z) obs . (8) obs ≡ 1+z ≡ 1+z Then Eq. (7) converted to in a source frame is τ˜ (z)=∆T˜(z)+τ˜ . (9) obs int Thisexpressionisusefulbecauseonlythesignaldepends onredshift,notthenoise. Furthermore,forthelateruse, we write τ˜ as the sum of the expectation value τ˜ int int h i andafluctuatingpartaroundtheexpectationvalueδτ˜ . int Then Eq. (9) can be separated into the systematic and Figure 1. Arrival time lags due to GW speed δg and the intrinsictimedelayasafunctionofredshift. Forillustration, statistical terms: theparameters are chosen as δg =10−15 and τ˜int=10sec. τ˜ (z)= τ˜ (z) +δτ˜ , (10) obs obs obs h i τ˜ (z) ∆T˜(z)+ τ˜ , (11) obs int h i≡ h i δτ˜ δτ˜ . (12) obs int c in the current epoch of the Universe if modification ≡ of gravity allows the GW speed to change and simulta- neously explains the self-acceleration of the cosmic ex- III. BAYESIAN INFERENCE pansion [40]. Motivated by these facts, we parameterize the functional form as δ = δ (1+z)−n, where δ is δ g 0 0 g The detections of multiple events at cosmological at present and n = 0 corresponds to the constant case distance would be realized with the third-generation δ = δ . The index n is different in each gravity model g 0 ground-based GW detector such as ET. From the con- and has no preferred value from the observational point siderationofthebeamingangleofSGRB[41],morethan of view, but as pointed out in [40] it might be increasing several tens of GW-SGRB coincidence events would be faster than the decrease of the matter energy density to observed with ET and gamma-ray detectors in a real- affect the cosmic expansion of the current Universe. n istic observation time, e.g. 1yr. With these coincidence shouldnotbe largenegativenumberso asnotto diverge events,onecandistinguishthetruesignalduetofiniteδ g at high redshifts. Therefore, we consider in this paper from the intrinsic time delay of the emission at a source the range 1 n 4. From χ( ∆z,z) = χ (0,z), the − ≤ ≤ − 0 by utilizing their redshift dependences. To utilize multi- time delay (or advance) induced by δ is g plecoincidenceeventsofNS-NSbinariesorNS-BHbina- riesandSGRB formeasuringthe propagationspeedofa ∆z z dz ∆T = =δ . (5) GW,weintroducetheframeworkofBayesianinferenceto H 0 (1+z)nH(z) 0 Z0 estimateerrorsinmodelparametersofGWpropagation. According to the Bayes theorem, the posterior proba- Also the intrinsic time delay is redshifted. Denoting bility distribution is given by the intrinsic time delay at the source as τ˜ , the time int delay we observe on the Earth is p(D ~θ, )p(~θ ) p(~θ D, )= | H |H , (13) | H p(D ) τ (z)=(1+z)τ˜ . (6) |H int int where ~θ is a set of model parameters, is a hypothesis, H The difference of arrival times observed on the Earth is and D is observational data. On the right-hand side of Eq.(13), p(D ~θ, ) is the likelihood, p(~θ )) is the prior τobs(z)=∆T(z)+τint(z). (7) distribution,a|ndHp(D )istheevidence.|HTheevidenceis |H merelyanormalizationfactoroftheposteriorprobability In Fig. 1, the GW time delay due to δg and intrinsic distribution and does not affect physical consequences. time delay are illustrated for the case of δg =10−15 and We assume that the statistical fluctuation of the in- τ˜int =10sec. TheGWtimedelayincreasesatlowz,pro- trinsictime delayobeys the Gaussiandistributionwhose portional to the distance to the source. At high z, how- variance is given by σ2 = (δτ˜ )2 . This assumption is ever, the cosmic expansion modifies the dependence of τ int the time delay on the distance (redshift) and the growth equivalentto writing the uDnnormalEizedlikelihoodproba- bility of a single event using Eq. (10) as of the time delay slows down. As the index n increases from 1 to 4, the contribution of the time delay at high 2 2 − δτ˜ τ˜ (z ) τ˜ (z ) z is more suppressed. On the other hand, the intrinsic exp { obs,i} =exp { obs i −h obs i i} , time delay is constant at low z but linearly increases at "− 2στ2 # "− 2στ2 # high z. (14) 4 where the index i discriminates each event. Since each event is independent one another, the total likelihood is τ˜ (z ) τ˜ (z ) 2 p(D ~θ, ) exp { obs i −h obs i i} | H ∝ i "− 2στ2 # Y 2 τ˜ (z ) τ˜ (z ) obs i obs i =exp { −h i} . (15) "− i 2στ2 # X In our case, the hypothesis is that the Universe is H described by flat ΛCDM model. However,the cosmolog- ical parameters in the flat ΛCDM model, H and Ω , 0 m arewelldeterminedwithin5%precisionfromthecosmo- logical observations [39] and their uncertainties do not much affect the errors in the measurement of GW prop- agation speed. Thus, we exclude H and Ω from free 0 m parameters in our analysis and take ~θ = δ ,n, τ˜ as Figure 2. Number of NS-NS binaries (in the unit of 104) 0 int { h i} in each redshift bin of ∆z = 0.1 at a redshift z during 1yr free parameters. In other words, the priors on H and 0 observation. Ω are regarded as the delta functions. On the other m hand, we apply flat priorsfor δ , n, and τ˜ . Our fidu- 0 int h i cial values for the model parameters are δ = 0, n = 0, 0 τ˜int = 150sec. The choice of τ˜int = 150sec might where~θ′ =δ ,nandN isthetotalnumberofsources. h i h i 0 total seemtobeintentional. However,asdiscussedinSec.VA, Particularly,whenN ,Qˆ /N approachesthe total 1 total it is irrelevantto constrainthe GW speed because it can →∞ expectation value q¯. Therefore, always be canceled out by pairing the signals. The magnitude of a measurement noise in the time- 1 delay signal is determined by σ , which depends on the p(~θ′ D, ) exp qˆ (qˆ q¯) emission mechanism of SGRB.τIn this paper, we con- | H ∝ "−2στ2 i i i− # X siderthreecases: σ =10,25,50sec. Thereasonofthese τ 1 2 choice is because the duration of SGRB is typically less =exp (qˆ q¯) than∼2secandthefluctuationsofτ˜int isexpectedtobe "−2στ2 (Xi i− the same order of magnitude or less from consideration +q¯ Qˆ N q¯ . (17) of the emission mechanisms [42]. However, to be conser- 1− total vative, we consider not only 10sec but also larger noises (cid:16) (cid:17)oi By the definition of the expectation value, the second 25sec and 50sec. terminthebracketvanishes. Thus,themarginalizedpos- When δ is a time-varying function and contains two g terior distribution obeys the Gaussian distribution with free parameters, it is convenient to show the posterior respecttoqˆ. Namely,thelogarithmicposteriordistribu- distribution by marginalizing over τ˜ . The marginal- i h inti tion marginalized over τ˜ obeys χ2 distribution. The ized distribution can be derived as follows. We write int h i q τ˜ andqˆ τ˜ (z ) ∆T˜(z )forsimplicityofno- above result is derived for infinite Ntotal. However, it is int i obs i i ≡h i ≡ − expectedthatEq.(17)alsoholdsforthelargenumberof tation. From Eqs. (11), (13), and (15), the marginalized sources. posterior distribution is 2 qˆ q p(~θ′ D, ) dqexp { i− } IV. NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION | H ∝Z "− i 2στ2 # X 1 Qˆ2 In this section, we numerically generate mock data of =exp Qˆ 1 "−2στ2 2− Ntotal!# eventsandinvestigateexpectedconstraintsonmodelpa- rameters, δ , n, and τ˜ , based on the Bayesian ap- 0 int 2 h i 1 Qˆ proach. 1 dqexp N q ×Z −2στ2 total − Ntotal! 1 Qˆ2 A. Procedures exp Qˆ 1 , (16) ∝ "−2στ2 2− Ntotal!# Theproceduresofdataanalysisarecomposedofthree stages. Qˆ qˆ , Qˆ qˆ2 , 1 ≡ i 2 ≡ i (i). Redshift distribution of NS binary merger events i i X X 5 n˙(z) is the NS merger rate per unit comoving vol- 6000 ume per unit proper time at a redshift z. The fit- ting formula based on the observation of star for- ] 5000 mation history is given in [43] by c e s 4000 1+2z (z 1) n˙(z)=n˙ 3(5 z) (1<≤z 5) , (18) y [ 0× 4 − ≤ a 3000 0 (5<z) el d where the quantity n˙0 represents the merger rate e 2000 m atpresent. Although the normalizationof n˙ is still largely uncertain, we adopt the intermediate value ti 1000 of recent estimates, n˙ = 10−6Mpc−3yr−1, as a 0 reliable estimate based on extrapolations from the 0 observed binary pulsars in our Galaxy [44]. The 0.5 z 1 1.5 2 numberofNSbinarymergerintheredshiftinterval [z,z+dz]observedduringtheobservationtimeT obs is given by [43] Figure3. Onerealizationoftimedelaysignalsasafunctionof redshift when δg =10−14 (n=0), στ =50sec,and ǫ=10−3. dN(z) 4πr2(z) n˙(z) The red points are mock time-delay signals and the dashed =T , (19) dz obs H(z) 1+z curveis thetime delay dueto finiteδg. where r(z) is the comoving radial distance and is related to the luminosity distance d (z) by r(z)= L d (z)/(1+z) in the flat universe. In Fig. 2, using be canceled by taking the difference of two signals L Eq. (19), the redshift distribution of NS binaries at different redshifts. per year is shown. (iii). Computation of the posterior distribution To generate NS binary merger events that obeys Since we apply flat priors for δ , n, and τ˜ , the theredshiftdistributioninEq.(19)fromahomoge- 0 int h i posterior distribution is obtained from the likeli- neous random distribution, we use the Box-Muller hood distribution in Eq. (15) except for its nor- method [45]. In our numerical simulation, we take malization. The posterior distribution marginal- into account NS binary merger events only at the ized over τ˜ is given by Eq. (16). From these redshift range z < 2, because the electromagnetic int h i posterior distributions, we compute parameter es- identification of SGRB at higher redshifts would timationerrorsat68%CL.Tosuppressasampling be difficult and it seems to be realistic to assume error, we average the parameter estimation errors that sources at z < 2 can be identified as coin- over 100 realizations of the event list. As a result, cident events between electromagnetic waves and the averaged constraints are less fluctuating, but GWs. Wedenotethefractionofcoincidenceevents still fluctuate by 5%, at most 10%. among all NS binary merger events by ǫ and use ∼ ǫ = 10−3, which is estimated from the simple con- sideration of SGRB jet opening angle [41]. Thus, B. Expected errors of model parameters thecumulativenumberofcoincidenceeventsoutto a redshift z is ǫN(z) and the total number of co- incidence events is N =ǫN(z ), where N(z) In Fig. 3, the generated time-delay signals of events total max is the cumulative number of GW events out to a areplottedasafunctionofredshift. Justfortheillustra- redshift z and z is the maximum redshift that tive purpose, the parameters are chosen as δ = 10−14, max g an electromagnetic counterpart of a GW source is στ = 50sec, and ǫ = 10−3 (Ntotal = 63). It is seen that detected. the intrinsic time delay in the observer’s frame is red- shifted and larger at high z and that the more sources (ii). Generating time delay signals aredistributedatredshiftsfrom1to1.5asexpectedfrom Time delay signals are generated using Eq. (7) for the redshift distribution in Fig. 2. fixed parameters δ , n, and τ˜ . The error of The posterior distribution of δ and τ˜ in the case 0 int 0 int h i h i the intrinsic time delay is added to each signal by of constant δ (n = 0) is shown in Fig. 4. The er- g generating a Gaussian error with the standard de- rors in δ and τ˜ are strongly correlated. This is 0 int h i viation σ , for which we choose σ =10,25,50sec. because the larger τ˜ is equal to negative δ (su- τ τ int 0 h i We fix the expectation value of an intrinsic time perluminal propagation) in the observational signal in delay to τ˜ = 150sec. However, this does not Eq. (7). However, they do not completely degenerate int h i loose generality because as discussed in Sec. VA because of different redshift dependence. The expected theexpectationvalueofanintrinsictimedelaycan constraints on δ (68% CL) are 0.6 < δ /10−16 < 0.8, g g − 6 Figure 5. Constraint on δ0 and n when hτ˜inti distribution is marginalized and ǫ = 10−3 (Ntotal = 63). The fiducial parameters are chosen δ0 = 0, n = 0, and hτ˜inti = 150sec, Figure4. Constraintonconstantcaseδg =δ0andhτ˜intiwhen represented by a black point at the center of the figure. The ǫ = 10−3 (Ntotal = 63). The fiducial parameters are chosen fluctuations of intrinsic time delays are στ = 10 (red, solid), δg =δ0 =0andhτ˜inti=150sec,representedbyablackpoint 25 (green, dotted), and 50sec (blue, dashed). at the center of the figure. From the smaller ellipses to the larger, the fluctuations of intrinsic time delays are στ = 10, 25, and 50sec. στ =10sec στ =25sec στ =50sec n=−1 −0.3<δ0 <0.4 −1.0<δ0 <0.9 −1.8<δ0 <2.0 n=0 −0.8<δ0 <1.0 −2.2<δ0 <2.0 −4.8<δ0 <4.7 n=1 −2.1<δ0 <2.1 −4.9<δ0 <5.3 −10.2<δ0 <10.0 n=2 −2.9<δ0 <2.6 −6.1<δ0 <7.5 −13.8<δ0 <12.8 n=4 −3.1<δ0 <2.9 −6.8<δ0 <8.0 −15.0<δ0 <14.9 Table I.Expected constraint on δ0 (68% CL) for different στ and n in the redshift-dependent δg case with fiducial param- eters δ0 = 0 and n = 0. The values of δ0 is in the unit of 10−16. Figure 6. A differential signal of arrival time delays |hs(z1,z2)i| in the unit of sec when δg =10−15 (n=0). The diagonal line is z1 =z2. 2.0 < δ /10−16 < 1.7, and 3.6 < δ /10−16 < 3.5 for g g − − σ =10, 25, and 50sec. τ V. DISCUSSIONS In Fig. 5, the posterior distribution marginalized over τ˜ is shown. The constraint is tighter at smaller n int jhustibecause of the redshift dependence of δg. When n In this section, we focus on the case of constant δg is negative, the absolute value of δ increases at higher (n = 0) and investigate physical aspects of sensitivity g redshifts. On the other hand, when n is positive, δ is and a concrete statistic to interpret the results. g | | suppressedathigherredshiftsandbecomesmoredifficult to detect. In Table I, the projected constraints on δ for 0 differentσ andn arelisted. Itshouldbe notedthatthe A. Optimal statistic τ constraints on δ for n =0 are those obtained when the 0 6 fiducialparametersareδ =0andn=0. Inotherwords, If one has multiple SGRB events observed coinciden- 0 thosearewhatisderivedfromthedatawhennopositive tallybyGWandγ-raydetectors,onecandistinguishthe detectionisachievedandtrueparametersareδ =0and true signal due to finite δ and the intrinsic time delay 0 g n=0. at a source by looking at the redshift dependence. To 7 added. Indeed, for the event pairs with small redshift separation, the signals are canceled out and only noises are added. Then SNR is not improved at all. Thus, the efficientwayofthe summationis pairingthe eventsfrom thehighestandlowestredshiftsandaddingtheminturn. Thisorderofsummationisalsocomputationallyefficient to reach the maximum sensitivity on δ and would be g useful in a practical data analysis. The SNR for all pair of events is 2 s SNR2 = h mi , (23) √2σ m (cid:20)P τ (cid:21) X wheremrepresentseventpairsandrunsfromthelargest Figure7. Constraintstoconstantδg =δ0 asafunctionofthe redshift-separation pair to the smallest one. number of event pairs for στ = 50, 25, and 10sec from the Wenumericallygeneratemockdataofeventsthesame toptothebottom,respectively. mrepresentseventpairsand wayasinSec.IVAtoshowexplicitlythatthenewstatis- runs from thelargest redshift-separation pair to the smallest tic is efficient in computation and gives almost optimal one. constraint on δ with the small number of signal pairs. g In Fig. 7, constraints on δ = δ (n = 0) as a function g 0 of the number of event pairs for different σ are shown. τ It indicates that the SNR is dominated by only several do so, we consider a new statistic that could be used in event pairs m with large redshift separation and is not a real data analysis. The observed quantity is the ar- improvedbyaddingeventpairswithsmallerredshiftsep- rival time delay τ˜ , from which we can construct the obs aration. These asymptotic values of the constraints on following statistic: δ = δ agree well with the error ellipses in Fig. 4. This g 0 s(z ,z ) τ˜ (z ) τ˜ (z ) meansthatthestatisticintroducedinthissubsectionhas i j obs i obs j ≡ − almost optimal sensitivity to δ . =∆T˜(z ) ∆T˜(z )+δτ˜ δτ˜ . (20) g i j int,i int,j − − where i and j denote i-th and j-th events. The second B. Scaling of SNR term is stochastic with zero mean, while there remains finite contribution from GW. Therefore, we have From some consideration about signal and noise, we s(z ,z ) =∆T˜(z ) ∆T˜(z ). (21) canderivescalingrelationswithmodelparameters. Since i j i j h i − the observable is given by Eq. (20), we do not have to careabout τ˜ . Onlynoisescaleswithσ andtheSNR int τ Var[s(zi,zj)]= (s(zi,zj) s(zi,zj) )2 scales withhσ−1ifrom Eq. (23). Then the constraint on h −h i i τ =2hδτ˜i2nti δogr ǫli,ntehaerlsycaslcianlgesofwδithisσsτi.mAplsyfǫo−r1t/h2ebnecuamubseerǫodfoeevsennotst =2σ2 (22) g τ changetheredshiftdependenceofthesourcedistribution but its normalization. Therefore, the scaling relation for InFig.6,weshowtheredshiftdependenceof s(z ,z ) . i j |h i| the constraint on δ in the case of constant δ is Since the noise δτ˜int does not depend on a redshift, the 0 g redshift dependence of the SNR is identical to that of a signal. This implies two crucial facts to construct an δ 6 10−17 10−3 1/2 στ . (24) optimal statistic. Firstly, it hardly depends on the red- | 0|≤ × ǫ 10sec shift for z > 1. In other words, high-z sources at z & 2, (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) for which it is more difficult to have an electromagnetic ThisformulaagreeswellwiththeerrorsinFig.7andthe counterpart, do not play an important role in obtaining errors from Bayesian inference in Fig. 4 except for some large SNR. Secondly, since ∆T˜(z) is monotonously in- statisticalfluctuations. Thescalingalsoholdsforthecase creasing (decreasing) function for positive (negative) δ of nonzero n. In Table I, the scaling of the constraints g below z = 1, the largest SNR is obtained by taking the withστ agreewell. However,themagnitudesoftheerrors difference of time delays at largely separating redshifts, deteriorate because of some parameter degeneracies. z z & 1. Thus, when one has multiple events, the i j | − | tightest constraint on δ would be imposed by a part of g event pairs whose redshift difference is large. C. Maximum redshift dependence One possible way to combine all signals at different redshifts is summing the signals over z > z . However, It may happen that SGRB events are seenonly at low i j this is suboptimal because the signals are redundantly redshifts, having low-z cutoff at z < 2. In this case, 8 VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have extensively studied the method measuring the GW propagation speed by directly com- paring the arrival times between GWs and photons from NS binary mergers associated with SGRB. Partic- ularly we have considered multiple coincidence events at cosmological distance, the redshift distribution of GW sources, redshift-dependent GW propagation speed, and the statistics of intrinsic time delays. Based on the Bayesian parameter inference in the realistic observa- tional situationwith ET, we have obtainedthe expected constraints on δ (68% CL): 0.6 < δ /10−16 < 0.8, g g 2.0 < δ /10−16 < 1.7, and− 3.6 < δ /10−16 < 3.5 Figure 8. The total number of sources up to z =zmax when − g − g ǫ=10−3. when στ = 10, 25, and 50sec, respectively, for constant δ (n = 0), and the similar values of the same order in g TableIfortime-varyingGWpropagationspeed(nonzero n). Furthermore, we have proposed an optimal statistic that would be useful in a real data analysis. From nu- mericalinvestigationofthisstatistic,wehaveshownthat a systematic part of the intrinsic time delay can be can- celedoutfromsignals,distinguishingitfromatruesignal due to finite δ , and that the statistic gives nearly opti- g mal sensitivity. We also have shown that by changing the maximum redshift below which coincidence events areavailable,high-z SGRBaroundz =2orhigheraffect the sensitivity modestly, while those at 1 . z . 1.5 are crucial in constraining δ . g FinallywecommentonconstraintonGWpropagation at much higher redshifts. As a measurement method of GW propagation speed other than the one using differ- Figure 9. Constraint on constant δg = δ0 as a function of enceofarrivaltimes,thereisasuggestionthatGWspeed zmax for στ =50, 25, and 10sec from thetop to the bottom, different from c at high redshifts, 103, affects the cos- respectively. ǫ=10−3. mic microwavebackground(CMB)∼spectrumand canbe measured indirectly [46, 47]. Since the detection of B- mode polarization by BICEP 2 turned out to be caused by dust emissions, GW speed has not been measured the constraint on δg is degraded in two ways. Firstly, by the CMB observation. However, since the method the number of sources decreases, as shown in Fig. 8 as a with CMB is complementary to the method with arrival function of maximum redshift zmax. Secondly, the signal timesfromtheviewofredshift,bothmethodswouldgive s(zi,zj) in Eq. (21) is likely to be small due to lack a tight constraint on the redshift evolution of the GW h i of high-z sources. By these two effects, the constraint is propagationspeed in the future observations. degradedinanontrivialwayasz decreases. Asshown max intheFig.9,thesensitivitytoδ isdrasticallydegradedif g thereisacutoffattheredshiftlessthanz =1. However, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS interestingly, the degradation is modest for the cutoff at z > 1 because SNR is almost constant for sources at TheauthorwouldliketothankG.Ballesteros,Y.Fan, z > 1, as shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, we conclude that J. B. Jimenez, E. Malec, and J. D. Tasson for valuable we do not necessarily have to see high-z SGRBs around comments. A. N. was supported by JSPS Postdoctoral z =2 or higher, but those at 1.z .1.5 are crucial. Fellowships for Research Abroad. [1] M.Evans,General Relativity and Gravitation 46, 1778 (2014). vala, and M. Evans, Phys. Rev.D 91, 082001 (2015), [2] M.Punturo,M.Abernathy,F.Acernese,B.Allen,N.An- arXiv:1410.0612 [astro-ph.IM]. dersson, et al., Class.Quant.Grav. 27, 084007 (2010). [4] B. Sathyaprakash and B. Schutz, Living Rev.Rel. 12, 2 [3] S.Dwyer,D.Sigg,S.W.Ballmer,L.Barsotti,N.Maval- (2009), arXiv:0903.0338 [gr-qc]. 9 [5] C. M. Will, (2014), arXiv:1403.7377 [gr-qc]. Phys.Lett. B696, 119 (2011), arXiv:1012.1406 [gr-qc]. [6] N. Yunes and X. 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