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Confessionsof aConfirmedExtensionalist andOtherEssays Confessions of a Confirmed Extensionalist and Other Essays W. V. Quine Editedby DagfinnFøllesdal DouglasB.Quine HarvardUniversityPress Cambridge,Massachusetts London,England 2008 Copyright©2008bythePresidentandFellowsofHarvardCollege Allrightsreserved PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Quine,W.V.(WillardVanOrman) Confessionsofaconfirmedextensionalistandotheressays/W.V.Quine;editedbyDagfinn Føllesdal,DouglasB.Quine. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978-0-674-03084-8(alk.paper) 1. Philosophy. I.Føllesdal,Dagfinn. II.Quine,DouglasB.,1950- III.Title. B29.Q552008 191—dc22 2008010061 Tothestudentsof Quine: past,present,andfuture Contents Acknowledgments xi Introduction 1 I PreviouslyUnpublishedArticles 1 Nominalism(1946) 7 2 OntheNotionof anAnalyticStatement(1946) 24 3 LecturesonDavidHume’sPhilosophy(1946) 36 4 TheImportanceof LogicforPhilosophy(1947) 137 5 WhereLogicIsGoing(1947) 148 6 AnimadversionsontheNotionof Meaning(1949) 152 7 TheEntangledPhilosophiesof Mathematics(1950) 157 8 Meaning(1959) 163 9 TheWaytheWorldIs(1986) 166 10 PressingExtensionality(1992) 172 11 TheInnateFoundationalEndowments(1996) 176 12 TheGrowthof MindandLanguage(1997) 182 II PreviouslyPublishedArticles 13 RelationsandReason(1939) 195 14 OntheReasonsforIndeterminacyof Translation(1970) 209 viii Contents 15 MethodologicalReflectionsonCurrent LinguisticTheory(1970) 215 16 OnEmpiricallyEquivalentSystemsof theWorld(1975) 228 17 MindandVerbalDispositions(1975) 244 18 TheNatureof NaturalKnowledge(1975) 257 19 Factsof theMatter(1977) 271 20 CognitiveMeaning(1979) 287 21 Grammar,Truth,andLogic(1980) 303 22 OntologyandIdeologyRevisited(1983) 315 23 RelativismandAbsolutism(1984) 319 24 Statesof Mind(1985) 323 25 TheSensorySupportof Science(1986) 327 26 PanelonReference(1986) 338 27 Indeterminacyof TranslationAgain(1987) 341 28 Mind,Brain,andBehavior(1989) 347 29 TheElusivenessof Reference(1990) 352 30 ThePhoneme’sLongShadow(1990) 364 31 ThreeIndeterminacies(1990) 368 32 PrefacetoTheLogicofSequences(1990) 387 33 TwoDogmasinRetrospect(1991) 390 34 StructureandNature(1992) 401 35 CommensurabilityandtheAlienMind(1992) 407 36 InPraiseof ObservationSentences(1993) 409 37 Truth(1994) 420 38 PromotingExtensionality(1994) 438 39 IndeterminacywithoutTears(1994) 447 Contents ix 40 AssumingObjects(1994) 449 41 Naturalism;Or,LivingwithinOne’sMeans(1995) 461 42 ProgressonTwoFronts(1996) 473 43 TheFloweringof ThoughtinLanguage(1997) 478 44 I,You,andIt:AnEpistemologicalTriangle(1999) 485 45 ThreeNetworks:Similarity,Implication, andMembership(2000) 493 46 Confessionsof aConfirmedExtensionalist(2001) 498 Credits 507 Index 513

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