City of Watertown Request for Action Watertown Planning Commission July 28, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for PC DATE: 7.28.2016 Cellular Antenna Located at 700 Lewis Avenue N. Request for Action: Consideration of Conditional Use Permit Amendment CC Date: N/A Department: Planning REQUEST: Chapter 61, Article III, Alternative Energy Systems and Structures, consideration to amend the ordinance to establish standards and provision for large scale solar energy systems. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Chapter 60 -Wireless Communications Towers and Antenna (See Chapter 60) BACKGROUND: The City has received an application to replace several antennas on the existing wireless communications tower located at 700 Lewis Avenue N. The City initially issued a conditional use permit to allow the wireless communications tower in 2006. The resolution approving the initial application does not specifically provide for replacement of any equipment on the tower. The proposed replacement antennas are larger than the existing antennae’s and historically, the City has required similar towers to amend the CUP. The amendment would clarify that any future replacement of existing equipment could be approved administratively rather than through the amendment process. There are three existing antennas that are proposed to be replaced on the tower. The existing antennas are at an elevation of 165 feet. There are currently six (6) antennas at this height. The existing antennas are approximately 6 feet by 8 inches. The proposed replacement antennas would be approximately 6.5 feet by 12 inches. There are no proposed changes to the ground equipment or cabling on the tower. The applicant has provided the City with a structural analysis done by a third party engineer which confirms that the tower can accommodate the proposed new antennas. SUMMARY: Staff is seeking the direction of the Planning Commission relating to the request for an amendment to the conditional use permit. Should the Planning Commission consider recommending approval, the following conditions should be considered: 1. The proposed conditional use permit amendment meets all applicable conditions, criteria and restrictions stated in the City of Watertown Ordinance. 2. All conditions of the original conditional use permit shall remain. The Conditional Use Permit Amendment shall include the following additional conditions: a. The conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually by the City. b. The antennas shall be installed in accordance with the approved plans and tower elevations. c. The City can administratively approve any replacement of existing antennas. Any expansion or increase to the size of the existing ground equipment, buildings or number of antenna will be subject to the City’s review and an amendment to the conditional use permit. 3. The Applicant shall pay for all costs associated with the City’s review of the conditional use permit amendment. ATTACHEMENTS: 1. Application 2. Original CUP 3. Antenna Replacement Plans 4. Structural Engineers Letter In the matter of T Mobile USA Owner: City of Watertown Applicant: T Mobile USA Steve Edwards Street Address: 700 Lewis Avenue N PID: 85-0750140 Legal Description: Purpose: T Mobile USA has received Conditional Use Approval to construct cellular communications antenna and accessory equipment cabinents at an existing tower at the above referenced property. The antenna will be placed at 160 feet above grade Zoning District: I-1 The above-entitled matter was heard before the Planning Commission on February 16, 2006 and up for final action before the Watertown City Council on February 28, 2006. The Watertown City Council ordered that the Conditional Use Permit be granted. Furthermore with the following conditions: 1. A signed lease agreement between the Global Signal and T-Mobile, with appropriate proceeds coming back to the City of Watertown. 2. Staff comments outlined in Staff report to City Council dated February 23, 2006. 3. With the exception of necessary electric and telephone service and connection lines approved by the issuing authority on part of any antenna or tower, no lines, cable, equipment or wires or braces in connection with either shall at any time extend across or over any part of the right-of-way of a public street or highway, sidewalk, or property line. 4. Any antenna design shall be such that the antenna will withstand high velocity wind and seasonal storms. The antenna shall be maintained by the applicant so as to assure that it remains upright. 5. Applicant must obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval or provide documentation that FAA approval is not needed. 6. Applicant must obtain Federal Communication Commission (FCC) licensure and approval as required for various communications applications. Applicant shall follow FCC regulations regarding the correction and/or prevention of any radio frequency interference problems. 7. The antennae shall be designed to blend into the surrounding environment through the use of a natural color, except in instances where the color is dictated by federal or state authorities such as the FAA. 8. The proposed equipment shall be designed to blend into the surrounding environment, identical to the equipment provided by the original tenants, Qwest. 9. No advertising or identification of any kind intended to be visible from the ground or other structures is permitted, except applicable warning and equipment information signage required by the manufacturer or by federal, state, or local authorities. 10. Applicant must submit proof of liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance. All communication towers, their antennae and associated equipment shall be adequately insured for injury or property damage caused by structural failure of the tower or associated equipment. State of Minnesota Carver County I, Jeremy Barnhart, Community Development Director for the City of Watertown, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing with the original record thereof, and have found the same to be correct and true summary thereof. Dated: February 28, 2006 Watertown Community Development Director This Instrument Drafted by: City of Watertown Watertown, MN 55388 DocuSign Envelope ID: 621EA822-5300-47B6-940C-E51E7ACBFB2A PROJECT: T-MOBILE T • -Mobile T • -Mobile L700 PROJECT T-MOB1LE 12920 SE 38TH STBEET BELLEVUE. WA 98006 T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: A1P0931B CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT INFORMATION T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: A1P0931B ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED AND MATERIALS INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLUWING CODES APPLICATION ID: 344132 BU #: 878537 AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING JDEJOB NUMBER: 375375 EXPANSION/ TO THESE CODES: CODE TYPE CODE CROWN CASTLE SITE NAME/BU NUMBER: JURISDICTION: CITY OF WATERTCWN WATERTOWN/ QWES BUILDING 2015 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE EXPANSION/ WATERTOWN/ MECHANICAL 2015 &DNNESOTA BUILDING CODE CONTACTS: JEFFREY IWASZKCW1EC- PROJECT MANAGER 700 LEWIS AV N ELECTRICAL MINNESOTA ELECTMCAL CODE/2014 NEC (763) 852-0597 WATERTOWN, MN 55388 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: QWES/878537 MATT SCHWAB - CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (715) 781-8172 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: PAUL J. FORD & COMPANY EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE DATED MAY 09, 2016 CUSTOMER BLAIR RANSOM MOUNT ANALYSIS: BY OTHERS SITE LOCATION: CONTACT: [email protected] 700 LEWIS AV N A&E PROJECT KEITH HAHN WATERTOWN, MN 55388 ?\NAGER: [email protected] ANALYSIS CRITERIA: (314) 372-2836 APPLICABLE CODES: TIA-222-G-4 / ASCE 7-10 ALL DRAWINGS CONTAINED HEREIN WIND SPEED: V = 115 MPH (ULTIMATE 3 SECOND GUST) A&E FIKM: CROWN CASTLE ARE FOK^IATTED FOR 11X17. CONTRACTOR EXPOSURE CATEGORY: cV = 89 MPH (NOAQNAL 3 SBCOND GUST) EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE 3C8A0N SOONUSTBHUPROGI,N PTAE 1B5L3V17D. SUITE 400 SDFISTMHEEA ANLNSLDI OV SNEHMSA AFLYNL DAIM LCMLO ENPDUDINIATSTI EOALNNYSD NO EONXT TTIFSHYnG NTJGHOEB RISK CATEGORY: D ANDREW FANDOZZI, P.E., C.P.E. ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES TOPROAGDRIAALP HICIKC TCHAITCEKGNOERSYS:: 31/4" CROWNAE.APPROVAL@CROW'NCASTLE.COM BEFORE PRROECSEPEODNINSIGB LWET FTOHR T SHAEM WRORK OR BE CREST HEIGHT: 0 SEIS&DC RESPONKS»E=: 1N.0A ELECTRIC PROVIDER: XCEL - NORTHERN STATES POWER CO ISSUED FOR: 800-895-4999 REV DATE DR\VN DESCJUPTION DES./QA TELCO PROVIDER: QWEST A 05/17/16 JAS PAELLMUNARY cm 800-954-1211 0 05/25/16 JAS CONSTRUCTION CTR OCCUPANCY TYPE: UNMANNED A.D.A. COMPUANCE: FACIUTy IS UNMANNED ;VND NOT FOR HUMAN ^ DRAWING INDEX ^ HABITATION CROWN SHEET # SHEET DESCRIPTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION MAP CASTLE T-l TITLE SHEET THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT IS TO PROPOSE AN ANTENNA MODIFICATION C-l OVERALL AND ENLARGED SITE PLAN ON AN EXISTING WIRELESS SITE. C-2 TOWER ELEVATION & ANTENNA ORIENTATION • REMOVE (3) EMS WIRELESS RR90-18-OODP ANTENNAS C-3 ANTENNA & TMA SCHEDULE, DETAILS • INSTALL (3) ANDREW LNX-6514DS-A1M ANTENNAS C-4 ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS Is pheecriefibcya tcieornt,i foyr trheapto rtht iws apslan, C-5 RFDS prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly C-6 CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM Licensed Professional Engineer G-l GROUNDING DETAILS under the laws of the State of hBt..v.iy/5SW ftt^rrt'^-UW 0 G-2 GROUNDING DETAILS Minnesota. *u;»soa. GN-1 GENERAL NOTES Print Na^WD§fflJ^DOZZI, P.E., C.P.E. S1.UU47 GN-2 GENERAL NOTES iD™§4:-03 PM ET| License #: 52346 /' < ~^ ^~ rr is A ^OLATION OF UW FOR ANY PERSON, CALL MINNESOTA ONE CALL UNLESS THEY ARE ACTING UNDER T! IE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, •CROWN MAP/PARCEL #: 85-004-03-00 LATITUDE: 44° 58' 13.81" NO SCA1-E (800)252-1166 TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. r^-',',ACPAPSRTOLVEED_ LONGITUDE: -93° 50' 28.85" CALL 3 WORKING DAYS SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: &y: Ke;t" hahn BEFORE YOU DIG! T-l o ^ ^ City of Watertown Received Date: ___M_a__y_ 2_7_,_ 2__0_1_6__ DocuSign Envelope ID: 621EA822-5300-47B6-940C-E51E7ACBFB2A T • -Mobile (E) 195'-0" MONOPOLE (E) T-MOBILE FEEDLINES (12) ANDRCT/ LDF7-50A (1-5/8") (E) T-MOBILE ICE BRIDGE T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: A1P0931B BU #: 878537 EXPANSION/ (E) WOOD FENCE WATERTOWN/ QWES (E) 195'-0" MONOPOLE 700 LEWIS AV N WATERTOWN, MN 55388 \ =L EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE /~(E) T-MOi LE BBU CABINET ALL DRAWINGS CONTAINED HEREIN (E) T-MOBILE ARE FORMATTED FOR 11X17. CONTRACTOR 7'-1"x12'-2" SHALL VERITY ALL PUNS AND EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THEJOB PLATFORM SFTE AND SHALL BaDsDUTELYNOTIFY THE ^ ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY D1SCRHPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR S.UIIL ISSUED FOR: REV DATE DRWN DESCJUFTION DES./QA A 05/17/16 JAS PRELL\UNA&y CYR r [E) T-MOE LE BTS CABINET 0 05/25/16 JAS CONSTRUCTION cm CROWN CASTLE (I ) T-MOBILE 7 -1"x12'-2" PLATFORM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was (E) UTILITT FRAME prepared by me or under my direct (TYP) supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name:ANDREW FANDOZZI, P.E., C.P.E. •DocuSigned by: Signature:. ^r^^-r Da^/7^r7^WaefDBfsW-m PM E License #: 52346 FT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS THEY ASE. ACFING UNDER THE DmECTION OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCU1IENT. OVERALL SITE PLAN ENLARGED SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: C-l 0 SCALE: w//^yE/g%//%/%AS% %_%v'Syi^%///y ii/8"=r-o" SCALE: ^^r/^^r/^^^^^^^^^ 1/4"= r-o" o'r 5' 10' 20" o' r 5' io' DocuSign Envelope ID: 621EA822-5300-47B6-940C-E51E7ACBFB2A STRUCTURE W/ APPURTENANCE ^- ELEV. ° 19B'-0" A -^ ANTENNA TO BE REMOVED T • -Mobile HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE -^ ELEV. = 195'-0" ^ EXISTING ANTENNAS (3A TSO WTAILR,E 1L PEESRS S- ERCRT9O0-R1)8-OODP ELEV. = 192^'-y- (E) SECTOR MOUNT TO REMAIN (3 TOTAL) EXISTING ANTENNAS ^- ELEV. = 180' (E) AMPLIFIER TO REMAIN REMEC - GSM PCS 1900 MSTHD AMP (6 TOTAL, ALPHA AND GAMMA SEC.) T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTEN•NiWASS_ A1P0931B T=y- ELEV. - 165'-0' PROPOSED: (ALPHA) BU #: 878537 (3) ANTENNAS 80- AZIMUTH MOUNTED TO EXISTING MOUNTS EXPANSION/ WATERTOWN/ QWES (E) ANTENNA TO REMAIN EMS WIRELESS - RR90-18-OODP (3 TOTAL, 1 PER SECTOR) 700 LEWIS AV N WATERTOWN, MN 55388 m EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE INSTALLER NOTE: (E) 195'-0" MONOPOLE DIRECT TOWER MOUNTED EQUIPMENT MUST NOT TFiAP OR INTERFERE W/ EXISTING SAFCTY CLIMB. (E) AMPLIFIER TO REMAIN ANDREW - E15S08P78 ALL DRAWINGS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE FORMATTED FOR 11X17. CONTRACTOR (2 TOTAL, BETA SEC.) SHALL VERIFY ALL PUNS AND EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB EXISTING ANTENNA LAYOUT SITE AND SHALL KEMED1ATELY NOTIFY' 'I'HE (E) 195'-0" MONOPOLE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WTJ'H THE WORK OR BE SCALE: N.T.S RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. /' ISSUED FOR: ^ KEV DATE DRWN DESCRIPTION DES./QA (E) FEEDLINES A 05/17/16 JAS PRELUUNARY cm (12) ANDRCT LDF7-50 (1-5/B-) 0 05/25/16 JA5 CONSTRUCTION CTR PROPOSED ANTD<NA ^J ^ ANDREW - LNX-8515DS-A1M (3 TOTAL. 1 PER SECTOR) oc CROWN (E) SECTOR MOUNT (3 TOTAL) ^ CASTLE (E) AMPLIFIER REMEC - GSM PCS 1900 MSTHD AMP I hereby certify that this plan, (6 TOTAL, ALPHA AND GAMMA SEC.) specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly (ALPHA) Licensed Professional Engineer 80- AZIMUTH under the laws of the State of Minnesota. (E) ANTENNA Print Name:ANDREW FANDOZZI, P.E., C.P.E. EMS WIRELESS - RR90-1B-OODP 'DocuSigned by: (3 TOTAL, 1 PER SECTOR) ^r--^r Da^/^f^mW^^W-m PM E (E) AMPURER A-2 ANDREW - E15S08P78 (2 TOTAL, BETA SEC.) License #: 52346 (E) 195'-0" MONOPOLE IT IS A VIOLATION OF LA\V FOR ANY PERSON, T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT B-1 UNLOEFSS A T LHICEEYN .'WSEED A PCRTOINFEGS USNIODNEARL T EHNEG DINIREEECRT,ION TO ALTER THIS DOCUMENT. ANTENNA CL: 165'-0' FINAL TOWER ELEVATION MOUNT CL 163'-0" PROPOSED ANTENNA LAYOUT SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: SCALE: N.T.S SCALE: N.T.S C-2 0 DocuSign Envelope ID: 621EA822-5300-47B6-940C-E51E7ACBFB2A ANTENNA KEY CABLE SCHEDULE T • -Mobile ANTENNA SECTOR STATUS ANTENNA ANTENNA MODEL DIMENSIONS RAD AZIMUTH TWA/RRU QUANTin' & STATUS CABLE TTPE SIZE QUANTITY MANUFACTURER CENTER MODEL (HxWxD) A-1 EXISTING EMS WIRELESS RR90-18-OODP 72.0"x8.0"x2.75" 165'-0" 80- REMEC - GSM PCS 1900 MSTHD AMP EXISTING COAX 1 -5/8" 12 A-2 PROPOSED ANDREW LNX-6514DS-A1M 72.7"x11.9"x7.1" 165'-0" so- REMEC - GSM PCS 1900 MSTHD AMP B-1 EXISTING EMS WIRELESS RR90-18-OODP 72.0"x8.0"x2.75'1 165'-0" 210' ANDREW - E15S08P78 T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: PROPOSED B-2 PROPOSED ANDREW LNX-6514DS-A1M 72.7'x11.9"x7.1" 165--0" 210- ANDREW - E15S08P78 A1P0931B RNAL CABLE QUANTITY 18 C-1 EXISTING EMS WIRELESS RR90-18-OODP 72.0"x8.0"x2.75" 165'-0" 320- REMEC - GSM PCS 1900 MSTHD AMP BU #: 878537 C-2 PROPOSED ANDREW LNX-6514DS-A1M 72.7"x11.9"x7.1" 165'-0" 320- REMEC - GSM PCS 1900 MSTHD AMP EXPANSION/ WATERTOWN/ QWES 700 LEWIS AV N WATERTOWN, MN 55388 ANTENNA & TMA SCHEDULE EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE SCALE: N.T.S. ALL DRAWINGS CONTAINED HEREIN .\RE FORiIATTED FOR 11X17. CONTRACTOR MOUNTING BRACKET SHALL VEXIFl' ALL PUNS AND EXIS-nNG ALPHA BETA GAMMA (SUPPLIED W/ANTENNA) SDFIMTEE ANNSDIO SNHSA ALNL DU &CIOENDDIAITTIEOLNYS N OONTJ TFH\rC TJHOBE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES (E) ANTENNA PROPOSED ANTENNA BEFOAE PROCEEDING VTTH THE WORK OR BE (3 TOTAL, 1 PER SECTOR) (3 TOTAL, 1 PER SECTOR) KESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. ^ ISSUED FOR: ^ REV DATE DRWN DESCRIPTION DES./QA A 05/17/16 JAS PRELUUNAKY CTR ANTENNA ANTENNA 0 05/25/16 JAS CONSTRUCTION CTR MOUNTING PIPE PER PLAN (TTP) ^ ^ ^"V"^ CROWN TMA PER PLAN <^^^ CASTLE u ', u" LJ"\ LI' LJ'\ U MOUNTING BRACKET (SUPPLIED W/ANTENNA) ^ ^s 1^ ^2 [^ I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was EXISTING GROUND WIRE (W) prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer EXISTING ANTENNA SUPPORT HEADFRAME (Pi'P) —l under the laws of the State of Minnesota. So' I-— EXISTING UPPER TOWER GROUND BAR Print Name;ANDREW FANDOZZI, P.E., C.P.E. •DocuSigned by: Signature:. ^,--^r Da\.e^/7f^WoefDBisoW-W PM E- ANTENNA GROUND DIAGRAM ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL License #: 52346 SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS THEY ARE ACI1NG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOClINfENT. SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: C-3 o DocuSign Envelope ID: 621EA822-5300-47B6-940C-E51E7ACBFB2A T • -Mobile Product Specifications COMMSG3PE- Product Specifications COMMSCOPE- INX/.;>MDSVTM | IMX65MGSAIM LNX-65 14 DS-VTM | LNX-651 A DS-A 1 M Operating Frequency Band 698 - 896 MHZ Andrew® Antenna, 698-896 MHz, 65° horizontal beamwidth, RET compatible Performance Note Outdoor usage T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: « Great solution to maximize network coverage and capacity Mechanical Specifications A1P0931B • Excellent gain, VSWR, front-to-back ratio, and PIM specifications for robust network performance Color Light gray ' fh ^ ^ BU #: 878537 Lightning Protection dc Ground • Ideal choice for site collocations and tough zoning restrictions EXPANSION/ Radiator Material Aluminum ' Excellent solution for site sharing and maximizing capacity Radome Material Fiberglass, UV resistant WATERTOWN/ QWES • Fully compatible with Andrew remote electrical tilt system for greater OpEx savings RF Connector Interface 7-16 DIN Female RF Connector Location Bottom 700 LEWIS AVN > The RF connectors are designed for IP67 rating and the radome for IP56 rating RF Connector Quantity, total 2 WATERTOWN, MN 55388 Electrical Specifications Wind Loading, maximum 617.7 N @ 150 km/h 138.9 Ibf® ISOkm/h Frequency Band, MHz 698-806 806-896 EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE Gain. dBI 15.8 15.9 Wind Speed, maximum 241 km/h | 150 mph Beamwldth, Horizontal, degrees 65 64 Beamwldth, Vertical, degrees 12.4 11.2 Dimensions Beam Tilt, degrees 0-10 0-10 U5LS (First Lobe), dB 17 18 Depth 180.5 mm | 7.1 in Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°, d8 32 30 Length 1851.0mm | 72.9 in CPR atBoresight, dB 23 23 CPR at Sector, dB 12 10 Width 301.0mm | 11.9 in ALL DRAWINGS CONTAINED HEREIN Isolation. d8 30 30 Net Weight, without mounting kit 14.2kg | 31.3 Ib ASRHEA FLOLR VMEARTITFEi- DA LFLO RP U11NXS1 A7.N CDO ENXTIRSATCINTOGR VSWR | Return Loss, d8 1.-1 I 15,6 l.'t I 15,6 DI&IHNSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB Sms AND SHALL B&IEDIATELy NOTIFi-mE IPnIpMu,t 3 Prodw Oerrd peer,r 2P xo r2t0, mWa,x diBmcum, watts -410503 -410503 Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) Information EBNEGFIONREEE PRR IRONEC WSEPWEODTNIISNNIGBG L WOEFT F JAO'HNR YT S HADEMIS WEC.ORERPKA ONRC BIEES Polarization ±45° ±45° Model with Factory Installed AISG 2.0 Actuator LNX-6514DS-AIM Impedance 50 ohm 50 ohm /^^ ISSUEDR3R: ^^^ Packed Dimensions REV DATE DRWN DEsaupnoN DES./QA Electrical Specifications, BASTA* A OS/17/16 JAS PHELLMINARY CTR Depth 284.0mm | 11.2 in Frequency Band, MHz 698-806 806-896 0 05/23/16 JAS CONSTRUCTION cm Length 2163.0mm | 85.2 in Gain by all Beam Tilts, average, dBi 15.6 15.7 Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance, dB ±0.4 ±0.5 Width 411.0mm | 16.2 in ^ ^ 0 ' I 15.7 0 ° I 15.9 Shipping Weight 32.3kg | 71.2 Ib Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi 5 ° | 15.7 5 » ] 15.8 ec CROWN 10 » I t5.3 10 ° I 15.3 Regulatory Compliance/Certifications Beamwidth, Horizontal Tolerance, degrees ±0.9 ±1.4 Agency Classification CASTLE Beamwidth, Vertical Tolerance, degrees ±0.8 ±0.6 RoHS 2011/65/EU Compliant by Exemption USLS, beampeak to 20° above beampeak, dB 18 20 China RoHS SJ/T 11364-2006 Above Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) Front-to-Back Total Power at 180° ± 30°, dB 25 23 ISO 9001:2008 Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system CPR at Boreslght, dB 25 24 CPR at Sector, dB 15 12 I hereby certify that this plan, ' CommScope® supports NCMN recommendations on Base Station Antenna Standards (BASTA]. To learn more abaut the benefits of BASTA, specification, or report was download the whitepaper Time to Raise the Bar on BSAs. prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer General Specifications under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Included Products Antenna Brand Andrew® Antenna Type DualPol® DB380 — Pipe Mounting Kit for 2.4"-4.5" (60-115mm) OD round members on wide panel antennas. Includes 2 clamp sets Print Name;ANDREW FANDOZZI, P.E., C.P.E. Band Single band and double nucs. 'DocuSigned by: Brand DualPolv? Signature; /7^-/ , DB5083 — Downtilt Mounting Kit for 2.4"-4.5" (60 - 115 mm) OD round members. Includes a heavy-duty, galvanized steel M '/---^Tr Date(;/?(^77iW8ioefD^tW-fn PM E ^2016 Co-mnS^o)^. Inc All fig1 li le&eiveJ. A!l ftsitfeirritks idydiified l>y ® 01 "•' ore leyi^lefed lindem'nb. ft.i^FX-ctively, of ConTnSc'-:(xs. pugy 1 of 3 .'^ '"6 -o:i 't: co- :. it c. -'I •ILI;;S'.. --,(xl -1 fr; •,i, -.;!- •J.=- •i.. by. i ':roJ -;-c' :,''^. ;", 0;i s : p.. ^7 ^:^ Alls^-ciiicotii nsaro5ubjc-<:tto'hafigewf}hoi»< nolicy. Se^vA''nrr'v-opc.i cnilc; >l»y fno.tcunenf tnfofrrolion. Revi'.^f: Mfnc}i 10, 20)6 May I/,2016 ^'I' l.f> •iT't.ut: ir.u--. " i->j.- 'lo I -n.p'.-. t!<-r ' • '.>"\:- <jvWW.\ l.u il [- li-:-u(rnu'i..; .'I 0r:;.'ai 'i .0:.' Mi, ' '. 7016 License #: 52346 IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS THEY ABE ACTING UNDER THE DIKECHON OFA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, ANDREW LNX-6514DS-A1M TO ALTER. THIS DOCUMENT. SCALE: N.T.S SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: C-4 0 DocuSign Envelope ID: 621 EA822-5300-47B6-940C-E51 E7ACBFB2A T • -Mobile Sector 1 (Proposed) view from front (Note: the images show view from behind) Sector 2 (Proposed) view from front (Note: the images show view from behind) CTyopveerage (A-Outdoor Macro) CTyopveerage [A.OuUoorMaffoJ Antenna Afitnotdeenlna [RR90-18-XXDP(Dual>] [lMX.6514DS.A1 M (Dual)) AMrotdeewla (RR80.18-XXDP(Dual)] (LNX.6514DS.AlM(Dual)J Azimuth T-MOBILE SITE NUMBER: ® ® ® ® A1P0931B HeigN He.glit BU #: 878537 pl P2 P1 P2 EXPANSION/ WATERTOWN/ QWES ® ®_ @_ ®_ 700 LEWIS AVN I.1-&B'Coax. 195*.; ^-&e'Coax-ia5t, (l-5jB'Coax-195t! (l-5A'Coax.1S5tj [l.&e-Coai-ISStj (1-5lB'Cou-)95t-! (l.SiB-Coa.WSt) il.5/8'Coax.195l! WATERTOWN, MN 55388 'GenericPCST)? SenericPCSTMA' 7M»s Generic PCS nd; .Generic PCS TMA; Diptaere; Diptexfrs / EXISTING 195'-0" MONOPOLE Combirws Combinere SEtefcLtBoprmert {AndrewSmartBias T| SEqeuctipo<rn«nt lAndrewSmartBiasT UhcorinectedEqupment: UTKonnertedEqupmBrt: Scope ofWoA: Scope of Wort;: AREA LFLO RDMRAAWTTINEDG SF OCOR N11TXA1I7N. ECDO NHTERRAECINTOR SHALL VERin' ALL PLANK AND EXITING DBIENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THEJOB SITE AND SHALL nRffiDlATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PKOCEEDING V.VTH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOJt SAME. ^ ISSUED FOR: ^ Sector 3 (Proposed) view from front (Note: the images show view from behind) REV DATE DRWN DEsaapnoN DES./QA Coverage [A.OuUooiMacnJ A 05/17/16 JAS PAELLMINARY LTR Type 0 05/25/16 JAS CONSTRUCTION cm Antenna 1 2 ^ ^ Antenna [RR90-1BW(DP(Dual)j (LNX^514DS.A1M7Duai)) Model A nnulh [3201 [320] CROWN M Tit ®_ ®_ CASTLE Height ® (165) Ports Pl P2 Tech. [11900] [81900] (^700) I hereby certify that this plan, E. Tit specification, or report was ®_ ®_ prepared by me or under my direct Cables fl-SB-Coax- 1»5t) (l-Sfl'Coax-1951.) (l-5fl"Coax-lS5t-| fl-5(8'Coai-195t] supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer WAS [GeneffePCSTMAI .Generic PCS TM\ under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Diptexers / Combiners Print Name;ANDREW FANDOZZI, P.E.. C.P.E. Radio •DocuSigned by: Sianaturfe; /]^ , Sector Equipment ,Andr<wSmanBiasT| Unconnected Equ'pmert: Date;; /7j n:i PM E Scope of Wdk: License #: 52346 c IT IS A VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS THEY ARE ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTTTON OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, TO ALTER THIS DOCUAmNT. // RFDS SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: SCALE: N.T.S. C-5 0