SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1223 07425 0656 and County of San Francisco OF THE CONTROLLER IFICE REPORT: [T 5/S gh December 31, 1999 mnciscoPublicLibrary 1 vernment Information Center 1 n Francisco Public Library 0Larkin Street, 5th Floor 1 nFrancisco.CA 94102 1 ERENCE BOOK >e taken from the Library ^^^^ 'DOCUMENTS DEPT m 2 9 2C:j "^^S^-'C LIBRARY Number 99048 June 23, 2000 352 2cm 15 City and County of San Francisco OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER ONCESSION AUDIT REPORT: McLaren Golf Course anuary 1995 Through December 3 1999 1, 1 , ^U8l/C UBRARY 4udit Number 99048 June 23, 2000 I CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER AUDITS DIVISION Edward Harrington Controller Matthew H. Hymel ChiefAssistant Controller June 23, 2000 AuditNumber 99048 Recreation and Park Commission City and County ofSan Francisco McLaren Lodge, Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA 94117 President and Members: The Controller's Audits Division presents its report concerning the audit ofMcLaren Golf Course. San Francisco GolfEnterprises had a 20-year lease with the Recreation and Park Commission (Recreation and Park) ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco to operate a golfcourse, restaurant, and golfshop. The lease expired April 1, 2000, and it continues on a month-to-month basis. Reporting Period: January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1999 Rent Paid: $145,075 Results: San Francisco GolfEnterprises correctly reported its gross receipts and correctly paid its rent to Recreation and Park. Further, San Francisco GolfEnterprises has adequate internal control procedures for recording and reporting green fees, cart rental revenues, food, beverage, and merchandise sales at McLaren Golf. Respectfully submitted, NORIAKI HIRASUNA Director CityHall• 1 Dr.Carlton B.GoodlettPlace•Room388•SanFranciscoCA94102-4694 FAX415-554-7664 I INTRODUCTION San Francisco GolfEnterprises had a 20-year lease with the Recreation and Park Commission (Recreation and Park) ofthe City and County ofSan Francisco (City) to operate McLaren GolfCourse which includes a golfcourse, a restaurant, and a golfshop. The lease expired on April 1, 2000, and it continues on a month-to-month basis. The lease requires San Francisco GolfEnterprises to pay the greater ofan annual minimum rent of $3,000 or a percentage rent. The lease provides for an increased minimum rent ifa driving range and golfshop were constructed and opened for business. However, while the golf shop has been built, the driving range has not yet been built. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY The purpose ofthis audit was to determine ifSan Francisco GolfEnterprises complied with the reporting and payment provisions ofits lease with the Recreation and Park. To conduct the audit, we reviewed applicable terms ofthe lease and the adequacy ofSan Francisco GolfEnterprises' procedures for recording, summarizing, and reporting its gross receipts to Recreation and Park. To determine whether San Francisco GolfEnterprises accurately reported its gross receipts to Recreation and Park, we compared the amounts San Francisco GolfEnterprises reported to the Recreation and Park to the amounts it recorded in its sales records. On a test basis, we examined cash register tapes, cart rental sheets, and daily starter sheets, and traced the amounts to San Francisco GolfEnterprises' rent computation and payment to Recreation and Park. Additionally, we reviewed Recreation and Park's concessionaire payment statements to determine ifSan Francisco GolfEnterprises correctly paid its rent. CONTROLLER'S AUDITS DIVISION 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in 111 AUDIT RESULTS SAN FRANCISCO GOLF ENTERPRISES CORRECTLY REPORTED ITS GROSS RECEIPTS AND CORRECTLY PAID ITS RENT TO RECREATION AND PARK From January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1999, San Francisco GolfEnterprises correctly reported $2,421,884 in gross receipts and correctly paid $145,075 in rent to Recreation and Park. In addition, San Francisco GolfEnterprises has adequate internal controls for recording and reporting green fees, cart rental revenues, food, beverage, and merchandise sales. The table below shows San Francisco GolfEnterprises' reported gross receipts and rent paid to Recreation and Park. McLaren GolfCourse Gross Receipts and Rent Paid January 1, 1995 through December31, 1999 Gross Receipts Rent Paid January 1, 1995 through December31, 1995 $468,184 $28,042 January 1, 1996 through December3 , 1996 455,839 27,300 January 1, 1997 through December3 , 1997 530,719 31,791 January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 433,342 25,961 January 1, 1999 through December 3 , 1999 533,800 31,981 Total $2,421,884 $145,075 We conducted this review according to generally accepted government auditing standards. We limited our review to those areas specified in the audit scope section ofthis report. Staff: Grant Novack, Audit Manager Mohamed Hosny cc: Mayor Board ofSupervisors Civil Grand Jury Public Library CONTROLLER'S AUDITS DIVISION 2