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ConceptsT,e chniqueasn,d Models ofC omputerP rogramming ConceptsT,e chniqueasn,d Models ofC omputerP rogramming by PeteVra nR oy SeiHfa ridi TheM IT Press CambridgMea,s sachusetts LondonE,n gland ©2004M assachuseItntsst ituotfTe e chnology Allr ightrse serveNdo. p arto ft hisb ookm ay be reproducienda ny formb y any electronic orm echanicmaela ns( includpinhgo tocopyirnegc,o rdinogri, n formatisotno ragaen d retrieval) withoupte rmissiionnw ritinfgr omt hep ublisher. Thisb ookw ass eti nU\ TEX 2c:b y thea uthorasn dw asp rinteadn db oundi nt heU niteSdt ateosf America. LibraroyfC ongresCsa taloging-in-PubDlaitcaa tion Van Roy,P eter. Concepttse,c hniquaensd,m odelosf c omputeprr ogrammin/gP eteVra n Roy,S eiHfa ridi p.e m. Includbeisb liograprheifcealr enacnedsi ndex. ISBN 0-262-22069-5 1.C omputeprr ogramminIg.H. a ridSie,i fI.I .T itle. QA76.6.3V62004 005.1�dc22 2003065140 ShortC ontents Preface xiii Runningt heE xampleP rograms xxix 1 IntroductitoonP rogrammingC oncepts 1 I GENERAL COMPUTATION MODELS 27 2 DeclaratiCvoem putatioMno del 29 3 Declarative ProgramTmeicnhgn iques 111 4 Declarative Concurrency 233 5 Message-PassiCnogn currency 345 6 ExplicSitta te 405 7 Object-OrienPtreodg ramming 489 8 Shared-StaCtoen currency 569 9 RelationParlo gramming 621 II SPECIALIZED COMPUTATION MODELS 677 10 GraphicaUls erI nterfaPcreo gramming 679 11 DistributPerdo gramming 707 12 ConstraiPnrto gramming 749 III SEMANTICS 777 13 LanguageS emantics 779 vi ShorCto ntents IV APPENDIXES 813 A MozartS ystemD evelopmenEtn vironment 815 B BasicD ataT ypes 819 C LanguageS yntax 833 D GeneralCo mputation Model 843 References 853 Index 863 Tableo fC ontents Preface xiii Runningt heE xampleP rograms xxix 1 IntroductitoonP rogrammingC oncepts 1 11. A calculator 1 12. Varia.b les 2 13. Functsi..o n 2 14. List.s. . . 4 15. Functioovnelsri sts 7 16. Correct.n.es s 9 17. Comple.x.i.ty. . 10 1.8 Lazeyv alua.t i.o n 11 1.9 Higher-porrodgerra mming 13 1.10C oncurr.e ncy 14 1.11D atafl.ow. . 15 1.12E xplisctiatt e 16 1.13O bje.ct.s.. 17 1.14C las.se.s.. 18 1.15N ondetermainndti ismme 20 11.6 Atomic.it.y. . ... . . 21 1.17W herdeo w eg of rohme re? 22 1.18E xersci..se. . . . . . . . . 23 I GENERAL COMPUTATION MODELS 27 2 DeclaratiCvoem putatioMno del 29 21. Definipnrga ctpircoaglr amlmainnggu ages 30 22. Thes ingle-assstiogrnem ent 42 23. Kernlealn gu.ag.e. .. . 49 24. Kernlealn gusaegmea ntics 56 25. Memormya nagem.e.nt. . 72 26. Frokme rnlealn gutaopg rea ctliacnaglu. a ge 79 27. Except.io.n.s . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 90 viii Contents 28. Advancteodp ics 96 2.9 Exerc.i ses 107 3 DeclaratiPvreo grammingT echniques 111 31. Whati sd eclarativeness? 114 32. Iteractoimvpeu ta.t ion 118 33. Recurcsoimvpeu tation 124 34. Programwmiitnrhge cursion 127 35. Timaen ds paecffiec ie.n cy 166 36. Higher-porrodgerra mming 177 37. Abstrdaacttta y p.e s 195 38. Nondeclanreaetdisv e 210 3.9 Progrdaems iigntn h sem all 218 3.10E xerc.i ses 230 4 DeclaratiCvoen currency 233 41. Thed ata-dcroinvceunr mroedne.tl 235 42. Bastihcr epardo gramtmeicnhgn i.q ues 246 43. Streams 256 44. Usintghd ee clarcaotnicvuer mroednedtli rectly 272 45. Lazeyx ecu.t ion 278 46. Softr eal-ptriomger amming 304 47. TheH asklealnlg uage 308 48. Limitaatnidoe nxst ensoifdo encsl arpartoigvrea mming 313 4.9 Advancteodp ics 326 4.10H istonroitceasl 337 4.11E xerc.i ses 338 5 Message-PassiCnogn currency 345 51. The messagec-opnacsusrmironedgne tl 347 52. Porotb jects 350 53. Simpmlees sapgreo to.c ols 353 54. Progrdaems ifgoncr o ncurrency 362 55. Liftc ontsryoslt em 365 56. Usintghm ee ssage-pmaosdsedilin rge .c tly 377 57. TheE rlalnagn guage 386 58. Advancteodp ic 394 5.9 Exercises 399 6 ExplicSitta te 405 6.1 Whati ss tate? 408 6.2 Staatneds ystbeumi lding 410 6.3 Thed eclarmaotdiewvlie t ehx plsitcaitte 413 6.4 Dataab straction 419 6.5 Statecfoulll ections 435 Contents ix 6.6 Reasonwiintsght a.te. . . 440 6.7 Progrdaems iigntn h lea rge 450 6.8 Casset ud.i es. 463 6.9 Advancteodp ics 479 6.10 Exerc.is.e.s . 482 7 Object-OrienPtreodg ramming 489 71. Inheri.ta.n.ce. . ... . . . 491 72. Clasassec so mpldeatteaa b strac.t.io ns 492 73. Clasassei sn cremdeanttaaab ls tractions 502 74. Programwmiitnihgn heri.ta.n.ce. . 518 75. Relattiooo tnh ceorm putamtoidoenl s 537 76. Implemetnhtoeib njge scyts t.em. . 545 77. TheJ avlaa ngu(asgeeq uepnatri.ta )l 551 78. Actiovbej ects 556 7.9 Exerc.is.e.s . ... . . 567 8 Shared-StaCtoen currency 569 8.1 Thes hared-csotnactuerm roednetl 573 8.2 Programwmiitnchgo ncurrency 573 8.3 Lock.s. . . 582 8.4 Monisto..r. . . . . . . . . . . 592 8.5 Transacsti..o.n. . . . . . . . 600 8.6 TheJ avlaa ngu(acgoen cuprarretn)t 615 8.7 Exerc.is.e.s . .. . . 618 9 RelationParlo gramming 621 9.1 Ther elatcioomnpault amtoidoe.nl 623 9.2 Furtehxearm pl.e.s . . .. . . 627 9.3 Relattiolo ong pirco gram.m ing 631 9.4 Naturlaaln gupaagres ing 641 9.5 A grammianrt erpreter 650 9.6 Databa.se.s. .. . 654 9.7 TheP rolloagn guage 660 9.8 Exerc.is.e.s ... . 671 II SPECIALIZED COMPUTATION MODELS 677 10 GraphicaUls erI nterfaPcreo gramming 679 10.1 Thed eclarative/apprporcoea.d cuhr al 681 10.2 Usintghd ee clarative/apprporcoeadcuhr al 682 10.3 TheP rototiynpteerr alcetairvnteio nogl 689 10.4 Casset ud.ie.s. . ... . . 690 10.5 ImplementthCieUn gIt o.ol. . . .. . . 703 x Contents 10.6 Exersci..se. . . . . . .7 03 11 DistributPerdo gramming 707 111. Taxonomoyfd istrisbyustteedm s 710 112. Thed istribmuotdie.ol.n . . . 712 113. Distriboufdt eicolna rdaattiav e 714 114. Distriboufst tia.otn.e . ... . 720 115. Netwoarwka ren.es.s. ... . 723 116. Commodni stripbruotgerda mpmaitntge rns 724 117. Distribpurtoitoo.nc ols 732 118. Partfiaaill .ur.e.. 739 119. Secur.it.y. ... . 743 11.1B0u ildaipnpgl ications 745 111.1E xerc.i s.e s . . . . . 746 12 Constraint Programming 749 121. Propagate-a.nd.-.se.a.rc.h.. . . . 750 122. Programtmeicnhgn i.qu.e.s . ... . . 755 123. Thec onstraincto-mbpausteamdto idoenl 758 124. Definianngdu sicnogm putastpiaoc.ne s 762 125. Implemetnhtreie nlga tcioomnpault amtoidoenl 772 126. Exerc.i.se.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.74. III SEMANTICS 777 13 LanguageS emantics 779 131. Theg enecroamlp utamtoidoenl 780 132. Declacroantciuvrer .en.c..y 804 133. Eigchotm putamtoidoen.l s.. 806 134. Semantoifcc osm moanb stra.c tions 808 135. Histonroitceasl 808 136. Exersci..se. . . . . . . . . . . . . 809 IV APPENDIXES 813 A MozartS ystemD evelopmenEtn vironment 815 A.1 Interaicnttievr.ef a.c e. 815 A.2 Commanldi nien ter.f ace .8 17 B BasicD ata Types 819 B.1 Numbe(risn tegfleorasta,sn ,dc hara)ct ers 819 B.2 Liter(aatlosma sn dn ame)s 824 B.3 Recoradnsdt upl.es. . . . . . .. . . . . 825 Contents xi B.4 Chunk(lsi mirteecdo )r ds 828 B.5 List.s. ... 828 B.6 Stri.ng.s.. 830 B.7 Virtsutarli ngs 831 C LanguageS yntax 833 C.l Interascttaitveem e.n.ts. . . . ... . . . 834 C.2 Statemaenndet xsp res.s.io.n.s . .. . . . 834 C.3 Nontermfionsrat last emaenndet xsp ressions 836 C.4 Operat.or.s 836 C.5 Keywor.ds. 839 C.6 Lexiscyanlt ax 839 D GeneraClo mputatioMno del 843 D.1 Creative epxrtienncsiipolne 844 D.2 Kernlealn gu.ag.e.. 845 D.3 Conce.pt.s. . .. . . 846 D.4 Differfeonrtmo sfs tate 849 D.5 Othecro ncepts 850 D.6 Layerleadn gudaegsei gn 850 References 853 Index 863

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