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Confinement- Deconfinement Phase Transition and Fractional Instanton Quarks in Dense Matter Ariel R. Zhitnitsky∗1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada We present arguments suggesting that large size overlapping instantons are the driving mech- anism of the confinement-deconfinement phase transition at nonzero chemical potential µ. The arguments are based on the picture that instantons at very large chemical potential in the weak coupling regime are localized configurations with finite size ρ ∼ µ−1. At the same time, the same instantons at smaller chemical potential in the strong coupling regime are well represented by the so-calledinstanton-quarkswithfractionaltopologicalcharge1/Nc. Weestimatethecriticalchemical potentialµc(T)wheretransition betweenthesetworegimes takesplace. Weidentifythistransition with confinement- deconfinement phase transition. We also argue that the instanton quarks carry magnetic charges. Asa consequenceof it, there is a relation between our pictureand the standard 6 t’Hooft and Mandelstam picture of the confinement. We also comment on possible relations of 0 instanton-quarkswith“periodicinstantons”,“centervortices”,and“fractional instantons”inthe 0 brane construction. We also argue that the variation of the external parameter µ, which plays the 2 roleofthevacuumexpectationvalueofa“Higgs”fieldatµ≫ΛQCD,allowstostudythetransition n from a “Higgs -like” gauge theory (weak coupling regime, µ ≫ ΛQCD) to ordinary QCD (strong a couplingregime,µ≪ΛQCD). Wealsocommentonsomerecentlatticeresultsontopologicalcharge J density distribution which support our picture. 9 PACSnumbers: 1 v 7 I. INTRODUCTION a set of Nc instanton-quarks so that the total topo- ∼ 5 logical charge of each configuration is always an integer. 0 This means that a charge for an individual instanton- 1 Thistalkisbasedonanumberoforiginalresults[1]-[3] quark cannot be created and measured. Instead, only 0 obtained with different collaborators at different times. the total topological charge for the whole configuration 6 Color confinement, spontaneous breaking of chiral is forced to be integer and has a physical meaning. This 0 symmetry, the U(1) problem and the θ dependence are / picture leads to the elegant explanation of confinement h some of the most interesting questions in QCD. Unfor- and other important properties of the 2d CPNc−1 mod- p tunately, progress in the understanding of these prob- els [6]. Unfortunately, despite some attempts [7], there - lems has been extremely slow. At the end of the 1970’s p is no demonstration that a similar picture occurs in 4d e A. M. Polyakov [4] demonstrated charge confinement in gauge theories, where the instanton-quarks would be- h QED . This was the first example where nontrivial dy- 3 come the relevant quasiparticles. Nevertheless, there re- : namicswasshowntobeakeyingredientforconfinement: v mainsastrongsuspicionthatthispicture,whichassumes i The instantons (the monopoles in 3d) play a crucial role thatinstanton-quarkswithfractionaltopologicalcharges X in the dynamics of confinement in QED . Instantons in 3 1/N become the relevant degrees of freedom in the c r four dimensional QCD were discovered 30 (!) years ago ∼ a confined phase, may be correct in QCD4. [5]. However, their role in QCD remains unclear even 4 Onthe phenomenologicalside, the developmentof the today due to the divergence of the instanton density for instantonliquidmodel (ILM) [8, 9]has encounteredsuc- large size instantons. cesses (chiral symmetry breaking, resolution of the U(1) Approximately at the same time instanton dynamics problem, etc) and failures (confinement could not be de- was developed in two dimensional, classically conformal, scribed by well separated and localized lumps with in- asymptoticallyfreemodels(whichmayhavesomeanalo- teger topological charges). Therefore, it is fair to say gieswithQCD ). Namely,usinganexactaccountingand 4 thatatpresent,thewidelyacceptedviewpointisthatthe resummation of the n-instanton solutions in 2d CPNc−1 ILMcanexplainmanyexperimentaldata(suchashadron models, the original problem of a statistical instanton masses, widths, correlation functions, decay couplings, ensemble was mapped unto a 2d-Coulomb Gas (CG) etc),withone,butcrucialexception: confinement. There system of pseudo-particles with fractional topological are many arguments against the ILM approach, see e.g. charges 1/N (the so-calledinstanton-quarks)[6]. The ∼ c [10], there are many arguments supporting it [9]. instanton-quarksdonotexistseparatelyasindividualob- In this talk we present new arguments supporting the jects. Rather, they appear in the system all together as idea that the instanton-quarksalong with instantons are therelevantquasiparticlesinthestrongcouplingregime. In this case, many problems formulated in [10] are natu- ∗Invited talk delivered at the Light Cone Workshop, July 7-15, rallyresolvedasbothphenomena,confinementandchiral 2005,Cairns,Australia. symmetry breaking are originated from the same vac- 2 uum configurations, instantons, which may have arbi- and instantons. trary scales: the finite size localized lumps with integer In section VI we present some arguments explaining topologicalcharges,aswellassetofN fractionally1/N why the standard picture of confinement suggested long c c -chargedcorrelatedobjects sitting at arbitrarylarge dis- ago by t’Hooft and Mandelstam[12] ( which is based on tances fromeachother. Inthis picture when fractionally the condensation of the magnetic monopoles) is consis- charged1/N constituents propagatefar awayfromeach tentwithourinterpretationofthe confinementwhenthe c other,theconfinementcouldbeanaturalconsequenceof instanton quarks play the key role. Finally, Section VII a dynamics of these well correlated objects. We empha- is our conclusion where we argue that our picture of size that along with instanton quarks there are ordinary the confinement deconfinement phase transition can be instantons with integer topological charges. Indeed, if tested on the lattice with traditional Monte Carlo tech- the instanton-quarks are close to each other they bound niques if one studies QCD at nonzero isospin (rather together and likely to form an ordinaryinstanton. If the than baryon) chemical potential. We also comment on instanton quarks far away from each other, the descrip- relations with different works. Finally, we make some tionintermsoffundamentalinstantonquarksismoreap- commentsonrecentlatticeresultsontopologicaldensity propriate. The precise probability for eachconfiguration distribution. depends on the interplay between action and entropy. Suchafeaturewhenthewell-localizedinstantonsandde- localizedinstanton-quarkscoexistmayleadtotheunder- II. INSTANTONS AT LARGE µ standingwhythechiralsymmetrybreakingphenomenon ( which, as ILM suggests[9], is due to the well- localized At low energy and large chemical potential, the η′ is instantons) and the confinement - deconfinement phase light and described by the Lagrangianderived in [2]: transitions (which is due to, the de-localized instanton L =f2(µ)[(∂ ϕ)2 u2(∂ ϕ)2] V (ϕ). (1) quarks,accordingtothepresentproposal)aresocloseto ϕ 0 i inst − − each other. In our picture such a “conspiracy” is a sim- where the ϕ decay constant, f2(µ ) = µ2/8π2 and plereflectionofthefactthatbothphenomenaaredue to f2(µ ) = 3µ2/16π2, and its velocityB, u2 = 1B/3 [2, 13]. the same configurations, instantons, which however can I I We define baryon and isospin chemical potentials as be in different configurations. µ = (µ µ )/2. The nonperturbative potential B,I u d More importantly, we make some very specific predic- V cos(ϕ± θ) is due to instantons, which are sup- inst tions which can be tested with traditional Monte Carlo presse∼d at larg−e chemical potential. techniques,bystudyingQCDatnonzeroisospinchemical The instanton-induced effective four-fermion interac- potential[11]. tion for 2 flavors,u,d, is given by [14, 15], We start in Section II by reviewing recent work for QCDatlargeµinthedeconfinedphase[2],wherethein- 4 2 L = dρn(ρ) π2ρ3 (u¯ u )(d¯ d )+ stanton calculations are under complete theoretical con- inst Z (cid:18)3 (cid:19) (cid:26) R L R L trol, since the instantons are well-localized objects with 3 a typical size ρ 1/µ. + (u¯ λau )(d¯ λad ) (2) R L R L ∼ 32(cid:20) We then discuss in Section III the dual representa- 3 tion of the low-energy effective chiral Lagrangian in the (u¯ σ λau )(d¯ σ λad ) +H.c. R µν L R µν L regime of small chemical potential where confinement − 4 (cid:21)(cid:27) takes place. We shall argue that the corresponding dual We study this problem at nonzero temperature and representation corresponds to a statistical system of in- chemical potential for T µ, and we use the standard teracting pseudo-particleswith fractional1/N topologi- ≪ c formula for the instanton density at two-loop order [9] calchargeswhichcanbeidentifiedwithinstanton-quarks [3] suspected long ago [6, 7]. n(ρ) = C (β (ρ))2Ncρ−5exp[ β (ρ)] (3) N I II − Basedonthese observationswe make a conjecture[1] 1 exp[ (N µ2+ (2N +N )π2T2)ρ2], formulated in Section IV that the transition from the f c f × − 3 description in terms of well localized instantons with fi- where nite size at large µ to the description in terms of the in- stanton quarks with fractional 1/Nc topological charges 0.466e−1.679Nc1.34Nf C = , precisely corresponds to the deconfinement-confinement N (N 1)!(N 2)! c c phase transition. − − β (ρ) = blog(ρΛ), I In Section V we explicitly calculate the critical chemi- − b′ 2β (ρ) calpotentialµc wherethisphasetransitionshouldoccur. βII(ρ) = βI(ρ)+ log I , Ourconjecturecanbeexplicitlyandreadilytestedinnu- 2b (cid:18) b (cid:19) merical simulations due to the absence of the sign prob- 11 2 b = N N , lem at arbitrary value of the isospin chemical potential. 3 c− 3 f If our conjecture turns out to be correct, it would be an 34 13 N b′ = N2 N N + f. explicit demonstration of the link between confinement 3 c − 3 f c N c 3 By taking the average of Eq. (3) over the state with instantons/anti-instantons when all integrations over all nonzero vacuum expectation value for the condensate, possible sizes, color orientations and interactions with one finds backgroundfields are properly accounted for. f)Asexpected,theensembleofsmallρ 1/µinstantons V (ϕ) = dρn(ρ) 4π2ρ3 2 cannotproduceconfinement. Thisisin∼accordancewith inst −Z (cid:18)3 (cid:19) the fact that there is no confinement at large µ. 12X(µ)2cos(ϕ θ) (4) × | | − = a(µ,T)µ2∆2cos(ϕ θ), − − III. INSTANTONS AT SMALL µ where X(µ ) = 3µ2∆/ β (ρ) and X(µ ) = | B | B I | I | We want to repeat the same procedure that led to 3√3µ2∆/ β (ρ), and ∆ is tphe gap [2, 13]. Therefore I I the CG representation in the confined phase at small µ the mass opf the ϕ field is given by to see if any traces from the instantons can be recov- ered. We start from the chiral Lagrangian and keep a(µ,T) µ∆ m= . (5) only the diagonal elements of the chiral matrix U = r 2 f(µ) exp idiag(φ ,...,φ ) which are relevant in the de- { 1 Nf } scription of the ground state. Singlet combination is de- The approach presented above is valid as long as the ϕ fined as φ = Tr U. The effective Lagrangian for the φ field is lighter than 2∆, the mass of the other mesons ∼ is in the system [2], that is if φ θ a(µ,T) 8f2(µ)/µ2. (6) Lφ = f2(∂µφ)2+Ecos − ≤ (cid:18) Nc (cid:19) This is exactly the vicinity where the Debye screening Nf scale and the inverse gap become of the same order of + m cosφ (8) a a magnitude[2],andtherefore,wheretheinstantonexpan- Xa=1 sion breaks down. ASine-Gordonstructureforthesingletcombinationcor- For reasons which will be clear soon, we want to rep- respondstothefollowingbehaviorofthe(2k)thderivative resent the Sine-Gordon (SG) partition function (1, 4) in of the vacuum energy in pure gluodynamics [16], the equivalent dual Coulomb Gas (CG) representation [2], ∂2kE (θ) 2k vac dx Q(x )...Q(x ) ∞ (λ/2)M ∂θ2k |θ=0 ∼Z ih 1 2k i Z = d4x ... d4x (7) Yi=1 1 M MX±=0M+!M−!Z Z ( i )2k, where Q g2 G G . (9) e−iθ Ma=0Qa e−2f12u Ma>b=0QaQbG(xa−xb), ∼ Nc ≡ 32π2 µν µν P · P e 1 aµ2∆2 The same structure was also advocated in [17] from a G(xa−xb)= 4π2(x x )2, λ≡ u . differentperspective. As in(7)theSine-Gordoneffective a b − fieldtheory (8) canbe representedinterms of a classical PhysicalinterpretationofthedualCGrepresentation(7): statistical ensemble (CG representation) similar to (7) a) Since Q Q is the total charge and it ap- with the replacements λ E, u 1, more precisely, net ≡ a a → → pears in the actionPmultiplied be the parameter θ, one concludes that Qnet is the total topological charge of a Z = ∞ (E/2)M d4x ... d4x 1 M given configuration. M! Z Z × MX=0 b) Each charge Q in a given configuration should be a identified with an integer topological charge well local- Dφe−f2 d4x(∂µφ)2 Z R × ized at the point x . This, by definition, corresponds to X a Qa=±1/Nc a small instanton positioned at x . c) While the starting low-energay effective Lagrangian ei Ma=1Qa[φ(xa)−θ] . (10) (cid:16) P (cid:17) containsonly acolorlessfieldϕ wehaveendedupwith a representation of the partition function in which objects The functional integral is trivial to perform and one ar- carrying color (the instantons) can be studied. rives at the dual CG action, d)Inparticular,II andII¯interactions(atverylargedis- tances) are exactly the same up to a sign, order g0, and Z = ∞ (E/2)M d4x ... d4x 1 M aexreprCesosuiolonmsbw-lhikene.ITIhiinsteisraincticoonntirsazsetrwoiathndseImI¯icilnatsesriacac-l MX±=0M+!M−!Z Z × tion is order 1/g2. e−iθ Ma=0Qa e−2f12 a>b=0QaQbG(xa−xb), P · P e) The very complicated picture of the bare II 1 and II¯ interactions becomes very simple for dressed G(xa−xb)= 4π2(x x )2. (11) a b − 4 The fundamental difference in comparison with the pre- most important element here remains the same: the vious case (7) is that while the total charge is integer, θ/N behavior is well established result and remains un- c the individual charges are fractional 1/N . This is touched even when more complicated terms are intro- c ± a direct consequence of the θ/N dependence in the un- duced. Itwillleadto the fractionalchargesQ = 1/N c a c ± derlying effective Lagrangian (8) before integrating out in Coulomb Gas representation (10,11) in big contrast φ fields, see eq. (10). with weakly interacting phase at large µ (7) where only Physical Interpretation of the CG representation (11) of integer topological charges appear. theory (8): Weshouldalsocommentatthispointthatournumer- a) As before, one can identify Q Q with the ical estimates below are based exclusively on the instan- net ≡ a a total topological charge of the given conPfiguration. ton density at large µ while we approaching the critical b) Due to the 2π periodicity of the theory, only configu- value. Inthis regionthe potentialiswellestablishedand rationswhichcontainanintegertopologicalnumbercon- unique(4). Therefore,ourresultsbelowarenotsensitive tribute to the partition function. Therefore, the number tothespecificdetailsofthepotential(8)atsmallµwhen of particles for each given configuration Q with charges some additional terms might be present. i 1/N must be proportional to N . c c ∼c) Therefore, the number of integrations over d4x in i CS representation exactly equals 4N k, where k is inte- IV. CONJECTURE. c ger. This number 4N k exactly corresponds to the num- c ber of zero modes in the k-instanton background. This We thus conjecture that the confinement- is basis for the conjecture [3] that at low energies (large deconfinement phase transition takes place at precisely distances) the fractionally charged species, Q = 1/N i c the value where the dilute instanton calculation breaks ± are the instanton-quarks suspected long ago [6]. down. At large µ the weakly interacting phase (CS) d) For the gauge group, G the number of integrations is realized. Instantons are well localized configurations wouldbeequalto4kC2(G)whereC2(G)isthequadratic with a typical size µ−1. Color in CS phase is not Casimir of the gauge group (θ dependence in physical confined. At low µ the strong interacting regime is observablescomesinthecombination θ ). Thisnum- C2(G) realized and color is confined. Instantons are not well ber 4kC2(G) exactly corresponds to the number of zero localized configurations, but rather are represented by modesinthe k-instantonbackgroundforgaugegroupG. N instanton quarks which can propagate far away c e) The CG representation corresponding to eq.(8) de- from each other. The value of the critical chemical scribes the confinement phase of the theory. potentialas a function oftemperature, µ (T)is givenby c saturating the inequality (6). One obvious objection for such an identification of Q a Few remarks are in order. First, we can estimate the with the topological charge immediately comes in mind: critical µ not only at T =0 , but also at T =0 as long ithas longbeen knownthatinstantonscanexplainmost c 6 as the temperature is relatively small such that our ap- low energy QCD phenomenology [8] with the exception proach is justified. Indeed, in the weak coupling regime confinement; and we claim that confinement also arises the T dependence of the instanton density is determined inthispicture: howcanthisbeconsistent? Wenotethat byasimpleinsertion exp[ (1(2N +N )π2T2)ρ2]into quarkconfinementcannotbedescribedinthedilute gas ∼ − 3 c f the expression for the density (3). The temperature de- approximation, when the instantons and anti-instantons pendence also enters the expression for ∆(T). As long are well separated and maintain their individual prop- as ∆(T) does not vanish and we are in CS phase, our erties (sizes, positions, orientations), as it happens at calculations (4) are justified, and the critical µ (T) can large µ. However, in strongly coupled theories the in- c be estimated as a function of T at relatively small T as stantons and anti-instantons lose their individual prop- shown in FIG.1. erties (instantons will “melt”) their sizes become very largeandtheyoverlap. Therelevantdescriptionisthatof We shouldemphasize thatinourpicture the natureof instanton-quarkswhichcanbe farawayfromeachother, the phasetransitionis universalandit isnotsensitiveto but still strongly correlated. For such configurations the the specific values ofNc andNf, inspite ofthe factthat confinement is a possible outcome of the dynamics. the ground state of the superconducting phase is very sensitive to the values of N , N and quark mass (CFL, c f We should remark here that a precise form of the po- 2SC, crystalline or even more complicated phases). tential (8) in the form of a single function cos(θ/N ) c ∼ is not a crucial issue for discussions below. A combi- nation of a number of terms, a cos(kθ/N ) may change k c V. NUMERICAL RESULTS. the interactions of the instanton quarks1. However, the The critical chemical potential as a function of temperature is implicitly given by a(µ (T),T) = c 1 We refer to ref. [18] where it is argued, based on analysis of 8f2(µc(T))/µ2c(T). We can calculate a(µc(T),T) from two dimensional CPN−1 model, that much more complicated (4). We are however limited to temperatures where structurefortheinstantonquarkinteractions couldresult. Cooper pairing takes place, i.e. for T 0.567∆[19]. We ≤ 5 TABLE I: Results Nc=3, Nf=2 Nc=3, Nf=3 Nc=2, Nf=2 µBc/Λ 2.3 1.4 3.5 µIc/Λ 2.6 1.5 3.5 0.8 is due to the instanton-quarks) can be formulated. The T=(cid:3)QCD key point of the ’t Hooft - Mandelstam approach is the 0.6 (cid:1)=0 assumptionthatdynamicalmonopolesinQCDexistand Bose condense. The goal of this section is to argue that the instanton-quarkscarrythe magneticcharges. There- 0.4 fore,inprinciple,theymayplaytheroleofthedynamical monopoles which are the key players in the ’t Hooft and 0.2 Mandelstam [12] framework. In this case both pictures (cid:22) (T)=(cid:3)QCD could be the two sides of the same coin. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Expression (11) clearly shows that the statistical en- (cid:22)I=(cid:3)QCD semble of particles interact according to the Coulomb law. An immediate suspicion following from this obser- FIG. 1: Critical isospin chemical potential for the vation is that these particles carry a magnetic and/or confinement-deconfinement phase transition as a function of electric charge, since charges of that type interact pre- temperature (solid curve). The dashed curve represents the cisely in the above manner. This suspicion will be cor- largest temperatures that can be reached in our approach, roborated in a moment. The charges Q were originally given by0.567∆ (see text for more details). a introduced in a very formalmanner so that the QCD ef- fective low energy Lagrangian (8) can be written in the have determined the critical chemical potential in differ- dualCGform(11). Intheprevioussectionswepresented entcasesatnonzerobaryonorisospinchemicalpotential. argumentsthattheparticlesQa carryfractionaltopolog- We find that the value of the critical chemical potential icalcharges andcan be identified with instanton quarks. at T = 0 are given by (we use m 150MeV which is Now we shall argue that these particles also carry the s numerically close to 0.75Λ for N =≃3). magnetic charges. f Asanexample,weexplicitlyshowtheresultsasafunc- As a shortdetour, let us remind few importantresults tion of temperature for N =3 at nonzero µ in FIG. 1, regarding the SU(2) Georgi-Glashow model in the weak c I where direct lattice calculation are possible. We notice coupling regime, with a θ-term when the scalar Φa have thatwithourconventionsthetransitionfromthenormal a large VEV. The monopole solution can be constructed phase to pion condensation happens at µ =m /2. explicitly and the well-known Witten’s effect [20], where I π As expected (see Table 1), for given N the critical the monopole acquires an electrical charge, takes place. c value for µ decreases when N increases. This is due Let denote the generator of large gauge transforma- c f N to the fact that an extra fermion degree of freedom sup- tions corresponding to rotations in the U(1) subgroup presses the instantons, such that the instanton density of SU(2) picked out by the gauge field, i.e. rotations becomes smaller. As direct consequence of that suppres- in SU(2) about the axis na = Φa . Rotations by an |Φa| sion the critical value µ at the point when the instan- angleof2π aboutthisaxismustyieldtheidentityforar- c ton dilute gas approximation breaks down is smaller for bitrary configurations, which implies [20] that the mag- N =3 than for N =2. netic monopoles carry an electric charge proportional to f f As a final remark: while we expect that the instan- θ. Indeed, ton density (4) suffers from large uncertainties at µ µc, the numerical results for µc(T) are not very sens∼i- 1=ei2πN =ei2πQe−iθe4Mπ , (12) tive to these uncertainties due to the extraction of the large power from the instanton density, Λ /µ where, QCD c ∼ b a(µc(T),T), b 11/3Nc 2/3Nf. 1 1 p ∼ − M = v Z d3xDiΦaBia, Q= v Z d3xDiΦaEia, VI. INSTANTON QUARKS AS MONOPOLES. are the magnetic and electric charge operators respec- CONFINEMENT. tively, expressed in terms of the original fields, and v is the vacuum expectation value Φa at infinity. The Having formulated our conjecture and the results combination eM = n in Eq. (12)his ain integer and de- 4π m which follow from it, the question about the relationbe- termines the magnetic charge of the configuration. As tweenthestandard’tHooftandMandelstam[12]picture usual, it is assumed that (12) remains correct in the of the confinement and our proposal (when confinement strongcoupling regimewhen v is not largeand/orin the 6 more radical case when Φa is not present in the original of classical equations of motion, [22]-[27]. However, this formulation. Indeed, asexplainedin[21]the existenceof knowledge does not provide us with answers on the cru- Φa is not essential and some effective fields may play its cial questions such as: “ what is dynamical properties of role. One finds that monopoles do exist and the Witten these monopoles?”, “do they condense or, rather, they effect expressed by formula (12) remains unaltered even propagate only for short distances for a short period of when monopoles appear as singularities in the course of time?” the gauge fixing procedure as described in [21]. 2). A similar to eq.(13) identification could be made Restricting attention to terms which are proportional for a different system with large µ (7) when only small totheθ-parameter,acomparisonbetweenthe CGrepre- size ρ µ−1 instantons are present. However, in this ∼ sentation, Eq.(11), and Eq.(12) will now be carried out. case it is quite obvious that the description in terms of From the CG representation, Eq.(11) the relevant term the monopole loops makes no sense because the typical is the total charge, Q , of the configuration, while in size of the loops is very small, of order µ−1, and the net ∼ Eq.(12) the relevant factor is the total magnetic charge magneticchargeisobviouslyscreenedonlargedistances. eM for each time slice. The following identification is Therefore, monopole charge of constituents play no role 4π then made2, for such ensembles. 3). In contrast with the small instantons, the con- eM stituents of large size instantons (instanton quarks with Q = =n ZZ. (13) net 4π m ∈ charge 1/Nc ) may propagate far away from each other. In this case the description in terms of the instanton From these simple observationsone can immediately de- quarks which carry the monopole charges could be ap- duce that our fractional magnetic charges Q cannot be a propriate. For such configurations the magnetic charges related to any semi-classical solutions, which can carry of the instanton quarks should manifest themselves in only integer charges; rather, configurations with frac- some way. In particular, if the magnetic charges Bose- tional magnetic charges should have pure quantum ori- condense, this indicates the onset of quark confinement. gin. To investigate the possibility for such a condensation an One should notice here that the connection between expressionforthemagneticchargecreationoperator, , monopoles and instantons on the classical level is not a must be found and its VEV (magnetization) calculatMed. very new idea [22]. Indeed, for example, quite recently, Sucha programis veryambitious,andobviouslybeyond sucharelationwasestablishedfortheperiodicinstantons the scope of the present work. (alsocalledcalorons)definedonR3 S1[23],seealso[24] × and [25] where monopoles and instantons are intimately related objects in semiclassical construction. VII. CONCLUDING COMMENTS Furthermore,asimilarrelationwasseeninthestudyof Abelian projection for instantons [26, 27], albeit at the A. Main Results classical level. In particular in ref. [27] it was demon- strated that the instanton’s topological charge, Q, is given in terms of the monopole charge M forming the The main leitmotiv of this talk is based on the con- loop as follows Q = eM. This formula is very similar jecture that the confinement-deconfinement phase tran- to our relation (13), w4hπere the total topological charge, sition at nonzero chemical potential and small temper- Q , for a configuration containing a number of parti- ature is driven by instantons. The instantons qualita- net cles, described by the system (11) was identified with tively change the shapes at the transition: they small the total magnetic charge for each Euclidean time slice well-localizedobjectsatlargeµ µc; theybecomearbi- ≫ for the same configuration. Further to this point, lattice trary large, strongly overlapped configurations at small simulations do not contradict this picture where large µ µc in which case description in terms of the in- ≪ instantons induce the magnetic monopole loops forming stanton quarks become appropriate. Let us emphasize large clusters, see e.g.[28] and references therein. again: the instanton quarks are point like defects which have pure quantum origin and can not be described as We conclude this section with few following remarks. semiclassicalconfigurations. Theyarecharacterizedby4 1). The relation between topological charge in 4d and translationalcollectivevariables,suchthatk unitsofthe magnetic charge in 3d is understood only on the level topological charge are represented by coherent superpo- sition of N instanton quarks (per unit charge) to make c together4N kcollectivevariables. Thisnumberprecisely c 2 Ofcourseweassumeherethataconfigurationisstatic,orslowly matches the number of the instanton parameters with depending on time. Therefore, the identification (13)should be topologicalcharge k. While the instanton quarks can be consideredasarelationiftheinstantonquarksQa weretreated arbitrary far away from each other, they keep the infor- asclassicalsources. Itisdefinitelynotthecaseforthedynamical mationabouttheirorigin;theyarecorrelated. Therefore, systemunderstudy. Nevertheless,relation(13)servesasagood instanton quarks form not a random, but rather, the co- argument suggesting that instanton quarks carry the magnetic herent large size configurations. charges. The crucialquestions are: canthese monopoles propa- gatefarawayfromeachother? dothesemonopoles condense? Furthermorewemakeaquantitativepredictionforthe 7 criticalvalue of the chemicalpotential where this transi- were missing in the lattice simulations, which is con- tion between two descriptions takes place: µ 3Λ sistent with the picture advocated in the present work. c QCD ∼ at T = 0. This prediction can be readily tested on the Unfortunately, one should not expect to be able to ac- lattice at nonzero isospin chemical potential. count for large instantons using semiclassical technique to bring this intuitive correspondence onto the quanti- tative level. However, such a mapping may help us to B. Future Directions understand the relation between pictures advocated by ’t Hooft and Mandelstam [12] on one hand and picture where instanton-quarksare the key players,on the other There are well established lattice method which allow hand. to introduce isospin chemical potential into the system, see e.g. [29]. Independently, there are well- established ii). There seems to be another close relation (albeit lattice methods which allow to measure the topologi- at the intuitive level) between the instanton quarks and cal charge density distribution, see e.g. [10, 30, 31]. configurationswithcentervorticesandnexuseswithfrac- We claim that the topological charge density distribu- tional fluxes 1/Nc, see recent papers on the subject and tion measured as a function of µ will experience sharp earlier references therein[32]. In particular, the total I changes at the same critical value µ =µ (T) where the topologicalchargeforentireconfigurationinbothcasesis I c phase transition (or rapid crossover)occurs. Indeed, the alwaysinteger. Locally,however,essentiallyindependent changesinthetopologicalchargedensitydistributionare units carryfractionalcharges1/Nc. While the geometri- expected due to the fundamental differences in θ depen- cal and topological properties are very similar in both denceintwodifferentregimes. Weidentifythesechanges cases, there is, however, a fundamental difference be- with confinement-deconfinement transition based on the tween the two: center vortices/nexusesare classical con- arguments presented above. We strongly advocate the figurations, while the instanton quarks (and everything lattice community to perform such an analysis to see which accompanying them) have pure quantum origin. whether corresponding “ accidental coincidence” indeed This remark is also applied to the “periodic instanton” takes place. Such an analysis would provide an unique mentioned above. This difference, in particular, mani- opportunity to study a transition from “Higgs -like” fests itself for the gaugegroupG different from SU(Nc). gauge theory to “Non -Higgs” gauge theory by varying In this case the fractional topological charge carried by theexternalparameterµI whichplaystheroleofthevac- instantonquarksis1/C2(G),seeSectionIII.Atthesame uumexpectationvalueofaHiggsfield3. Insuchananal- time, in general, C2(G) is not related to the center of ysis one could explicitly study what is happening with the group playing a crucialrole in construction of center finite size instantons (which are under complete theoret- vortices[32]. ical controlat large µ >µ ) when transition from weak iii). Using the overlap formalism for chiral fermions I c coupling regime to strong coupling regime occurs. [33], it has been demonstrated[34] that there is a strong evidence for there existence of gauge field configurations with fractional topological charge Q = 1/2 for SU(2) C. Relation to Other Studies gauge theory. iv). There is an interesting recent development in lattice computations which in principle would allow to Here we would like to make few comments on relation studythetopologicalchargefluctuationsinQCDvacuum to other works. withoutanyassumptionsorguidancebasedonsomespe- i). As we already mentioned, at the intuitive level cificmodelsforQCDvacuumconfigurations[31]. Ourre- there seems to be a close relation between instanton markherethatthepicturebasedontheinstantonquarks quarks and the “periodic instanton” [23, 24, 30]. In- advocated here is consistent with these recent lattice deed, in these papers it has been shown that the large results[31]. Indeed, the most profound finding of ref.[31] size instantons and monopoles are intimately connected is demonstration that the topological density distribu- andinstantonshavetheinternalstructureresemblingthe tion in QCD has “ inherently global ” structure. It is instanton-quarks. Also, it has been shown that the con- definitely consistentwithourpicture whenthe pointlike stituents carry the magnetic charges. More than that, instanton quarks can be far away from each other, but it has been also argued that large size instantons likely still keep the correlationat arbitrary large distances. Another interesting observation by ref.[31] can be ex- plained as follows. If 4D structures offinite size (such as 3 “Higgs -like”gauge theories characterized by somefiniteexpec- instantonswithfinitesize ΛQCD)dominatethecontin- ∼ tation value of the Higgs field, when topological defects have uum limit, than these coherent regions of size ΛQCD finite size, θ dependence is trivial, ∼ cosθ, and weak coupling should exhibit scaling behavior when the latti∼ce spac- regimeis realized. This is incontrast with “Non -Higgs”gauge ing is changed. This feature has not been observed in theories, like QCD at zero temperature and chemical potential ref.[31]. Therefore, it has been suggested that, in physi- when no fundamental scalar fields exist, θ dependence appears cal units, the corresponding 4D structures should shrink in form of θ/Nc and weak coupling regime can not be achieved indescriptionofthelargedistancephysics. to mere points in the continuum limit. Such an obser- 8 vation is certainly not in contradiction with our picture perfectly consistentwithourproposalthatthe instanton whereinstantonquarksareindeed,theeffective4Dpoint quarksarenotimportantin“Higgs-like”gaugetheories, like constituents classifiedby 4translationalzeromodes. but play a crucial role in “Non-Higgs” gauge theories. As we discussed earlier in the text, the instanton Morethanthat, weconjecture thatthe instantonquarks quarksinstatic limitcarrythe magnetic charges. Atthe is the driving force for the phase transition separating sametime,themagneticchargeoftheentirelarge-sizein- thesetwofundamentallydifferenttypesofgaugetheories. stanton (with all its constituents with fractional charges We suggest to use chemical potential µ as a parameter 1/N ) must be zero. Therefore instanton quarks are at- which allows us to interpolate between these two types c tached to each other by magnetic strings such that total of behavior. magnetic flux of whole system is zero. While the fluxes vi). As the final remark: the θ parameter played a are 1/Nc, they can be probed by quarks in fundamen- key rolein alldiscussionspresentedabove. However,the talrepresentation. Thispicture,again,isconsistentwith regionofµ (T)wheretransitionisexpectedtooccur(see c feature of the “sceleton ” (minimal hard-core substruc- Table 1) is not very sensitive to value of θ. Indeed, the tureexhibitingtheglobalbehavior)fromref.[31]whichis θ dependence in physical observable comes with extra viewed as a network of world lines for point-like objects. suppression m which is very small factor. This is q ∼ Finally,thedualpictureofourCGrepresentation(de- exactlythereasonwhyallresultsforµ (T)arequotedfor c scribingtheinstantonquarks)isnothingbuttheeffective θ =0. Thisisdefinitelynotthecasewhentransitionfrom chiral lagrangian for Goldstone fields, see eq.(8). This normalto superfluid phase is considered as a function of “ obvious” connection between confinement and chiral baryon chemical potential at N =2, or as a function of c symmetrybreakingphenomenoninourframeworkiscon- isotopical chemical potential at N 3. In these cases c ≥ sistentwithspeculationofref.[31]thatthecorresponding the transitions are happening at µ m (θ) where very π ∼ long distance correlations might be associated with long nontrivial dependence µ (T) on θ is expected[37]. c range propagation of Goldstone fields. It is too early to say whether ref.[31] finds precisely the features we havebeen advocatingto existfor quite a Acknowledgements while[3], butthe results ofref.[31]look veryexciting and promising to us. v). Thereseemstobethatinstantonquarkshavebeen Author thanks Pierre van Baal for numerous, very in- identified in the brane construction in SUSY gauge the- sightful and never ending discussions on the subject. ories as D0 -brane [35]. While these objects were called Author also thanks all collaborators of the papers [1]- as “ fractional instantons” or “merons” in ref. [35], they [3] which constitute the main bulk of this talk. Author obviously have all features of the instanton quarks de- alsothanksRajamaniNarayananforthe correspondence scribed above. In particular, the objects from ref. [35] regardingpapers[33]and[34],AlexBuchelforcorrespon- are point like configurations classified by four transla- dence regarding the papers [35] and [36], and Michael tional collective variables, precisely as discussed above. Creutz for correspondence regarding the papers [37]. I Italsohasbeenargued[35]thatthey condensein =1 am also thankful to the organizers of the Light Cone N SYM which leads to the confinement in the theory. At Meeting,Cairns,Australia,2005,forinvitingmetospeak the same time, it has been argued that the same frac- onthissubject. 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