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LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 6/10/06 11:00 AM Page i CONCEPTUAL INTEGRATED SCIENCE PAUL G. HEWITT City College of San Francisco SUZANNE LYONS California State University, Sacramento JOHN SUCHOCKI Saint Michael’s College JENNIFER YEH University of California, San Francisco San Francisco Boston New York Cape Town Hong Kong London Madrid Mexico City Montreal Munich Paris Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 6/12/06 1:06 PM Page ii Senior Acquisitions Editor: Lothlórien Homet Development Editor: Catherine Murphy Editorial Assistant: Ashley Taylor Anderson Marketing Director: Christy Lawrence Managing Editor: Corinne Benson Production Supervisor: Lori Newman Manufacturing Buyer: Pam Augspurger Design Managers: Mark Ong, Marilyn Perry Cover Designer: Yvo Riezebos Design Cover Photo Credit: Photo Researchers, Inc. Text Designer: tani hasegawa Logo Designer: Mark Ong Director, Image Resource Center: Melinda Patelli Manager, Rights and Permissions: Zina Arabia Photo Researcher: Laura Murray Project Manager: Crystal Clifton, Progressive Publishing Alternatives Composition: Progressive Information Technologies Illustrations: Paul G. Hewitt and Dartmouth Publishing, Inc. Cover Printer: Phoenix Color Corporation Text Printer: VonHoffman Press Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pubishing Data Conceptual integrated science/Paul G. Hewitt ... [et al.].—1st ed. p.cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-8053-9038-3 1. Interdisciplinary approach to knowledge. 2. Science—Philosophy. 3. Science—History. I. Hewitt, Paul G. Q175.32.K45C66 2006 500—dc22 2006015582 0-8053-9038-3 [Student] 0-8053-9041-3 [Instructor] 0-13-243-285-4 [High School] Copyright ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Addison Wesley 1301 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA 94111. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, 1900 E. Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 60025. For information regarding permissions, call 847/486/2635. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - VHP - 10 09 08 07 06 www.aw-bc.com LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 6/10/06 11:00 AM Page iii We dedicate Conceptual Integrated Science to the many scientists and thinkers whose work we explore in this book. To Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Dimitri Mendeleev, Charles Darwin, Alfred Wegener, Edwin Hubble, and all the other scientists whose brilliance and perseverance have elevated the human condition . . . we thank you! LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 6/21/06 11:42 AM Page iv Contents in Brief The Conceptual Integrated Science 18 Biological Diversity 401 Photo Album xiii 19 Human Biology I—Control and To the Student xv Development 429 To the Instructor xvi 20 Human Biology II—Care and Acknowledgments xxiii Maintenance 453 Reviewers xxv 21 Ecosystems and Environment 475 1 About Science 1 PART FOUR EARTH SCIENCE 503 PART ONE PHYSICS 15 22 Plate Tectonics 505 2 Describing Motion 17 23 Rocks and Minerals 531 3 Newton’s Laws of Motion 36 24 Earth’s Surface—Land and Water 556 4 Energy and Momentum 57 25 Weather 579 5 Gravity 78 26 Earth’s History 608 6 Heat 98 7 Electricity and Magnetism 119 PART FIVE ASTRONOMY 625 8 Waves—Sound and Light 142 27 The Solar System 627 9 The Atom 167 28 The Universe 649 10 Nuclear Physics 190 Appendix A On Measurement and Unit Conversion A-1 PART TWO CHEMISTRY 215 Appendix B Linear and Rotational Motion B-1 11 Investigating Matter 217 Appendix C Working with Vector Components C-1 12 The Nature of Chemical Bonds 241 Appendix D Exponential Growth and Doubling Time D-1 13 Chemical Reactions 265 Appendix E Physics of Fluids E-1 14 Organic Chemistry 294 Appendix F Chemical Equilibrium F-1 PART THREE BIOLOGY 317 Suggested Websites W-1 15 The Basic Unit of Life—The Cell 319 Glossary GL-1 16 Genetics 348 Credits PC-1 17 The Evolution of Life 372 Index IN-1 iv LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 8/21/06 1:40 PM Page v Special Features MATH CONNECTION SCIENCE AND SOCIETY Equations as Guides to Thinking 3 Pseudoscience 7 Applying the Equilibrium Rule 25 Paul Hewitt and the Origin of Conceptual Integrated Equations as Guides to Thinking: a = F/m 40 Science 23 Nuclear Technology 191 When Air Resistance Slows Acceleration 43 Chemistry and Public Policy 219 Vector Components 51 Polymers Win World War II 309 Quantifying Collisions 63 Stem Cells 337 Work Practice Problems 66 Genetic Counseling 362 Power Practice Problems 66 DNA Fingerprinting in Forensic Science 364 Calculating Potential Energy 68 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 387 Applying the Work–Energy Theorem 70 Ethnobotany 414 Efficiency Calculations 73 Bird Flu 425 Comparing Gravitational Attractions 82 What Are the Odds? Current Major Health Risks 463 The Heat-Transfer Equation 107 The Placebo Effect 470 Ohm’s Law 127 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 471 Solving Power Problems 130 Biodiversity, Nature’s Insurance Policy 480 The Index of Refraction 157 Invasive Species 481 Calculating Atomic Mass 173 Wangari Maathai and Ecologically Sustainable Mass–Energy Conversion 209 Development 498 Concentration Calculations 260 Mining 536 Logarithms and pH 273 Whose Water Is It? 570 Why Does Diffusion Limit the Size of Cells? 333 Human Activities That Impact Global Warming 604 Calculate the Age of the Atlantic Ocean 519 Mass Extinctions and the Modern World 623 The Richter Scale 526 Astrology 652 How Long Can a Mountain Exist? 564 The Scale of the Solar System 630 The Light-Year 651 v LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 6/10/06 11:00 AM Page vi vi Special Features HISTORY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY Aristotle 18 Direct and Indirect Forms of Solar Power 74 Galileo Galilei 19 Communications Satellites 91 The Moving Earth 38 Engineering for Thermal Expansion 109 Isaac Newton 53 Electromagnetic Induction in Everyday Technologies 138 History of 110 Volts 126 Broadcasting Radio Waves 143 Generators and Power Production 137 Antinoise Technology 160 The Atomic Hypothesis 171 The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) 170 Dimitri Mendeleev 233 Radioactive Tracers 195 Chemical Discovery 236 Nuclear Fission Reactors 206 Cell Theory 325 The Catalytic Converter 286 Discovery of the Double Helix 350 Big News in Biology Today—Biotech 363 Classifying the Platypus 423 Bacteria Power 407 Uniformitarianism Versus Catastrophism 609 Mapping the Brain in Action: Functional MRIs 432 Visual Prostheses for the Blind 440 Transplanting Bone Marrow in the Fight Against Cancer 457 The Case for Hybrid Cars 491 Direct Measurement of Continental Drift 518 Synthetic Diamonds 537 Remote Sensing 557 The Barometer 584 Telescopes 659 LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 9/21/06 3:25 PM Page vii Contents in Detail The Conceptual Integrated Science Photo Album xiii 2.7 Equilibrium of Moving Things 26 To the Student xv 2.8 The Force of Friction 26 To the Instructor xvi INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology, Astronomy, Acknowledgments xxii Earth Science, and Chemistry Friction Is Universal 27 Some Unifying Concepts of Science xxiii 2.9 Speed and Velocity 28 1 About Science 1 2.10 Acceleration 30 1.1 A Brief History of Advances in Science 1 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 1.2 Mathematics and Conceptual Hang Time 32 Integrated Science 2 3 Newton’s Laws of Motion 36 1.3 The Scientific Method—A Classic Tool 4 3.1 Newton’s First Law of Motion 36 1.4 The Scientific Hypothesis 4 3.2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion 37 1.5 The Scientific Experiment 5 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 1.6 Facts, Theories, and Laws 6 Gliding 43 1.7 Science Has Limitations 7 3.3 Forces and Interactions 44 1.8 Science, Art, and Religion 7 3.4 Newton’s Third Law of Motion 45 1.9 Technology—The Practical Use of Science 9 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 1.10 The Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Animal Locomotion 49 Biology, Earth Science, and Astronomy 9 3.5 Vectors 50 1.11 Integrated Science 10 3.6 Summary of Newton’s Three Laws 52 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Chemistry and Biology 4 Momentum and Energy 57 An Investigation of Sea Butterflies 10 4.1 Momentum 57 4.2 Impulse 58 PART ONE PHYSICS 15 4.3 Impulse–Momentum Relationship 58 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 2 Describing Motion 17 The Impulse–Momentum Relationship in Sports 60 2.1 Aristotle on Motion 17 4.4 Conservation of Momentum 61 2.2 Galileo’s Concept of Inertia 18 4.5 Energy 63 2.3 Mass—A Measure of Inertia 20 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology and Chemistry 2.4 Net Force 22 Glucose: Energy for Life 64 2.5 The Equilibrium Rule 22 4.6 Power 65 2.6 The Support Force 24 4.7 Potential Energy 66 vii LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 9/29/06 9:50 AM Page viii viii Contents in Detail 4.8 Kinetic Energy 67 7.7 Electric Current 125 4.9 The Work–Energy Theorem 68 7.8 Electrical Resistance 126 4.10 Conservation of Energy 70 7.9 Ohm’s Law 127 4.11 Machines 71 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology Electric Shock 127 5 Gravity 78 7.10 Electric Circuits 129 5.1 The Legend of the Falling Apple 78 7.11 Electric Power 130 5.2 The Fact of the Falling Moon 78 7.12 Magnetic Force 131 5.3 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation 79 7.13 Magnetic Fields 131 5.4 Gravity and Distance: The Inverse-Square INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology and Law 80 Earth Science 5.5 The Universal Gravitational Constant, G 81 Earth’s Magnetic Field and the Ability of Organisms to Sense It 133 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology Your Biological Gravity Detector 82 7.14 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charges 134 5.6 Weight and Weightlessness 83 7.15 Electromagnetic Induction 136 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology Center of Gravity of People 85 8 Waves—Sound and Light 142 5.7 Gravity Can Be a Centripetal Force 86 8.1 Vibrations and Waves 142 5.8 Projectile Motion 86 8.2 Wave Motion 144 5.9 Projectile Altitude and Range 88 8.3 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves 145 5.10 The Effect of Air Drag on Projectiles 89 8.4 The Nature of Sound 145 5.11 Fast-Moving Projectiles—Satellites 89 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 5.12 Elliptical Orbits 91 Sensing Pitch 146 8.5 Resonance 147 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Astronomy Escape Speed 92 8.6 The Nature of Light 148 8.7 Reflection 150 6 Heat 98 8.8 Transparent and Opaque Materials 151 6.1 The Kinetic Theory of Matter 98 8.9 Color 153 6.2 Temperature 98 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 6.3 Absolute Zero 100 Mixing Colored Lights 155 6.4 What Is Heat? 101 8.10 Refraction 156 6.5 The Laws of Thermodynamics 102 8.11 Diffraction 158 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Chemistry and Biology 8.12 Interference 159 Entropy 103 8.13 The Doppler Effect 160 6.6 Specific Heat Capacity 105 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Astronomy INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Earth Science The Doppler Effect and the Expanding Specific Heat Capacity and Earth’s Climate 106 Universe 161 6.7 Thermal Expansion 108 8.14 The Wave-Particle Duality 162 6.8 Heat Transfer: Conduction 111 6.9 Heat Transfer: Convection 112 9 The Atom 167 6.10 Heat Transfer: Radiation 113 9.1 The Elements 167 9.2 Atoms Are Ancient, Tiny, and Empty 167 7 Electricity and Magnetism 119 9.3 Protons and Neutrons 170 7.1 Electric Force and Charge 119 9.4 Isotopes and Atomic Mass 172 7.2 Coulomb’s Law 121 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Chemistry, Biology, 7.3 Electric Field 122 Earth Science 7.4 Electric Potential 122 Physical and Conceptual Models 178 7.5 Conductors and Insulators 124 9.5 Atomic Spectra 175 7.6 Voltage Sources 125 9.6 The Quantum Hypothesis 177 LYONMF02_0132432854.qxd 6/12/06 1:06 PM Page ix Contents in Detail ix 9.7 Electron Waves 180 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 9.8 Probability Clouds and Atomic Orbitals 181 and Earth Science Mixtures 256 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Chemistry 12.7 Solutions 257 The Shell Model 184 12.8 Solubility 259 10 Nuclear Physics 190 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 10.1 Radioactivity 190 Fish Depend on Dissolved Oxygen 261 10.2 Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays 191 13 Chemical Reactions 265 10.3 Environmental Radiation 193 13.1 Chemical Reactions and Chemical INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology Equations 265 Doses of Radiation 194 13.2 Acid–Base Reactions 267 10.4 The Atomic Nucleus and the Strong Nuclear Force 196 13.3 Salts 270 10.5 Half-Life 198 13.4 Solutions: Acidic, Basic, or Neutral 271 10.6 Transmutation of Elements 199 13.5 The pH Scale 272 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology, Earth INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Earth Science Science Acid Rain 274 Isotopic Dating 202 13.6 Oxidation–Reduction Reactions 276 10.7 Nuclear Fission 204 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Physics 10.8 The Mass-Energy Relationship—E = mc2 205 Fuel Cells 278 10.9 Nuclear Fusion 209 13.7 Corrosion and Combustion 280 13.8 The Rate of Chemical Reactions 281 PART TWO CHEMISTRY 215 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Physics, Biology, and Earth Science 11 Investigating Matter 217 The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate 282 11.1 Chemistry: Integral to Our Lives 217 13.9 Endothermic Versus Exothermic Reactions 285 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Astronomy 13.10 Entropy and Chemical Reactions 289 Origin of the Moon 217 14 Organic Chemistry 294 11.2 The Submicroscopic World 220 14.1 Hydrocarbons 294 11.3 Phases of Matter 220 14.2 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 297 11.4 Change of Phase 222 14.3 Functional Groups 298 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Physics and Biology Evaporation Cools You Off, Condensation Warms 14.4 Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers, and Amines 299 You Up 223 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Biology 11.5 Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter 225 Drug Action and Discovery 301 11.6 Elements and the Periodic Table 228 14.5 Ketones, Aldehydes, Amides, Carboxylic Acids, and Esters 303 11.7 Organization of the Periodic Table 230 14.6 Polymers 306 11.8 Elements to Compounds 234 11.9 Naming Compounds 235 PART THREE BIOLOGY 317 12 The Nature of Chemical Bonds 241 15 The Basic Unit of Life—The Cell 319 12.1 Electron Shells and Chemical Bonding 241 15.1 Characteristics of Life 319 12.2 The Ionic Bond 243 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Chemistry 12.3 The Metallic Bond 246 Macromolecules Needed for Life 321 12.4 The Covalent Bond 247 15.2 Cell Types: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic 323 12.5 Polar Bonds and Polar Molecules 250 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Physics The Microscope 325 12.6 Interparticle Attractions 253 15.3 Tour of a Eukaryotic Cell 327 INTEGRATED SCIENCE—Physics and Biology 15.4 Cell Membrane: Structure and Function 329 How Geckos Walk on Walls—The Adhesive Force 255 15.5 Transport Mechanisms 330

From the author of the number one textbooks in physical science and liberal-arts physics comes the eagerly awaited new text, Conceptual Integrated Science. Hewitt’s critically acclaimed conceptual approach has led science education for 30 years and now tackles integrated science to take student le
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