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Consolidated Word List Words Appearing Frequently Pages 1-59 PDF

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2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently aardwolf abdomen abiogenist n n / SBrdTwUlf / / SabdETmEn / abjuration Afrikaans L > F a striped hyenalike mammal of region of an insect’s body. ablution southern and eastern Africa that The three main body parts of an n feeds chiefly on carrion and insects. insect are the head, the thorax, and / ESblVshEn / Termites are the favorite food of the abdomen. L the aardwolf. the washing of one’s body or part abdominal of it as a religious rite. abacus A common example of ablution in n abecedarium Judaism is washing the hands / SabDkEs / before a meal that includes bread. Gk > L abecedarius a calculating instrument for n abolition performing arithmetical processes / TCbG(T)sGSda(a)rGEs / by sliding counters by hand on rods L abominable or in grooves. a poem in which the lines or adj The grocer used an abacus instead stanzas begin with the letters of the / ESbBm(E)nEbEl / of a modern cash register. alphabet in regular order. L > F > E Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a famous worthy of or causing loathing or abalienation abecedarius. hatred. Charlie’s abominable pretense of abalone aberrant being attracted to Jane was the n result of a dare by his friends. / TabESlPnG / aberration Sp n aborigine a gastropod mollusk that clings to / TabESrCshEn / n rocks tenaciously with a broad L / TabESrijE(T)nG / muscular foot. deviation from the natural state or L At the beach, Marta made a from a normal type. [Note: Could be confused with necklace from the shell of an Jane’s outburst at the meeting was aborigen.] one of the native people abalone. a shocking behavior aberration, for especially as contrasted with an her manner is usually so reserved. invading or colonizing people. abandonment Cathy Freeman, an Australian abeyance aborigine, carried the flame into abattoir n the Olympic stadium. n / ESbCEn(t)s / / SabDTtwBr / L > F + Ecf abracadabra F [has homonym: obeyance] n slaughterhouse. cessation or suspension (as of a / TabrEkESdabrE / At the end of the day the battlefield customary practice). L at Hastings looked like an abattoir. Use of the swimming pool was put confused or unintelligible language in abeyance until a new lifeguard : nonsense. abbot could be hired. Despite the abracadabra in the poem “Jabberwocky,” its message abbreviate abhor is rather clear. abbreviation abhorrence abrasion n abdicate abidance / ESbrCzhEn / v n L / SabdETkCt / / ESbIdFn(t)s / wearing, grinding, or rubbing away L E by friction. relinquish formally, renounce. compliance. Moving glaciers caused abrasion The crown prince will abdicate his Abidance with the golden rule on Earth’s surface. throne so that his brother may rule. helps one have a happy life. abrasive ability Page 1 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently abrogated abstinence academic adj abruptly abstractive / TakESdemik / adv Gk > L > F / ESbrEp(t)lG / abstruse relating to a school, especially an L adj institution of higher education. in a manner that produces the effect / EbzStrVs / Claudia postponed her academic of a sudden ending. L pursuits after learning of her George’s mom stopped abruptly at [has obsolete variant with similar father’s serious illness. the door of his room when she saw pronunciation: obstruse] difficult his pet python on the floor. to comprehend or understand. acarology Mr. Thompson’s abstruse abscess calculations covered the accede blackboard. abscissa accelerate n absurdity v / abSsisE / / ikSselETrCt / L abundance L the horizontal coordinate of a point add to the speed of or quicken the in a plane Cartesian coordinate abysmal motion of. system obtained by measuring adj To qualify for the finals, the jogger parallel to the x-axis. / ESbizmEl / had to accelerate his pace. Bill was asked to mark the point on Gk > L > E the graph at which the abscissa is 4 having the characteristics of an accelerator and the ordinate is 7. abyss : bottomless. Ahmet jumped his motorcycle over accentuator abscond the abysmal gorge. acceptance abscondence abysmally accessible abseil acacia adj n n / ikSsesEbEl / / SBpTzIl / / ESkCshE / L G Gk > L capable of being reached or easily descent in mountaineering by any plant of the genus of woody approached. means of a rope looped over a plants of warm regions having Wilbur made sure his restaurant projection above. pinnate leaves and white or yellow was accessible to those in In her wilderness survival class, flower clusters. wheelchairs. Elisa learned how to perform an Giraffes have specialized teeth that abseil without losing control. help them comb leaves from the accession spiny branches of the acacia. n absence / ikSseshEn / academia L > F abstemious n the act of attaining or coming to adj / TakESdGmyE / high office or a position of honor or / abzStGmGEs / Gk > L power. L life and interests associated with a The best seller chronicled the sparing in eating and drinking. school especially of higher accession of the new prince. Evelyn is abstemious by nature and learning. never orders dessert. Robert prefers academia to the accessorial business world. abstention accidental n / EbzStenchEn / L withholding of a vote. Helga resented her senator’s abstention on the crime bill. Page 2 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently accipiter accordionist acescent n adj / akSsipEZE(r) / accreditation / ESsesFnt / L L any hawk of the genus Accipiter (as accrescent turning sour or tending to turn sour. the Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinned adj Natalie spit out the acescent milk. hawk, goshawk). / ESkresFnt / Calvin spotted an accipiter darting L acetate among the trees. growing continuously; specifically : growing larger after flowering. acetylene acclimatization After its flower had fallen away, the n n plant’s accrescent calyx became / ESseZFlDn / / ETklImEZDSzCshEn / noticeably larger. L + Gk + Gk L > F + Ecff a colorless gaseous hydrocarbon the process of adapting to a new accrual that is explosive when compressed temperature, altitude, environment, but safe if diluted with nitrogen or or situation. accrue acetone. The wild fern’s acclimatization to The welder ran out of acetylene Mrs. Bennett’s rock garden amazed accrued while cutting through the ship’s her. v hull. / ESkrVd / acclivity L > F > E achondrite n came by way of increase or n / ESklivEZG / addition. / CSkBnTdrIt / L Helen argued that many Gk an ascending slope (as of a hill). advantages have accrued to society a stony meteorite devoid of the The biker hoped that a downhill from the freedom of the press. granular structures known as stretch would soon follow what chondrules. seemed to be an endless acclivity. accumulate The claim that the achondrite v originated from the moon was accolade / ESkyVmyETlCt / based on compositional matches of n L lunar rocks obtained by the Apollo / SakETlCd / heap up in a mass : pile up. missions. L > F The weather forecaster said that as a bestowal of praise. much as two feet of snow might achromatism Martin received one accolade after accumulate overnight. another at the awards banquet. acicular accurate adj accommodable adj / ESsikyElEr / / SakyErDt / L + Ecf accommodate L like a needle in shape : slender and v correct, exact, precise. pointed. / ESkBmETdCt / The detective prided himself on Under the microscope, the crystals L making accurate reports of crime appear as single acicular provide with lodgings. scenes. structures. Leah begged the hotel clerk to accommodate her for just one more accusatory acknowledge night. acerbity acknowledging accomplice n n / ESsErbEZG / acme / ESkBmplDs / L n L > F > E acidity of temper or tone : / SakmG / one that participates with another in astringency or sharpness of Gk a crime either as principal or manner. the highest point or stage (as of accessory. Rosemary remarked with acerbity growth or development). The juvenile was convicted as an that her son’s chores hadn’t been Many of her fans think Barbra accomplice in the robbery. done in days. Streisand is at the acme of the music profession. Page 3 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently acolyte acre acrostic n n n / SakETlIt / / SCkE(r) / / ESkrOstik / Gk > L > F > E E Gk one who attends or assists : any of various units of land area. a composition usually in verse in follower. Miriam had to cross a 10-acre field which one or more sets of letters Not one acolyte remained after the to get to her favorite swimming when taken in order form a word, a cult leader’s fall from grace. hole. connected group of words, or the regular sequence of the letters of acorn acrid the alphabet. adj Mrs. Taylor was not at all pleased acoustician / SakrDd / with the acrostic her students made L using her name. acoustics unpleasantly sharp or strong to the n pl taste or to the smell. acrylic / ESkVstiks / The acrid sulfur fumes made Gk Gustavo’s eyes water. actinic the aggregate of qualities (as adj absence of echo or reverberation) acrimonious / akStinik / of an enclosure (as an auditorium) adj Gk > L + Ecf or other area that affects / TakrESmPnGEs / having photochemical properties or production, control, transmission, L > F effects. reception, and perception of sound. caustic, biting, or rancorous, The stars emit actinic rays as well As a result of the renovation, the especially in feeling, language, or as light and heat. acoustics of the concert hall have manner : bitter. improved dramatically. It was obvious that Marjorie’s actuary comments were acrimonious and n acquaintance complaining. / SakchETwerG / n L / ESkwCntFn(t)s / acrobat one trained in mathematics and F > E n statistics whose business it is to familiarity, experience. / SakrETbat / calculate insurance and annuity Ruth developed an acquaintance Gk > F premiums, reserves, and dividends. with Tibetan musical tradition. one who performs gymnastic feats An actuary uses such factors as age or exercises. and health status to determine a acquiesce Paul is developing the skills of a person’s life insurance premiums. first-rate acrobat. acquiescence acuate acronym adj acquittal n / SakyETwCt / n / SakrETnim / L / ESkwiZFl / Gk + Gk having a sharp point : shaped like a L + L > F a word formed from the initial needle : sharpened. [Note: The definition provided is letter or letters of each of the Cobb’s beagle was distinctive not the one most commonly successive parts or major parts of a because of its acuate tail. associated with this word.] release compound term. or discharge from debt or other The word radar is an acronym of aculeate liability. radio detection and ranging. adj Mr. Churchill was deeply involved / ESkyVlGDt / in the game and was too much acropolis L indebted to it for his acquittal. marked by incisiveness : stinging, pointed. No actor was spared in the reviewer’s aculeate criticisms. Page 4 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently acumen adenoidal adjunct n adj n / ESkyVmDn / / TadFnSOidFl / / SaTjEN(k)t / L Gk L acuteness of mind : keenness of typical or suggestive of one something joined or added to perception, discernment, or affected with abnormally enlarged another thing but not essentially a discrimination : shrewdness glands in the back of the throat. part of it. especially in practical matters. The critics panned the tenor, whose Exercise is an adjunct to a long Della’s business acumen helped voice was terribly adenoidal and and healthy life. her amass a fortune of over $50 breathy. million. adjuvant adequate acuminate admeasure adj adequation / ESkyVmEnDt / adminicle L adhere n tapering to a slender point : / adSminDkEl / pointed. adherence L Steve found one of his parakeet’s support, auxiliary. acuminate tail feathers on the floor. adherent Shelly enjoyed serving as an n adminicle of the local Girl Scout acupuncture / TadShirEnt / troop. L adactylous a believer in or advocate of a admiral particular thing, idea, or religion. n adage Julia has been an adherent of / Sadm(E)rEl / Buddhism since 1985. Ar > L adagio a naval officer of high rank. n adhesional Petty Officer Pritchard saluted the / ESdB(T)jP / admiral and continued to her post. (L + L > OProv) > It adiaphorism [Note: The definition provided is admire not the one most commonly adipose associated with this word.] a series admonitory of sustained and perfectly adjacency controlled dance movements adolescence displaying balance and grace. adjacent The wicked fairy performed a adj Adonis perfect adagio just before Sleeping / ESjCsFnt / n Beauty appeared. L / ESdBnDs / living nearby or sitting or standing Gk name adamantine relatively near or close together. an exceptionally handsome young adj Citizens of Centerville and its man. / TadESmanTtIn / adjacent communities banded Nearly all the eighth-grade girls Gk > L > E together to form a volunteer fire think that Leonardo is an Adonis. rigidly firm : unyielding. department. Debra’s adamantine chain of logic adsmith bedazzled her philosophy adjourn professor. adumbrate adjudicate v addlepated / SadEmTbrCt / L give a sketchy representation of : outline broadly, omitting details. There was time to only adumbrate the escape plan. advantageous Page 5 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently adverb Aeschylean affiliate adj v adversary / TeskESlGEn / / ESfilGTCt / Gk name L adverse of, relating to, or suggestive of the attach as a member or branch : Greek tragic poet Aeschylus. bring or receive into close advisory The Aeschylean chorus plays an connection. n important role in the plot of the The university assists in trying to / EdSvIz(E)rG / tragedy. affiliate local high schools. L > F a report giving information (as one affability affiliation issued by a weather bureau on the n n progress of a hurricane). / TafESbilEZG / / ETfilGSCshEn / The weather advisory warned small L L craft that winds would be in excess sociability. the state or relation of being of 34 knots today. Miss Smith was delighted with the attached as a member or branch. affability with which Miss Professor Bruner retired after a advocaat Woodhouse had treated her all the 30-year affiliation with Harvard evening. University. advocate n affable affinity / SadvETkDt / n L affectionate / ESfinEZG / one that argues for, defends, adj L maintains, or recommends a cause / ESfeksh(E)nDt / sympathy especially as marked by or proposal. L community of interest. Isabella was sure nobody ought to having warm regard : loving, fond. Marie felt an affinity with the new be, or could be, a greater advocate Tipper is the most affectionate chess prodigy, remembering how for matrimony than she. collie Susan had ever owned. she had followed Bobby Fischer’s early career many years before. aerial affianced v affirmative aerodynamic / ESfIEn(t)st / adj L > F > E afflatus / Ta(E)rP(T)dISnamik / solemnly promised (oneself or n Gk another) in marriage : betrothed. / ESflCZEs / of or relating to the science that The ruler of Austria affianced his L treats of the motion of air and other daughter to the king of France. a divine imparting of knowledge or gaseous fluids. power : inspiration. The aerodynamic design of race affidavit Most art students are familiar with cars helps them achieve great n Michelangelo’s painting on the speeds. / TafESdCvDt / ceiling of the Sistine Chapel L depicting the afflatus from God to aeronautics a sworn statement in writing made Adam. especially under oath or before an aerosol authorized officer. affluence n The police asked Heather to / Sa(E)rETsOl / prepare an affidavit regarding aforementioned Gk + L what she saw when she surprised a a suspension of ultramicroscopic burglar in her house. afterwale solid or liquid particles in air or gas. Volcanic eruptions propel hydrogen sulfide into the stratosphere, where it reacts with oxygen to form an aerosol that can persist for more than a year. Page 6 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently agape aggravate agreeable n v adj / BSgBTpC / / SagrDTvCt / / ESgrGEbEl / Gk L L > F spontaneous self-giving love make worse, more serious, or more pleasing to the mind or senses : to expressed freely without severe. one’s liking : pleasant. calculation of cost or gain to the Shane worried that a game of one- The famous ballplayer proved to be giver or merit on the part of the on-one would aggravate his ankle the most likable and agreeable man receiver. injury. that Billy had ever met. The question “What’s in it for me?” is unheard of in agape. aggregate agriology n agate / SagrDgDt / agronomy adj L n / SagDt / a body of units or parts somewhat / ESgrBnEmG / Gk > L > F loosely associated with one L + Gk of or resembling a fine-grained another. the branch of agriculture that deals chalcedony frequently mixed with The protesters straggled toward the with field crop production and soil opal and having various colors muddy park in a dispirited management. arranged in stripes or bands; aggregate as the organizers set up Vince earned a degree in agronomy especially : of the color of agate. tents and microphones. at the state university’s school of Rachel’s brown agate eyes are agriculture. extremely unusual and beautiful. aghast aikido agelicism agiotage ailanthus agenda agitated n adj / CSlan(t)thEs / agglomerate / SajETtCZDd / Amboinese n L a tree of a small genus of East / ESglBmErDt / troubled in mind : disturbed, Indian and Chinese trees with L excited. greenish flowers. [Note: Could be confused with The crowd became agitated when The ailanthus is fast growing and agglomerant.] a confused or the candidate failed to appear. its shallow, wide-spreading root jumbled mass, heap, or collection. system effectively anchors the soil. Helen’s favorite jeans are agnostic somewhere in the agglomerate of n aileron clothing on her bedroom floor. / agSnBstik / n Gk / SClETrBn / agglomeration one who maintains a continuing L > F doubt about the existence or a movable portion of an airplane agglutinate knowability of a god or any wing or a movable airfoil external ultimates. to the wing for imparting a rolling aggrandizement Raymond and Olive have been motion and thus providing lateral n happily married for ten years, even control. / ESgrandEzmEnt / though she is an agnostic and he An aileron is usually situated at the L > F never misses Sunday morning trailing edge of an airplane's wing the act, action, or result of making mass. near the wing tip. great or greater (as in power, honor, or wealth). agoraphobia airborne Because she was a commoner, Ruth was accused of marrying the prince agrarian for her own personal aggrandizement. Page 7 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently airedale albatross alcove n n n / Sa(a)(E)rTdCl / / SalbETtrOs / / SalTkPv / E geog name Ar? > Pg or Sp Ar > Sp > F a large terrier with a wiry black and any of a number of large web- a recessed part (as a breakfast tan coat. footed seabirds that are capable of nook) of a room. Shantha’s airedale is registered long-continued flight. Silvio found an alcove in the with the American Kennel Club. The wingspan of an albatross can library that was a perfect place for exceed ten feet. taking a nap. akimbo adj albedo aleatoric / ESkim(T)bP / n adj E / alSbG(T)dP / / TClGEStOrik / having the hands on the hips with L L the elbows projecting outward. reflective power. characterized by chance or random With her arms akimbo, Marion Arno researched the effects of soil elements. waited for Tim to explain himself. albedo on vegetation. By digitizing thunder and traffic noises, Georgia was able to akropodion albedometer compose aleatoric music. n n / TakrESpPdGEn / / TalbESdBmEZE(r) / aleatory Gk L + Gk the most prominent point on the a device for measuring the alegar back of the heel. reflection of light (as by snow). n After the hike, Eli had a nasty David used an albedometer to / SaligE(r) / blister on his left akropodion. measure the reflection of light by E + L > F the clouds. sour ale or vinegar made of ale. aktograph While studying in England as an albeit exchange student, Judith developed alabaster conj a taste for fried potatoes with salt adj / OlSbGDt / and alegar. / SalETbastE(r) / E Gk > L > F > E although. alfalfa of or resembling alabaster; Sonia had a simple, albeit n specifically : having a nearly white expensive, wedding. / alSfalfE / color and a light-diffusing surface. Ar > Sp Patsy’s alabaster skin gives her a albino an important European leguminous spectral appearance. forage plant. alchemy The farmer alternated his crops, alacrity n growing alfalfa one season and n / SalkEmG / corn the next. / ESlakrEZG / Gk > Ar > L > F L the medieval chemical science and alfresco cheerful readiness : eagerness. speculative philosophy whose aims adj Dr. Cameron’s students always were the transmutation of base / alSfre(T)skP / enter his class with alacrity and metals into gold. It depart with reluctance. The wizard’s apprentice was open-air. determined to learn enough Everyone looks forward to the alar alchemy to turn lead into gold. alfresco party that the Smiths hold every Derby Day. alary alcohol adj algorithm / SalErG / alcoholature L wing-shaped or fan-shaped. alcoholism There was an alary membrane on each side of the seed. Page 8 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently alibi allegiance alliance n n n / SalETbI / / ESlGjEn(t)s / / ESlIEn(t)s / L F > E L > F > E the plea of having been elsewhere the duty of fidelity owed by a union or connection especially at the time an act was committed. subject or citizen to his sovereign between families, states, parties, or To support his alibi, Jake showed or government. individuals. his lawyer a video made during his The new citizens pledged The alliance between the two Hawaii trip. allegiance to their adopted country. nations has been strong for nearly 50 years. alien allegory adj n alligator / SClGEn / / SalDTgPrG / n L Gk / SalDTgCZE(r) / different in nature or character : far a story in which people, things, and L > Sp removed. happenings have a hidden or a reptile having a head not tapering Nguyen’s response to his mother’s symbolic meaning. to the snout and being in general question had results entirely alien Gail disliked the moralistic tone of much more sluggish than the from what he intended. the allegory. typical crocodiles. Jason’s favorite sight at the fair alienation allegro was a woman wrestling an n alligator. aliferous / ESle(T)grP / It > L allision alimentary ballet steps performed in a lively, adj fast tempo. alliteration / TalESmentErG / After the allegro, Madame n L Delacroix instructed the dancers to / ETliZESrCshEn / [Note: Could be confused with cool down slowly. L + Ecf elementary.] of, concerned with, or the repetition usually initially of a relating to nourishment or to the allemande sound that is usually a consonant in function of nutrition. v two or more neighboring words or Pasta is sometimes called an / SalETmand / syllables (as in “daring deed”). “alimentary paste.” Gmc > L > F Poor writers rely on alliteration aliquot perform a step with arms when lacking ideas. interlaced. alkali The caller told the square dancers allocate to allemande left and swing their v allargando partners. / SalETkCt / adv L / TBTlBrSgBn(T)dP / allergy set apart and earmark or designate. L n Leon hoped the committee would in a manner becoming gradually / SalE(r)jG / allocate funds for the new broader with the same or greater Gk > G playground. volume. exaggerated or pathological David’s piano teacher indicated reaction (as by sneezing, itching, or allocation that the piece was to be played skin rashes) to substances, n allargando. situations, or physical states that / alESkCshEn / are without comparable effect on L allayment the average individual. the act of apportioning. Because of her allergy, Mrs. Griffin The allocation of powers in the allege discouraged her students from United States Constitution is v bringing in any furry pets for show- clearly defined. / ESlej / and-tell. L alluded assert, affirm, state without proof or before proving. Residents of the area allege that the lake water has curative properties. Page 9 of 349 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Frequently alluviation alopecia altiplano n n n / ETlVvGSCshEn / / TalESpGsh(G)E / / TaltDSplB(T)nP / L Gk L > Sp the process that results in deposits loss of hair, wool, or feathers : a high plateau or plain : tableland. of clay, silt, sand, or gravel at baldness. A cold northerly wind over the places in rivers or estuaries where Prescription drugs such as altiplano heralded the arrival of stream velocity is decreased. minoxidil have had limited success winter. The effects of alluviation can be in treating alopecia. seen along the banks of a large altitude river. alpaca n n / SaltETtVd / almond / alSpakE / L > E n Aymara > Sp position at a height. / SB(l)mEnd / an animal like a llama with fine When the plane suddenly lost Gk > L > F > E long woolly hair and domesticated altitude, the pilot told the the fruit of a small tree; especially : in Peru and adjacent countries. passengers to fasten their seat the nutlike stone or kernel of this The petting zoo featured four goats, belts. tree. an alpaca, a pony, and three lambs. The almond is a nut that is easy to altogether crack. alpenglow adv n / TOltESgeLE(r) / almoner / SalpEnTglP / E n G + E wholly, completely, thoroughly. / SalmEnE(r) / a reddish glow or sometimes the The suffragettes argued that it was L > F > E entire series of light phenomena altogether fit and proper that one who distributes charitable gifts, seen near sunset or sunrise on the women have the right to vote. often for another. summits of mountains. In his role as the king’s almoner, Jocelyn and Ruth enjoyed the rich altruism Jared tossed a few pennies to the alpenglow from the balcony of their audience. cabin. altruistically alnico alphabet alveolate n adj / SalnDTkP / altazimuth / alSvGElDt / L + G > Sw + G n L + Ecf a powerful permanent-magnet alloy / alStazEmEth / pitted like a honeycomb. containing iron, nickel, aluminum, L + Ar > L The porous sandstone had an and one or more of the elements an instrument consisting of a alveolate surface. cobalt, copper, and titanium. telescope mounted so that it can Mr. Arkin’s factory makes swing horizontally and vertically. amadelphous industrial magnets from alnico. Josh saw an antique altazimuth in the maritime museum. amalgam aloof n adj altercation / ESmalgEm / / ESlVf / n Ar? > L > F E + D? > F > E / TOltE(r)SkCshEn / an alloy of mercury with another removed or distant either physically L metal. or spiritually and usually by choice dispute carried on with feeling (as Because mercury will form an and with indifference to the anger). amalgam with most other metals, it feelings, opinions, or interests of Police broke up a minor altercation can be used to extract them from others. between two street vendors. ore. Greg’s aloof personality discouraged his gregarious colleagues. Page 10 of 349

abhorrence abidance n. / ESbIdFn(t)s /. E compliance. Abidance with the golden rule helps one have a happy life. ability abiogenist abjuration ablution.
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