J ; a e_ne d VidesDEcabesvel lMD eeedbsccsedbastacdeadalbeleeall #BXBBIFT# RRRRRES-DIGIT 49106 #48106UIZ134PRE07# JUL 96 861 9393 ee UMTI 117 PERIODICALS PO BOX 1346 c ANN ARBOR MI 48106-1346 Daa eee ete fe eRe rg fierP. erea eset while reflecting BPS eeu eek oe Suet imen soc ls sea ’ dual interests in business and technology. oto (oectBucesy oes eee Bocas v Business, Technology—three newspaper singular vision of the future. ‘ sections provide a filter-on-the-fly system for busy T Leaders. Detailed tables of contents, company At Computerworld, IT Leaders have always come indexes, links to online resources and peer contact Tiel BOM eee mucati mesi mi ce Mee ele| information enhance navigability. And new typefaces doing our job. That’s why we undertook an exhaus- make it all easier to read, too. tive program of quantitative and qualitative research eo eure i Meme oR eee meee As businesses have embraced technology as a competitive management tool, Computerworld has Strapped for reading time, squeezed by competitive continuously evolved its coverage to meet the needs ejiio Beco or eMi lh tem omer4 aee e of IT Leaders running strategic operations. Leaders told us that they need the most value in the Through the eyes of IT Leaders, Computerworld least time. So we responded with a bold new layout documents history in the making. News. Business. Technology. a STRUGGLE 60 KILL IT NOW!6 4 WANT A RAISE? 71 COMPUTERWORLD Computerworld Covers the Critical Bases for IT Leaders. RO \ ER TRIPPING OVI R SAP SYSTEM IT Leaders, those men and women charged with making businesses more competitive or more efficient through technology, are under a aa Sc lot of pressure. Budgets. Return on investment. Deadlines. SETSU PM EGA SAPP ROJECT Performance issues. Platform compatibility. Electronic commerce. FOOTHOLD Year 2000 contingency planning. Recruitment and retention. IT Leaders are in the spotlight and on the hot seat at the same time. M BOEINGL AYOFFS DONTL ANDO n In dozens of face-to-face interviews, through hundreds of surveys CONSULTANTS TRAVELC OSTU P and phone polls, and in focus groups, Computerworld probed IT Leaders regarding their biggest challenges, their ambitions and their information needs. The 1999 makeover reflects advice voiced to us by hundreds of people. News in Context, Not Just the Facts. 7 BUSINESS “« IT Leaders tell us they expect urgency and advocacy from Computerworld. That’s why you see front page coverage that runs the gamut from how the latest corporate mega-merger affects data eT CUT management to the latest practices in personnel recruitment (yes, A signing bonuses work). Computerworld injects the IT Leader’s perspective into every story with quotes, surveys and on-site business reporting. es =s TUDYS EESS EB Truth, Authority, Relevance az SPENTO NLINE When news breaks, Computerworld’s editors are there. Not just in the pages of Computerworld, but via Computerworld online - and on broadcast news reports coast to coast. No other team of —OS_ OF FS L=M SHOP YES, WEC LICKO N BANANAS editors is in more demand by the business and consumer media. MATCH PEOPLE, NOT RESUMES Business is Where IT Leaders Live. CURE FOR THE E-MAIL BLUES Intelligence on how other IT Leaders are doing, what their MATCHES MADE IN HEAVEN successes are—and what pitfalls to avoid—is essential to Computerworld readers. In the last few years, Computerworld has nearly doubled its coverage of business and management issues. Now you can find relate st practices, ™—"" BUSINESS how-to’s on working the system (and the CEO)—in the SNEAKER RETAILER'S Computerworld Business section. INTRANET HITS STRIDI Brevity and Depth IT Leaders asked for shorter bites of information and longer, more in-depth stories, too. So, Computerworld has increased use of news briefs and significantly expanded indexing in all three es sections. As for depth, Computerworld continues to devote space to stories that deserve extra ink. For even greater story detail, boxes marked “More Online” lead to resources that add value to features and section departments. (Check “Resources” at www.computerworld.com for updated QuickStudy guides to technology, a Year 2000 resource database and issue-related Green mayb ec oloro ft heh olidays eason we research links.) SAP BUGS GROCERY . S Technology for Technologists. IT Leaders tell Computerworld that they expect knowledgeable technology coverage—with high business value. Field Reports are real-world reviews of mission-critical hardware, software and _ ser- MERGERS ETSU P CHSS PLITO N SAPP ROJECT OUTSOURCING vice technologies, produced to the specifications of the mid- to large-sized companies Computerworld subscribers represent. JINI: A JAVA-BASED INTERFACE Field Reports Si aaa SWA USER INTEGRATES NETWORK IT Leaders said “forget lab reviews”, so Computerworld contin- 86B OERS : ues its real-world product evaluation policy. Only IT Leaders SNEAKER VENDOR RACES A can give thumbs-up credibility to other IT Leaders. High SOFTWARE WARRANTIES FAIL performance testing can only happen in the kind of high- performance environments that Computerworld subscribers are know first hand. Dd: NEWS nes There’s More. sas ; : Wisdonsclobbers Careers coverage (in the Business section) keeps up with the com- Click till you drop? knowledge, baby petitive marketplace for technology-savvy IT Leaders and support . T staff, sharing the latest trends in recruitment, retention and corpo- rate advancement. Week after week, Computerworld helps IT Leaders grapple with their thorniest personnel problems while pro- viding career advice to those moving up the ladder. Columnists keep watch on the action in Washingion, the Y2K clock and the stock market. They have an opinion on everything that affects IT Leaders, their vendors and their businesses. Navigation is significantly enhanced. Three sections, three tables of contents, plus huge company and advertiser indices make Computerworld more accessible and easy to browse for important news. Let Us Know What You Think. After you’ve read through this issue, send your comments HEY THERE! 45 to Editor Paul Gillin ([email protected]). 4 WEB SALES PmMALLY 6 4 GROWS MUREBER 4) CESSMA STARTED 60 (7P EOPLE LEARN 8 GATESA RGUES awnes £2 WIDOWS2 © sae TOOK 85 UTILITY MOBRLZES 65 SNEAKER ¥ENOOR 10 TTM ARAGIERSw oReY teacaosor 4 RAKES (fam SSeeReeaee OMPET TORS Seeman MOORS ous ae NEWB USI NCREASE YO USER GROUPSW EAKEN SA. HITACN CXTEND 85 HTM TOOLS RANGE 64P ROJECT MANAGEMENT pro pahanpbender a ¥ ARASENS PROUT must 088" me Me Source: Internal content analysis (1996-1998) BEGINNING THIS WEEK: a m@ CAREER ADVISER: National expert m HOW FAR WE'VE COME: Celebrat- w GUIDE TO OUR NEW LOOK: COMPUFran TQuittel answerEs readers’ queRs- ing Wthe millennium Owith a look atR a WheLre to find whaDt you need. tions about careers. Page 66 half-century of achievement. Page 88 THE NEWSPAPER FOR IT LEADERS =» WWW.COMPUTERWORLD.COM ¥ZK FREEZE SPURS PUSH TO UPGRADE Users advised to lay away added capacity and storage; vendors could be accommodating BY JAIKUMAR VIJAYAN sors in the box or extra storage With a year 2000-driven freeze strings — and turning it on as | on system changes expected at needed, said Carl Greiner, an many IT shops later this year, | analyst and author of the Meta mainframe users looking at report. processor or storage upgrades Another factor: Vendors may want to sock away some faced with the prospect of a extra computing power. weak second half might be | Having additional capacity willing to negotiate with cus- now could ease upgrade pains tomers to front-load the extra |é later, when companies are ex- hardware capacity for free now pected to impose third- and — and then have customers | fourth-quarter freezes on all pay for it on an as-you-go basis, system changes, according to Greiner predicted. FLORIDA RETIREE GLORIA McCABE thought she could point and click her way to a new mortgage on the Meta Group Inc., a Stamford, Buying extra headroom now Web. Ne such luck; inflexible electronic application forms couldn’t handle her needs FALSE PROMISE Conn.-based consultancy. makes sense in theory, said Jim Companies should think Lackey, a software configura- about acquiring “dormant” ca- tion manager at Information pacity — such as spare proces- Y2K Freeze, page 113 AS RETAILERS O LISTEN TO THE ADS, paper forms, making it hard to auto- room for Hills’ IT staff, and there was no need at all for an you'd think you could get a mate the transaction from start to fin- MERGE, ITT AKES $80 million enterprise re- mortgage online with just a ish. In Computerworld’s new Business source planning system that flurry of mouse section, technology editor A BIG MARKDOWN Hills began deploying three years ago. clicks. But behind the snazzy Robert L. Scheier reports on In three waves over the next Web sites, the process quickly where the process breaks IT-lean Ames buys six months, Ames will migrate bogs down in the same old down — and how some of the Hills’ stores to its year-old, Hills, kills ERP project $35 million, Windows NT 4.0- paperwork and telephone tag with biggest Web mortgage players hope to based client/server in-store loan agents. Many players in the mort- make money anyway. BY DAVID ORENSTEIN systems, said CIO Paul Lan- gage industry are still wedded to Report starts on page 52 When Ames_ Department ham. At headquarters, Ames Stores Inc. took over Hills simply will extend the capacity Stores Co. on Dec. 31, Ames of its IBM IMS mainframe sys- U.5. FIRMS GIRD FOR PRIVACY RULES made two decisions immedi- tems and applications. “All of a Commission expects to partic- ately clear: There was little Retailers, page U3 ipate in another sweep of U.S. Web sites, probably in March, Practices face scrutiny major implications for the way to see if there has been U.S. companies handle data progress on posting adequate on two continents } and interact with consumers privacy policies. The govern- | online — especially for busi- ment wants consumers [to | BY SHARON MACHLIS nesses enticed to expand their know how their personal infor- | Governments on both sides of European operations in light mation is being used. NEWSPAPER | the Atlantic are focusing on of the launch of the new euro “Anything that will bolster | computer privacy practices currency. _ consumer confidence is going | this year. And that could have In the U.S., the Federal Trade Privacy Rules, page 16 Introducing The Quickest Way To Put Your Entire Enterprise On The Web. Monday, a.m. a Pres =o Mester of theM aze Cc u i Book Ty [SoY Yo Lett j b ( | — ee _} First Publication: |05 /22/95 ECdutriroenn t Lo ee j ~ ‘Inventory Information — $5.41 | Sela Date [12.58 ears, now takes days. Java. But in no time at all, everyone will appreciate these can quickly transform new smarter, friendlier applications that are easier to COmmOY. cations into secure, Web- and much easier to use and support. ns. And deploy them just Just think of all that you could do with ARMONY technology like this. y take some time for For more information, call 1-877-GET OPAL, ognize these legacy applications with their or visit www.cai.com/ads/opal rfaces that go far beyond HTML and Quick. OMPUTER‘“ GSSOCIATES Software superior by design Modernizing Legacy Applications” ea WEST COASTIN’ LTR Ela Lael aCr lg t| A [ Our list of the top 10 cities for IT job seekers includes first known recipient of a: San Francisco. Check out the other hot spots - Page 64 implant. Better him than you. - Page @9 COMPUTERWORLD JANUARY , 1999 SOFTWARE HP WINS initial support for 38 DREAM JOB includes 74 APPLE’S WEBOBJECTSis rival real-time Java spec. pressure to keep up an IT shop a solid application server but To our readers worthy of Star Wars. lags on Java support. JthUeiDr GtEoe s KiEn EaPntSit ruwsitt nceasssee, s on EB-ACNOKMSM ERCCOEN SIDER services TE»>XOTF-TWMAIREN ING tools help while Microsoft launches blitzkrieg on Y2K problems. to let consumers see and pay manage the crush of online bills online. information. oun NEWS, BUSI- SEC CRACKING DOWN on E-COMMERCE i1ARDWARE NESS and TECHNOLOGY. companies that write off R&D RETAILERS BOOST in-store TOP-TIER VENDORS rather than taking it as a cost. sales with Web browsers at unleash new Xeon-based HEALTH PROVIDERS checkout. servers designed to boost the accuse equipment makers of YEAR 2000 performance of high-end leaving them in the lurch on TRAVEL SERVICE meets Windows NT applications. year 2000. year 2000 needs but NETWORKS ew BUSINESS sect W worries about international PLUNGING PRICES ana the ee i1T Careers TOOL DEBUTS to monitor preparedness. bandwidth hunger may make iepartments. Weekly E-commerce a auspeprlsi’c apteirosnp epcteirvfeo.r mance from OPINION 1999 a monster year for Gigabit ont 2000 d i CONSUMER electronics Ethernet Appear nere Page: 3 7 HYUNDAI OVERHAULS its defines how end users want to PINION g@ The TECHNOLOGY s supply chain to add same-day work, and IT had better pay SCRAP YOUR SYSTEMS a: ral de parts delivery, speed repairs at attention, Peter G. W. Keen the first hint of obsolescence, dealerships. warns. Frank Hayes advises, or you'll QuickStudy Software Networks and NDUSTRY ONLINE MORTGAGES sai! just create your own private Hardware departments. Page 71 SAP PREANNOUNCES baa year 2000. Frank Hayes Frankly oe fmiuncahnc iasll owreers ultEsR Pa mgirdo wtshig.n s of tpNor EodGmeilOsiTeve Ir Aofo TonnO lRmiunSce h oOlefFn dFtihEnegR . DkeEy DtIo CDAelTtEa’Ds dprrivoec estos opruss ha ret he Fiupamegnle d8 2al.s o sRceaavngi e bve t apr found in Technol PIAPIUNLI ONG ILLIN explains how their best tips on how to save emnivdedlloepwea reo.n message-oriented ogy_ —ss eciS conie to get around in a sleeker, more money when purchasing navigable Computerworld. technology. IN A FIRST, a man receives a YEAR 2000 disclosures microprocessor implant. Taste EILPIENCITONR ONIC WALLETS threaten to be a smoking gun otrfi ctkh?e future, or cheesy sci-fi ghAil e eev eth is 66),i ssue ai bsi mCoanrtehleyr adv don’t work and could drive cus- in lawsuits; here’s what to say ELD REPORT column; and Flashback (page 88) tSotmreorms away, asserts David OtoUp R1 0 SU.USR. VciEtYieSs foird eInTt ifwyo rkt.h e DwoEn'StK TsaOveP yo,u i dae olocto noffe dreonucgihn g yyeeaarrsl on0g retrosl pective on th MEdOiRtoEr ial Letters.... CADAVRICEEE R ADVISER debuts, yiemt,p rbouvte mite’sn td efionvietre lyc onafne rence epxapglea n3a0t ion o How to Contact CW and she offers a wealth of calls. @ ine redesign Inside Lines responses to questions from SKILLS SCOPE Roger Black Inc. of New York Stock Ticker. . . readers. 97 NETWORK SKILLS are in Company Index demand all over the U:S. www.computerworld.com COMPUTERWORLD January 11, 1999 OLIDAY NEI SPREE NCOURA ES RETAILERS sun's Community Source License of people expected,” said complained about occasional Sun Microsystems Inc. this month Threefold increase in average spending, David Pecaut, senior vice pres trouble reaching the Toys R Us will make available the Community only minor glitches, bode well for 1999 ident at the company’s Toronto Inc. Web site. Source License it announced last office, which surveyed more Delhagen characterized month, a spokesman said. Sun has than 100 major retailers in con such incidents as “a couple of said that anyone will be able to BY SHARON MACHLIS AO! with about 1.25 million unction with the trade group black eyes, but not major use source code without any ris¢ in users making first-time buys Shop.org not a deal-breaker.” upfront fee and without having to holiday Overall, analysts say Inter Zona Research Inc. in Red- Although there were com turn over innovations to Sun, g bodes plaints about customer ser- though some developers have criti- well for "99, Inter Clicking Till They Drop vice, Delhagen pointed out that cized the plan at the site t retailers say most physical-world retailers influx of also strain to adequately serve and a trend Estimates of 1998 holiday shopping revenue for online merchants their shoppers in the last two Ford Outsourcing hases BizRate.com $1.96B* weoef Dkecesmbe r. great,” said s4B* Hard data about online gift president Boston Consulting Group returns isn’t out yet, but “I Targets Applications dla at Eddie Forrester Research Inc. $3. 5B** haven't heard any horror Redmond Wash $3.2B*** stories,” she said. “It’s hard to Ford Motor Co. has signed a multi- cts a strong Jupiter Communications Inc. gauge. I’m sure there were ypeuawra rsee rvCiocreps. cfoorn trmaacitn tweintahn cCeo m-a nd gh nuaas ryN ovseamle s * Nov. 26t oJ an.3 ** Entire fourthq uarter *** Nov. 1to Dec. 31 stroy me is prloebalrenmisng. a loTth e ini ndruesa-l support of 1,400 applications in Wliday shop time.” areas that include manufacturing kicked off net holiday shopping met or wood City, Calif., said average Sites with the most sophisti- and purchasing. The pact will naking money exceedej d their projections online holiday spending rose cated systems integration and enable Ford to redeploy IT person- in Seattle Forrester Research Inc in from $216 in 1997 to $629 in multiple channels, such as Ed nei in strategic business develop- it hit $250 million in sales Cambridge, Mass., had forecast 1998, according to a study of die Bauer, allow shoppers to ment roles, Compuware said. larter, including $3.5 billion in consumer online more than 1,000 Internet users buy an item online but return it t-time customers, spending in the fourth quarter. Seasonal Glitches at a local store — and get their Compaq Bundles Net ales quadrupled “We believe that’s on target accounts credited on the spot. perhaps exceeded by about [here were some glitches Other companies can’t ac 10%,” said Kate Delhagen, an during the season. Barnesand- cess a customer’s online order Products With PCs anaalt yForsretste r noble.com had a one-day slow history ina store. D Boston Consulting Group down in processing transac- Compag Computer Corp. said last estimated that Web-based tions, 800.Com Inc. servers — week that it will reorganize its net- members sales topped $4 billion from were overwhelmed by a spe working division to focus on provid- billion at October through December cial offer (three CDs or movies ing its remote access servers, through “It’s probably higher than a lot for $l) and some shoppers i services, see pages3 1, 111. network interface cards and modems in bundles with its PCs Vendors in Real-Time Rush Over ava Extensions and servers. on Sun’s intellectual property rights Bay Patent Suit Doing real-time extensions five abstentions and one com- likely will require some modi- HP-led faction seeks to buck Sun and send Dismissed pany indicating no choice. fications to the Java language, alternate proposal to standards group The negative votes from according to Sun Vice Presi- Sun, IBM and Sybase Inc. dent George Paolini. But Bay Networks Inc. last week kicked in a 10-day reconsidera- several other companies ex- announced that a patent infringe- BY CAROL SLIWA the pre vramming language to tion period pressed confusion over that ment lawsuit filed against it in 1996 vorried about Java work in embedded devices Chat 10-day reconsideration claim because they don’t by Datapoint Corp. has been dis- embedded such as printers, cell phones ends Thursday Anyone can think modifications would be missed. Datapoint had sued Bay for should keep an and medical monitors change their votes — and even needed. alleged infringement of two patents and series of a one-vote flip would shoot Sun this week will try to covering Fast Ethernet technology. Into the Fold down HP’s real-time proposal, clarify that position and edu- Co Meanwhile, Java’s creator because a majority of the 19 cate the group about its new Sybase Layo d group that’s developing a Sun Microsystems _ Inc voting members must poll in licensing and development xtension for Java which is also developing a real the affirmative. processes. It’s even sending 1 if its standards effort time extension through its own If the vote goes through, Java’s inventor, James Gosling, Sybase Inc. has trimmed its work- ahead through the process will try to stop the users face the danger of having and hosting a dinner for force by 400 people over the past National Committec for Infor HP-led splinter movement and two versions of Java for em- participants. D three months as part of a realign- mation Technology Standards bring wayward vendors into its bedded devices. ment, a company spokeswoman (NCITS), which shepherded ¢ fold during this week’s real IBM complained that it will MOREONLINE said Friday. The database company, C+ Fortran and Cobol to time Java meetings in San be “confusing and ultimately which posted $147 million in losses become standards Diego harmful” to have multiple For Java resources, incl organizations over its last four fiscal quarters, cut Device makers and software So far, the HP-led group's development efforts. Sybase ap 5, tutorials, 0 sntation, user more than 1,100 jobs last year, close de velopers see a real-time ex real-time proposal has a 10-3 noted Sun’s concerns that the gWreobu pssi, te publications and more, see our to 20% of its workforce. tension to Java as critical for NCITS vote in its favor, with HP-led group could infringe www.computerworld.com/more