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Confucianism and Modernization in East Asia: Critical Reflections PDF

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Confucianism & Modernization in East Asia Critical Reflections Kim Kyong-Dong Confucianism and Modernization in East Asia Kim Kyong-Dong Confucianism and Modernization in East Asia Critical Reflections Kim Kyong-Dong Seoul National University Seoul, Korea (Republic of) ISBN 978-981-10-3625-5 ISBN 978-981-10-3626-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3626-2 Library of Congress Control Number: 2017936389 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the pub- lisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institu- tional affiliations. Cover illustration: Issared Wongsing / EyeEm Printed on acid-free paper This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore To my beloved family: Lee On-Jook, Kim Yojin, and Kim Jin, with affection and gratitude s C : F l peCial haraCters oreign anguage W ords Chinese Chapter 2 the Ming (明) the Qing Dynasty (or Ch’ing, 淸) the Central Kingdom or the Middle Kingdom (Zhongguo or Chung-k uo, 中國) “Chinese Substance of Culture complemented with Western Technologies” (zhongtixiyong or chungt’ihsiyung, 中體西用) the “national essence” (guocui; 國粹) Guo-fu (the father of the nation; 國父) Three Principles of the People (democracy, nationalism, and people’s live- lihood, sanminzhuyi; 三民主義) the Grand Unity Society (datongshehui; 大同社會) the Zhong Yong (Chung-yung, the Doctrine of the Mean; 中庸) Chapter 3 benevolence or humanity (ren, 仁) propriety or rites (li, 禮) correct rites (fuli, 復禮) vii viii SPECIAL ChARACTERS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORDS Korean Chapter 2 the Chosǒn (朝鮮; 1392–1910) the Central Kingdom of high Civilization (Zhonghua, 中華) “honor China and Repel Barbarians” (chonhwayangi, 尊華攘夷) the cosmological Principle and Material Forces (i-giron; 理氣論) “Eastern Ways, Western Technology” (tongdosŏgiron; 東道西器論) the Tonghak (동학, 東學) the Enlightenment (kaehwa; 開化) han’gŭl (한글; the original Korean alphabet) Tongniphyǒphoe (or the Independence Club; 독립협회) the Great Korean (han) Empire (Taehan Cheguk; 대한제국) sŏdosŏgi (Western Ways, Western Technology; 西道西器) Chapter 3 the hall of Perfection and Equalization (Sŏnggyun’gwan, 성균관, 成均館) Sŏnbi (the Korean Confucian Literati; 선비) sŏwŏn (서원; 書院) hyanggyo (local public school; 향교; 鄕校) yusin (維新) chŏng (emotions, sentiments; 정, 情) Chapter 4 Sirhak (Practical Learning; 실학, 實學) Sirhak-p’a (the Practical Learning School; 실학파, 實學派) yangban (gentry; 양반, 兩班) sŏhak (“Western Learning” or Catholicism; 서학, 西學) the Southern clique (Namin; 남인, 南人) volumes (ch’aek, 책, 册), fascicles (kwŏn; 권, 卷) Mongminsimsŏ (Admonitions on Governing the People; 목민심서, 牧民 心書) Kyŏngseyup’yo (the Recommendations for the Management of State Affairs; 경세유표, 經世 遺表) SPECIAL ChARACTERS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORDS ix Hŭmhŭmsinsŏ (A New Book on the Prudent Administration of Criminal Justice: 흠흠신서, 欽欽新書) the Great Learning (Taehak; 대학, 大學) yŏjŏnpŏp (a form of cooperative farming; 여전법, 閭田法) yŏ (village unit; 여, 閭) Chuch’e (ideology of self-reliance; 주체, 主體) Yiyong-gam (office to handle practical matters to enrich and strengthen a country; 이용감, 利用監) Dure (두레), a form of providing labor in case of need; P’umasi (품앗이), a type of mutual exchange of labor in times of need; and Kye (계), a type of financial cooperative Japanese Chapter 2 Tokugawa regime (德川) sakoku (closing the country to the outside world; 鎖國) fukokukyŏhei (rich country, strong army; 富國强兵) sonnōjōi (revere the monarch and expel the barbarians; 尊王攘夷) Sei-i Taishogun (literally, Great Barbarian-subduing Generalissimo; 征夷 大將軍) wakonyōsai (Japanese spirit with Western ability; 和魂洋才) the “leave Asia” policy (tatsu-a; 脫亞) the Rescript on Education (kyoikuchokugo; 敎育勅語) the kokutai (national polity, or national entity, literally national body or even national essence; 國體) Kokutai no hongi (the nationalistic textbook; 國體の本義) Shinto (“the Way of gods”; 神道) shin or kami (gods; 神) the Sun Goddess (amaterasuomikami; 天照大御神) Chapter 3 meiji-ishin (明治維新) the Way of the Subject (shinmin no michi, 臣民の道) ethics or character-building textbooks (shushin-sho, 修身書) dotoku (morality; 道德) x SPECIAL ChARACTERS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORDS Civil Code (minpo, 民法) the family or home (ie, 家) the village community (mura, 村) a field, place, or environment of existence (ba, 場) Korean and Chinese Juxtaposed i (li, principle; 이, 理) ki (ch’i, material force; 기, 氣) “the repossession or reconstruction of the Way” (tot’ong, tao-t’ung; 도통, 道統) teachings (kyo, chiao; 교, 敎) the spiritual ruler of heaven (sangje, shang-ti; 상제, 上帝) the ruler (wang, wàng; 왕, 王) “state” (kuk, kuo; 국, 國 or kukka, kuo-chia; 국가, 國家) mind/heart (sim, hsin; 심, 心) “sincerity” (sŏng, ch’eng; 성, 誠) the Way of man (indo, jen-tao; 인도, 人道) the mind of the Way (tosim, tao-hsin; 도심, 道心) the mind of man (insim, jen-hsin; 인심, 人心) practical performance (tŏk, te; 덕, 德) “filial piety, respect for elders or brotherly love, and parental love or com- passion” (hyo che cha, hsiao-ti-tz ‘u; 효제자, 孝悌慈). benevolence (in, jen; 인, 仁) “being watchful over oneself and being prudent even in solitude” (sindok, shen-tu; 신독, 愼獨) government for the sake of the people (wimin, wei-min; 위민, 爲民) the emperor (the son of heaven, ch’ŏnja, t’ien-tzu; 천자, 天子, as he was called in China) propriety (ye, li; 예, 禮) law (pop, fa; 법, 法) Chou-li (the Standards of Propriety of Chou; 주례, 周禮) “people-centered” (minbon, minpen; 민본, 民本) the foundation and branch, or the stem and branch (ponmal; pen-mo; 본 말, 本末) Kongja chi to sugich‘iin ii (K’ung-tzuchih-tao hsiu-chi-chi-ren erh-i; 공자지 도수기치인이이, 孔子之道修己治人而已) righteousness (ŭi or i; 의, 義) music (ak or yüeh, 악, 樂) SPECIAL ChARACTERS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORDS xi wisdom (chi or chih, 지, 智) trust (sin or hsin; 신, 信) knowledge (chi or chih; 지, 知) “investigation of things” (kyŏkmul or kowu; 격물, 格物) and “extension of knowledge” (ch’iji or chihchih; 치지, 致知), loyalty or conscientiousness (ch’ung or chung; 충, 忠) yin–yang (음-양, 陰-陽)

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