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Conflict in Afghanistan Roots ofModern Conflict Conflict in Afghanistan Frank A.Clements Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia John B.Allcock,Marko Milivojevic,and John J.Horton,editors Conflict in Korea James E.Hoares and Susan Pares Conflict in Northern Ireland Sydney Elliott and W.D.Flackes Conflict in Afghanistan A Historical Encyclopedia Frank A. Clements Santa Barbara,California Denver,Colorado Oxford,England COPYRIGHT© 2003 BYFRANKA.CLEMENTS All rights reserved.No part ofthis publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,except for the inclusion ofbrief quotations in a review,without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Clements,Frank,1942– Conflict in Afghanistan :a historical encyclopedia / Frank A.Clements. p. cm.— (Roots ofmodern conflict) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-85109-402-4 (hardcover :alk.paper) 1. Afghanistan—History—Encyclopedias. I. Title. II. Series. DS351.C54 2003 958.1'003—dc22 2003021334 07 06 05 04 03 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is also available on the World Wide Web as an e-book.Visit http://www.abc-clio.com for details. ABC-CLIO,Inc. 130 Cremona Drive,P.O.Box 1911 Santa Barbara,California 93116–1911 This book is printed on acid-free paper. Manufactured in the United States ofAmerica Contents About This Encyclopedia,ix Acknowledgments,xi Introduction,xiii Maps,xxxiii Conflict in Afghanistan A Historical Encyclopedia Abdullah Abdullah (1958– ),1 Afridi Tribe,26 Australian Special Forces,34 Abdur Rahim,Naib Sular Ahmad,Ali (1883–1929),26 Awakened Youth (Wish (1896?–1941?),2 Ahmad,Shah (1943– ),26 Zalmayan),35 Administrative Divisions,3 Ahmadzai Tribe,28 Ayub,Khan Muhammad Afghan Arabs,4 Akbar,Sardar Muhammad (1857–1914),35 Afghan Army,4 (1816–1845),28 Afghan-German Relations,6 Amanullah,King (1892–1960), Badakhshan Province,37 Afghan-Iranian Relations,8 28 Badakhshi,Tahir (?–1979),37 Afghan National Liberation Ambala Conference (1869),29 Badghis Province,37 Front,11 Amin,Hafizullah (1929–1979), Baghlan Province,38 Afghan-Pakistani Relations,11 29 Bagram,38 Afghan Security Service,15 Amir,Muhammad (?–1936),30 Balkh Province,38 Afghan Social Democratic Party, Amu Daria,31 Baluchs,39 16 Anglo-Afghan Treaty of1905,31 Bamian Province,39 Afghan-Soviet Relations,16 Anglo-Afghan Treaty of1919,31 Baraki Tribe,40 Afghani,Sayyid Jamaluddin Anglo-Afghan Treaty of1921,31 Barakzais,40 (1838–1897),19 Anglo-Russian Convention Barechi Tribe,40 Afghanis,20 (1907),32 Bareq-Shafi’i,Muhammad Hasan Afghanistan Interim Cabinet, Arian,Abdul Rashid (1941– ),32 (1932– ),40 20 Arsari Tribe,33 Baryalai,Mahmud (1944– ),41 Afghanistan Interim Asghar,Muhammad (1914– ), Beheshti,Sayyid Ali,41 Government,21 33 Bonn Conference (2 December Afghanistan Peace Association Ata,Muhammad (dates ofbirth 2002),41 (APA),22 and death unknown),33 Brahuis,42 Afghanistan Transitional Auckland,Lord George Eden Burnes,Alexander (1805–1841), Government,24 (1784–1849),33 42 v vi CONTENTS Capitulation,Treaty of(1841),45 Farsiwan,86 Hazarajat,102 Cavagnari,Sir Pierre Louis Fateh Khan (1777–1818),86 Hazaras,103 (1841–1879),45 First Anglo-Afghan War Hekmatyar,Gulbuddin (1947– ), Central Intelligence Agency and (1839–1842),86 106 Its Support for the Firuzkuhi Tribe,87 Helmand Province,107 Mujahideen,45 Hentig-Niedermayer Expedition Chahar Aimaqs,47 Gailani,Sayyed Ahmad (1932– ), (1915–1916),108 Charkhi,Ghulam Nabi (?–1932), 89 Herat Province,108 47 Gailani,Sayyid Hasan Hijrat Movement,109 Civil War,47 (1862–1941),89 Hindu Kush,109 Climate,55 Gandomak,Treaty of(1879),89 Hoshimian,Sayyid Kalilullah Coalition Air Campaign against Geneva Accords,90 (1929– ),110 the Taliban,55 Geography and Environment,90 Human Rights Violations,111 Coalition Land Campaign Ghani,Abdul (1864–1945),92 Humanitarian Airdrops,113 against the Taliban,58 Ghaus,Abdul Samad (1928– ),93 Humanitarian Relief,115 Ghazi,93 Dari Language,67 Ghazi,Shah Mahmud International Security Assistance Darulaman,67 (1896–1959),93 Force (ISAF),119 Daud,Sardar Muhammad Ghazni Province,94 Inter-Services Intelligence Service (1909–1978),67 Ghilzai Tribe,94 (ISI),121 Da’ud Shah (1832–?),69 Ghobar,Mir Ghulam Ishaq,Muhammad (1851–1888), Destruction ofPre-Islamic Muhammad (1897–1978),94 123 Heritage,69 Ghor Province,95 Islamabad Accord (1993),124 Din Muhammad,Mashk-il-Alam Ghulam,Jilani Charkhi Islamic Alliance for the (1790–1886),71 (1886–1933),95 Liberation ofAfghanistan, Disarmament Program,71 Goldsmid Award,95 124 Dobbs,Sir Henry,73 Granville-GorchakoffAgreement Islamic Front (Jumbesh-i-Milli Dost,Shah Muhammad (1873),95 Islami),125 (1928– ),73 Gromov,Gen.Boris V.(1943– ), Islamic Party—Hekmatyar Dost Muhammad,Amir 96 (Hizb-i-Islami—Hekmatyar), (1792–1863),73 Guardians ofthe Islamic 126 Dostum,Gen.Abdul Rashid Revolution (Pasdaran-i-Jihad- Islamic Party—Khales (Hizb-i- (1954– ),74 i-Islami),96 Islami—Khales),126 Drug Trade,76 Gulbazoi,Lt.Gen.Sayyid Islamic Revolutionary Movement Durand Agreement (1893),79 Muhammad (1945– ),98 (Harakat-i-Inqliab-i-Islami), Durrani,Ahmad Shah Abdali Gulnabad,Battle of(1772),98 127 (1722–1772),79 Islamic Society ofAfghanistan Durrani Dynasty,81 Habibullah,Amir (1871–1919), (Jam’iat-i Islami-yi Durrani Tribe,81 99 Afghanistan),127 Habibullah Kalakani Islamic Union for the Liberation Elphinstone,Maj.Gen.William (c.1890–1929),99 ofAfghanistan (Ittihad-i- (1782–1842),83 Hamad,Abdul Sanad (1929– ), Islami Barayi Azadi-y- Elphinstone,Mountstuart 100 Afghanistan),128 (1779–1859),83 Haq,Abdul (1958–2001),100 Islamic Unity Party (Hizb-i Enayatullah,Sardar (1888–1946), Haqani,Maulawi Jajaluddin Wahdat),128 83 (1930– ),101 Islamist Movement (Jami’at-i Hashim Khan,Muhammad Islami),128 Farah Province,85 (1886–1953),101 Isma’il Khan (1946– ),130 Farhad,Ghulam Muhammad Hasht-Nafari,102 Isma’ilis,132 (?–1984),85 Hatef,Abdur Rahim (1926– ), Fariab Province,85 102 Jadran Tribe,133 CONTENTS vii Jagran,Sayyid Muhammad Macnaghten,Sir William National Revolutionary Party Hasan (1949– ),133 (1793–1839),161 (Hizb-i Inqilab-i Milli),180 Jaji Tribe,133 Mahmud Pacha,Sayyid,161 Nazar,Lt.Gen.Muhammad Jam’iat-i-’Ulama,133 Mahmud Shah (?–1829),161 (1935– ),181 Jamilurrahman,Maulawi Husain Maimana,162 Niazi,Ghulam Muhammad (1933–1992?),134 Maiwand,Battle of(1880),163 (?–1978),181 Jamshidi Tribe,134 Maiwandal,Muhammad Nimruz Province,181 Jirga,134 Hashem (1919–1973),163 Nizamnama,181 Jozjan Province,135 Majid,Abdul (c.1875–?),163 Northern Alliance,181 Majruh,Sayyid Baha’uddin Nur,Nur Ahmad (1937– ),185 Kabul City,137 (1928–1988),164 Nuristan Province,185 Kafir War (1895),139 Mangal Tribe,164 Nuristani,Abdul Wakil (?–1929), Kafiri Tribe,139 Maqsudi,Abdul Husain 185 Kalakani,Abdul Majid (1933– ),164 Nurzai,Abdul Qayyum (1942– ), (1939–1980),140 Masood,Ahmad Shah 185 KAM,140 (1953–2001),165 Nurzai Tribe,186 Kandahar Province,140 Mazari,Ali (1935– ),167 Karmal,Babrak (1929–1996), Mazar-i Sharif,167 Ofuq,Muhammad Zahir,187 141 Meshrano Jirga,171 Omar,Mullah Muhammad Karzai,Hamid (1959– ),142 Misaq,Abdul Karim (1937– ),171 (1959– ),187 Katawazi,Khilgal Muhammad Mohmand Tribe,172 Operation Enduring Freedom, (1948– ),145 Muhammad,Ishaq (1952– ), 189 Keshtmand,Sultan Ali (1935– ), 172 Oruzgan Province,193 145 Muhammadi,Maulawi KHAD,146 Muhammad Nabi (1921– ), Paghman,195 Khaibar,Mir Akbar (1925–1978), 172 Paghmani,Taj Muhammad 146 Muhsini,Ayatollah Muhammed (?–1929),195 Khales,Yunis (1919– ),146 Asef(1935– ),173 Paktia Province,195 Khalilullah,Lieutenant General Mujaddidi,173 Paktika Province,197 (1944– ),147 Mujaddidi,Sabghatullah Panipat,Battle of(1761),197 Khalq,147 (1925– ),173 Panjdeh Incident,198 Khan,Khan Abdul Ghaffar Mujahideen,174 Panjshir,198 (1890–1988?),147 Muslim Brotherhood,175 Panjshiri,Dastagi (1933– ),198 Khost,147 Mussoorie Conference,175 Parcham,199 Khost Rebellion,148 Parwan Province,199 Khugiani Tribe,149 Nadir,Shah Muhammad Pashtu Language,199 Khurram,Ali Ahmad (1888–1933),177 Pashtunistan Dispute,199 (1931–1977),149 Najibullah,Muhammad Pashtuns,200 Khyber Pass,149 (1947–1996),178 Pashtunwali,201 Kunar Province,150 Nangarhar Province,178 Pazhwak,Faze Rabbi (1929– ), Kunduz Province,151 Naranjan Das (1853–?),179 201 Kushani,Mahbubullah (1944– ), Nasir Tribe,179 Pazhwak,Ne’mutallah (1928– ), 151 Nasrullah Khan (?–1919),179 201 National Fatherland Front (Jabha- People’s Democratic Party of Laden,Osama bin (1955– ),153 yi-Milli-yi Padar Watan),179 Afghanistan (PDPA),201 Laghman Province,156 National Islamic Front of Peshawar,Treaty of(1856),203 Lala Pir,156 Afghanistan (Mahaz-i Milli-yi Peshawar Accord,203 Languages,156 Afghanistan),180 Pollock,Field Marshal Sir George Layeq,Sulaiman (1930– ),156 National Liberation Front of (1786–1872),204 Logar Province,157 Afghanistan (Jabha-yi-Najat- Pottinger,Maj.Eldred Loya Jirga,157 yi Milli-yi Afghanistan),180 (1811–1843),204 viii CONTENTS Powindahs,204 Second Anglo-Afghan War Victory Organization (Sazman-i Poya,Nadir Ali (c.1940s–1982), (1878–1879),228 Nasr),263 205 Secret ofthe Nation (Sirr-i- Vitkevich,Capt.Ivan (?–1838),263 Pul-i Charkhi Prison,205 Milli),229 Puzamov,Alexandr,205 11 September 2001,230 Wahdat,265 Sewwum-i-Aqrab,232 Wakhan District,265 Qadir,Maj.Gen.Abdul (1944– ), Shafiq,Muhammad Musa Wali,Abdul (1924– ),265 207 (1930–1978),232 Wali,Muhammad (?–1933),266 al-Qaeda (the Base),207 Shi’a Mujahideen Groups,233 Wardak,Abdul Ahad (c. Quddus,Abdul (1842–1921?),210 Shinwari Tribe,233 1880–1949),266 Shir Ali,Amir (?–1879),234 Wardak Province,266 Rabbani,Burhanuddin (1940– ), Shuja,Shah (c.1792–1842),234 Warlords,266 211 Simla Manifesto (1838),235 Watanjar,Muhammad Aslam Rahman,Amir Abdur (?–1901), Soviet War in Afghanistan,235 (1946– ),271 212 Waziri Tribe,271 Rasuli,Maj.Gen.Ghulam Haidar Taimaris,239 Wolusmal,Muhammad Hasan (1919–1978),212 Tajiks,239 (1940– ),271 Ratebzad,Anahita (1931– ),213 Taliban,240 Women in Afghanistan,272 Reconstruction Program,213 Tanai,Lt.Gen.Shanawaz,244 Red Shirts,216 Taraki,Nur Muhammad Yalantush Khan (?–1886),277 Refugee Problem,216 (1917–1979),245 Yaqub Khan,Amir Muhammad Registan Desert,220 Tashkent Declaration,245 (c.1849–1923),277 Revolutionary Association of Tawana,Sayyid Musa,246 Yaqubi,Gen.Ghulam Faruq Women ofAfghanistan Third Anglo-Afghan War (1919), (1938–1992),277 (RAWA),220 247 Yar Muhammad,Wazir (?–1851), Roberts,Gen.Sir Frederick Timur Shah (1742–1793),248 278 (1832–1914),222 Turi Tribe,248 YussufKhan,Muhammad Roshan,222 Turkomans,248 (1855–?),278 Twelver (Ithna ‘Ashariya),248 Saadabad Pact,225 Zabibullah,Abdul Qadir Safronchuk,Vasily S.,225 Ulama,251 (1951–1984),279 Salang Tunnel,225 Ulfat,Azizurrahman Zabul Province,279 Sale,Gen.Sir Robert Henry (1936–1983),251 Zahir Shah,Mohammed (1782–1845),225 UK Special Forces,251 (1914– ),279 Samangan Province,226 UN Sanctions,253 Zalmai Khan (?–1960),281 Sarabi,Abdul Wahid (1926– ), UN Security Council Zaman,Shah (1772–1844),281 226 Resolutions,253 Zhawar,Battle of(1986),281 Sarais,227 U.S.-Afghanistan Relations,256 Zirai,Saleh Muhammad Sarwari,Asadullah (1930– ),227 U.S.Special Forces,258 (1936– ),282 Saur Revolt,227 Uzbekistan,260 Sayyaf,Abdul Rasul (1946– ),228 Uzbeks,261 Chronology,283 Abbreviations and Acronyms,339 Glossary,341 Bibliography,343 Index,361 About the Author,377 About This This encyclopedia offers the reader a guide to the Encyclopedia conflict in contemporary Afghanistan by providing a series of entries covering key figures,events,and organizations relevant to the subject. However, to understand the current situation, it is essential to have a grasp ofthe history ofthe country.An appro- priate starting point is the creation of the modern for example, the Afghan foreign minister, Dr. state ofAfghanistan in 1747 and the rule ofAhmad Abdullah Abdullah,is known only as Abdullah.In Shah Durrani. other cases,the given name is attached to an hon- The reader will note that some entries for indi- orific title, such as Isma’il Khan, Governor of viduals do not have dates of birth or, where rele- Herat. This, too, can be confusing, and again, I vant,dates ofdeath.In many instances,records sim- have adopted the most frequently used version of ply do not exist, and Afghans often do not know a name and, where necessary, indicated a com- their dates ofbirth.In other cases,people have dis- mon variant. appeared from Afghanistan leaving no information The introduction to the volume presents a brief as to whether they are dead or alive. history ofAfghanistan in an attempt to lay out the Names are also confusing because there are so foundations that underpin the current conflict. many variants, and I have endeavored to stan- However, as of August 2003, the situation in dardize the names in this volume based on what Afghanistan is extremely volatile,and the reader can seems to be the accepted Western versions and do no better than consult the various Web sites list- spellings.Afghans also tend to use only their given ed in the bibliography to obtain details ofthe evolv- names,which can lead to confusion for outsiders; ing history ofthe conflict. ix

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