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The ConcoefS ti n p Josefe rP iep TranslabtyeE dd wardT .O akesS,. J. StA.u gustinPer'ess s South BeInndd,i ana 2001 Translcaotypriiog©nh 2t00b1yS tA.u guinset'Pser ss OriginGaelr maend itoifUbo en r Bdgeer ndif efS ru ne d coyprig©h 1t797b yK ose-VlerlaGgm bH& C.o,Mi.i nchen Alrli grhetss e.rN voep darotft hbioso mkay ber eopdruced, sotreind rae trisyesvtaeolmr t, r ansmini tanyt fedo,ro mrb y anym eanesl,e ctmreocnhiacn,pi hcoatloy,inc go,rp ecording, oro therwise, pwriitpoheror umti sotsfhi eo n S.tA ugustPienrs.es 's Manufacitnut rhUeen di teSdt aotfeAs m er.i ca 1 2 3 047 0 560 56 00340 20 1 LibraorfCy o ngreCsast alogiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan Peip,eJ ros,1e 9f40- [0bedre nB geridfefSr u n.dE english] Thec oncoefsp itIn b yJ osPeeifp e;tr ransblya ted EdwaTr.dO ak.e s p. em. Icnludbeisb liogrraepfheircaeannldcin edxse. IBSN1 8-93018-70-8( a.lp kap)e-rIBSN1 8-9301-880-6 (p.b ka:l. pk ap)e r 1S.i n.C at2h.o Clhiurcc -hDocrtine.s IT.i .t le B7T15. 53P31 2000 24'1.-4dc21 0-0107078 oo Thpea puesrei dnt hpiusb limceaetttihsome ni nimruemq uiroeftm heen ts AmeriNcaatni oSntaaln dfaoIrrnd f ormSactiieo-nnPc eersm anoefPn acpee r foPrr inMtaetde rAiNaSl2Is3 ,9. 48-1984. TabolfCe o tnents Trnasloar'tsPe rface . .ix. I Usage "iS"n-wao rndo l onguesre -d"?Milfdcaleyot uis("T homas Mann)- Whapte opcllea tiomm e abny t hweo radn dw hat therye amlelay-n Keeping sniolstep neitan kugvp sw .h eonn e shou-l"dConflbiecttw egeuni lts ian(n"Nd i chHoalrmatain n) -Violiaootnf a na bsloutneo rm. .. 1. II MisstihnMega rk Evillpa,s eg,u i-lTthes trucotftu hrfeea lssete:pm oraev iola­ tioonfa b ehavirourlael a tf haainlt uohr iett h mea rk-A?ll lapses ooftu htmeso irdraeel a alrmie n adve-rTtheein ntn o­ cenocfea rt-"?A citviatnyd"" Labor-"O nlmyo rlala pses makteh deo eerv -iUlnavaialtitnegmt pomt ask teh iemm ensi­ tyo fs icno mephrebnels.i .. 1.6 III ContNraat urCaomn,tR raat ionem Sians " ocntrtaoor ryd e-rW"hat d"ooersd meera"n- ?Sians ana c"tc notratrony a tu-rHeu"mann atu:tr heqeu ienstnsceoef whamta n miesa nttob ea sa c reabteeid-n Wghyn oo ncea n sniw itfhu hlela -rTthe"h teologniecegalclot"fh umannat ure -Sians a na citocno ntrtaorr eya s-oRnea soann dc onsci-ence Pratiacitiopinnt hdei viLnoeog s. .. 3.4 v THEC ONCEPOTF S IN IV ContDreau m "Contrtaoor ryd e"rc,o"n ttrona artyu r"ec,o"n ttrora aersyo" n: incommenstuerra-mtTseh et ntnea mfeo srni :f aai laiagnigtn s God- Doe"sn atumraannl"o knto w whastin i s-?Thea nswer oft hter adiotfhi uomna n-iStinyh idietsts r unea m-eF ailing Godt:o "ona thropomoarc pohnicce"p t? . .48. v PriadneDd e sire "Deblieratteulrnyni ga wafyr oGmo d-"Iss inr eaal" lutyrn nig awaya"n dn orta tha"e tru rnintgo wa"r?Td heaff irmatoifo n creatguoroedclnnayso tm akead eeidnt oa s ni-Cupidanidt as supe-rPbriiaads te h ien enrw ellnsgpo rfai lslni T-hed emand fofrr eedaosam p osbselmi aks ofo utru rninagw afryo mG od 56 0 0 0 VI MoraanlVd e niSailn Curbaela ndinc ubrlaei nfractaid oinnssctti:ino n outn iquteo Chriiasintt-y" Mortsaialnn" d" venisnai:nlo "at d istiinocnt of ag enuinst os pec-iWehsadto e"sd eya"ds linm ean? "Teht­ee r nalm ainn" a st hpeal coeft hsei nafcuitlnt hfeu sleln -se "Seri"ov uss".d eya"d nlssi. .. 6.6 VII The ParoafSd io-nxA FreCehloys Ceonm pulsion Howc na tdheebl eriatdee nioaftl h ger ounodfo uerx tiesnce evebrep osbseli?-Variwoauysts os urretnotd heiqrsu es­tion Why tahpep etaoml a 'nsf rewei lilns o a nsw-eMranc an sin becauskee,a l cllr ieathuerc eosm,efs r onmo th-inLgeasns explantahtaianro end uacdmt yisoit ue.mr .7.4 . vi Cotnetns VIII ThSet aoifSn i n Wharte mnasia fttehrse in fuli soa vce-trM acugluai,lli ta,ib tiyl top unish-mAetnotnemaesan c th antcope u rggeu i-lTthe problemraletniicaceo np unishdmeecnrtbe yem da n-The "eetrniy-tintentiiondn ed"al syi- n"Helals"s e-limfproinsment wihtt hperi sonheorln dgti hkee -yThep rereqfuoifrso irtgei ve­ nesrse:gnc oizinagn rde penotnieno'gws ng ui-lCtotnrition; se-lcafcuisoanct;o nfes-Msaino'nasu tonomsoe-ulnusfd ­er stnadinga ndt haet tiotfut dh"eef alalneglnes -"Then eceys sit fro dai vinaec tf oorfg iv.e ness .. 83 . Notes ...9 9 Index ..1.1 3 vii TarnastolrP'rfasec e Asa professiotrnaasnll a,t ohrIa d alwaasyssu meIdp re­ ferrleiedtr aolv epre irphrsatirce nderi-nugnst itlha,t i sI, tooko n thea sisgnmenotf t ranslaJtoisnegPf i eepr. Al­ thoughhi s toofnv eo iciesq uitpea sotraaln dw arm,e ven avuncul,ah ree xpolitas f eatuorfGe e mrana cdaemiscyt le tot hef ultlh acto ulnde vebre l iteratlrlayn sfetror ed Engli:ts hheu seo fp atricliep-sb otha ctiavnedp asvseia nd drwan fromb otht ransiatnidvin et ransivteirvsbe a-ss ub­ stanvte.isT heA merican philosopDheewre yoJ nochen asked alioftu hdeG emran fondnefsosnr ounosv evre brs ass howni nt heG ermanp roclifvoirtt uyrn inpga rticlieps intos ubstanitvsea ndc aiptaliazlinlno gu nmsi ghitnd icate somehtings uspiciaobuosuT teu tonmiect aphiyscs. Bet hata si tma y,J osePifpe e'rso wnp rocvliitiients h at regda hravet ob eb rokend own instoom ehtingm oref low­ ing ift heE nglissphe-akinrge adiesrn ott of eelt hath eh as satd own att heb ibliorgapchaile quviaelnto fa German mea,lh avintgo d igemsotr ep otatdou mpinlgst hanh is ownl eandeire rte queisr. disgteif, Germana lsfoa vorassa, k indo f al argneu mber of ncnoecvteis( f"urthermo"rindee,e"d ",o"n thec ontrray," etc.a)n ds enetncea dverb(sc" ertay,"in l"perhaps,"e tc.) andc oncevsess(i "nnoethele"sansd, y"e t,e"ct .)En.g lish ix THEC ONCEPOTF S IN idiotme ndtso l eavseu chl ogicsailg naimlpsl ieidn t he argumenpteh,ra psb ecausteh es entenacrees noltu mspoy and" dumpling-esuqe"t ob egiwni t.h Im entioalnol f t hitsot hantkw of rienwdhso r eado ver them anusctri inpd rafTth.ef irmsyt c,o lleaJgouheKn a ne, hadt hey eomna'wso rkt od o,b ecaufsoert hef irdsrta fIt hadf ollowmeyd u suaplr aiccteo fw orkingu p lai teral trantsiloan, iatfn edlt loh imt op roviden etehdee "dfr ist encoun"t Heer i.sa lsaon a virdea deorf P ipeer'wso rkisn Englisahn,ds oc ouladl spor ovigdoeo da dvicaes t ot he tonoef v oicIen e edetdoc aputr.e Aftefro llowi(nmgo sotf )h isa dvicIe t,h eng avet he cofrnere manuscirptt om y Jesuit FrE.d wardL .M aginnis, who continuteosd p otf urtheirn felicaintdie ersr o.rI sn boht caseIst ,o ltdh emt haItw oulhda vet oc hectkh erierc ­ ommendtaionasg aintshteo rigiGneamrla n,s ot hesyh ould notb eh elfdo arn y otchleurm sintehsamsti ghyte tc lintgo thet ranslaatlitohno,u Iga hm perfechtalpyp tyo a ttruitbe anyf luent grtaecxemt i tghhet htaotv hee giern eroaussss ­i tnac.e Letm e alsaod d thaasta , s alvem yt ol irtaelicsotn ­ scineceI,t rieadsm ucha sp ossiblteot ransloantleys en­ tencbeys entceenO.n ly tihnec asoeft hef irpsarta graopfh theb ookdi dIf eeIhl a dt ot akeev emno relb iertiienso rder tob readkow n anyi nitfieaell ionfTg e utonciacd encteh at thet rantsiloasnt ihlald. C atchitnhge r eade'rsa tetntion ande ntuhsiassme ememdo rei mportatnhta np lodndgi alonlgi kaeH egewla nnbae. But aalttl i meIsk newt hamty main roenssbpiiliatsay precision translawtaosr t oc onvetyh e oft hea utohr's thoughAts. a trudei sciopflS et T.h omasP,i eeprk nows whent od rawt here levdainstt incatnidwo hne nt oc oncede X TarnsolrPa'rtse face thaftu rthaenray lsiwso uldo nlyr eepatt heh airlsiptting all that rinesmt ahep opulaimrp resisono f medievpahli los­ tuocto rut. ophy Butw eairnsesw itohv erbstuldei sttinicons mustn evejru siftys loppoyr i ndsitinctth niking.A s St. (11 1356) IgnaitusL oyolsaa ys ai lne tterS eptemebr to TereRseaaj dell," ap ersowni tihm preciisdee acsa nu nde­r stanldi ttalnde beo fl eshse lpt oo the.r"sJ osePfi eepr understands muscohh ,i sa nb,do oaIkm surew,il lb eo f greabte neftiota lrlea der. s Fort hartea so-nthati sb,e cauIsw ea ntetdo m akeh is fascinatbinogo ka su seufla sp ossiblteo t hta mythaicl bea,st the "genreeardaelr- "I a lstoo otkh el iebrtoyf p ro­ vidinmgo ree labaotried entificoafpt eioopnlasen dt ecnhi­ calt erm(se spelcyiL aaltitne rmst)h ana rep resenint t he originaFlo.r e xapmlet,h ea uhtorm entions somine what passingt hen ameJ iirgeMno lmtann,w hom I tfhuernt her idetnifbyy d ecsribinhgi ma sa ni mportaPnrott etsantth e­ olgoiaanf tWeorr ld War aIvIo.i udTn noe cesys dairstrac­ tionosro verldoiangt heb ookw itht oom anye ndnotIe s, placesdu che peixgetipcharla se(sa nds ometimseesn ­ tenecs)in thet ex"ts iltel,ny"s inceI felcte ratinn oneo f thes"ea dditioanfsf"e tchteo rigimneaaln inga ta ll.Ih ave alsporo vieddt itlteoes a cohf t hec hatper.Ps ieepru sually makesh isT ables Coofn tenstesr vaes a kindo fr unning indexo rin itiraelc onnoiteorfit nhget errabiunt;c hatper titlseese metdo mhee lpftuoml y mythicmaeln ageriseo,I wenta heaadn ds upplietdhe m. TheP edantrPyo limcieg hotb ejctt ot hsees trategies, butI haver ecentrleynw eed my offiiaclT ransalto'rs Licenwshei,c hl,i kteh eP oetL'isc engsiev,e asc tiizen tinh e Republiocf L ettearlsl kionfdi sm munitfyr oma rre-st althoutghher eadesrh oulkdn owt hata to nep ointI h ave Xl

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