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Congruent patterns of genetic and morphological variation in the parthenogenetic lizard Aspidoscelis tesselata (Squamata, Teiidae) and the origins of color pattern classes and genotypic clones in eastern New Mexico PDF

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Preview Congruent patterns of genetic and morphological variation in the parthenogenetic lizard Aspidoscelis tesselata (Squamata, Teiidae) and the origins of color pattern classes and genotypic clones in eastern New Mexico

AMERICAN MUSEUM Novitates PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3424, 40 pp., 14 figures, 13 tables December 9, 2003 Congruent Patterns of Genetic and Morphological Variation in the Parthenogenetic Lizard Aspidoscelis tesselata (Squamata: Teiidae) and the Origins of Color Pattern Classes and Genotypic Clones in Eastern New Mexico HARRY L. TAYLOR,! CHARLES J. COLE,” HERBERT C. DESSAUER,*? AND E. D. PARKER, JR.* CONTENTS PRD SUL ACIS phy Peateg shh Bey ion c,3 .s gsreee tise ete eID LOM FES gy opts 5 coerce IRE Ns oeR IC PAIAAIRT bP Rice oes, 3 3 INGLReerYeGsilT ahi vleMn eh, Stam tees 2, ake oa arma RAM rare Pre Solem ei i een cole LE eno EM A ete tS tata + IMfatentals atic AMICUS Is sce he Bie fie 0 UN one ct Ths te edt i Daa eae ca ce a a S| MorpholoniCall AmalySese +. ore .u 3.7 ey eee oa s Lee ke eaten AM eyM EM MOC uN hy 5 FICC OPNOLetio~ NAY SER a. tlw WE ge se Nae et EE re Ae le EE eee ht 2) KarObyy p ic: Amialysis gh8 2h 2 Ae a 8 bes Bre ele els 6 ke Pee pan ews Benes eee on ele & 11 IRGSUles ATIC aI DI SCUSSIOT Es 09 je -.coeat gee eee wick reeled uae tts oh nealc hp rogetto he ln nee ot ae 11 Color Pattern Features of Pattern Classes Are Inherited Clonally .................. iBE Karyotypes Are Gonsistent-with) Hybrid Orieair yc... stews cis + Beene ¢ srcadee etek 6 om & apdS ene te lig Genotypic Differences Within Pattern Class C-E from Conchas Lake .............. 11 Parker‘and Selander Analyses”. . 2.4 2705 2994 . Reha Rete CR AA PR oe Bh Se 11 ' Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Herpetology), American Museum of Natural History; Department of Biology, Regis University, Denver, CO 80221. e-mail: [email protected] ? Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Herpetology), American Museum of Natural History. e-mail: [email protected] 3 Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Herpetology), American Museum of Natural History; Department of Biochem- istry and Molecular Biology, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, LA 70112. 4 Department of Ecology and Genetics, Aarhus University, DK 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. e-mail: dave.parker@ biology.au.dk Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 2003 ISSN 0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3424 IDESSaUCr Ania C Ole ANALYSES et gh oie egos eens a hte See hal hoc Py Le Bret htact eee 12 Congruence Between External Morphology and Genetic Markers in Pattern, Class:C-E y PromeConchas Lake. State: Park. 8 i ues netelewteoniee e ils Patterns of Variation Among Morphological Subgroups of Pattern Class C-E and Pattern Class. D: From: Conchas’ Lake State Parks 220.6 sc seg ones eee ee ee ee oe 13 Histocompatibility Among Morphological Subgroups of Pattern Class C-E and PARLIN EAS oe oes cac P MER NSP PRELIM EIR gowns csrs ees coe As SAY PUI Riri es seemed 16 Patterns of Morphological Variation Among Pattern Classes C, D, and E FLOM SUMNERdkes Sake Parke nane cos ae a ee yeytiry ygR ael tate iW ute, Bie ence aes ye, 16 Comparison of Pattern Classes C, C-E, E, and E-C From Eastern New Mexico ..... 20 Situs, Ofe Pattern Clase IN ewe IVC KC ODP Bbc tang. ctt le en steer e ERE ERE Mas Mee Mae 22 Model | for Origins: Multiple Hybridizations Explain the Variation in Aspidoscelis tesseldia’ in“ Basterm NEw. MexicO— a1..5, 1 fe 2 ee he eae oH) Model 2 for Origins: Postformational Mutations Explain the Evolution of ASDIAOSCelISfesseClaia INI EASteIi. NEW sMEKICO-95,5,8 ie nn tees fate be ee a eomseeerenie 6 26 Divergence, 1n.A. fesselaia trome¢Bastern New Mexico A. deat ed oe eects LES 31 Bioveooraphical (Perspechve? 3 v wes Re F cio-oacs ecocors cotety yee AS SRR) ese exiee 3 omeeares 31 MorphiolosicaliP erspectvie- jn V8 644 inde ire ec Seer es a8, (ee meee, ie, RISES MCR PETCCSM V G ys cacy cre ree teva Eee tae nearest ae, Oe es APA ERT ee ATT eee ghg ored ge ee 33 Deficiencies. of the Pattem Class.@ aiid. BoDesitanaionss 44 iho Bi Ree sercheras es 34 FA ORORALEe VIrNpcC GASLLO inate cre yee reateger ee eter a aaa eecnrtl RPS Gene eset select ere Rls lat Rac arts See 35 Ackiledo eimwents *.: hi Oe eo bik AG er eet SE Cee AR lek LING ee nha onS R) ot 36 Thto de re alI clerk Ratha RiA et Rye MEP, pl ece~ l , 1d e aes Cant NTE ee Cr eke yin RigO ne, ve AW iid CO 36 Appendix ly Specimens Exam MNCs a eee: MA Rett hgh Rtelad octets Ot NA Races tcke wesl ok 38 2003 TAYLOR ET AL.: ASPIDOSCELIS TESSELATA ABSTRACT Aspidoscelis tesselata exhibits significant clonal diversity despite its recent origin (from hybrid- ization between A. tigris marmorata and A. gularis septemvittata) and its parthenogenetic mode of reproduction. Two hypotheses have been advanced to explain the derivation of its genetic and morphological variation: (1) separate parthenogenetic lineages derived from several different F, hybrid zygotes, and (2) postformational mutations occurring in a parthenogenetic lineage derived from a single F, hybrid zygote. We evaluated these competing hypotheses with evidence from skin transplant studies, protein electrophoresis, multivariate analyses of morphological characters, and geographic distributions of pertinent groups. Starting with the clonal diversity at Conchas Lake State Park, San Miguel County, New Mexico, we expanded the study to include populations at Sumner Lake State Park and Fort Sumner (De Baca County), Puerto de Luna (Guadalupe County), and Arroyo del Macho and Roswell (Chaves County). This enabled us to resolve origins of color pattern classes and genotypic clones in eastern New Mexico. We used pattern class designations C-E and E-C to signify that elements of both pattern classes were expressed in populations at Conchas Lake and Arroyo del Macho. The two pattern classes at Conchas Lake (C-E and D) had the same F, hybrid karyotype (2n = 46), with haploid sets of 23 chromosomes characteristic of each progenitor species of A. tesselata. Clonal variation was found at 4 of the 35 gene loci examined electrophoretically: GPI (glucose-6-phosphate isomerase), EST2 (a muscle esterase), sACOH (aconitase hydra- tase), and MPI (mannose-6-phosphate isomerase). The strong congruence between genotype and morphological variation facilitated the characterization of three morphological subgroups of C-E. Although these subgroups lacked individually distinctive color patterns, they were discriminated effectively in canonical variate analyses based on scalation characters and a priori groups of known genotype. Nine individuals of Conchas C-E and four individuals of Conchas D have histocompatibility data from a recent skin transplant study (Cordes and Walker, 2003). The subgroup identities of the C-E specimens document histocompatibility among the three morphological subgroups of C-E and between each subgroup and representatives of pattern class D. This evidence, together with Maslin’s (1967) report of histocompatibility between pattern classes C and E, suggests that all color pattern classes, morphological subgroups, and genotypic clones of A. tesselata can be traced back to a single ancestral F, hybrid zygote. A pair of pale broken lines in the middorsal region distinguishes pattern class D from the other pattern classes. However, Conchas ID shared the GPI —100/—96, EST2 100/96 genotype with Conchas IC-E, and individuals of these pattern classes were very similar in multivariate meristic characters. Sumner D expressed the same type of relationship, resembling the syntopic population of Sumner C rather than the other population of D. In addition, certain individuals of Sumner C had partially divided (D-like) vertebral lines—additional evidence that Sumner C was ancestral to Sumner D. We conclude that pattern class New Mexico D is polyphyletic, having originated twice from different individuals of C-E and C in the vicinities of Conchas and Sumner Lakes. The northern position of pattern classes C and C-E in the range of A. tesselata is consistent with recent colonizations by individuals from more southerly populations. A candidate source population, based on its extensive color pattern and meristic variation, is E-C at Arroyo del Macho. The strong morphological resemblance of several northern populations to Macho E-C rather than to either syntopic clones or geographically proximate populations of other pattern classes supports this possibility. Evidence from geographic distributions, patterns of genotypic and meristic variation, and histocompatibility identifies postformational mutations as the likely basis for the genetic and morphological variation found in A. tesselata. This variation also includes different life-history characteristics between pattern classes C and E at Sumner Lake State Park. The name ftesselata is presently associated indirectly with pattern class C through the neo- type of A. tesselata. The neotype is a specimen of Colorado D, a derivative of pattern class C. With respect to pattern classes E-C, E, and other southern variants, taxonomic restructuring would confront mosaic patterns of genotypic, phenotypic, and geographic variation—patterns expected from random mutations in clonally reproducing species. Aspidoscelis tesselata has exploited a variety of ecological opportunities despite the constraints of clonal inheritance. Postformational mutations in the generalized genotype acquired from its progenitor species may have contributed to its ecological success. + AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3424 INTRODUCTION selata is ecologically successful based on a geographic range that includes parts of Chi- Reeder et al. (2002) presented evidence huahua, Mexico (Zweifel, 1965), Texas (Dix- that North American lizards previously as- on, 2000), New Mexico (Degenhardt et al., signed to the genus Cnemidophorus repre- 1996), Oklahoma (Webb, 1970), and Colo- sent a monophyletic group, leaving South rado (Hammerson, 1999), and its presence in American species in possession of the ge- various assemblages of bisexual and parthe- neric name in a separate clade. This neces- nogenetic congeners (Cuellar, 1979; Taylor et sitated resurrecting the generic name Aspi- al., 2000, 2001). Based on its extensive lat- doscelis for North American species. There- itudinal distribution, Aspidoscelis tesselata fore, the present paper involves an interpre- might have inherited an advantageous gen- tation of the evolutionary history of the eralized genotype from its two progenitor diploid parthenogenetic species Aspidoscelis species (Taylor et al., 2001). This ecological tesselata in eastern New Mexico, the species success has occurred despite the absence of formerly allocated to Cnemidophorus tesse- genetic recombination. Price (1992) and latus. Price et al. (1993) provide a contrasting in- Aspidoscelis tesselata is an excellent spe- terpretation of “‘success”’ in A. tesselata. cies for assessing the evolutionary potential Morphological variation in A. tesselata in- of a parthenogenetic vertebrate. Its attributes cludes four color pattern classes (Zweifel, include a broad latitudinal distribution, well- 1965; Taylor et al., 1996) integrated into the marked genotypic and phenotypic variation, currently understood phylogenetic history of and histocompatibility evidence that evolu- A. tesselata by Walker et al. (1997a). Anoth- tionary divergence began with a single basal er diploid pattern class (F), included in A. parthenogenetic individual (Maslin, 1967; tesselata by Zweifel (1965), was described Cordes and Walker, 2003). Of additional evo- as A. dixoni by Scudday (1973), and Dens- lutionary interest, Aspidoscelis tesselata par- more et al. (1989) presented mitochondrial ticipated in the origin of a new species. Al- DNA evidence that A. dixoni and A. tesselata though hybridization between A. tesselata may have originated from independent hy- and A. figris marmorata produced sterile bridizations. triploid hybrids (Taylor et al., 2001), the trip- Color pattern differences among pattern loid species A. neotesselata (Walker et al., classes C, Colorado D, New Mexico D, and 1997a) originated from an A. tesselata X A. E were used to discover local examples of sexlineata hybridization (Parker and Selan- ecological (Walker et al., 1997b) and life-his- der, 1976; Densmore et al., 1989; Dessauer tory (Taylor et al., 1997, 2000) differences and Cole, 1989). Equally intriguing is the between sympatric clones. However, we ex- possibility that a new parthenogenetic spe- pose (below) complications in using color cies could result from genetic changes (di- pattern classes C and E as simple descriptors vergence) in an established parthenogenetic of regional patterns of geographic variation. species (Echelle, 1990; Taylor and Cooley, Our study is rooted in the important pio- 1995a, 1995b; Manriquez-Mordn et al., neering investigations of Zweifel (1965), 2000; Schmitz et al., 2001). In addition to Maslin (1967), Parker and Selander (1976), this possibility, we investigated the origin of and Parker (1979). Zweifel (1965) set the color pattern classes and the pattern of di- stage for future research by recognizing that vergence that has occurred in A. tesselata a few color pattern classes could accommo- from eastern New Mexico. date the previously undecipherable morpho- Aspidoscelis tesselata originated recently logical variation in A. tesselata. He was then (Densmore et al., 1989; Reeder et al., 2002) able to describe A. tesselata from Conchas from hybridization between a female A. tigris Lake as comprising two color pattern classes marmorata and a male A. gularis septemvit- (C and D) and document the remarkable me- tata (Neaves, 1969; Parker and Selander, ristic variation in Conchas C. The magnitude 1976; Dessauer and Cole, 1989; Dessauer et of this morphological variation was unex- al., 1996). Despite its clonal pattern of in- pected because it challenged the intuitive ex- heritance (Dessauer and Cole, 1986), A. tes- pectation that parthenogenetic reproduction 2003 TAYLOR ET AL.: ASPIDOSCELIS TESSELATA S, constrains phenotypic variability. With great criminant functions of 1.308 for L-breaks, acuity, Zweifel (1965) predicted that Con- —0.519 for DL-breaks, and —0.380 for PV- chas C might consist of several clones, and breaks, classified 26 of 100 specimens of electrophoretic analyses of proteins by Park- Conchas “‘C”? as Macho “E”’ and 14 of 37 er and Selander (1976) confirmed this pre- specimens of Macho “E”’ as Conchas “‘C’’. diction. Parker (1979) then demonstrated Despite misclassified individuals and a weak congruence between meristic and genotypic eigenvalue (0.113), the two groups differed variation, thereby providing genetic markers significantly in discriminant function scores (clones IC, VIC, and VIIIC) for morpholog- (t135 = —3.912; P < 0.0005). Therefore, we ical subgroups of Conchas C. These clones used two new pattern class designations: C-E appeared to have combinations of alleles that for the Conchas Lake non-Ds, and E-C for were polymorphic in their bisexual ancestors. the form at Arroyo del Macho. The first letter Therefore, Parker and Selander (1976), Park- signifies the pattern class identity of this pop- er (1979), and Parker et al. (1989) argued ulation in previous studies; the second letter that several independent hybridizations were emphasizes that this population contains a responsible for the genetic and morphologi- range of color pattern variation that includes cal variation in Conchas C. However, Maslin individuals with color pattern features of this (1967) revealed histocompatibility between second pattern class. Additional evidence of pattern classes C and E, implying that the color pattern ambiguities in these two groups genealogies of different pattern classes con- is presented in other sections of the paper. verged on a single parthenogenetic progeni- With the addition of two new color pattern tor. designations, our study was based on five The purpose of the present study was to color pattern classes of A. tesselata from six (1) reconcile patterns of genotypic and mor- localities. The focal samples comprised pat- phological variation for clones of A. tesselata tern classes C-E (N = 135) and D (N = 51) at Conchas Lake and different color pattern from Conchas Lake State Park (fig. 1). These classes from eastern New Mexico, (2) reas- samples included 34 specimens (21 C-E, 13 sess the multiple hybridization hypothesis to D) with protein phenotypes identified elec- explain variation among these groups, (3) trophoretically by Parker and Selander evaluate evidence that the genetic and mor- (1976) and H.C.D. and C.J.C. (this study) phological variation in A. tesselata was gen- and 13 specimens (9 C-E, 4 D) used in skin erated by postformational mutation, and (4) transplant experiments by Cordes and Walker determine if divergent clones deserve formal (2003). Two additional groups of samples taxonomic recognition. were included to determine patterns of evo- lutionary divergence. The first group con- MATERIALS AND METHODS sisted of pattern classes E and E-C with elec- trophoretic data from Fort Sumner (N = 11), MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSES Roswell (NV = 10), and Arroyo del Macho (NV In a departure from all previous studies, = 10). The second group comprised samples we use new pattern class designations to flag lacking electrophoretic data. These were (1) color pattern ambiguities in A. tesselata at pattern class C (N = 47), pattern class E (NV Conchas Lake State Park and Arroyo del Ma- = 47), and pattern class D (N = 5) from cho. The results of a discriminant analysis Sumner Lake State Park (approximately 90 (DA) justified two pattern class designations. linear km south of the Conchas Lake locali- Using Zweifel’s (1965) pattern class desig- ties), (2) pattern class E (N = 25) from nations, the DA model was based on samples Puerto de Luna (approximately 34 linear km of pattern class “‘C”’ from Conchas Lake and northwest of the Sumner Lake collecting pattern class “‘E”’ from Arroyo del Macho as sites), (3) pattern class E (N = 5) from Fort the a priori groups (fig. 1). These specimens Sumner (approximately 18 linear km south- met body size criteria (see below) that re- east of Sumner Lake), and (4) pattern class moved ontogenetic variation from the three E-C (N = 31) from Arroyo del Macho (ap- color pattern characters used in the DA (table proximately 105 linear km south of Sumner 1). The DA model, with standardized dis- Lake). The geographic relationships of sam- 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3424 ee ele eae SE fe é Sa SRN ERY & ON ~ ¥ic =aI Bte S SieSes eiee Fig. 1. Geographic relationships among four northern collecting localities of Aspidoscelis tesselata of color pattern classes C, New Mexico D, and E and convenience classes C-E and E-C. Color patterns found at the four sites are (1) Conchas Lake State Park: C-E and New Mexico D; (2) Sumner Lake State Park: C, New Mexico D, and E; (3) Puerto de Luna: E; and (4) Arroyo del Macho: E-C. 2003 TAYLOR ET AL.: ASPIDOSCELIS TESSELATA 7 TABLE 1 Meristic Characters (and SVL) Used in Analyses of Morphological Variation in Aspidoscelis tesselata from the Locations Studied Character abbreviation Description GAB Number of granular dorsal scales in a single row around midbody. There are eight longitudinal rows of enlarged scales making up the ventral body surface. The third ventral row on either side of the mid- sagittal line terminates anteriorly in the axillary region. The 15th ventral scale posterior to this terminus established the point for beginning the GAB count. COS Bilateral total of circumorbital scales as standardized by Wright and Lowe (1967). LSG Sum of lateral supraocular granules on both sides of the head. These granular scales are located between the supraoculars and superciliary scales, and the count includes all scales anterior to the suture line between the third and fourth supraoculars. FP Sum of femoral pores on both thighs. GS Number of granular gular scales bordering the medial edges of the eight anterior sublabials (four on each side, or their subdivisions) and the posterior mental. PSC Sum of all scales, including occipitals, contacting the outer perimeter of parietal and interparietal scales. L-breaks Total number of interruptions by black pigment of the lateral pale stripes. DL-breaks Total number of interruptions by black pigment of the dorsolateral pale stripes. PV-breaks Total number of interruptions by black pigment of the paravertebral pale stripes. SDL-T4 Number of subdigital lamellae on the fourth toe of one foot (right was chosen unless damaged). SVL Length of body from tip of snout to posterior edge of preanal scales (in mm). pling localities are shown in figure 1, and cause certain individuals in critical samples specific information on samples and sam- (those with protein phenotypes and those pling localities is provided in appendix 1. used for skin transplants) had damaged or We shortened frequent references to geno- missing 4th toes on both feet. typic clones (GPI and EST2 loci) and affili- Body length (snout—vent length = SVL) ated pattern class as follows: Conchas IC-E was measured to the nearest millimeter with (Roman numerals indicate that the genotype digital calipers. Significant relationships is known) and 1C-E (Arabic numerals refer were found between color pattern characters to morphological subgroups corresponding to and SVL in composite samples of pattern a priori groups of known genotype); VIC-E classes C and C-E (N = 173) and E and E-C and 6C-E; VHIC-E and 8C-E. We also com- (N = 112). These relationships were between bined abbreviated names of collecting local- L-breaks and SVL in C + C-E (P = 0.003) ities and pattern class designations to refer to and between L-breaks and SVL (P = 0.016) various groups (Conchas D; Sumner C, D, and PV-breaks and SVL (P = 0.001) in E + and E; Luna E; Macho E-C). E-C. Using specimens >66 mm SVL for pat- Each specimen was scored for 10 meristic tern classes C, C-E, and D and >69 mm SVL characters representing seven scalation fea- for pattern classes E and E-C removed on- tures and three color pattern features (tables togenetic variation from the definitive sam- 1, 2), the latter involving the number of ples (P = 0.08 and P = 0.62 for the regres- breaks (disruptions by transverse black bars) sions of L-breaks on SVL, and P = 0.18 for in the lateral, dorsolateral, and paravertebral the regression of PV-breaks on SVL). pale stripes. A traditional character (SDL-T4 Three morphological subgroups of pattern in tables 1 and 2) was omitted from multi- class C-E were identified from a canonical variate analyses to maintain consistency and variate analysis (CVA) of 21 individuals of comparability across different color pattern known genotype, using the three GPI, EST2 classes, genotypic clones, and morphological genotypes as a priori groups. These sub- subgroups. We excluded this character be- groups, corresponding to genotypic clones, AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3424 SLO Sc0 860 C3OFEL cc -winu ap de][SWE] oAOLY O+ PE “9LPE- LE C+ 17 +6T l LFE8 0+ L+l' 06 ns‘s ay‘ngu,eJs d sJou o[nedInIuZaIpjgunts O[PyPo epOO-yy” de ]S$+ o 6l 6“ 90€1 vO-+8L7 180O“ LzE- F1 C“LhE- 0C€+7If PO 8F+67 l0€“ O7E- 9I v“LeE- 8I 9“L7E- C 6‘L1E- 0 tLEC €V+ Lc E0T“ LHE- SE 6“L0EI ed-IL o d n e jo Jo s oVong eaupn ’y] q euny] £79°c°906 + S'0O‘OOTI -16 98°077 + 9P7-6“1Ol CvO6oCSlH + 8 '0IS-S€‘ OI ceO TOP + TH-8“OET ECT L9EO + 70S“971- 61 17+% ve'0 7-0‘9 1 Sl CLI y7-1‘ OLI €-86TF8 0+ €l-0 ‘9 s+e7l9 8I-0‘ SI cLCO+LLTOO‘9r1- 9E 89'+0 8c ot 60L6-OL ‘91 JaqJuOi nu [eae] ‘‘Jssoayqyeu‘“JeaisopoinaqsqLud u--u 'iTy]ns qu S + + + +E + qu ns 186 “PE PLE OIC “€€ $9€ 9'F8 ¢’T [eya[ueesdsqaajvyaualv sed P2IIPN}S aJoyue8ywqr1i en§gs uq dn s “SPOEI 8+7cO-+c 96I '6100 €“PSE- 6O9+TCC 0HO“ PPE- 9+6I°E S0 O7v“ P7E- 9S1+l0c 20“7 hZE- OScS+I+I IL€6 0C 0 0+8vL+c 1O6 ' L00€‘ ClE- ~0+SOL+ oTS llI S‘ ZtE- 0T+L 9EEO6“L PEEE-- SSEE Z“P6E- [eQsoUI‘NsdaIyIBoDs ‘NOL jpeujey jaoyouy e d LI “S suoyedIO’T €7+°6 706¥° S6 -68 6°SI -SCT+T6I 1PB“ SP -rT9EIL POE“ SP+ - 6E 7“S7 -676+r10 ' 70I° ¢Z -61 s‘S-s1 Z*SI 6°S- € CO+'r Fs8L* S6 -OL suondnuajut Jo 9WYOy}T Ayyeoo] 3uNI2][0D Jmu ng y1+r 6'0 6“ S6r- S+9L 89¢ L0S“ SCP- ELL+SI6 ' E0L“ Sep- $60€+c eP ' 0v“ SrP- 609+1:E :0 07€“ SCP- L6V+II1 Z0v“ S7r- cO81Ee O6‘S+0r 6+9 11 09‘ S0r +soOoI‘ SIr- 009+ 97 ¢0O“ SrP- cHr+oES lB0‘ S0r- poqp‘iSuO D JaqJuoi nu89 d1Jay9j))} N‘JJ9ooasu T qyUueAiaEnidu q -Ad H¢ TaVLV IDJaSSaj qd IZ@-SI vh-€E 970 130 I¢0C I-I ‘A ZuNdEWOS Yo) + + +09 e 661 89 os Syaosopidsy 8S0+'PL S''8000‘ Z6E- cI81+'8cr 8 00I“ ZE S6+Lr E0“ TE 0T+€O 'F0€“ ZpT—E- 8T+961 El 0[“ ZZE- 8816 0T“ TCE- BI ‘0Z7E- OT0+ Cr oO‘ ZIE- €06 :0‘ @E 989+ C1 06‘ ZEE- O£S+L7E T88‘ Z6E- (sajeos) punL9 JsaoT e[‘deSss aadeL[sO SIOp v6-€8 1-1 8E-SE ess JaquINU + + + + nu j 818“ LI Ol SIZ ‘LI 08 “LI sa wed ayy ‘Sq U Jo aes UJIoN ‘SaTseudsO Ndnuayur 89°0P OI9-7160 0¢'0 L7-T 9L0 Or-SE JoQ asyeey]o uos + + + + D IejNS FWqo--oDOOD 89 F'L6“ SZ OLI06““ LSI7IT-- #F0764++I1S867 E00Fp“T“ LSeSTZ-- V0OFTT++'EEEfI 6 OOPEI“v“ LSpPIT-- Lc8¥8L++'er6E7 6' 10I0P“€“ LSCTIZ-- 8LLII6 IS“C“ LSZZIZ-- 6+wO7L+Ir'IiL '0 tlll* s S Z IS6O+'lv8 S y0 $‘L‘o LSI0+Iz- O6 L 6‘8‘ILSI-Iz-~ 01£OZ++Z£ 97L 'E0E0“ SZ 610I++€L07 °I88C6“9S L66ZI-- :SMOT[O}J‘ GY8L99 JJoa quJJioan quu inu d-OT 67'00 6-c187 0 £10 ILO+P9¢L°0 STOO r-SE WO) 7+' S8‘ 8¢ 6+ 81T“ 8CS- vOE+LLE EO€“ 8PS- 0ST+EI7 P0S“ 8PS- 8LS+1E6 1 l0€“ 8ZS- 99+:I 0 7“£ 8Z-S6 I1 0“8cS- 6+0 7 Ad €‘8IS- 0SF PTOL6‘ 8I g- I8+ 9€“ LS cO+O' '6lLS‘ 86S- SINOIBeI LSBY D L9 ‘‘sGaHi‘ osdy eoiq-Jq js[s1SS[JSVpU2.oO.4avOBOuAud1 1)so[INeNOn99 siOI}S AUo}es9DSHL}TaB[o OL8I.YsZj;IgID oq1 OSJ(y1USp‘o““psT6ppSUxq=yeunIOwY}aO oOA‘‘of9uGuuuY MdI RrSIvgzJuJSdOasZdu egeeeauUOGoIIr —yD su A N Uos syY qde,ITRO j ueTfSeI Jy rods ,e, s vd S¥PI1G- VL-Td0$ AS IL J[BOI O[‘UesIseIsJde i]s SU‘‘sIT9PVU‘JUOdOuUW9DIoAaTOs}9LdYoANOsIO1 JSsTJUPe )S]p- DToO9 sOaNU O s DUyNFMeS}PTYd deep L OIUSdoddBRAVT XI OITAeOP}D YU USLO elQaJOVIeU) SOO DST di so ISd Syeaiq-"s]y eoiq-1d ‘T e 13q UZJYUp{JsS“"2‘J9aaUOlJ[UIi1OWap0TMUyOU }Oe aQII )OpeAI O OOLjeZS ~tA} )oSIIUJPA e—9ap S Fo0ITP|e i JNY]deOy p UOu Se )s 2003 TAYLOR ET AL.: ASPIDOSCELIS TESSELATA 9 were then used as a priori groups to assign ELECTROPHORETIC ANALYSES individuals of C-E lacking electrophoretic data to morphological subgroup. The pattern Two of the 21 presumptive protein loci as- sayed with horizontal starch gel electropho- of meristic variation among the morpholog- ical subgroups was then depicted by a defin- resis by Parker and Selander (1976), Pgi (= itive CVA, with subgroup assignments used GPI, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase) and to define a priori groups. The same procedure Est-2 (= EST2, a muscle esterase), and 4 of was used to assign the skin transplant spec- the 31 presumptive protein loci assayed by H.C.D. and C.J.C. (GPI, EST2, aconitase hy- imens of Cordes and Walker (2003) to mor- phological subgroup and show their patterns dratase [SACOH], and mannose-6-phosphate of variation. isomerase [MPI]) revealed clonal differences Nine meristic characters (table 1) were in the Conchas Lake samples. Parker and Se- used in most analyses. Exceptions included lander (1976) designated alleles at each locus CVAs based only on color pattern characters according to migration of their allozymes rel- and those used for skin transplant specimens. ative to the most common allele (“‘100”’ for anodally migrating proteins and “‘—100” for We excluded characters based on DL-breaks cathodally migrating proteins) found in A. ti- and PV-breaks from the latter because the dorsolateral and paravertebral stripes had gris marmorata. Clonal designations from been used as transplantation sites, and the in- Parker (1979) use a combination of multilo- tegrity of the pattern was compromised in cus electrophoretic genotype (Roman numer- these specimens. Only specimens with com- als I-XIII) and pattern class (B = A. neotes- plete data were included in each analysis. selata; C, D, and E = A tesselata; F = A. Specific procedures are detailed in the appro- dixoni). All available specimens of pattern priate sections of Results and Discussion. classes C (= C-E here) and D analyzed by To facilitate comparisons, a symmetric dis- Parker and Selander (1976) and Parker similarity matrix of Mahalanobis distances (1979) were rescored for meristic characters (D’) between group means was used to con- and combined with AMNH specimens with struct an additive tree depicting the morpho- known GPI and EST2 genotypes from Con- logical similarities and differences among the chas Lake to represent the foundation for the various groups. The D? values were obtained present study: 10 individuals of clone IC-E from BMDP program 5M, Linear and Qua- (GPI —100/—96, EST2 100/96), 7 individu- dratic Discriminant Analysis, accessed via als of clone VIC-E (GPI —99/—96, EST2 SYSTAT 10.2. Additive trees are directed 100/96), 4 individuals of clone VUIC-E (GPI graphs with paths (sums of horizontal branch —100/—96, EST2 96/96), and 10 individuals lengths) representing relative distances be- of clone ID (GPI —100/—96, EST2 100/96). tween entities. This procedure, in conjunc- Unfortunately, the three individuals of clone tion with ordination (de Queiroz and Good, VIIC (GPI —99/—96, EST2 96/96) described 1997), is more appropriate than hierarchical by Parker (1979) have been lost and were clustering for illustrating patterns of diver- thus unavailable for reanalysis. gence from similarity/dissimilarity data (Sat- New electrophoretic data for 31 gene loci tath and Tversky, 1977; Wilkinson et al., have been provided by H.C.D. and C.J.C. 1996; de Queiroz, 1998). For example, intra- (table 3), based on more recently collected cluster branches (representing specific AMNH specimens (see appendix 1). These groups) can vary in length on an additive tree loci include 17 of the 21 analyzed by Parker but not on trees generated by hierarchical and Selander (1976). Methodology followed joining techniques. Therefore, additive trees Harris and Hopkinson (1976), Murphy et al. provide information on differences among (1996), and, particularly for North American intracluster groups in addition to intercluster lizards of the genus Aspidoscelis, Dessauer groups. Additive trees are not intended as et al. (2000). For each locus, alleles are des- phylogenetic reconstructions, but clonal di- ignated in alphabetical order according to de- vergence manifested in quantitative meristic creasing anodal migration of their allozymes. differences should be evident. For multilocus enzymes, loci are listed nu- 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3424 TABLE 3 Genotypes at 31 Gene Loci* in Clones? of Aspidoscelis tesselata of Pattern Classes C—E and D from Conchas Lake State Park Compared with Pattern Class E-—C from Arroyo del Macho (See Taylor et al., 2001.) TESC-E TESC-E TESC-E TESD TESE-C Locus (N = 3) (N = 2) (N = 2) (N = 2) (N = 11) Oxidoreductases ADH ab ab ab ab ab G3PDH aa aa aa aa aa IDDH aa aa aa aa aa LDHI1 ab ab ab ab ab LDH2 aa aa aa aa aa sMDH ab ab ab ab ab mMDH aa aa aa aa aa sMDHP ab ab ab ab ab sIDH bb bb bb bb bb mIDH aa aa aa aa aa sSOD ab ab ab ab ab mSOD aa aa aa aa aa Transferases sAAT ab ab ab ab ab mAAT ab ab ab ab ab CK1 aa aa aa aa aa AK aa aa aa aa aa Hydrolases ESTD bb bb bb bb bb EST2¢ be be bc be be PEPA cd cd cd cd cd PEPB bb bb bb bb bb PEPD cc cc cc cc cc PEPE aa aa aa aa aa ADA ac ac ac ac ac Lyase sACOH ac be be be be Isomerases MPI ac ac ab ac ab GPlIe ac ac ab ac ac PGM2 ab ab ab ab ab PGM3 ab ab ab ab ab Blood proteins TFe bb bb bb bb bb ALB ab ab ab ab ab HB aa aa aa aa aa 4Abbreviations for loci are as follows: ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; G3PDH, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; IDDH, L-iditol dehydrogenase; LDH, L-lactate dehydrogenase; MDH, malate dehydrogenase; MDHP, malate enzyme; IDH, isocitrate dehy- drogenase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; AAT, aspartate aminotransferase; CK, creatine kinase; AK, adenylate kinase; EST, esterase; PEP, peptidase; ADA, adenosine deaminase; ACOH, aconitase hydratase; MPI, mannose-6-phosphate isomerase; GPI, glucose-6- phosphate isomerase; PGM, phosphoglucomutase; TF, transferrin; ALB, albumin; and HB, hemoglobin; s, cytosolic enzyme; m, mitochondrial enzyme. For loci at which no a- or b-allele is shown, these occurred in other samples or in closely related taxa that are not included in this paper. bDistinctive alleles (not found in pattern class E-C) that characterize different clones of pattern classes C-E and D are in an enlarged, boldface type and involve only three loci: sACOH, MPI, and GPI. ©This table consists of new data determined by H.C.D. and C.J.C. For EST2, all lizards were heterozygotes, thus consistent with the common clone designated by Parker and Selander (1976) and Parker (1979) as 100/96. For GPI, the ac genotype is the same as the common clone designated as — 100/—96 for Pgi by Parker and Selander (1976) and Parker (1979), whereas our ab geno- type is their —99/—96 genotype. As we only recently recognized the subtle differences in GPI, the ac genotype we report here is the same as the ab genotype reported by Taylor et al. (2001).

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