| Get the dope on knowledge Computerworld QuickStudy debuts! Our new management. Our supple- CORSE Me CORTC ae Ament follows pag e 48. PUTS ame a CogW I RaO RLD The Newsweekly for Information Technology Leaders News updates, features, forums: www.computerworld.com January 26,1998 + Vol.32 - No.4 + 120 pages - $3/Copy $48/Year Too fate for Y2K silver bullet » Faster route: Shelve packaged apps, rewrite code going $50 million-plusSS AP AG R/3 project, Computerworld has By Julia King As a result, Plan B is in effect at learned. and Thomas Hoffman companies such as $14 billion “It’s too late to fix the entire AlliedSignal, Inc company with SAP,” said Rob- REALITY IS BEARING down The Morristown N.J.-based ert Scott, vice president of hard on companies that had manufacturer this year will re- AlliedSignal’s SAP Center of Ex planned to replace rather than direct the lion’s share of its in- cellence, in Morristown. There fix software applications before formation systems budget to fix- simply isn’t enough time be- 2000. ing legacy systems while it tween now and the end of 1999 RYY T eh ta Bl ae emer ae eee Mla aCe meeelt lai They are already out of time slows down spending on an on- to implement the software, the heavy artillery, an |BMS/390, to host their E-commerce site mY uch h lleess s analy]z e > and ipp ossiblhby] revise thousands of processes Big iron gets a case of TRACK THE SHOW TRENDS across the company’s automo- What will be your Is your company tive, aerospace and materials primary E-mail/ planning a net- businesses WEB FEVER groupware appli- work upgrade Instead, AlliedSignal will cation one year this year? spend millions fixing systems it from now? knows it will scrap once the bulk Base: 105 of its R/3 project is iain BNaostee:s 1u0s1e rLso tus xo t hEexrc/hDoann'gte know pnreotfweosrskiionnga ls }— Don't know som‘eTthiem en uamftbeerr 2o0f0 2s yst "1 By Jaikumar Vijayan and Tim Ouellette For the latest on Lotusphere Year 2000, page ON THE SURFACE, SpeedServe, Inc.’s Web site looks What's coming up at ComNet ‘98, see below and page 16. "98? See pages 12 and 14. Find like every other electronic-commerce site around the Our coverage tracks slow user out what's really happening Sanford offers up world. But under the covers, it is hosted on — gasp! — a response to Lotus’ venture into with VPNs and DSL. Pius, get mainframe. Java and open standards. the latest on active monitoring customer savvy tools and more survey data. World Wide Web sites usually are powered by much as IBM sales chief smaller Unix or Windows NT servers. But as electronic commerce matures, some companies have found that Java, NCs headline Lotusphere hosting a Web site on a mainframe provides more horse- By Jaikumar Vijayan power for high-volume transactions, greater reliability and faster access to databases. LINDA SANFORD’S IDEA Of ¢ By April Jacobs Java-enabled productivity appli- great vacation is the beach, and SpeedServe, an online bookseller similar to Amazon. cations, and a strong showing lots of sun. com, Inc., never had a mainframe before But the USERS WHO WANT TO trim by pilot users of network com- Not that she will have an aw company brought one in last summer to process the costs will get their wish at this puters, are expected to assure ful lot of time for those sorts of week’s Lotusphere 98, which _ users that lower prices and luxuries in the near future Big iron, page 2780 will spotlight a big Network Sta- support costs don’t have to add Newly appointed to IBM’s top tion customer win for IBM and up to limited functionality and sales job, Sanford will have her os 350,000 vacant IT jobs! A a delivery schedule for ESuite, slower performance, analysts hands full managing a 17,000- Lotus Development Corp.’s _ said. person organization that last 40% drop in IT grads! 1.3 million Java-based application suite Io date, those issues have year generated a staggering Observers said ready-to-go Lotusphere, page 16 70% of IBM’s $80 billion in more IT workers needed in the next revenue. #BXBBIFT# SoSEHESER IIR CAR — RT-SORT##B-O52 Early expectat ions are that decade! Where do they get #48186UIZ984PBee0S# AUG 98 481 4415 Sanford - who is credited with these numbers? In a two- UMT turning around IBM’s once- PO BOX 984 moribund mainframe business part series, Computerworld looks ANN ARBOR MI 481@6-a984 will help foster a more at the alarming predictions about customer-driven, relationship oriented sales strategy. the IT workforce and explains what NEWSPAPER Joseph W. Farrelly, chief infor- the numbers really mean. Sanford, page 104 IT Careers, page 88 Computerworld January 26,1998 (www.computerworid.com) Online security leak 22! oS Info overload > AOL privacy violation is wake-up call for IS; victed Oklahoma City bomber. sites urged to tighten, enforce security measures McVeigh’s lawyers, who are fighting to prevent his dis- o you ever feel like your head is going to explode? charge, said both federal law Readers tell us they feel that way all the time. The By Kim Girard with that yet.’ and America Online policy pro- faddish nature of new technology (remember Internet The lesson for information hibit disclosure ofa subscriber's “push’’?) and the relentless pace of product develop- AMERICA ONLINE, INC.’S ad systems departments is to keep personal information to law en- ment make it just about impossible to keep current with mission that it violated its own sensitive customer or client in- forcement authorities without a trends. In fact, our research for years has privacy policy by giving the U.S. formation off the Web or behind court order — which the naval put “keeping up with technology” at the Navy personal information top of the list of readers’ job challenges. about a subscriber may have a “You should not be dis- We can help. chilling effect on users already On page 32, we proudly introduce Com- concerned about privacy on the MST ULF puterworld QuickStudy, a weekly one- Web. atari Tea page department for people who want, in Observers said the case, plainspeak, an overview of terms, trends which has legal experts and elec- mC Cae and opinions about issues that are hot — tronic privacy gurus buzzing, NTN ha or about to be hot — in the IT community. could either make corporations You can read it in five minutes. | promise. more wary of using the World In coming weeks, Computerworld QuickStudy will look at Wide Web for business or push virtual private networks, object databases, supply-chain man- them to tighten their existing se- a secure firewall until more uni- investigator didn’t have. agement and public-key encryption. All are topics that inspire curity policies. versal security, including better In a statement, the Navy con- frenetic activity and debate. All will be covered with an eye to- It also could cause potential encryption methods, is avail- tended that there was no inten- ward giving you information you can online customers to think twice able, said Mary J. Culnan, a con- tional violation of any federal j i use right away. before posting private informa- sumer privacy expert at George- law and maintained that federal QuickStudyw ill Computerworld QuickStudy also tion on a Web site without town School of Business, in officials aren’t required to iden- deliver hot IT issues comes with a substantial online com- knowing how far the govern- Washington. tify themselves when seeking ponent that builds upon the informa- ment or other interested parties “You need to treat people’s in- information for an investiga- i i tion in the print summary. can go to get it. formation as carefully as you tion. mpnl ainspeak. On the Web, you can find links to “The juestions [this case] treat people’s money,” she said. Computerworld articles, book summaries, white papers, con- raises are, What are the rules “Privacy needs to be institution- BAD POSSIBILITIES ference descriptions and other added materials. Start at going to be governing govern- alized.” “The implication fof the Navy www.computerworld.com and choose the Resources tab. mental ac to online infor- In the America Online case, policy] is chilling for all users of Check out Computerworld QuickStudy. And send ideas for the Internet,” said Christopher topics and improvements to my mailbox, below. Staten Island University Wolf, McVeigh’s lawyer. ‘“‘Imag- ine if it was the IRS or the FBI Many Cobol programmers wrote to ask where they could get SCS LGM MUM 10 a or another government agency,” the $1,500-per-day salaries for year 2000 work that | men- ney says the hospital and they were “free to snoop tioned in my column last week. Sorry, my mistake. The $1,500 and get information protected figure is for year 2000 consultants and was estimated by San MRC a by federal law.” Diego-based Technology Management Reports [The pressure “The point with the McVeigh TCL EL builds,” CW, Jan. 5]. The good news for consultants: The firm case is you should not be dis expects the figure to rise to $2,500 per day by next year. closing information without Paul Gillin, Editor clear legal authority,” said Marc Internet: [email protected] mation and what steps are one of the online provider's rep- Rotenberg, director of the Elec- online providers going to take to resentatives, while on the phone tronic Privacy Information Cen- protect subscriber privacy?” with a Navy investigator who ter, a Washington-based civil lib F ot cs WAV E said David Sobel, legal counsel didn't identify himself, con- erties group. BY n320 Hh TENNANT amta ttihoen ECleenctterro,n ici n WParisvhaicny gtoInnf.o r- Offifrimceedr thTaitm otSehnyi or R.C hieMfc VePiegtthy lawE stshpeecri aliRsotd ittain,d ap ubcliosmhpeurt ero f was the author of an AOL page the New York-based newsletter HIGH RISKS that used the word “gay” to de- “Computer Law and Tax Re- To protect privacy, analysts said scribe his marital — status. port,’ said the question that companies — from health care McVeigh, who faces discharge should be asked is whether “‘it is networks that want to send pa- under the military's “don’t ask, reasonable for a person to take tient billing information to Med- don’t tell” policy on homosex- what they consider private data icaid offices over the Web to in- uality, isn’t related to the con- and put it on the Internet.”0 surance companies that report customers’ HIV status on forms stored on an intranet — need to be more careful about internal security and enforcing strict pri- vacy policies. @w5t iaacv.nee t Some organizations, such as Staten Island University Hospi- tal, in New York, aren't ready to take a full online risk. “Vendors talk about Web- enabled databases that will allow physicians to dial in and get [pa- tient] information through an intranet,” said hospital Chief In- formation Officer Patrick Car- ERtTah-itee mcn ahni aln t ney. “We're not comfortable (www.computerworid.com) January 26,1998 Computerworld Sybase layoffs loom in wake Asian woesf actor int o financials of $60M sales snafu in Japan Weakness in the Asian markets was the dominant theme as many of the major computer companies announced quarterly results last week. Following is a quick rundown: > IBM — Profits rose only 3.4%, and the company warned that By Craig Stedman earnings in the current quarter will fall below the prior year be- cause oft he strong dollar and weak Asian markets. SYBASE, INC. users. braced Fallout from Sybase’s Japanese problems includes: themselves for more disruption > A fourth- quarter loss “substantially” larger than expected > Microsoft Corp. — Profits were up 53%, and revenue rose 43% and doubts about the future But the company warned that the Asian crisis could depress rev- after the database vendor dis- >R estatement off inancial results for the rest of 1997 enue for the rest of the year. closed it was bitten by its own > Employee layoffs, potentially extending beyond Asia strain of the Asian flu =»C ompaq Computer Corp. — Profits were up 37%, and revenue Executives at Sybase last week e The firing or resignations off ive top Japanese managers was up 23%. But sales were down 15% in Japan and 12% in the warned that their discovery of >» A switch to cash-only sales in Japar. rest ofA sia. about $60 million worth of improperly booked revenue in = Lucent Technologies — First-quarter profits shot up by 31%, and Japan will almost certainly force not trying to sugarcoat it,” said lyst at Giga Information Group, the company predicted that the strong showing will coniinue. them to lay off employeees. And Brent Sanderson, information in Santa Clara, Calif said the the cuts may not be limited to technology manager at the state Japanese brouhaha will make it Seagate Technology, inc. — Second-quarter losses totaled Japan and other financially ail- of Utah’s finance division in Salt harder for Sybase to convince $183.2 million, and revenue fell 30% from a year ago. The com- ing Asian countries. Lake City. “ To me, that shows new buyers that it is a safe bet pany is suffering the effects ofa worldwide disk drive glut. some corporate courage.” for big database investments [Sybase was] just taking But Sanderson, who runs sev- > Ascend Communications, Inc. — Net income was $47.6 million, eral applications on Sybase data NO TURNAROUND down from $64.5 million a year earlier. Asian demand was weak. a peek out of the hole bases said he will have to wait The snafu also squashes any and see what kind of layoffs thoughts that Sybase was close =>S ymantec Corp. — Revenue was up 20%, and net income was they were in, and all of a Kertzman has in mind. to snapping out of a year-long up 58% on strong sales of antivirus and other security software. And the financial fallout from software sales decline. sudden there's a rock the Japanese debacle “is just “It’s extremely disappoint > Bay Networks, Inc. — Profits were $47.5 million, compared with more ammunition for anybody ing,” agreed Jim Dileo, senior a loss of $172.9 million a year earlier. Revenue rose 25%. landing on them.” who kind of had a negative vice president of worldwide IT view ’ of Sybase, he said. at The MacManus Group, a New = Computer Associates International, Inc. — Net income in- ~ Merv Adrian, The faulty Japanese bookings, York-based advertising and pub- creased 19%; revenue rose 18%. Client/server sales led the way. which external auditors uncov- lic relations firm that is a big Giga Information Group ered early last week, will result Sybase customer. > NCR Corp. — Revenue slipped by 2.4%, but the company post- in a big fourth-quarter loss and a Dileo said he remains confi- ed a $36 million profit, up from $7 million in the prior year. “We will have to look at our restatement of earlier results dent about Sybase’s software entire expense level now,”’ said (see chart). The release of the and its management. “But if Sybase CEO Mitchell Kertzman fourth-quarter numbers was you re sitting there as a prospect Japan secretly tacked on so- that goes against Sybase’s sales during a teleconference. “We're postponed until this week to and you've got a couple of choic- called “‘side letters’”’ to purchase policy. Some of the deals may gcing to do whatever we have to give Sybase time to determine this kind of uncertainty isn’t contracts to give buyers the right eventually become valid again do to be a profitable company.” the full extent of the revenue hit. healthy for Sybase,” he said to return software and ask for “but there’s no way of sizing Kertzman deserves credit for Merv Adrian, a database ana- Kertzman said managers in their money back — a clause _ that right now he added.O Corel posts $232M loss CRASHING THE GLASS CalLING » CEO says he expects turnaround this year By Gordon Mah Ung for the fourth quarter and $334.2 million for the year. CANADIAN SOFTWARE maker “We've had a tough year Corel Corp. took a smaller hit in on the other hand, that happens the fourth quarter than expected every 10 or 12 years in this busi- but still announced a disap- ness,” said Michael Cowpland, pointing loss of $231.8 million CEO and president of the Otta- for the year. wa company. Cowpland added The company posted a net that he has no plans to leave. loss of $67 million for its fourth Cowpland said an increase in quarter, which is better than the cash reserves — up $8 million $95 million it expected to lose. to $30.6 million — and the in- The maker of WordPerfect troduction of Java and network Suite and CorelDraw attributed computer products this year are the difference to an accounting positive signs. “Although the change in how it would write off success is not yet evident, we the acquisition of Java technol- think 1998 will change that per- 203 HOLMGREN ogy from other companies. ception entirely,” he said. Revenue for the fourth quar- Corel’s office suite revenue ter came in at $43.6 million and was a dismal $4.7 million in the it takes hard work and smarts to get to the top in IS. Four women tell Ms. MIS $260.6 million for the year. fourth quarter, but officials said Just two years ago, Corel post- that was influenced by unusual- columnist Laura DiDio what it takes tor ise to leadership. Managing, page 72 ed $125.4 million in net revenue ly high product returns. 0 Computerworld January 26, 1998 (www.computerworid.com) Netscape sows innovation with source code giveaway > Bold move aimed at novation without having to hire gaining ‘net mind share new employees makes sense, observers said Price makes thed ifference when choosing an Internet service provider, at Franklin Resources’ Bach Nguyen But if Netscape officials be- least when all else is equal between two providers, users told Computer- rejects new AT&T and MCI fees. The By Carol Sliwa lieve that the company’s move world. Review Center, page 79 Enterprise Network, page 49 will help reduce its internal NETSCAPE COMMUNICATIONS spending on the client, they are In this issue Corp.’s decision last week to “sadly mistaken,” said Tim give away its Internet browser Sloane, an analyst at Aberdeen wasn’t much of a surprise: Its Group, Inc., in Boston. revenue and market share have been declining, and Microsoft CULTIVATING DEVELOPERS reducing need for skills on-site. Corp.’s competing product is “It takes no effort at all to throw free. the seed in the ground. It takes Microsoft responds to customer SOFTWARE But the Mountain View, Calif., more effort to see it through the demand for year 2000 fixes in its 9,000- software maker caught many season,” Sloane said. ‘In es- plus products. OLAP vendors brace for Microsoft’s observers off guard with its sence, they’ve added a few thou- entry into the market. move to give away the source sand developers to the ranks, Microsoft caves in to justice Depart- but they still need to coordinate ment; observers expect no change. Automation vendors embrace flow “This will hurt Microsoft. and support those developers.” manufacturing to keep up with users who The floodgates to innovation NCR readies a version of Teradata that retune factories. ... Netscape essentially could crack open, but the bene- can turbocharge processing. fits may not be so obvious for SERVERS& PCs has come home. They've corporate information systems Users applaud move to integrate staffers, some of whom worry Novonyx into Novell. Cheap PCs benefit low-end users, but come back to their roots.’ that workers will add new most corporate users need more. products or features without OPINION - Michael Goulde, permission. Software vendors flock to write “The corporate side of me Staffers stay put if they believe in their PC-like applications for PalmPilot. Patricia Seybold Group isn’t terribly excited,’ Fox company’s mission, Frank Hayes writes. said. “When you have everyone Users demand open storage, and ven- code of its Communicator out there with different features Brett Arquette despairs of ever dors comply by offering products that groupware/browser. The idea is in their Web client, how do fhoarv iInSg t oa mvaenrsaigoen. of Windows that’s easy support multiple operating systems. to spur innovation in the Inter- you support that? You can’t net developer community. possibly.” MOBILE COMPUTING “T think it’s brilliant,” said Laptops will lose out to single-task Neil Fox, manager of advanced NETSCAPE MOVES devices as the cost of palmtops and oth- Databases travel with specialized development and applied tech- er hardware drops, Dan Gillmor predicts. tweaks for road warriors. nologies at TRW, Inc., in Cleve- wm Will make client source land. “I’m looking forward to code available with the TECHNICAL SECTIONS : Telecommuting changes the way seeing all the creative additions Communicator 5.0 de- CORPORATE STRATEGIES companies work and recruit. and modifications people will veloper release in the PaimPilot edges the paper datebook as maktoe th e Web client.” first quarter. Visa succeeds against the odds, bring- the ideal travel device, but cooler isn’t Officials at Microsoft, which Reduced price of Com- ing outsourcing deal in on budget. always better. makes available only its applica- municator Professional tion programming interfaces, Edition to $29. Pro Edi- County retrenches after a controver- ee dismissed the move. “Frankly, tion now has calendar- sial outsourcing debacle, reclaims IS. we don’t think that strategy ing, mainframe access MANAGING_ gives you the consistency that and centralized manage- Schwab spots trading errors and trends consumers want in the market- ment features. using a new Web-based application. Women discuss what it takes to break place,” said Vice President Sam into leadership roles in IS. Jadallah. THE INTERNET But others sounded intrigued Netscape’s once-dominant ee er as by the concept of a commercial World Wide Web browser mar Users outsource ED! infrastructure for software vendor freely licensing ket share has slipped to between flexible electronic-commerce links. Hope exists for NT users who want its software code. 50% and 65%, depending on clustering and greater fault tolerance. “This will hurt Microsoft,’ t he survey. Proxies save bandwidth and money predicted Michael Goulde, an But the tide could turn if Net- unexpectedly by keeping copies of Rae a as analyst at Patricia Seybold scape can land some bundling popuiar pages stored on local servers. Group, in Boston “T think the deals with PC makers. Netscape Whiz kids. Tomorrow's IT leaders are inhabitants of the global Inter- Chief Technology Officer Eric Office Depot launches a consumer already winning awards for their techno- net culture are going to start Hahn said an announcement site after business-to-business version prowess. paying less attention to Micro- can be expected in the coming soft and more attention to Net- weeks with one or more PC proves out. eeo a scape. Netscape essentially has makers. come home. They’ve come back A year ago, client sales rep- Company index to their roots.” resented 45% of Netscape’s rev- Third parties aim to make Notes Editorial/Letters Given Netscape’s slumping enue. Now, with the figure scalable and manageable. EYA. finances, ongoing layoffs and at 13%, Netscape officials said How to contact CW very wealthy arch competitor, they can opt to give away the Service diagnoses nets remotely, Inside Lines the attempt to spark product in- product.O Fast and Friendly Now the world’s fastest sort technology load your database faster and do all kinds NT systems sort. Interested? Just give us has the friendly face of Windows NT of heavy-duty processing, such as data a call at (201) 930-8200, dept. C7CWW warehousing chores, more easily and effi- We'd also be happy to send you a free copy ciently on Windows NT. Designed specifi- of our newest publication, Power Database cally for a client/server environment, Loads: A Checklist of Techniques |t‘\ rToesomreo ep rrtg (ieoo rma aFcmr agcp ety hO)tae mc°p oa ueyns) wMe iiaonsd ub,ot wdydi e oofunis@ neso ert SyncSort for Windows NT lets you build syncsort bcralncihcestk ohiSefo hnu regcet ,r eeiK anyts. h eaS nyndc TSaorrgte wt indow To Fier orR etorecrormds,ac hitckt he applications quickly on client machines eoproprate while running the actual jobs behind the scenes on your more powerful NT server. Tel (201) 930-8200 dept. 18CWW Introducing SyncSort for Windows NT, The result is optimal SyncSort performance Fax (201) 930-8290 dept. 18CWW the high-performance tool you'll need to that's light years faster than the Windows http: //www.syncsort.com/18cww ©1998 SyncSort Incorporated. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Computerworld January 26,1998 (www.computerworid.com) Microsoft issues mea culpa on Breakdown in compliance Y2K, readies resource center ... Microsoft’s core products are all year 2000-compliant, according to Jason Matusow, Microsoft’s year 2000 strategy manager. He was referring to products such as the latest releases of Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, Internet products and Office suite. By Thomas Hoffman last week, also marked Micro- ucts were year 2000-compliant Older products, such as Word 5.0 for DOS, an 8-year-old word soft’s first acknowledgment that Those statements were not only processing system, won’t receive patches, Matusow said. In those AFTER AT LEAST a year of cus- it has been slow in responding inaccurate, but they also “put a cases, customers will have to upgrade to newer versions of the tomer frustration with Micro- to the issue lot of pressure on IT managers software. soft Corp.’s inattention to the Microsoft's lack of respon- who were trying to put together Ifa product requires a Microsoft “service pack” to make it com- millennium crisis and the im- siveness “has been a mistake,” budgets for desktop conver pliant, the company will make that available to customers free for pact it may have on its said Jason Matusow, Mi- sions,” Moore said. download from its Web site, Matusow said. 9,000-plus products crosoft’s year 2000 But if Microsoft is success- Microsoft also will publish a ‘product dependency list’’ that will the Redmond Wash strategy manager. He ful with its year 2000 World identify what is required to get a noncompliant software product to developer last week said 2000. further conceded that Wide Web site, “it will be the work properly. For example, Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheets have it will put a year 200 the company had failed best vendor response yet to to run on either Windows 95 or Windows NT, and copies ofi ts soft- resource center on the Web by to grasp the importance of how year 2000 compliance,” Moore ware have specific system clock dependencies. mid-March its products are date-sensitive said. — Tom Hoffman Microsoft’s year 2 and critical to customers’ opera- source center (www.muicrosojt tons QUERY TOOL com/year2000) 1s expected to list Microsoft “has gotten into For example, Microsoft custom- sult of customization by end will publish a list of vendors that information about which prod- trouble with its customers” over ers “will be able to query users offer tools designed to fix specif- ucts are compliant, how the its year 2000 direction or against” the resource center Microsoft’s product guide will ic Microsoft packages. products handle dates, how to lack thereof said Stephanie through a sophisticated data- let users search for products by Matusow said he hopes to in- work around problems and Moore, an analyst at Giga Infor- base that will debut online as name, a version number, the clude testing scenario recom- what tools are available to help mation Group, in Westport, early as March 13, according to software language involved and mendations on the Web site by fix individual products Conn. She documented the Matusow. whether the products are year June — for example, how to test The announcement, made problem in a report last July He added that Microsoft 2000-compliant. and what customers will need to during a Securities Industry As In the past, Microsoft has told won't be held liable for any Microsoft won't be offering set up their year 2000 test envi- sociation year 2000 meeting customers that all of its prod- products that don’t work as a re- year 2000 testing tools, but it ronments.O ... and rethinks support for users of NDS for NT ed onto our Web site, and unfor tunately, our customers and even our internal support tech- nicians got the wrong message. By Laura DiDio Quicks=a ve tailed technical response on its Novell. Microsoft’s support is a We will support Windows NT Web site, refuting Microsoft's crapshoot,” Klass said. users; no one will get left in the MICROSOFT CORP last week claims. And Novell told users it Robert Hoppe, lead LAN ana- lurch.” backed down amid a barrage of if NDS for NT users run into would support them no matter lyst at United Health Care, Inc., The caveat, though, is that us- criticism after it announced it problems, they can easily cir- what. in Minneapolis, said, ‘“‘There’s ers who load NDS for NT must wouldn't support Windows NT cumvent any potential sup- Novell said it received “hun- no way NDS for NT could possi- get support from Novell for users who also installed Novell, port issues with Microsoft by dreds of postings’’ on its Inter- bly make Windows NT less se- problems associated with NDS Inc.’s Novell Directory Services running a reverse migration net newsgroups and Compu- cure than it already is. | can for NT. (NDS) for NT program. It uninstalls NDS Serve forums. hack into NT Server in about 20 Some users and analysts said In a posting on its World for NT so Microsoft’s techni- Four days later, Microsoft minutes, and I’m no NT guru.” they found it hard to swallow Wide Web site Microsoft ar- cal support can determine if pulled the document off its Web Microsoft’s claims of innocence. gued that installing NDS for NT the problem lies with NT. site and replaced it with one that COMPETITIVE MOVE “Clearly, Microsoft _ isn’t would compromise NT security Once the problem is resolved, says “‘it is committed to provid- Hoppe’s company has a mixed thrilled by NDS for NT, and the and reliability NDS for NT is users can deploy another fa- ing support for its customers.”’ NetWare and Windows NT Serv- longer NT 5.0 and Active Direc- Novell's long-awaited product cility to automatically reinstall Peter Plourd, information er network with 35,000 users. tory is vapor, the more ofa prob- that replaces NT’s directory with NDS for NT. — Laura DiDio systems manager at Guilford He has been using NDS for NT lem it will be for Redmond,” Novell’s, allowing network man- Pharmaceuticals, Inc., in Balti since its beta release and has en- said Jamie Lewis, president of agers to centrally administer all more, said his firm has used the countered no problems. Hoppe The Burton Group, Inc., a Salt their NT and NetWare sites Microsoft also claimed that NDS for NT beta since last sum- said the document was part of Lake City consultancy. 0 through NDS NDS for NT, which began ship- mer with nary a problem. Microsoft's strategy to snuff out Microsoft’s posting _ said, ping Jan. 5, “will break the up- Mike Klass, senior consultant competition. -RELATEDLINKS_ ‘NDS for NT makes significant grade from Windows NT 4.0 to at PHH Vehicle Management Not so, Microsoft said. changes to the [NT] operating Windows NT 5.0.” It also said Services, Inc., said he was un- “We screwed up,” acknowl- For these and other related links, system. As a result Microsoft the product ‘‘was not the right fazed by Microsoft’s threat to edged Mike Nash, Microsoft's go to: today announced that it cannot long-term choice for Windows withhold support. director of marketing for Win- www2.computerworld. support Windows NT Server NT customers.” “When it comes to getting dows NT. “‘A bad, poorly worded com/home/online9697.nsf/All/ running Novell’s NDS for NT.” Novell quickly posted a de- quality support, we count on and edited bulletin got propagat- 980126ndsntlinks KEEPING TRACK OF THE NOVELL/MICROSOFT FLAP > Microsoft Clarifies Position on Microsoft says: Novell says: BAe tse cet Support for Customers Deploying NDS for NT By replacing critical system Dynamic NDS for NT and Windows NT work “It's the pot calling the kettle black. www. microsoft.com /ntserver/ Link Libraries (DLL), NDS for NT fine together. NDS doesn't modify Microsoft doesn't like the fact that guide/ndsfornt2.asp 2 makes serious technical changes to the client-to-server security of NT DLLs are being replaced. This knocks Windows NT Server, rendering the at all. NDS for NT doesn't change any out buckets full of applications and > Microsoft Won't Support Their system less secure and potentially of the Windows NT APIs. DLLs that Microsoft ships.” Customers ... But Novell Will Otne, c chonmipcalatelis bsi lrietliya’b le. www.novell.com/lead_stories/ — David Strom, Strom Consulting, Inc. 98/jan16/bridghet.ml Expert implementation Stay ahead with the Oracle Data Mart Suite for For fast and successful deployment, Compaq and Windows NT on Compaq ProLiant Servers Oracle reseller partners are teaming together to deliver the server, the software and the expert Services necessary to get you running on schedule Your Competition Won’t Wait For You and within budget. Faced with deregulation, new market challenges and Act now. 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What you'll have is a total solution COMPAR ORACLE which installs quickly and is proven to yield the best decision-support query processing and price/performance Enabling the Information Age" on Windows NT in the industry.* ©1998 Oracle CorporAlalr tighitso resner.ve d. Oracle and Enabling the InformatAgieo anr e registered tradoef Omracale rCorpkorastio n. Compaq andP roLiant are registered tradernarks of Compaq CorporTPaCi tsai r oeginst.ere d trademark oft he Transaction Processing Performance * based on TPC-D resuits posted on Sept 22, 1997 Council, Allo ther company and product names are thet rademarks oft heirr espective owners. Pease iio Computerworid January 26, 1998 (www.computerworld.com) of most big companies — it’s 15% at So how do you get IS connected with Kaiser, compared with a Fortune-500 that mission? You can’t do it with pep average of 25% to 35%, according to a talks. And you can’t do it from within Wanted: true believers survey by Silicon Valley recruiting com- the glass cage of your IS shop. Working pany Advanced Technology Staffing in heads-down is the best way to keep IS Redwood City, Calif. people disconnected from the rest of the And a big part of that seems to be company. FRANK HAYES that Kaiser IS staffers believe they help Maybe it’s as simple as a field trip to keep people healthy. Kaiser has a mis- let them talk with other employees. T FIRST GLANCI you wouldn't cisco Bay from Silicon Valley, which sion and Sullivan’s IS people believe March your IS people up to meet with A“ the operation Timothy Sulli- soaks up any available IT talent like a in it. Maybe it’s time your IS people the folks who design your products. Or van faces surgical sponge. So how will Sullivan started to believe in your company’s down to the factory floor to see the Sullivan is CIO at Kaiser Permanente, get all those technical people — by mission, too products being physically produced. Or and he just launched a billion-dollar wheeling them in on gurneys stuffed Face it, you can’t afford to treat IS out to see real customers using them. project to link the with money? Not exactly. professionals as interchangeable hired [hat’s what your business is about — HMO’s hospitals “The financial picture needs guns who just build systems and run not code and packets, but customers clinics and offices all to be adequate and fair,” he networks. You’re paying top dollar and and products. 8.9 million members told me. “But a bigger area is still struggling to hire all the people you Think a field trip sounds too hokey? in a nationwide clinicz the organization engaging need. You've got to offer something Come up with other ways of getting IS information network the individual in activities more — a reason to care about your or- excited about your company’s mission. To start rolling out It's time your IS people ganization that goes And get fired up about it yourself. If the system on schedule beyond money — or you don’t, your people won't either. later this year, Sullivan the cost will kill you. Think you can’t afford the time be- started to believe in your will have to hire more Caring about your cause your projects are already behind than 100 technical people and hang on company’s mission is schedule? Don’t kid yourself, you can’t to, or replace, hundreds of other Kaiser company’s mission crucial to creating IS afford not to get IS connected to your information systems people working on loyalty that goes be- business mission. If you don’t, your IS the project. That’s right: The project yond a paycheck - shop — and maybe your business — could require hundreds of new hires in that are worthwhile. The organization and it’s also the first step in putting could be on life-support for a long time the middle of the worst information creates spirit and camaraderie and ful- technology at the service of that busi- to come.O technology labor shortage in history, at fillment in people’s lives.” ness mission. When IS people know a time when the year 2000 crunch is Huh? “Spirit and camaraderie and and care about what their company Hayes is Computerworld’s West Coast absorbing even more techies. And fulfillment>” Is this guy serious? does, they’ve got a focus — and a rea- bureau chief. His Internet address is Kaiser Permanente is across San Fran- Well, he has half the IT turnover rate son to deliver. [email protected]. Feds to post domain name policy procurement, financial services and order entry. The mail applications. AS/400 users have been able to run idea is to partner with financial institutions, established Domino on their systems for some time now, but only White House adviser ira Maga- outsourcing companies such as Electronic Data Sys- on a separate PC card. Native Domino support also ziner said a policy draft on the tems Corp. and with smaller boutique SAP implemen- means users get real-time access to the AS/400’s government’s stance on privati- tation partners. SAP rival PeopleSoft, Inc. earlier this DB2/400 database. The AS/400 Domino version costs zation of Internet domain name month announced it was launching a similar service. $1,495 for a one-processor version. registration will be posted at www.ecommerce.gov by the end Belluzzo bolts HP to head SGI Intel: Software speeds access of the week. The draft will be open for comment for 30 days Troubled workstation maker Silicon Graphics, Inc. Intel Corp. this week will unveil software for Internet and could take months more to (SGI) tapped Richard E. Belluzzo as its chairman and service providers that it claims will speed up Web surf- implement, Magaziner told re- CEO, succeeding Edward R. McCracken. Belluzzo, 44, ing. Officials for the chip maker said they expect the porters in Newton, Mass., last week. Network Solu- leaves his job as executive vice president and comput- service providers will sell the software to their cus- tion, Inc.’s current registration of .com and other er systems general manager at Hewlett-Packard Co., tomers for a fee. Intel said two Internet service names expires in March, but Magaziner said there is a where he was seen as a potential successor to CEO providers, Erols Internet, Inc., in Springfield, Va., and “ramping-down period” for another six months, which Lewis Platt. Mountain View, Calif.-based SG! last week Netcom On-Line Communication Services, Inc., in San will give the government time to help private groups posted a $31 million loss for its quarter ended in De- Jose, Calif., have agreed to offer the software, along create an open, shared registration system. cember and is involved in a companywide restructur- with GlobalCenter, Inc., in Sunnyvale, Calif. ing. Wall St. pushes for Y2K holiday Microsoft tool answers critics Zander scales Sun ladder The board of directors of the Securities Industry Asso- Microsoft Corp. said its improved Visual InterDevT ciation (SIA) has endorsed a proposal to declare Dec. Edward J. Zander, 51, has been promoted to the new Web application development product addresses users’ 31, 1999, a trading holiday in order to complete year- position of chief operating officer at Sun Microsys- criticisms. Among the new features to be demonstrat- end processing before 2000 arrives [CW, Jan. 19]. New tems, Inc. following published reports suggesting he ed at WebTechEd in San Diego this week is the ability York-based SIA, which represents nearly 800 invest- was being courted by Apple Computer,, Inc. to fill its to complete visual page design and debugging without ment banks, broker-dealers and mutual fund compa- CEO position. Zander, who ran the company’s SunSoft losing source code. A beta for Visual InterDevT will be nies, must also win endorsements from the New York software business, most recently was president of available in the second quarter. Pricing hasn’t been set. Stock Exchange and other market and federal regula- Sun’s hardware business. In his new role, Zander will tors. The SIA hopes to win approval by March 31 to run Sun’s daily operations and participate in strategic SHORT TAKES Paul Hoedeman is leaving his post plan for the day off. planning at the Palo Alto, Calif.-based company. as chief information officer at AlliedSignal, Inc.’s Aerospace division, in Torrance, Calif., to become vice SAP to launch consulting service AS/400 gets native Domino president ofi nformation systems at The Home Depot, Inc., in Atlanta. ... On Monday, Gateway SAP AG is getting ready to launch an outsourcing busi- IBM is boosting capabilities with native support of 2000, Inc. will announce across-the-board price ness, Computerworld has learned. SAP officials said the Lotus Development Corp.’s Domino server. The long- cuts of up to 18% on all its PC models as well as a plan is to begin outsourcing business processes for expected move enhances the AS/400’s ability to run new, inexpensive corporate PC. The E-1000 corporate companies in four areas: human resources and payroll, groupware, a World Wide Web server and electronic- model will cost just under $1,000. ee Wanna Buy Some Time You Need SoftFactory/2000 There’s more than one way to buy time — but you gotta know the secret. Word on the street is that SoftFactory/2000” with SmartFind/2000™ is the only way to go if you are going to get your Y2K projects completed quickly. SoftFactory/2000 is so fast and so TECHNOLOGY accurate, it's like buying time between now and the year 2000. 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All other trademarks are property of their respective companies Computerworld January 26,1998 (www.computerworld.com) Microsoft compromise ‘hardly surprising) “::: °°" hidden or various browser files removed predicted Tim Sloane, an analyst at Aber- By Carol Sliwa hardly a surprise. in Stamford, Conn. deen Group, Inc., in Boston. ‘Given the ‘kinder, gentler, let’s look Nor is there much expectation among Although a Netscape Communications GIVEN ITS RECENT attempts to soften like we’re cooperating’ Microsoft of the those watching the case that Microsoft's Corp. executive claimed that his compa- its image, Microsoft Corp.'s decision last month, it was inevitable. Now they temporary concession will have a signifi- _ ny will announce browser deals with one last week to offer two new options to — can say, ‘We’re pretending to respect the cant impact on the world at large. Micro- or more PC makers, analysts said they ex- comply with a federal judge’s order government,’” said Stan Lepeak, an ana- soft will offer a version of Windows 95 pect few PC makers to stop bundling In- at least on a nporary basis ‘ lyst at Meta Group, Inc., a consultancy _ that either has the Internet Explorer icon _ ternet Explorer with the hardware they ship. “From a philosophical point of view, it might be a win for Netscape. But practi- cally speaking, it’s no harm for Micro- ’ Lepeak said The initial battle over, Redmond- Wash.-based Microsoft will concentrate its efforts on the appellate front, where it hopes to successfully argue that a U.S. District Court judge erred on several | counts when he ordered the company to stop licensing its Windows operating sys- tem on the condition that “the licensee also license and preinstall’’ its Internet browser. A hearing is set for April 21. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s compliance may help to repair the harsh image creat- ed when it chose, pending appeal, to comply with the judge’s order by offering a 2 1/2-year-old version of Windows or a version that wouldn’t work with the full complement of browser files removed “They were being impossible,” said Lu Neil Fox, manager of advanced develop- < ment and applied technologies at TRW, Inc., in Cleveland. “I think that they S made a mistake. ... And they’re finally realizing that was a bad tack to take.”’ bLe~ “T think Microsoft needed to find a O compromise,” said Jay Vander Wall, a a technical architect at The Dow Chemical Co., in Midland, Mich. “I’m glad to see they’re workinig t out.”0 FAQs: Join us and maximize your ATL storage! Icon update i Q: What happened last week? SHARE Technical Conference A: Pending its appeal, Microsoft Conference Session 3015 agreed to comply with a federal court's preliminary injunction by giving PC Thursday, February 26, 3 PM makers the option to license its Win- dows 95 operating system with the AnaPhaeciifmi cH iBlatlolnr o&o mT oAw ers tIhnet erdneestk tEoxpp.l orer icon removed from Q: Is the case over? A: No. A hearing on Microsoft's appeal is pending, and the company’s petition challengitnhge District Court's referral of the case to a special master also hasn't been resolved. BE Vas Q: What are the possible outcomes? . systems A:I f Microsoft wins the appeal, the preliminary injunction could be termi- ad nated. If Microsoft loses, the prelimi- nary injunction could be replaced by a permanent injunction after further pro- ceedings before the special master and tp://www.betasystems.com theD istrict Court.