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Preview Computerworld 2003-01-27: Vol 37 Iss 4

COMPUTEPKWareR gives corWporate userOs security Rwith a Zip.L D Network-based storage virtualization finally materializes. THE NEWSPAPER FOR IT LEADERS= WWW.COMPUTERWORLD.COM JANUARY 27, 2003= 37 = NO. 4 » $5/COPY Unilever Dumping Unix Funding Scrutiny May Spread Ptech isn’t unique in “It behooves a company to look at investors, their reputa- For Linux in Global Move having suspected ties tions and where they have in- to terrorist financiers _ vested in the past,” said Leo- nard Fuld, founder of Fuld & BY DAN VERTON Co., a Cambridge, Mass.-based | Buy-in from HP, IBM key as company embarks cations off of HP-UX. Enterprise software company competitive intelligence con- on decade-long systems standardization plan The company, which has Ptech Inc. may be only one of sulting firm. “The onus is still | dual headquarters in London many firms that could be in- on the companies.” BY TODD R. WEISS frame,” said Colin Hope-Mur- and Rotterdam, Netherlands, vestigated for having possible Start-up firms, which tend NEW YORK ray, CTO of the global infra- made the announcement here links to terrorist financiers, to be especially anxious to After years of running dis- structure group at Unilever. last week at the LinuxWorld experts on terrorism and crisis make sales and attract in- parate Unix-based systems in “We want to be able to Conference & Expo. management are warning. And vestors, need tc do more re- its global IT server operations, cookie-cut our systems and Hope-Murray said Unilever other companies do in fact search into whom they do Unilever is committing its deliver them around the will make the migration from have histories similar to that business with, said Larraine | technological future toU LMinUux.X WOwRorLlDd”) w ithout having to wor- Unix to Linux to simplify and of Ptech, Computerworld has Segil, an expert in strategic The $52 billion ry about operating standardize its IT architecture confirmed. Ptech, page 45 consumer products system or hardware as well as to spread the re- | company plans to compatibility is- | duced operational costs and switch to Linux on Intel-stan- sues, Hope-Murray said. The | increased performance the Fujitsu Sets dard hardware in all 80 coun- company currently runs sys- company has already seen JUST THE FACTS tries where it operates. “We tems with Hewlett-Packard using Linux for Web servers, High-- End believe ... that it will [meet] Co.’s Tru64 version of Unix e-mail servers, proxy servers all of our computing needs in and IBM’s AIX, after having and firewall applications. So Linux Plans the eight- to 10-year time already migrated some appli- Unilever, page 14 Unix server vendor | Viruses embraces Intel chips and open-source OS BY JAIKUMAR VIJAYAN Fujitsu Ltd., which in the serv- er market is known primarily ' S'Smarter for its high-end Unix systems based on Sun Microsystems Inc.’s SPARC architecture, last week said it plans to use Intel Linux line will be topped off Corp.’s processors to develop by a 128-CPU server based on a new family of enterprise- Intel’s 64-bit Itanium 2 proces- class Linux machines. sor. That’s the largest Intel- The accelerating pace of Tokyo-based Fujitsu said it based commercial Linux sys- new viruses — more than hopes to start shipping dual- tem announced thus far, but it 7,000 last year alone — is just processor Linux systems in isn’t slated to ship until 2005. the second half of next year. Fujitsu’s planned move into aR one problem facing security The company added that the Fujitsu, page 14 Sea ae Ta professionals. A new class of emerging viruses and worms * 90071011110 1911 is expected to attack multiple Lalelfecteceel[Ueccllecdbecdsleededalollbial aa vulnerabilities simultaneous- SBXBBITFR AERRRARREEERAUTORRS-DIGIT 48106 i 0. 0 Dae ei eat ie ly, exploit new ones, and try NEWSPAPE$R 8234939/CB/O8 CWH200384D 204 584 951 g | a1a1v0e1n1e0e0d-0t1i1e0h TO Ace | ee tpol ys tdeeaslt rdoayt ai t.r PatAhGerE th2a1n sim- PROQUEST PO BOX 984 68-7 ANN ARBOR MI 48106-8984 Wants to write e-mails offline Recognize any of those issues? Or, perhaps, all of them? We thought so. Many ofthese issues can be related to your legacy desktop software. Fortunately, many of them can be addressed byf eatures ii n Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional and Office XP Professional. Wante te sync laptop end hand tm CRS irl es Want specific examples? Windows XP Professional offers new HTTPS, and FTP, which means you can install and maintain the suite Remote Assistance, which enables you to view a user's screen and directly from a Web server ora f iles hare ony ourn etwork. And finally, control the user’s computer to solve technical problems from afar. several new features make deployment easier than ever. For more ideas aboutm anaging yourd esktops, visitm icrosoft.com/desktop Office XP Professional gives you installation support for HTTP, ca smart Program Guideline: The ca smart logo is only to be used by CA partners for innovative eBusiness products or solutions on which CA technology resides, is acomponent of, or is otherwise integrated. Which would not include sporting goods. For more information, visit ca.com/casmart. a) Computer Associates™ ©2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. CONTENTS Ol.2703 Agents of Change Save That Mail In the Technology section: Agent-based modeling and complexity in the Management section: Archiving e-mails has be- theory, once the territories of mathematicians, are emerging from | come a serious business as courts and industry regula- the ivory towers to help manage unruly supply chains. Page 26 | tors increasingly order expensive searches and issue stiff fines for lost or poorly stored e-mails. Page 33 - Rs eo” 000 || ONLINE NEWS TECHNOLOGY OPINIONS WWW.COMPUTERWORLD.COM 6 PKWare offers some security 21 Viruses Get Smarter. You 8 On The Mark: Mark Hall chats Knowledge Centers 3.0 to corporate users of its data thought Sircam, Klez and with a Wintel advocate who compression technology. Nimda were threats, but virus worries that the duopoly’s Keep up with the technologies, issues and writers were just warming up. success in high-performance trends that are key to your business — and WorldCom and Sprint are A new generation of viruses systems may hurt U.S. super- your career. Our newly redesigned Knowl- helping users move closer to will be more sophisticated, computing competitiveness edge Centers are packed with even more IP-based networks without more difficult to detect — in the future. news, tutorials and advice. having to fully abandon tradi- and more dangerous, experts SECURITY Networking best practices, tips tional technologies. predict. Patricia Keefe analyzes the for secure communications, and how to buy sudden shift in vendor priori- a VPN. © QuickLink k1600 Retailers begin to check out 28 Future Watch: Intelligent ties to bring their technolo- platform-neutral Java-based Storage. Object-based stor- gies in line with user expecta- DEVELOPMENT Migrating Java apps to .Net, systems as they revamp their age technologies promise tions and business needs. using regular expressions, and combatting point-of-sale operations. to reduce server I/O and coding errors. @ QuickLink k1100 eliminate the need for clients Michael Gartenberg identi- MOBILE/WIRELESS Getting tough with your BEA Systems introduces a to speak in either blocks or fies three technology initia- PDA. @ QuickLink k1000 service that aims to help Java file format. tives that every IT shop developers incorporate XML should be working on now. STORAGE Using policies and automation to data into their applications. 30 Security Manager’s Journal: manage storage resources. @ QuickLink k1700 Security Problems Put Sur- Emmet Cole argues that Mi- BMC Software adds the abili- vey App on Sidelines. Design crosoft’s Palladium is as much ty to identify network faults flaws in a Web-based survey a ploy to exclude non-Win- to its Patrol Visualis perfor- application leaves sensitive dows systems from business mance monitoring software. data unprotected, so Mathias as it is to offer better security. Thurman makes fixing it a HP plans to combine its top priority. Tommy Peterson says that VersaStor software with a MANAGEMENT the wait is over — wireless data replication device and networking has arrived in new storage switches made corporate IT. by Brocade. 36 Home-Schooling IT Talent. 40 Bart Perkins offers tips on Imerys bypasses big-name FedEx and other forward- how to complete your proj- proxy servers to give its 3,000 thinking companies are team- ects within budget and with users remote access to iNotes. ing up with neighboring uni- all the desired features. versities to teach the IT skills Up to 45% of IT workers in their businesses require. 46 Frankly Speaking: Frank Take thisw eek's QuickPoll atw ww.computerworld.com. the U.S. and Canada could see Hayes has an uneasy feeling themselves replaced by 2005, 38 Big Recruiters on Campus? that Carly Fiorina has uncov- SOURCE: COMPUTERWORLD.COM NONSCIENTIFIC SURVEY: 1.169 VOTES according to a new report. Not This Year. College re- ered an unpleasant truth ONLINE cruiting stalls as experienced about the grim future of IT Whaa tQui'ckLsink ? DEPARTMENTS Reuters says more than IT pros swell the ranks of the budgets. On some pages in u2p2 5,f0o0r 0 itse nmde sussaegrsi ngh avseo ftswiagrnee.d unemployed. DEPARTMENTS/RESOURCES a Qutihicsi kscsouLdee.i yp oouni'nltkli sn eg e B©re aQkuinigc kNLeiwnsk a1510 : 39 Handling the Hard Case. Try- At Deadline Briefs toa dditional, related con- Newsletter Subscriptions Users at Oracle’s Apps- ing to motivate a problem IT News Briefs . tento no ur Web site.J ust © QuickLink 21430 tWoo rmladk ec oEn-fBeurseinncees s saSiudi teef foLlrit s pperorascohn, mwaryi tebse Ntihgee lw rNoincgh ola-p - yeonQut'uelrli t shceaetka c btoLot dxhie,e iw nt nhotikpoco o hfu r K©no wQlueidcgkeL iCnekn te2r2s5 70 applications less complex to son in this month’s Harvard each page ono urs ite. The Online Store install may be paying off. Business Review. © QuickLink 22420 NEWS 6 COMPUTERWORLD January 27,2 003 www.computerworld.com PKWare Adds Encryption AT DEADLINE PRODUCT DETAILS ‘To Compression Software Gates Provides Security Update .. . ving capat RSA’s BSAFE-enabled A year after launching his Trust- PKZip upgraded With an April 1 deadline cause of that, it has been a encryption for Windows Gwaotretsh,y MCiocmrposuotfitn gC orinpi.t’isa ticvhe,a iBrimlla n for Windows, Unix tlhoeo mfiendger aflo r Hceaolmtphl yIinnsgu rwaintche ctoh aalclceenpgte etno cgreytp tseodm eP KoZfi tph em and Unix users and chief software architect, said and IBM systems Portability and Accountability files from Gilsbar. “But we are Support for Notes, letting fiponr roatdsnu cteto- smb aeiatlrt ee rt co oscnetucisuntrueoi mnegMr.is c r“oWtshhoaiftlt e e f- | BY JAIKUKMWAARR EV IJIANYCA. N last week spAclotaf,nt sw Karntoeo bultsooe cchPo Km psWaraiedrs es’G isl asnnbeda wr en- ttiamkPeiK,n”Zg i Kptnh aoatb nldoo nc shio mniesl aaicrdl .i cenotm parte sa - EWTUiLRn Ldleo iyw as s)u sMeerese uicro-U mUpr eCsCs we've accomplished a lot. . . said it’s trying to make crypt all records containing sion technologies have pri- 256-bit encryption for there is still more to do - at Mi- it safer for users of its patient health information, as marily been used at the client SEMA sUR CRA poeU iLe) crosoft and across our industry,” PKZip data compres- required by the law. level in the past. But now, OCU eee ce Gates said. He promoted the use sion technology to send and The new encryption func- “there is significant interest in of smart cards and said Microsoft | receive files over the Internet tionality has been very easy to compression and encryption Windows, generally works is developing a system for sending by adding new encryption implement, he added. But at the server level for batch well for protecting files on in- security bulletins via e-mail. capabilities to the software. Knobloch said many of the file transfers,” said David dividual servers, Thompson The Brown Deer, Wis.- clients and insurers that Gils- Thompson, an analyst at Meta said. But technologies like . .. As Microsoft based company said Version bar deals with have standard- Group Inc. in Stamford, Conn. PK Ware’s can protect files 6.0 of PKZip for Windows and ized on encryption technolo- Encryption that’s built in at even when they’re transferred Posts Warnings Unix users includes a new se- gies developed by Palo Alto, the operating system level, from one system to another, curity module based on the Calif.-based PGP Corp. Be- which Microsoft includes with he added. B Prior to the release of Gates’ mes- BSAFE encryption technology sage, Microsoft warned that a se- developed by Bedford, Mass.- curity flaw in the Microsoft Loca- based RSA Security Inc. WorldCom, Sprint Take atively small part of the IP tor service included with Windows The module lets users pro- VPN market. Harris said net- NT 4.0, 2000 and XP could be tect documents via password- work-based services comprise used to take control of systems. or certificate-based encryp- Transitional Steps to IP about 10% of the market, with The company gave the problem a tion before they’re transmit- current annual spending at “critical” severity rating and ted, PK Ware said. The compa- nearly $700 million. By com- urged users to install a new ny added that the Windows Services designed based services at this time, parison, $8.4 billion is spent phoaltecsh . inM iictrs oOsuotflto oakl so2 0w0a2r neandd of | rpoerlte asfeo r aIlsBoM ’sfe aNtoutreess nseowft wsaurpe-, to let customers salayisdt Maat xC uSrrmeentta nnAinkaolyvs,i sa nI nacn.- amnennuta llinys tafolrl edI P aVt PcNu steoqmueipr- Content Management Server which lets users compress and migrate in stages in Sterling, Va. sites, according to Harris. 2001 products. encrypt e-mail attachments. “WorldCom and Sprint are Sprint will introduce frame- PKWare also announced re- | BY MATT HAMBLEN both developing in-between IP relay, private line packet-data Top IT Executive | leases of its software for IBM’s WorldCom Inc. and Sprint products for intermediate and virtual LAN services built mainframes and iSeries | Corp. plan to separately offer steps by customers,” Smetan- around its SprintLink native Quits Merrill Lynch | servers that support up to 256- corporate users more IP-based nikov said. “Both are adapting IP network. All of the services Cars bit symmetric key encryption network service op- to anew economic will be made available imme- Merrill Lynch & Co. announced in based on the Advanced En- tions, including vir- environment with diately. Company officials said an internal memo that John cryption Standard. The iSeries tual private network incremental spend- frame-relay packets will run McKinley will leave his job as systems were previously (VPN) capabilities that run on ing and slow migration.” securely over SprintLink, mak- chief technology officer and exec- known as the AS/400 line. top of traditional technologies Corporate spending on ing it possible for customers utive vice president of its Global such as frame relay. voice services is down, and in- to still use their existing Technology & Services unit at the Securing Critical Data WorldCom last week an- vestments in data services are frame-relay equipment. end of next month. McKinley Features such as the ones nounced the addition of real- generally flat, said Steve Har- Pricing wasn’t disclosed, but plans to take a job in the technol- announced last week are cru- time performance reporting ris, an analyst at IDC in Fram- Pete Parish, director of product ogy industry, according to the cial to corporate users who and traffic management capa- ingham, Mass. However, IP- marketing at Sprint, said the memo. Merrill Lynch said he will depend on PKWare’s compres- bilities to its 2-year-old VPN based VPNs are one of the few new approach should save cus- be replaced by John Cummings, sion products to send or re- service. Sprint today plans to bright spots for network oper- tomers up to 20% compared chief operating officer of the tech- ceive important data files, said launch three new services, in- ators, he said. with frame-relay fees, includ- nology and services group. Gene Knobloch, IS manager at cluding one designed to help “Companies are clamoring ing the cost of permanent vir- Gilsbar Insurance Services users transition from frame re- for IP VPNs, and half of U.S. tual circuits and port fees. Short Takes Inc. in Covington, La. lay circuits to IP VPNs. companies have one in place,” Harris pointed out that the Gilsbar has been using Both companies realize that Harris said. IP VPNs can help new ability for users to moni- CISCO SYSTEMS INC. said it’s buy- PKZip technology for several users who have tightened up IT managers increase network tor WorldCom’s network per- ing Okena Inc., a Waltham, Mass.- years to compress and send their IT budgets because of security, simplify administra- formance could help the based vendor of intrusion-detec- medical insurance claims data the sluggish economy are un- tion and lower costs compared struggling company increase tion software. . .. Worldwide from its AS/400s to systems at likely to disconnect their with more traditional network its business, since many net- server shipments grew 4.2% last its clients in the health care in- | frame-relay or Asynchronous alternatives, he noted. work managers “don’t trust year, according to San Jose- dustry and to insurance com- Transfer Mode networks and Still, carriers such as World- the carriers” to meet agreed- based DATAQUEST INC. panies and clearinghouses. move completely over to IP- Com and Sprint make up a rel- upon service levels. D NEWS www.computerworld.com COMPUTERWORLD January 27, 2003 7 Retailers Explore Java POS Systems Java POSitives Reported benefits from See benefits of portability, easy-to-modify out at the remaining 240 developers can bolt on new Java point-of-sale systems. stores to be completed by the applications that connect to incthleiru abdiliety t o: code, as well as possible decrease in costs end of June. the POS system. Those include “My guys said, ‘Do we really | Web site, time sheet, business a Run ona ny hardware BY CAROL SLIWA ton, N.J. Prince said his com- want to pay Microsoft licens- account and Web reporting ap- or operating system Growing numbers of retailers pany has committed to a Java ing fees? Why don’t you go plications, Lynas said. @ Run as thinc lientosn are scoping out Java-based POS system on Linux and is | Open systems?’ ” Lynas re- “Retek gives you the Java older hardware point-of-sale (POS) systems as | rolling out the Linux operating called. Once they proved that source code for their POS ap- = Be modified easily one option to replace their ag- system but has postponed the the POS system would run on plication,” Lynas said. “You ing cash registers. Java POS portion because of Linux, he was sold. just take the objects they’ve Several retailers that are ei- competing projects. Mark’s Work Wearhouse got and extend them and write he said. “Plus, it has an ex- ther deploying or piloting Java Robin Lynas, claims to have your new functionality.” | tremely rich set of APIs that POS systems said they like the CIO at Mark’s We want lowered store has made it easy for us to inte- fact that the software can run Work Wearhouse & something opening costs by Java at Home Depot | grate with third-party middle- on any hardware or operating Ltd., a Calgary, Al- 30% and mainte- Atlanta-based The Home De- ware and databases.” system and also noted that berta-based chain that won't lock nance costs by pot Inc., whose IT shop is Urs Karrer, an analyst at they’re finding the code easy that was acquired us into any par- 50%, in part be- heavily invested in Java, set- | McLean, Va.-based Bearing- to modify as their needs ex- last year by Cana- cause it no tled on a Java POS system Point Inc., which was formerly pand. Some also reported de- dian Tire Corp., ticular platform. longer needs in- from 360Commerce Inc. in KPMG Consulting, said he creases in implementation and found himself store servers. Austin, Texas, so it would be thinks more vendors ultimate- eeeereeseseses eeeereecece support costs, depending on peppered with MIKE PRINCE, CiO The registers will able to migrate code between ly will opt for Java for porta- the additional systems choices questions from BURLINGTON COAT FACTORY connect directly clients and servers running bility reasons. But he’s not so they have made. fellow retailers at via frame relay to disparate operating systems, sure how much that will mat- “We want something that the National Retail Federation | central servers at the home of- said Ray Allen, director of IT. ter to customers. “Retailers won't lock us into any particu- Conference & Expo earlier this fice, thanks in part to Java’s The POS terminals run don’t care that much unless lar platform and will give us month in New York. networking class libraries, ac- Windows 2000, and the serv- they have a custom develop- the flexibility to deploy it in The Canadian retailer has | cording to Retek Chief Tech- ers run different flavors of ment shop,” Karrer said. whatever way we'd like in the rolled out its Java POS system nology Officer John Gray. Unix from Hewlett-Packard James Crawford, an analyst future,” said Mike Prince, CIO from Retek Inc. to new Linux- Another advantage that Co. and IBM, Allen noted. | at Forrester Research Inc. in at Burlington Coat Factory based IBM terminals at 70 | Mark’s Work Wearhouse has “POS applications typically Cambridge, Mass., said the re- Warehouse Corp. in Burling- stores. Plans call for the roll- found is the ease with which live for 10 to 12 years, and tail trend toward new POS they’re very tightly integrated | systems has nothing to do with whatever the retailer | with Java, Microsoft Corp.’s New BEA Service Helps plans to announce that a Uni- chooses to provide,” he said. -Net or any other development fied Modeling Language “So you're trying to make the platform. He said retailers Java Developers Use XML (UML) tool from Embar- best guesses for what might be| simply want an open POS sys- cadero Technologies Inc. will going on five to six years tem that can be used with any ship with its Sun ONE Studio | down the road.” hardware or software, as op- Separately, Sun they try to bring the XML | integrated development envi- Allen said changes can be posed to old POS systems that ONE Studio gets schema into a Java application, | ronment (IDE). made “much easier and faster | often had integrated and pro- they often lose the constraints Jeff Anders, a group market- with a component-based solu- prietary hardware, software modeling tool or validation rules, since only | ing manager for Sun ONE Stu- tion, [distributed] architecture | and data platforms. the basic structure of the XML | dio, said customers have been and object-oriented language But Paula Rosenblum, an BY CAROL SLIWA schema is preserved. asking for UML modeling ca- like Java.” | analyst at AMR Research Inc. BEA Systems Inc. today plans To work with XML, Java de- pabilities in IDEs, and Sun Jerry Rightmer, CTO at 360- | in Boston, said the Java POS to introduce a hosted service velopers often have to write chose Embarcadero’s tool, in Commerce, said building a story has become interesting that it claims will help Java de- tedious code to walk through part, because of its tight inte- POS system in Java was “a fair- because of some very high- velopers incorporate XML the low-level structure of | gration with Sun ONE Studio. ly risky decision” in 1997 when profile pilots, and she expects data into their applications. XML information, or they ACD containing Embar- his company began developing rollouts to escalate this year. D The San Jose-based compa- have to force-fit XML data cadero’s Describe 6.0 product products. But he said the list Cece er eer eeseeeeseecseseseseese ny is launching a beta version into their Java applications, will ship in the same box as of Java POS vendors is grow- of BEA XMLBeans through its Sjogreen said. the next version of Sun ONE ing and now includes PCMS Corrections Web site. Developers who BEA plans to conduct a live | Studio, but developers who | Datafit Inc., JDA Software submit XML schema will gain online seminar on Wednesday | choose to purchase the license Group Inc. and Triversity Inc., In last week’s Page One story access to a set of Java classes at noon EST to explain how will have to contact Embar- among others. “GPS Jammers Raise Concern,” that they can use in their ap- XMLBeans works. cadero, Anders said. Sun won't | “The language is easier to there was an incorrect reference plications to manipulate XML Sjogreen said BEA will work | be selling the product. D | work with than previous gen- to the altitude of GPS satellites. data, according to Carl Sjo- to standardize XMLBeans ei- | erations of languages, it’s The altitude is 20,000 kilometers. green, a senior product man- ther through the Java Commu- more productive than C or Alsol ast week, in a Q&A on page ager at BEA. nity Process or the open- | For more information about application C++, and it has all the benefits 5,t hen ame oft he formeCrl O Sjogreen said companies in- source community. development, visit our Knowledge Center of object-oriented languages at Sears was spelled incorrectly. vest in XML schema to de- In a separate development, QuickLink k1100 without some of the traps and The correct spelling isJ erry Miller. scribe XML data, but when Sun Microsystems Inc. today www.computerworld.com | pitfalls of C++ in particular,” NEWS 8 COMPUTERWORLD January 27, 2003 www.computerworld.com MARK HALL ® ON THE MARK and monitor performance of IP gateways to Fibre Channel SANs. And in a release Wintel Advocate Frets of SANavigator later this year, you'll get even more refined management of IP de- Microsoft Ships That High-Iech Duo... vices, such as oversight of an IP gate- CRM Software way’s assignment to a Logical Unit Num- ber within your SAN. ® Speaking of IP Microsoft Corp. has made its management, on Feb. 17, SecureLogix customer relationship manage- ... could hamper U.S. dominance in high-performance computing in Corp. in San Antonio will demo at Voice- ambelnet to( CuRsMer)s aipnp ltihcea tUi.oSn. s anavda il- the future. Coming from a RISC/Unix bigot, such concerns might be Csioonn2 0o0f 3i ts inE nWtaersphriinsget oTne lae pphroenryel eMaasen agveer-- Canada. It had delayed the CRM little more than sour grapes. But when uttered by David Lifka, CTO at ment Tele Wall security firewall for VOIP release last month but said the the Cornell Theory Center (CTC) in Ithaca, N-Y., they carry much traffic going outside the campus to an IP software should be ready within more weight. Lifka designs supercomputing-class systems for 1,200 Cornell voice trunk. Although most companies a matter of weeks [QuickLink University scientific researchers, scheduling more than 100 CPU-intensive today use a gateway to translate VOIP 35263]. Versions of Microsoft programs that run only on Wintel systems from Dell and Unisys. Per- data to a standard telephony time divi- CRM for users in Europe, Asia sion multiplexer format, company Presi- and Latin America are due in the formance, reliability and cost are far bet- nothing but praise for Intel’s Itanium 2 dent Lee Sutterfield thinks the day will second half of the year. ter than anything from the RISC/Unix processor, “you don’t want to have only come when VOIP networks become camp, he claims. Seven years ago, when one hardware vendor in town,” he ar- widespread, with security a bigger issue. Forrester Agrees Lifka arrived at CTC, the Wintel advan- gues. “No single vendor can do it by = The Web analytics market, already tage was simply in cost or in themselves.” Competition chock-a-block with vendors, will get even To Acquire Giga the slippery metric of price/ among supercomputer ven- more competitive late next week when Sun- performance. That has all dors brought countless ben- nyvale, Calif.-based start-up ClickTracks in a deal that would combine two changed. “Right now, we’re efits to commercial users Inc. releases its ClickTracks Analyzer. high-profile IT consulting firms in getting better performance, OTe SealteCe r t] with advances in the areas of CEO John Marshall acknowledges that Cambridge, Mass., Forrester Re- period, at a fraction of the TAR teV Layeet xt lelal erc) multiprocessing, job sched- “it’s a crazy time to start a company ina search Inc. has agreed to buy cost,” he says. Porting exist- TaLrh cao: U0RT uling, data analytics and oth- highly competitive market.” But he thinks Giga information Group Inc. for ing superconiputing applica- grade this week to ers. If that competition evap- users will sit up and take notice of at $51 million in cash. No layoffs tions to Windows was also a eed orates, Lifka rightly wonders least two advantages his software has. are currently planned, they said. snap. The biggest, with 30 Sigma Project Lifecy- whether the advantages high First, price. At $495, he expects marketing The acquisition is expected to be million lines of code, took cle Management technology gives U.S. busi- directors will skip a couple three-martini completed next month if 90% of a mere month to migrate. System 2.0 to-assess ness and science will disap- lunches just to play with the PC-based Giga’s shares are pledged to For- Moreover, users rave about FUR ee Rg pear with it. = Luckily, compe- product that slurps data from any Web rester under a tender offer. the ease of use of Windows business operations. tition is rampant in the storage- log and cranks out graphical views of tools. The researchers like In addition to a re- area network (SAN) manage- Web site visitor behavior. Besides being Lucent Sees Loss, the fact that “they don’t have Neuere syst) ol ment market, and that’s lead- cheap, the software answers questions Inks Cisco Deal ttoh eidro ocwonm puwtorekr. ” scSioe,n cweh att’os dot o faadcdes, ctuhes tnoemw rvoeards ion pirngo dtuoc tmso.r eF orf eeatxuarmep-lrei,c h Mc- tShuacth kaese, p Aree- ctohmomsee rcteer msg uryuosu uppa y atG oniogghlte. Lucent Technologies Inc. report- gripe about? Lifka worries EVM ere L0y Data Corp. in Broomfield, and Yahoo a small fortune for as success- ed a $264 million net loss on that the advent of “high-per- PB MV ame [ceCrele(ec s c) Colo., this week will unveil ful as unpaid terms that bring visitors to revenue of $2.08 billion for its formance computing for the to quickly add team- SANavigator 3.5 with signifi- your site? For IT managers who don’t first quarter, which ended Dec. masses” combined with to- me Ce Ue| cant advances in device want marketing mavens downloading 31. The revenue level was down day’s sour economy means Gere Me sle Rtue RUT management. One that Web logs sober or otherwise, an enter- 42% from $3.58 billion in the “users are not focusing on inno- Wer Rii e (eli oe should catch your eye is the prise version with central management vation.” Although Lifka has software’s ability to discover features can be had for $1,495. B same period a year earlier. Mur- ray Hill, N.J.-based Lucent also said it plans to resell some of BMC Plays Catch-up on has tested BMC’s Fault Man- Analyst Jean-Pierre Garbani Cisco Systems Inc.’s mobile ager tool and is considering at Giga Information Group voice and data networking Network Fault Detection using it to assist its help desk Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., said equipment as part of its product workers in spotting network BMC’s announcement initially line for network operators. problems, said Arkadi Chekht- was expected last year, “but BY MATT HAMBLEN able early last year and has a man, a network specialist at better late than never.” Short Takes BMC Software Inc. today starting price of $40,000. the Toronto-based insurer. BMC needs to offer both plans to announce the addi- Gerry Roy, director of prod- “If somebody was looking fault and performance man- The judge overseeing SUN MI- tion of fault management ca- uct management at BMC, ac- from time to time at a network agement capabilities in order CROSYSTEMS INC.’s antitrust pabilities to its network per- knowledged that the combined map, they could see a node to win new customers for Pa- lawsuit against MICROSOFT set | formance monitoring tool, a | ability to provide users with change colori f it goes down trol Visualis, Garbani said. He Feb. 4 as the start of a 120-day move that’s intended to close a performance data and to iden- and see what other compo- added that the rollout means countdown for Microsoft to in- functionality gap between the tify network faults and failures nents it’s related to and then that each of the top four net- clude Sun’s version of Java with company and rival vendors. follows an industry trend. But inform people in the business work and systems manage- Windows XP. . . . CISCO filed a Houston-based BMC said the BMC feature is unique be- unit,” Chekhtman said. “There ment vendors — BMC, Com- lawsuit charging Chinese vendor the addition of the new com- cause it pairs the two offerings are tons of fault management puter Associates International HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. with ponent won't result in a price within a single graphical user tools, but I haven’t seen one Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co. and unlawfully copying its internet- increase on its Patrol Visualis interface, he claimed. with the network map and IBM’s Tivoli Software unit — working software. software, which became avail- Canada Life Assurance Co. fault management linked.” now provide the two features. B Redirect Respond Nigeria Reshape Refocus SS Reallocate your resources. HP ProLiant DL 580G2 Server with Intel” Xeon” processors Server time and spp ace are p precious commodit‘ ies, at least from where your’e sitting. 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Visit www.hp.com/go/proliant73 or call 1.800.282.6672, option 5, and mention code XFE for a white paper on adaptive infrastructure and a free trial of HP ProLiant Essentials software? ey © 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company. intel, the Intel Inside Logo and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Workload Management Pack and Rapid Deployment Pack only. For U.S. customers only NEWS 10 COMPUTERWORLD January 27, 2003 www.computerworld.com HP Plans SAN-Level vendor, said Randy Kerns, an TECHNOLOGY DETAILS analyst at Evaluator Group The network-based storage vir- Inc., a market research firm in Storage Virtuali zation tHuPalw iizlalti woonr ka lpipkreo tahcihs :p lanned by | wEansg lealwlo somda,l l,C oilno.d ep“Beenfdoernet, it 1) HP’s CASA storage appliance companies with their own so- lutions,” Kerns said. New software, switches aim to unify or array-based virtualization, tailing where data from different However, a spokeswoman where the software is installed seriss vtoreed orna s SA N. for Sun Microsystems Inc. said disk space across storage networks on a single device. Network- the company plans to ship vir- 2) The appliance will load the based virtualization promises tables into Brocade’s switch, tualization software as part of BY LUCAS MEARIAN also be integrated into HP’s to allow disk storage devices which will directt he process of its Nl resource-management N ONE of the first at- OpenView Continuous Access across an entire SAN to be sending data to the right arrays. technology initiative next tempts by a top IT ven- Storage Appliance (CASA), a centrally managed and provi- quarter — ahead of HP’s plan dor to support network- bundled set of hardware and sioned. 3)T he switch wills it between to release its technology dur- based storage virtualiza- software that handles data mi- For Rick Allen, director of the SAN infrastrucatnudr ien - ing the second half of the year. tion, Hewlett-Packard Co. last gration and replication. IT operations at Gwinnett dividual storage devices, mak- week announced plans to use VersaStor will extend the Health System in Lawrence- oifn gdt ihsekms plaocoek. l ikeo ne large pool Pooled Storage new software to let IT admin- reach of CASA to the network ville, Ga., network virtualiza- Sun’s offering will include istrators manage all of the disk level, where the appliance will tion offers the potential to si- 4) The CASA appliawinlcla els o software that it bought as part space on storage-area net- work with Brocade’s switches multaneously send real-time manage replication of data to of its acquisition of Acton, works (SAN) as a single entity. to coordinate SAN operations copies of data from different backup storage devices. Mass.-based Pirus Networks HP said that it plans later and to make the various arrays disk arrays to an off-site data Inc. in November, the spokes- this year to make its VersaStor and server-level storage de- center. That capability “makes a single point of management woman said. The Pirus tech- storage virtualization software vices attached to a network the whole disaster recovery for SAN-based storage, Allen nology lets IT managers pool available on a new class of look like one big pool of stor- scenario a lot easier,” said added. “You're not having to storage from a variety of SAN switches that San Jose- age space, HP said (see box). Allen, whose organization virtualize at the machine lev- servers, including ones run- based Brocade Communica- Virtualization has become owns HP servers and storage el,” he said. ning Sun’s Solaris operating tions Systems Inc. will acquire | the cornerstone of efforts to devices plus equipment from The combined HP/Brocade system, other Unix releases, through its proposed buyout | develop more automated stor- IBM and Dell Computer Corp. product offering is the first in- Linux and Windows. of Rhapsody Networks Inc. in | age infrastructures. Currently, The network approach carnation of network-based VersaStor has been in beta Fremont, Calif. VersaStor will | most vendors support server- would also provide users with virtualization from a major IT testing for two and a half years and came to HP through its acquisition of Compaq Com- Minerals Firm Unearths Remote iNotes Access puter Corp. Testing of the software with CASA and Bro- cade’s switches is expected to Imerys’ woes |s aid none could be configured “Whale’s been having tremen- | New York Mayor Rudolph start in the summer, HP said. properly for his systems. dous success in that market Giuliani. The show’s themes Brocade has yet to complete solved by plug-in | Bailey said he achieved the space,” Stiennon said. will go beyond Lotus to cover its buyout of Rhapsody, which goal of giving his corporate Whale will be one of about |I BM WebSphere, DB2, Tivoli was agreed to in November. BY TODD R. WEISS |u sers secure access to their 150 exhibitors at this year’s and hardware offerings. Lotu- But the two companies said Dave Bailey went to the Lo- e-mail via iNotes with a prod- Lotusphere, where keynote sphere will go on for at least the deal could be finalized by tusphere 2002 conference uct from Whale Communica- speakers will include former | another five years, IBM said. D the end of this month. D when he needed information || tions Ltd. in Fort Lee, NJ. on how to deploy IBM’s new Whale’s product, the e-Gap Lotus iNotes Web Access soft- | Remote Access Appliance, is a Shippers Face Automation among shippers, forwarders ware to 3,000 global users. | plug-in device that Bailey said and their ocean carriers. He Ci This week at Lo- met his reverse- Task for Customs Deadline said online tools already avail- tusphere 2003 in proxy require- able at the GTN portal allow Orlando, Bailey, a ments, creating a them to prepare and transmit senior consultant for global IT | protective security layer be- BY LINDA ROSENCRANCE hours before the container is key shipping documents. The at Paris-based minerals supply tween his remote users and Shippers and ocean carriers loaded onto a vessel. GTN platform is integrated company Imerys, aims to gath- the company’s Internet infra- are scrambling to automate John Gurrad, vice president with the back-office systems er more information to facili- structure. Pricing for the de- their systems to meet a Feb. 2 of business planning and ofa host of carriers, he added. ate his pending first-quarter vices, which are essentially deadline for compliance with e-commerce at MOL America Jack Maynard, an analyst at deployment. Secure Sockets Layer/virtual a new U.S. Customs Service Inc., a carrier in Concord, Boston-based Aberdeen Bailey, who is based in private network (VPN) appli- regulation. Calif., said a portal for the Group Inc., said employing Roswell, Ga., said last year’s ances, begins at $23,000. The Advance Manifest Reg- ocean transportation industry technologies such as GTN will show provided several ideas Richard Stiennon, an analyst ulation, also known as the “24- such as GTN, which is operat- be key to achieving compli- for accessing iNotes using a at Gartner Inc. in Stamford, hour rule,” requires shippers ed by GT Nexus Inc. in ance with the new regulations. reverse proxy server setup. He Conn., said Whale has been and ocean carriers that bring Alameda, Calif., can help ship- The value of GTN, he said, is said he tried setting up iNotes gaining attention recently be- goods into the U.S. to electron- pers, forwarders and carriers that it provides shippers with with three different recom- cause its appliances enable ically submit complete con- comply with the 24-hour rule. an electronic transaction plat- mended proxy servers from secure e-mail access through a tainer-manifest information to GT Nexus President John form that quickly sends infor- Sun Microsystems Inc., Micro- Web site, while removing the Customs through its Automat- Urban said GTN automates mation to their carriers, there- soft Corp. and IBM. But Bailey need for an individual VPN. ed Manifest System (AMS) 24 and standardizes transactions by reducing delays. B

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