ISSN0963-8288print/ISSN1464-5165online DisabilRehabil,2013;35(18):1513–1518 !2013InformaUKLtd.DOI:10.3109/09638288.2012.743602 RESEARCH ARTICLE Conceptualisation and development of the arm activity measure (ArmA) for assessment of activity in the hemiparetic arm Stephen Ashford1,2, Mike Slade3, and Lynne Turner-Stokes1,2 1RegionalRehabilitationUnit,NorthwickParkHospital,London,UK,2DepartmentofPalliativeCare,PolicyandRehabilitation,SchoolofMedicine, King’sCollegeLondon,London,UK,and3DepartmentofHealthServiceandPopulationResearch,InstituteofPsychiatry,King’sCollegeLondon, London,UK Abstract Keywords Purpose:Todevelopapatientreportedoutcomemeasureofactiveandpassivefunctioninthe ArmA,function,outcomemeasure,rehabili- hemiparetic upper limb. Methods: Potential items for inclusion were identified through (a) tation,upperlimb systematic review and analysis of existing measures and (b) analysis of the primary goals for treatment in a spasticity service. Item reduction was achieved through consultation with a History small,purposivelyselectedmulti-disciplinarygroupofexperiencedrehabilitationprofessionals Received22February2012 (n¼10) in a three-round Delphi process. This was followed by a confirmatory survey with a Revised8August2012 largergroupofclinicians(n¼36)andpatientsandcarers(n¼13pairs).Results:Fromaninitial shortlistof75items,23itemswereinitiallyidentifiedforinclusioninthearmactivitymeasure Accepted22October2012 (ArmA),andsubsequentlyrefinedtoa20-iteminstrumentcomprising7passiveand13active Publishedonline7January2013 function. In common with the six measures identified in the systematic review, a five-point ordinalscalingstructurewaschosen,withratingsbasedonactivityoverthepreceding7days. Conclusions: The ArmA is designed to measure passive and active function following focal interventions for the hemiparetic upper limb. Content and face validity have initially been addressed within the development process. The next phase of development has involved formalevaluationofpsychometricproperties. (cid:2)ImplicationsforRehabilitation (cid:2) Inclinicalpracticeorresearch,outcomemeasuresinrehabilitationneedtohavefaceand contentvalidity. (cid:2) Followingstrokeorbraininjury,goalsforrehabilitationofthehemipareticupperlimbmay be:torestoreactivefunction,ifthereisreturnofmotorcontrolortoimprovepassivefunction makingiteasiertocareforthelimb(e.g.maintainhygiene)ifnomotorreturnispossible, measurementofbothconstructsshouldbeconsidered. (cid:2) ThisstudydescribesthesystematicdevelopmentoftheArmA,ameasureofactiveand passivefunctioninthehemipareticupperlimb. Introduction practice, they needtobefeasible for usein busyclinical settings and reflect performance in the real-life context as closely as Outcome measurement is applied in rehabilitation to determine possible. the effectiveness of interventions. Whether in clinical practice or Followingstrokeorbraininjury,goalsforrehabilitationofthe forresearch,measuresneedtobevalid,reliableandresponsiveto hemipareticupperlimbmaybe:torestoreactivefunction,ifthere clinically relevant change. Global measures of function in daily isreturnofmotorcontrolortoimprovepassivefunctionmakingit activities, such as the Barthel Index [1], provide a general easier to care for the limb (e.g. maintain hygiene) if no motor assessment of independence but are often unresponsive to focal returnispossible[3].Acomprehensiveoutcomemeasureneedsto interventions in the upper limb (such as management of focal assess both constructs of active and passive function to fully spasticity or constraint induced movement therapy – CIMT). reflect the changes seen post-intervention [4]. Although active Small changes, which may be extremely important to the patient and passive function are different concepts, they represent two and/or their carers are easily lost among the larger number of different aspects of function important to patients following unchanging items [2]. For tools to be used in clinical acquiredbraininjuryandinparticularspasticitymanagement[3]. The ArmA measure development described, treats these con- structs as separate entities from the outset and sub-scale Address for correspondence: Stephen Ashford, Regional Rehabilitation Unit, Northwick Park Hospital, WatfordRoad, Harrow,Middlesex HA1 development is undertaken on this basis. 3UJ, UK. Tel: þ44 20 88692800. Fax: þ44 20 88692803. E-mail: [email protected] 1514 S. Ashford et al. DisabilRehabil,2013;35(18):1513–1518 As a starting point for this development, Ashford et al. [5] ArmA development. A sub-scale was developed for both active published a systematic reviewof measures that had been used in and passive function. the literature to evaluate real-life function or actual performance in the hemiparetic upper limb. Six measures were identified; the Participants Leeds AdultSpasticity Impact Scale [6], the MotorActivity Log (MAL – four different versions) and the ABILHAND [7–11]. In Stage 1, participating clinicians worked in two regional These appeared to fall broadly into a hierarchy of increasing rehabilitation units, two district rehabilitation services and a difficulty. community rehabilitation team within the London Region. The (cid:2) The LASIS was designed to assess passive functionwith an multi-professional panel of clinicians included four physiothera- active function item, using the affected hand to hold and pists, four occupational therapists (all at clinical specialist or stabilise objects [6]. senior level) and two consultant physicians in rehabilitation (cid:2) The MAL and ABILHAND contained more difficult items medicine. for active function, evaluating a wide range of activities, In Stage 2, the clinicians consisted of specialist physiothera- including unilateral and bimanual function. pists, occupational therapists and rehabilitation nurses, none of However, none of these tools provided a comprehensive whom have been involved in earlier stages of development or assessmentofbothactiveandpassivefunctionreflectiveof‘‘real- evaluation. The consultation document was initially sent to all life’’,andallhadlimitationsinrespectofpsychometricevaluation members of the UK physiotherapy Adult Spasticity Forum [5], the arm activity measure (shortly ArmA) was therefore (n¼58). The 25 responding physiotherapists between them developed to address these deficiencies. identified six occupational therapists with an interest in the In this article, we report the development of the ArmA. The area. Rehabilitation nurses (n¼5) were identified from local specific context of this development was the evaluation of rehabilitation services, all of whom had experience of working interventions for focal spasticity, such as botulinum toxin and withpatientsfollowingstrokeandbraininjury.The totalnumber physicalmanagement.However,suchameasuremightequallybe of participating clinicians was 36. appliedintheevaluationofotherfocalinterventionssuchasCIMT. Patients and carers were identified from those receiving inpatient, outpatient or outreach input through a regional Aims rehabilitation service. The aims were: Procedure (a) to develop the ArmA – a self-report measure for the assessment of both active and passive function in the Delphi consultation round 1 hemipareticupperlimbfollowingrehabilitationinterventions Theshortlistof75itemswaspresentedtotheexpertcliniciansby and post or electronic mail. Respondents were asked to identify: (b) to confirm face and content validity by investigating item (a) the items from the list which they considered important to relevance for professionals, patients and carers. include in a measure ofactive and passive arm function; (b) items which should be excluded, along with the reason for Method exclusion; Development of the ArmA comprised a multi-stage process of (c) any items that were not on the list whichtheyconsidered to item selection followed by item reduction and confirmation. be of particular importance, explaining their reasons for Ethicalapprovalfor theresearchprogramwasreceived(COREC inclusion. number 05/Q1604/110). After the comments had been returned, and participants Potentialitemsforinclusionwereselectedfrom(a)analysisof contacted if necessary to clarify any points, the initial list of thetoolsidentifiedinthesystematicreview[5],selectingallitems items was revised and a short list of 23 items was produced for identifiedforinclusioninArmAdevelopmentand(b)analysisof round 2. goals commonly identified by patients as priority goals for treatmentusingGoalAttainmentScaling[2],inthecontextofour Delphi consultation round 2 routine spasticity management service. The goals analysis had Theselected23-itemshortlist(togetherwiththeoriginal75-item threeaimsinsupplementingthefindingsofthesystematicreview: list for reference) was then returned to the same 10 experts for (1) identification of new items by patients and carers, (2) con- their further comment and verification, again asking them to firmation of passive function items identified in the systematic identify items for inclusion and exclusion with stated reasons. reviewand(3)ensuringthatitemsrelevanttotheproximalupper A further six items were excluded. limb are considered for inclusion. Goals for focal spasticity intervention, from 16 patients, were used to identify five Delphi consultation round 3 categories:passivefunction,activefunction,symptoms,cosmesis and impairment. Two passive function items not previously Inthethirdround,thesamerespondentswereonceagainsentthe identified were generated. These were used to draw up an initial original list with the 17-item short list from round 2. One item shortlist of 75 possible constituent items; 11 items related to was added back in. passive function and 64 to active function. Following consultation round 3, a draft measure was Item reduction was conducted in a three-round Delphi constructed using the 18 items identified by the group – 7 consultation process with a small group of purposively chosen relating to passive and 11 to active function. experienced clinicians (n¼10), based on being senior clinicians Based on the findings of the systematic review (which (physiotherapist,occupationaltherapistorrehabilitationmedicine identified the same method of scoring for the final six measures physician) in neurorehabilitation settings – highly specialist, included), the method of scoring items was adopted from these clinicalspecialistorconsultantlevel(Stage1).Thiswasfollowed final six measures. The method comprised completion based on by item confirmation through consultationwith awidergroup of activityover the preceding 7daysand was scaled on a five-point other clinicians (n¼36) in addition to patients and their ordinal scale. This method of scaling responses was adopted as carers (n¼13 pairs) (Stage 2). See Figure 1 for the stages of the method for the draft ArmA. DOI:10.3109/09638288.2012.743602 Development of the arm activity measure 1515 Item Systematic review: 73 Items Goal Analysis: 2 Items selection (9 Passive function) (2 Passive function) (64 Active function) Candidate items: 75 Items (64 Active function) (11 Passive function) Item Delphi Consultation 1 Items excluded Reduction Consultation with clinicians Not prioritised by n = 10 clinicians (7 Passive function) (48 Active function) (16 Active function) (4 Passive function) Delphi Consultation 2 Consultation with clinicians Items excluded n = 10 (6 Active function) (7 Passive function) (10 Active function) Additional Delphi Consultation 3 item Consultation with clinicians Identified by n = 10 clinicians: (7 Passive function) (1 Active) (11 Active function) Item Additional Item confirmation Items excluded: Confirmation items (1 Active function) Identified by Clinicians Patients & carers clinicians: n = 36 n = 13 n = 13 (3 Active) ArmA (version 2) (7 Passive function) (13 Active function) Figure1. SummaryofitemreductionfortheArmA. Item confirmation Turner-Stokes andconsensus was found.This processresulted in the version of ArmA for psychometric testing. Consultation was then extended to the larger group of 36 clinicians, in order to confirm content validity among a wider representationofclinicians,whichonthisoccasionalsoincluded Results members of the nursing profession. The results for reduction of items using modified Delphi The consultation document circulated by e-mail or post technique at Stage 1 and the confirmation and pilot testing of consisted of the draft ArmA and the original list of 75 items. ArmA at Stage 2 are presented. Respondentswereaskedtoidentifywithreasonsitemswhichthey believed should be included or excluded from the draft ArmA. Stage 1 – Delphi consultation Theywerealsoaskedtocommentonthewayinwhichitemswere scaled. Atthis stage, 13 patients and their respective carers were All 10 clinicians initially approached returned the round one also invited to respond to the same consultation document and consultation document. Following round 1, 48 active function were also asked to complete the ArmA. items were excluded and four passive function items from the The responses were then compared with the modified Delphi initial total of 75 items. Consensus for exclusion was between consultation results. If new items were presented for inclusion 60%and100%(6–10clinicians).Table1presentstheinitialshort thesewereconsidered,providedtheywereidentifiedbymorethan list of items following round 1. one respondent, clinician, patient or carer. Stephen Ashford The table also shows the measures from which the items reviewedallcommentsand madedecisions on changestoArmA originateoridentifiesthattheywerepatientselectedandthebroad based on (1) issues raised by multiple respondents or (2) issues anatomicalregionofthearmaddressedbyeachitem.Duringround corresponding to findings from the systematic review. 1, a passive function item, ‘‘Cleaning around the elbow’’ was Decisions about item inclusion were then discussed with Lynne removed.Thisitemwasremovedontherecommendationofeight 1516 S. Ashford et al. DisabilRehabil,2013;35(18):1513–1518 Table1. Initialshortlistofpassiveandactivefunctionitems(round1),mappedbackontothesystematicreviewmeasureswhy? Patient Proximal,distal Functionalitems identified LASIS MAL-14 MAL-26 MAL-28 MAL-12 ABILHAND andwholearm Splintapplication * Wholearm Positioningthearmcomfortably * Wholearm Puttingonaglove * Distal Cuttingfingernails * Distal Cleaningthearmpit * Proximal Cleaningthepalm * * Distal Puttingarmthroughcoat * * * Wholearm sleeveordressingthearm Eatwithaknifeandfork * * * * Wholearm Pickupaglass,bottle,orcan * * * * * Wholearm Brushteeth * * * * * Wholearm Useakeytounlockthedoorþ * * * Wholearm Combhair * * * * * Wholearm Pickupacupbythehandle * * * Distal Writeonpaper * * Distal Carryanobjectinthehand * * Wholearm Dialanumberonthephone * * * Distal Openajar * * Distal Pickupphone * Wholearm PutonT-shirt * Wholearm Doorundobuttonsonclothing * * Distal Door undoazip * * Distal Drinkfromcup/mug * Wholearm Washyourback * Wholearm Itemsinboldindicatethoseretainedattheendofround3ofitemreduction–modifiedDelphiconsensus.Itemmarkedwithaþwasinitiallyexcluded. Asterisksindicatethattheitemisincludedinthemeasure. Table 2. Demographic information of patients (n¼13) and carers membersoftheconsultationgroup(80%),becauseitwasidentified (n¼13). asnotbeingrelevantformanypatients. All 10 clinicians again returned the round 2 consultation Characteristics Patients Carers document. A further six active function items were removed Ageofpatients(years) Median(range) 48.5(30–64) – following round 2. Consensus was between 60% and 80% (6–8 Gender Male 8(62%) – clinicians) for the removal of these items. Items not in bold in Female 5(38%) – Table 1 were removed. Ethnicity White 10(77%) – All 10 clinicians returned the final round three-consultation Black 1(8%) – document.Nofurtheritemswereexcludedandtherewasbetween Asian 2(15%) – 80%and100%(8–10clinicians)consensusfortheinclusionofthe Primarypathology Haemorrhagicstroke 5(38%) – Ischaemicstroke 8(62%) – itemschosen.Oneitemwhichhadinitiallybeenremoved;‘‘usea Questionnaire Facetoface 8(62%) 3(23%) key to unlock the door’’ was re-inserted with the agreement of completionmethod Postalreturn 4(31%) 7(54%) 80% (8/10 of clinicians (see Table 1, item marked with ‘‘þ’’). Telephone 1(8%) 3(23%) Stage 2 – item confirmation Carers:spouseorfamily(notprofessionalcarers). Atotalof58questionnairesweresenttocliniciansand36(62%) (1) The active function item ‘‘Wash your back’’ was removed werereturned.Respondentscomprised25(69%)physiotherapists, and replaced by ‘‘Tucking in a shirt’’, since five of the six (17%) occupational therapists and five (14%) nurses. respondents identified that washing your back is done by Thirty-twoquestionnaireswerepostedordirectlypresentedto manyablebodiedpeopleusinganaid,whichconcurredwith 16 patients and 16 carers; 13 questionnaires were completed in views expressed byclinicians during item reduction. each group (81%). Table 2 presents the characteristics of the (2) Two additional items were added. patients and carers returning questionnaires. (a) The ‘‘Effect of the affected arm on balance when Recommendations by clinicians, patients and carers (respon- walking’’ was added following comment by six dents) for the exclusion and inclusion of items were considered. respondents. Two clinicians considered this item to The majority of items (n¼12) were not recommended by potentiallyfitineitherpassiveoractivefunction,since respondents for removal. Of the remaining six items, only one although walking is active; the effect of the arm is had more than two recommendations for removal. Five items passive. However, the other four respondents felt it from the original list (taken from the systematic review and should be in the active function sub-scale. goals) also provided to respondents were recommended for (b) The task ‘‘Hold an object still while using the inclusion. The specific modifications and the items changed are unaffectedhand’’wasalsoaddedtotheactivefunction detailed below. sub-scale following support from seven respondents. Somewordingadjustmentswerealsorecommended.Theterm Modifications ‘‘Within the last week’’ was replaced with ‘‘In the last seven Several modifications resulted from the wider consultation with days’’. The instructions for completion of the two main sections clinicians, patients and carers. were further refined. DOI:10.3109/09638288.2012.743602 Development of the arm activity measure 1517 The measure for psychometric testing consisted of two the management of spasticity in the UK, the approach takenwas domains, active and passive function. Passive function contains adequate and produced comprehensive comments. sevenitems.Activefunctioncontains13items.Asummaryofthe Thepatientandcarergrouppilottestingthequestionnairewas changestoitemsthroughthedifferentstagesofdevelopmentcan relatively small but it is unclear if increasing this would make a be observed in Figure 1. significant difference to achieve feedback that is more informa- tive. A more representative sample could, however, have been considered. However, this limitation, while an important con- Discussion sideration, does not invalidate the pilot testing applied for the The development of the ArmA included the modified Delphi ArmA, which was sufficient to enable subsequent psychometric consultation and further confirmation of items taken from a testing. systematic review and goal setting in clinical practice. The Following psychometric evaluation of the ArmA after Delphi resulting 20-item (two sub-scales) tool consists of seven passive consultation, one previously excluded passive function item has function sub-scale items and 13 active function sub-scale items. been identified which merits further consideration regarding its ThemodifiedDelphiconsultationensuredcontentvalidity,dueto place in the measure. During item reduction, ‘‘cleaning around the experience of the clinicians in this area of practice, and theaffectedelbow’’wasremovedduringthefirstroundofDelphi therefore appropriate reduction of items. Item confirmation with consultation. This item was removed on the recommendation of wider consultation of clinicians in spasticity management eight members of the consultation group. However, from a confirmed the selection of items, and also enabled some clinicalperspective‘‘Easeofelbowcreasehygiene’’continuedto modification to take place. besetasagoalforparticipantsinthepsychometricevaluationand ModifiedDelphiconsultationwasselectedbecauseitprovides associated cohort study (n¼6). This item has been added to the anonymity to participants and reduces personality based influ- currentversionoftheArmAandevaluatingthescalingproperties ences such as the impact of socially dominant individuals on the of the modified measure will be required in future work consensus process [12,13]. Finger et al. [13] consider the Delphi (Table A1). method to have four key characteristics: anonymity for those The ArmA is a measure of difficulty in passive and active participating; iteration of concepts; statistical group response function for application following focal therapy intervention and based on frequencyof selections (in this instance item selection) in particular for spasticity (botulinum toxin and physical) and informed input from expert participants. The literature interventions. The active and passive sub-scales of the tool are provides no definitive recommendation on panel size, which treated as separate constructs, which nevertheless have a haverangedgreatlyindifferentstudiesbetween10and1685[14] relationship and are both important to the achievement of andintherehabilitationliteraturefrom15[15]to263[13].Raine clinically relevant goals. The ArmA is therefore likely to have [15] suggests that good results can be obtained with between 10 utility in practice for the evaluation of spasticity intervention and 15 panel participants where the group is homogenous, and (oftenforpassivefunction)andpossiblyotherfocalinterventions that smaller groups such as this are also more likely to retain such as task practice training for active function improvement. group members. In conclusion, (1) a test for real arm activity was developed A possible limitation of prioritising the items generatedusing and(2)theDelphimethodconfirmedthecontentandfacevalidity the Delphi process and wider consultation is that a set of oftheArmA.TheuseofDelphiconsultationwiththeadditionof homogeneous items will be produced, which risks losing the further clinician and patient involvement has resulted in a uniqueness of the broader range of items important for measure for psychometric testing, which should provide impor- hierarchical scaling [16]. Homogeneity may be a strength in tant clinical information and be feasible in practice. The process supportingunidimensionality(inasingleormultipledimensions), ofitemselection,reductionandconfirmationwascomprehensive butagroupofverysimilaritemsmayalsoleadtoasetofitemsof and while limitations to the methodologyare present, the overall similar difficulty [17,18]. However, in practice, it may be less process had a high degree of rigour ensuring confidence in significant because items selected were focused on lower level content validity of the ArmA measure produced. The psycho- active function more likely to change in a patient group metric properties (construct validity, internal consistency, uni- undergoing spasticity intervention, which was the focus of the dimensionality,reproducibilityandfeasibility)oftheArmAhave measure developed. In addition, confirmation of item selection undergonepreliminaryevaluationandaredescribedinaseparate alsoincludedtheanatomicalregion(proximal,middleanddistal) paper. ofthearminvolvedinperformingeachitem.Boththepassiveand active function sub-scales therefore contain a range of items Acknowledgements addressingeachoftheseanatomicalregions.Unidimensionalityis The authors thank patients, carers and colleagues who helped with this furtherevaluatedusingprincipalcomponentanalysisandMokken developmentwork. analysis [19] in the psychometric testing of the ArmA. Selection of all clinical groups could have been enlarged to Declarations of interest ensure a true national survey for the item confirmation by approaching the respective professional bodiesor special interest Theauthorsreportnospecificdeclarationsofinterest. groups[20].Breadthofexperienceamongthecliniciansmayalso have been improved by selection through a professional References organisation. 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Difficultyforeachitemisscoredovertheproceeding7dasfollows 0¼Nodifficulty 1¼Mild 2¼Moderate 3¼Severedifficulty 4¼Unabletodoactivity SectionA:Caringforyouraffectedarm(notusingitintasksoractivities) 1.Cleaningthepalmofthehand 2.Cuttingfingernails 3.Cleaningthearmpit 4.Cleaningtheelbowcrease* 5.Positioningarmonacushionorsupportinsitting(ifneverdonecircle0) 6.Puttingarmthroughagarmentsleeve 7.Puttingonaglove(ifneverdonecircle0) 8.Puttingonasplint(ifneverdonecircle0) SectionB:Independentlycompletingtasksoractivitiesusingyouraffectedarm 1.Doupbuttonsonclothing 2.Pickupaglass,bottle,orcan 3.Useakeytounlockthedoor 4.Writeonpaper 5.Openapreviouslyopenedjar 6.Eatwithaknifeandfork 7.Holdanobjectstillwhileusingunaffectedhand 8.Difficultywithbalancewhenwalkingduetoyourarm 9.Dialanumberonhomephone 10.Tuckinyourshirt 11.Comborbrushyourhair 12.Brushyour teeth 13.Drinkfromacupormug *Iteminsertedfollowingpreliminarypsychometrictestingreportedinasubsequentpaper. TheArmAisfreelyavailabletouseandcanbeobtainedfromtheKing’sCollegeLondon,Departmentof PalliativeCare,PolicyandRehabilitation,website(