Detective Lieutenant Kay Boyd, head of Boston's Organized Crime Task Force, saw her husband and children butchered by Boston's rising crime crew "The Family." Gambler junkie Joseph X. Null, a former low-level bagman for "The Family," was tortured by their chief enforcer until he lost his mind.
Due to an experimental therapy to bring him back from a mutilated, catatonic state, Null recovered everything but his humanity, remaining in effect a chemically reconstructed psychopath. A one-man killing machine now, his single-minded mission is to whack out "The Family" down to its last man. A conflicted Boyd is out to stop him, even though the Boston Police Department unofficially couldn't care less about "who takes out the trash."
Believing he's owed a debt, and having once been her CI, Null wants to recruit Boyd to help him destroy "The Family."
When Boyd lost her family, she became a functional alcoholic, unable to deal with her guilt and grief. Like Null, she too...