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Considerations on the provisional treaty with America [microform] : and the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain PDF

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Preview Considerations on the provisional treaty with America [microform] : and the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain

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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthoda. by errata nad to 1 2 3 lent une pelure, fa9on A 2 3 1 4 5 6 32X ^«»-- CONSIDERATIONS ON THE PROVISIONAL TREATY WITH AMERICA, AND THE PRELIxMINARY ARTICLES OP PEA C E WITH FRANCE AND SPAIN. LONDON; PRINTED FOR T. CADELL, IN THE STRARD. M.DCC.LXXXIII. \ J TAvTHai8M0r^ fS f «. > n t « jt la/10 Yo;i <•-»': Hf* • 3JI 1 R I i W T t I w^ A *> 'I a t: V. IIV ft ,' /I A H ». .' t vJl 3>I1 >> A a ri i iy w t o a-D A'H ff --'t «Ml »JJVJ O ri J. 'x ^ar; ^w t , 1 '^ ,T fi >t'I 1 ' I I liz: :j7 : CONSIDERATIO> NS, * I u r» WHO ever hath made any obferva-* >{^ ^. tions on the ftate of the world, cannot avoid beino; fenlible of the various and difcordant opinions which are formed concerning almofl: every fubjedl that comes under human confideration. This diverfity of fentiment does not extend only to the i^eculative and abflrufe mat- "^ ters of enquiry chat engage the attention J5 ofthe philofopher and the metaphyfician, but to thofe pradical queftions which, it might be imagined, would eafily be de- termined by the plain did:ates of com- mon fenfe and general experience. So different are the views in which the fame (t't things prefent themfelves to different B mmds, ' ' ' 2 ] I minds, that there Is nothing in the ordi- nary courfe of life, nothing with regard to agricuhure, and manufadlures, com- merce and politics, but what has been debated, and will continue to be debated, by men of the heft under/landings and the moft upright difpofitions. Such being the nature ofman, there is the lefs reafon to be furprifed at the op- J pofite opinions that are entertained con- i cerning the Provifional Treaty with ( America, and the Preliminary Articles < with France and Spain : ar.'d yet when we reflect on the fatal condition to which the nation was reduced, and on the con- vid:ion that prevailed of the neceflity of being extricated from it, almoft at any rate, it might have been hoped that the terms on which Peace has been obtained, would have excited far lefs dilTatisfadion than they appear to have done. That thofe who reaped benefit from the pro- iecution of the war, (liould be averfe to 3 ' its [ 3 ] its difcontinuance, mrght naturally be expe^^ed. Neither can it be deemed flrange that the violent advocates for the impolitic and deRrudtive meafures fo long purfued, (hould be difplcafed with an event fo contrary to their views and their /"3 wifhes. But that thofe who execrated the American War, who, at lead, thought it the height of infatuation, and who, perhaps, regarded it as founded on in- j.uftice ; that fuch men (liould now be the iiril to condemn the peace, and even ar- dent to plunge the nation into confufion on account of it, can only be imputed to I a moft rapia and unaccountable change of fentiments, or to motives far lefs honourable and praife-worthy. It does notrequire many arguments to prove, that the happieft circumftance which could pofTibly take place for t!ie general interefts of mankind, would be for the nations of the earth to fubfift to- gether in a mutual agreement. Peace is B 2 the

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