Biol. Rev. (2000),75, pp.191–251 Printed in the United Kingdom #Cambridge Philosophical Society 191 Conodont affinity and chordate phylogeny " # PHILIP C. J. DONOGHUE , PETER L. FOREY $ and RICHARD J. ALDRIDGE "School of Earth Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK (p.c.j.donoghue! #The Natural History Museum, South Kensington, London SW7 5BD, UK (plf! $Department of Geology, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK ! (Received 4 June 1999; revised 29 November 1999; accepted 29 November 1999) ABSTRACT CurrentinformationontheconodontsClydagnathuswindsorensis(Globensky)andPromissumpulchrumKova!cs– Endro$dy,togetherwiththelatestinterpretationsofconodonthardtissues,arereviewedanditisconcluded that sufficient evidence exists to justify interpretation of the conodonts on a chordate model. A new phylogeneticanalysisisundertaken,consistingof17chordatetaxaand103morphological,physiologicaland biochemical characters; conodonts are included as a primary taxon. Various experiments with character coding, taxon deletion and the use of constraint trees are carried out. We conclude that conodonts are cladistically more derived than either hagfishes or lampreys because they possess a mineralised dermal skeleton and that they are the most plesiomorphic member of the total group Gnathostomata. We discuss theevolutionofthenervousandsensorysystemsandtheskeletoninthecontextofouroptimalphylogenetic tree. There appears to be no simple evolution of free to canal-enclosed neuromasts; organised neuromasts withincanalsappeartohavearisenatleastthreetimesfromfreeneuromastsorneuromastsarrangedwithin grooves.Themineralisedvertebrateskeletonfirstappearedasodontodesofdentineordentineplusenamel intheparaconodont}euconodontfeedingapparatus.Boneappearedlater,co-ordinatewiththedevelopment ofadermalskeleton,anditappears tohavebeen primitivelyacellular.Atubular dentineismoreprimitive than tubular dentine. However, the subsequent distribution of the different types of dentine (e.g. mesodentine, orthodentine), suggests that these tissue types are homoplastic. The topology of relationships and known stratigraphic ranges of taxa in our phylogeny predict the existence of myxinoids and petromyzontids in the Cambrian. Key words: Agnatha, Gnathostomata, cladistics, conodont, chordate, craniate, evolution, phylogeny, vertebrate, skeleton. CONTENTS I. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 192 (1) Poly-, para- and monophyly of the Conodonta................................................................ 194 II. Soft tissue anatomy.................................................................................................................. 195 (1) The head........................................................................................................................... 197 (2) The trunk.......................................................................................................................... 199 (3) The tail............................................................................................................................. 199 III. Hard tissues............................................................................................................................. 199 (1) The histological debate..................................................................................................... 201 (2) Tissue types....................................................................................................................... 201 (a) Lamellar crown tissue................................................................................................. 201 (b) White matter.............................................................................................................. 202 (c) Basal tissue.................................................................................................................. 202 (3) Relative growth of the tissues........................................................................................... 202 192 P. C. J. Donoghue, P. L. Forey and R. J. Aldridge (4) Hard tissue homologies..................................................................................................... 202 (a) Lamellar crown tissue................................................................................................. 202 (b) White matter.............................................................................................................. 203 (c) Basal tissue.................................................................................................................. 203 (5) Conodont element growth................................................................................................. 203 (6) Histochemical studies........................................................................................................ 204 IV. Phylogenetic analysis............................................................................................................... 204 (1) Taxon sampling................................................................................................................ 204 (2) Character coding............................................................................................................... 207 (3) Character matrix............................................................................................................... 208 (a) Brain, sensory and nervous systems............................................................................ 208 (b) Mouth and branchial system...................................................................................... 211 (c) Circulatory system...................................................................................................... 211 (d) Fins and fin folds........................................................................................................ 212 (e) Skeletal....................................................................................................................... 213 (f) Physiological............................................................................................................... 215 (g) Miscellaneous.............................................................................................................. 215 (4) Results............................................................................................................................... 215 (a) Experimental analysis of the data set......................................................................... 219 (b) Cyclostome monophyly............................................................................................... 220 (c) Alternative hypotheses of chordate relationships........................................................ 220 (d) The effects of alternative interpretations of conodont anatomy and histology........... 221 (e) Testing alternative hypotheses of conodont affinity.................................................... 223 (f) Summary of conclusions drawn from experimental analyses of our data set.............. 225 (5) Character changes............................................................................................................. 225 (a) General....................................................................................................................... 225 (b) Nervous and sensory systems...................................................................................... 225 (c) Skeleton...................................................................................................................... 233 V. Conodont affinity..................................................................................................................... 236 VI. Directions for future research.................................................................................................. 238 (1) General.............................................................................................................................. 238 (2) The origin of the Conodonta............................................................................................ 238 (3) Euconodont phylogeny...................................................................................................... 239 (4) Histology........................................................................................................................... 239 (5) Microevolution.................................................................................................................. 240 (6) Conodont element function............................................................................................... 240 VII. Revised classification............................................................................................................... 240 VIII. Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 240 IX. Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................. 241 X. References................................................................................................................................ 241 XI. Appendix................................................................................................................................. 249 (1) Character diagnostics........................................................................................................ 249 I. INTRODUCTION Klussendorf,1985a,b;Aldridgeetal.,1993;Gabbott, Aldridge & Theron, 1995) has resulted in a ‘The problem of the zoological affinities of this group revolutioninourunderstanding; wenowknow that remains…one of the most fascinating and perplexing conodonts are a group of eel-shaped animals with problems of palaeozoology’ (Rhodes, 1954, p. 419). the phosphatic elements constituting a complex feeding apparatus. Although the systematic position When Frank Rhodes wrote his article on conodont of conodonts is still contentious, the diversity of relationshipsforBiologicalReviewsin1954,conodonts opinionhasnarrowedgreatly.Justayearbeforethe were known exclusively in the form of phosphatic first conodont fossil with preserved soft tissues was tooth-like microfossils of unknown or uncertain found, Mu$ller (1981) compiled a list of groups to affinity. The perception of conodonts is now very which conodonts had been attributed; his list different.Thediscoveryofsofttissueremains(Briggs, includes at least three kingdoms and almost every Clarkson & Aldridge, 1983; Mikulic, Briggs & major animal phylum. The debate is now much Conodont affinity and chordate phylogeny 193 more tightly constrained (see Aldridge, 1987; a bilaterally disposed grasping array in what is Aldridgeetal.,1993)andalmostallauthoritiesagree interpreted as the cephalic region. A longitudinal that conodonts are chordates, although a few gut, possible ovaries and a laterally disposed ray- workers still advocate a chaetognath affinity (e.g. supportedcaudal fin arealso preserved.The overall Kasatkina & Buryi, 1996a,b, 1997). Among those anatomy of T. rokycanensis is distinctly chaetognath- authorswhoacceptachordateassignment,however, like and quite dissimilar to preserved remains of there is still controversy regarding the precise place conodonts. of the conodonts within the chordate clade. The interpretation of early Cambrian conodonti- To conduct a cladistic analysis involving both form elements known as protoconodonts as the chordatesandchaetognathsiscurrentlynotfeasible, grasping spines of chaetognaths (Szaniawski, 1982) as the affinity of chaetognaths themselves is highly provides another possible line of evidence, if the contentious.Someauthorssuggestthattheyarebest evolutionary sequence from protoconodonts, placed as a sister-group to the vertebrates through paraconodonts to euconodonts (the true (Christoffersen & Arau!jo-de-Almeida, 1994), conodonts) proposed by Bengtson (1976; Fig. 1) whereas others doubt even their deuterostome weresustained.Thislinkagewasfurtheremphasised affinity (Halanych, 1996; Nielsen, 1995; Nielsen, byBengtson(1983a,b) andSzaniawski(1987), who Scharff & Eibye-Jacobsen, 1996). A relationship noted that the hypothesis that chaetognaths and between conodonts and chaetognaths was first (eu)conodonts shared a common ancestor did not suggested by Rietschel (1973) and was resurrected necessarily conflict with conodonts being closely by Briggs et al. (1983) as one of the possible related to the chordates. Andres (1988) has also interpretations consistent with the features of the suggestedareconciliationbetweenthechordateand first known conodont with preserved soft tissues chaetognathhypothesesofaffinity,proposingchaeto- (IGSE [British Geological Survey, Keyworth] gnaths as ancestors to euconodonts, which are in 13822). This interpretation was more strongly turn ancestral to the vertebrates. This suggestion is advocatedbyBengtson(1983b),andissupportedby consistent with a close relationship between chaeto- Kasatkina & Buryi (1996a,b, 1997). However, the gnaths and chordates (Christoffersen & Arau!jo-de- resemblances between conodont and chaetognath Almeida, 1994; Cavalier-Smith, 1998; Hall, 1998), anatomy are vague; both are small and bilaterally butatoddswithrecentmolecularandmorphological symmetrical, and both bear ray-supported fins, but work which supports the view that chaetognath the caudal fin of conodonts is dorso-ventrally rather affinity lies amongst the protostomes (Telford & than laterally disposed as in chaetognaths (contra Holland, 1993; Philippe, Chenuil & Adoutte, 1994; Kasatkina & Buryi, 1996a). Furthermore, the V- Wada & Satoh, 1994; Nielsen, 1995; Nielsen et al., shapedstructuresapparentinthetrunkofconodonts 1996; Halanych, 1996; Zrzavy! et al., 1998; current havenoparallelinthemusculatureofchaetognaths, evidence suggests that chaetognaths are closely althoughthereis some resemblance totheovaries of related to the nematodes and gnathostomulids, some taxa [e.g. Pterosagitta draco (Krohn, 1853)]. possibly forming a monophyletic group, see Thepossibilityremainsthat thetaphonomic state Littlewood et al., 1998). Until the affinities of of specimens preserving conodont anatomy masks chaetognaths are resolved, the relative position of similarities between the two groups, but, as no conodonts and chaetognaths remains untestable, taphonomic studies of chaetognaths have been andanapparent morphologicalgulfbetweenproto- undertaken, this remains difficult to assess. Com- conodonts and paraconodonts limits the applica- parisonoffossilconodontswithfossilchaetognathsis bility of the evolutionary model forwarded by limitedbytherarityoffossilchaetognathspecimens. Bengtson (1976; Fig. 1). Amiskwia sagittiformis Walcott from the Middle Aldridge & Purnell (1996), in a review of the Cambrian Burgess Shale was originally described as debate, considered six competing hypotheses put a chaetognath, but has been reinterpreted as a forward in the recent literature for the systematic possible nemertine (Conway Morris, 1977). position of conodonts amongst the living chordates Paucijaculum samamithion Schram from the mid- (Dzik,1995;Kemp&Nicoll,1995a,1996;Peterson, Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Shale of Illinois has 1994; Aldridge et al., 1986, 1993; Gabbott et al., been similarly reassessed (Richardson 1982). More 1995; Janvier, 1995). Although most of these recently, Kraft & Mergl (1989) have described a hypotheses have been couched in cladistic termin- moreconvincingcandidate,Titerinarokycanensisfrom ology or expressed in the form of cladograms, not the Lower Ordovician of Bohemia, which preserves one is the result of a numerical cladistic analysis. 194 P. C. J. Donoghue, P. L. Forey and R. J. Aldridge A B C Fig. 1. Proto- (A), para- (B) and eucondont (C) grades of organisation (after Bengtson, 1976, and Szaniawski & Bengtson, 1993). (A) Different shadings distinguish three layers which have no homologues in B and}or C. (B, C) Dark shading represents basal tissue of euconodonts and its putative homologue in paraconodonts; light shading represents lamellar crown tissue of euconodonts. Instead, each hypothesis represents the result of divided into three main groups on histological placingconodontsinapre-existingcladogramusing criteria by Mu$ller & Nogami (1971, 1972) and pre-established synapomorphies, or classifies them Bengtson(1976;Fig.1).Thestratigraphicallyoldest according to unsubstantiated a priori assumptions of group, the protoconodonts, are represented by character polarity in chordate phylogeny, or places dominantly organic spine-like fossils which are themwithinaphylogenybasedonaconsiderationof multilayered and grew by adding new layers to the limitedpartsoftheanatomy.Thisisunfortunate,as concave side of the elements only (Fig. 1A). conodontsclearlyhaveanimportantcontributionto Protoconodont elements bear a strong histological make to our understanding of chordate evolution. resemblance to chaetognath grasping spines Their significance centres around the feeding (Szaniawski, 1982) and all available evidence indi- elements, which represent the only biomineralised cates a probable link between these two groups component of the conodont skeleton. Depending on (Szaniawski, 1983, 1987). Paraconodont elements whether conodonts are acraniate or craniate are also relatively poorly mineralised; in growth, chordates, their elements are either an interesting each successive phosphatic layer accreted onto the but esoteric feature (in the former case), or an margins and base, but not the tip of its predecessor importantcluetothedevelopmentofthemineralised (Szaniawski & Bengtson, 1993; Fig. 1B). These skeleton in craniate phylogeny (in the latter case). elements bear a strong resemblance to the basal The mainaim of this contribution is to determine body of euconodont elements (Lindstro$m, 1964; the systematic position of the Conodonta through Bengtson, 1976). Euconodont elements are com- formal cladistic analysis. To this end, we briefly posed of two structures: the crown, which is very review interpretations of the anatomy and histology heavily mineralised and relatively coarsely crys- of conodonts in order to explain our coding of talline,andthebasalbodywhichisfinelycrystalline characters in the data matrix on which our analysis and containsmoreorganic material (Fig. 1C). Both isbased.First,however,itispertinenttoconsiderthe components grew by external apposition of new monophyly of the Conodonta and to establish layers of mineral on the outer surface, which were precisely what constitutes a conodont. either added synchronously (Mu$ller & Nogami, 1971)oratleastinstep(Lindstro$m&Ziegler,1971). The lack of demonstrated links between proto- conodontsandparaconodontsandtheevidencethat (1) Poly-, para- and monophyly of the theformerarerelatedtochaetognathsmeansthatit Conodonta is likely that protoconodonts belong to a clade of Microscopic phosphatic cones, or ‘conodontiform’ animalsdistinctfromeuconodonts(seealsoPeterson, fossils,firstoccurintheuppermostPrecambrianand 1994). An evolutionary link between paraconodont become diverse in Cambrian strata. They were and euconodont elements has been more firmly Conodont affinity and chordate phylogeny 195 a d a Paraconodonti Proconodontid Teridontus unnamed group Panderodontida unnamed group Prioniodinida Ozarkodinida Pr ot o a p d anderodonti Prioniodonti d a ? ? ? Fig. 2. Attempted reconstruction of the relationships of the major groups of euconodont-grade taxa, based on the suprageneric scheme and proposed relationships of Sweet (1988). This is not a cladogram but our interpretation of the views expressed by Sweet (1988) in the form of a phylogenetic tree. The three orders of complex conodonts are generally given equal taxonomic rank. However, it is implicitly accepted that the Ozarkodinida and Prioniodinida are derived from taxa classified within the Prioniodontida. Therefore, we have chosen to express this relationship explicitly in the figure and in the text. established, primarily on the similarity in growth unclear. The Teridontus lineage includes the over- pattern. Szaniawski & Bengtson (1993) have whelming majority of conodonts and, although the attemptedtodemonstratesometransitionalformsin maximumdiversityofthiscladewasalsoattainedin whichlayersofcrowntissuewereaddedtothebasal theOrdovician,itisknowntohavesurvivedthrough bodyonlyinlateontogeny.Morerecently,Mu$ller& to the end of the Triassic Period. The three taxa Hinz-Schallreuter (1998) have documented the known with preserved soft tissue features all belong histology of a number of Cambrian paraconodonts to the Teridontus lineage, as do the vast majority of which possess microstructural features comparable taxathathavebeenstudiedhistologically.Giventhe with the basal tissue of euconodonts. The link uncertain and probable independent origins of between paraconodonts and euconodonts points to Proconodontus and Teridontus, we restrict our phylo- an origin for the whole group in the Early or Mid geneticanalysesofeuconodontstothemonophyletic Cambrian and renders the aptly named Para- lineage first represented by Teridontus. conodontida a paraphyletic assemblage unless it is expanded to include the Euconodonta. However, monophyly of the Euconodonta is far from certain and not all taxa currently regarded as euconodonts II. SOFT TISSUE ANATOMY necessarilyfallwithinaninclusiveParaconodontida. The early evolutionary history of the Euco- The soft tissue anatomy of conodonts is known from nodonta, or true conodonts, has been most clearly at least three euconodont taxa: Clydagnathus documented by Miller (1969, 1980, 1984) who windsorensis (Globensky) from the Lower Carbon- distinguished two distinct lineages that are first iferousGrantonShrimpBedofEdinburgh,Scotland represented in the stratigraphic record by Procono- (Aldridgeetal.,1993);Panderodusunicostatus(Branson dontus and Teridontus (Fig. 2). Both lineages are of & Mehl) from the Lower Silurian of Waukesha, uncertain ancestry and both made their first ap- Wisconsin (Mikulic et al., 1985a,b; Smith, Briggs & pearance in the late Cambrian. The Proconodontus Aldridge, 1987), and Promissum pulchrum Kova!cs- lineage is known to have flourished in the Early Endro$dyfromtheUpperOrdovicianSoomShaleof Ordovician but its subsequent evolution remains South Africa(Aldridge&Theron, 1993; Gabbottet 196 P. C. J. Donoghue, P. L. Forey and R. J. Aldridge Fig. 3. For legend see opposite. Conodont affinity and chordate phylogeny 197 al.,1995).Theremaybeadditionaltaxarepresented to distinguish between otic and optic capsules (see in the specimens from the Granton Shrimp Bed. Donoghue, Purnell & Aldridge, 1998), and in specimenIGSE13821}2fromGranton,thelobeslie anterior to a smaller pair of round structures which (1) The head have themselves been interpreted as otic capsules The most frequently preserved soft tissues are a (Aldridge et al., 1993; Aldridge & Donoghue, 1998; single pair of lobate structures, which occur com- Donoghue et al., 1998). There is, furthermore, no monly in association with natural assemblages of evidence that otic capsules are more likely to be conodont elements in the Soom Shale and are also preserved than optic capsules; indeed, remnants of evident in two of the specimens from Granton. The eyeshavebeenreportedinallfossilrepresentativesof lobes occur as carbonised remains that are round to soft-bodied jawless vertebrates. In contrast, the oval in outline with a thickened or darker rim, and remains of unmineralised otic capsules are rare and have been reconstructed to three dimensions as a normally limited to moldic preservation (e.g. pair of outwardly expanding cups (Aldridge et al., Myxinikela; Bardack, 1991). 1993;Aldridge&Theron,1993).FromtheGranton The presence of extrinsic eye musculature in specimens it is evident that these cups were located specimenGSSAC721issupportedbyevidencefrom slightly in front of and above the feeding apparatus additional, recently discovered specimens of (Fig. 3A–C). Aldridge & Theron (1993) drew Promissum pulchrum that also display paired lobes comparisonwithsimilarstructuresintheheadofthe composed of fibrous white clay minerals. Although fossil jawless vertebrate Jamoytius kerwoodii White, no other soft tissue remains are preserved in these where they have been interpreted as eye capsules specimens, the lobate patches occur in consistent (Ritchie 1968). Similar structures, interpreted as topological association with natural assemblages of tracesofretinalpigments,havealsobeenrecordedin elements, indicative of an original position above a number of entirely soft-bodied fossil jawless and in front of the feeding apparatus. In a few vertebrates including Myxinikela (Bardack 1991, specimens, the patches are preserved only on the 1998), Mayomyzon (Bardack & Zangerl, 1968, 1971) part, but are matched by lobate traces of organic and Hardistiella (Janvier & Lund, 1983; Lund & film on the counterpart that are identical with the Janvier, 1986). The most completely preserved structures interpreted as eye capsules on other specimen of Promissum pulchrum (GSSA [Geological material. In extant lampreys, the extrinsic eye Survey of South Africa, Pretoria] C721) includes muscles also match the eye capsules in their oval patches of white tissue in a similar position distribution (see e.g. Fig. 3.6.I in Janvier, 1996a). relativetothefeedingapparatustothatoccupiedby Scanningelectronmicrographyofthewhitepatches the carbonised lobes in other specimens. This white reveals a fibrous microstructure similar to the tissue has a fibrous texture comparable with preserved trunk musculature of specimen GSSA preserved muscle tissue in the trunk of the same C721 (Fig. 4F–H). specimen, and was interpreted as extrinsic eye Inourcodingsforconodontswehaveacceptedthe musculature by Gabbott et al. (1995). growing evidence for the presence of extrinsic eye The interpretation of these structures as eye musculature and we have taken the presence of capsules and eye musculature has been criticised by paired sensory organs (eyes and, perhaps, otic Pridmore, Barwick & Nicoll (1997), who argued capsules) to indicate the presence of a brain. that the paired lobes more probably represent otic SpecimenIGSE13821}2alsoshowsfainttracesof capsules. Pridmore et al. (1997) based their argu- approximately five paired rectangular box-like mentsonthesize,shapeandpositionofthelobesand structures posterior to the paired capsules (Fig. 3A on an assertion that otic capsules are more likely to in Briggs et al., 1983; Fig. 3C). Each of these be preserved in the fossil record than optic capsules. structures is oriented with its long axis transverse to However, size and shape are inadequate characters the body axis. These compare well in shape and Fig. 3. (A–E) Clydagnathus windsorensis (Globensky). (A, B) Part and counterpart of whole animal (respectively IGSE 13821 & 13822); frame widths 16 mm and 18 mm respectively. (C) Head region of part (IGSE 13821); frame width 25mm. (D) Bilobed tail of IGSE 13821; frame width 7mm. (E) Representative portion of the trunk (RMS GY 1992.41.1); frame width 10.5mm. (A, C, D from Briggs et al. 1983; B, E from Aldridge et al. 1993). A, C, D are reproduced from Briggs et al. (1983) with the permission of the Lethaia Foundation. 198 P. C. J. Donoghue, P. L. Forey and R. J. Aldridge Fig. 4. (A–H) Promissum pulchrum Kova’ cs-Endro$dy. (A, B) Part and counterpart of only known specimen preserving trunk musculature (GSSA C721b, a respectively); frame widths 106 mm and 112 mm respectively. (C) Head region including feeding apparatus and preserved extrinsic eye musculature (GSSA C721a); frame width 16mm. (D, E) Scanning electron micrograph of trunk musculature (GSSA C721a); D frame width 74lm; E frame width 22lm. (F–H) Extrinsic eye musculature under progressively higher magnification (GSSA C1320); F frame width 2900lm; G frame width 930lm; H frame width 360lm. B, D, E reproduced from Gabbott et al. (1995), with the permission of Macmillan Magazines Ltd. Conodont affinity and chordate phylogeny 199 position to gill pouches in the fossil lamprey themostextensivedevelopmentofthisfinwasonthe Mayomyzon (Aldridge & Donoghue, 1998), and in dorsal or the ventral margin of the animal, but our our coding we follow Aldridge et al. (1993) in their re-examination of IGSE 13822 indicates that the tentative interpretation of these structures as gill bilobed portion occurs on the dorsal margin (Fig. pouches. 3D). The second specimen (RMS [Royal Museum ofScotland,Edinburgh]GY1992.41.3)preservesan (2) The trunk unequallydevelopedray-supportedfinthatislonger on the dorsal margin. The shape of the bilobed fin Trunk muscle tissues occur as distinct anteriorly comparestothatoflampreys,whereitistraditionally directed chevrons in the Granton specimens; their interpreted as hypocercal. Janvier (1998) has re- discretenatureispresumablytheresultofpostmortem centlycomparedthetailofRMSGY1992.41.3with decay and shrinkage, a process recognised in that of Myxine glutinosa, which he interprets as decomposition experiments on Branchiostoma (Briggs cryptically hypocercal. Here, we regard the tail of & Kear, 1994). The architecture of the muscle conodontstobehypocercalbecausethebilobedfinis blocks appears to be V-shaped, although the possi- restrictedtothedorsalmarginofthenotochord,but bilityremainsthatthemyomereswereoriginallyW- wedonotacceptJanvier’s(1998)argumentasthere shapedwithonlythecentralVpreserved(Donoghue is no evidence of a ventral bend of the conodont et al., 1998). In modern ammocoetes the myomeres notochord at the caudal termination. are W-shaped, but the dorsal limbs of the muscle blocksareextremelyshort(P.C.J.Donoghue,pers. III. HARD TISSUES obs.).Althoughthereissomeevidenceforindividual fibre preservation in one of the Granton specimens The mineralised skeleton of conodonts is limited to (RMS GY 1992.41.3; Aldridge et al., 1993) muscle the phosphatic elements that are generally inter- ultrastructureisbestpreservedinP.pulchrum(GSSA preted to have comprised a feeding apparatus. The C721), in which each myomere is demonstrably composition and architecture of this apparatus is composed of fibril bundles (Fig. 4E), together with only fully understood for a few taxa, almost all of possible sarcolemmic membranes and collagenous which are highly derived, within the context of connective tissues (Gabbott et al., 1995). This conodont phylogeny as it is understood currently specimen also includes a black organic patch within (Fig. 2). We know very little of the apparatuses of themid-trunkregionthatisprobablytheremainsof the earliest conodonts, with the simplest fully avisceralorgan.Pairedaxiallinesinterpretedasthe reconstructed apparatus being that of Panderodus margins of a notochord (Aldridge et al., 1993), run which has cone-like elements of similar morphology the length of the trunk in all Granton specimens. to those of primitive conodonts. The apparatus of This interpretation has been corroborated by ex- Panderodus was bilaterally arranged with eight pairs perimental decay of Branchiostoma, in which the of opposed elements and one symmetrical notochord decomposes to leave the notochordal ‘symphysial’ element lying on the axis of symmetry sheath, which then collapses to a pair of linear (Smith et al., 1987; Sansom, Armstrong & Smith, thickened margins (Briggs & Kear, 1994). Remains 1994). These elements are considered to have of a notochord have not been found in association performed a grasping function (Smith et al., 1987; with Promissum pulchrum, but its position has been Sansom et al., 1994a), although this hypothesis consideredtoberepresentedbya2mmgapbetween remains to be tested. the dorsal and ventral limbs of the myomeres Morederivedconodontgroupstypicallypossessed (Gabbottetal.,1995).Apossiblenervecordhasbeen elements of more complex morphology and their identifiedstoppingshortofthepairedlobesintwoof apparatuses were composed from morphologically the Granton specimens (Aldridge et al., 1993). distinct groups of elements. Almost all ‘complex conodonts’ belong to the Prioniodontida and many (3) The tail of these fall within the Ozarkodinida, the most Thetailispreservedinonlytwoofthe10specimens derived of all conodont groups (Fig. 2). The from Granton, one of which (IGSE 13822) displays architecture of non-ozarkodinid prioniodontids has an asymmetrical bilobed ray-supported fin. The fin only been fully resolved for Promissum pulchrum, rays are closely set, without apparent branching, whichpossessednineteenelements,dividedintofour andthereisnoevidenceforsupportingmusculature. pairsofrobust‘P’elements whichlay behindapair Briggsetal.(1983)wereunabletodeterminewhether of‘M’elements,andaboveanarrayof‘S’elements 200 P. C. J. Donoghue, P. L. Forey and R. J. Aldridge Fig. 5. For legend see opposite.