CONDITIONGI NFORD ISTANCER UNNING AMERICCAONL LEOGFE SPORMTESD ICISNEER IES SKIC ONDITIONING MerlFeo sasn dJ ameGs. G arrick CONDITIONINFGO R DISTANCREU NNING: THES CIENTIFAISCP ECTS JacDka nieRlosb,e rFti ttasn,dG eorgSeh eehan THEP HYSIOLOGAYN D BIOMECHANICOSF CYCLING IrviFna riaan dP eteCra vanghau HEALTHA ND FITNESTSH ROUGH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY MichaPeoll loJcakc,Wk i lmoraen,dS amueFlo x CONDITIONING FOR DISTANCE RUNNING JACKD ANIELS UniversofiT teyx as-Austin ROBERTF ITTS MarqueUtntiev ersity GEORGES HEEHAN RedB ankN,e wJ ersey JOHN WIIEY & SONS NewY ork SantBaa rbaraC hichester BrTiosrboannteo Copyri©g h1t978b,y J ohnW ile&y S onsI,n c. Allr ighrtess ervPeudb.l ished simultianCn aenoaudsal.y Reproductoirot nr anslaotfia onny p arotf t hiwso rkb eyontdh at permittbeydS ectio1n0s7o r1 08o ft he1 97U6n iteSdt atCeosp y righAtc tw ithotuhte p ermissoifot nh ec opyrigohwtn eri su nlaw fulR.e questfso rp ermissioornf urthienrf ormatsihoonu lbde addressteotd h eP ermissiDoenpsa rtmeJnoth,nW ile&y Sonsl,1 1c. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa lioPngu ibnligc Daattioan DanielJsa,c k1,9 33- Conditiofnoirnd gi stanrcuen ning. (AmericCaonl leogfeS portMse dicisneer ies) 1.R unning-yPshiologiecfafle ct2.. R unning-Training. I.F ittRso,b erjto,i natu thorI.I .S heehaGne,o rgjeo,i natu thor. IIIT.i tleI.V .S eries. RC1220.R8D36 613.7'1 77-22538 ISBN0 -471-19483-2 Printiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 FOREWORD Durintgh ep as1t 0y earas ,t remendoeuxsp losoifok nn owledge haso ccurrientd hee xercainsdes porstc iencNeesw.t heoriinet sh e coachianngd t rainoifna gt hlehtaevsee m ergetde,c hnolobgirceaalk throughhasv ea llowae bde ttuenrd erstanodfhi onwgp eoplpee rform anda daptto t hes treosfse xerciasnedw, e n owh avae b ettuenrd er standaisnt go h owe xercciasnei mprobvoet thh eq ualiatnydq uantity ofl ifeI.n a didtiotnh,ep opulatoifot nh eU niteSdt atheass b ecome morec onscioofup sh ysifictanle sasn dh ass tarteexde rciosnit nhge ir own,w itlhi ttolrne o k nowledogfew hatt od oo rh owt og oa bout itC.o nsequenmtalnyyc, o mmeriecnatle rprhiasveeesv olvteods atisfy thibsa sicco nsumneere dA.l thoumgahn yo ft heseen terprhiasvees providveadl uacbolne sumseerr vitcheesr,ae r em anyo thetrhsa hta ve noth adt hec onsumebre'sistn teraetsh tesa ratn dh avtea keandv antage oft heg enerlaalco kf kn owledgoeft hea veracgoen sumer. In1 793t,h eA mericCaonl leogfSe p orMtesd iciantet ,he s uggestion oft heifro rmePrr esidDern.tH ,o warGd. K nuttgepnl,a nnae sde ries ofv olumetsoh elpb ridgteh ew iedningga pb etweetnh el aterset searicnht he exearncdsi psoers tc ienacnedts h ec onsumTehre.p urpose oft hiSse riweass t ob rintgo t hel eveolft hea veracgoen sumtehre, factsa ndb asic informattiooe nx errecilinags teee nde raanldi, n dividual sporstpse cificianla lnyi ,n teresatnidun ngb iasmeadn neDrr.. D avid L.C osticlulr,r enPtrleys idoefnt th eA mericCaonl leogfeS ports Mediciwnaesa, s ketdoi nititahtiSese ries. v vi Foreword TheA mericCaonl leogfeS portMse dicinSee'rsi iessa ne xciting stefpo rwairndt hea reoaf c onsumeedru catiEoanc.hv olumiesc o authorbeyd a uthoriitnit ehse irre specatrievaews h,o w eres elected fort heiarb ilittoyc ommunicatthee iird eaasta verpyr actiacnadl fundamenlteavleW lh.i leea ch of thesiesa r aeuctohgnoirzssec di entist, eacvho lumree presaenna ttst emtpota ppltyh et eachianngdfis n dings ofs cientcoet heb ettuenrd erstanodfai nndgp articipianvt airoino us activiatnidse pso rtIsti. s t hei nteonftt hiSse riteosd eveloap m ore informecdo nsumearn dt os timulwaitdese preapda rticipianta i on varieotfay c tiviatnidse pso rts. JACKH .W ll.MORE ChairperPsuobnl,i caCtoimomnist tee AmericCaonl leogfSe p orMtesd icine PREFACE Ouro bjectiisvt eor evietwh es cientkinfiocw ledpgeer tinteon t humanp erformaanncdep, articultaord lsiyt,a ncreu nninIgti. s i m possiblgiev eta o t rainpirnegs criptthiafotin t asl dli tsancreu nners becautshees pecifiocfas p rogrdaemp endon e acrhu nnewre'ask nesses ands trengatnhdst h ee venfto rw hiceha chi st rainHionwge.v etrh,e knowledge prheesrewienll t efdo rmt hefo undatioonnsw hiceha ch runncearn d evelhoipos r h ero wni detarla inpirnogg ram. We begibny d sicusstihnepg hyslioogicsayls tetmhsa atr eo fm ajor importanicnde s itancreu nning-ntehuer omuscuclaarirdo,v ascular, andr espirastyosrtye amnsd t heiard aptattiooe nn durantcrea ining. A detaildeesdc riptoifob no dym etabolibsomt,ho xidat(iaveer obic) andn onoxida(tainvaee roibsig ci)v,eT nh.e nw ec onsiednevri ronmental andn utritifaocntaolrT sh.e s ectioonnt rainainndgr unnitnegc hnique presenstpse ciftiycp eosf t raintihnagst h oulbde a parotf e very dsitanrcuen nepr'rso graTmh.e s cientriafitci onfoarl teh ei mportance oft hes pecitfyipce osf t rainiisnd gsi cussTehde.m ostc ommoni n juriaeffsl ictdiitnsagn creu nnearrsed escribaendd,e mphasiisps l aced on theiprr eventtihorno udgha ilsyt retcheixnegr ciWsee cso.n clude witha profiloef t hec haracterciosmtmiocnts o c hampidoins tance runners. Keepi nm indt hamta nyp eoprluen p urefloyre njoymeonrfit t ness, witnho i ntentoifeo vne bre comicnogm petitive. Howevetrh,r ougrgeha tepra rticiptahteiroweni ,lb le a g reatneurm bero fc ompetidtiitsvaen creu nneTrhse.y c omei na lsli zetsy,p easn,d vii viii Preface agesa,n dp ropekrn owledcgaenb eg aineadn dp ractiocneldyb ya n understaonfdt ihnebg a siscy steimnsv olavneddt hep rinciopnlw ehsi ch reactiaonndsa d ujstmenttost rainainndgo ure nvironmaernebt a sed. Inaccuraciesi naa btohulnedta incdsi ,na na ctivaispt oyp ular and asp otentially assdt sirteasnsrcfueun ln intgh,e riesn or oomf orm is informadtiiroenc ttoewda eridt htehrje o ggoerrt heO lympic champion; botha ree qualdlesye rvionfgp ropegru idanWcee b.e lietvhea tth is bookc ontribtuotweasra db ettuenrd erstaonfdd isintga nrcuen ning. JACDKA NISE L ROBERFTI TTS GEORGSEH EEHAN CONTENTS SECTION I.P HYISOLOCGAILA ND BIOCHEMICCAOLN SIDERA- TOINSl NEUROUMSCUALRS YSTE2M CARDIOVALASRCS UYSTE7M STRUCTULCR OANSIADTEIRON9S RESPIRATSOYRSYT E9M I.I METBAOLIMS 15 ANAEROBMIETCA BLOSIM 15 AEROBMIETCA BOLISM2 1 RELAITVEI MPORTANOCFEA EROBAINCD ANAEROBMIECTA BLOSIM2 6 III.E NVIRONMENCTOANLSI DERIAOTNS3 3 TEMPERATUR3E3 ALTITUD3E8 IV. NUTRITION4 5 CHRONDIICE TANREYE D4S6 ACUTDEI EATR YN EED5S 2 ix x Contents V. TRAINIANNGDR UNNITNEGC HNIQ5U7E TYPESO F TRAINING5 7 ENDURANCEA ND AEROBICP OWER TRAINING6 0 PACER UNNING 62 ANAEROBIC/SPETERDA INING6 4 HILLR UNNING 64 RUNNINGT ECHNIQUE6 5 VI. CLINIACSAPLE COTFSD ISTANRCUEN NIN6G9 MUSCULOSKELEATL SYSTEM 70 BLOODI NT HE URINE 88 GASTROINTESTINAL SYS8T9EM RESPIRATORSYY STEM 90 HEMATOLOGICASLY STEM 90 CARDIOVASCULASRY STEM 91 STALENESOSR OVERTRAINING9 1 VII.P ROFILEO FC HAMPIO9N3S BODYB UILD 94 AEROBICC APACITY9 5 SUBMAXIMALO XYGENC ONSUMPTION9 7 REACTIONT O ENVIRONMENTASLT RESS1 00 AGE AND EXPERIENCE1 01 INDE1X3 0