Consistent description of UCN transport properties S. Wlokkaa,∗, P. Fierlingerb, A. Freia, P. Geltenbortc, S. Paulb, T. P¨oschlb, F. Schmidb,1, W. Schreyerb, D. Steffenb aHeinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum, Technical University of Munich, Lichtenbergstr. 1, D-85748 Garching bPhysics Department E18 and Universe-Cluster, Technical University of Munich, James-Franck-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching cInstitut Laue-Langevin, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France 7 1 Abstract 0 2 WehaveinvestigatedthediffusereflectionprobabilitiesofReplicaguidesforultra-coldneutrons(UCN)using n the so-called helium method. For the first time we could establish a consistent description of the diffuse a reflection mechanism for different lengths of the guide system. The transmission of the guides is measured J depending on the helium pressure inside of the guides. A series of simulations was done to reproduce the 5 experimental data. These simulations showed that a diffuse reflection probability of d = (3.0±0.5)·10−2 2 sufficiently describes the experimental data. ] t Keywords: ultra-cold neutrons, neutron guides, helium method e d - s 1. Introduction of(0.990±0.006) m−1 [11]. Theseguidesaremade n of a Ni-V alloy and are produced by the so-called i s. Ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) [1, 2] are neutrons, “Replika”-technique [12, 13]. In the course of the c which are reflected from a material surface under described experiment we further investigated the i all angles of incident due to the Fermi potential s transmission properties focussing on the diffuse re- y [3] of the material. Typically they have energies flectivity applying the helium method. h lowerthan300neV,whichcorrespondstovelocities p smallerthan8m/s. UCNcanbestoredinmaterial [ 2. The Helium Method ormagneticbottlesforlongtimes(severalhundreds 1 of seconds). Thus one can determine fundamental Beginning with the stationary diffusion equation v properties of the neutron itself such as its lifetime 1 [4] or its electric dipole moment (EDM) [5]. d2n n 3 = , (1) 4 Currentlynewsourcesforultra-coldneutronsare dz2 L2 D 7 being built. [6–10]. Efficient transport of ultra- 0 cold neutrons requires guides with a high fermi- nbeingtheneutrondensityalongthelengthofthe 1. potential, low absorption and a low diffuse reflec- guideaxisz, onecandeductasolutionfortheneu- 0 tion probability. The latter describes the prob- tron flux J at a given position L within the guide 7 ability for UCN to be reflected non-specularly. [14, 15]. 1 This essentially allows backscattering of the UCN : J(0) v and strongly increases the loss probability. In J(L)= . (2) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) i order to ensure the delivery of a high amount cosh L +γsinh L X LD LD of UCN to the experiments at the Forschungs- r √ a NeutronenquelleHeinzMaier-Leibnitz(FRMII)we Here, L = Dτ denotes the diffusion length D developed UCN guides with relative transmissions with the diffusion constant D and the effective life- time of the neutron in the guide system τ and γ = (L v¯)/(4D) with the mean neutron velocity D ∗Correspondingauthor;Tel.: +498928913739 v¯. Email address: [email protected](S.Wlokka) 1Presentaddress: Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rQuantenoptik, Diffuse reflections in the guide system decrease Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1,D-85748Garching the diffusion constant D and thus the diffusion Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 27, 2017 Figure1: (Coloronline)Experimentalsetupusedfortheheliummethod. UCNenterfromtheleft. Ashutterisusedtoopen andclosetheReplikavolumeforUCN.Afterpassingthroughaspectrumshaper[16]theneutronsentertheReplikavolume, whichisenclosedbyAluminiumfoilsonbothends. ACascadeDetector[17]isusedfortheUCNdetection. length L effectively reducing the transmission of 3. Experimental Setup D the guides. There is still some debate about the physicsbehindthediffusereflectionmechanismsfor UCN [18, 19]. In our analysis we will employ the Figure 1 shows the experimental setup of the ex- Lambert model where the neutrons have a cosine periment. UCN from the PF2/TES beamline [12] distributionaboutthenormalvectorofthescatter- at the Institute Laue-Langevin enter the experi- ing surface. ment from the left. A shutter at entrance of the beam tube controls the flux into the experiment. UCN then pass a stainless steel spectrum shaper, Measurements of the diffuse reflectivity usually which cuts off most neutrons above ∼ 190neV employ a slit and collimator system, which reduces [16]. Downstream the neutrons enter the Replika the angles accepted by the guide system to a nar- guide volume, which is enclosed on both sides by row band of a few degrees. [20] In our case adding aluminum (AlMg3) windows with a thickness of helium to the system decreases the lifetime of the 100µm. After the UCN passed the second win- neutrons in the guide. Since the helium atoms are dowtheyareguidedtoastandardUCNdetectorof muchfaster(v ∼1260m/s)thantheUCN,any RMS theCASCADEtype[17]. Thedetectorsignalswere interactionoftheneutronswiththegasatomslead amplifiedwithaCAEN968Amplifierandanalysed to an upscattering of the UCN and thus to the loss in the PC by a MCA 3A. of it. As a higher probability for diffuse reflection The volume between the two aluminum win- increases the path length a neutron has to take dows could be filled with helium with a purity of through the guide system, the loss probability in 99.996%. Before the helium was put into our sys- the helium gas is also increased. tem it was flushed through a liquid nitrogen bath toeliminatepossiblecontaminants(suchaswater). Generally one could follow the suggestion of [15] The length of Replika section was varied be- andmeasuretheheliumpressureneededtodecrease tween 1 − 3m. Every experimental cycle began theUCNcountrateto1/ewithrespecttovacuum. with a transmission measurement under vacuum However,inoursetup(cf. Section3)theUCNspec- conditions. Afterwards, helium was filled into the trumdiffersseverelyfromthespectrumassumedin Replika volume up to pressures ranging between [15] both in the energy aswell as in the momentum 10−500mbar. The count rate at the detector for distribution. Therefore we do not use Eq. 2 to different pressures values were normalized to the extract the diffuse reflectivity but we rely on simu- countrateatzeropressureaftercorrectingthedata lations, which will be described in Section 5. for the time-varying reactor power. 2 4. Results Our measurements show that the UCN sample detected at the exit consists of two different pop- Figure2showstheresultsofourexperimentsfor ulations. One population has undergone a large threedifferentlengthsofReplikaguides. Allvalues number of surface reflections, which leads to an are normalized to the respective measurements at increased path length and thus high loss rates in vacuum conditions. With increasing pressure the He already at low pressures. The other popula- transmission decreases owing to an increased in- tion is characterized by a direct path through the teraction probability of UCN and helium. As ex- guidesystem. Thisbehaviourisvisibleforallthree pected, the transmission decreases for the longer lengthsbetween100−150mbar,however,itismore guides. prominent for the longest guide length since the Consideringthecaseofnodiffusereflectivityand probability for zero diffuse scattering events is re- a gaussian UCN energy distribution, one would ex- duced. pect the data to follow an exponential distribution Using the mean energy from our simulations, I =e−nHe(σsc+σabs)L¯ (3) one can calculate the mean path lenghts from the I 0 double exponential fit. The results are summa- withtheheliumatomdensitynHe,thetotalscat- rized in table 1. The short characteristic path teringcross-sectionσsc,theabsorptioncross-section lengths L1 agree with the mean path length ob- σabs and the mean path length L¯. The mean UCN tainedfromoursimulationsassumingnodiffusere- energy can be extracted from our simulation to be flectivity (1.27m/m). The longer path length L 1 E¯UCN =185neV (v¯=5.95m/s). for the short Replika piece is due to a change in Fromfig. 3onecanseethattheheliumcurvesin the momentum spectrum shortly after leaving the fact do not have a true exponential form indicated spectrum shaper. The lengths L , corresponding 2 by the red line. The blue line shows two separate toUCNscatteredawayfromtheforwarddirection, exponentials. Forlowdiffuselyreflectingguidesone are an order of magnitude longer than L . The 1 would expect the UCN to undergo very few diffuse weighted mean L¯ (using the factors from the ex- scattering events. Considering a binomial distribu- ponential fit as weights) does correspond well with tionofthediffusescatteringeventsonecanestimate themeanpathlengthextractedfromoursimulation thattherearelessthanfivediffusescatteringevents with diffuse reflection (2.22m). through the tested guides given a diffuse reflection probability of 2%. 1.0 1 0.9 0.9 nt rate0.8 nt rate0.8 u u o o e c0.7 e c0.7 v 1m v elati0.6 elati R R 0.6 0.5 2m 0.4 3m 0.5 0.3 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Pressure [mbar] Pressure [mbar] Figure2: (Coloronline)Normalizedcountratesfordifferent Figure 3: (Color online) Normalized UCN count rate for pressuresusingReplikaguidelengthsbetween1−3m. The L =2masfunctionoftheHepressureinlogarithmic Replika errorbarsarestatisticaluncertaintiesplusuncertaintiesfrom scale. Thesolidlinerepresentsafitusingtwoexponentials. areactorpowercorrection. Allcountratesareshownrelative Forcomparisonwealsoshowthebestsingleexponentialfit tothevacuumcountrate. inadashedline. 3 Table1: CalculatedvaluesforthemeanpathlengthsofUCN. Guide length L [m/m] L [m/m] L¯[m/m] 1 2 1m 1.47±0.04 35.60±13.49 2.66±0.53 2m 1.22±0.03 11.46±1.29 2.33±0.17 3m 1.28±0.01 23.43±2.65 3.30±0.26 5. Simulation 1.0 In order to extract values for the diffuse reflec- tivity of the Replika guides, a GEANT4 [21] sim- 0.9 Simulation ulation was used. This simulation incorporated all e Experiment parts of the experimental setup. The simulated ve- nt rat0.8 Two-exp Fit locity spectrum had a gaussian shape with a peak cou 1m at10m/sandaspreadof5m/sroughlycorrespond- ve 0.7 ingtothesituationatthePF2/TESbeamline[22]. elati R0.6 The velocity vectors were generated following a co- 2m sine distribution around the guide axis. The sim- 0.5 ulation incorporated the TES beam aluminum exit 3m window as well as our shaper. 0.4 Thefollowingexpressionwasusedtodescribethe 0 100 200 300 400 500 interaction cross section between UCN and the he- Pressure [mbar] lium gas [23]: Figure4: (Coloronline)Simulated(squares)andexperimen- (cid:114) k T 4m M tal (triangle) data. The experimental data are shown with σ (E )=2σ B × n . (4) up UCN 0 AπEUCN (M +mn)2 tahreerreelsapteivcteivtoedthoeubcoleunextproanteesntwiaitlhfintso(hdealsiuhmedilninteh)e. sCimouunlats- Here, σ is the thermal scattering cross-section tion. 0 (1.34barn in the case of helium), A = 4 is the massratioofheliumatomsandaneutrons,mn and Fig. 4showsthesimulationtogetherwiththeex- M are the masses of neutrons and helium atoms perimentaldata. ThediffusereflectivityoftheRep- respectively and EUCN is the energy of the UCN. likapiecesinthesimulationwassettod=3.0·10−2. AnyinteractionofaUCNwithaheliumatomleads Simulated and experimental data match well. We to the UCN being upscattered to thermal energies. define an error number (cid:15)2 number in the following Thus,inthesimulation,theUCN,whichinteracted way with the helium were removed from the ensemble. To describe diffuse scattering of the neutrons on (y −y )2 thewalls,weusedamodifiedLambertianreflection (cid:15)2 = dat sim (5) σ2 +σ2 mechanism, where the neutrons are scattered with dat sim a cosine law around the axis of specular reflection withtherelativecountsfortherealdataandsim- instead of an axis normal to the surface. ulation (y , y ) and their respective errors. We dat sim Inthesimulationswealsoassumedthealuminum receivea(cid:15)2/DOF-valuesof0.91. Byvaryingthedif- foils to be covered by a layer of Fombline oil due fuse reflectivity in the simulation we determine the to a contamination of the facility by previous ex- uncertainty of the value for the diffuse reflectivity periments, which in turn alters the Fermi potential to be σ =0.5·10−2. d of the foils (i.e. V = 106neV, V = 54neV). Themeasurementsaredescribedconsistentlyand Fom Al Thus, the energy spectrum of UCN at the entrance our model could be applied to different lengths of of the Replika volume is significantly altered, es- a given guide material with a unique set of param- pecially their angular distribution, which is much eters in the simulation. We thus conclude that the more forward peaked than for pure aluminum and modified Lambert model is the correct description consequently enhances the relative transmission. for diffuse scattering on very smooth surfaces. 4 6. Conclusions [7] B. Lauss, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 312, 052005(2011). 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