CONCESSION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT NO. MWAA-5-15-C001 BETWEEN METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTHORITY AND ____________________________________ FOR MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE PARKING AND SHUTTLE BUS CONCESSION AT RONALD REAGAN WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT July 1, 2015 Table of Contents Page ARTICLE 1. CONTRACT TERM ................................................................................... 1 Section 1.01 Contract Term Section 1.02 Contract Year Section 1.03 Option Period ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 2 ARTICLE 3. PREMISES AND OPERATING EQUIPMENT ........................................ 3 Section 3.01 Premises Section 3.02 Vehicles and Operating Equipment Section 3.03 Use of the Authority’s Premises and Operating Equipment ARTICLE 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR ...................... 7 Section 4.01 Contract Obligations Section 4.02 Public Parking Operational Requirements Section 4.03 Parking Rates & Waivers Section 4.04 Shuttle Bus Services and Management Section 4.05 Maintenance Responsibilities of the Contractor Section 4.06 Employees and Staffing Section 4.07 Operations and Procedures Manual (“Manual”) Section 4.08 Contracting Activities Section 4.09 Advertising, Public Relations, and Information Distribution Section 4.10 Procedures for Reporting Accidents and Notification of Injury, Theft, Fraud or Damage Section 4.11 Coordination with the Contractor’s Executive Office Section 4.12 Transition: Contract Commencement and Contract Close-out Section 4.13 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Page ARTICLE 5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY ....................... 24 Section 5.01 Authority’s Maintenance Obligation Section 5.02 Administration of the Contract Section 5.03 Authority’s Shopping Service Section 5.04 Loss of Business and Right to Maintain Airport Section 5.05 Right of Inspection by the Authority ARTICLE 6. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION ............................................................ 25 Section 6.01 Authority Funding: Operating and Change Funds Section 6.02 Operating Budget Section 6.03 Books and Records Maintained by the Contractor Section 6.04 Audit and Inspection of Records Section 6.05 Revenue Collection and Deposit of Operating Receipts Section 6.06 Reimbursable Expenses Section 6.07 Accounting and Operating Reports Section 6.08 Management Fee Section 6.09 Semi-Annual Performance Reviews; Annual Performance Incentive Fee Award ARTICLE 7. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE ............................................................ 45 ARTICLE 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE ............................................. 46 Section 8.01 Indemnification Section 8.02 Insurance ARTICLE 9. ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS ....................................................... 49 Section 9.01 Environmental Definitions Section 9.02 Compliance with Laws and Use of Hazardous Materials Section 9.03 Disposal of Oils, Batteries, Solvents and Hazardous Materials Section 9.04 Release of Hazardous Materials Section 9.05 The Contractor's Responsibility for Environmental Costs and Damages Section 9.06 The Contractor’s Indemnification of the Authority Section 9.07 Scope of Responsibilities Section 9.08 Underground Storage Tanks Section 9.09 Effect of Other Terms and Conditions of the Contract Section 9.10 Air Quality Section 9.11 Water Management Requirements ARTICLE 10. AIRPORT CONCESSIONS DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (ACDBE) PARTICIPATION .......................................... 54 ARTICLE 11. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION .......................................................... 56 ARTICLE 12. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ..................................................................... 59 ARTICLE 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS ....................................................................... 61 EXHIBITS A. Premises, Facilities and Operating Equipment (and related operational documents) A-1 Parking Lot Maps A-2 Facility Maps A-3 Operating Equipment Assigned For the Use of the Contractor A-4 Shuttle Buses leased to the Contractor A-5 Service Vehicles Assigned For the Use of the Contractor A-6 Shuttle Bus Routes A-7 Shuttle Bus Lease B. Operations & Maintenance Responsibilities (Matrix) B-1 Maintenance Matrix of the Facilities B-2 Maintenance Matrix of the Surface Lots B-3 Maintenance Matrix of the Parking Access Revenue Control System B-4 Maintenance Schedule Vehicles C. Contractor’s Approved Operating Budget D. ACDBE Concession Program Forms D-1 Monthly Report on Participation (Goods and Services Expenditures) D-2 Monthly Report on Participation (Management Fee and Operations Costs) E. Statement of Net Operating Receipts and Net Due F. Standard Provisions G. Authority Directives G-1 Property Assets Management, Directive BA-001A G-2 Motor Fleet Management, Directive BA-002 G-3 Travel Policy, Directive FI-004, Change 1 H. Contractor’s Proposal (to be added following Contract award) I. Collective Bargaining Agreement J. Draft “Manual” (to be added following Contract award) K. Authority Designated Banking Account CONTRACT FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE PARKING AND SHUTTLE BUS CONCESSION AT RONALD REAGAN WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT CONTRACT NO. MWAA-5-15-C001 This Contract is made by and between the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (“Authority”), 1 Aviation Circle, Washington, DC 20001-6000, for Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, and Contractor, whose address is ___________, (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”); W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the Authority is a body corporate and politic created by interstate compact between Virginia and the District of Columbia, with the consent of the U.S. Congress, and has been given the responsibility for the operation, maintenance, protection, promotion, and development of Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington Dulles International Airports; and, WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that the management and operation of the parking and shuttle bus concession at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (“Airport”) is best accomplished under a management contract; and, WHEREAS, the Authority’s Board of Directors has concurred with Authority’s Management recommendation to award Contract No. MWAA-5-10-C001 (“Contract”) to the Contractor and has authorized the Authority’s President and Chief Executive Officer, or his designee, to enter into this Contract on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto, for and in consideration of the terms, conditions, and covenants contained herein, hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. CONTRACT TERM Section 1.01 Contract Term The Contract Term shall commence on July 1, 2015, and continue through June 30, 2018, subject to earlier termination as provided herein. Section 1.02 Contract Year For the purpose of this Contract, “Contract Year” shall mean the period beginning from July 1 each year and ending June 30 of the next year. Public Parking and Shuttle Bus Concession at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Contract No. MWAA-5-15-C001 Page 1 of 63 Section 1.03 Option Period The Authority, at its sole discretion, may extend the Contract Term for up to two (2) option periods of one (1) year each (each an “Option Period”). The Authority shall notify the Contractor in writing whether it intends to exercise an Option Period by no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Contract Term. If both of the Option Periods are exercised by the Authority, this Contract shall expire June 30, 2020. ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS In addition to terms defined elsewhere in this Contract, the following terms, for the purpose of this Contract, shall have the meanings set forth below: (a) “Contractor’s Corporate or Executive Office Representative” means senior management personnel who are familiar with the terms and conditions of this Contract and who are authorized to negotiate on the Contractor’s behalf and execute agreements in connection with the parking and shuttle bus concession. (b) “Change Funds” means the amount of cash on hand provided by the Authority for cashiers and Pay-on-Foot machines to be able to provide change to customers. (c) “Operating Receipts” or “Revenue” is the total for all parking sales and other sales of goods and services, whether paid for by cash, credit, or otherwise, except amounts authorized by the Authority for credit and refund to customers. (d) “Monthly Certified Statement” means the monthly financial report prepared by the Contractor in accordance with Section 6.07(a) and submitted to the Authority, which details the Operating Receipts, Operating Funds, and the Contractor’s Reimbursable Expenses. (e) “Non-Allowed Expenses” include any other Contractor expenses that do not fall within the scope of Reimbursable Expenses. The Contractor shall pay for all Non-Allowed Expenses out of its own funds. (f) “On-Site Management or Personnel” means staff located at the Airport who are employed solely in connection with the Contractor’s performance of the Parking and Shuttle Bus concession at the Airport. (g) “Operating Budget” means the total of the Contractor’s Reimbursable Expenses anticipated to occur for each Contract Year. (h) “Operating Equipment” means the Parking Access Revenue Control System, the fleet of shuttle buses, support vehicles, and other equipment lease or purchased by or assigned for the use of the Contractor by the Authority as specified in Exhibit A attached hereto. (i) “Operating Funds” means the money advanced by the Authority to the Contractor’s bank account established pursuant to Section 6.02(a) for anticipated reimbursable expenses used to support the operation of the parking and shuttle bus concession. Public Parking and Shuttle Bus Concession at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Contract No. MWAA-5-15-C001 Page 2 of 63 (j) “Operations and Procedures Manual (Manual)” means the Contractor’s policies, practices, and procedures governing all aspects of the management and operation of the parking and shuttle bus concession reflected in the Manual as specified in Section 4.07 and Exhibit J attached hereto. (k) “Premises” means collectively the space on the Airport consisting of public and employee parking and shuttle bus facilities and offices assigned for use by the Contractor for the management and operation of the parking and shuttle bus concession as specified in Section 3.01 and Exhibit A attached hereto. (l) “Reimbursable Expenses” include: expenses actually paid by the Contractor in connection with its operation of the parking and shuttle bus concession, as defined in Section 6.06, including (1) Expenses paid pursuant to the approved Operating Budget; and (2) Expenses not included in the Operating Budget that are approved separately by the Authority in writing and further defined in Section 6.02(a). (m) "Parking Access Revenue Control Systems (PARCS)" includes equipment encompassing all revenue control equipment now in use, and/or introduced in the future during the Contract Term including, but not limited to, all cashier booths, ticket issuing machines, cashier terminals, patron fee displays, automatic gates, pay-on-foot machines, Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) equipment, safes, signs, computers, printers, computer software, and related Operational equipment. (1) The "Parking Access Revenue Control System (PARCS)" in use at the Airport is a software and hardware system for managing parking lot operations. The system, which may be modified and/or replaced during the Contract term, is currently comprised of seventy (70) entry and exit terminals, thirty-one (31) pay- on-foot machines, AVI lanes, a license plate recognition subsystem, and license plate inventory equipment. ARTICLE 3. PREMISES AND OPERATING EQUIPMENT Section 3.01 Premises: (a) Public Parking Premises: The Contractor is hereby assigned, without charge, and in an "as is" condition, the following premises for its use during the Contract Term: (1) Garage A. Garage A consists of approximately 1,397 public parking spaces. The Contractor is assigned the public parking portion of Level A1, Level A4, Level A5, and the administrative office space of the building known as Garage A. The administrative office space consists of approximately 3,000 square feet of offices for public parking and general maintenance operations. The rental car agencies’ Public Parking and Shuttle Bus Concession at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Contract No. MWAA-5-15-C001 Page 3 of 63 ticket counters on Level A1 and the ready car spaces on Level A2 and level A3 are not assigned to the contractor. Entrance Lanes Exit Lanes Pay Stations 4 2 express 3 2 cashier (2) Garage B/C. Garage B/C consists of approximately 5,306 public parking spaces. The Contractor is assigned all levels of Garage B/C. The administrative office space, also assigned to the Contractor, consists of approximately 1,000 square feet of offices for public parking operations. Entrance Lanes Exit Lanes Pay Stations 8 8 express 6 3 cashier (3) Economy Lot. The Contractor is assigned one Economy Parking surface lot with approximately 2,653 public parking spaces Entrance Lanes Exit Lanes Pay Stations 2 1 express 2 1 cashier (4) Short-Term. The Contractor is assigned the short-term lot, with approximately 99 public parking spaces. This lot is credit card in and out only. Entrance Lanes Exit Lanes 1 1 express (5) Impound Lot. The Contractor is assigned the use of the impound lot Premises for the storage of towed and impounded vehicles. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the security of the impound lot Premises. One or more portions of the impound lot Premises may be fenced and secured by a locked gate by the Authority for exclusive use by the Authority’s Police for law enforcement purposes. (b) Shuttle Bus and Employee Parking Premises: The Contractor is hereby assigned, without charge, and in an "as is" condition, the following premises for its use during the Contract Term to manage the shuttle bus operations between the public and employee parking lots and the Main Terminal. A description of the routes are provided below which may be changed at any time upon written direction from the Authority. Additional details of the bus routes are provided in Exhibit A. (1) Bus Maintenance Facility (BMF). The Contractor is assigned the building and fuel island structure known as the Bus Maintenance Facility, located on the Airport at 51 West Post Office Road. This facility consists of an 8,000 square foot building (approximately) equipped with two maintenance bays, a wash bay, two fuel islands, and office space for shuttle bus maintenance and shuttle bus dispatching operations. A shuttle bus parking area is also provided to the Contractor immediately south of the Bus Maintenance Facility. The address for Public Parking and Shuttle Bus Concession at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Contract No. MWAA-5-15-C001 Page 4 of 63 the BMF is 51 West Post Office Road, Washington, DC 20001. Additional details of the BMF are provided in Exhibit A-2. (c) Changes to Premises, Facilities, Operating Equipment, and Scope of Services (1) The Authority hereby reserves the right to add, delete, or alter the Premises, facilities, Operating Equipment, and public parking and shuttle bus services, including, but not limited to adding or deleting garage parking structures, surface parking lots, valet parking, temporary parking facilities, building facilities, shuttle buses, fleet vehicles, other operating equipment, and shuttle bus routes. The Contractor hereby acknowledges that the Authority shall have such right, and further agrees that the exercise of such right by the Authority shall not result in any change in the Management Fee unless the Authority determines such changes are major changes to the scope of this Contract that warrant adjustment of the Management Fee. Reimbursable expenses shall be adjusted by the Authority as a result of such changes. In addition, the Operating Budget may be adjusted accordingly as the result of any changes described above. Exhibit A shall be amended from time to time to reflect additions, deletions, or modifications to the Premises and Operating Equipment. The amendment of the Exhibits may be accomplished in writing to the Contractor without an amendment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also maintain a current list of Premises and Operating Equipment in the Manual. (2) The Authority hereby reserves the right to have the Contractor initiate new services that are not provided for under this Contract such as management of the commercial vehicle curbs, staging areas, and dispatch services at the Airport, the maintenance of the buses within that operation or any combination of the above. The Authority may authorize an increase in the Management Fee if such services are added. Section 3.02 Vehicles and Operating Equipment: (a) Vehicles. The Contractor is granted use of certain service vehicles, as listed in the inventory attached hereto as Exhibit A-5. The use of these service vehicles is granted by the Authority to the Contractor under the conditions of the Supplemental Lease, and is in “as is” condition, to the Contractor for use for the duration of the Contract Term. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the current version of Directive (BA- 002) entitled Motor Fleet Management as provided in Exhibit G-2. (b) Operating Equipment. The Contractor is granted the use of certain Operating Equipment as listed in the inventory attached hereto as Exhibit A. The use of such Operating Equipment is granted by the Authority to the Contractor without charge, and in an "as is" condition, to the Contractor for its use for the duration of the Contract Term. (c) Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS). The Contractor shall operate the PARCS at the Airport. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance activities associated with the PARCS as defined by the Authority in Exhibit B-3. The Contractor will train its employees in the proper use of the Authority’s PARCS. The Public Parking and Shuttle Bus Concession at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Contract No. MWAA-5-15-C001 Page 5 of 63