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Confounding Adjustment in Comparative Studies of Newly Marketed Medications Citation Kumamaru, Hiraku. 2015. Confounding Adjustment in Comparative Studies of Newly Marketed Medications. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Permanent link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:14117760 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of-use#LAA Share Your Story The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Submit a story . Accessibility CONFOUNDING ADJUSTMENT IN COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF NEWLY MARKETED MEDICATIONS HIRAKU KUMAMARU A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of The Harvard School of Public Health in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science in the Department of Epidemiology Harvard University Boston, Massachusetts March 2015 Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Sebastian Schneeweiss Hiraku Kumamaru Confounding adjustment in comparative studies of newly marketed medications Abstract Observational studies of newly marketed medications can add important safety and effectiveness information to what is known from pre-approval randomized controlled trials. As new medications are often prescribed to select group of patients, confounding can be particularly large in this setting. Multivariable modeling of the exposure or the outcome is commonly used to reduce confounding, but the modeling can be challenged by rapidly evolving prescribing patterns and the limited number of patients exposed to the new medication. Furthermore, while adjustment for empirically identified potential confounders, and proxies thereof, has been shown to reduce confounding, it is difficult to empirically identify potential confounders in settings with small number of outcomes. In this thesis, we explored two new methods to improve confounding control in the setting of newly marketed medications with few exposures and outcomes and many potential confounders. The first method is the high dimensional disease risk score (DRS) developed using an historical cohort of comparator drug initiators. We developed prediction models for the outcomes of interest in an historical cohort and applied the models to the concurrent study cohort of new and comparator drug initiators. We then used individual patient’s predicted risk score to ii balance the baseline risk between the two groups. In chapter 1, we compared combinations of shrinkage and dimension reduction approaches to reduce model over-fitting when developing DRSs from large numbers of potential covariates. In chapter 2, we compared the performance of the high dimensional DRSs to the standard high dimensional propensity score (hdPS) approach. In chapter 3, we developed a new method that augments the hdPS variable selection process with data from an historical cohort and compared this approach to standard hdPS. All evaluations were conducted in example comparative studies of newly marketed medications using large US claims database. The hdPS with variable selection augmented by historical data showed good performance in confounding adjustment even in small outcome settings. Future studies should evaluate the use of this method in other settings and should explore improvements in the use of high dimensional DRSs. iii Table of Contents Title .............................................................................................................................................. i Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... iv List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. v List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. vi Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. viii Chapter 1 Dimension reduction and shrinkage methods for high dimensional disease risk score in historical data Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 2 References ............................................................................................................................ 15 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure ................................................................................................................................... 27 Chapter 2 Comparison of high dimensional confounder summary scores in database studies of newly marketed medications Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 33 References ............................................................................................................................ 47 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 49 Figures.................................................................................................................................. 56 Chapter 3 Historical data for augmenting high dimensional covariate selection in database studies of newly marketed medications Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 64 References ............................................................................................................................ 80 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 83 Figure ................................................................................................................................... 89 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure I-1. Patient Enrollment and Follow-up in the Two Example Studies .......................... 27 Figure II-1. Schema of the Two Example Study Cohorts ....................................................... 56 Figure II-2. Distribution of estimated hdDRS and hdPS by drug group among the three study example concurrent cohorts .......................................................................................... 57 Figure II-2. Calibration Plots of the expected risk predicted by hdDRS modeled in historical data and observed risk of the outcomes in the three study examples ....................... 58 Figure III-1. Schema of Patient Enrollment to the Concurrent and Historical Cohorts .......... 89 v LIST OF TABLES Table I-1. Baseline characteristics and observed risk of major hemorrhagic events within 180 days of warfarin and dabigatran initiators in the historical and concurrent cohorts .......... 19 Table I-2. Baseline characteristics and observed risk of GI bleeds within 180 days of non-selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors initiators in the historical and concurrent cohorts ..................................................................... 20 Table I-3. Predictive performance of the Disease risk score (DRS) models in warfarin vs. dabigatran historical and concurrent cohorts ............................................................................ 21 Table I-4. Predictive performance of the Disease risk score (DRS) models in cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor vs. non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs historical and concurrent cohorts .............................................................................................. 23 Table I-5. The relative odds of major hemorrhagic events within 180 days for dabigatran initiators compared to warfarin initiators adjusted by DRS decile stratification ...................... 25 Table I-6. The relative odds of gastrointestinal bleeds within 180 days for coxibs initiators compared to nsNSAIDs initiators adjusted by DRS decile stratification .................. 26 Table II-1. Baseline characteristics and observed risk of major hemorrhagic events and deaths within 180days in warfarin and dabigatran initiators in the historical and concurrent cohorts ..................................................................................................................... 49 Table II-2. Baseline characteristics and observed risk of GI bleeds within 180 days of the non-selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors initiators in the historical and concurrent cohorts ..................................................................... 52 Table II-3. Discrimination and calibration of the historically-developed hdDRS in the concurrent cohorts Table II-4. Estimated Relative Risks (Odds Ratios) adjusted by conventional regression and by hdPS and hdDRS stratification without percentile trimming ........................................ 53 Table II-5. Number of patients and events by drug group and Estimated Odds Ratios adjusted by hdPS and hdDRS stratification after 2.5-97.5 percentile trimming ....................... 54 Table II-6. Number of observations and events by drug group and Estimated Odds Ratios and 95% confidence intervals adjusted by historical outcome predictor (op-) hdPS stratification with and without 2.5-97.5 percentile trimming ................................................... 55 vi Table III-1. Baseline characteristics and observed Risk of Death within 180 days in initiators of warfarin and dabigatran in historical and concurrent cohorts ............................... 83 Table III-2. Baseline characteristics and observed Risk of GI bleeds within 180 days in patients initiating non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors in the historical and concurrent cohorts ...................................... 84 Table III-3. Characteristics of the sampled cohorts of dabigatran and warfarin initiators, and relative risk estimates (odds ratios) from stratified PS and hdPSs analyses ...................... 85 Table III-4. Characteristics of the sampled cohorts of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs initiators, and relative risk estimates (odds ratios) from stratified PS, hdPSs and hdDRS analyses ................................................... 86 Table III-5. Average Percent Overlap between the Variables Selected in the Full Cohort vs. those selected in the Sampled cohorts for each Empirical Selection Procedure. ................ 87 Table III-6. Average Number of top 100 Variables Selected by the standard bias based hdPS in the Full Cohort which were included in the 300 variables selected in Sampled cohorts for each Empirical Selection Procedure ....................................................................... 88 vii Acknowledgements I am grateful to many people for supporting my completion of the doctoral program at Harvard School of Public Health. I appreciate all of the invaluable contributions from my family, friends, colleagues and mentors. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my adviser Sebastian Schneeweiss, MD, ScD for his excellent mentorship and for welcoming me into the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics at Brigham and Women’s hospital and Harvard Medical School, and for providing me the opportunity and support for my Pharmacoepidemiology training. I am also greatly thankful to all the other members of my research committee; Joshua J. Gagne, PharmD, ScD for his close and patient mentorship that really was essential for my completion of the dissertation; Robert J. Glynn, ScD, PhD for his insightful and generous scientific inputs that greatly improved the quality of my papers; Soko Setoguchi, MD DrPH, for inviting me into the field of pharmacoepidemiology, and for thoughtfully guiding my academic development. My appreciation also goes to division Chief Jerry Avorn, MD and all of the members at the Division of Pharacoeidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics for their support and the inspirational discussions during my study. I owe special thanks to Jessica Franklin, PhD for her biostatistical consultations, and to Jun Liu, MD MPH and Helen Mogun, MS for their help in programming. I would also like to thank my oral examination committee members John D. Seeger, PharmD, DrPH, Robert J Glynn ScD, PhD and Joel S. Weissman, PhD who provided helpful feedback to my dissertation proposal. viii I am also very grateful to Sonia Hernandez-Diaz, MD, DrPH and to the pharmacoepidemiology program at Harvard School of Public Health, and to Honjo International Scholarship Foundation for providing the support during my study as a doctoral student. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Kanako, and my two children Amane and Akari for their loving support and patience during the past years while I worked on my study. Their presence filled my life in Boston with joy and good memories even during the challenging times. ix

CONFOUNDING ADJUSTMENT IN COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF. NEWLY MARKETED MEDICATIONS. HIRAKU KUMAMARU. A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of. The Harvard School of Public Health in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science in the Department of
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