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ets al pect oun CONCORDIN'S THURSDAY R v Vol. 23, No. 9 http://ctr.concordia.ca January 27, 2005 African children get their own animators [rere eee a them lnded Geving laches tering nd stogoenting ih te Tia gel of cpebny eta bin oe lest ei bens Ae ‘Sesion Sewedogo donated her expert ise and Brought alg camper and aa seks cen eae fad tnon nerve “aseay. we ge UNESCO tapping Lat of wat oe ede and then lf th tu from the (Goind wp. Breyene brought something from der univer, ke compares and totate, We al led and ork in the fame compound wit oo avin tas inthe same oom” ic sa cotnet bombarded with North Amen iages Satelite tes TF the global lage dose indeed exe, Saad of leredeelec re being re Tooked Ia Alea today, most children snimated television progeams are import= ‘However an innoestive UNESCO riper iiergtedinags bat. Tat emer Cl vgs a pier Sor at the Mel oppenhsim School of Cinema, jined othe anmators fom the USA, UK and Ghana to teach at Afica Animate This Waling end production wok ‘hop, sponsored by UNSECO, the ‘eatin arm of the United Nations Started as part ofthe Zanibar Interna ‘onal ln Pesta ZF) and revit five-week workshop in Narobi at the Xerye Calle of Commurication Tec nology (CCT) The a tof Altes nin, ns endear wenn tne Sonreachehe os reno les bat banat haetatten isan cd Soc thre ie cal content, Sen ‘eran people nimaon compte toy weigher tei ‘hls insor spn Aen Ariat! “Theiler wasto cee awotepand Acne We ad att om ane ""Welnterewd see oun pele Sct ced pet deed ona ante people ete ainaton with, du Keay Tuma and aber prt ef to otninethen ‘ea content Alan poole tnd Bast AES xpaned Snadops thal peo Students and staff open their hearts for tsunami relief ‘ng she suid "Itwas amazing to see Women's Hockey Tournamen:eu- al he cbs working togither oer his month Students haveraised$17,00forthe _aehlevea tual goal PERMIKA, the Indonesian Sbucen ‘tims of the huge underwater ‘the past there was tension Assition in Montel, clsbor farhquake and resulting tsunami between the cubs, but) eveyone ration with UMSA, the United that ll more than 200000 and was nappy to work with one anther Muslin Student Assocation, held «| ‘Aaplaed milion in Southeast Asia Club presidents exchanged phone dinner on Jun 6 in the cafeteria on on Dee 26, numbers s0 that they could get the 71h flooe of Concordia Hall “The Concordia Student Union together again inthe fume. ‘ling to raise money for views raed money from acabaneasuce, "A sadens enjoyed coming cut in Indonesia spsriyalReygishotchoclae and w spe what the cubs put togutet. Another source of donations for leaserved testa busline aud The ek dancen were wbig hit rele fore wot Tuncheon held ‘ub events “ay stents Ted ved ote Des 17 for epee in the vector Tauren Teblam, the CSU's VP who died inthe susan and Matis seportng ty Mased Daa, Daa finance sid the Maslin Stdent why it was coimportaat rus 20 all ment ductors collected 3548 fom ‘Avsociation alone raised $70,000, come togetherte sow oursappor- gusts and thi wis matched by ‘andthe Cutum Tamil aised §14000, "Ihe administration vndertood Danie office. A donation of $6838 ‘oth are cabs allied with the thi and relly got involved by hel wa tened over to Oxfam (CSU. The CSU itsof contributed ing march our funds as well o by In the photo at right Lauren $9900 andthe offeso Vice Press halping organize many of the Tebium has ast pt an nage repre deat Marc Danis gave $2700. evonta® senting hip on Project arth, an att “The CSU held a Thunaml Relat The Recreation and. Athleice piece featured a the CSU Teamami Day on Jan. 13, which alone rite 1500 This rent we extremely see Relief Pundsaling Do. Lauren iin tarkating inthe John Molson IN THIS ISSUE ‘eda erie oma ne erry (Cafe Ope, a Ds Dad Medispey ck affine in Dist Mile Bad ef shop Ue shots a suspicions lance ot the wideseraen TV as The Lamy Eder Stow fills the room with defening domestic aie ‘The Labshow cies x an apt sounds Ta eect i Th opeathused MeGhupsey, whe’ cutseat- Iyteaching Crative Wing Petry. His ther Boks f poetry are delirious smaek-upe ofthe it canon (Yess Milton} ‘nd syndication purgatory (Bevery. lilies: Giigans Isa), with geneous side ards ofr "Hes published papers on Frank Sinatra, snd his etatch intrest include the he tory of minitne golf architecture. His summers sre spent in fxered puri of ‘eadaide tach statue of overizel rit te) and soutaem US, babecue ost He play guiter in Pogay Hammer, on ‘Ace Conper meets Deep 2uple™ rock thand fo-mad wih lew Concordia Fg Hah prof Jason Cazlot (Representative Song tie: "I's the End of he Woda and ‘My Hl Smells Terri “Mili Vari“ ‘Wt Mae for Loving You nd Your Room mate") Then theres Cerifable, MeGimpseys recent collection of sor Seton intr duces an olFkiter alternate univers Fonaieater acta cogsive ely (and, peeps more fantasia ss the Jackets en-pal, Chst na Aguleral ‘Biman annotates te New Testament asked my butler Aled, a he was st ting down a bowl of Mamiatan cam ‘howderinfrontofthebatcomptr, whe hethought ofthe fst gospel write. ‘Acouteslabus wana, Students wil be famiarzed with szomtente where the fnstrictor wil te wil-eyed and intent le a rogue cop whos come face to face ids Uren of punk who rine i th oko Writer David McGimpsey is Certifiably funny Born of “the sort of observations Tat dws torturing my tends with’ Ceri. thle quily delivers sinew finely cated. poe from end the deceptively got buster of Matok ference, And yo extremly fay. Mimpsey sid in an inteeview, "My aris wring teed. be serious and. foulfl and wounded and al those things ‘hat I though wets eo poetically imprer- sive — when yute 1 you want to Be ‘ee, bu tha the ons thing you cab ‘Sow T realized that ny vue wat more in tune with thewiseercee Fes raking” "Thope ta help mr students discover thei emg, lr she eat of writ ing se. they can Tears to write Tike themselves and not just imitate some thing they belive writing is supposed 0 he ‘Welting sequres an apprenticeship that can be difiul and atduous — you cannot be a writing prodigy Peo tesa tld win, but nobody saying, reper alice is : wane my students to lesen some resject for how eit tht apprentice ‘hip can be, ane ala to give themes Deak to acopt thu hard Wook a eps in the mghtdectienendnot put peste on themeeves to say everyting ght Meclmpeey eneake look atthe TY. "And thats why as them to vte poems boat their snes” Accountancy is more popular than ever, despite scandals “The acounting profession i rooming ioe the drubbing thas anfred In he at yore ay Michel Maga, Aas ‘late Dean ofthe John Molton Seiool of Ticerkants & eSeeneg ee sre lig up very well aod increasing Tete Concord hatte expecially ‘the Unted State. They were ging dose ality petra stars 2 sccartiog ia tle Hendlces for fe ast few Years has eld terest in he roesion” Nngnan von intersiowed athe pote ee Nore amare mantener The kay Uta defacle was lak of ‘apectthroughou: the orginiation fo ‘the rules of avecunting and reporting Tver he Nortel faci darted by smother sandal inthe US. “Some of Nor taf igus were unions, tat avon was whole mirage” [New laws and regulations are nt the ‘olution to executive malfersane, he Sid. Standards were well established ‘While accountants may have been aco ies to corporate mischiet many other ‘xcetives were al nveied Ton managenentcealy enghatl fn quasfinudulent actions to et ecu the standards, You can have all the stan- ards you want, but if management Intends not to rexpoet thes ther going 1p chet le and do whatever it kes to fet at hey want A chastened accountant given the hon- oxy designation of fellow bythe Orze fos comptebles ats, Magnan sa doc torte fem the Universi of Washington, in Sete Aran accoustant zach and resuarher Magaan say he can go x= fifiom many diferent ange “Hoerthing fine do eventually gits sefected in Branca atomerts 203708 filstand howe yore wel oc yo wey to understanding what the Gr i ding. A goed manager nmist be comfstable fei ign" The cna ing facta 2 reasusng lm for Magan “At eas ‘hese old guys with eneshades wee sturdy peeple. Maghe something. got lost in {tem of thr moral echt tw to toca scout “Acolleagueat the Univesity of Alberta ssid twas almost ke being called tothe Priesthood to be an eccoutant. I you go back 0 seus, on were expected to be of sexy Mga moral quality snd stringent shout policies and standards Over the las: 20 ous, we were expected to be salespeople, constants, business advi- ton end any things, "Tt becomes dificult to maintain your inteprity at an auditor ws expected to ‘ouch thet the bok are eing kept the reper way when voure adviing the ‘lent on various stags Ia minimize tes or submit aloanepplction It cre tes confision in ones mind. We've lot Something in hat reg” erhaps new geeratin of aczount= sts will ediscorer thet lst motl fe, The Registrars effce reports that enrol rents in accounting mors ve risen from in 2000-01 9140050 in 2008 05 Given the time leg from enrolment to ‘adotion, the Onis as noted only a slight ise in applications for profesional, Status, but a significant increase in demand for accounsing and euditirg Teaching English with books Maloe Hora aici 9 how people lesen fg « sec Laue ld User stesalry ‘hough ead td hei hig Ie wor ‘She fretcamet Concordia a pursue au MLA Applied Linguine, graduating in 198 le PRD In he same field wa confer by the University of Wales Ip 2001 later that year she became 3 ‘esitant profesor of education ot Concordia, ‘Ae teacher and reser inthe Teaching agi ara Second Language (TESL} Cente abe wats to understand how edu arcond langung> Tearers become est rader in thee new lm age ort inteot evaloped in Sand Arabi td (Oman whore abs taught for over a decade, Students were cominyinto the university fom Tile desert tons in Oman and they realy esd fl to bene now trad English ght ay, 0 Study cammeren, medicine ot ongineering They ‘ids nacewariy seed tnaponk ther ned tread English. “That's ow my interes in reading and vocab lary came together. My fst experiments were in ‘ny dace Ler [read ote whole aove.a simpli fied vesan of Thownas Hardy's The Mayor of Caszerindge, and tested them on the words before ane ae” In 200, Horst rceveda §98000 thce-yar SSHRC gant to study ‘Developing Seond Lan- suage Vocabulary Size and. Speed. Through Extensive Reading” ‘She wil examine teracy development using ‘bok design for ESL learners Some ate erary asses avulable with vocabulary adjueted for ‘uring level of profceney. “We assume that esenods leares new Tan guage chrough reading but itis quite another thing to measure that Im working with new (Canadians, same right off the plane, nthe Ty daleSt George Cente in Lite Burgundy “The Centre is a joint mission ofthe Predyter lanand Anglian churches: Horst andher running {Goup paripae in an stmt "Bed Dress Ran ‘on behalf af the charity, ring about $6000 each year “The simplified readers ave been computer scanned 3 thei vocabulary i wall defined. The learners are tested on « srple ofthis woeabulay before and etter reading th books to examine ‘how wel vocabulary acquired fom reading in ‘ncidema pileup probably note fast af you were wo actualy sty those words, eet, 1 isthe dledorary and think hard wheat them. Foweves its tmpertant ro know what happens Incidentally because tats the man ay welesra on of Ue Line you dn look them apn the Leta or get told Cea gen ehirce to study then You have bs develop Une cen thal skis” Computeraed texterauation seul, veal that "ost everthing we san nol Conversion ia within the L000 mot common, ‘words of Engl Thi en in very lonely th oy research, Doone my partner at UQAM, Torn (Cobh mor webster for fis very pups, to Ialpteccherll ver thewold identify common tnd unvual wosd i Ui teaching materiale” (Compleat vial Tutor ylcutorce! esearch show he 1,000.0 ue ele eve of spokan ranch, Horm explained that Dhent ‘ding requires « much larger vocabulary: st Ieest 3100 word fr English 2.00 fr French. ‘Why this discrepancy? Echoes of hisor, she ssi “og h saree ont «Geran guage Tani we ie ‘yee and thet” ae Germatle tn origin, Tbr Norman Congorst fn 1066 retain a of French wc erm ingin “Ara etl, "English has many. many word or the sate ting For the Iarer of English, thete ‘age Tat of ymonys to mer What the dt ference between ‘king. ‘ral egal” and ‘sovercign? Mastering those muances means Tearing both Germanic and Latin‘ased words, = problem learners of Nomance langnages dos't Taceto thesameexen:” ‘Horst and ealleagues Diane Schmit at Notting Jum Trent Univesity inthe UK and Tom Cobb of ‘UQAM were recent awarded the TESOL Inter tional Researeh Fund grant for thes project “A comparison of computerized and traditional techniques for learning aesdemie woesboly TESL Centre coleegues Laura Colins and Joanna “White won the award in 20023 Wide World of ESL, This afternoon, TEL teaches are sharing saree fom the fll from 415 t 545 Boom 5 of the Hall Rdg The featured sprater ie Valerie “Marton wah been acing In China. ‘This column weleomes the submissions ofall Concur Jaculty and staff to promote and encourage individual ‘and group activities in teaching and research, and (0 ‘encourage work-related achievements: ™ glance Vincent Nartin (Boley. whose work on the antimatriavacrine Srresnan yeu ea abetln CT Dee 2200}. as ounaing member of [metro oneshcugh his postdoc modo be Uortyo {Parco S26 rin Over Hess eno onthe Rat nr raft parmacet companyin the US hich al aki emi Uoetee on wnat emia o be mere terdblereforthe dses Dennis Murphy Communion: Studs) was» pester 3 the NATO School SHAPE Supreme Hendquarterfild Power Europ) in Ory ‘een, Boas, Germany, rg a weckong Sesion Nok. 221028 on Dsentaon to NATO Payee! Operations pesrtaon wa ent ted sjcologeal Operates Henna ver tama yop" ‘yaa Sharman Depa A we wo eis ia cant ook bout fae {Sing cance Montes chon hy Je are Paar Bo Sane Van Gelder ais mmsgated Foy Eurpe 1 1948 a eed ‘lors n SeeroateSenenne Az canon fe Starman owe sme ‘hing stout fhon here, having desgned ay Quan ot sere Tandon nha 19 Hr ay aepeats mt Fn A Canadon epee ‘cnloaner Palmer (Uot TPs an ey Ceanosedctonnore de isrmadeau Qube ae 900 esos Gl Bal es, arin Doe ‘CVLL & Sinone de ean tute) gave the lace "Hetintng Women andthe laut st Cocoa Univers n tbe | ner th use of Mortals eles duction Serer 004 | congatustione Comm sudert Raluea Pate wining an Expr: | devcorcnt nach Soa Denial whores magi rngin he loursiem Department | asec publ ner scend clue fer etn te hy ay Nw Slgnatre ens Asa oung dane side ular New Yor, Feigs was nse by th ear Varta Ghar aise elect ‘Seaaultin alg snow orig on» Sons! nnn Ber Cian Yeorme Monoel Posy Schock Faymond Besuchemin ocgn eto of Te Gana ndash of Slat ‘MeDuchectatreney Se Coat lochs main nai _Sjoamalan or be lunar Depart Congrats f Ca equ Lachaen, CD. mena of Conor ‘Seer Deparpent Heassumed commen of he 3h Canaan inde Gop na elt erenony t Motel on Os: 12. There ae 2000 mee Ef his lan rn, who woot go back reach Canad erin ‘he Cente Culture Wonne LSonburr in Vleourt Qkebec showing ‘he rt phtorapy of taynond April Pherae Winer fhe S05 Drs Pacem ordas he works many beck ane wate Bending rani decreases mn snap ir ge oles te Mone Ms foe izaum m sta nae In ch the iced the oes ta Ey cheat nl sess even ou fs Ces ore Onvre shou om af deo ins ecatel poplar aura the Steven AppeBaum Nznagement tae been ited to je the Ema ‘Group ublcing ined asan nena aor esate son the | ‘storia advo bord te Jura or Mangement Dertopment whch 'Sparerthe enealaPutshing Goup. Michel Laoche Maclin sang the too 25 atl ia ae fale euress Reco nd in he Se mot equate rele the Sekt ees anor pope ee ‘rgenanalBehovor sae nprtongecanstte re sesame setae pease eign Score etcetera mesa ra =i senate A regular meting of Uniersty Senale, ld Jan 15,2005 ‘Deans Prowet Martin Singer petted raft ‘oii rE cl pi esti, he aid the Dea of Fn Ata ll fotiegale a PhD tthe doctorates) not be the temminel degize for some candidates. ‘These drafts. meant to guide searches. wil 30 to faculty councils, the exeuttecomritse ofthe Board, the Schl of Graduate Studies fd the search committess, Tha searches ate in promess. and dares hee been set for dey long wists by exch of thr. shortlisted candidates: March 9,10 and 1 for Arts and Selence, and March 29,20 and 5 for Fine ans ‘New programs: Thre was a discussion on ‘wether or not new programs adopted by Se the bu aot yet approved by CREPUQ and the [MEQ should be offered to students and included in the university calendar ENCS ‘Dean Nab Hsmil sai the programs should ‘offered berate of the delay of upto Oe yous between Senate spol and final MEQ. ‘approval, Howerer, Singer sald in order to ‘roid embiguity about the status of a new ‘rogram, note inthe calendar couldindiste that it sails spprovl. Students would be ‘amited into aster program snd then ‘ranafced when approval i obtained. ‘Tribunal: Me Sandra, Mastrogioseppe ws approwed at chair of Use Tena! Heating ool [Membership of Senate: Steering commitee ‘presented amendments and a table shoving ow membership woud expand fom 38 46 ‘members The expansion aimed at icreaaing the aumber ef parecine faculty and graduate students, was calibrate to presorve as cosy ‘posible the balance of fac, tents ful miminsratore Dean June Chahelsn ‘Bh te calves ageesest of he pate Une Saculp. to which Ua plan we to noles conform, had teen sted: David Vian, parttime faclty senator, sid that CTPA grea nthe pan. Dean Jory Tomo sid ho the JMS repre om Sena are ‘ete by the whole School The ler wae tabled New VP: Low induced Kathy Assay. who has assumed the new posto View Pres dent Advancement an Alin Aan "Tanaelrlie Lowy congratulated the sts ents for raising $130000 for relief in Southent Asie Security: Lowy sid that with the help of aa (lta who are slo woking on secu forthe Vancouver Olympics the univesiy ‘has Menifed relatively inexpensive wave t9 ‘upgrade the Alumai Auditorium (1110), the De Séve Cinema, the hockey arena and the (Oscar Peterson Concert Hallo accommodate conttoverial speakers. A rating system has ‘ko been adopted, engng from level one for the majority of events for which no scart measures would be neced, to level tse ‘rena, wh could lead to lence. ‘Publicity: Bob Klgour (Ars end Science said the currents of a magazize called Canad fan Tichaoogy and Business sul of stiles find advertisements for other universes, Including Canada Fund for Iovation resi ‘ents but threis no mention of Concordia He ast wy. sistant Viee Provost Truong Ve- ‘an sid the univers does aot have contd over auch conten. ‘Sppointment. Catherine Vallejo (Arts and Sconce) asked ifthe reoet appointment of “Marcel Dans to the new post of VeePres= fl Eaternal Relatons, had gone though ‘he normal procedaes, Lowy ead we pat ofan effort to separate academic adminis tore end pofesinal administrators, nd that Danis appointment ae a empl ofthe Next meat Fol Research Awards for Rakheja, Boushel Subaach Makheja, of the Department of Mechanical and lodustiil Engloeerig,a2d Febert Bousel, ofthe Department of Beer tire Scene, ate this yee roxpints ofthe ‘Conconia Univer Hesearch Soars (UBM). ‘De Hakhej i the recipient of the eelor ‘svar: Keown internationally fr hls workin fagedynamicy, he as bed wore than 230 tapers poblished and ie ofan ced around {he word tis work as recived mar pants ‘Bom NSERC IRSS, the Deprtneat of Tans port and FQRNT, ancog others. "Hei fal of the Canadian Society for Mechanienl Fnginering and of American Seely of Mechracal engnnos: He i cr rly supessing 8 grade tents Rabert Roathel wll recive the june or ‘emerging researcher. award. He began bis Career at Concorde inuly 200 and bas made remnarhable progres in. his research carer Tn 2002, he as swarded CF New Oppor- tunities evard fsesear NSERC Discovery (rant, an the FREQ Quebec Research Sch far Avard. In the same your, he vas also teardec 9 Concordia University Janice Research Chis He hae an excl pubis tion record and hae wuperised ever fraduate student Bis reetec ie fosused on eadiovancaar regulation daring axerciea Speci study op Sr A mel ont af ceodine oat snd muscle ood flow at ealevl anda high lade, and mirocieuaory blod fow di ‘whuvio during eecse ‘The ‘Iniversity Research Awards weve miabtched. im vorngnine. and. promote ‘search and crestive ati a te univer ty "They provide exch honoure wi « 35000 gant and the title of Concordia University Eecearch Fellow forone yar ‘Asc of Cer dil each wl ve a pul clear daring his Elembip, at date to ‘bedtermined | | IN MEMORIAM | | JonN Economies Concordia ota goo fiend on Jan. 19.hen Jon Neholas Economies, CM, ded at the age of 85. | "am alumane of Sit George | Willams University (BCom, 194), he pine the Royal Canadian Navy son after gadution and served in the North Atlantic (1949-1345), ‘ring wth the rank ofouteran- Philanthropist He then embarked ona long and | sucesfl carer at Imperial Toba | co and laa, Hedevoted much of ‘a eto ehaiale and non prc ie ongunizations, and sised millions ofa for eath cre soci sere tees and education. Te ceved onthe board of dines: ozs of many ceganizaians, aotbly the Kidney Foundation of Canada, fnt-was on Concordiés Board. of Govemors for 187 to 1985, when pet antl Gover nein Devoted alumnns Sie George Willan Unversity fon: 1981, and served a ite preidet he at bs rei Unter Alam Association, fom 1045 to 192, He wan vated inthe Onder of Canada in 1997 and received an honorary doctorate ‘om Concordia in 1998, Sie George and Concordia aka remained chose to hi heart, and he ‘vas arse Concordia booster He ‘Wind not to mis a Stingers footbal ‘game or any Sir George or Concorde ‘vent and the cgi elore he pas Inge attended & Concondia Sports Hall of Fame mesting He is survived by his wife, Sophia (agetoes, and sons Nicolas and Per, to whom we extend our sym patie, ‘Donations ia bie honour can be made to the John N. & Sophia Boonomides Scholarship Endow ‘ment Fund through the Concordis Office of Advancement & umn aatons | IN Memoriam | Beventey Abramovrz | er tends at Conon wee sty {oharofthedenth on Jan 1, 800 cance of Bevery Abramov AC thet of herd, he wo ter Fe pen Department of Mechanieal and Tdstial Engineering Tle rend Monica Eiasoo asd ie had lowe Bovey since 1974, | sie wocked together inthe Mate ‘matics Depatnent, Later on, she ‘worked fer the Computer Senos Deparement, then the Dea’ ofc, aid after that with CENPAEML on {he ath loro the GM Bulaing” ‘Aunasnorad eslebaton of Beer loys fee being orgunized in| | (CEXPARMI, 99 Thursday, Feb 10, om? io dpa RSPHy Pb. Sto monleaeonparmiconcordlac, 6 ox 7950, Correction In our article abou? Virginia Nixon's book: Marys Mother. we miscalelit | he year he hats been tach at ‘story at he Libetal Aes Collage She started these a 197, 17 years ago. Cur spoogis tober CONCORDIA, THURSDAY REPORT omen ad pt ‘etre im ey Noite senna iesntlment ean, Pent heen Seetne Nest issue: February 10 Singer Jeri Brown wins Martin Luther King Award Je Brown, Ansociats Profesor of Misi at Concordia Union this oar inser fhe Martin Lather ing Je Achievement Avaed,in recognition ofr contbation 1 the development of black peformlagarts and etal ite in Cara, Jot ge ttn pine ht soos fring pH $8 Lit, Mini rng time of racial segregation and oppression ince that Hine Maren tuther Kings legacy and Jer Bows caver hae grown tothe pint wee se is now being onoured inhi name. ‘Snce 199 Jes asiocation with Canaan jes label Jas Tne records as rented in alae CD releases, mest ‘f which have been nominated fra fun, In 200 sh rdcasd Image i he Miron The Triptych, tse on the make of Mion Sexe. Her elaboration ith Sealey was orton, “This 70 year-old man introduced hinsat to me after ne of my stows in Montreal” she std “He save meal bis never reored mos and he had sucha gente dnp ‘sion andthe muse wa astounding” ‘The Bud Powellinfuenced compostions were feesh and oxginal and with the addition af leis hice and a ramace aarratve, the esting one woman shew was ‘it However the ite and gnou of show bases dont eta rom Jers comitnen: to teaching, “etformaace isan extension of teaching for me’ she sic "Put of my responsibilty as a performer is to emoastrate th at form, the Ristoieal ruse hat my students lear” Jers high profile lo act asa sling point for Concor- its musi progran, “Most of my performing it done in Burope, ane whesever go Lat a an ansend for Conciedi Te Thad many studenta who vereutt aware of Concordia fore thayrhenrdme perform A aresularoe had many ett en et ed tee Bere a ith sand our program incorporates alot of difzen- Styles, om pop to Jaze and bes to diferent kinds af swe me Tm nkiton @ kechiagenging rier sti Jerks an anced Resp ale mail te Ohcar Peterson Concert Hall enue she decrbes a “eae ful" with an “impeccable sbund fo ja” This years show. running fom Api 6 to 8, will be {spa in Coloma. « modern-day version of Sophocee (diz Rex se ina church i Haslem. Or upcoming fevents include + Centralde<ponsored Caelvation of [Langton Hughes on Wednesday Feb. 2 and « C3C brad ast of es tribute to Nina Simeone The opportunity to explore music within an academic contod ene fer values. “ite wonderful tobe in an educational envzonment whore I can write ané experiment with new materia Ther nothing about teaching andl performing tht aren conf in tay world — although ebeding can some tites gt alte dificult” ‘The Vision Colebratin Fundeiser Gala, which ncldes ‘the presentation ofthe Nartn Lather King Jr Achitve rent Ava Jer Brown, swell a dsplay of arworks bby her mother Vers Shelton, willbe eld at the Oat Hotel 1050 Sherbroske St: W on Saturday, Jan. 28. For ‘more information, call 51) $82 1104 et 23, 1 Caleration of Langdon Hughes, alo oaaring a tribute 0 Dave Breck. sat Osear Peterson Concert Halon Feb 2 et Spo All proceeds sapprtConaide and tana rei operations For mare eration, cal (S18) SI ext ite cote eo ie et es bythe in Link Suounanovs 1 youte seduced by the marble beauty of clssic rete scuuptres and enchented bythe intrigues of clase Arana this year eerie Studies Lecture Series is for you Te corer the three distin! perede of rt in Greece, Zncent. Byzantine and Neoellene ‘The sere starved Jan. 2 with lecture by Nikos Had jinicolog an art history profesor rom the Univesity of (ree His tal Focused an painting in Greece ove: the past 160 year, Greek culture enriches lecture series (Mac, Lan Keri ed tonal candace ons oe Unive de Mana, _peakove yeantie ats aod onogrpi den May Bh Note Kontns an accheslgy profes: ome Un SNe ease ages ane aa errant "his the hein ofthe ese, oped by the oli tes Dt at Concordia. Se fa more her 16 thee rvs Cec US, sad Gres hae ented BE is teat et eg tines the Olympic games and rec entity. Alle etre her ben itp ade ible ee ee Helle Stud ai Nikos Means, tngine profesor the Cm sic Deptt ont tet rm at fie cree ities Wa eed patie pe stata rk clr ta the very mem rd bea ‘Metlinsd with ude that he stated cxgmiing Gesk orgniations ard sssitons wa stadt i the Sats and he hast topped sine. He ene af the fo tind in Mone of ny Mein North Aseria "hae bee nba with Sek care hei “Manon ane «BA from he Moder Stoo of The sia rts Grace ada PAD in comnreaons fn the Univers of Uh, Hel fad of Grek dena! dencng which he aught for any year ater coming 0 Canada Th Unt came ita beng 200 in esos to the going Helene comeniy ln Concordia: Now it bas Shree mn objectives oelege the asec oeing ‘lective cores on Get heme organs the ene Scien ano work> peti ih the oer ve {sin Montreal Suen on cous ene um Ue ike nay Groh Stas ater while doses nancial Grek language, Giekhistry, drama, pilosops andi trate, a wel 9g Grickor native pee "The response hom tudentehas been antic” ay Bethe petits doch bane a Grek hestage mec fro «variety of con-huraatis disciplines, Me engi neering, Aovording t Metals, tis jst proms 6 etc tclang appeal of Geek cars Paris Aenopoutoe ‘The Unit slo grants an sonal acholarsip in he Soy eeepc dae Depestaentof Bulle Seence and a generous cont lr to the Uni. The amount 91.00 avarded vo a tndergrdnte or graduate srudent not neces of “oleic erg, waked imamate iy eat ta elena ‘The Unit boda eunmer eda seins manned host tie by the Grek Ministry of Presa and Mass Media that give 20 cemmunicationstadent rom Cane- di anc the US. a weak sunny Greece "There they allen lectures and workshops presenta by Greek medis profesional vst Grek media compe les, and get a irsthend experience af the county ch ‘lure daring areelogclexcrsions "To cua forthe seminars these students have to be of Greek descent, enrolled in communications and ‘ncined toward a media caer For inte deal contact Nikos Metalines at nizsShex2concordiace of at ex 2535 ‘Among Metallinos ature prjetsis the establishment of Greck chapter of Conard Alumal Assocation, which would dia together more then 1500 Concordia ‘mai of Grek oxgin now seatered around the wed Wireless and wearable, the shirt that remembers Sot aby and agushy are ct wonds we ‘ppl se to desctbe computers Joan fi Berzerk, ar asta profesor in Digital snd Computation At, chang: ing that by creating dig medi Ot Took ke thing ad fed he ete ‘Becrowska sa cenial guia the ld of ste computation, Through the Tes: fram Nesearch Inatitate andthe XS Desig Studio, both afte with Con- cordia, she is develeping. the latest prototypss in electron textes reactive ‘maton ond agua inte, See o be a al ae aap eek ze enmpater we en weae Wear le computes ave Deen areund for Aseades and not oly necence Retin. Some, ike digital watches, are now vanse-pesdaced ead ubigitous Others Feld to make it beyond the hauteeou ne ramon or the research labs. and Fern tit ‘Adding: her eo sadergrad ogres in pure mathematics snd ne a, Herzowska completed ber MSe st MIT along with some ofthe other inara- tony in the fd. Steve Mena. the fist seltdescbed cyborg, was among ches esgnng heavy plasicor neta emiive dovces,compenents that are usualy put ina pocket o etched to jacket using Valen ‘These weasble computers “lok just lke etd computer ike a cecut board Joan ero ‘that hard and square and uacenfort fahle? Reremwskn explains For these ‘esignens. “i aboot being saperaman ‘wth ext ison, extra strength and eo ectivity. Its very much aout the rackine,andits deeb” Berzawsk feels weeable computers sould be sft The nl an tact qual ites of textile infor her work “Wee tying oreplace wires with con <ectve thread, for example, that can be ‘embroidered or woven of sen” ake sn. “lastend of soldering: something on. raphe well atitch to aly comme loner tn wha tenes ee. We dot forget about the bay” erro integrate thermachromic laments, contol elecionion and om ‘uve or eitant thread such aus te tines sta into fics ke linen ot sik The celts a textiles that change feleu pater, or texte ight up. o di plas low-esolation animations. ‘The ‘istalsdepend onthe pregrammirg ofthe Sociologist explores world of whale hunters Conca oil Katja News Gace ‘once spent a year nds alin the Azoen, Trngngexsed boss wicking vb ad cating a igs cafe ih he locals alin the nae of Bldwod sounds ke prety ld-ac ie lt se is ha she bce com ley tne th er rsh, espng omy fur haut night ad re ey sipping tothe lade roe to jot dere nator tof ht of er study evertle ke wat a onder exper ace“ goto Ines le would neve ‘teri ae a se sl ‘Neve-Gri who came to Concorla dnt july am stat prof ce Dept Slog ope a tow hops to fallow ps Unt perce by dying the wae na fngindostyineanade, She endertook her reach in the ‘Aort while d wan doog et FAD {oon She was terete la dng “st happens when people te faced ‘wl thence tobe mor cxlogeaipcn She cbecred wal can happen when ‘he goverment sep it to rege iit fd toureon tod conve develope ‘neem pape went sme re Shue In Wie cove to lid Tevoorcee inaded both whaler and The fone gop of anche slntin shew ale being Cental the conn frat ‘Mer huatng became legal tthe 1980s, people resized dey cul e+ living by taking toussts to wate Uh sperm whales fin whals gy whales and dolphin. But the community coud only feccomtindale 1 linited| aber of Teurlts the whales could only tolerate ‘cots amon of watching and competi ton bad become Bers Itbeoame evident that regulations mere nesdedortheindue ‘ay would cola, ‘Never-Graca watched tensions grow ‘berwoen those who followed certain ac ate advisors and others who lt that the lea kaorledge of the Somer whale Imunters wes bog ignered. Furthermore some people wanted fast- smaringhut nin Zain hont to ae he hurts out tothe whale, wile others ‘aid the Zoiaks seriously diseupted the linen weal wanted he ours 20 develop eau omy ui ‘These groupe ad difres to hnowiedge and t power and difeeat ‘conomic meres, Newer-Graca nts “Teo st bw people actually eam bout ecology by facing veloc Ale ‘mas" she mete, end observed that boi ‘ides earned from och thee. “Although the motiation to write these regulations wae economic the utuaion romotedinsreseed leering about esol ares abyprodect” Neve Grac nd er dy contribute oa debate Ghat hasbeen raging in the ‘cial scence forthe at thee cade ‘over whether bumane inet act on lectonios, the warp and welt of che ‘heed andingu suchas hat, sound, end physical contact. Indeed, some of the proxotypes are designed to sense ae ret to Uren ronments, Berzowslls“inttacy” shirt, and shire are pat of the Memory Rich (Gurment Project, which examines the i ferences baween buman and computer ‘memory and ak what mig for an object toremember Meeophowe Incoxporete ae ola iti cy shits t mlcophone detects the lightest wiper from fiend asta fothervin, Lights ached along the side ofthe shit dlurinate acconding to the Jitonltyof the bret, and touck sensors fm the skirt trigger” gindaal colour hngos ‘The garments foveal inmate ‘moment as they happen ‘While most of the funding im her Sl 008 to the development of mltay and Furellaace technologies, Berzowtka i aplorng the potential of electron tx ties for selPexpression and citcal ‘thought Te intimacy salts playa and eetheialyiteonting, ti alo risque on the Tits and problems of technology. “The pte ofthe atimacy ite to get peopl to reflect on hor technolgies that we wear on our bodies are redefining ‘hats pubic and whats rate” and watchers the bass of seliterest unt, ia the bsence of restrictions, they extract 50 ‘mach fom ther envionment that they tently depite al rexoures, ‘eves Giaca sald her study demon stuates uch behaviour isnt en neta prt of kumar nature, altbough this out ome can ocurifpenple rent sense to thelr envionment, or if they don develop local mechanisms to nit the ‘demands on rescues “Yau can change the dymamic by a cating people se said adding the is interned in identifying the conitons that change the cymamics so that people shit nto more simtainable relationships ‘Neves<aca wat able to apply ber a led background to her study. Her undergradcate dagree, which she obtained in Portga, sin international Felons her MA fom the University of Wester Ontario symbolic enteopol- ogy, and fer PAD fem York University i in social entzopology. In 2001 she was hired a sing estan profesor at tse eat fir Bubnolag, Ones of Huidalbasy, ‘Now tht se Las lappy sled back inCanadeandinta her nw job at Concor- ais, uke ir planning her next seenich project. Never Gracs sid the bopen 20 Study whale-watching in Nova Scotia ‘whet cllapsiag econo resources are forcing people to learn nbout ealogy ia ‘order to crentea more sstainale coon ‘ay, aad compar Ut withthe situation Inurl Qube, where people are tying ‘save thei famly farms by otchingto congenic farming methods. {manual for stadent to have an art showin New Yar but The Paper Wall » 1Dminute video by Sb and Nicholas Pye, accompanied by « body of photorapie wot, is curently beg shown athe Satyseven Galley, fn 27h Se. ewnryasengaller com) he pic shown man and wma i epaat Ded rociat 4 tin wall between Thom, A they ge thee ‘choreographed gertre including bate hod function, ‘hey communicate words with each othe: "Their emotions range from fear to dese. bt it maybe ther mutual dependence. expressed ina lovey metaphor ofbreathing —heextale, seins — tat viewer find ‘most poignent. ‘he New York show, which came about es herent of amar fain lord ae thi "Theve are more ie Sint te a te ths oth poset he eo aterin aii ge Foro: You never know what youl ind athe VAV Gallery. the ley etudet operated galery on the round oor of ‘Concord Vinal Arte Bulding, From refined paintings and photogaphato the mort eallenging conceptual rt, ‘he VAY presnte he bet of tude artist work. "Thee fat vythen tothe galery ie that away Nicholas and Sheila Pye: Together for their art sinded people [i NYC] who undentand what you're ry Ingo do? Nik xpaized "The Raper Wail won a, soar for bat expats ‘ln Toont at yar athe Worldwide Stor Fn Bes- tial, sponeord by the Canadian faim Contre, Norman Jetson fin shook. "Next month they're going to Bein forthe 2005 Bed nale, of “alent Campus" This is an alterpenses-pid sweseofurvahepaforsalacted ong mma al reste wer. "The Dyes — hs 25, 28 — mela the Ontario lege of drt and Design. Eten before thes mt. they were ‘oth making art about the bd it seemed naira to hem to make art egether “Wie can of got mace in ely” Shel ad, Iaahing “when we came back. no ane beleved that we actually didi pease es 4 Shoda gota cholership to do her Mastor’in ine ets 1 Conconics Mel eppeacin Schoo of Cinema, enc of the few acolo offer an MEA sn Bic pruacion Ne ther vas neophyte inthe Bld her background in feces. and though thelr gradcate weak hey continue tevdevslp therm prdstion skis At the ame time they axing swerything, Bary lene aE art acho alasakingly eating thei Mn sets themaches ‘forts ing featured inthe own ar. they doa. see themueles ae actors more as at objects, too of the iden driving the work While they would weleame making Tel et more widely aerssble they're unlikely to make itor commer. art not the movie Student-run VAV Gallery needs help ‘keep i fsh. Anew show i pt up every weekend, anit ‘every Tuesday evening ther average party where ft school types enjoy microbrewery bee es art and talk with tends and otber people fom Concordia and "he Mente ar werd But this yeas hind the white wal, rack ight and te Jalidoscpe of new shows, nancial stains ave kept co iectore Dora Cheney and Catia Benzsn hop pinglo sp the gly on tack The problem was tat his wa the year the VAV' wos supposed to be sell fnancig. after a neeyer ton period when funding was gadually reduced. The YVAV was nok able to come up wits such a plan, leceing Canis and Doria searbling to find faring for oper ‘nel cots an for special shows snd evens ley "Ths scrambleto hep the ale float based the ine sts Student Alliance to request that referendum be held in March for a special VAV felony fr Pine Ares st dents. Chis Goizitk, FASS president, told Thurday [spor tat he expecta sete te respond poniivey 8 (Mie iat, athe han having VAV's pattie eden ant sng for money och ea funding "wil conse duet fom, the people wo benefe fom the most fine ace ta ents” Gass eid. (Although the propored fee levy tounthes not ben ftliced,iespectedtocoveroely bse operating costs for the allry. or about 625000 ‘anone Vio deta aa) ‘Tobblp she galery gt through thi tannition yor, the Concordia Stats Union ‘generat donatad sour of. money to help meet the VAV'e operating cet FAS Gods esd, However added thatthe VAV rust nd seny tay afletonits own” (Cac and Dera sina inteview thet i i acd for ‘he gallery to develop asl inancing model Te cant operat ike a commercial gallery by gesring toveard sling ata ths coald skew the choice workin commercial dizection, A for corporate sponsorships Doria sid researching and applying for Sem canbe tie onbuming, As well, they Take serious fasuce aba Independence atthe stadert-run spe, Cava sald ‘The galery is maneging to upgride some fits. The \VAV's codinectars sud the hae secured faniing for the purchase of» $5.00 dtl projector which wil allow the aller toshow new nadia work Ads project hes begun to develop blackout sytem to Ulock ght fom the talery fo: vdoo projections ul proposal lo renovate the gallery ging te have to wat: Ihe VA eo-duector ay the was sre “wereriy crackai" and pockmatted even afer they ate replat tere, beemse ofthe constant wear ander cf mounting ‘ew shows. As wel, he oor x showing tea "The Lnoleu ike 1970s Btehen” Carls si sdaing the Noor i “sratched aud gouge” The gallery hasbeen told there willbe moueyforeaotation after the rompton of the new fine aes a engineering. "YAY boar mere Rehon Looyenga fil year St io Acts ad A Hisory adent sid he ose is can fudslaing pty on Be 12h ea wll feature a benef concer fo special programing wade scion of artwork. “The VAVs strong wilo survive, and hives one ea- son that EASA president Cire Godaiuk a confidet the “March referenda onthe fe ey wl aan "The VAV Golery is ran by students forte students and ronal boos that endenc within the fal will ‘omecutand vtcin March toshow tr apport” Gods inked, cence aes tp sau 35,2057 Student groups sour on loan repayment plan ‘The clueation minister, Plone Feld, announced anew stident oan regent plan ot Jan 12 alned at giving rll to ‘adactes when chi income ie ow. ‘Graduates vith an annual income of Jess than 25621 will have allo par of thelr ines casts covered by the over ‘Single parents wita bigher incomes ould benefit depending on her number of eileen, Studens who dont grate ‘ould also take adratage of le Aayone ‘who as mt pid of thet lean within 10, years can apply 2 have thet debt orgie- ager C8té, Saecatre Director of ‘yciment and Student Serres, calls the plan “income-sensitve’ rather than inexme-conuingen been the repay ‘ments would be sealed dawn only for thoee whose Incomes ae below the threshold, wrens students wh higher Incomes il ote asked to pay shige mapalate this poy or borers wh ae experiencing Sandal beds very ostve step Ci si. ‘When he made the announcement, eid former univernity preriden, eid the program would protect the seit rat- ings of graduates and make their Le Briefs Networking om the spot ‘The JMSB Alumni Chapter has Imanched Network for Busines. a iies of ‘ppertuniter for business alumni to engage networking “At three events fo to six nares will ‘be de to tal about ener businesses, Partispants sre asked to be prepared to talk about thelr company fora few mr tes, and not to forget thelr business ct ‘here was dinner on Ja, 19,and there wiles beakat Fe 22 and anorher ‘inner on Mech 22 ll ae atthe SGW Faculty Club a a cost 9 $30 or aoe information, eall (518) 48- 242s ex 497. You ca rier onlin, ‘unniconcoriaca/cvaalehapersins Masked this weekend ‘The Department of Theologial Studies plans to celsnate the centenary of the birth of a michloved thelogan with & _sjmpostim this wenken The ajposium i ed Heng Human ‘ma Fostmoder Context: the Conte tion of Berard Lonergan, andi wll be covsporsored with the Thomas Sore Teste. 1 par ofan international lft to ecogeize Lonergas come tons ro Ramen Catoke tought ‘The guest speakers are Cynthia Crys- dale (Cabot University of Americ), Patch Bye (Boston Clee) and Fre ‘ich Lawrence (Bunton Cally ‘The evento be el in Higa al, ‘on the Loyola Campus sie, and bes ‘case: Thal creditors in thi cae ae ot ‘the universities bct the banks ‘Stugen: groups say they dodt chink rh of Rei snoncement,becanget oes: compensate forthe cuts of S105 ‘ion in bursary program asl. “The Concord Student Union i urging students to take part in a province wide fampaiga Uiat arte Jan. 17 call, elected members of the Netional Asem by 10 times every day fr five wee “The ide is to increase pressure on tae Queber Liberal party from the inside explained CSU" VP communications Maksea Graber “We slated the campaign aginst the stosnllon eat bo the busy program, Just Semester in eonjnetion with other det sarocaions ares the omnes. ‘ekephoning Lien MNAs was effectre because Cer ina of sent within be pay to ee cut “Since the Liberals have not yet esponded in a clear fashion to sudent ‘concern, the campaign wil best up the ‘enelee The CSU has been delegated 20 MANAG ad Une gl sto ell them 10 times every day for ve wee” ‘A fact shoot provided tothe patiiat- Ingetadenta aye the average dbéloud for schon apes hese ray evning with « wine end cheese or more information, please call ext 2175, oF email Profeecor Carstine Janleeon al jmiewnialeorconcorda.ca, ele editor reads his work Michael Redhill (bow), poet py wight novelist and fimmaker wil bea reang from hie work om ride Fe. "pm. in the De Sve Cinern, 140 de Maisonneuve Hd. Wi Redill is co-editor with Meas! ‘Ondaayje ofthe teary joumel Brick His fit book of pokes, mprompta ‘eas of alan, appeate nT it ‘ort recent i Lighrosin. 20. Tis fit novel, Marzo Sloaxe, wa widely praised, und his newest work isa Calleedon of short serie Fidel. A ‘umber of Rely plays have been pro head, This reading is part of the Engi Deurtments Vriters Read at Concordia erin wil the Blue Metropole Literary ‘send Loves Caice Calege from $14.00 20 $21,500. Whereas stu- dent used to receve about $2,400 i loans fand $2400 in geah the same student ‘ow reeves $700 nouns and only $300 ingrants ‘The FQ (Pétion des utiantsles universaites du. Quéhec) sayy Quebec has money fom the federal government that has not et boon budgets, La. $20, rien for improvements tothe Canada Student Loan pregram and $73 milion in ‘ezraequalizaton payments forthe next provincial budget. They are caling fr this ‘money to be invested in student finan: ila. ‘On No 20, 10000 students tok to the streets eeoss Quebec fo oppose the cit, And the CSU plans more protests this ‘he youth wing of the governments com Quebec Liberal Paty ase denounced the government for replacing bursanes wc oan and is ugg the government toeavest in student a ‘The progam, which is Ikely o benent 15 per cent of Quebocers wth student loans or about 6010 stuets, wil cost $22 lon year staring nee Gl. By 2015, wl est $60 eli ‘The C3US Gruber coucaded, "Stadt est is rxing scrose the province cae ‘Teaching fr peace Init posible to teach peace to children ‘who have now oni war? 1A documentary wil be sorened on "Tasos, Fa. 6 rom 4 te 7 pm in the DA, Clase Theatr, in Une Hensy Hall ing Teaching Peas tx. Tma cf Wor ‘wat fled in Belgrade Vas Plas one of ix schools wher = plot project on tee edaeation ie beng eondicled ‘The crening wb intodiced by the fitmnakre, Hotty von Gp and Teresa Tn 19M, Hetty W-yearold son fen ied as seul of tulying incident. Sine then Het: president nd founder of Pacal Schools Inernatonal. Eas ‘worked in suppor scons in ereting and Iaintaiting a culture of pene, Teese ‘Meclnnes, i 2 seasoned Slmmker on soliton toseael lence, anda former fodal worker ‘Thee wl be ane cussion by sey ral Montreal) teachers and. feculty members from several Concontin po- ams, ining Crstive Arts Thebes land Art Education. The erent i part of the ongoing Peace and Conflict Rescli- tion eres. Sensoria conference called Sensory Calsctiens ‘and Dish wil be held Feb 0 and 1 a Concardia ané the Canadian Cente for “Achitectre. The event is organ by ‘the Conzrdia Senora Research Ten (CONSEIE which is based in the Deprt- rentof Sodology and Antropol ples wl ange widely inctoiey the smedern museum, post-apartheid town ships South fica and the Wosi Trade Centre The inaugural addres, “Design Comes ‘Tots Senses willbe giren by Joy Mone ‘Molnar and Frank Vodeaka, authors ot the book Senor Design, at 8 pam. on ‘Thana Feb. 10 nthe auiorim ofthe af the governments cu. snd there woud bem interest to pa ifthere were 20 debt vo bin with. Student det can ony be Iinprved by diesel aressing the pro te and einen the S105 illon Tt Tim MeSoxey. a recent Concordia st dent wh now chiro the Qube wing of the Canadian Federation of Student, Sei, "What we ned is upfront bursariet forlowincome stders, no! more eas eb deo mater bow mic wi youprvide” “Add fhe sa fa a precursor tothe having of te tition feet, MeSorley ssid“ bitry lds ee that willbe the nexstep. Wehave ses tin Astra and Bian snd coer to hoe in Ontario aid [KC In Ontario and BC bursaries have sso been completely eliminated stadents tam oly ake olan In a bre to the unrest lst yeas, Concordin proposed. lifting the tution freeze to lp cas sapped universities. I acore roe adopted by Bean snd australia whereby tion incensed td the goernmeat pays the students tation, The stadeat repays the govert- tne through the tax apse when hse Terns toa tan ee (CCA, 1920 re Bal. Adi a picun eke i fee, MIA program achicres ranking Concord John Molton School of Laine eect tay eres Coolio Dsl schol in an nlrcatiol rcs ing of MBA programe. “The Schon MBA program was ranked clghty fet in the word by the Financia Times of Lirdon — veieth fx Carat fand Second in Quebec: The eesings are Iased on a vy of la ‘The JMSB Sed withthe Unerity of Tanenti Potro Sebel of Rea th per can the highest score in Canad in a catagory of “aime achieved” the ‘vent to which sun ull ther gol Interns of "value for money” tho NSB ranked tventyalt, higher than any of the five topzanked schools (namey Har vard, Wharton, Columbia, Stnford & Tonéon Busnes Schoo, "The survey alo. highlights JMSB strong internatanal oes, with he hgh ‘st percentage of interatoral acl in (Canada, fn addition one students sxhibit superior strengths in shir ntemationl ‘moblity and internticnaexperieace. For the past co year, the program a boon ranked fifth iz Canada by the Nona est rankings of Canadian bast es choo Communicating culture ‘The Defiant Inagiaton is lecture series sponsored by the Faculty of Fine farts andthe Monteal Mussum of Fine "he next speaker all be Design Att professor HhonaKichinan Kenedy. ‘She will penkan ‘Communicating Cul ture on Friday Fe 4 at 330 pm. nthe Sve Cinema, 1400 de Maisonneuve Bird Raymond Marius Boucher: Set to take the stage 7 Se encsin the program lam technical skis evant BeuuNcate yes al ‘wth materi, equipment and consis Hon. They so have the opportny to Set designer Raymond Marius Boucher oduce a show frm start fo fale Con Juscinight beating the seage at La Sore fovdla There hoes plays telce etch es Masques this Sunday. Quebec's the term, and Boucher is design superior of tre community hosting ts 1th anual the precios ‘or gis, andthe Concordin watt ‘Theaze i rot the only amaiae for roles es en none fr be ek. whi Boucher Ue ded Macken {sige fa uactnn kara play et 2002 The Baroness and the Pg (etd ‘sao up for best production for yous, 1880s Paris, shot in a Tangacon cate sudinees and prodaced by Montrsls Média rn: Tocher isthe Sechouse designer for pen i Gee int Neth Acerca ‘at Montel Thats le Clow, the yoath- ‘Bot aad diatdouted wing ony dil focused theatre company tat produced techndlogy. Boucher wsassstant eristic Poreance et karaoke Watton by Pang Aivector to Bon Yor Os. He as lio ‘Monty on decd by Benet ermeslen, designed stage sot er the Ballet Jase do ‘he pla fellows theanioan adword ad Monta. pete re offer ea ay Boucher late space ean exiiton ‘Sh ou el cor identities — eve ball na Grande Bbotaque& Mona ‘means aging someoue eld love song. ‘The new ding, which eden as ‘Bocher ed simple blue serene to "ondary watt at to open im Ape reinforce blend tenner wold of ech oeatd ia the lobby, he exit wl dew character In developing » concept for 3 an theblstory of ational braves in Que- Sethe avoids Merl interpretations of = Maman de sa dipantion Before completing « two-year intern bec. "The mandate is to present the Playwrights work, choosing instead to Having contribatad to productions ship a the Stratford ‘Theatre Festa, trocar nf he ira” fmphasine a particar theme ov sats: arith Te Tholtre de Nogwran Monde, Ratcher graduated from Canard Boacher pane tp accent the bile tort I ken reg the poetry ofthe Tht dy Trent, and Tht Denia Design fr the Theatre honaure pagan ingly ariely of alr and edi, pt hl aletier Boucher Is Known for hs in 1968 Now as sustant profesor inthe includingpaper, ngreved dss, sulptre He alse designed the props and cos- peculiar oor treatments. fr which he same progiam, he haps studnts trough and instalation. The new space presets ‘umes forthe ply which toured Quebec has used rok far cork and e7en a vans- te proces of conception. developmen: new chllegostanaudieace hat en walk and Europe, planted garden. Howeve:itshis approach acd eazation, ‘rv the et. "The public wil be able 0 "Theis no: the fist ne Boucher has tothe enti thesia sce thal makes" "Stndents must understand prodvetion appredate the sesnographic istalation Deen reoignlzed for bis unigue and ladesign so success tealtisand the importance ofeach step” as well the archcecure of the library ‘fective desgas. Since 1995, he has ‘Set design ise very specifc medium, he said. "You have to stugsle to make isl” received three cher nominations in because you work with the script, you sure the orignal idee is malntane rt diverse catgores for Cnude Peisant+ analyze and interpret it within a space | throagh to opening iahe™ 1 Soin des Masques wil be eld Jan. ls Trt de amour, Loraine Pintle. Urytocratea spate Hedda” Gabler and Verneulexs a text another ditnens vestheauhors —Tnaddition to theatre istry, aesthetic 30 he Monument National The awards 7 theory and portiolio development, tu- ceremony will be aired ox Radio Canada. Transylvanian student shows family treasures | Cement limousine wy is ready for the hill Prove tha subject can be val ble researoh tool aswell He spproched the exit anise, ota detached researcher The esl fn deply sl efexive exhibit, Mela adrited tat igh be oantiaing the pat, but sbi way (of pproashing and understanding his ancestral story. In fact, fe necraged vistors to tach he ‘ojecta became "KH through the Senses that a petion can beter expe ‘ence the past” Mei sui is inert in preserving ‘old objeets,fbicn and sloshes vas ‘perked 199, evs chen tha a op of enzapen came eagle is ey ahi say Vaden, stunted ot the ros rondo Base and Wester Barope "The ethaegraphers. bough and Lins Snumanovn ure clout wall eupets, > nana wilh hen any ee cr it onan ald pt, sal ual ejecta Ua people pti ‘Ateoufl twoday xhBit ed My iets with Totlcate patemin de bones Maia decided to pre ‘Vaag in Tansyrmia vas set wp by woven bys greabgrendiether. serve what was left. The tral he the second-year anthropology sts" Theartfacn were accomparied by gathered he transformed into. an dent George Paal Miu on the short sarativs that told stares of exist nis owe vilge in 1996, Seventh lor ofthe Hall udinglant Mei Tamils pat, and porrajed when he vas ony 2 sears ld ved twadtional Romeaion culture and” The response to the exhibit back From his eitives atin and old way oft ten, he remimbered ae 7 Bor cherts of his. grom® grandmother” Mu rough: all of those things sonal: while looking at the atlas, Hse assembled toda! anicts for Romania lst eummer. He mid people called th pac. from the Homann vilage of hoe objects are ol gully valued During th exhibit at Concordia, Vlad here be gre up. ere an longer however, Wis melly the bright ‘The exalt focused on the peiod ‘With thie exhibit, Mein vant to cnlouts and the bemtilly woven willeertaln the wrt” sound the and of he 19th and the afte th idan that sconce should patterns chat attrac: the visitor! egnsing ofthe 0th cntury Tefen always be objective. He intended to atenton. Conus aga aay 2,208.9 Mail Room staff are wizards at guessing addresses 4 CONCORDIA /18 Cert? | PLUMBING («he sev** a x is pyockeP = ry Fay Mai oe sal Lf ght ae Rey Neil, Aan Gngl, Vice MacDongal Meth Chaplains, DoONal Edo Hatand eet age Banana 3uL0% Gibbons; Chaipeleon for Chaikelson; aboad, ut did» school i the Middle employves nnd we curently have seven, —s Giigolart for Gisdoef, Thyartes and East bee to rub tin by cling us Megal_ The level of servic, ie. deliveries, as We can guess at some of the misspled Thilo for Tats University? Ae de Maisorneave may not lower ther. bat over the last three years names Heginpidfor RegimbaldJomes ‘Ean Readsepp has bean varoualyntr- fll sipingy off the tongue of nor (ae webave been wotking hard to veil Ji fr James Jans — tut whats with preed as Eon Reydsepp, Nena udsepp, becers, but one American university may shes as porble second tine. ‘Queensway Grocery. 1455 de Maison nn Kaulatk and Erin Kandaepp. le spelled it de Maogpmineive, How mould "A renewed emphasis hes been place eave Bird? ‘works, by the way. in the Department of hey sy the, exact? on src, especialy under the Service 1 ‘These ar just some of the strange Joulsma~ sony make that ournslimn. Supervisor of in Services Des ONeill initiative [by VP Services], The yore names and addreses Vince MacDovaall ‘The student newspaper Knot a Tae aye is stall a pod uense of amour, trend ie fewer Iter going ou, but he ‘has Seen orer the years ink wos adesiod as The Tink. Ederbes- but when they do grumble, is about slop- extra dens balance that. However the “They lighten our day. especially the te the poplar interatonal association py adresses — letter adeeed to the incoming ml as deine ove the ys good ones lke Lima Lips Cambe? Mac- for older aavelles was rendered by one Deanof Concord er simpy aft name, deo the use oftechnolegy Dougall sd, That should Rave been Lina correspondents Altarostl andlocated of intertl mal wilh nating bt a oom "I would have to sey we expect ha Lipocomi “nt today, Fad «pices of inthe Dep. of Apply Human, propelly number as an adc” lenges ahead, especaly with the epeaing ‘nal Jock Lighlioue” Liane hat owe as Applied oman Scenes ‘ONall sald,“ guyshereateincedi- of the new bailing, But [KIOW We Rae is "Ten there was Une Canadian Ass for leat emembering So many names. They the suport ofour hoses x01 an ste We Tereatefew more eos whose twisted ish uae, uu Wel Browvay ad a Ineve great knowledge of the tniverssy wll beable to manage” He su thatthe logic ean be Feesied by anunderstand>ysteius labd, wut ia lock lees, curmaurity and the constant changes avergelength of erie fr mall ess ing mall deck thoet George for George to the Detective Depastanent of Putts” Una ucut bee IW years." elev tha peaks wel of the Shoe aad Lite Ted fr Ted Lite, Gone anes Concorda Univers. (OrNalses theese yup an department and people feings about ‘Cains and ene Jbbons, both for Cen" Wee working to becamebettecknown they ngcd to be 1585, we la 13 thee jul” Open House African animation Save lives Ti Sdeciep fem 19S tnt pt re le jut i pacimracal peenteict d eluaveaan x War ers with media Perce cetera Sel gallery kee Sa tones eee ae aes Taare nateprécen Pe ‘peso hg Oren Biae vl Hone ni cyl hw pea | ay acini celta ct tr et tif Wat orion on Come” the dios af te anieedly ty Buln Thy tee mandy al cececeeestemealpefel Ince lt I/D oc Ge tay cleo ety gpnta fete Comerdinn Somtrebast~ cia Minis Alteee” season, Wile traght ot pom noon iat ca ie Vcore Conte on the fe wih singy wats. Theeeoceargag paras fe thal Being inca ea rpenmttes Sa fare af tne JW. ial te ocx ered] Serdop ide awn, ekalgee Bi tops Condon Mada fiom the four faculties and the Bolling next tothe ks Stent wat shocked fnd style, Afton. Animated! Messages in. Trans-Calural School of Graduate Studies. Cntr, offers what coednator "Teo many of them senld get thom a wny te address Content ‘Admission and Student Services Joanne Spina eal fort-line come up with Uh ldea thoy Saal hates seh ae working ‘dviors wil alo beon sits Young service for scheduled and drop-in thought seu please us, bat cilden, fore] marriage ane Ott, has lad Can ‘tists can bring thelr work tthe valor ‘the iceor were like everything icimination. in prect re Fine Arts Portfolio Clinic and get ‘Besides sn abundance of else ont hee, We spin alotof “We had wondetful pce 20 pule serviow anmantrments expert focback. ‘brochures and university publies- time stersbosrding ta leach done with puppets One of the onthe prevention of HIV/AIDS. "This wear,» number of depart- tons, the Weloome Centre can them tht Aftcan things were chamclershadaspringlegdone In 195, he founded a prodac= ‘mentapocfic tours are included, provide advisors and tour guides, worth and valuable ‘ata wires, anc heis dncimi+ tion company specidlzing in the Sid Pina Greco, manager of per-Prowpectny student can seo gn Dated against by hie peers craion of television prog ‘tions end special proects atthe up fr sel-quided tour to serve Sesame Street Decese of thi log One das he feature in and anain, Office of Student Recruitment. thei speci interests soovers he avery good fot: On eda, Jan. 2 roan 1 pm ‘The Recruitment Office has Students vistingthe cente also ‘Educational cartons can be ball player beemuee of his toSpar. Kharasvril hold work: bbeenannauncing the Open House wan ts know mere about non: powerful in. Afi, In 2002, eoingy leg” shop on HIV prevention media a ferent cers the country since azademlc MMe at Concord, Sesame Srestmade word heed: Plana ate underway for use: which suerts an others an September 2004, “Aithough we Spinel sald. Speaking ta eurreat lines when t introduced the ond Africa Animated thie develop aad pitch andio-viual dont target them specially we students help, Ist Vp puppet Ka, simmer in Nairobi ‘messages promoting safer sex Ik 4 get out-otprovinee students “A Student Ambessodor is usu- on its South African show, Sovadogo it also hoping to wil beheld i the flmanination ‘andstndents ftom the US."Greeo ally present to provide a valuable TaialanSosame.In Ap, 205, premiere some af the 100 fw stud of the Mel Hoppenheim id perspective, which is an impor- Kami tlked about “edutain. atthe Aican Gin fest, part School of Cinema FB325, 1250 "Last yar we hai litle over tant component of the campus ment" atthe World Hank. of Vues dlrigue, hldin Apll, Guy ton the tied foo. ‘2000 peope visting, sowerehop- tour” 10) creees marty

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