. Official journal website: Amphibian & Reptiie Conservation amphibian-reptile-conservation.org 8(2) [General Section]: 36-43. Confirmation of introduced Louisiana pinesnakes, Pituophis ruthveni, in Fiorida based on molecular analyses ^’*Kenneth L. Krysko, ^Dustin C. Smith, ^Michael R. Rochford, "^Guy N. Kieckhefer III, and ^’^Leroy P. Nunez ^Florida Museum ofNatural History, Division ofHerpetology, 1659 Museum Road, University ofFlorida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA ^Zoo Miami, 12400 Southwest 152ndStreet, Miami, Florida 33177, USA ^University ofFlorida, FortLauderdale Research andEducation Center, 3205 CollegeAvenue, FortLauderdale, Florida 33314-7719, USA ‘^1113 WyomingStreet, Belgrade, Montana 59714, USA — Abstract As more wide-range phylogenetic studies are available, the opportunity arises to compare DNAfrom these data sets to suspected introduced individuals in order to confirm species identification and determine their geographic origins. Two recently collected Pituophis specimens in Miami-Dade County, Florida, were examined using molecular analyses. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods place our specimens within the P. catenifer sayi I P ruthveni clade. Additional morphological evidence support their identification as the Louisiana pinesnake, Pituophis ruthveni StuW 1929, a species indigenous to a small area in western Louisiana and eastern P Texas and candidate for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Although ruthveni is viewed as a distinct species from P catenifer sayi based on allopatry and differences in color pattern, no molecular evidence was found supporting the recognition of P ruthveni as a separate species. However, adding other mtDNA and nuclear DNA genes might provide needed data for distinguishing between these two named taxa. Key words. DNA, exotics, ND4, mitochondrial, mtDNA, nonnative, phylogenetics, Squamata, species Citation: Krysko KL, Smith DC, Rochford MR, Kieckhefer III GN, Nunez LR 2014. Confirmation of introduced Louisiana pinesnakes, Pituophis ruth- veni, in Florida based on molecular analyses. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 8(2) [General Section]: 36-43 (e86). Copyright: © 2014 Krysko et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use for non-commercial and education purposes only, in any medium, provided the original author and the official and authorized publication sources are recognized and properly credited. The official and authorized publication credit sources, which will be duly enforced, are as follows: official journal title Amphibian & Reptile Conservation; official journal website <amphibian- reptile-conservation.org> Received: 19August 2014; Accepted: 27 October 2014; Published: 19 November 2014 Introduction est to highest numbers) biological control, zoos, cargo/ plant shipments, and the pet trade. Introduced species (e.g., stages 2-5 after Colautti and Pinesnakes, bullsnakes, and gophersnakes {Pituophis Macisaae 2004) are those transferred from their native Holbrook 1842) are large (up to 254 em total length) range into a new nonindigenous area. Over the past cen- eonstrictors native to North Ameriea, charaeterized by tury it has become increasingly clear how disruptive disproportionately small heads, four prefrontal seales, human-eaused biological introductions have been to the and a large rostral plate that extends upwards between planet. While not all introduced species eause obvious the intemasals (Conant and Collins 1991). Based primar- harm, some introdueed speeies can eventually become ily on moleeular data using Parsimony and Maximum eeonomic threats and lead to serious conservation prob- Likelihood analyses with 893 base pairs (bp) ofthe nieo- lems (Simberloffet al. 1997). As of2005, it was estimat- tinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 ed that the eost of environmental damages, losses, and (ND4) region (Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus-Eseobar control due to introdueed speeies exeeeded $120 billion 2000), the P. melanoleucus species complex contains per year in the United States alone (Pimentel et al. 2005). three eurrently recognized species; P. melanoleucus Prior to 2011, the state of Florida had 137 doeumented (sensu strieto; Pinesnakes; with three subspecies P. m. P P P introdueed reptile and amphibian taxa (56 being estab- lodingi, m. melanoleucus, m. mugitus), cateni- lished), which ranks highest in the world (Krysko et al. fer (gophersnakes and bullsnakes; with six subspecies P. P P P 2011a, 2012). Invasion pathways in Florida include (few- c. affinis, c. annectens, c. catenifer, c. deserti- Correspondence. Email: *[email protected] (Corresponding author, KLK); ^[email protected]; ^[email protected]', ^[email protected] [email protected] ; Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 36 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 | | | Krysko et al. Figure 1. Map of Zoo Miami bounded in green. Note that major roadways, residential areas, and undeveloped proteeted lands surround zoo property. Dots represents loeations ofPituophis found on zoo property; yellow = UF-Herpetology 157954 (gravid female) and red = UF-Herpetology 163092 (adult male). cola, P c. pumilis, P. c. sayi), and P. ruthveni (Louisi- ell et al. 1998; Reiehling 1995; Stull 1929; Thomas et ana pinesnake). Pituophis melanoleucus (Daudin 1803) al. 1976). Although P. ruthveni is nested within a elade occurs in the eastern United States from southern New eontaining only P. c. sayi, it is recognized as a separate Jersey south to extreme southern peninsular Florida (i.e., species because it oceurs in ahopatric populations and Miami-Dade County; Krysko et al. 2011b) and west is somewhat diagnosable using eolor pattern charaeters to Kentueky and southeastern Louisiana (Rodriguez- (Collins 1991; Knight 1986; Reiehling 1995; Rodriguez- Robles and De Jesus-Eseobar 2000). This species lacks Robles and De Jesus-Escobar 2000; Thomas et al. 1976). a dark line from the eye to the angle of the jaw, has a Pituophis ruthveni is also a eandidate for listing as an dorsal pattern either absent (uniform blaek), obseure, or imperiled species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviee whitish to brownish with 23-30 distinct dark dorsal body (2013). blotches that are elearly separated from each other both The last known Pituophis melanoleucus from ex- anteriorly and posteriorly along the body and tail (Knight treme southern peninsular Florida (UF-Herpetology 1986; Powell et al. 1998; Reiehling 1995; Thomas et al. 45970) was eohected in 1980 in a disturbed pineland 1976). Pituophis catenifer oceurs from the Paeifie Ocean (with Casuarina and Schinus) in Cutler Ridge, Miami- east to Wiseonsin, Illinois, and Texas, and from Canada Dade County, and because of ongoing dense urbaniza- south to Mexieo (Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus-Eseo- tion this speeies is believed to be extirpated along the bar 2000; Powell et al. 1998). This speeies typically has Atlantie Coast Ridge (Krysko et al. 2011b). In 2010, two a dark line from the eye to the angle ofthejaw, and a yel- Pituophis were eohected on the Atlantie Coast Ridge at low or cream-eolored dorsal pattern with 41-79 distinet Zoo Miami, Miami-Dade County; one was found in an dark dorsal blotehes that are clearly separated from eaeh undeveloped area and another near publie aeeess. Based other both anteriorly and posteriorly along the body and on color pattern alone, these snakes were suspected to be tail (Knight 1986; Powell et al. 1998; Reiehling 1995; introduced P. ruthveni and reported to represent the first Thomas et al. 1976). Pituophis ruthveni occurs in allo- known vouehers for this speeies in Florida (Krysko et al. patric populations in western-central Louisiana to eastern 2011a). Many doeumented introduetions categorize spe- Texas (Ealy et al. 2004; Powell et al. 1998). This species eies based on sometimes vague superficial morphology, sometimes laeks a dark line from the eye to the angle of such as color patterns, which may or may not be arbitrary the jaw, and has a pale brown dorsal pattern with 28-38 human constructs. However, as more wide-range phylo- dark dorsal blotches; near the head the blotches obscure genetie studies are conducted and published, the oppor- DNA the ground coloration, whereas near the tail they are dis- tunity arises for other researchers to eompare from tinctly separated from eaeh other (Knight 1986; Pow- known data sets to suspected introdueed individuals in Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 37 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 | | | Verification of introduced Pituophis ruthveni in Florida Figure 2. Well-dQYQlopQd Pituophis embryo (UF-Herpetology 164295) oviposited from wild colleeted gravid female (UF-Herpe- tology 157954) in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida. order to confirm species identification as well as deter- tember 2010 and revealed a well-developed embryo (UF- mine their geographic origins. In this paper, we conduct Herpetology 164295; Fig. 2). molecular analyses of Pituophis in a coalescent frame- On 25 December 2010 at 1215 h, another adult (male, mm mm work to confirm species identity and phylogenetic place- 1,425 SVL, 1,635 TL) Pituophis (UF-Herpe- ment of our two specimens, followed by more detailed tology 163092) was collected in an undeveloped area examination ofmorphology and color pattern. (25.60304°N, 80.40295°W), across a large man-made km lake and 0.26 southwest ofthe first snake. The well-developed embryo, shed skins from the two Material and Methods adults, and digital images were deposited in the Divi- sion of Herpetology, Florida Museum of Natural His- Site description and specimen acquisition tory, University ofFlorida. The female (UF-Herpetology SW Zoo Miami is situated at 12400 152* Street, Miami, 157954) is currently housed at the Memphis Zoo, and the USA Miami-Dade County, Florida, (Fig. 1; 25.61 1926°N, male (UF-Herpetology 163092) is housed at Zoo Miami. 80.398042°W, Datum WGS84, elev. 2 m). The property consists of ca. 300 ha, 106 ha ofwhich are undeveloped Laboratory techniques managed lands, predominantly of pine rockland habitat. Zoo Miami property is surrounded by a mixture ofnatu- DNA isolations were obtained using QIAquick PCR Pu- ral areas, disturbed areas, and a county park, followed by rification Kit and DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen DNA dense urbanization. Sciences, LLC). Using total cellular as a template On 16 May 2010 at 1645 h, an didultPituophis (gravid and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methodology female, 1,302 mm SVL, 1,486 mm TL; UF-Herpetolo- (Saiki et al. 1988), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was gy 157954; see Fig. 86 in Krysko et al. 2011) was col- amplified and sequenced for the ND4 region follow- lected in a service area behind a large animal exhibit ing Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus-Escobar (2000). (25.60395°N, 80.4006°W). This snake was observed The ND4 region includes a section of the 3’ end of the by zoo staff the previous day along an adjacent public ND4 gene, and two subsequent transfer ribonucleic ac- walkway, but was not captured. This snake was retained ids (tRNA”‘®, tRNA^®^), which were sequenced using the in captivity and oviposited three eggs on 22 June 2010. primers ND4 and Leu (Arevalo et al. 1994). PCR was The eggs were viewed with a light on 28 June 2010; all conducted in 25 pi reactions: 9.5 pi H^O, 12.5 pi GoTaq® three eggs contained a dark blood spot, but only one egg Master Mix (Promega Corp, Madison, Wisconsin, USA), had an obvious network of veins developing. The first 1.0 pi each primer (10 pM), and 1.0 pi DNA template. two eggs failed to develop and were discarded on 06 July PCR parameters included initial denaturing at 94 °C for 2010. The third egg had an unpleasant odor and was fro- three min, followed by 35 cycles of amplification: de- zen on 14 September 2010; it was dissected on 20 Sep- Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 38 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 | | | 1 Krysko et al. CA_SanBenito_Lamprope/f/59efi//a_HWG1485 98 TX_Culberson_Bogerfop/?/ssuboct//ans_CME116 CA_Riverside_Anzo^selegans_W^Z^ OHOttawaPanfPerophisU'U/p/>JUS_CAS184362 — FL_Hillsborough_P/fiiop/7/smelanoletJCLismugitus_W\yZ^3063 100 - FL^Wakuna^PituophismelanoleucusmugitusJJSNM211452 \^C_Brur\5'Mck_Pituophismelanoleucusmela^oleucus_W\VZ^502^9 98 NJ_Cumberland_P/fuop/i/smeianoleucusmelanoieucus_MVZ225b20 •“I - NJ_Burlington_P/f/;op/7/smeianoleucusmelanoleucus_W\WZ22b52) — Pituophismeianoleucuslod^nglJH\NG2Q5^ LI Pituophismeianoleucuslodlngl_HV\lG2652 94 Pituophisdeppeijani q: CD 93 100 Mexico_Michoacan_P/^yop/7isdeppeideppei_2 Mexico_Durango_P/fL/op/i/sdeppeib'eppe/_1 Mexico_BajaCal_P;Yuop^/5vertebralisJSB .<^20 d; 100 2 Wiex\co_Ba\aCa\_Pituophisvertebra!is_JAR7S -Q — Mexico_BajaCal_P/fuopYj/scateniferbimans_^1 Pituophisvertebralis_40 97r -AZ_Oooh\se_Pituophiscafe/?/feraffi;?/s_MVZ137697 £ AZ_Maricopa_P/fi/opft/scatemferaffln/s_MVZ162369 C- CO_Garfield_P/f£/opft/scateniferdeserf/co/a_MVZ150216 coc 97i NM_Luna_P/fyop/?/5catenifer 51 93 TX_JeffDavis_P/fmp/?/scatenifersayi^MVZ150218 C MO^SaintLouis^P/Yuoph/scafefT/fersayi^MVZ226247 100 CD —LA_Bienville_P/f£iop/7/sruthveni_32 £ OK_Cleveland_P/ftiop/7/scatenifersayi^37 2 *- LA_Bienville_P/fL/opYi/sruthvenl_33 — a; LA_Bienville_P/fi/opY?/slvthveniJ3^ — CO_Jefferson_P»ft/opft/scafef?rfe/'say/_35 ‘5; FL_MiamiDade_UF157954 CO 74 CO FL MiamiDade UF163092 ti v3> 5 100r -CA_Napa_Pifuopft/scatenifercatenifer a; 99 -CA_Alameda_Pifuopft(scatenifercatenifer_JAR77 COD .CO 100p CA_Mendocino_P/fuopftiscatenifercatenifer_CAS20A258 ' NV^Mineral PjfuoppjscateniferdeserticolaJtJNZt37577 ".oO 100r Gualemala_P/?t/op/7/s//r?eaf/coWsg/jbson/_CJF1500 03 Guatemala^Prfuop/iislineaticollisg/ijso/7/^CJF1501 .0g3 — 98r UT_Ulah_P/fi;op/7/scateniferdeserticoia CA Kern P/fyopWscateniferdeserficola_RSR115 q: Mexico_BajaCal_P/ft/op/7fscateniferb;mar/s_10 - CA_Monterey_Prtuopb/scatenifercatenifer_JAR75 99 97 Mexico_BajaCal_P/ft/op/7/scafeY7/ferft;//g'//7afi/s Pituophiscateniferbimaris_‘]3 88 — W\ex\co_BajaOa\_Pituophiscafenife/'d/Vr>ar/5_12 — CA_SanDiego_P/ft/oppyscateniferannectens_M^/Z^50206 84l-CA_SanDiego_P/fL/op/7/scateniferannecteas_MVZ149983 CASantaBarbaraPyfyop/r/scateniferpumilus_29 CA_SantaBarbara_P/fi;op/7/scateniferpumllus_30 0.02 Figure 3. Maximum Likelihood phylogeny for Pituophis (Squamata: Colubridae) snakes, ineluding the two known P. ruthveni (highlighted in yellow, UF-Herpetology 157954 and 163092) eolleeted in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Note that values (> 50%) above nodes represent bootstrap support. Insetphotograph ofUF-Herpetology 157954 byDustin C. Smith. naturing at 94 °C for one min, annealing at 52 °C for (UF-Herpetology 157954 and 163092) are KJ938643 one min, and extension at 72 °C for one min, followed and KJ938644, respectively. A by a final extension at 72 °C for seven min Three pi of total of48 specimens with 875 base pairs (bp) ofse- . each PCR product were electrophoresed on a 1% agarose quence datawere analyzed. Relationships among mtDNA gel, visualized with GelRed™ staining (Biotium Inc., haplotypes were estimated using both Maximum Likeli- DNA ML Hayward, California, USA), and compared with a hood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods. standard. Sequence files from the automated sequencer was conducted with the General Time Reversible model (Genomics Division, Interdisciplinary Center for Bio- with gamma distributed rate heterogeneity (GTR + F) technology Research, University of Florida) were as- and 1,000 nonparametric bootstrap replicates (Felsen- RAxML-HPC sembled and edited as necessary with Geneious software stein 2004) to assess node support using (ver. 6.1, created by Biomatters. Available from http:// BlackBox (Stamatakis 2006; Stamatakis et al. 2008) www.geneious.com). from the CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al. 2010). BI was conducted using BEAST (ver. 1.8; Drummond — Phylogenetic analyses. DNA sequence data were and Rambaut 2007) from the UF-HPC Galaxy instance downloaded from GenBank for 46 snakes, including 42 (http://hpc.ufl.edu; Blankenberg et al. 2010; Giardine et Pituophis, and one ofeach Lampropeltis getula, Panthe- al. 2005; Goecks et al. 2010). The Bayesian Information rophis vulpinus, Bogertophis subocularis, and Arizona Criterion in jModelTest (ver. 2.1.4; Darriba et al. 2012; elegans incorporating the original data set from Rodri- Guindon and Gascuel 2003) determined the best-fit nu- guez-Robles and De Jesus-Escobar (2000) and current cleotide substitution model to be Hasegawa, Kishino, taxonomy after Pyron and Burbrink (2009). GenBank and Yano with a proportion ofinvariant sites and gamma Accession numbers for our two Pituophis specimens distributed rate heterogeneity (HKY + I + T). A relaxed Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 39 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 | | | 3 116 11 Verification of introduced Pituophis ruthveni in Florida CA_SanBeii1fl_LaffipiTope!fe9eliy/a_HWG1485 CARiverside_Artzofiseiega;is_HVZ137665 TX_Culberson_Sogdop/i/ssui5«ci/)0fi5_CMEI1 0N_0tl3wa_PaafteropWsKi/lpiii[;s_CAS184362 Pifyop/jiscfeppe/^ani 99 99| Meaco_MichDacan_fl'(i/opljis[teppefrfeppa_2 P. deppei 1 Meaco_Durarigo_filuflp/?(sdeppeicteppe/_1 991 GualeTOla_P('t[j<}pfi's//nea!('M!fegiiMf]f_CJF1501 Plineat/collis Guale™ia_P('!uopfe/meatofeg/iso/jf_CJF1500 FLHillsboroi^hPjfijtipteme/araletosrm;^(us_MVZFC13063 FL_Wakulla_R'!uoph(smelano'ei/wsff!!/jifws_USNM211452 NC_Bruisv.'icli_P/fi;w/i/sm.meiar:!>lwMS_MVZ150219 NJ_CjmbeHand_Pft:;!)p/jism.»7;e/a/!o/ei/cus_MVZ225520 NJ_Burlinglon_Pituophis_rr_rrelanoleu(!us_MVZ225521 Pifiypp/:is;ne/a™/e(;c!;s/t>dingf_HWG2651 P^uophkmknolsucusWng[_HIWG2652 CA_Alameda_Pwwp/;isca/en/fe;cafefflfer_JAR77 CA_Napa_PtftJopPiscafeiiife^cafemfer CA_MerdocinD_Pm.^fecateiffercafenffer_CAS20l258 NVMineralPifuopA/sMte/i;fefdeseriia)Ja_MVZ137577 CAKemPdmphiscatew/fefdssert'coteRSR115 UT_Ulah_P[i'iropft*s'caimkrdesejl'ico/a Mexico_BajaCal_Rli;!)p/)(5calmerlymans_IO CA_Monterey_Pi7t/(3pfjJScafe/?tercafenffe,''_JAR75 Mexico_BajaCal_fl'lrjt)pn(srafeniferMgmfus Mexico_BajaCal_RK;op/)(5cafepderlxmans_l2 Prfuop/iiscalendertoa;;s_1 CA_SanDiego_Pflw>pfiisralenife'aifleciefJs_HVZ15CI206 CA_SanDifigo_Pf!uophist;atenite'3iinecitefls_HVZ1499B3 CA_SantaBaitara_Pfltjopft,ficafeni/efpOT/ius_2& CA_SantaBaitara_Ptopft,isiafe.ri//efpum/lusJ MeBCO_BajaCal_PfW&pP(Si«/telrelis_38 Me)dco_BajaCal_fl'l[jt)pP(srafemfer!xmans_1 Meaco_BajaCalRlijoprtsi«rteljraI('s_JAR78 Prfvop/iisverfebra/IsJO AZ_Mana)pa_P/f(/(!pf]ys:a!e;!fferaffiffl5_WVZ162369 AZ_Cochise_P/!(/opf?lscalaiifer3]^nis_MVZ137697 P-catenifer CO_6arfield_PJ!'i/op/;fsc3teajferdese.^'coia_UVZ150216 TX_Js1fDavis_P/fuopf}rsc3te,r!/fersayi_MVZ15D218 NM_Ljna_Pikipi)fsca?ei'w'fera;i?f]fs_H8S151 c. MO_SaintLouis_P/luoptecaIer:/'fersay(_MVZ226247 -c LA,_Bienville_Pt[/opft/sfuthveniJ2 s OK_C!evelard_P(‘f[/op^fscatepifersayi_37 a; LA,_8ienwille_PfT[/opf]/'s I' LA,_Bienwille_PrT[/opfi/srutoiJS to 6 CO_Jefferson_R1[jopb(sca!a,7ifer53ji_35 FL_MmiDade_UF163092 a; FLMiamiOadeUF157954 Figure 4. Bayesian Inference phylogeny for Pituophis (Squamata: Colubridae) snakes, including the two known P. ruthveni (high- lighted in yellow, UF-Herpetology 157954 and 163092) collected in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Note that values (> 95%) above nodes represent posterior probabilities. Insetphotograph ofUF-Herpetology 163092 byDustin C. Smith. phylogenetics method was used without relying on a pothesis with posterior probabilities was created using potentially arbitrary molecular clock (Zuckerkandl and FigTree (ver. 1.4). Pauling 1965) that might incorporate uncertainty in the The most credible inferences ofphylogenetic relation- tree estimation process (Drummond et al. 2006). An un- ships were confined to nodes where nonparametric boot- correlated lognormal relaxed clock with coalescent con- strap values > 70% and posterior probability (Pp) was > stant population size (Kingman 1982), estimated base 95% (Hillis and Bull 1993; Felsenstein 2004). frequencies, randomly generated starting tree, and nor- mal distribution for the ucld.mean parameter priors were Morphology and color pattern used. Two independent runs were performed consisting ofthree heated and one cold Markov Chain Monte Carlo We determined sex, snout-vent length (SVF), tail length, (MCMC) estimated for 40 million generations, with ev- number of ventrals, subcaudals, supralabials, infralabi- MCMC ery 1,000th sample being retained. Both runs als, preoculars, postoculars, temporals, loreals, and dor- were analyzed independently (to confirm chains were sal scale rows; and color pattern of dorsum and venter. converging and not sampling local optima) using Tracer We compared these data to those found in the literature. (ver. 1.6) for ESS values >200, as well as for a split stan- dard deviation less than 0.005 for -InL tree values among Results chains that indicate parameter stationarity was achieved. — MF Trees sampled prior to stationarity were discarded as Phylogenetic analyses. Both and BI methods bum-in, which occurred prior to five million generations. produced identical phylogenetic groupings (Figs. 3 and MCMC Trees from both independent mns were com- 4). Although some of these clades are organized differ- bined andburn-in was removed using LogCombiner (ver. ently in relation to one another the monophyly ofPituo- 1.8), the best statistically supported tree (i.e.. Maximum phis is well supported, which is congment with the find- clade credibility tree) with mean heights was obtained ings by Pyron and Burbrink (2009), though the latter using TreeAnnotator (ver. 1.8), and a phylogenetic hy- study used only single samples for each species. Both of Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 40 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 | | | ; Krysko et al. our two Pituophis specimens have the same mtDNAhap- currently uncertain ifP ruthveni is established in the vast lotype, and bothphylogenetic methods place them within protected undeveloped habitats surrounding public ac- the P. catenifer sayi / P. ruthveni clade. cess areas, an adult male and gravid female were found Morphological data for UF-Herpetology 157954 in- suggesting reproduction might have taken place in the clude 226 ventrals, 55 subcaudals, 8/8 (left/right) supral- wild. abials, 11/11 infiralabials, 1/1 preoculars, 7/7 postoculars, — 4 temporals, 1/1 loreals, 27-30-24 dorsal scale rows, Acknowledgments. We are thankful to everyone 34 body blotches, 8 tail blotches, parietal stripe present, who assisted in this study: Ryan Zach, Kevin Kopf, and and heavily patterned venter. Data for UF-Herpetology Oscar Rodriguez for collecting specimens; Steve Reich- 163092 include 212 ventrals, 57 subcaudals, 8/8 (left/ ling for providing data; David L. Reed and Gustav Pau- right) supralabials, 11/11 infralabials, 1/1 preoculars, 7/7 lay for laboratory space; and R. Alexander Pyron and postoculars, 4 temporals, 1/1 loreals, 27-31-23 dorsal Craig Hassapakis for reviewing this paper. scale rows, 32 body blotches, and 11 tail blotches. Literature Cited Discussion Arevalo E, Davis SK, Sites Jr JW. 1994. Mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence and phylogenetic relation- Our ML and BI phylogenies produced identical mam ships among eight chromosome races ofthe Scelopo- phylogenetic groupings (Figs. 3 and 4) as those found rus grammicus complex (Plirynosomatidae) in central ML in the analysis by Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus- Mexico. Systematic Biology 387^18. Escobar (2000). However, we found no support for some Blankenberg D, Von Kuster G, Coraor N, Ananda G, relationships, and no support values are provided on the Lazarus R, Mangan M, Nekrutenko A, Taylor J. ML A original tree by Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus- 2010. Galaxy: web-based genome analysis tool Escobar (2000). Our two Pituophis specimens were for experimentalists. Current Protocols in Mo- placed within a well-supported P. catenifer sayi / P. ruth- lecular Biology Chapter 19:Unit 19.10.1-21. doi: mb veni clade, the same group of specimens (except for our 10.1002/0471 142727. 1910s89 A Florida specimens) uncovered by Rodriguez-Robles and Colautti RI, Macisaac HJ. 2004. neutral terminology to De Jesus-Escobar (2000). Pituophis catenifer sayi and define ‘invasive’species. Diversity and Distributions P ruthveni were also found to be sister taxa based on 10: 135-141. a combined mtDNA and single nuclear (nDNA) (Pyron Collins JT. 1991. Viewpoint: A new taxonomic arrange- and Burbrink 2009) and phenetic moiphological similar- ment for some North American amphibians and rep- ity (Reichling 1995) analyses. Nonetheless, we found tiles. HerpetologicalReview 22: 42^3. no molecular support for the recognition of P ruthveni Conant R, Collins JT. 1991. A Field Guide to Reptiles as a separate species. One of the limitations of our and andAmphibians ofEastern and CentralNorth Ameri- Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus-Escobar’s (2000) mo- ca. ThirdEdition, Expanded. Houghton Mifflin Com- lecular studies is the use ofonly a single locus (ND4 re- pany, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 363 p. gion), and adding additional mtDNA and unlinked nDNA Darriba D, Taboada GL, Doallo R, Posada D. 2012. genes might provide needed data for distinguishing be- jModelTest 2: More models, new heuristics and paral- tween these two named taxa. Pituophis ruthveni is cur- lel computing. Nature Methods 9: 772. rently recognized as a separate species because it occurs Dorcas ME, Willson JD, Reed RN, Snow RW, Rochford WE in allopatric populations and is believed to be diagnos- MR, Miller MA, Meshaka et al. 2012. Severe mm able using color pattern characters, the most diagnostic ma al declines coincide with proliferation of inva- being 28-38 dark dorsal body blotches and the blotches sive Bumiese pythons in Everglades National Park. obscuring the ground coloration anteriorly (Collins 1991 Proceedings ofthe National Academy ofSciences of Reichling 1995; Rodriguez-Robles and De Jesus-Esco- the United States ofAmerica 109: 2418-2422. bar 2000). Our two Pituophis specimens exhibit these DrummondAJ, Ho SYW, Phillips MJ, RambautA. 2006. three characters, thus we categorized them as P. ruthveni. Relaxed phylogenetics and dating with confidence. 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Variation in snout morphology in North Strangers in Paradise: Impact and Management American snake Pituophis melanoleucus (Serpentes: of Nonindigenous Species in Florida. Island Press, Colubridae). Journal ofHerpetology 20: 77-79. Washington, D.C., USA. 479 p. Krysko KL, Burgess JP, Rochford MR, Gillette CR, Cue- Smith DC, Krysko KL, Sorensen TA, Sider MN. 2011. va D, Enge KM, Somma EA, Stabile JE, Smith DC, The Pacific Coast Giant Musk Turtle, Staurotypus sal- Wasilewski JA, Kieckhefer III GN, Granatosky MC, vinii Gray 1864 (Kinostemidae), a New Non-indige- Nielsen SV. 2011a. Verified non-indigenous amphib- nous Species in Florida. IRCFReptiles & Amphibians ians and reptiles in Florida from 1863 through 2010: 18:55-56. Outlining the invasion process and identifying inva- Snow RW, Brien ML, Cherkiss MS, Wilkins L, Maz- sion pathways and stages. Zootaxa 3028: 1-64. zotti FJ. Dietary habits of the Burmese python. Py- Krysko KL, Enge KM, Moler PE. 2011b. Atlas ofAm- thon molurus bivittatus, in Everglades National Park. phibians and Reptiles in Florida. Final Report, Proj- ¥\ondSi. Herpetological Bulletin 101: 5-7. ectAgreement 08013. Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- Stamatakis A. 2006. RAxML-VI-HPC: Maximum likeli- servation Commission, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. hood based phylogenetic analyses with thousands of 524 p. taxa and mixed models. Bioinformatics 22: 2,688- Krysko KL, Somma LA, Rochford MR, Gillette CR, 2,690. Enge KM, Cueva D. 2012. Taxonomic corrections of Stamatakis A, Hoover P, Rougemont J. 2008. Afast boot- RAxML certain verified non-indigenous reptiles from Florida strapping algorithm for the Web-Servers. reported by Krysko et al. (2011). Zootaxa 3199: 66- Systematic Biology 57: 758-771. 68 Stebbins RC. 1985.A Field Guide to WesternAmphibians . Miller MA, Pfeiffer W, Schwartz T. 2010. Creating the and Reptiles. Peterson Field Guide Series. Houghton CIPRES Science Gateway for inference oflarge phy- Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 448 logenetic trees. Pp. 1-8 In: Proceedings of the Gate- P- way Computing Environments Workshop (GCE), 14 Stull OG. 1929. The description of a new subspecies of November 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 115 Pituophis melanoleucus from Eouisiana. Occassional Papers oftheMuseum ofZoology, University ofMich- P- Pimentel D, Zuniga R, Morrison D. 2005. Update on the igan. No. 205. enviromnental and economic costs associated with Thomas RA, Davis BJ, Culbertson MR. 1976. Notes on alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecologi- variation andrange ofthe Louisianapine snake, Pituo- Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 42 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 | | | Krysko et al. phis melanoleucus ruthveni Stull (Reptilia, Serpentes, Zuckerkandl E, Pauling L. 1965. Evolutionary diver- Colubridae). Journal ofHerpetology 10: 252-254. gence and convergence in proteins. Pp. 97-177 In: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2013. U.S. Fish and Evolving Genes and Proteins. Editors, Bryson V, Vo- Wildlife Service Species Assessment and Listing gel HJ. Academic Press, New York, New York, USA. Form. Available: http://ecos.fws.gov/docs/candidate/ 629 p assessments/2013/r4/C02C_V01.pdf [Accessed: 25 November 2013]. Kenneth L. Krysko is a senior herpetologist at the Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida (UF), where he has helped eurate the international researeh and teaehing colleetions for more than 15 years. He studies ecology and molecular systematics on both native and normative herps and produced Florida’s first Atlas of amphibians and reptiles. His research on introduced species has made UF-Herpe- tology the information center for invasive species in Florida. He recently published a large monograph documenting species introductions as far back as 1863 and illustrated that Florida has the worst invasive reptile problem in the entire world. He received his B.S. in Biological Sciences from Florida State Univer- sity, M.S. in Biological Sciences from Florida International University, and Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University ofFlorida. Dustin C. Smith is a conservation andresearch specialist at Zoo Miami. He graduated with a B.A. in 2001 from the University ofSouth Florida. He has been involved with research projects in Costa Rica, Panama, and throughout the southeastern US, and is currently working on projects in Puerto Rico and Belize. Most ofhis current research involves native and non-native amphibians and reptiles in southern Florida. Michael R. Rochford is the Invasive Species Coordinator at the University ofFlorida’s Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, where he has worked forthe last eight years. He received his B.S. in Biol- ogy from Kansas State University in 2004. He has worked extensively on radio-telemetry and diet studies of Burmese pythons in Elorida as well as on projects to assess populations ofAmerican alligators and American crocodiles. In addition to his research and conservation interests, he also has strong interest in finding and photographing herpetofauna ofthe United States and Mexico. Trey “Guy” Kieckhefer graduated with a B.S. in Biology from Eckerd College in Saint Petersburg, Elor- ida. He worked for the University ofElorida studying invasive Burmese pythons in the Everglades, and currently works at the Tavernier Science Center in the Elorida Keys for the NationalAudubon Society. He conducts surveys for prey fishes in the Everglades and submerged aquatic vegetation. He is interested in Ichthyology, Ornithology, exotic species, and the overall health ofthe Everglades ecosystem. a Leroy P. Nunez is a collections assistant within the Division of Herpetology at the Elorida Museum of Natural History, University ofElorida (UE). He obtained anAssociate’s Degree in Zoology from Santa Ee College and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from UE. He is currently working on his Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Ecology at the School ofNatural Resources and Environment at UF. His current research involves studying phytogenies ofinvasive squamates in Florida and his future research projects will focus on phylogenetics and developmental evolutionary biology. Amphib. Reptile Conserv. 43 November 2014 Volume 8 Number 2 e86 I I I