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Preview Congregation Adath Jeshurun Louisville, KY AGELESS WISDOM

see the full color Messenger at www.adathjeshurun.com E: D passover new aj taGline & tribute dinner SI N information vision statement video-showinG S I T’ A H W paGe 7- 9 paGe 11 paGe 14 Congregation Adath Jeshurun Louisville, KY M e s s e n g e r april 2012 The Congregation is invited to attend AGELESS WISDOM: A Living Legacy A Documentary Presentation and Joyous Celebration Honoring Adath Jeshurun Members - Eighty Years of Age and Older Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Congregation Adath Jeshurun Reception to Follow Don’t miss this opportunity to see Louisville, Adath Jeshurun, and cultural events as viewed through the eyes of the honorees. This documentary will inspire and entertain you and your family. There is no charge for this event. 2 CONGREGATION ADATH JESHURUN april Messenger Robert B. Slosberg, Rabbi table of Contents David A. Lipp, Hazzan Synagogue office phone ageless wisdom Celebration .... ........... .......... 1 (502) 458-5359 bat mitzvah of talia blue ..... .. ........... .......... 3 Synagogue office fax (502) 451-5634 shabbat scholar, david a. jones, sr...... .. ............. 3 Cemetery Caretaker, Jody Bowling 92Y broadcast...... ............. ... .............. 4 (502) 635-2339 Website — www.AdathJeshurun.com bonnie’s baking bunch..... .. ........... ............ 4 Facebook — www.facebook.com/adathjeshurun Kiddush sponsors ......... .. ......... ... .......... 4 Email — [email protected] adult jewish studies ... ............. ... .. .......... 5 OFFICERS aj movie matinee...... ............. ... ............ 6 Bruce Blue, President passover information . ........... .. .. ... .. ........ 7-9 Martin Carney, Vice-President Armand Rothschild, Vice-President words from Cantor lipp . ........... .. .. ... .........10 Arnold Zegart, Vice-President notice of adath jeshurun annual meeting...... .........10 Shari Cohen, Secretary aj membership Corner..... .. ........... ...........11 Armand Ostroff, Treasurer Douglas Lamb, Assistant Treasurer new aj tagline and vision statement ........ ..........11 Murray Toborowsky, Cemetery Warden Youth programs ..... .. ........... ..... ........ 12-13 Stephen J. Evans, Assistant Cemetery Warden mini-minyan shabbat service & dinner .. ..............12 STAFF aj preschool Yard sale..... .. ........... ...........13 Robin Silverman, Synagogue Administrator words from president bruce blue..... .. ..............14 Holly Southwick, Financial Administrator Melissa Loyd, Preschool Director april Yahrzeits .... ........... .. ... ... .. ..........15 Deborah Slosberg, Adult Education Coordinator april aj Calendar .......... .. .. ..... ... ...........16 Riva Schanker, Family Programming Coordinator out-of-shul experience mother’s day edition.............17 Molly Evancho, Facility & Event Manager Barbara Embry, Administrative Assistant Contributions..... .. ........... ..... ... ....... 17-18 Bonnie Shaikun, Administrative Assistant Contribution form .......... .. .. ..... ... ..........19 Julie Strull, Administrative Assistant Tony Brooks, Custodial Staff torah Cover dedication..... .. ........... ...........20 Angie Gaines, Kitchen Coordinator Lisa Rothstein, Youth Director iT’S SO EaSY TO CONNECT WiTH aJ! WElCOME NEW aJ MEMBErS! 1) visit: www.facebook.com/adathjeshurun Congregation adath jeshurun is pleased 2) Click the “like” button. to welcome the newest members of our congregational family. this month we are that’s all there is to it! now you’re ready to receive aj proud to welcome: news, join discussions and keep up with aj members. Mazal tov to Brett Kalmes & Tzivia Levin • ellana & dr. matthew bessen on their recent marriage! • Yasmeen siddiqui & matthew Kupferberg • dr. paul Quentzel Mazal tov to • ilyse & matthew mcCormick Seth Jacobs & Molly Tasch on their recent marriage! 3 NEED HElp CElEBraTiNG paSSOvEr? april CElEBraTiON SHaBBaT april 7, 2012 the aj Gift shop just got in the following wonderful items to Come to aj and celebrate your birthday or enhance your passover experience: anniversary. all aj members celebrating ✡ a complete line of haggadot for your passover seder. birthdays and anniversaries during april are invited to participate in a group aliyah during morning worship services. ✡ Children’s passover activities to use during the seder. Milestone anniversaries: ✡ beautiful seder plates and matzoh covers. • ellen & larry Kozlove 30 years ✡ wonderful hostess gifts available to take to a seder. • amanda & scott miller 25 years ✡ remember all gifts come with: anniversaries are listed for 1st and every 5 years after that. additionally, all anniversaries exceeding 50 years are listed. if your “milestone anniversary” is not listed, please call the synagogue office at • free gift-wrapping. 458-5359 and provide them with your anniversary date. • free local-delivery. • no sales tax. We look forward to celebrating with you! • 15% discount on items priced over $100. BaT MiTzvaH best of all, proceeds from all sales support our shul! talia miriam blue, daughter of tracy and jonathan blue will be called to the aJ GifT SHOp HOurS: torah as a bat mitzvah on shabbat tazria-metzora on saturday, april 28, Call 458-5359, ext. 110 to sChedule 2012 at 9:15 a.m.  monday, tuesday, thursday, friday talia is the granddaughter of Connie and 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. david blue, linda blue, and virginia  wednesday and irwin stege. she is also the great-granddaughter of 10:30 a.m. – noon dolores schucart. the family invites the entire congregation  by appointment. to worship with them and join them in a Kiddush luncheon Call barbara Goldberg at 426-4986 or sue levitch at 425-9842. celebrating this joyous event. Mazal TOv TO THESE aJ MEMBErS! matthew Kupferberg and Yasmeen siddiqui on the birth of their son, ezra shaheen Kupferberg. aJ WElCOMES DaviD a. JONES Sr. matthew and ilyse mcCormick on the birth of their son, jordan please join us after shabbat reed mcCormick. services on april 14th when we are pleased to welcome bob and bette Gordon on the birth of their grandson, david jones sr. as our jordan reed mcCormick. shabbat scholar. david is the roy and Georgia Goldman on the birth of their grandson, ryan co-founder and former Gregory traub. Chairman of humana. he is also the proud father of jeff perellis on the birth of his grandson, macklin harrison aj member, Carol levitch! perellis. david will be sharing his perspectives on where he sees mutzie perellis on the birth of her great-grandson, macklin louisville going as a city. the program will take place at harrison perellis. approximately 12:00 noon, and is free and open to the community. david and barbara Gordon on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, mitchell lee Gordon. 4 live from new YorK’s BONNiE’S BakiNG BuNCH 92nd street Y BY aJ TOp CHEf, BONNiE SHaikuN sprinG 2012 series february 19th was a very gray, gloomy sunday, but our aj kitchen was shiny marK bittman with ruth reiChl. with happy faces making hamen- tuesday, april 10, 8:00 p.m. pre-broadcast taschen. we made over 500 cookies dessert and coffee at 7:30 p.m. with aarree nneeeeddeedQQd uut t diiodocce e kkssccTTeeooiieemmmm tteepphh™™rriieses aas sppsnnsiioddcocrt rtaauurree.. for our various purim events, and as take-out counters, microwave meals and BBB promised, folks who baked were able to other conveniences more plentiful than take some home. lynn rosenthal and ever, mark bittman asks, “why cook?” in elaine weisberg mixed the dough which his new book how to CooK everYthinG: the basiCs, bittman ad- made it easier for us to start rolling, filling and baking. dresses this question in a conversation with ruth reichl about how many people participated including lynn and elaine who also cooking shaped his own life, and how just picking up a pan and start- helped instruct. additionally, thanks go to hamentaschen- ing to cook brings numerous and wonderful benefits extending well bakers: phyllis Green, phyllis leibson, laura pittvoric, sarah beyond the kitchen. ruth reichl is editorial adviser to gilttaste.com minton, julie sabes, sherry Kaufman, julia Geer, nancy blodgett, and a judge on top Chef masters. she is the former editor-in-chief wes franklin, Gale Katcher, jenni Katcher, Gita Comer, leslye of Gourmet. dicken, sharon Kaplin, maggie walker, eden ungar, laura ungar, judy boggs, nancy robenson, barbara Gordon and elaine stern. broadcast will be held in the Charles and jean K. erskine auditorium at adath jeshurun, 2401 woodbourne avenue. Questions? our cooks and bakers are still working away so that aj has the best Call 458-5359 or [email protected]. shabbat Kiddush lunches. in february, we had minyanaire shabbat and also a very large lbsY Kiddush lunch. of course, we have our tiCKets: regular Kiddush lunch every saturday for all to enjoy. the soup keeps adults: $10 per person. coming, and we always keep our fingers crossed that it will be hot students: free and tasty. and of course, all the sweets are simply divine! thanks go to kiddush lunch preparers: bonnie toborowsky, lottie samuel, Gale sponsorships: Katcher, jenni Katcher, eleanor schwartz, Georgia Goldman, phyllis a “92 live sponsorship” is available for $100, and includes two tick- leibson and sarah minton. we always welcome new folks and new ets for each broadcast. a “popcorn sponsorship” for one broadcast ideas, so do not hesitate to get in touch with bonnie shaikun at of your choosing is $50, and includes two tickets. sponsorship and 458-5359 or [email protected]. season pass tickets will be held at will-Call, and all single tickets can be purchased at the door. kiDDuSH luNCH SpONSOrS to become a sponsor, select from the following three methods: please consider sponsoring a Kiddush lunch at adath jeshurun. the food is great and the cost is small. this is a wonderful way to honor • online with your credit card at www.adathjeshurun.com/92y someone special. we gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the • Call the aj office at 458-5359 with your credit card information. following aj members for their sponsorship of the shabbat morning • mail your check along with the form below to the aj office. Kiddush lunches: april 28, 2012 - Kiddush lunch sponsored by tracy and jonathan blue live from new YorK’s 92Y tiCKet order form in honor of the bat mitzvah of talia miriam blue. name: __________________________________________ address: ________________________________________ City, st, Zip: ______________________________________ phone: _________________________________________ ______ popcorn sponsorship for this broadcast (includes 2 tickets) @ $50 each. iN MEMOriaM enclosed is my check for $______________________ the Congregation extends our mail with your check to: condolences to the family and friends Congregation adath jeshurun a re needeQd ut idoce kscTeoiemm teph™ries a spnsidoc rtaure. 2401 woodbourne avenue of sylvia Kaminski, henrietta blostein louisville, KY 40205 and bern linker. attention: 92 Y 5 aJ aDulT GOlDSTEiN/lEiBSON JEWiSH STuDiES SCHOlar-iN-rESiDENCE WEEkEND april ClaSS SCHEDulE featuring rabbi andrea l. weiss, ph.d. april 20 - 22, 2012 Beginning Conversational rabbi slosberg’s rabbi andrea l. weiss, ph. d. is associate professor Hebrew Introduction to Judaism of bible at the hebrew union College-jewish institute of religion in new York and currently a visiting pro- sundays at 10:00 a.m. tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. fessor at the university of pennsylvania. she received a b.a. in english from the university of California at april 1, 15, 29 april 3, 17, 24 berkeley in 1987, and was ordained at huC-jir in new office Classroom Chapel new York in 1993. she earned her doctoral degree from the university of pennsylvania, department of Understanding the near eastern languages and Civilizations. she lives in the philadel- phia area with her husband and their two children. Prayer Book friday evening sermon, april 20th at the temple sundays at 11:00 a.m. Bitter to sweet: Why Torah study Matters april 1, 15, 29 learn why many adults, when faced with life’s trials and transitions, turn to torah study and other forms of adult jewish learning as a new office Classroom source of insight and inspiration. shabbat morning d’var torah, april 21st at adath jeshurun luNCH aND lEarN TalMuD strange Fire and Troubling Texts STuDY ClaSS this week’s parasha, sh’mini, contains the disturbing story of the death of aaron’s sons, nadab and abihu. what meaning can we derive adath jeshurun offers a weekly class in from this episode? what can it teach us about different approaches to troubling biblical texts? talmud study, which is held in downtown louisville. aj members are invited to aarree nneeeeddeedQQd u ut t dioidcoce ke kscsTcTeoeoieimemmm tetpehph™™riresi es asa spspnnsiodcidocrt rtauaurree.. shabbat scholar following april 21st services at adath jeshurun bring a brown-bag dairy lunch and join The Poetry of Torah: Voices from The Torah: A Women’s Commentary rabbi slosberg and Cantor lipp. Yes, hear about the research and insights of jewish women: scholars, rab- bis, and poets from around the world and from all segments of the you can attend even if you can’t read jewish community. as we study a sampling of poems, we will consider hebrew or aramaic! this lively discus- how poetry can enrich our understanding of torah and our personal sion is open to all aj members. connections to this sacred text. sunday morning program, april 22nd at the jCC Classes take place in the office of steve berger located Power, Passion, & Politics: What Can We Learn from King David? at 500 west jefferson street on fridays at 12:15 p.m. the as we head into an election year, what can we learn from the biblical class schedule is below: account of our most colorful israelite king? we will examine selected episodes from the fascinating and artfully crafted story of King david april 20, 27 may 11, 18 that shed light on the challenges and potential pitfalls facing political leaders. SHavuOT SCHOlar-iN-rESiDENCE aT aJ! maY 26 – 27, 2012 professor ellen haskell, daughter of tiKKun leY’l shavuot joy and bruce haskell, will be our saturday, may 26th at 8:00 p.m. held this year at visiting scholar this year for shavuot. adath jeshurun. ellen grew up at adath jeshurun and topic: the death of rachel and the Kingdom of is currently assistant professor of heaven: jewish engagement with Christian themes in sefer religious studies at the university ha-Zohar. of north Carolina at Greensboro. join us for the following thought-provok- shavuot worship serviCe ing presentations: sunday, may 27th during 9:15 a.m. service. topic: divine domesticity: marriage, Gender and the aj shabbat sCholar household in jewish mysticism. saturday, may 26th at approx. 11:45 a.m. topic: the Zohar: a mystical look into the torah. all events are free of charge and open to the community. more details to follow in the may Messenger. 6 frEE aJ MOviE MaTiNEE aj shows great movie classics two afternoons per month on our gigantic movie screen. bring a friend and enjoy an afternoon of fun and camaraderie, while you enjoy films that are sure to bring back memories. all movies are free and admission is open to both members and non-members of adath jeshurun. Tuesday Movie Schedule - all movies begin at 3:00 p.m. date movie minutes desCription april 10 the benny Goodman story - 1956 116 bio of swing band leader ‘benny Goodman’ from age ten to his landmark Carnegie hall band concert in 1938. starring steve allen and donna reed. april 24 ma & pa Kettle - 1949 76 the Kettles and their fifteen children are about to be evicted from their rundown rustic home when pa wins the grand prize by coming up with a new tobacco slogan. starring percy Kilbride. may 15 the seven little foys - 1955 93 after the young wife of vaudevillian eddie foy passes away, he incorporates their seven children into the act and takes it on the road. starring bob hope. may 29 the Caine mutiny - 1954 124 when a us naval captain shows signs of mental instability that jeopardizes the ship, the first officer relieves him of command and faces court martial for mutiny. starring humphrey bogart. june 19 Good news - 1947 93 at fictitious tait university in the roaring 20’s, co-ed and school librarian Connie lane falls for football hero tommy marlowe. starring june allyson. june 26 marty - 1955 90 a touching story about two lonely people who have almost resigned themselves to never being truly loved. starring ernest borgnine. july 17 meet me in st. louis - 1944 113 in the year before the 1904 st. louis world’s fair, the four smith daughters learn lessons of life and love. starring judy Garland and margaret o’brien. july 31 Casablanca - 1942 102 set in africa during the early days of world war ii. an american expatriate meets a former lover, with unforeseen complications. starring humphrey bogart. august 14 Cheaper by the dozen - 1950 86 based on the real-life story of the Gilbreth family, this film follows the amusing anecdotes found in large families. starring Clifton webb and jeanne Crain. august 28 annie Get Your Gun - 1950 107 the story of the great sharpshooter, annie oakley, who rises to fame while dealing with her love/professional rival, frank butler. starring betty hutton. adath jeshurun theatre  2401 woodbourne avenue  louisville, KY 40205  for additional information, please contact arnold levitz at 491-0402. JOiN THE aJ SYNaGOGuE SOfTBall TEaM HElp WaNTED iMMEDiaTE OpENiNGS availaBlE! it’s once again time for synagogue softball. aj is looking for adult players, male or female. players must requirements: be at least a high school senior. • must have desire for fellowship with nice aj if your child is away at college, and would like to members. participate, please provide his or her contact • must be willing to have a meaningful experience information to Coach jeff slyn. to begin or end your day. • must be willing to be a part of a special group of people who Games will be played on tuesday evenings, and we anticipate a twelve- make a commitment to the aj minyan. game schedule in addition to the tournament. • must accept compensation of being rewarded by helping to ensure that we have a minyan, so that those who are saying practice dates are tentatively scheduled for: kaddish may do so. • no experience necessary! • sundays 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6 & 5/13 • immediate supervisors: rabbi robert slosberg and Cantor • tuesdays 4/17, 4/24 & 5/1 david lipp. the first regular season game is currently scheduled to take place on if this sounds like a good fit for you, you’re hired! start any day this tuesday, may 8th. the games will run every tuesday through the end week: of july, weather-permitting. monday – friday: 7:15 a.m. saturday: 9:15 a.m. the fee is currently undetermined but no one is turned away for sunday: 8:45 a.m. inability to pay. if you’d like to participate on the softball team, please every afternoon: 5:45 p.m. contact Coach jeff slyn at [email protected] or 426-5469. 7 aDaTH JESHuruN iS CalliNG 2012 aJ paSSOvEr all firSTBOrNS! WOrSHip there is a very old tradition that the firstborn should fast on the day before passover to com- SErviCE SCHEDulE memorate the miracle of the tenth plague, when all the houses of the Children of israel were spared, and all the houses of the egyp- tians suffered the death of the first born, even of the animals of the flocks. technically, this fast should take place on the anniversary of the mira- • serviCe for the first born cle, but that would make the first day of a festival into a fast day. so, the custom became to fast on the day before passover. fridaY, april 6th - 7:15 am there is one other tradition that is very important here. if on the day of • CommunitY passover seder a minor fast like this one, we finish studying a tractate of the talmud, then there will be a festive meal to celebrate that mitzvah, and the fridaY, april 6th – 6:30 pm firstborn will participate in that meal. the fast is turned into a feast. • first daY passover please join us on friday, april 6th at 7:15 a.m. for morning minyan and the siyum that accompanies finishing a portion of the talmud. saturdaY, april 7th - 9:15 am & 5:45 pm the breakfast is sponsored in loving memory of phyllis r. Grossman. all those who are not firstborn are also welcome and encouraged to • seCond daY passover attend. sundaY, april 8th - 9:15 am & 5:45 pm pair up fOr paSSOvEr! • seventh daY passover do you need a place to go for the fridaY, april 13th - 9:15 am & 5:45 pm passover seders? • eiGhth daY of passover and *YiZKor for our departed loved ones do you have an extra place at your passover table? saturdaY, april 14th - 9:15 am* & 5:45 pm • david a. jones sr., shabbat sCholar aj is once again pairing congregants who can set an extra place at their seder table with congregants who would noon like to attend a seder. members in need of a place to go for the seders, or members who would like to host people this year, sitter service will be available for members for the seders are encouraged to contact passover pairs Chairperson, annette Geller at 451-1053 or at only by advance reservation. sitters will only be hired [email protected]. if reservations are received. Contact barb embry at 458-5359 or [email protected] to reserve WHaT iS YOM HaSHOaH? sitter service. the full name of the day commemorat- ing the victims of the holocaust is “Yom WHaT iS YOM Ha’aTzMauT? Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah”--literally the “day of remembrance of the holocaust Yom ha’atzmaut is israel’s inde- pendence day and is celebrated and the heroism.” it is marked on the on the 5th day of the month of 27th day in the month of nisan--a week iyyar, which is the hebrew date of after the seventh day of passover, and a week before Yom the formal establishment of the state of israel, when members of Hazikaron (memorial day for israel’s fallen soldiers). the “provisional government” read and signed a declaration of inde- pendence in tel aviv. the original date corresponded to may 14, 1948. this year, the Community Yom hashoah commemoration will take place at the temple on wednesday april 18th at for jews around the world, joining with israelis celebrating Yom 7:00 p.m. ha’atzmaut has become a concrete link in the jewish connection to the land of israel. this year, Yom ha’atzmaut is observed on april 27th. 8 THE raBBiNiCal aSSEMBlY C. the following foods require a kosher le-Pesach label if pur- chased before or during pesach: all baked products (matzah, cakes, pESaCH GuiDE matzah flour, farfel, matzah meal, and any products containing mat- zah); canned or bottled fruit juices (these juices are often clarified the torah prohibits the ownership of hametz with kitniyot which are not listed among the ingredients. however, (leaven) during pesach. therefore, we arrange if one knows there are no such agents, the juice may be purchased for the sale of the hametz to a non-jew. the prior to pesach without a kosher le-Pesach label); canned tuna transfer, mekhirat hametz, is accomplished (since tuna, even when packed in water, has often been processed by appointing an agent, usually the rabbi, to in vegetable broth and/or hydrolyzed protein--however, if it is handle the sale. it is valid and legal transfer of known that the tuna is packed exclusively in water, without any ownership. at the end of the holiday, the agent additional ingredients or additives, it may be purchased without arranges for the reversion of ownership of the a kosher le-Pesach label); wine; vinegar; liquor; oils; dried fruits; now-permitted hametz. if ownership of the candy; chocolate flavored milk; ice cream; yogurt and soda. hametz was not transferred before the holiday, the use of this hametz is prohibited after the holiday as well (hametz she-avar alav ha-Pesach). d. the following processed foods (canned, bottled or frozen), re- quire a kosher le-Pesach label if purchased during pesach: milk, since the torah prohibits the eating of hametz during pesach, and since butter, juices, vegetables, fruit, milk products, spices, coffee, tea, many common foods contain some mixture of hametz, guidance is nec- and fish, as well as all foods listed in Category C. essary when shopping and preparing for pesach. detergents during the eight days of pesach, hametz cannot lose its identity in an admixture. therefore, the minutest amount of hametz renders the whole if permitted during the year, powdered and liquid detergents do not admixture hametz and its use on pesach is prohibited. however, during require a kosher le-Pesach label. the rest of the year, hametz follows the normal rules of admixture, i.e. it loses its identity in an admixture of one part hametz and sixty parts of medicine non-hametz (batel be-shishim). this affords us the opportunity to dif- ferentiate between foods purchased before and during pesach. since hametz binders are used in many pills, the following guidelines should be followed: if the medicine is required for life sustaining thera- what follows is a general guideline. however, your rabbi should be con- py, it may be used on pesach. if it is not for life sustaining therapy, some sulted when any doubt arises. Kosher le-Pesach labels that do not bear authorities permit, while others prohibit. Consult your rabbi. in all cases, the name of a rabbi or one of the recognized symbols of rabbinic su- capsules are preferable to pills. pervision, or which are not integral to the package, should not be used without consulting your rabbi. Kashering of utensils prohibited foods include the following: leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, the process of kashering utensils depends on how the utensils are used. crackers, cereal, coffees containing cereal derivatives, wheat, barley, according to halakhah, leaven can be purged from a utensil by the same oats, spelt, rye, and all liquids containing ingredients or flavors made process in which it was absorbed in the utensil (ke-voleo kakh poleto). from grain alcohol. therefore, utensils used in cooking are kashered by boiling, those used in broiling are kashered by fire and heat, and those used only for cold most ashkenazic authorities have added the following foods (kitniyot) food are kashered by rinsing. to the above list: rice, corn, millet, legumes (beans and peas; however, string beans are permitted). the Committee on jewish law and stan- a. Earthenware (china, pottery, etc.) may not be kashered. how- dards has ruled unanimously that peanuts and peanut oil are permis- ever, fine translucent chinaware which has not been used for over a sible. some ashkenazic authorities permit, while others forbid, the use year may be used if scoured and cleaned in hot water. of legumes in a form other than their natural state, for example, corn sweeteners, corn oil, soy oil. sephardic authorities permit the use of b. Metal (wholly made of metal) utensils used in fire (spit, broiler) all of the above. Consult your rabbi for guidance in the use of these must first be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed and then made products. as hot as possible. those used for cooking or eating (silverware, pots) must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned and completely permitted foods immersed in boiling water. pots should not be used for a period of at least 24 hours between the cleaning and the immersion in boil- a. the following foods require no kosher le-Pesach label if pur- ing water. metal baking utensils cannot be kashered. chased prior to pesach: unopened packages or containers of natu- ral coffee without cereal additives (however, be aware that cof- C. Ovens and Ranges: every part that comes in contact with food fees produced by General foods are not kosher for passover unless must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned. then, oven and range marked Kp); sugar, pure tea (not herbal tea); salt (not iodized); should be heated as hot as possible for a half hour. if there is a pepper; natural spices; frozen fruit juices with no additives; fro- broil setting, use it. self-cleaning ovens should be scrubbed and zen (uncooked) vegetables (for legumes see above); milk; butter; cleaned and then put through the self-cleaning cycle. Continuous cottage cheese; cream cheese; ripened cheeses such as cheddar cleaning ovens must be kashered in the same manner as regular (hard), muenster (semi-soft) and Camembert (soft); frozen (un- ovens. cooked) fruit (with no additives); baking soda. d. Microwave Ovens, which do not cook the food by means of heat, should be cleaned, and then a cup of water should be placed b. the following foods require no kosher le-Pesach label if pur- inside. then the oven should be turned on until the water disap- chased before or during pesach: fresh fruits and vegetables (for pears. a microwave oven that has a browning element cannot be legumes see above), eggs, fresh fish and fresh meat. kashered for pesach. 9 e. Glassware: authorities disagree as to the method for kash- SEll YOur CHaMETz ering drinking utensils. one opinion requires soaking in water for three days, changing the water every 24 hours. the other opinion requires only a thorough scrubbing before pesach, or since it is prohibited to possess putting them through a dishwasher. chametz on passover, any chametz left f. Glass Cookware: there is a difference of opinion as to un-disposed must be sold to a non-jew- whether it is to be kashered. one opinion is that it must be ish person. all such chametz, as well as kashered. after a thorough cleansing, there should be water boiled in them which will overflow the rim. the other opinion is all chametz utensils that were not thoroughly cleaned, should that only a thorough cleansing is required. be stored away. the storage area should be locked or taped G. Glass Bakeware, like metal bakeware, may not be kash- shut for the duration of the holiday. ered. h. Dishwasher: after not using the machine for a period of 24 since there are many legal intricacies involved in this sale, a hours, a full cycle with detergent should be run. rabbi acts as the agent both to sell the chametz to the non- i. Electrical Appliances: if the parts that jew on the morning before passover and also to buy it back come into contact with hametz are remov- the evening after passover ends. able, they can be kashered in the appro- priate way (if metal, follow the rules for metal utensils). if the parts are not remov- the following form can be completed and submitted to rabbi able, the appliance cannot be kashered. slosberg by april 5, 2012. (all exposed parts should be thoroughly cleaned.) j. Tables, Closets, and Counters: if used with hametz, they Delegation of Power to Sell Chametz should be thoroughly cleaned and covered, and then they may be used. I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi K. Kitchen Sink: a metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly Robert Slosberg to act in my place and stead, and on my cleaning and then pouring boiling water over it. a porcelain sink behalf to sell all chametz possessed by me, knowingly or should be cleaned and a sink rack used. if, however, dishes are unknowingly as defined by Jewish Law. to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a dish basin must be used. l. Hametz and Non-Passover Utensils: non-passover dishes, Rabbi Robert Slosberg also has the full power and right pots and hametz whose ownership has been transferred, should to act as he deems fit and proper in accordance with all be separated, locked up or covered, and marked in order to the details of the Bill of Sale used in the transaction to prevent accidental use. sell all my chametz, as provided herein. COuNTiNG Of THE OMEr Personal Information: according to the torah we are obligated to count the days from the second night of passover to Please enter your personal information below. the day before shavuot, seven full Use the address in which the chametz is located. weeks. this period is known as the Counting of the Omer. an omer is a unit of measure. on the second Name: day of passover, in the days of the temple, an omer of barley was cut down and brought to the temple as an offering. Address 1: every night, from the second night of passover to the night before shavuot, we recite a blessing and state the count of the omer in both weeks and days. so on the 16th day, you Address 2: would say, “today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the omer.” City: the counting is intended to remind us of the link between State: passover, which commemorates the exodus, and shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the torah. this period is a time of partial mourning. it reminds us that the redemption ZIP Code: from slavery was not complete until we received the torah. 10 WOrDS frOM CaNTOr lipp “Once I sat on the steps by a gate at David’s Tower, I placed my two of the congregation. one of the most meaningful moments we had heavy baskets at my side. A group of tourists was standing around was sitting in a circle after the friday evening meal at the synagogue their guide and I became their target marker. ‘You see that man with singing Zemirot, shabbat songs, each of us teaching and leading one the baskets? Just right of his head there’s an arch from the roman melody after another. perhaps most hopeful for the long term viability period. Just right of his head.’ ‘But he’s moving, he’s moving!’ I said of the shul and the movement in israel in general is the fact that a to myself: redemption will come only if their guide tells them, ‘You majority of the attendees were not ‘anglos’, israeli citizens from eng- see that arch from the roman period? It’s not important: but next to lish speaking countries. it, left and down a bit, there sits a man who’s bought fruit and veg- etables for his family.’” - from “Tourists” by Yehudah Amichai Protocols of the Youngers of Zion since i knew Cantor hordes was coming on the trip and i was ada- my recent trip to the Galilee under the auspices of ‘partnership 2Geth- mant to have louisville orchestra’s principal flautist Kathy Karr join er’ (formerly ‘partnership 2000’) was an attempt to accomplish that us as well, i suggested we perform a fundraising concert for some which one of israel’s most profound and prolific poets expressed so organization in our region. when we found out that we had two col- eloquently above. an attempt to create person to person relationships leagues joining us from toledo, we made sure to include them as between jews of the diaspora and our counterparts in eretz Yisrael. well. the organization the partnership chose is called Youth futures the israeli partnership staff put together a week of experiences in and they do after school programming in the akko City Government our western Galilee region hoping to create and deepen these con- building for teens. in addition to the 5 americans, we also performed nections in the areas of education, music, art, medicine, Commerce, with oleg, a wonderful pianist; aviad, the new education chair who Culture, religion and Youth. played guitar and sang one of his own compositions; eran who played a piece of his own with Kathy Karr; Gil, an eco-instrumentalist who whether you are young or old, doctor or artist, teacher or musician, played percussion on a modified oil drum and flute on some plumb- rabbi or cantor, tourist or enthusiast, the partnership has something ing piping designed for the purpose; and finally two girls who benefit that can make your life more meaningful in relationship to our israeli from the program itself. we performed in the actual room that houses brethren. let’s call these just a few of the many West galilee stories this program off the main entrance of the Government center and it i could tell: was clear they serve a mixed population. in addition to a poster with mother and child with the arabic statement “star mom” there was a rose Town Cantors sing This song huge display that included a quote by shlomo Carlebach: “in order to two years ago i was the only cantor on the partnership mission. this succeed, every child needs an adult to believe in him.” it may be the year, i was one of four, three of whom are Conservative: Cantor ivor li- first time that rav Carlebach has been quoted in hebrew and arabic. chterman, recently of toledo, whom you may remember from the docu- mentary 100 voices that was made about the 2009 Cantors assembly David & goliath & the cell phone trip to poland, and my good friend from Ki Cantor sharon hordes. after lunch in nahariyah one day, i had a few extra minutes to hand Kfar vradim, literally roses village, is the closest viable Conservative out some of the tzedakah i had been given to distribute in israel, and congregation to our region and one of only two masorti synagogues then saw two sculptures in the square of david and Goliath. sitting on in the state of israel to receive money for the construction of its new the stone base of the david, a young man on his cell phone noticed i synagogue. the new building is now up and is simply waiting to be fur- was about to take a picture and started to move away. i asked him to nished, so we three cantors were honored to lead parts of the shabbat stay in the picture. services in a preschool setting while enjoying the generous hospitality NOTiCE Of aDaTH JESHuruN arE YOu availaBlE TO HElp uS aNNual MEETiNG! WElCOME Our NEW MEMBErS? thursday, may 24, 2012 membership at aj is booming! we have the annual meeting of Congregation adath jeshurun will be held on lots of new families who are new to the thursday, may 24, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing and community, and new to aj. we are in installing officers of the Congregation, and conducting other such business as may be appropriately brought before the Congregation need of some nice aj members to help at that time. welcome our new members, and help them become acclimated with aj. pursuant to article xiv of the adath jeshurun bylaws, any member of the Congregation wishing to submit a candidate to be nominated if you have a little time to give to help mentor some of our new as a member of the board of trustees, shall do so in writing, at least 21 days prior to the date of the annual meeting. please submit, by members, please contact membership Chairman mail, any name for nomination to frankye Gordon, Chairperson of the jeffrey Greenberg at [email protected] or nominating Committee, by thursday, may 3, 2012. no nominations (502) 664-7841. are permitted from the floor during the annual meeting.

Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.. Congregation Adath Jeshurun. Reception to Follow. Don't miss this opportunity to see Louisville, Adath Jeshurun,
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