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CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION In the glob ally interc on nec ted world, conflicts often arise as a result of tensions between differ ent cultural percep tions and diverse social prefe r ences. Effectively managing conflicts and harmon iz ing interc ul tural rela tion ships are essent ial tasks of inter cul tural commun ic a tion research. This book seeks to find effect ive interc ul tural conflict manage ment solu tions by bring ing together a group of leading intern a tional schola rs from differ ent discip lines to tackle the problem. Consisting of two parts, this book covers major theore t ical perspecti ves of conflict manage ment and harmony devel op ment in the first and conflict manage ment and harmony devel op ment in differe nt cultural contexts in the second. Integrating the latest work on conflict manage ment and inter cul tural harmony, Conflict Management and Intercultural Communication takes an inter dis cipl in ary approach, adopts diverse perspect ives and provides for a wide range of discus sions. It will serve as a useful resource for teach ers, research ers, students and profes sion als alike. Xiaodong Dai is Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages College of Shanghai Normal University, China. He currently serves as the vice pres id ent of the China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC). Guo-Ming Chen is Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Rhode Island, USA. He is the foundi ng pres id ent of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies (ACCS). He served as the execu t ive director of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) for six years and is currently the presi d ent of the assoc i ation. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION The Art of Inter cul tural Harmony Edited by Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen First published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa busi ness © 2017 select ion and edit or ial matter, Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen; indi vidual chapters, the contrib ut ors The right of Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen to be ident i fied as the authors of the edit or ial mater ial, and of the authors for their indi vidual chapters, has been asser ted in accord ance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprin ted or repro duced or util ised in any form or by any elec tronic, mecha n ical, or other means, now known or herea fter inven ted, includ ing photo copy ing and record ing, or in any inform a tion storage or retrieval system, without permis sion in writing from the publish ers. Trademark notice: Product or corpor ate names may be trade marks or registered trade marks, and are used only for ident i fic a tion and explan a tion without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A cata logue record for this book is avail able from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been reques ted. ISBN: 978-1-138-96283-5 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-138-96284-2 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-26691-6 (ebk) Typeset in Bembo by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk CONTENTS List of figures viii List of tables x Notes on contrib ut ors xi Preface xiv Introduction 1 Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen PART I Perspectives on the study of inter cul tural conflict manage ment 11 1 Moving from conflict to harmony: the role of dialogue in bridging differe nces 13 Benjamin J. Broome 2 A dialo gic approach to inter cul tural conflict managem ent and harmo ni ous rela tion ships: dialogue, ethics and culture 29 Yuxin Jia and Xue Lai Jia 3 Between conflict and harmony in the human family: Asia centri city and its ethical impera t ive for interc ul tural commu nic a tion 38 Yoshitaka Miike vi Contents 4 Constituting inter cul tural harmony by design thinki ng: conflict manage ment in, for and about diversity and inclu sion work 66 Patrice M. Buzzanell 5 The devel op ment of inter cul tur al ity and the manage ment of interc ul tural conflict 85 Xiaodong Dai 6 Transforming conflict through commu nic a tion and common ground 98 Beth Bonniwell Haslett 7 Conflict face- nego ti ation theory: track ing its evol u tion ary journey 123 Stella Ting-Toomey 8 The yin and yang of conflict managem ent and resol u tion: a Chinese perspect ive 144 Guo-Ming Chen 9 Rethinking cultural ident ity in the context of glob al iz a tion: compara t ive insights from the Kemetic and Confucian tradit ions 155 Jing Yin PART II Conflict manage ment in cultural contexts 175 10 Intercultural conflict and conflict managem ent in South Africa as depict ed in indi gen ous African liter ary texts 177 Munzhedzi James Mafela and Cynthia Danisile Ntuli 11 Cultural orient a tions and conflict manage ment styles with peers and older adults: the indire ct effects through filial obliga tions 194 Yan Bing Zhang, Chong Xing and Astrid Villamil 12 Intercultural commu nic a tion managem ent profess ion als in the Japanese linguistic and cultural envir on ment 210 Yuko Takeshita Contents vii 13 The discurs ive construc tion of ident it ies and conflict manage ment strategies in parent–child conflict narrati ves written by Chinese univer sity students 221 Xuan Zheng and Yihong Gao 14 A Chinese model of constructi ve conflict manage ment 239 Yiheng Deng and Pamela Tremain Koch 15 Conflicts in an intern a tional busi ness context: a theore t ical analysis of inter per sonal (pseudo)conflicts 254 Michael B. Hinner 16 Intercultural conflicts in transna tional mergers and acquis i tions: the case of a failed deal 278 Juana Du and Ling Chen 17 Intercultural chall enges in multina tional corpora tions 295 Alois Moosmüller Index 311 FIGURES 8.1 The paradig matic assump tions of Eastern and Western cultures 146 8.2 The either- or view of paradig matic assump tions between East and West 149 8.3 The continuum view of cultural values based on paradig matic assump tions 149 8.4 Similarities and differ ences of cultural values between nations 150 8.5 The mutual exclusi v ity of two cultures 150 8.6 The mutual inclusi v ity of two cultures 151 8.7 The tai chi model of conflict manage ment 152 11.1 Unstandardized signi fic ant para meter estim ates: IND and COL predict ing peer and intergen er a tional conflict manage ment styles 202 11.2 Significant factor correl a tions of the four conflict styles in the peer and older adult condit ions 203 11.3 Unstandardized signi fic ant para meter estim ates: indir ect effects of COL on the integr at ing, accomm od at ing and avoid ing styles in the intergene r a tional condi tion 204 12.1 The number of foreign tour ists in Japan 211 12.2 Three import ant factors contribu t ing to Japanese people’s aware ness of inter na tion al iz a tion 213 12.3 A can- do list for the ICM-AP and the ICMP 214 12.4 The table of contents 216 12.5 The flow of the qual i fic a tions for the ICM-AP and the ICMP 217 12.6 The renova tion of street signs in Tokyo 218 13.1 Distribution of actual strategies 229 13.2 Distribution of proposed strategies 229 14.1 Emic Chinese model of conflict beha vi ors 243 Figures ix 14.2 Components of Chinese culture that influ ence conflict beha vi ors 245 14.3 Model of coopera t ive conflict manage ment with Chinese 246 15.1 The interr e la tion ship of cogni tion, meta cog ni tion, social meta cog nit ion, trust and self- disclos ure 271

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