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Conical intersections for light and matter waves Daniel Leykam1 and Anton S. Desyatnikov2,3 1Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371, Singapore 2Physics Department, School of Science and Technology, Nazarbayev University, 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave., Astana, Kazakhstan 3Nonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Wereviewthedesign,theory,andapplicationsoftwodimensionalperiodiclatticeshostingconical intersectionsintheirenergy-momentumspectrum. ThebestknownexampleistheDiraccone,where 6 propagationisgovernedbyaneffectiveDiracequation,withelectronspinreplacedbya“fermionic” 1 half-integerpseudospin. However,inmanysystemssuchasmetamaterials,modalsymmetriesresult 0 in the formation of higher order conical intersections with integer or “bosonic” pseudospin. The 2 ability to engineer lattices with these qualitatively different singular dispersion relations opens up many applications, including superior slab lasers, generation of orbital angular momentum, zero- y index metamaterials, and quantum simulation of exotic phases of relativistic matter. a M PACSnumbers: 78.67.Pt,42.82.Et,03.65.Pm,03.65.Vf 1 3 I. INTRODUCTION ] s c Aconicalintersectionoccurswhentwoormoreenergysurfacesinaparameterspacebecomedegenerateatapoint. i t Such a singular degeneracy signifies the breakdown of the simplest single mode or scalar approximation, demanding p the introduction of concepts such as geometric phases and pseudospinor or vector order parameters, leading to o phenomena that are not just quantitatively, but also qualitatively different from the scalar case [1]. Originally . s consideredpathological,requiringhighsymmetriesabsentfromanyrealisticsystem[2],wenowrecognisetheubiquity c ofconicalintersections,appearingacrossdiversedisciplinesrangingfromchemicalreactiondynamics[3]tocondensed i s matter systems such as graphene [4] and more recently to the closely related fields of photonics [5, 6] and matter y waves [7, 8]. h p The focus of the present review is on conical intersections in two-dimensional periodic media and their application [ to photonic and matter waves. In this case the parameter space is the in-plane wavevector (Bloch momentum), and the energy surfaces are the Bloch bands of the lattice. Notably in this situation conical intersections lead to wave 2 propagation that emulates aspects of relativistic wave physics previously deemed hideously impractical to achieve, v 6 but now routinely observed in tabletop [9] or even on-chip experiments [10] and even finding useful applications. 6 The recent tremendous interest in these conical intersections derives from graphene, a two-dimensional honeycomb 1 lattice of carbon atoms hosting the simplest type of conical intersection, “Dirac cones,” in its electronic band struc- 5 ture[4,9]. Otherbranchesofphysicsincludingphotonicshavedrawnonthisdiscoverytoengineerso-called“artificial 0 graphenes” displaying analogous properties [11]. The aim of this review is to highlight how the interesting physics of . 1 conicalintersectionsisnotjustlimitedtoemulatingeffectsobservedingraphene;infacttheabilitytocoherentlycon- 0 trol wavepackets and potential landscapes for photonic and matter waves leads to novel effects not readily accessible 6 orwithnoanaloguein“real”graphene. Wehaveseenarapidgrowthofliteratureonthistopic,withcross-disciplinary 1 applications not limited to the electronic properties of graphene’s Dirac cones. : v We begin by briefly surveying periodic media displaying conical intersections in Sec. II, with focus on photonic i lattices,crystals,andmetamaterials. Sec.IIIoutlinestheirtheoreticaldescription,highlightingqualitativedifferences X between the “fermionic” Dirac cone and higher-order “bosonic” intersections associated with half-integer and integer r a pseudospins respectively. We explore some practical applications of photonic conical intersections in Sec. IV, before concluding in Sec. V with a discussion of links to other fields and some interesting open problems. II. DESIGN Perhaps the first example of wave propagation governed by a conical intersection was discovered by Hamilton in 1832: conical diffraction in biaxial crystals, where the propagation constants of two polarizations of light display a Dirac point degeneracy [12]. While this curious phenomenon was revisited only occasionally in following century and a half [13], interest in conical intersections rapidly expanded after the isolation of graphene in 2004 and discovery of many fascinating properties connected to its Dirac cones [4]. This has inspired the emulation of graphene in other 2 (a) (b) (c) 500nm s e at st Dirac f point o y sit n e D 30μm Frequency (GHz) FIG. 1. Conical intersections in photonic systems from microwave to optical frequencies. (a) A triangular lattice formed by superconductingmicrowaveresonator,displayinghalf-integerpseudospinDiraccones. Themeasureddensityofstatesvanishes linearlyastheDiracpointfrequencyisapproached. AdapatedfromRef.[26]. (b)All-dielectriczeroindexinfraredmetamaterial withbandstructuredisplayingconicalintersectionatΓpoint,insidethefree-spacelightconedepictedinwhite(adaptedfrom Ref. [41]). (c) Femtosecond laser-written Lieb lattice in silica glass, with integer pseudospin conical intersection at Brillouin zone corner (courtesy Falko Diebel, Mu¨nster University). fields including photonics. Consequently, most demonstrated examples of conical intersections to date are based on graphene’s honeycomb lattice structure, since its symmetries guarantee the existence of Dirac cones, even in weak lattices for which the tight binding approximation is no longer valid [14]. The honeycomb or hexagonal lattice geometry has now been studied theoretically and experimentally in many different photonic systems including metamaterials and photonic crystals [15–17], plasmonic nanoparticles [18, 19], photonic lattices [20–22], and microwave resonator arrays [23–26], eg. Fig. 1(a). There are also similar studies in the closelyrelatedsettingsofcoldatomsinopticallattices[27,28],exciton-polaritoncondensates[29],andoptomechanical arrays[30]. ArguablyourunderstandingofwavedynamicsattheDiracconesinthelinear,losslesslimitisnowmature; opentopicsofresearchinvolvetheinterplayofthislinearbandstructurewithsubtletiespeculiartoeachsystem,such asdriven-dissipativedynamics,quantumphenomena,andtheroleofinteractionsornonlinearities. Detaileddiscussion of these effects in artificial honeycomb lattices can be found in Ref. [11]. A second breakthrough in the engineering of systems hosting conical intersections was the realization that the specific symmetries of the honeycomb lattice are not essential; conical intersections can also be created and moved through the Brillouin zone as accidental degeneracies via the tuning of system parameters [31, 32]. This approach is especially useful for metamaterials and photonic crystals, as it opens up new lattice geometries hosting conical intersections for beams at normal incidence [18, 33, 34] and intersections based on degeneracies of transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) modes [35]. Typically the degeneracy is achieved by tuning parameters such as dielectricrodradiusorfillingfactorinphotoniccrystals[36–38],refractiveindexcontrastofnanoparticles[18],lattice period [39], or coupling strength between resonators [31, 40]. Curiously in many cases, especially photonic metamaterials [10, 36, 41], the accidental degeneracy also involves a third, auxiliary flat band, see Fig. 1(b). For example in systems with T “time reversal” symmetry this is required for intersections at the Brillouin zone centre (Γ point; invariant under T), since Dirac cones must appear in pairs that are swapped by T. Although these cones are commonly (and inaccurately) called Dirac cones in the literature, this name overlooks some fundamental differences. Infact,theauxiliaryflatbandisasignatureofahigherorderor“bosonic”conicalintersection,whichhasdistinctly differentproperties[42]. Namely,wavepropagationisgovernedbyaninteger pseudospinvariantoftheDiracequation, which displays unique effects such as resonant all-angle Klein tunnelling through potential barriers [43, 44]. In this case, theprototypicalexampleforstudyingthepropertiesofintegerpseudospinintersectionshasbeenthesquare-like “Lieb lattice” shown in Fig. 1(c), originally proposed for cold atoms [43, 45–47] and recently realized as a photonic lattice [48–52]. Going further, there is now growing interest in studying and designing systems hosting generalized conical inter- 3 sections with arbitrary pseudospin s. Proposed designs include quasi-2D multilayer structures [53], or genuinely 2D opticallatticesformulticomponentcoldatomsinwhichlaser-assistedtunnellingcouldbeusedtoengineertherequired matrix-valued hopping elements for arbitrary s [54]. In photonics the design of such lattices remains a challenging open problem, demanding either increasingly complex lattice geometries or a way to engineer similar matrix-valued coupling terms between several near-degenerate internal modes. Perhaps a first step towards achieving this would be todemonstratethesegeneralizedintersectionsinalowerdimensional(quasi-1D)setting,whereforexampleanalogues of the Dirac cone and s=1 cone have been realized [55, 56]. III. THEORY The disparate systems described above share universal long (transverse) wavelength dynamics at their conical intersections, with a Bloch wave spectrum in the lossless conservative limit obtained from the Hermitian eigenvalue problem E (k)|u (k)(cid:105)=Hˆ(k)|u (k)(cid:105), (1) n n n where E is the wave energy or frequency in the nth band, k =(k ,k ,0) is the in-plane wavevector, |u (k)(cid:105) is the n x y n Bloch function, and Hˆ(k) is an effective Hamiltonian. By applying the k·p perturbation theory, one can rigorously show that if the spectrum E (k) displays a degeneracy at a point in the Brillouin zone K, the dispersion plotted in n Fig. 2(a) is locally linear and remarkably described by the relativistic Dirac-Weyl Hamiltonian [37], Hˆ (p)=v (p·Sˆ), (2) D 0 where the energy and wavevector p≡k−K are measured with respect to the degeneracy, cone angle v acts as the 0 effective speed of light, and Sˆ=(Sˆ ,Sˆ ,Sˆ ) are spin operators for a particle with spin s, which form a “pseudospin”. x y z This pseudospin can be defined in terms of the symmetries of the degenerate Bloch modes at p = 0 [57, 58]. It forms an analogue of “real” spin describing how the Bloch waves are distributed between near-degenerate internal or “microscopic”statesoftheperiodicmedium,suchasthetwoinequivalentsublatticesofahoneycomblattice,different resonances of meta-atoms (monopolar/dipolar), or layers of a multilayer structure (eg. bilayer graphene). The key propertyofaconicalintersectionisthenontrivialcouplingofthispseudospintothereal momentump,whichsignifies a failure of a single band approximation and the necessity of a multi-band model. Nevertheless, complex multi-band effects can be understood intuitively via analogies with real spin. For example, a pseudospin-orbit coupling is revealed by introducing pseudospin raising/lowering operators Sˆ = ± Sˆ ±iSˆ and converting Eq. (2) to polar coordinates p=(pcosθ,psinθ), x y (cid:16) (cid:17) Hˆ (p)=v p e−iθSˆ +eiθSˆ . (3) D 0 + − Thus, wave dynamics at conical intersections generically involve conversion between different pseudospin states, and the generation of phase singularities e±iθ (quantized vortices), demonstrating a deep connection between microscopic pseudospin and macroscopic angular momentum that is also directly observable, eg. in the optical absorption of graphene [59, 60] or conical diffraction experiments [22, 50]. Other features of the Dirac-Weyl Hamiltonian Eq. (2) can be derived using the basic properties of the pseudospin operators [58]. Energy eigenvalues are isotropic with linear dispersion E (p) = nv p and constant group velocity n 0 ∇ E = nv p/p plotted in Fig. 2(b), implying a linearly vanishing density of states ρ(E) ∝ |E|/n in contrast to the p 0 constant density of states associated with ordinary parabolic dispersion. Here the band index n = −s,−s+1,...,s reveals a fundamental difference between “bosonic” integer and “fermionic” half-integer pseudospins s, namely the appearanceofazeroenergyflatbandwithdivergentdensityofstatesintheformer. Furthermore,the2π Berryphase of the bosonic intersection leads to perfect Klein tunnelling of waves through potential steps across a wider range of incident angles compared to the Dirac cone displaying perfect transmission only at normal incidence [43, 44]. These differences are summarized in Fig. 2(c). The two classes of intersections respond very differently to perturbations. For example, the Pauli operators σˆ j associatedwiths=1/2squaretotheidentity,σˆ2 =ˆ1,implyingthattheonlywaytoopenagapataDiracconewhile j preserving the spatial symmetries of the lattice is to break the microscopic symmetry between the two pseudospin eigenstates, eg. by detuning two sublattices in the honeycomb lattice. This “protection” can be understood in terms of the quantized π Berry phase accumulated when encircling a Dirac cone [31]. On the other hand, this property no longer holds for higher values of s: at a bosonic s=1 intersection with Berry phase 0 (mod 2π) [61], symmetry only protects the degeneracy of two modes (eg. orthogonal dipolar modes in a metamaterial), while the third (typically a monopole mode) must be tuned to achieve an accidental degeneracy and conical intersection. 4 (a) "Fermionic" "Bosonic" (b) Group velocity (c) E 2 s=1/2 ρ(E) p y 1 s=1 p x 0 s = 1/2 s = 1 -1 0 E 1 1 Pseudospin-orbit s =1 interaction |T|2 s=1/2 0 s = 3/2 s = 2 -π/2 0 θ π/2 FIG.2. (a)Conicalintersectionsofdifferentorderswithpseudospins. (b)Propertiescommontoboth“fermionic”(half-integer s) and “bosonic” (integer s) intersections. Top: group velocity field, directed radially with constant magnitude, singular at p=0. Bottom: time evolution Hˆ generating mixing between pseudospin s and orbital l degrees of freedom, conserving the D total angular momentum j =s+l. (c) Differences between fermionic and bosonic intersections. Top: Density of states ρ(E), withthebosonicintersectiondisplayingaδfunctionsingularityatE =0. Bottom: Amplitude|T|2forKleintunnellingthrough a potential step as a function of incident angle θ, displaying a slower decay |T|2 ∼cos4θ in the bosonic case. As noted above, in systems with time reversal (T) symmetry, Dirac cones appear in pairs related via T symmetry, a consequence of their “fermionic” π Berry phase. Hence in contrast to their “bosonic” s = 1 counterparts, they cannot appear at T-invariant points of the Brillouin zone such as the Γ point (required for device operation in the “metamaterial” regime). The only way around this restriction is to break T, eg. by considering magnetic optical media [62], or by modulating the system along the propagation direction [63]. Thesetwosimplestexamples,s=1/2ands=1,arealreadysufficienttorevealthefundamentaldifferencesbetween “fermionic” and “bosonic” intersections. We note that for higher values of s, one must distinguish between genuine higher representations of s, and multiple degenerate copies of a lower s, for example the “double Dirac cones” of Refs. [64, 65] employing accidental degeneracy between pairs of dipole and quadrupole modes to create two copies of the s=1/2 cone. IV. APPLICATIONS The unconventional, “relativistic” properties of conical intersections open up a variety of photonic applications, which typically exploit either their linear dispersion and density of states, or the nontrivial winding and Berry phase of the eigenmodes around the intersection. Thefirstpredictedeffectofaconicalintersectionwastheformationofcharacteristicdoubleringdiffractionpattern calledconicaldiffraction[12,13],whichiscausedbythesingulargroupvelocityplottedinFig.2(b): allwavevectorsof aGaussianbeamhaveagroupvelocitydirectedradiallyoutwards,withconstantmagnitude. Thuspropagationleaves a dark central core surrounded by rings of constant thickness, which is useful for the optical trapping of particles. Applications span from the manipulation of biological samples to probing the physics of condensates of ultracold atoms [66, 67]. A variety of trapping configurations are possible, such as using the dark core as a 3D bottle beam, eg. Fig.3(a). Alternativelyincombinationwithaconfiningpotentialinthelongitudinal(propagation)direction, one can create quasi-1D ring traps using either the two bright rings or the separating dark ring [68, 69]. Additionally, the conversion between different pseudospin states during conical diffraction enables the controlled generation of orbital angular momentum, optical vortices, and other wave singularities [5, 22, 50, 70]. A linearly vanishing density of states as in Figs. 1(a) and Fig. 2(c) is a useful property for the design of photonic crystal slab lasers. The vanishing density of states promotes single mode lasing over a wide modal area when lasing occursataDiracpoint,leadingtomorefavourablescalingofthePurcellfactorwiththelasingarea[71]. Theseuseful 5 (a) (b) (c) Trivial Parity insulator breaking Dirac cone Gain & Exceptional ring loss T breaking Chern insulator FIG. 3. Some examples of applications of conical intersections. (a) Experimental images from Ref. [69] of the trapping and unloadingofa40µmglasssphere(blackcircle)fromaconicaldiffraction-basedthree-dimensionalbottlebeam,withtransverse profileconsistingoftwobrightringsseparatedbyadarkring. (b)ExperimentalobservationfromRef.[36]ofcloakinginazero index microwave metamaterial formed by a pseudospin 1 conical intersection. Top: an incident plane wave passes through the zero-index metamaterial with embedded metallic scatterer (blue square) without disruption. Bottom: for comparison, in the absence of the metamaterial the scatterer produces a shadow. (c) Novel phases accessible by weakly perturbing a pseudospin 1/2 conical intersection with different symmetry breaking terms. propertiescanevenpersistfortheintegerpseudospinintersections,becausetypicallyoneoftheconicalbandsandthe flat band (with divergent density of states) couple more strongly into radiative modes, leaving a single conical band with higher quality factor Q and a lower lasing threshold [38]. Conversely, if the output coupling is designed such that the flat band has the highest Q, its strong degeneracy and divergent density of states in Fig. 2(c) should lead to strongly multimode lasing with no long range phase order [72]. The flat dispersion bands associated with the bosonic integer pseudospin intersections have other interesting appli- cationsbeyondlasing. Theirvanishinggroupvelocityandstrongdegeneracycanbedirectlyobservedviatheexistence of strongly localized yet propagation invariant (nondiffracting) wavepackets [51, 52, 56]. This nondiffracting behavior leads to a strong sensitivity to further perturbations such as disorder or interactions [45, 47, 73], analogous to slow light-enhanced nonlinear optical effects. Flat bands can also be generated by pairs of fermionic Dirac cones, where they appear as bands of surface states linking pairs of cones [17, 21]. Conical intersections enable the realization of superior zero-index metamaterials. First generation designs were √ limited to vanishing permittivity (cid:15) with permeability µ∼1. While providing n= (cid:15)µ≈0, the large ratio µ/(cid:15) leads to strong impedance mismatch with free space modes, limiting applications. More useful designs require µ ≈ (cid:15) ≈ 0 for impedance matching. In fact, this simultaneous vanishing of µ and (cid:15) implies a locally linear dispersion relation, namelyaconicalintersection. Thishasleadtonewdesignsforlowloss,all-dielectriczeroindexmetamaterialsbasedon accidentallydegenerate,pseudospin1conicalintersectionsatmicrowave[36]andinfraredfrequencies[10,41]. Among the numerous and interdisciplinary applications of these zero index materials are supercollimation [42], leaky-wave antennas [74], and cloaking, illustrated in Fig. 3(b). Notably, a pseudospin 1 intersection is not strictly necessary to realize a zero index metamaterial; alternate designs based on doubly degenerate Dirac cones have also been proposed [64, 65], but not yet realized in experiment. Onamorefundamentallevel,therealizationofconicalintersectionsinphotonicandmatterwavesystemsallowsthe direct observation of relativistic quantum analogies not easily visible in systems such as graphene [75], for example the parity anomaly [76], along with the study of surface effects such as edge states that are notoriously hard to control in condensed matter systems [16, 17, 21, 24]. When a conical dispersion is restricted to a finite system, the intersection is replaced by a (small) band gap, due to the vanishing density of states. In contrast to regular Bragg gaps, the wave transmission T ∼ 1/L scales pseudo-diffusively with the lattice size L, for both “fermionic” and “bosonic” intersections [18, 77–79]. On the other hand, the reflected beam is sensitive to the type of intersection, displaying a suppression of coherent backscattering (weak antilocalization) due to the π Berry phase of “fermionic” intersections [80]. Finally, the point degeneracy between multiple spectral bands is itself extremely useful, enabling the creation of 6 other novel dispersion relations under modest symmetry-breaking perturbations, eg. Fig. 3(c). For example, at a Dirac point the typically weak magneto-optic effect is still strong enough to open a “topologically nontrivial” band gaptorealizeaphotonictopologicalinsulatorsupportingunidirectionaledgestates[15]. Forfurtherdiscussiononthis topic we recommend the recent review article on topological photonics, Ref. [6]. Under balanced gain and loss, the real conical spectrum becomes complex, emulating superluminal “tachyonic” dispersion [40, 81]. This superluminal dispersion is associated with the appearance of the non-Hermitian analogue of a conical intersection, “exceptional point” degeneracies [82], which form generically from any accidental conical intersection when open boundary con- ditions are applied [83]. Importantly, all these exotic effects can also be understood within relatively simple coupled mode models describing the near-degenerate modes at conical intersections. V. OUTLOOK We have seen significant progress in understanding the nature and ubiquity of conical intersections in two- dimensional periodic media, with interest now directed towards studying applications that go beyond demonstrating simple analogies with the electronic structure of graphene. Of these, the realization of zero index metamaterials is perhapsthemostprominent[10,36,41]. Neverthelessthereisstillthepotentialforfurthercross-fertilizationbetween different fields, going beyond the “artificial graphene” paradigm. A striking example of this is the recent discovery that a periodic lattice is not strictly necessary; conical intersections can also occur in quasiperiodic lattices [84]. Theideaofgeneratingconicalintersectionsviaaccidentaldegeneracies,whichisespeciallyusefulforstronglycoupled systems in which the tight binding approximation is often invalid, has not yet significantly filtered through to the matterwaveandcoldatomliterature. Likelyreasonsforthisaretheneedtopreciselyengineerthepotentiallandscape to hit the accidental degeneracy in the former, and the extremely good validity of the tight binding approximation in the latter when deep optical lattices are used. However, in systems such as exciton-polariton condensates where the energy resolution is typically a limiting factor, accidental degeneracies may be superior to tight binding limit conical intersections in certain applications (recall that the energy bandwidth vanishes as the tight binding limit is approached). Thus this is an avenue that deserves further attention in the context of recent advances in generating structured potentials for exciton-polaritons [85]. Perhaps because of this bandwidth limitation, a “bosonic” conical intersection has not yet been realized for exciton-polariton condensates. Conversely, the study of interactions and nonlinearities which are important for Bose-Einstein condensates [86, 87] andcoldatomshasnotbeensignificantlypursuedinthephotonicdomain,withonlyahandfultheoreticalstudiesbased onexperimentallyfeasibleparameterspublishedsofar,forexampledemonstratingbistability[89]andabilityforphase- matched second harmonic generation based on the vanishing effective refractive index [90]. It is therefore of interest to fabricate photonic media combining strong optical nonlinearities with conical intersections to enable the study of both all-optical beam control, and fundamental effects such as the existence and stability of solitons [20, 87, 88]. Finally,westressthattheseideasarenotjustlimitedtophotonicandmatterwaves. Beyondthescopeofthisreview, otherareaswhereconicalintersectionsareattractinginterestincludethesurfacestatesoftopologicalinsulators[91]and three-dimensional topological photonic crystals [62], and the bulk dispersion of phononic metamaterials [33, 37, 92]. One interesting potential application of the latter is protecting structures from earthquakes using a seismic wave cloak [93]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation under grant No. NRFF2012-02. [1] D. Xiao, M.-C. Chang, and Q. Niu, Berry phase effects on electronic properties, Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 1959 (2010). [2] H. A. Jahn and E. Teller, Stability of polyatomic moleculares in degenerate electronic states. I. Orbital degeneracy, Proc. Royal Soc. A 161, 220 (1937). [3] G. A. Worth and L. S. Cederbaum, Beyond Born-Oppenheimer: Molecular dynamics through a conical intersection, Ann. Rev. Phys. 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