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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–10(2011) Printed21January2011 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Connected structure in the 2dFGRS ⋆ D.N.A. Murphy , V.R. Eke and Carlos S. Frenk 1 Institute forComputational Cosmology, Department of Physics, Universityof Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK 1 0 2 n a ABSTRACT J We describe and apply a simple prescription for defining connected structures in 9 galaxyredshiftsurveys.Themethodisbasedupontwopasseswithafriends-of-friends 1 groupfinder.Thefirstpassusesacylindricallinkingvolumetofindgalaxygroupsand clusters,inordertosuppresstheline-of-sightsmearingintroducedbythelargerandom ] O velocities of galaxies within these deep potential wells. The second pass, performed with a spherical linking volume, identifies the connected components. This algorithm C has been applied to the 2dFGRS, within which it picks out a total of 7,603 systems . h containingatleasttwo galaxiesandhaving amean redshiftless than0.12.Connected p systemswithmanymembersappearfilamentaryinnature,andthealgorithmrecovers - twoparticularlylargefilamentswithin the 2dFGRS.Forcomparison,the algorithmis o has also been applied to ΛCDM mock galaxysurveys.While the model population of r t such systems is broadly similar to that in the 2dFGRS, it does not generally contain s a such extremely large structures. [ Key words: cosmology:observations – large-scale structure of universe 2 v 2 1 INTRODUCTION distribution of filaments. Quantitative studies of filamen- 0 tary structures in redshift surveys have been performed 2 At very large scales, baryonic material is concentrated by Bhavsar & Barrow (1983); Barrow, Bhavsar & Sonoda 2 into an interconnected sponge-like network known as the . (1985); Einasto et al. (2003); Pimbblet & Drinkwater 0 Cosmic Web (Bond, Kofman & Pogosyan 1996). Succes- (2004) and Stoica, Mart´ınez & Saar (2010). 1 sive redshift surveys have traced out imposing overdensi- A variety of algorithms have been designed to 0 ties in the galaxy distribution. Notable examples are the 1 CfA ‘Great Wall’ (Geller & Huchra 1989) and the ‘Sloan describe the morphology of these large-scale struc- v: Great Wall’ (Gott et al. 2005),which was also noted, if not tures using different techniques such as percolation (Bhavsar & Barrow 1983), visual identification of regions i named, in the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey X between clusters (Pimbblet, Drinkwater & Hawkrigg 2004; (2dFGRS, Colless et al. 2001) by Baugh et al. (2004) and Colberg, Krughoff & Connolly 2005), minimal spanning r Erdo˘gdu et al. (2004). a trees (Barrow, Bhavsar & Sonoda 1985; Colberg 2007), Most studies of large-scale structure in the Universe the density field’s Hessian (Arag´on-Calvo et al. 2007; concentrate on measuring the galaxy power spectrum (e.g. Bond, Strauss & Cen 2010; Zhang et al. 2009), gradient Cole et al. 2005) or its Fourier transform, the two-point (Morse theory, Novikov,Colombi & Dor´e 2006) or linkage correlation function (e.g. Zehaviet al. 2002). These quan- between the two (Sousbieet al. 2008a,b), the Hessian of tities will provide a complete statistical description of the the potential field (Hahn et al. 2007; Forero-Romero et al. galaxy distribution provided that their number density 2009), Delaunay tessellations (Schaap & van deWeygaert fluctuationsare Gaussian. The standard model of structure 2000; Arag´on-Calvo et al. 2007), the Candy and Bisous formation, ΛCDM, does assume that the initial inhomo- models (Stoica et al. 2005; Stoica, Mart´ınez & Saar 2010) geneities in the density field, generated during inflation, and watershed transforms (Sousbie, Colombi & Pichon are Gaussian. However, the subsequent growth of structure 2009; Arag´on-Calvo et al. 2010). Many of these algorithms due to gravitational instability induces significant non- also partition the whole of space into clusters, walls, fil- Gaussianitiesinthedensityfield,andhigherordermoments aments and voids. They are often applied to dark mat- of the density distribution become important. These phase ter simulations to help describe the mass distribution, but correlations within the density field can be characterised with a few notable exceptions (Bhavsar & Barrow 1983; either through higher order galaxy correlation functions Barrow, Bhavsar & Sonoda 1985; Pimbblet & Drinkwater (Baugh et al. 2004; Croton et al. 2004; Gaztan˜aga et al. 2004; Bond, Strauss & Cen 2010; Stoica, Mart´ınez & Saar 2005; Nichol et al. 2006) or through the properties and 2010), they rarely include a comparison with observational data. A primary motivation for this paper is to carry out a detailed quantitative comparison of filament properties us- ⋆ [email protected] ing the 2dFGRS and mock galaxy catalogues created us- 2 D.N.A. Murphy, V.R. Eke and Carlos S. Frenk ing a ΛCDM simulation (Anguloet al. 2008) and a semi- analytical galaxy formation model (Baugh et al. 2005). Animportant aspect ofthecomparison between model andobservedlarge-scale structureconcernstheexistencein boththe2dFGRSandtheSloanDigitalSkySurvey(SDSS; York et al. 2000) of some extremely large structures. These objectsareknowntohavealargeimpactonthehigherorder correlations of the galaxy distribution (Baugh et al. 2004; Croton et al. 2004; Gaztan˜aga et al. 2005; Nichol et al. 2006),andonitstopology (Park et al.2005).Howcommon such structures are within the ΛCDM model remains con- tentious (Yaryura,Baugh & Angulo 2010). In Section 2, we describe the detection algorithm that we have developed, and the observational and mock data that will be compared. The results of this comparison are described in Section 3 and conclusions drawn in Section 4. 2 METHODS In thissection, we will describe theobservational data that will be analysed, the algorithm for finding connected sys- tems, the calculation of the luminosity of such objects, and the mock catalogues that will be used in order to compare Figure 1. Variation in the number of 2dFGRS galaxies in sys- theΛCDM model with theobservational data. tems extracted by the algorithm as the relative linking length, b, changes. Black lines denote galaxies from the NGP, red lines from the SGP. Solid lines represent the number of galaxies in 2.1 Data thelargeststructure,whilstthedashedlinesshowthenumberof galaxiesinallsystemswithatleasttwomembers. The observational data used in this studyare thetwo large contiguous patches towards the north and south galactic poles (NGP and SGP) in the final data release of the 2dF- 2−z f(z)= (1) GRS (Colless et al. 2001). In total, these regions contain 2.4+z 191,897 galaxies with a median redshift of 0.11, covering of the members assigned to each group. This expression for an area of approximately 1500 deg2 to a flux limit corre- f(z) is derived from the contamination of groups found in spondingtobJ∼19.45.AbrightfluxlimitofbJ<14isalso mock 2dFGRS catalogues by Ekeet al. (2004a). The ran- imposed to exclude objects whose total fluxes are difficult domly selected fraction f(z) are all replaced by a single to determinefrom APM photographic plates. pointatthegroupcentre,whereasthe1−f(z)of‘interloper’ galaxies are jettisoned from the list of group members and left at their observed redshift space positions. 2.2 The detection algorithm The first friends-of-friends pass suppresses the redshift A desirable property of an algorithm extracting large-scale space distortions associated with intragroup line-of-sight structure is that there should be no preferred direction for galaxy velocities. Note that this collapse does not account the resultant systems. However, redshift space distortions forthecoherentinfallofgalaxiesontooverdensitiesthatwill make the line of sight a special direction in galaxy redshift enhanceandmergestructureintheplaneofthesky(seee.g, surveys.The most striking consequence of non-Hubbleflow Kaiser 1987; Praton, Melott & McKee 1997). We then ap- velocities is to stretch galaxy clusters, creating ’fingers of ply a friends-of-friends algorithm with a spherical linking god’ (Jackson 1972) in the redshift-space galaxy distribu- volume to the set of remaining galaxies and group centres. tion. These elongated redshift-space distortions need to be Theradiusofthislinkingsphereischosen tobebtimesthe removedbeforesearchingforrealstructures.Weachievethis mean intergalactic separation at thatredshift, asdefinedin by taking the 2PIGG catalogue of groups and clusters con- Eqn. 2.7 of Ekeet al. (2004a). Small linking lengths would structedbyEkeet al.(2004a)fromthe2dFGRS.Thesewere lead to many small systems, whereas very large ones would found using a friends-of-friends algorithm with a cylindri- lead to percolation, and a single large connected compo- cal linking volume pointing along the redshift direction as nent encompassing everything in the survey. An intermedi- described in their paper. Having found galaxies belonging ate value for b will lead to a more useful description of the to groups and clusters in this way, we would like to col- structures present in the survey. This two-pass procedure lapse the ’fingers of god’ by placing these galaxies at their provides a new and simple way to define connected struc- group centre positions. One complication is that Eke et al. turesin galaxy redshift surveys. (2004a) note that they would expect the 2PIGG catalogue Fig. 1 shows how the number of galaxies in connected to contain a few tens of per cent of interloper galaxies that structuresand thenumberof galaxies in thelargest system are incorrectly assigned to groups. To try and correct for varywithbforboththeNGPandSGP.BoththeNGPand thisinevitablemisassignment,wechoosetoretainaredshift- SGPregions show a rapid growth of theirlargest system as dependentfraction b increases beyond ∼ 0.8. Fig. 2 shows the variation of the 2dFGRS connected structures 3 observed luminosity of each galaxy to the total luminosity that would have been seen without any flux limits, rather than correcting the observed luminosity of the system as a whole. This is done assuming that the galaxy luminosity functionΦ(L)isgivenbytheSchechterfunctiondetermined byNorberg et al.(2002),i.e.(L∗,α)=(1010h−2L⊙,−1.21) and using ∞ Lcor = 0 LΦ(L)dL , (2) Lobs RLmaxLΦ(L)dL Lmin R where the luminosity limits in the integral in the denom- inator reflect the upper and lower flux limits evaluated at the redshift of the galaxy. Lcor and Lobs represent the cor- rectedandobservedgalaxyluminositiesrespectively,taking into account the k +e correction in a manner similar to Norberg et al. (2002): z+6z2 k+e= . (3) 1+8.9z2.5 Thetotalluminosityiscalculatedbysummingupallthecor- rected galaxy luminosities for galaxies within that system, taking into account the weighting factors that describe the Figure 2. Variation in the number of structures extracted by localincompletenessofthesurvey.Giventhefluxlimitofthe the algorithm as the relative linking length, b, varies. The red 2dFGRS,thefractionofthetotalluminositythatisobserved linerepresentsthefirstderivativeofthisfunction,corresponding drops beneath a half at redshifts exceeding z ∼ 0.12. For to the rate of change of system number. We adopt a relative this reason, we will restrict our analysis to structures with linkinglength,b=0.69,closetothisminimum,asdenotedbythe z¯ 6 0.12. Fig. 4 shows the systems found within the 2dF- dot-dashedblueline.Thiscorrespondstosystemsapproximately GRScolourcodedaccordingtotheirluminosity.Comparing boundedbyasurfacewithagalaxynumberoverdensityof∼1.5. with Fig. 3, it is apparent how the luminosity picks out structures at larger distances than the membership, which includes only galaxies within the fluxlimits. totalnumberofconnectedstructuresanditsfirstderivative. We pick b = 0.69 as a value that gives rise to an interest- inglylargerangeofsystemsizes.Thiscorrespondstofinding 2.4 Mock catalogues structuresboundedbyanirregularsurfacethathasanover- In order to address how well the observed distribution of density of ∆ρ/ρ¯=3/(2πb3)≈1.5 (Cole & Lacey 1996). system luminosities compares with that predicted for a This choice is close to the point at which N./b. = 0, 2dFGRS-like survey of a ΛCDM cosmological model, we where the growth in the number of systems arising from need to create mock galaxy surveys. This is done using a singlegalaxiesbecominglinkedmatchesthedecreasecaused combination of the BASICC dark matter simulation de- by merging the structures together. The resulting systems scribed by Angulo et al. (2008), and the semi-analytical are shown in Fig. 3. modelofBaugh et al.(2005),whichisadevelopmentofthat The abundance and extent of survey-sized connected introduced by Cole et al. (2000). structures will depend upon the geometry of the survey to In brief, the BASICC simulation contains 14483 parti- which this algorithm is applied. Thus, while this technique cles in a 1340h−1Mpc-long cube of a ΛCDM model with is appropriate for comparing an observed data set with a mock catalogue of that particular survey, care is required ΩM =0.25, ΩΛ =0.75, Ωb =0.045, h=0.73 and σ8 =0.9. Anguloet al. (2008) used a friends-of-friends (FOF) algo- when tryingtoinfer thephysicalproperties and abundance rithm with a linking length of 0.2 times the mean inter- of the largest structuresin theunderlyingdistribution. particle separation to define haloes. Requiring 10 particles to resolve a halo implies that the minimum resolvable halo 2.3 Connected structure luminosities mass is 5.5×1011h−1M⊙. All of these haloes were popu- lated with galaxies according to the semi-analytical model Wewouldliketoquantifythesizesoftheobjectsfoundusing of Baugh et al. (2005). Galaxies that reside in unresolved thismethodinawaythat(a)doesnotdependexplicitlyon haloes are randomly placed onto dark matter particles out- themagnitude limit of thesurvey and (b) assigns the same side resolved haloes, according to the method described by size to a particular structure, independently of the redshift Cole et al. (2005). at which it is placed. Thus, rather than merely counting While the galaxy luminosity function produced by this the number of galaxies present in each system, we define a model is close (within 0.3 magnitudes around L∗) to that luminositythattakesintoaccountthefluxlimitsofthesur- observed in the 2dFGRS Norberg et al. (2002), we never- vey.Theangularvariationofthefluxlimitinthe2dFGRSis theless apply a luminosity-dependent shift in luminosities suchthatitchangesoverthelengthoftheelongatedfilamen- so that the cube of model galaxies has exactly the same tarystructures.Consequently,itisnecessary toconvertthe luminosity function as the 2dFGRS. Only galaxies with 4 D.N.A. Murphy, V.R. Eke and Carlos S. Frenk Figure3.Spatialdistributionof2dFGRSgalaxiesinconnectedstructuresforsystemswithaverageredshiftz¯60.12intheRA-zplane. Thesesystemscontainatleasttwogalaxiesanddotcoloursrepresenttheweightednumberofgalaxiesinthestructure,wherethisweight takes intoaccountthelocalangularincompleteness. L > 1.4×108h−2L⊙ are included in the model cube. For BASICC simulation cube, and its effective volume is less the flux limit of the 2dFGRS, this implies that the mock than 10−3 of the volumeof theBASICC simulation, galaxycatalogueswillbemissinglowluminositygalaxiesat c) galaxies were removed according to the position- z < 0.025. This corresponds to just under one per cent of dependent2dFGRS flux limits and completeness masks, ∼ thetotal volumebeing considered. d)theremaininggalaxieswereassignedaredshiftaccording Fifty mocks of the 2dFGRS were created from this to theirpeculiar velocity in thesimulation. cubeof model galaxies as follows: a) a random observerlocation and direction were chosen, Previous studies have shown that this semi-analytic b) volume-limited NGP and SGP surveys were created modeltendstoplacetoo manylow luminosity galaxies into using periodic replicas of the cube if required. Note that galaxy clusters (Ekeet al. 2004b; Gilbank & Balogh 2008; thedepth of the2dFGRS is less than half thelength of the Kim et al. 2009).Given that theglobal luminosity function 2dFGRS connected structures 5 Figure 4. Spatial distribution of 2dFGRS galaxies in connected structures in the RA-z plane. Colours represent the total system luminosityinunitsoflog10(L/h−2L⊙). has been forced to match that in the observations, this im- therealsurvey.Weachievethisinthemodelbymultiplying pliesthatthemodelwilllacklowluminositygalaxiesinlower f(z), as given by Eqn. 1, by a constant, χ. χ > 1 implies densityregions.Thisknownproblemwillaffectthestructure thatahigherfraction ofgalaxiesareretainedinthegroups. finder. In order to determine an appropriate value for χ, we have measured the distribution of system orientations de- To try and reduce the impact of this known difference finedas betweenthemodelandobservations,weallow ourselvesthe freedom to jettison a smaller fraction of galaxies from the θ=tan−1 ∆lz , (4) model groups than given by Eqn. 1 for the real 2dFGRS. (cid:18)∆lφ(cid:19) This decreases, in the vicinity of the groups, the number where ∆lz represents the range of the member galaxies in densityofpointsusedforthestructure-findingsweepofthe the redshift direction and ∆l is the larger of the ranges φ friends-of-friends algorithm to an amount similar tothat in of member galaxies in the RA and dec directions. Thus, 6 D.N.A. Murphy, V.R. Eke and Carlos S. Frenk θ=π/2foraradialobjectand0foronelyingperpendicular to this. We use the greater of ∆lz and ∆lφ to describe the scale size of theconnected structure. Fig. 5 shows the cumulative probability distributions of system orientations for structures containing at least 20 galaxies in the 2dFGRS and those recovered from 10 mock surveysusingthreedifferentvaluesofχ1.Itisapparentthat, when treated in the same way as the real data (i.e. χ=1), the model contains too many objects aligned along the line of sight. This is a result of too many low luminosity galax- iesbeingplacedintotheredshiftspacevolumesoccupiedby themodel groups. Whenthe‘interloping’ galaxies are jetti- sonedfromthegroupsfoundinthemockcatalogues,enough oftheseextralowluminositygalaxiesareplacedalongradial lines that they bias the orientation distribution. Increasing χ retains a higher fraction of the initially grouped galaxies inthegroups,reducingthenumberof‘interlopers’returned to the field, and decreasing the number of radially aligned objectsfoundinthesecondpassofthefriends-of-friendsal- gorithm. A value of χ = 1.15 produces a mock orientation distribution that is, according to a K-S test, indistinguish- able from that found in the 2dFGRS. This is chosen as the defaultvalueforthese2BASICCmocksthroughoutthispa- Figure 5.Cumulativeprobabilitydistributions ofsystem orien- per. tationsforallobjectscontainingatleast20galaxies.Resultsare An additional set of 22 mock 2dFGRS surveys created shown for the 2dFGRS and for averages of 10 2BASICC mocks. from the Hubble Volume by Cole et al. (2000), as used by The mock distributions are derived from three different choices Gaztan˜aga et al.(2005),arealsoanalysedtogivesomeidea ofχ=1.0,1.15and1.30,asindicatedinthelegend. of the systematic differences resulting from different simu- lations and implementations of the galaxy formation mod- elling. For these mock catalogues, a value of χ = 1.11 was requiredinordertorecoverthe2dFGRSsystemorientation distribution. 3 RESULTS In this section, we will first describe the main features and propertiesoftheconnectedstructuresfoundinthe2dFGRS and then compare with the results from the ΛCDM mock surveys. This comparison will encompass both the whole population of connected systems as well as the largest ob- jects. 3.1 Connected systems in the 2dFGRS Projections onto the right ascension-redshift plane of all of the connected systems found in the 2dFGRS are shown in Figs.3and4.Atotalof95,010galaxiesarelinkedinto7,603 systemscontainingatleasttwomembersandmeanredshifts nogreaterthan0.12.Ofthese,3,018containonlytwomem- bers. Almost 87 per cent of galaxies at z 60.12 are placed into a connected structure. One large filamentary-structure Figure 6.Therelationbetween object luminosity,L,andNgal, stands out in each of the NGP and SGP wedges. These theweightednumberofgalaxiesinobjectswithz¯60.12. systems trace out the same overdensities apparent in the 2PIGGdistribution(Eke et al.2004b),thesmoothedgalaxy densitymap(Baugh et al.2004)andthereconstructedden- sity field (Erdo˘gdu et al. 2004) of the2dFGRS.The largest NGP object, at z ∼ 0.08, corresponds to the large RA end 1 One might imagine that randomly oriented connected struc- of the‘Sloan Great Wall’ highlighted by Gott et al. (2005). tureswouldbeuniformlydistributedwithθ.However,sincesys- tems often contain more than two galaxies, which are generally At a total bJ-band luminosity of ∼ 7.8×1013h−2L⊙, this notcolinear,thedefinitionofθleadstoconnectedstructurespref- is about 20 per cent more luminous than the largest equiv- erentiallyavoidingvaluestowardstheendsoftherange[0,π/2]. alent in the SGP, which lies at z ∼ 0.11 and RA ∼ 10◦. 2dFGRS connected structures 7 Table 1. Properties of connected structures with z¯6 0.12 identified in the 2dFGRS and mock surveys. Mock values are the mean over all 50 2BASICC and 22 Hubble Volume mock surveys with the uncertainties being the standard deviation of individual surveys fromthesemean values.N isthe total number ofconnected systems withinthe catalogue, f thefractionof galaxies outtoz=0.12in systemsandNgal isthetotalnumberofgalaxiesouttoz=0.12.Thefifthandsixthcolumnsdescribetheaverageandmaximumobject luminosities (in units log10(L/h−2L⊙)). We give the comoving scale lmax of the largest structure identified in the survey in the final column.Thisisdefinedasthelargestinextent ofgalaxymembersintheredshift,RAordecdirections. Survey N f log10(Ngal) log10L¯ log10Lmax lmax(h−1Mpc) 2dFGRS 7603 87.7% 5.06 11.16 13.89 198 2BASICC 8023±250 85.9±0.8% 5.07±0.04 11.08±0.03 13.44+0.15 81±19 −0.23 HV 8253±135 82.0±0.8% 5.11±0.02 11.10±0.03 13.55+0.14 93±27 −0.20 Figure7.Thedistributionofsystemluminositieswithincreasing Figure 8.Theweightednumberofgalaxiesinthelargeststruc- redshift. ture for NGP (black) and SGP (red) systems with z¯60.12, in- cludinganymemberswithredshiftsgreaterthanthislimitsubject tothemeansystemredshiftremainingbelowit.Inbothcasesthe The extents in RA of these largest NGP and SGP systems dashed lines show the 2dFGRS data, whilstsolidlinesrepresent in comoving coordinates are ∼198h−1Mpc and 99h−1Mpc themeannumberofgalaxiesinthelargestobjectacross50mock surveys.IntheNGPcase,weincludealsoerrorbarsrepresenting respectively.WhiletheNGPsystemscontainstwiceasmany thestandarddeviationofthesesurveysaroundthemean. members as that in the SGP, it is very nearly broken into two pieces around RA ∼ 185◦, where the galaxy density drops off considerably. Morelocally,acontinuationtolowerdeclinationsofthe Fig. 7 shows how connected system luminosity varies CfA Great Wall(Geller & Huchra1989) is seen at z∼0.02 with redshift, with the lower envelope representing the to- in the NGP, although our algorithm breaks this up into a tal luminosity of 2 galaxies at the flux limit. The geometry few different components. of the survey precludes finding very luminous structures at Some average and extreme properties of the systems low redshift because of the small volume sampled, but the identified in the 2dFGRS are listed in Table 1. In more de- greater volume available at larger redshifts is sufficient to tail, the correlation between the luminosity and weighted contain larger, more luminous filamentary structures. The (to account for thelocal angular incompleteness of the sur- largest NGP and SGP systems are once again conspicuous vey)membershipofconnectedstructuresisshowninFig.6. at thetop of thefigure. The second largest system contains at least twice as many members as the third largest one, and almost 3 times as much luminosity, making the largest NGP and SGP struc- 3.2 Comparison with mock catalogues tures stand out from the remaining systems. The scatter around the mean relation reflects the range of redshifts in We follow almost the same procedure to define connected the flux-limited survey. While the object luminosity is cor- structures in the 50 2BASICC mocks, with the only dif- rectedtotakeaccountofthisfluxlimit,theweightednumber ference being that the fraction of galaxies retained in the of galaxies is not. groups,f(z) in Eqn.1, isincreased byafactor χ=1.15, as 8 D.N.A. Murphy, V.R. Eke and Carlos S. Frenk Forredshiftsgreaterthan0.04,thenumberofreal2dF- GRS structures is typically slightly below the mean of the 50mocksurveys.ThisisreflectedinthefirstcolumnofTa- ble 1, which shows that the total number of systems in the 2dFGRS is (1−2)σ beneath that of themocks, despite the factthataslightlyhigherfractionofgalaxiesareplacedinto the2dFGRSstructures.Thetotalnumberofgalaxiesinthe 2dFGRS and mock surveys matches well by construction, but the excess of mock galaxies placed into groups means that fewer are available in lower density regions for linking togethersmallsystems.Therelativelyhighfractionofgalax- ies placed into structures and low number of structures in the 2dFGRS leads to a larger mean luminosity. This differ- encecanberemovedbynotincludingthetwomostluminous systems in the 2dFGRS in the calculation. The distribution of system luminosities is shown in Fig. 10. The mocks have a relative lack of structures be- neath L ∼ 109h−2L⊙, more than the real 2dFGRS at L ∼ 3×1010h−2L⊙, which is the peak of the distribution and corresponds approximately to two L∗ galaxies, and a paucity of filamentary systems like the largest ones in the 2dFGRS.Asstatedabove,thedifferencebetweenthemodel Figure9.Theredshiftdistributionofallobjectswithatleasttwo and real distributions at low luminosities arises mostly be- members.Thebluelinerepresentsthemeannumberofconnected cause the lowest luminosity galaxies in the model are more structures asafunctionofredshiftacross50mocksurveys,with likely to be placed into larger groups and hence are not errorbarsrepresentingtheirstandarddeviationaroundthemean. available to form very low luminosity systems. The deficit Theblacklinecorrespondstosystemsdetected inthe2dFGRS. of lower luminosity galaxies outside groups impacts in two ways upon the most luminous model structures. They tend to gain luminosity because their groups are slightly more described in §2. The impact of this choice on the results is luminousthanthoseofcorrespondingmassinthe2dFGRS. discussed later. However, the lack of low luminosity galaxies in the lower Fig. 8 shows how the number of galaxies in the most densityregions,makesitlesslikelythatlargestructureswill populatedsystemgrowsasbisincreasedforeachsurveyre- jointogether.Itisthissecondeffectthatismoreimportant, gion. While the behaviour is broadly similar to that of the resulting in none of the 50 mock surveys yielding two sys- largest filament in the 2dFGRS, the onset of percolation in temsasluminousasthetwomostluminousinthe2dFGRS. mock catalogues is delayed by about 0.1 times the mean Giventhatmanydifferencesbetweentherealandmock intergalaxy separation. As a consequence, at b = 0.69, the structure luminosity distributions result from the different largest 2dFGRS system (located in the NGP) is a signifi- spatial distributions of low luminosity galaxies in the real cant outlier, being more populated than the corresponding and mock surveys, and that we have used a different value structureinallbutoneofthe50mockcatalogues.Themock of χ for real and mock surveys, one might reasonably ask systemcontainingmoregalaxies thanthelargest oneinthe what changes when χ = 1 is used for the mocks. This is 2dFGRSisplacedat z∼0.01 andismuchlessluminous.It shown in Fig. 11, where three different χ values are used istheresultoftherandomlychosenobserverbeingputvery forthe2BASICCmocks.Increasingχretainsmoregalaxies near to a large galaxy cluster. in the groups, leaving fewer galaxies to help the algorithm The larger value of χ adopted for mock surveys means link together larger structures. This leads to a decrease in that the number of galaxies and group centres used for the the luminosity of the most luminous systems. Decreasing algorithm is on average ∼ 13 per cent lower than in the χ leads to an increase in the luminosity of the most lumi- case of the 2dFGRS. If we were to use a value of b that nous systems, but even for χ = 1 there are still no surveys was correspondingly larger (i.e. scaled by the inverse cube withtwostructuresatleastasluminousasthesecondmost root of the numberof points to be 0.72) then this does not luminous 2dFGRS system. Nevertheless, we do obtain two significantly affect the discrepancy between the number of surveys with a connected system more luminous than the galaxies in the most populated systems in the mock or real brightest2dFGRSsystem.However,asshowninFig.5,this 2dFGRS. comes at theexpense of producing a set of objects that are The redshift distribution of the structures is shown in significantly more radially oriented than those found in the Fig. 9. At z <0.025, where themock catalogues are known ∼ 2dFGRS. tobemissinglowluminositygalaxies,themocksurveyscon- tain fewer objects than the real 2dFGRS. The main reason Also shown in Fig. 11 is the distribution of sys- forthisisactuallynottheincompletenessinthemocks,but tems found in the 22 Hubble Volume mock catalogues of the fact that too many low luminosity galaxies are placed Cole et al. (2000). After tuning χ to be 1.11 to recover the into large groups, reducing the number available to form 2dFGRSstructureorientationdistribution,theHubbleVol- other small systems. This local volume represents only a ume mocks are broadly similar to the 2BASICC ones, with small fraction of the survey. the abundance of the most luminous systems being almost 2dFGRS connected structures 9 unchanged.Thebottomrowoftable1containsstatisticsfor thesystems found in these HubbleVolume mocks. 4 CONCLUSIONS We havedescribed a simple algorithm with which to define connectedstructurewithin galaxy redshift surveys,and ap- plied it tothe2dFGRS.This algorithm explicitly addresses theredshift-spacedistortionassociatedwithrapidlymoving galaxieswithingroupsandclusters.The7,6032dFGRScon- nected structures at z 60.12 containing at least two mem- bers range up to ∼ 200h−1Mpc in extent, but are mostly associations oftwoL∗ galaxies. Quantifyingobjectsizesvia theirtotal luminosities, corrected for thesurveyfluxlimits, we find that the largest systems are filamentary in nature and havebJ luminosities of almost 1014h−2L⊙. Applyingthesamealgorithm toΛCDMmock2dFGRS catalogues, constructed using large-volume dark matter simulations and the semi-analytical model of Baugh et al. (2005), we find a broadly similar distribution of structures to those in the real data. There are, however, a few differ- ences in detail. Many of these result from the fact that the Figure10.Thedistributionofluminositiesforallstructureswith model places too many L ∼< L∗ galaxies into groups and a minimum membership of two, out to a redshift z =0.12. The clusters compared with the 2dFGRS. This biases the ori- redlinesshowthedistributionforeachofthe502BASICCmock entation distribution of the systems containing at least 20 catalogues. The black line shows the distribution for systems in galaxiestocontainmoreradiallyalignedobjectsinthemock the2dFGRS. surveythaninthe2dFGRS.Applyingacrudecorrection to the algorithm to enable it to recover the same orientation distribution in the mock survey as it does in the 2dFGRS leads to the largest mock structures being significantly less luminous than those in the 2dFGRS. It is clear that at least some of thedifferences between the properties of the structures in the 2dFGRS and the mock catalogues arise from inadequacies in the galaxy for- mation model that was used to construct the mocks. We have attempted to overcome these inadequacies as far as possible through empirical corrections. Our analysis indi- catesthatthelargestfilamentarystructuresseeninthe2dF- GRS are not reproduced in the mock catalogues. However, whilethisdiscrepancycould signalafailureofthestandard ΛCDM cosmological model on large scales, it seems more plausible that it reflects a shortcoming in the predictions of our models of galaxy formation for the abundance and spatial distribution of galaxies on small scales. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DNAM acknowledges an STFC PhD studentship and CSF a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award. We thank Raul Angulo and Carlton Baugh for assistance in the pro- Figure11.Structureluminositydistributionsfordifferentvalues ductionofthe2BASICCmocksurveys.WealsothankKevin ofχinthe2BASICCsurveys,fortheHubbleVolumecatalogues Pimblettandtherefereeforusefulcommentsthatimproved andthe2dFGRS.Mocksurveydistributionshavebeenaveraged thequality of thismanuscript. over the 50 surveys in the 2BASICC and the 22 in the Hubble Volumesimulations. REFERENCES AnguloR.E.,BaughC.M.,FrenkC.S.,LaceyC.G.,2008, MNRAS,383, 755 Arag´on-Calvo M. A., Jones B. J. T., van de Weygaert R., vander Hulst J. 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