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Conjunctions in Modern Standard Arabic PDF

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CONJUNCTIONS AND INTERJECTIONS IN MODERN STANDARD ARABIC Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic is a grammar for Modern Standard Arabic introducing conjunctions and interjections from the most basic to the most advanced, with drills for each grammatical point. Skill in the use of con- junctions and interjections is essential for acquiring proficiency in expressing rela- tionships of causation, order, time sequence and other relationships among events and ideas. Each chapter presents the grammar of conjunctions and interjections in clearly organized tables with examples of each use. An additional section presents multiple drills for practice and functional use. Aimed as a textbook for students for all four years of university Arabic, and for independent learners. Abdulkareem Said Ramadan is Associate Professor of Arabic, Gettysburg Col- lege, Pennsylvania. He earned his PhD in Arabic and Applied Linguistics at the University of Damascus where he also earned an MA in Arabic Syntax and Mor- phology and a BA in Arabic Language and Literature. He was the coordinator of the Arabic program at the Arabic Language Center at the University of Damascus, where he taught Arabic as a second language. He has taught at the Middlebury College Arabic School, Washington University in St Louis, and the University of Virginia, where he coordinated the Arabic program. Routledge Aspects of Arabic Grammar Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic Abdulkareem Said Ramadan For more information about this series, please visit: www.routledge.com/l anguages/ series/ RAAG CONJUNCTIONS AND INTERJECTIONS IN MODERN STANDARD ARABIC Abdulkareem Said Ramadan ةيبرعلا ةغللا يف لاعفلأا ءامسأو طبرلا تاودأ ناضمر ديس ميركلا دبع First published 2019 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2019 Abdelkareem Said Ramadan The right of Abdelkareem Said Ramadan to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing- in- Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: 978-1-138-29603-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-138-29604-6 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-10029-6 (ebk) Typeset in Bembo and Noto Naskh Arabic by Apex CoVantage, LLC CONTENTS Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1 1 Conjunction/ syndetic coordination 5 فطعلا 2 Addition 13 ةفاضلإا 3 Simile 21 هيبشتلا 4 Specification 27 صيصختلا 5 Amendment particle/ disjunctive 33 كاردتسلاا 6 Necessity 39 موزللاو بوجولا 7 Order/ assorting 45 بيترتلا 8 Possibility 53 ةيناكملإا 9 Relative pronoun 61 لوصوملا مسلاا 10 Time and continuity 69 ةيرارمتسلااو نامزلا 11 Tools/ means 79 لئاسولاو تاودلأا vi Contents 12 The circumstantial accusative/ adverb of manner 87 لاحلا 13 Reason and reasoning 93 ليلعتلاو ببسلا 14 Exception 101 ءانثتسلاا 15 Comparison 107 ةنراقملا 16 Emphasis 113 ديكوتلا 17 Selection/ preference 121 رييختلا 18 Negation repetition 127 يفنلا راركت 19 Surprise/ suddenness 133 ةأجافملا 20 Miscellaneous 139 تاقرفتم 21 Interjections 147 لاعفلأا ءامسأ 22 Answer key 155 تاباجلإا Glossary 176 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to give my sincerest thanks to my family and to Lisa Portmess and Kate Landis for their help and support. My special thanks go to my colleagues Hus- sein Elkhafaifi, Mohammad Alhawary, Y ounasse Tarbouni and Miled Faiza for their comments and suggestions. I am grateful to the Routledge team, Andrea Hartill, Zoe Meyer, Autumn Spalding and Claire Margerison, for their help and coopera- tion at all stages of this work. I also thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading and comments. INTRODUCTION This book aims to present conjunctions and interjections in Modern Standard Arabic for second language learners of Arabic by clear, accessible explanations and examples. The purpose of this work is to help students understand the role of con- junctions and interjections so that they acquire greater proficiency in the logic of sentence and paragraph construction. Conjunctions and interjections are essential to learning Arabic as a second lan- guage. When conjunctions are understood and used correctly, they significantly improve the level of language proficiency by enhancing a student’s capacity for more complex expression. Such capacity helps students avoid reliance on discon- nected sentences in which the logic of relationships among statements remains undefined. Students then are able to express relationships of causation, order, time sequence, exception, preferences and other relationships among events and ideas. Interjections, which express the emotion or sentiment of the speaker, are essen- tial to style and emotional expression in both spoken and written Arabic. For sec- ond language learners the mastery of interjections is therefore a crucial element in acquiring proficiency. This book takes as its primary purpose the development of greater proficiency in understanding and using conjunctions and interjections, which allows for greater fluency in expressing complex ideas and relationships, as well as the emotions of the speaker or writer. This book contains 21 units divided according to the specific functions of con- junctions and interjections. Each unit introduces the proper use of the conjunction or interjection in a clear chart, followed by examples that illustrate the conjunction or interjection in different contexts. Each explanation of the use of a conjunction or interjection is followed by a series of six exercises. The first and second exercises enhance the student’s under- standing of the conjunctions and interjections, the first by asking students to fill in

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