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Computing stress intensity factors for curvilinear cracks Maurizio M. Chiaramonte1, Yongxing Shen2∗, Leon M. Keer3, and Adrian J. Lew1∗ 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 496 Lomita Mall, Stanford CA 94305, USA 5 {mchiaram,lewa}@stanford.edu 1 0 2University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, 200240, China 2 [email protected] n 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Rd., Evanston IL 60208, a USA J [email protected] 4 1 ] A SUMMARY N The use of the interaction integral to compute stress intensity factors around a crack tip requires . selecting an auxiliary field and a material variation field. We formulate a family of these fields h accounting for the curvilinear nature of cracks that, in conjunction with a discrete formulation of t a the interaction integral, yield optimally convergent stress intensity factors. We formulate three pairs m ofauxiliaryandmaterialvariationfieldschosentoyieldasimpleexpressionoftheinteractionintegral for different classes of problems. The formulation accounts for crack face tractions and body forces. [ Distinct features of the fields are their ease of construction and implementation. The resulting stress 1 intensityfactorsareobservedconvergingataratethatdoublestheoneofthestressfield.Weprovide v a sketch of the theoretical justification for the observed convergence rates, and discuss issues such 0 as quadratures and domain approximations needed to attain such convergent behavior. Through 1 two representative examples, a circular arc crack and a loaded power function crack, we illustrate 7 the convergence rates of the computed stress intensity factors. The numerical results also show the 3 independence of the method on the size of the domain of integration. 0 1. Received... 0 5 KEY WORDS: Muskhelishvili, hydraulic fracturing, finite element methods 1 : v i X 1. INTRODUCTION r a Thestressfieldnearthetipofaloadedcrackissingularundertheassumptionoflinearelastic fracturemechanics.Thecoefficientsoftheasymptoticstressfield,knownasthestressintensity factors, play a key role in characterizing the magnitude of the load applied to the crack and predicting its propagation. Giventhestresssingularityandthepooraccuracyinpointwiseevaluationofthestressfield, it is often impossible to extract the stress intensity factors directly from numerical solutions, Contract/grant sponsor: Y. Shen (while at Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya): Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (European Commission); contract/grant number: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG- CompHydraulFrac.Y.Shen(currentaffiliation):NationalScienceFoundationofChina;contract/grantnumber: 11402146.A.Lew,NationalScienceFoundation;contract/grantnumberCMMI-1301396.M.M.Chiaramonte, OfficeofTechnologyLicensing,StanfordGraduateFellowship. ∗Correspondenceto:[email protected],[email protected] Prepared using nmeauth.cls [Version: 2010/05/13 v3.00] 2 M.M.CHIARAMONTE,Y.SHEN,L.M.KEER,ANDA.J.LEW unless a higher-order method to compute the elastic field is adopted, such as those proposed in Liu et al. [1], Shen and Lew [2], and Chiaramonte et al. [3]. As a result, path and domain integral methods to extract the stress intensity factors have beencreatedpreciselytocircumventthislimitation.Amethodofthiskindtypicallyformulates the expression of the stress intensity factors as functionals of the solution, thus enjoying a higher order of convergence than the one of the elastic field itself. Predominant methods of this kind have been constructed based on the J-integral [4] and the interaction integral [5]. In the context of linear elastic fracture mechanics, the J-integral is identified with the system’selasticenergyreleaserate;theelasticenergythatwouldbereleasedperunitlengthof crackextensioninthetangentialdirection.Thisintegralandrelatedonesforthecomputation of fracture-mechanics-related quantities have been elaborated by Eshelby [6], Rice [4], Freund [7], and many others. Shih et al. [8] derived the expression for the energy release rate of a thermally stressed body in the presence of crack face traction and body force. A general treatment of such conservation integrals, including those expressed in a form of domain integrals, can be found in Moran and Shih [9, 10]. The domain form is better suited and more accurate for numerical computation. Nevertheless, in the case of mixed-mode loading, J is a quadratic function of all three stress intensity factors [11]; therefore, additional integrals are needed to determine the three quantities individually, e.g., as done by Chang and Wu [12] for non-planar curved cracks. In contrast, the interaction integral, or the interaction energy integral, is able to yield the threestressintensityfactorsseparately.ThismethodisbasedontheJ-integralbysuperposing the elastic field of the loaded body and an auxiliary field with known stress intensity factors. The auxiliary field does not need to satisfy the elasticity equations but must resemble the asymptotic solution of a cracked elastic body corresponding to one of the three loading modes (e.g.,plane-strainmodeIormodeII,oranti-planemodeIII).Thereforetheauxiliaryfield,for straight cracks, is normally chosen to be the asymptotic solution, as found in [13, 14]. Doing so readily yields the stress intensity factor of the actual field for the chosen mode. Along with the auxiliary field, the interaction integral requires the construction of a vector field, named the material variation field, which indicates the velocity (variation) of points in the reference configuration as it is deformed into a domain with a longer crack. Under mild conditions, the value of the interaction integral does not depend on this choice, but a good choice of material variation can simplify computations. For example, the interaction integral is computed by integratingoverthesupportofthematerialvariationfield,soitisconvenienttochoosematerial variation fields with small and compact support. While developing auxiliary and material variation fields for straight cracks (planar cracks in three dimension) is an amenable task, doingsoforcurvilinearcracks(non-planarcracksinthreedimension)posesseveralchallenges. In the following paragraphs we provide a short review of the effort related to the computation of stress intensity factors with the use of the interaction integral. Earliermethodstocomputethestressintensityfactorswiththeinteractionintegralinvolved path integrals, such as those in Stern et al. [5] and Yau et al. [15]. The method was later generalized to a straight-front crack in three-dimensions by Nakamura and Parks [16] and Nakamura [17]. A curved crack front introduces additional terms, since the popular plane- strain modes I and II auxiliary fields no longer satisfy the compatibility and the equilibrium conditions. These additional terms were accounted for in Nahta and Moran [18] for the axisymmetriccase,andinGoszetal.[19]forgeneralplanarcracksinthreedimensions.Kimet al. [20] adopted auxiliary fields corresponding to penny-shaped cracks, as well as conventional plane-strain and anti-plane ones. An alternative approach was given by Daimon and Okada [21] who adopted a compatible auxiliary field and accounted for its lack of equilibrium by superposing a numerically computed displacement field with the finite element method. A study of the effect of omitting some terms accounting for the curved front is given by Walters et al. [22]. Morerecentlythemethodof[19]wasadaptedfornon-planarcracksinGoszandMoran[23], the latter of which is arguably a milestone in the development of domain integral methods to Prepared using nmeauth.cls COMPUTINGSTRESSINTENSITYFACTORSFORCURVILINEARCRACKS 3 extract stress intensity factors from curvilinear cracks in 2D and non-planar cracks in 3D. In [23], the method constructs the auxiliary fields through the use of curvilinear coordinates and their corresponding covariant basis to account for the crack curvature. This procedure constructstheauxiliaryfieldsbyjuxtaposingthecomponentsofthestressfieldsof[13]withthe describedbasis.In[24],Sukumaretal.implementedthemethodof[23]incombinationwithan extendedfiniteelementmethodinathree-dimensionalsetting[25]andafast-marchingmethod. The main drawback of the curvilinear coordinates of [23] is the need to perform boundary integrals over both the real crack surfaces and a pair of fictitious crack surfaces. In [26], Gonz´alez-Albuixech et al. proposed another curvilinear coordinate system that can eliminate the integration on the fictitious crack surfaces, and in this way facilitate the computation. In [27, 26], Gonz´alez-Albuixech et al. studied the properties of the aforementioned methods in two- and three-dimensions, respectively, but not with all terms arising from the derivation of the interaction integral. Such omission of terms may have contributed to the observed slow convergence and occasional divergence. This observation confirms the statement of [23] that all terms arising from the lack of compatibility and equilibrium of the auxiliary field have to be taken into account. The domain version of the interaction integral has also been generalized to functionally graded materials [28, 29]. In this paper we present a suite of auxiliary fields and material variations fields. By pairing two constructs of material variation fields and two constructs of auxiliary fields, we create two kinds of interaction integral suitable for curvilinear cracks and for situations in which body forces and crack face tractions are present. One kind of interaction integral is suited for applications where crack faces are loaded (e.g. hydraulic fracturing), and the other one is best suited for applications where body forces are non-zero (e.g. thermally loaded materials). Moreover,nofictitiouscrackfaceisneeded,amajorsimplificationtothepredominantmethod in the literature. One of the two choices of the material variation fields has a constant direction pointing to the direction of the crack growth, a straightforward choice adopted by most authors, and the otherhasadirectionthatistangentialtothecracknearthecracktip,similartothatproposed in [25]. For a curved crack, this second choice necessarily coincides with the first one only at the crack tip. A key advantage of the material variation fields we introduce here is their ease of construction which is reflected in their straightforward implementation in computer codes. Moreover, in contrast to many of the existing constructions, the magnitude of the material variation fields is mesh independent. This mesh independence contributes to the observed optimal rate of convergence. The two auxiliary fields are constructed from the well-known asymptotic solutions of a straight crack. Both fields respect the discontinuity introduced by the crack, thus avoiding the evaluation of integrals over fictitious crack faces as the method in [23] does. One of the auxiliary fields is obtained by “extending” the asymptotic solutions past the range [ π,π], − and hence satisfies equilibrium, compatibility, and the constitutive relation. The resulting interaction integral expression then yields a term on the crack faces, even in the absence of crack face traction. The second auxiliary field is an incompatible strain field. It is obtained by first mapping a straight crack to the curved crack near the crack tip, and using this map to push forward the strain field of the straight-crack asymptotic solution. Then, by suitably rotatingthestraintensorateachpoint,weobtainanauxiliarystrainfieldthatistraction-free at the curved crack faces. This is useful for problems in which crack faces are traction-free. In fact, if this auxiliary field is used in combination with the tangential material variation field, the crack face integral vanishes, resulting in a significantly simplified expression for the interaction integral. Weshowcasetheconvergence ofthestressintensityfactorsobtainedwiththeproposedfields for a set of representative examples computed with two different finite element methods. In all cases, the stress intensity factors converge with a rate that doubles the rate of convergence of the strains. We also numerically demonstrate the independence of the computed stress Prepared using nmeauth.cls 4 M.M.CHIARAMONTE,Y.SHEN,L.M.KEER,ANDA.J.LEW intensity factors from the chosen support for the material variation field. Although the numerical examples adopt finite element methods to obtain an approximate solution to the elasticity problem, the numerical implementation of the interaction integral with the new fields is general, and can be used in conjunction with any numerical method for the solution of the governing equations (e.g. finite difference, finite volume, boundary integral equations, isogeometric analysis, and meshless methods). Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.Wefirststatetheproblemthatweseektosolvein 2.We § then proceed in 3 to present the interaction integral with the description of the new material § variation and auxiliary fields. In the same section we justify that the proposed forms of the interaction integral are well-defined. A numerical approximation of the interaction integral is presented in 4 with remarks on its expected convergence. The last part of 4 provides a step- § § by-steprecapitulationofthemethodsuitedforthereaderinterestedinaconcisepresentation. In 5 we verify the computation of the stress intensity factors against analytical solutions § for two problems: a circular arc crack and a power function crack. Throughout the paper we included sections titled “Justification” which contain sketches of proofs for some of the assertions we make, and they are not essential for the description of the methods in this paper. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Wepresentnexttheproblemstatementwhichconsistsoftheevaluationofthestressintensity factors following the solution of the elasticity fields for a cracked solid. 2.1. Elasticity Problem We consider a body R2 undergoing a deformation defined by the displacement field u. B ⊂ We assume to be an open and connected domain with a (piecewise) smooth boundary ∂ . B B We represent the crack with a twice differentiable, simple and rectifiable curve C and ⊂B denote its crack faces with C±. The cracked domain is given by C = C. The boundary B B\ of C is the union of the crack faces and the boundary of , namely ∂ C =∂ C±. Let B B B B∪ ∂ C be decomposed into ∂τ C and ∂d C such that ∂τ C C±, ∂τ C ∂d C =∂ C, and B B B B ⊇ B ∪ B B ∂τ C ∂d C = . Tractions t and displacements u are prescribed over ∂τ C and ∂d C, B ∩ B ∅ B B respectively, while a body force field b is applied over C. Let xt denote any one of the B two crack tips. We denote by n the unit external normal to , as well as the unit external B normal to each one of the two faces of the crack. Figure 1 shows the schematic of the problem configuration. t ∂ τ B C xt x 2 B ∂d e B 2 u x 1 e 1 Figure 1.The configuration of the problem Prepared using nmeauth.cls COMPUTINGSTRESSINTENSITYFACTORSFORCURVILINEARCRACKS 5 We confine ourselves to planar linear elasticity in the context of infinitesimal deformations. The elasticity problem statement reads: Given b , u, and t find u: C R2 such that B → σ( u)+b=0, in C, (1a) ∇· ∇ B u=u, on ∂d C, (1b) B σ( u)n=t, on ∂τ C, (1c) ∇ B where σ is the stress tensor. This is given by σ( u)=C: u, (2) ∇ ∇ and λ, for plane strain, C=λˆ1 1+2µI, λˆ = 2λµ ⊗  , for plane stress. λ+2µ The constants λ and µ are Lam´e’s first and second parameters, respectively, 1 is the identity  second-order tensor, and I is the fourth-order symmetric identity operator given by 1 I= (δ δ +δ δ )e e e e , 2 ik jl il jk i⊗ j ⊗ k⊗ l where e ,e is a Cartesian basis, and an index repeated twice indicates sum from 1 to 2 in 1 2 { } such index. 2.2. Crack Tip Coordinates and Stress Intensity Factors To aid the definition of the stress intensity factors we first introduce a system of coordinates and a family of vector bases. x Γ(r) r(x) ϑ(x) g (r) 0 r 2 r e r x˜ ζ(r) g (r) 1 Figure 2.Description of local basis and coordinates Let (r,ϑ) be crack tip polar coordinates as shown in Fig. 2, and let B (xˆ)= ρ x R2 x xˆ <ρ be the open ball of radius ρ>0 centered at xˆ. The radial coordinate ∈ | − | is defined as r(x):= x xt . Let Γ:r x C x xt =r be a description of part of (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9)| − | (cid:55)→{ ∈ || − | } the crack(cid:12) parametrized by the distance to the crack tip. We set the domain of Γ to be [0,ρ] with ρ>0 such that B (x ) and that Γ(cid:48) =0 over its domain of definition. As a ρ t ⊂B (cid:54) consequence, Γ is bijective for r [0,ρ]. We re-iterate that the crack is assumed to be a twice continuously differentiable cu∈rve such that Γ C2(R+;R2), where R+ = 0 R+. By ∈ 0 0 { }∪ convention, the possible values of the (r,ϑ) coordinates for points in B (x ) that we will use ρ t belong to D = (r,ϑ) R+ R π ζ(r) ϑ π ζ(r) , ρ { ∈ 0 × |− − ≤ ≤ − } where ζ(r) is the angle between the vector Γ(r) x and Γ(cid:48)(0). In other words, ζ(r) is the t − angle subdued by (a) the tangent at the crack tip and (b) the secant line passing through the crack tip and Γ(r). Figure 3 shows the values of the coordinate ϑ for the particular case of a circular arc crack. Lastly let g (r),r [0,ρ] be the right-handed orthonormal bases induced i ∈ from the mapping Γ such that g (r)= Γ(cid:48)(r)/Γ(cid:48)(r), see Fig. 2. 1 − | | Prepared using nmeauth.cls 6 M.M.CHIARAMONTE,Y.SHEN,L.M.KEER,ANDA.J.LEW 0 .0 0. π 2π 2 0. π - 0.5π -0.5π π - 8 0. 0. -1 8π .0 π Crack π+maxζ ϑ π+maxζ − Figure 3.The ϑ-coordinate with the branch cut along the crack. Throughout this manuscript, we assume that there exist unique real numbers K ,K such I II that u=KIuI +KIIuII +uS, uS H2 C;R2 , (3) ∈ B where K and K are the modes I and II stress intensity fac(cid:0)tors, res(cid:1)pectively, and uI,uII I II H1( C;R2) H2( C;R2) are the asymptotic displacement solutions of these modes. ∈ B \ B Theproblemofevaluatingthestressintensityfactorsis:Given asolutionuofProblem(1), compute K and K as defined in (3). I II Remark (Explicit evaluation of the behavior at the crack tip). Whenever β = u C0( C;R2×2), the stress intensity factors can be alternatively defined as: ∇ ∈ B K = lim√2πrσ(β) :g g , I r→0 |ϑ=0 2⊗ 2 (4) K = lim√2πrσ(β) :g g . II r→0 |ϑ=0 1⊗ 2 Thecalculationofthestressintensityfactorsbyevaluatingthelimitsin (4)withanumerical solution often leads to poor results. In fact, few methods are capable of accurately resolving the singularity in the stress field. Therefore the predominant methods to compute the stress intensity factors are based on the approximation of the interactionintegral, a formulation that avoids pointwise evaluation of the stress field in the region with the singularity. We proceed to introduce the interaction integral in 3. § 3. INTERACTION INTEGRAL In the sequel we first define the interaction integral functional between any two admissible fields alongside a concise justification of this definition (see 3.1 ). In 3.2 we specialize it to § § the case in which one of the fields is the solution to the elasticity problem of interest. This specialization results in a formulation that possesses the following properties: (a) it does not involve second derivatives of the discrete approximation to the exact displacement field; (b) it isaproblem-dependentfunctionalbecauseitusestheprescribedtractionsandbodyforces;and (c) it can be further simplified, depending on the problem, by carefully choosing the so-called material variation and auxiliary fields, to be described later. We perform the simplification Prepared using nmeauth.cls COMPUTINGSTRESSINTENSITYFACTORSFORCURVILINEARCRACKS 7 in 3.3 and 3.4, and obtain three different formulas. In 3.5 we provide guidelines on which § § § specific formula for the interaction integral to choose for a given application. 3.1. Definition of the Interaction Integral Functional The interaction integral involves two elasticity fields, one with known stress intensity factors, and the other whose stress intensity factors we are interested in evaluating. Letusintroducetheinteractionenergymomentumtensor Σ:R2×2 R2×2 R2×2 defined × → as Σ βa,βb =w βa,βb 1 βa(cid:62)σ βb βb(cid:62)σ(βa), − − where w :R2×2 R2×(cid:0)2 R(cid:1)is give(cid:0)n as (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) × → 1 w βa,βb = σ(βa):βb+σ βb :βa . (5) 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) Assuming the same constitutive relation (2) for both fields, (5) simplifies to w βa,βb =σ(βa):βb =σ βb :βa. Additionally, let the set of ma(cid:0)terial v(cid:1)ariations be defined(cid:0)as(cid:1) M= δγ ∈C1 BC;R2 δγ =0 in BC \Bρ(xt),δγ(xt)=g1(0) . (6) Finally, let (cid:8) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:12) (cid:9) (cid:12) Bb =span uI, uII H1 C;R2×2 , ∇ ∇ ⊕ B and for any tensor field β Bb defin(cid:8)e KI[β] and(cid:9)KII[β(cid:0)] such that(cid:1) ∈ β =K [β] uI +K [β] uII +β (7) I ∇ II ∇ S with βS ∈H1 BC;R2×2 . In particular, if β =∇u, for u being a solution of Problem (1), then K [β] and K [β] are the stress intensity factors of u. However, K [β] and K [β] are I II I II still defined for(cid:0)any β B(cid:1) b that is not the gradient of a displacement field. For convenience, ∈ regardless of whether β is or is not the gradient of a displacement field, we will refer to K [β] I and K [β] as the stress intensity factors of β. II We define the interaction integral functional ˆ :Bb Bb R as I × ×M→ ˆ βa,βb,δγ = δγ Σ βa,βb ndS I C± · (cid:90) ρ (8) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) Σ βa,βb : δγ+ Σ βa,βb δγ dV, −(cid:90)Bρ(xt)\C ∇ ∇· · (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) where, for convenience, we let Cρ± denote C±∩Bρ(xt). The value Iˆ βa,βb,δγ is the interaction integral between βa and βb. The relation between the interaction integral and (cid:2) (cid:3) the stress intensity factors of βa,βb Bb is ∈ ˆ βa,βb,δγ =η K [βa]K βb +K [βa]K βb (9) I I II II I for any δγ , whe(cid:2)re η is a m(cid:3)ateria(cid:0)l constant d(cid:2)efin(cid:3)ed as (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) ∈M λ+2µ , for plane strain, 2µ(λ+µ) η =   2(λ+µ)  , for plane stress. µ(3λ+2µ)   It follows from (9) that, if weare interested in finding K [β] (or K [β]), we must generate I II an auxiliary tensor field βaIux (or βaIuIx) ∈Bb satisfying KI[βaIux]=1, KII[βaIux]=0 (or Prepared using nmeauth.cls 8 M.M.CHIARAMONTE,Y.SHEN,L.M.KEER,ANDA.J.LEW K [βaux]=0, K [βaux]=1). In this case, (9) implies that I II II II ˆ[β,βaux,δγ] K [β]= I I,II . I,II η Notice that the interaction integral can be regarded as a tool to extract the singular parts of fields βa,βb, as it follows from (8). The regular part β of either field (cf. (7)) does not S contribute to the value of the interaction integral. Justification (Equation (9)). Consider βa,βb Bb, and r >0. Notice that the two terms ∈ in the volume integral of (8) form an exact divergence. Applying the divergence theorem on (Bρ(xt) C) Br(xt) reveals that the integration in (8) over (Bρ(xt) C) Br(xt) and \ \ \ \ Cρ±\Br(xt) add up to an integral over ∂Br(xt). It then follows that ˆ βa,βb,δγ = lim δγ Σ βa,βb ndS, (10) I r→0 · (cid:90)∂Br(xt) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) with n here is also used to denote the outward unit normal to ∂B (x ), since the rest of the r t terms vanish as r 0. To proceed in s→howing that (10) implies (9), we write βa =βa +βa and βb =βb +βb, T S T S where βaT,βbT ∈span{∇uI,∇uII} and βaS,βbS ∈H1(BC;R2×2)].It isstraightforward toshow that ˆ βa,βb,δγ = lim δγ Σ βa,βb ndS =η K [βa]K βb +K [βa]K βb . I T T r→0 · T T I I II II (cid:90)∂Br(xt) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) Therefore, it remains to show that ˆ[βa,βb,δγ]= ˆ[βa,βb,δγ]= ˆ[βa,βb,δγ]=0. To this I S T I T S I S S end, we first define ˆ βa,βb,δγ := δγ Σ βa,βb ndS. r I · (cid:90)∂Br(xt) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) Then we invoke the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the explicit expression of βb to obtain T ˆ βa,βb,δγ C βa βb C βa , Ir S T ≤ (cid:107) S(cid:107)L2[∂Br(xt)] T L2[∂Br(xt)] ≤ (cid:107) S(cid:107)L2[∂Br(xt)] (11) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)Iˆr(cid:2)βaS,βbS,δγ(cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤C(cid:107)βaS(cid:107)L2[∂Br(xt)](cid:13)(cid:13)βbS(cid:13)(cid:13)L2[∂Br(xt)], (cid:12) (cid:12) where C >(cid:12)0 i(cid:2)s independe(cid:3)n(cid:12)t of r. (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:12) Tocontinue,weneedtoinvokeatraceinequalitywithascalingofrforanyf H1[B (x ) ρ t ∈ \ C] and r (0,ρ), ∈ (cid:107)f(cid:107)L2[∂Br(xt)] ≤Cr1/2(cid:107)f(cid:107)H1[Bρ(xt)\C], (12) where C >0 is independent of f and r†. † Toprove(12),wefirstwrite 1 (cid:90) f := f dΩ, fˆ:=f−f. πρ2 Bρ(xt) ThenwithaformofPoincar´e’sinequalityandascalingargument, (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)fˆ(cid:13)(cid:13)L2[∂Br(xt)]≤Cr1/2|f|H1[Br(xt)\C]≤Cr1/2|f|H1[Bρ(xt)\C]. Ontheotherhand,since(cid:107)f(cid:107)L2[∂Br(xt)]=(f22πr)1/2 and(cid:107)f(cid:107)L2[Bρ(xt)]=(f2πρ2)1/2,wehave (cid:13)(cid:13)f(cid:13)(cid:13)L2[∂Br(xt)]=Cr1/2(cid:13)(cid:13)f(cid:13)(cid:13)L2[Bρ(xt)]≤Cr1/2(cid:107)f(cid:107)L2[Bρ(xt)]. Addingthesetwoinequalitiesyields(12). Prepared using nmeauth.cls COMPUTINGSTRESSINTENSITYFACTORSFORCURVILINEARCRACKS 9 With (12), we then proceed to simplify (11): Iˆr βaS,βbT,δγ ≤Cr1/2(cid:107)βaS(cid:107)H1[∂Bρ(xt)\C], (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)Iˆr(cid:2)βaS,βbS,δγ(cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤Cr(cid:107)βaS(cid:107)H1[∂Bρ(xt)\C] βbS H1[∂Bρ(xt)\C]. (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus, as r →0(cid:12)(cid:12), b(cid:2)oth Iˆr βaS,(cid:3)β(cid:12)(cid:12)bT,δγ and Iˆr βaS,βbT,δγ(cid:13)(cid:13) te(cid:13)(cid:13)nd to zero. From symmetry in the first two slots of ˆ , we also have lim ˆ[βa,βb,δγ]=0. Ir (cid:2) (cid:3) r→0I (cid:2)T S (cid:3) Remark (Relation to the energy release rate). The interaction integral functional is directly related to the energy release rate :Bb R [30], which can be defined as G ×M→ [β,δγ]= lim δγ Σ(β)ndS, (13) G r→0 · (cid:90)∂Br(xt) where Σ:R2×2 R2×2 is Eshelby’s energy momentum tensor [31] and n is used to denote → the outward unit normal to ∂B (x ). For linear elastic materials, Eshelby’s energy momentum r t tensor takes the form 1 Σ(β)= σ(β):β 1 β(cid:62)σ(β). 2 − The above is related to the interaction energy momentum tensor by the following relation 1 Σ βa,βb =Σ βa+βb Σ(βa) Σ βb Σ βb = Σ βb,βb . − − ⇒ 2 Comparing(cid:0)(13) an(cid:1)d (10(cid:0)) and exp(cid:1)loiting the linea(cid:0)rity(cid:1)of the cons(cid:0)titu(cid:1)tive rela(cid:0)tion, w(cid:1)e have the following relation between the interaction integral functional and the energy release rate ˆ βa,βb,δγ = βa+βb,δγ [βa,δγ] βb,δγ . (14) I G −G −G After replacing with(cid:2)(7) and ev(cid:3)aluati(cid:2)ng, the limit(cid:3)in (13) gives the(cid:2)widely(cid:3)known relation [β,δγ]=η K [β]2+K [β]2 . I II G We can alternatively recover (9) by replacin(cid:0)g this relation into(cid:1) (14). Thus, (9) can be justified by the direct evaluation of the limit in (10) or by its relation to the energy release rate. It is worth noting that while is a non-linear functional in β, ˆ is linear in both βa and βb. G I Remark (Constraints on ). In (13), δγ is understood as a variation of material points that M represents unit crack advancement. Thus, in order to compute the energy release rate, we must enforceδγ =g (0)atx .Thisconstraintisthejustificationbehindthedefinitionof in (6). 1 t M 3.2. Problem-dependent Interaction Integral Functional We present here a functional that takes the same value as ˆ when βa coincides with the solution of Problem (1). NIamely, if βa = u where u satIisfies (1a) and (1c), then [βa,βb,δγ]= ˆ[βa,βb,δγ] for any βb. Therefore∇, in this case [βa,βb,δγ] is the interaction Iintegral betweenIβa and βb. I The motivation behind introducing is to formulate a functional defined over gradients I of displacement fields that belong to classical finite elements spaces, namely, a functional for which no second derivatives of a numerical solution are needed. This is possible because, in contrast to ˆ, does not involve derivatives of βa. ExpandinIg tIhe divergence in (8) and substituting with (1a) and (1c) for βa = u yields ∇ ˆ βa,βb,δγ = δγ τ βa,βb dS I C± · (cid:90) ρ (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) Σ βa,βb : δγ+δγ λ βa,βb dV, −(cid:90)Bρ(xt)\C ∇ · (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) Prepared using nmeauth.cls 10 M.M.CHIARAMONTE,Y.SHEN,L.M.KEER,ANDA.J.LEW where τ βa,βb =w βa,βb n βa(cid:62)σ βb n βb(cid:62)¯t, (15) − − and (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) λ βa,βb =βa : σ βb σ(βa):( βb)(cid:62) βa(cid:62) σ βb +βb(cid:62)b. (16) ∇ − ∇ − ∇· (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Remark (Indicial expression of relevant quantities). For ease of implementation, we provide here the indicial representation of Σ, τ, and λ (making use of Einstein’s repeated indeces convention), namely Σ βa,βb =σaβb δ βaσb βb σa , ij kl kl ij − ki kj − ki kj τi(cid:0)βa,βb(cid:1)=wni−βjaiσjbknk−βjbitj, λi(cid:0)βa,βb(cid:1)=βmanσmb n,i−σkajβkbi,j −βkaiσkbj,j +βkbibk, where σa,b are understo(cid:0)od as σ(cid:1)(βa,b) . ij ij Notice that for each pair βa,βb , τ βa,βb and λ βa,βb are functions over C± and ρ Bρ(xt) C, respectively. To re\flect the lower regular(cid:0)ity need(cid:1)ed f(cid:0)or βa, w(cid:1)e first d(cid:0)efine a(cid:1)finite partition of C as a set T ,...,T for some N N such that T is open for any i, T T = for anyBi=j, and 1 N i i j { } ∈ ∩ ∅ (cid:54) iTi =BC. An example of such partition is a finite element mesh for BC. Then, we can set (cid:83)Ba = β ∈L2 BC,R2×2 β|Ti ∈H1 Ti;R2×2 for any Ti in some finite partition of BC (cid:110) span (cid:0)uI, uII(cid:1)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:111) ⊕ ∇ ∇ (cid:12) and define :(cid:8)Ba Bb (cid:9) R as I × ×M→ I1 βa,βb,δγ = δγ τ βa,βb dS I C± · (cid:90) ρ (cid:122) (cid:125)(cid:124) (cid:123) (17) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) Σ βa,βb : δγ+δγ λ βa,βb dV. −(cid:90)Bρ(xt)\C ∇ · (cid:2) (cid:0) I2(cid:1) (cid:0)I3 (cid:1) (cid:3) In this way, βa can have discontinuities(cid:124)across(cid:123)a(cid:122) finite(cid:125)num(cid:124)ber o(cid:123)f(cid:122)interf(cid:125)aces, as in a finite element solutions, and still have well-defined values at the crack faces (which a function in L2 may not have). Note that is linear in βb but affine in βa, and therefore, not symmetric with respect to them. The wayI will be used is by setting βa to be either the exact solution or a numerical approximation tIo it, and βb to be an auxiliary field. 3.3. The Fields We next proceed to construct the material variation and auxiliary fields that will enable the extraction of the stress intensity factors for curvilinear crack geometries. 3.3.1. Material variation fields. The objective of this section is to construct vector fields δγ that belong to the set of material variations , see (6). We provide two constructs, but any M δγ could be used. W∈eMstartfromageneralformδγ(x +re )=q(r)t(r)whereq :R+ R+ andt:R+ R2. t r 0 → 0 0 → Thefunctionq(r)representsthemagnitudeofthematerialvariationfieldandisconstructedto havesupportwithinB (x ).Thefunctiont(r)embodiesthedirectionofthematerialvariation ρ t field and is taken to satisfy t(r) =1, r R+. | | ∀ ∈ 0 Themagnitudeanddirectionofthetwomaterialvariationfieldsthatweproposeonlydepend on r. We will thus abuse notation writing δγ(r) in place of δγ(x +re ). t r Prepared using nmeauth.cls

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