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Preview Concordia University Magazine - December 1998 (Volume 21, Number 4)

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Greenbaum december 1998 volume 21 12 Alumni Profile: Succeeding by Design Fine Arts grad Lucie Lacava utilizes a font of ideas to become number 4 one of Canada's most sought-after newspaper designers. by Daniel McCabe 16 Community Minded Grassroots leaders and activists eagerly await Concordia's new Graduate Diploma in Community and Economic Development. by Sylvain Comeau 22 A CASE for Excellence Concordia and its alumni reap the benefits of membership in advancement organizations CASE and CCAE. by Howard Bokser 24 Taking it to the Next Level Cover: Participants enjoy Homecoming '98 (clockwise from top left): Shufflers Michael Lennane, BA 91, GrDip 96, and Dean Despite a shortage of fellowships, Concordia grad studies are Nabil Esmail of Engineering and Computer Science; Wendy and overabundant on innovation and distinction. Tom Guay, L BA 68, at the EXTRAvaganza; at the Rector's Dinner, the Hon. Madame Justice Pierrette Sevigny, JS.C., L BA by Patrick McDonagh 67, and Leonard Ellen, and Archive's Caroline Sigouin with Anita Hayes; and Yvan Cournoyer thrills two fans at the Family Skate. departments PHOTOS BY CHRISTIAN FLEURY 3 The Editor's Voice The behind-the-scenes folks made Homecoming a hit. Concordia University Magazine is published four times a year by an editorial board for alumni and friends of 4 Letters/Media the University. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the alumni Leonel/Roque and Montreal Up Close. associations nor of the University. 6 History ISSN 0706-1005 Depot legal: Biblioth~que nationale du Quebec. David Bercuson reminds us of forgotten Canadian history. ©1998. Printed in Canada. 7 Concordia News Please address editorial correspondence to the Editor, Howard 8okser, Office of Governors pass a much-needed long-term space plan. Alumni Affairs, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., BC-101, 27 EXTRAvaganza/Homecoming '98 Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8; telephone: (514) 848-3826; fax: (514) 848-2826; Concordians bid "welcome" to a weekend of amusement. e-mail: [email protected]. Web site: http://alumni.concordia.ca/magazine 30 Association News For advertising information, contact Chapter highlights; Liberal Arts College reunion. Leisha LeCouvie at (514) 848-3819. EDITORIAL BOARD 33 Class Acts Ann Vroom, chair. Howard Bokser, editor. Members: Barbara Black, Terri Foxman, Class Acts; In Memoriam, Kudos, Coming Events. Christopher Hyde, David Lank, Julia Malusky, Sandra-Lynn Spina, Claude St. Amour, James Stewart. 39 From the Archives DESIGN Winter fun. Concordia Marketing Communications Christopher Alleyne, Marcello Rodi 40 The Last Word STUDENT INTERN Tokunbo Ojo The editor laments the tactics of Quebec's angry-phones. ~.. ·· Concordia ~ U NIVERSITY For an annual $35 fee (including taxes), eligible alumni can receive the following benefits. UNIVERSITY BENEFITS Library• Vanier Library (Loyola Campus) 848-7770 • Webster Library (Sir George Williams Campus) 848-7706 Audio Visual • Administration Building #105 (Loyola Campus) 848-3465 • Hall Building #341 (Sir George Williams Campus) 848-3434 Computer Store• Educational pricing on Toshiba laprops 848-7665 Centre for Continuing Education • (Sir George Williams Campus) 848-3600 Child Care Centre • Garderie Concordia 848-8789 Legal Information Services • Central Building (Loyola Campus) 848-4960 Counselling and Developm • t • Loyola Campus 848-3555 • Sir George Williams Campus 848-3545 • Career and Placement 848-7345 Sports Medicine Centre Loyola Campus 848-3317 ■ Stingers Varsity Sports Games • Loyola Campus 848-3850 FITNESS BENEFITS Gym Tech• I 050 Sherbrooke St. West 514-284-11 JO■ Nautilus Plus• Information 1-800-363-6763 Nationwide Recreation Facilities • Information 514-848-3819 YMCA• Information 514-849-8393 ext. 734 ■YWCA• Information 514-866-9941 INSURANCE BENEFITS* Home and Auto Insurance/Health and Dental Insurance• Meloche Monnex 1-800-361-3821, 514-384-1112 Life Insurance • Manulife Financial 1-800-668-0195 TRAVEL AND LEISURE National Tilden Rent-a-Car• Information J-800-387-4747 ■ Le Westin Mont-Royal Hotel• Information 1-800-228-3000 Centaur Theatre • 453 Sr. Francois Xavier 514-288-1229 ■ Magazine Subscriptions • Information 1-800-968-1747 TELECOMMUNICATIONS* ACC Long Distance and Internet • Information 1-888-274-7919 ■ Clearnet Digital Phones • Information 514-848-3819 FINANCIAL* llarik o Montreal Maste art\• n ormafion "\-"514-877-i3u'5 f'or more in ormation on these or any Concordia Alumni Card application ID other alumni services, please contact us at: Telephone: 514-848-3818 Fax: 514-848-2826 E-mail: [email protected] To apply for Alumni Gold please return this form with a cheque or money order (credit card orders not accepted) for $35 •H>--~----- TEL TEL. (W) ________ (including taxes) to: Concordia University Officeo f Alumni Affairs, DEGREE._ ___ GRADUATING YEAR _____M AJOR ___ 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Suite BC 101, Montreal, Qc H3G 1M B. PRE-1974: 0 SGW O LOY The Alumni Gold identification card may be revoked by Concordia University at any time. ID NUMBER_....:_:_...:.:.._ ________________ * Alumni Gold not required. Please remember to send $35 with this application In person - havey our card done while you wait: Concordia University Office of Alumni Affairs, 1463 Bishop FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: SRK ENTERED O DATE _____ _ _ Street, Room BC-101, Montreal, Qc . the , E QfS 01ce Song for the unsung s many of you know, Concor Molson Centre people, as well as handle dia hosted a triumphant Mol the endless logistics. The colossal un son Centre EXTRAvaganza dertaking not only had Cindy spending t,'/-!OS~ Ht on Saturday, September 26 evenings and weekends at work in the (our cover story). A gang of 51{]. "BUT IS preceding weeks but also took up most 1 900 Concordia alumni and 1A\S T~f- of the time of the other Alumni Office friends watched les Canadiens fall to .:reu staff, including director Ann Vroom MlS~ PiV ? r. the Leafs in an exhibition match, in fl.es TAUAAN and Gabrielle Korn, Leisha LeCouvie, cluding 300 gala participants who Janine Lavallee and Maria Ponte. milled in and out of the Mise au Jeu Special mention must also go to Sarni restaurant while savouring the food Antaki and Pina Greco of Concordia's and drink and ogling the silent and live campaign office for their extra efforts, auction items. Within a few hours after to Sara Morley and Salvatore Barrera of game's end, a trove of hard-to-get trea Productions Jeux d'Ombres for their sures - including my favourite, a 21- entertaining multimedia presentations, day jaunt on the tall ship Concordia and, of course, to the dozens of volun had been auctioned off for bargain teers. Congrats too should go to Shuffle prices (relatively speaking), contribut co-coordinators Andrea Segal and ing almost $100,000 to the Concordia Chris Mota, chair Irvin Dudeck, University AJurnnj Association, which was the behind-the-scenes energy ex Annual Giving director Laura Wells will include that money as part of its pended. Each event required numerous and their volunteer commjttee, who gift to Concordia's Campaign for a New volunteers, and the skate and EXTRAv pulled off a spectacular event (and Millenruum. aganza demanded an army of helpers, great weather) the day before. The EXTRAvaganza officially con many of whom stayed past midnjght. Kudos to you all. (t cluded Homecoming weekend, which The EXTRAvaganza planning commit had included a fond reunion dinner, a tee, capably co-chaired by Michael Howard Bokser, Editor, MBA 1985 brisk Concordia Shuffle, a Can-Am Minkoff, Cornelia Molson and Tom football game, a lively seminar on sex in Guay, spent months conceiving and ~~ the '90s and a straight-shooting lecture preparing for the gala, which would by Diane Francis of National Post (no not have been possible without the The, we were informed). On Saturday largesse of the donors or Canadiens afternoon, a few hundred children and head man Ronald Corey, who also ~Qij~Qf.~,~~ parents (who were as thrilled as their chairs Concordia's capital campaign. kids) joined the Family Skate on Mol The EXTRA vaganza marked the most D son Centre ice, many posing for auto ambitious event in the CUAA's history. graphed snapshots with Canadiens The day was won, and the Association, Concordia University Magazine welcomes readers' comments. Letters should include old-timers Yvan Cournoyer and Pierre led by presidents past and present the writer's full name, address, school(s), Bouchard. The ex-Habs each sat for Michael Di Grappa and Elaine Arse degree(s) and year(s) of graduation for about an hour-and-a-half, warmly nault, deserves praise. A good deal of alumni. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Correspondence should be chatting with fans or gently holding the credit must also go to Concordia's sent to the Editor, Office of Alumni Affairs, young ones on their knees as bulbs Office of Alumni Affairs. The Alumni Concordia University, 1455 de flashed in their eyes, never once waver Office's Cindy Hedrich was the Home Maisonneuve Blvd. W., BC-101, Montreal, Que., H3G 1M8. Fax: (514) 848-2826, ing. Classy guys, both. coming coordinator, an apt title be e-mail: [email protected] Homecoming, to all eyes, was a strik cause she had to coordinate co-chairs, http://alumni.concordia.ca/magazine 3 ing success. Less conspicuous, however, volunteers, consultants, fellow staff and concordia university magazine december 1998 Thanks, Mag we have an Adopt also manage and I was moved a great deal to A Reader program support one high see Magnus Flynn's photo in that goes beyond tech classroom on the June issue of Concordia teaching basic read the SGW campus University Magazine. Back in ing skills to provid and are currently de the '50s, equipped mainly ing children in veloping a second at with a strong desire to obtain need with mentors. Loyola. We are in a degree in the daytime from It is a program sup volved in the devel Sir George, I was initially in ported by commu opment and terviewed by Mag Flynn. nity members of all maintenance of most When informed that I had ages and is ex other technology no money, was uncertain tremely rewarding. equipped classrooms that I was university-level I would go so far as in the school, and material and was willing to to suggest that uni can provide tempo work but needed a job, Mag versity students rary setups, video took charge. He told me not who have benefited conferencing, to worry about up-front from support such satellite feeds, train money, got me a job working as you describe ing, development for Henry "G" (Worrell), and should consider services, and consult immediately arranged for providing the same ing on a wide variety placement testing. at the lower educa John Woodrow amid just some of IITS's computer of technologies. equipment. Yes, I am a BA from Sir tional levels. It Sound like a lot? We George whose life was im could result in not also manage the Uni- measurably enriched ac only lifelong satisfaction for these services either do, or versity telephone network cordingly. Thank you, Sir the givers, but also lifelong will, rely. and the voice-mail system, George and God bless you benefits for the receivers. IITS was created in Febru- and provide systems support richly, Mag Flynn. Richard Gagnon, L BCom 74 ary 1998 out of a merger of for the main administrative George Staples, S BA 57 Commissioner - Eastern the Audio-Visual Depart- applications in Concordia. Chapin, S.C. Townships School Board ment and Computing Ser- While it's always uplifting Knowlton, Que. vices. The department to read of future plans and Worthy Cause installs and manages the goals, l feel your magazine Regarding the Editor's Voice IITS's role high-speed data network could also give at least pass- "Students 'R' Us" (Septem It was simultaneously en- and Internet connections, ing mention to a group of ber '98), you are among couraging and disappointing manages more than 300 people who have made all of many who are reaping the to read the article "Techno computers in student labs, this work for at least the last rewards of helping students U" (September '98). The ar- supports about 18,000 stu- 30 years. Technology is not with their learning process. tide quotes our deans and dents using e-mail, the new to Concordia. We have Unfortunately, the student others stressing their com- World Wide Web and other a dedicated, skilled and hard population has a greater ap mitment to the use of tech- online services, operates two working group who have petite for help and learning nology in teaching and their sound studios, two media kept it all going in the past, than there are dedicated in individual efforts and initia- labs, two learning labs, two are ensuring it still works in dividuals to provide them tives in this area. The article language labs, a complete the present, and expect to be with the support they need fails to make any mention of TV studio, coordinates five a big part of whatever hap- and cannot otherwise get. Concordia's Instructional telecourses on Canal-Savoir, pens in the future. This extends from the and Information Technol- manages a substantial library John Woodrow, S BSc 71 university level right down ogy Services (IITS), which of visual media resources for Director, Instructional and 4 to kindergarten. At Knowl provides the majority of the teaching, and operates four Infonnation Technology ton Academy in Lac Brome, infrastructure on which fully equipped cinemas. We Concordia University december 1998 concordia university magazine Exception taken the aboriginals? No, Mr. North and South In Milan Miletic's article LachapeUe, don't try to fluff "To Be or Not to Be" (Sep the elderly ex-Quebecers Like tember '98), Mr. myself or other Quebec ex With a copy of Montreal LachapeUe's political lean patriates that Quebec has Up Close: a pedestrian's ing are very obvious. His been and presently is a guide to the city (Cu answers are couched in a model democracy. If you are mulus Press, $12.95) in contrived "essence of rea sugar coating ideas of sepa hand, Montrealers and sonableness," learned from ratism and are dispensing visitors alike will find lQ uebec Minister of Cul them to your students, Mr. many hidden and ture] Lise Beaudoin, no LachapeUe, then I think your wonderful treasure doubt. He ay , "I don't employer should have every while walking think that Quebec wiU go right to fire you from your through Old Mon through a period of political teaching position without treal and the down or economic instability if it fear of reprisal, if the Quebec town area. The separates. Thing were quite government is as democratic authors of this 76- table here for the last 20 as you say it is. You will find, page book, David year ." Oh yes, Mr. Mr. LachapeUe, that if Que Widgington, BA Lachapelle, Quebec has al bec does take it upon itself 90, and Concordia ways been the example for to eparate, you will not sail creative writing political and economic sta through it with quite politi master's student bility. Nothing Like a good cal and economic stability. Kirk Johnson, show you the riot every St-Jean Baptiste Remember also that this The English poet and critic way to the history, architec Day or during Winter Car Canada belongs to all its citi Samuel Coleridge once ture and art of the multicul nival. How about your pa zens who are all entitled to a stated that whenever you tural city, aided by maps and rades with aU their ethnic say in whether you separate find a entence mu ically photos and Lively descrip tension ? How about the or not. " worded, of true rhythm and tions. A great companion for way your "democratic" Douglas Ross, S BSc 64 melody, you'U find some those seeking Montreal's Quebec government handle Qualicum Beach, B.C. thing deep and good in the heritage. " meaning, too. The aim of - Tokunbo Oja Jim Smith, MA 81, is to bring meaning through To err is human ... graduation time roUs the power of poetry to around, [students] decide two political heroes of Although I make every whether they want a BSc Latin America, Leonel effort to ensure accuracy, or a BFA." In fact, stu Rugama and Roque the September '98 issue dents must decide when Dalton. In Leonel included these editorial they enter the program /Roque (Coteau Books, errors: whether they want a BCSc $11.95), a coUection of • The author of the VRML or a BFA. poetry, Smith pays elo program ]11nnita's World, • In the Editor's Voice, I quent tribute to these which graced our cover, is wrote that writer Milan bards who through Louis-Perpifian Huard, Miletic is from Sarajevo their work fought polit not Louis-Paul Huard, as - he's actuaUy from Bel ical and economic op reported grade, Serbia. pression in Central • "When Worlds Collide" America and paid the reported that "when - Howard Bokser price for it with their 5 young live. concordia university magazine december 1998 Forgotten History BY DAVID )AY BERCUSON took place in the fall of 1944. The dragged the wounded, and some of the first is the Con cription Crisi which dead, of their sister regiments to safety. David fay Bercuson, SBA 66, is a profes almost brought down Canada's In that 24 hours, 28 young Canadians sor of history and director of the Strategic wartime government before it listened from Quebec and Alberta were killed, Studies Program at the University of Cal to the majority and to Canada's military and 90 were wounded. The dead were gary, and is the author of more than 30 leaders, and in November 1944 began buried, and lie today, in tl1e Canadian books. On June 12 he received an hon sending men overseas who had been War Cemetery at Bergen-op-Boom orary doctorate from Concordia's Faculty drafted earlier in the war for home about 100 kilometre or so to the east. ofA rts and Science. The following is an defence service. Much of French Anyone who ever loses faith in the excerpt from his address. Canada was outraged, believing that moral strength of the Canadian people the government broke an oft-repeated should walk through a Canadian War ur cow1try continues to face a promise not to conscript men for ser Cemetery. Our war dead are not struggle for the survival of the vice overseas. grouped by language, by religion, by nation as we know it. Part of The second is that of the Fifth Cana birthplace or by rank. They lie as they the fault for this situation rests dian Infantry Brigade and its bloody fell, broiliers in arms, comrades in on the leeway the secessionists and ultimately unsuccessful effort to deatl1, wit11 stone markers bearing were given by a generation or cros a small bit of ground known as crosses or Stars of David, ilieir names, more of Canadians - and no one was the Walcheren Causeway in the western their ages, their ranks, their units and more guilty than 1-for whom the his Netherlands. That effort took place in ilie maple leaf of Canada. tory of Canada wa only a story of con the penultin1ate moments of the most The story of the Fifth Brigade at flict, the sooner ended, the better. important Canadian victory of World Walcheren was repeated almost every The real picture is much more com War II-the Battle of the Scheidt day of ilie war as Canadians entered plex. For every negative in our hi tory, Estuary. combat on the land, at sea and in ilie there has been at least one positive, and The Fifth Brigade was composed of air, but little is known about it. for every conflict, the Calgary High Because ilie war story taught to the doing of great landers; tl1e Regi young Canadians in high schools and deeds together, as a ment de universities today is almost always a people. If we don't Maisonneuve, who story of domestic strife - of conscrip know our past, our called Montreal's tion, of}apanese internment, of strikes ignorance endan old Craig Street Ar - tl1e oilier story, of having done a gers our nation. If moury home and great thing together as a people on a we willfully ignore who were francoph battlefield, is lost. To most people who our past, we serve one, mostly from St. research, study and write about history the interests of Henri and east-end in iliis country today, all wars are those who would Montreal; and the abominations, so none can be taught tear us apart. Black Watch, who about, even this war against abomina Of all the great came from the tion. Thus a massive and very impor things we have other side of Mount tant part of our history goes untold. If it done together as a Royal, from the is untold, it is unlearned, and then it people, none rivals heart of English has noiliing to teach us. David Bercuson receiving his Arts the effort Canada and Science honorary doctorate at Place speaking Montreal. Memory joins people together. His put forward half a des Arts. The Brigade at- tory also joins people of a nation. Not century ago, in tack was launched always in agreement. Not always in har World War II, to help defeat the great on the morning of31 October 1944. mony. But wit11 a notion of what has est evil the world has ever known. There Every square centimetre of the cause been done in the past, and how ilie past 6 are two things especially noteworthy way was covered by German fire. As is prologue for ilie present, and how it about that war effort, both of which each regiment was forced back, they may be preparation for the future. \9 december 1998 concordia university magazine Governors approve Concordia's master space plan BY GABRIELLE KORN study, according to Rector Frederick Lowy. oncordia's board of governors He admitted that the unanimously approved, on Oc lack of an approved tober 21, a long-term space plan has hindered the plan that will permanently es University in its acade tablish the natural sciences, mic and fundraising ef commwucation studies, jour forts. nalism and performing arts on the Loy In the document ti ola Campus. The governors also agreed tled "Development of a Long to study the creation of a college for the Term Space plan for Con humanities and social sciences on the cordia University: A Report Loyola Campus, an amendment to the on Progress to Date," the motion proposed at the instigation of general goals of the space the Loyola Alumni Association and its plan are spelled out: supporters. • to provide state-of-the-art According to the plan - approved in space for Concordia's teaching, These maquettes, authored by Lemoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes, depict what principle - a new science facility on research and recreational pro Concordia's proposed engineering, computer the southwest corner of the campus, grams and an optimal learning science and fine arts building downtown (top) and bordering Sherbrooke St. West and environment for students natural sciences building at Loyola (bottom) could West Broadway, along with a renovated • to facilitate synergies among re look like in a few years. Drummond Science Building, will lated areas hou e the departments of biology, • to pernut the most efficient and effective ties Planning Committee. These inde chenustry and biochemistry and some use of space and to nunimize travel time pendent reviews were the basis of sub of psychology. The humanities and so between the two campuses missions to tl1e senate, board, and tl1e cial sciences will be centred on the Sir • to contribute to the revitalization of board's real estate comnuttee. A num George Williams Campus. Likewise, a Montreal. ber of plans were considered before the new facility on the York Theatre site Once implemented, about 20 percent board approved the science scenario, bordering St. Catherine and Mackay of the University's full-tin1e student also known as "Option A." streets will be integrated with the exist population will be able to learn, live and With plan in hand, the University ing Guy Metro Building to accommo play on the Loyola Campus. This figure must now overcome financing and pri date commerce and adnunistration, almost doubles the current full-tin1e oritizing challenges. According to Garry engineering and computer science, the population at Loyola and greatly re Milton, executive director of the Rec visual arts, art history and art therapy. duces students' need to commute to the tor's Cabinet and author of the space The Lonergan and Science colleges will Sir George Campus. planning document, the plan will be be located on the Loyola Campus, while In the fall of 1997, the Rector struck a carried out over a 10-15 year period. the Liberal Arts College, the School of Task Force on the Revitalization of the Before each phase is implemented, "we Community and Public Affairs and the Loyola Campus, chaired by governor need to go back to the board for ap Simone de Beauvoir Institute will re Lillian Vineberg, which presented its proval of funding within the context of main on the Sir George Campus. Loner findings in April 1998. However, the tl1e whole plan," Milton says. gan College, in addition to being the mandate of the task force was restricted The process to implement phase one centre responsible for the cluster of hu to the Loyola Campus, and it became has begun, including dealing with vari manities and social science courses at clear a space plan needed to include the ous architectural, zoning and, espe Loyola, may serve as home base for in entire University. cially, funding issues. Milton expects terdisciplinary Arts & Science programs. Each faculty conducted personnel, these to soon be cleared, and he says, The long-term space plan follows two potential student enrolment and space "By June l, we hope to have the first 7 years of' top-down and bottom-up" planning reviews, guided by the Facili- shovel in the ground." " concordia university magazine december 1998 celebrat 00 Concordia Shuffle Sponsors The Concordia University community wishes to thanks the August 1999, through Convocation June 2000, following Concordia Shuffle sponsors: Concordia will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary. External Galerie de Bonsai The Concordia 25th Anniversary Committee is looking to APpepplsei- CCoolma pCuatenra (dCaa nada) MThoeli vMoosn Rtreesatla Muruasnet um of Fine Arts the university community to provide ideas for special Carlson Wagonlit Sono Video Delta Airlines Hotel du Pare activities to mark this important date in our history. ICON of Canada Coty Inc. Norko Travel Acier Vaudreuil Steel Inc. Together, let's help Concordia approach the next Le Centre Sheraton Sherlock's quarter-century in an innovative and exciting manner. TotalNet Ressources Graphiques YMCA Montreal Centre de Beaule Santa Lyne All ideas submitted will be considered. Le Chateau Versailles Giroux A box of 25 fine chocolates from Cafe Toman will be Les Services Environnementaux Eggsriectations Restaurant Delsan-AIM Inc. Typhoon Lounge awarded for each of the 25 best submissions. Nelson Garage Basha Restaurant Canbec Open Storage Solutions Please submit your entries by January 25, 1999, to: lnphoson Vehicule Press The Concordia 25th Anniversary Committee Vogue Limousine Budget Rent-a-Car Quebec Internal 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., BC -201 Benoit Latulippe Traiteur Concordia Computer Store email: [email protected] fax 848-8765 Caesar's Pub Concordia University Bookstores CAM Internet Concordia University Part-time or drop them off at the security deskRsn in the Hen!ry F. Canderel Group Faculty Association cHaoll Bumilding oir Laoyol'as Adm inistration Building. Centaur Theatre Physical Resources The Montreal Thistle Curling Club Centre for Continuing Education Chateau Royal Hotel Suites For more information: www.concordia.ca Printing Services Place des Arts Instructional & Information Les Gravures Garn Inc. Technology Services Spenova Construction Thursday Le Piment Rouge Concordia University Professional mon centre d'affaires Employees Union Construction Brunori Sodexho Marriott Marketing Joanisse Concordia Sports Medicine and Communications Multitherapy G.I.L. Ma~onnerie Department of Chemistry & Les Industries LJB Biochemistry Become a Mentor! Why not share your "real life experience" with a student or fell ow alumnus/ a seeking career or graduate school advice? Mentoring is a mutually rewarding experience and invaluable service. Sign me up! (Check as many boxes as you wish) Put me down to mentor in the following area(s): I wish to Mentor one or more current students (career/graduate school guidance). mentor □ New! I wish to Mentor a fellow alumnus/a (career transition/networking). Newl I have access to the Internet and wish to become a Cyber-Mentor (confidential on-line searchable database with on-line Mentor and "mentee" registration). programme Name: __________________________ Degree, year of graduation and major ________________ Title ___________________________ Company _________________________ Business Address _______ ________________ For more information, City __________________P rovince ______ e-mail Maria Ponte at Postal Code ________________________ [email protected] E-mail __________________________ or call at, 1514) 848-3825 Business Tel: ____________.B usiness Fax: _______

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