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SAN ANTONIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONCEPT DESIGN DESIGN GUIDELINES Bexar County City of San Antonio San Antonio River Authority San Antonio River Oversight Committee SAN ANTONIO RIVER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONCEPT DESIGN Design Guidelines PREPARED BY SWA G ROUP Biohabitats, Inc. PBS&J Economics Research Associates Sprinkle Robey Architects Jaster-Quintanilla, Inc. FOR Bexar County City of San Antonio San Antonio River Authority San Antonio River Oversight Committee July 2001 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 8 Project Background Project Area Purpose of the Design Guidelines TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Use the Design Guidelines Future Design Review Process OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT 12 Goals Existing Conditions River Water Sources Archaeology Environmental Challenges Economic Development and Land Use Guiding Design Principles Program Integration with Other Projects Inventory Process Design Process HISTORICAL MISSION (DOWNSTREAM) REACH 22 Fluvial Geomorphology Hydraulic Model River Channel Restoration River Infrastructure River Ecology Pathway Systems Planting Concepts Recreational Opportunities Visions for the Historical Mission (Downstream) Reach: Land Acquisitions Design Component Prototypes Other Elements Maintenance Cost Estimate and Funding Sources Long Term Opportunities MUSEUM (UPSTREAM) (cid:147)URBAN(cid:148) REACH 64 River Channel Restoration River Infrastructure River Ecology Pathway Systems Planting Concepts Visions for the Museum (Upstream) (cid:147)Urban(cid:148) Reach: Land Acquisitions Design Component Prototypes Other Elements Maintenance Cost Estimate and Funding Sources Long Term Opportunities MUSEUM (UPSTREAM) (cid:147)PARK(cid:148) REACH 94 River Channel Restoration River Infrastructure Pathway Systems Planting Concepts Visions for the Museum (Northern) (cid:147)Park(cid:148) Reach Design Component Prototypes Other Elements Maintenance Cost Estimate and Funding Sources Long Term Opportunities APPENDIX 102 Glossary of Fluvial Geomorphologic & Other Relevant Terms by SWA Group Economic and Market Overview for Client Meeting No. 4, August 10, 2000 by Economics Research Associates Recommended Plant List for Restoration of Riparian Corridors on the San Antonio River, July 28, 2000 by PBS&J Plant List for Use on the San Antonio River, January 2001, prepared by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Harris County Flood Control District, and the U. S. Corps of Engineers A Brief Study of Archaeologically Sensitive Areas within the San Antonio River Improvements Concept Design, September 2000 by Waynne Cox HEC-RAS Model: Proposed vs. Existing Water Surface and Energy Grade Elevation, and Hydraulics Summary Report, January 2001 by PBS&J Hike and Bike Pathways, January 2001 by SWA Group Fluvial Geomorphology Design Criteria, January 2001 by Biohabitats, Inc. Master Cost Analysis Global Summary, Summary by Reach, and Summary of Costs, December 2000 by SWA Group Naming and Dedication Rights, January 2001 by SWA Group Summary of the Community Participation Activities and Responses Related to the Overall Design of the River Improvements, February (cid:150) December 2000, by Linda Ximenes & Associates Brooklyn Avenue Dam, by SWA Group Operations and Maintenance Requirements, by SWA Group BIBLIOGRAPHY 155 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT BACKGROUND MASTER PLANNING PROCESS The Museum (Northern) Reach offers great yard(cid:148) for future development. The (cid:147)Park(cid:148) segment of Within downtown San Antonio, the San Antonio River SWA Group was retained in April 2000 to provide opportunity for high-density, multi-family residential the Museum Reach will be preserved and very little continues to thrive as the famous River Walk, or Paseo Master Planning services for the San Antonio River development supported with commercial services and work is proposed other than erosion control, removal del Rio. However, an additional 13 miles of urban river Improvements Project. Their charge was: entertainment uses. The market is not currently strong of invasive plant species, and continuation of the hike exist beyond downtown: upstream to the headwaters at (cid:149) to create a vision for the project area that would for speculative office building development but and bike pathway. the University of the Incarnate Word and downstream enhance the river and the citizen(cid:146)s lives limited hotel development may be possible. to the Espada Mission. The possibilities for these (cid:149) confirm that the hydraulic capabilities are not HYDRAULIC MODEL river reaches have not yet been charted. compromised The Historical Mission (Southern) Reach impacts will A key goal of the Master Plan is to not compromise (cid:149) evaluate future land uses be on a broader scale as the vast majority of the current floodwater capacity of the river and to Bexar County, the City of San Antonio, and the San (cid:149) test the cost analysis to confirm the project(cid:146)s developable land lies a significant distance from the increase it, if possible. Antonio River Authority formed the San Antonio affordability river itself and it currently obscured by steep banks. River Oversight Committee (SAROC), comprised of a (cid:149) prepare a Design Guidelines document to guide The primary economic stimulus will be through the The master plan team modeled the proposed channel diverse group of citizens, in 1998. These four entities the future design team(cid:146)s work provision of the recreational and cultural modifications using the U.S. Army Corps of have joined for a major undertaking, the preservation (cid:149) participate in a public participation process to opportunities for the San Antonio community. Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, River and restoration of the San Antonio River. Under their solicit consensus Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer program. This leadership, the north and south reaches will be master The Master Plan vision has been developed with these model was not yet completed during the planning planned for future enhancement of San Antonio The work was undertaken in a series of efforts that future land uses in mind. phase of this project and a draft was utilized. citizen(cid:146)s and visitor(cid:146)s lives. each culminated in a Community Work Session. These phases included: MASTER PLAN VISION The HEC-RAS Output Table and Summary Report is PROJECT AREA 1. Development of an Approach Statement SWA(cid:146)s design vision is to restore the Historic Mission included in the Appendix. The table indicates The San Antonio River Improvements Project 2. Undertaking Background Studies (Southern) Reach to a more natural river (while differences between the existing and proposed river includes two reaches. The Museum (Northern) Reach 3. Undertaking a Site Analysis and Evaluation maintaining floodwater capacity), set the framework conditions for total energy as well as water surface begins at Lexington Street and runs north about four 4. Program Testing for an urban context in the Museum (Northern) Reach elevations. The final model demonstrates that the miles to E. Hildebrand Avenue at Brackenridge Park. 5. Preparation of Concept Alternatives that will provide for new, urban neighborhoods, and concept reduces the energy profile of the entire river Due to two distinct areas within this reach, it has been 6. Documentation of the River Design Concept provide a continuous pedestrian linkage from one end and reduces the existing water surface elevation in all further subdivided in the Museum (Northern) 7. Preparation of a Design Guidelines document of the river to the other. but a few isolated areas. In these few locations, the (cid:147)Urban(cid:148) Reach from Lexington to Josephine and the 8. Attendance at coordination and presentation proposed condition slows the channel velocity and Museum (Northern) (cid:147)Park(cid:148) Reach from Josephine to meetings The approach for the Historic Mission (Southern) provides a more stable flow condition compared to Hildebrand. Reach is the application of fluvial geomorphology that existing conditions. In all of the location except one, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES will restore the river to a more natural condition and proposed water surface elevations are confined within The Historical Mission (Southern) Reach extends A brief economics evaluation was undertaken of San create a more stable river. The Museum (Northern) the main flood control channel. In the lone location southward from S. Alamo Street to the Espada Antonio(cid:146)s current market condition and projected land (cid:147)Urban(cid:148) Reach has had bioengineering approaches where proposed water levels are not confined in the Mission just below Interstate Loop 410. This reach uses were projected for the next ten years. applied to create a linear park that has greater habitat main channel, the existing water levels also extend out measures approximately nine miles, for an entire than currently exists and also provides a new (cid:147)front onto the main channel. Each future design team will project length of about 13 linear miles. 6 SAN ANTONIO RIVER DESIGN GUIDELINES be required to run a new model based upon their real possibility exists that a portion of the cut material conditions, constraints, and opportunities meeting and two Community Work Sessions. In design development. can be spoiled on an adjacent site(s) without causing 3. Vision for the Historical Mission (Southern) Reach addition to these meetings, the design team also met adverse impacts to surrounding areas. Also, an including design approach and prototypes for the with twelve other local agencies, groups or A flooding problem in the Symphony Lane adjacent site could be purchased for spoils and cost major project components. stakeholders. Refer to the Appendix for a community neighborhood has generated a proposal for the less than hauling the material away, and/or that 4. Vision for the Museum (Northern) Reach including participation summary. modification of the Davis Lake area (refer page 41 for another agency, such as TxDOT may want the soil and design approach and prototypes for the major further information). The HEC-RAS model has will remove it cost free. These approaches should be project components PROJECT APPROVAL assumed that the Espada Dam will be removed and investigated by each future design team. In addition, The Master Plan was presented to the Bexar County replaced with a series of lakes and grade control Federal River Restoration and Recreational Project The Guidelines have been developed so that they will Commissioners Court, the San Antonio City Council, structures that are excavated. A separate engineering funding is available through the U. S. Army Corps of ensure that the Master Plan vision is not compromised the San Antonio River Authority Board, and the San study is being undertaken to study this issue and Engineers and the project will be pursuing that but will allow flexibility for application to each of the Antonio River Oversight Committee through the provide a final recommendation or alternative funding. river reaches. They also include performance based months of March and April 2001. The plan was options/solutions in the fall of 2001. maintenance requirements so that the future design unanimously approved by all groups. In order to apply some of the fluvial geomorphologic teams develop details that are maintainable by the COST ESTIMATE principles, additional river right-of-way is required in County, City, and SARA, where necessary. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SWA used the 1997 Freese & Nichols cost estimate of certain locations. SWA has utilized publicly held The Master Plan implementation strategy is to: $100,000,000 as their basis in confirming the project property to accomplish most of the land but a small The Master Plan and Guidelines have been carefully 1. Build the project over the next 10 years. budget and utilized to Bexar County, the City of San amount of private land is needed. The cost of this coordinated with several other important projects: 2. Construct a north reach and south reach Antonio, and the Private Foundations. The final SWA acquisition has been included in the overall project (cid:149) Unified Development Code Revisions concurrently during each phase. cost analysis is higher than the original Freese & cost analysis but it is preferred that public/private (cid:149) Mission Trails Project 3. Begin at the downtown area and work outward, in Nichols estimate and is included as an Appendix along partnerships will be developed with the property (cid:149) Eagleland Project both southward and northward directions, as with a Gant Chart. owners and that the land will be donated or easements (cid:149) The Downtown Reach possible. The areas of highest concern in the will be granted free of charge. Historical Mission Reach, such as Espada Dam, will The majority of the cost increase occurs in the County Future design teams must comply with all City, State, be addressed as quickly as possible, coordinated flood control components. This increase is a result of DESIGN GUIDELINES and Federal requirements including the Texas with the availability of project funds, and may the fluvial geomorphology approach that was applied The following Design Guidelines have been prepared Accessibility Standards (TAS) of the Architectural require (cid:147)hop-scotching(cid:148) in that reach. to the South Reach and the resulting earth cut that is to direct the design process of all future design teams Barriers Act, and Crime Prevention through required through application of fluvial and to protect the SWA design vision. The manual Environmental Design (CPTED) by the National geomorphology principles. This is the optimum has been divided into the Museum (Northern) Crime Prevention Institute. approach to increase floodwater capacity. A total of (cid:147)Urban(cid:148) Reach, the Museum (Northern) (cid:147)Park(cid:148) approximately four million cubic yards of earth must Reach, and the Historical Mission (Southern) Reach COMMUNITY WORK SESSIONS be removed and the cost analysis has made a and provides the following information: A series of public meetings was held at each of the conservative assumption that it will be hauled off-site 1. Project Background and Purpose of the Guidelines three major project milestones that consisted of an to an environmentally approved spoil site. However, a 2. Overview of the Project including existing expanded San Antonio River Oversight Committee SAN ANTONIO RIVER DESIGN GUIDELINES 7 E INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE S O P R U P D N A N O TI C U D O R T N I Bexar County, the City of San Antonio, and the San Antonio River Authority (SARA) formed the San Antonio River Oversight Committee (SAROC) in 1998 to: (cid:149) identify concepts for river improvements PROJECT BACKGROUND (cid:149) advise the County, City and River Authority on the The San Antonio River is the historic lifeline of San planning, design, and construction of the river Antonio. It is the origin of the city. improvements (cid:149) provide a public forum during the process Within downtown San Antonio, the river continues to (cid:149) encourage and promote community involvement thrive as the famous River Walk, or Paseo del Rio. and consensus However, an additional 13 miles of urban river exist (cid:149) meet with the citizens, neighborhoods and beyond downtown: upstream to the headwaters at the stakeholders. University of the Incarnate Word and downstream to These four entities have joined for a major the Espada Mission. The collective vision and work undertaking, the preservation and restoration of the of community leaders through the centuries has San Antonio River. Under their leadership, the north preserved the charm of the San Antonio River. This and south reaches will be master planned for future concept design and Master Plan support the continued enhancement of San Antonio citizen(cid:146)s lives. charting of possibilities for the historic river reaches. These public improvements will restore the Historic Mission (Southern) Reach to a more natural river, set the framework for an urban context in the Museum Historic Plan of River (Northern) Reach that will provide for new, urban neighborhoods, and provide a continuous linear park and pedestrian linkage from one end to the other. A San Antonio River acequia 8 SAN ANTONIO RIVER DESIGN GUIDELINES Photo 2 - #63A SAN ANTONIO RIVER DESIGN GUIDELINES 9 E PURPOSE OF THE DESIGN GUIDELINES S O P R The San Antonio River Design Guidelines set the U P D design vision for the river that will be implemented N A ON over the first decade of the 21st century. These TI C U guidelines establish the major framework in which D O R future design consultant(cid:146)s work will be undertaken. T N I Each project reach will be designed with the intent of these guidelines to ensure that the vision(cid:146)s concepts are being realized in the vocabulary that has been established. When completed, the river improvements will be a consistent and coherent system. The Design Guidelines also provide visions for the next 50+ years that can be undertaken beyond this project and its current budget. Tunnel outlet structure A Glossary of Terms has been included as an Appendix to assist with the many technical terms that PROJECT AREA will be used throughout this document. The San Antonio River Improvements Project includes two reaches. The Museum (Northern) Reach begins at Lexington Street and runs north about four miles to E. Hildebrand Avenue at Brackenridge Park. Although the actual river headwaters are north of Hildebrand Avenue on the University of the Incarnate Word campus, the University is private property and the acknowledgement of the river(cid:146)s origin will occur on the Brackenridge Park land. The Historical Mission (Southern) Reach extends southward from S. Alamo Street to the Espada Mission just below Interstate Loop 410. This reach measures approximately nine miles, for an entire project length of about 13 linear miles. River behind King William District 10 SAN ANTONIO RIVER DESIGN GUIDELINES

Fluvial Geomorphology Design Criteria, January 2001 by Biohabitats, Inc. Master Cost Analysis . model was not yet completed during the planning phase of this project and .. Mechanical Equipment and Service Utilities. 6. Portable Carts. 7.
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