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Computers In Chess Solving Inexact Search Problems PDF

171 Pages·1983·35.68 MB·English
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SYUSOLIC PORPUTATION M.M. Botvinnik Computers Springer Series in Symbolic Computation Editors Computer Graphics: J. Encarnagao; K. Bé, J.D. Foley, R. Guedj, J.W. ten Hagen, F.A.A. Hopgood, M. Hosaka, M. Lucas, A.G. Requicha Artificial Intelligence: P. Hayes; L. Bole, A. Bundy, J. Siekmann Computer Aided Design J. Encarnagao, E.G. Schlechtendahl 1983. ix, approx. 350 pages. 183 figures Augmented Transition Networks L. Bole 1983. xi, 214 pages. 72 figures. Automation of Reasoning 1 Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1957-1966 J. Siekmann, G. Wrightson. 1983. xii, 525 pages. 37 figures Automation of Reasoning 2 Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1967-1970 J, Siekmann, G, Wrightson 1983. xii, 637 pages. 39 figures Computers in Chess Solving Inexact Search Problems M.M. Botvinnik 1984. xiv, 158 pages. 48 figures M. M. Botvinnik Computers in Chess Solving Inexact Search Problems Translated by Arthur A. Brown With Contributions by A. T. Reznitsky, B. M. Stilman, M. A. Tsfasman, and A. D. Yudin With 48 Illustrations M. M. Botvinnik Arthur A. Brown (Tran: ¢/o VAAP—Copyright 10709 Bye foaln seen Agency of the U.S.S.R. Garrett Park, MD 20896 B. Bronnaya 62 USA. Moscow 103104 USSR. Library of Congress Cutuloyi Publication Data Botvinnik, M. M. (Mikhail Moiseevich), 19t1— Computers in chess. (Symbolic computation. Artificial intelligence) ‘Translation of: O reshenii netochnykh perebornykh zadach Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Chess—Data processing. 2. Searvh theory 1. Title. 11. Series. GV1447.B67513 1983 001.424 8310571 Original Russian edition: O Reshenii netochnukh perebornykh zadach. Moscow: ‘Nauka, 1978. © 1984 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from Springer-Verlag, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010, U.S.A. ‘The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publica: tion, even if the former are not especially identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. ‘Typesct by Science Typographers, Medford, NY. Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons, Harrisonburg, VA. Printed in the United States of America. 987654328 ISBN 0-387-90869-2 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg Tokyo ISBN 3-540-90869-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo Preface to the English Edition Much water has flowed over the dam since this book went to press in Moscow. One might expect that PIONEER would have made substantial advances —unfortunately it has not. There are reasons: the difficulty of the problem, the disenchantment of the mathematicians (because of the delays and drawing out of the work), and principally the insufficiency and sorne- tirnes complete lack of machine time. The general method used by PIONEER to solve complex multidimen- sional search problems had already been formulated at that time. It was supposed that the successful completion of the chess program PIONEER-I would provide a sufficient validation for the method. We did not succeed in completing it. But, unexpectedly, PIONEER’s method obtained a different kind of validation. Since our group of mathemuticians works at the Institute for Electroen- ergy, we were invited to solve some enetgy-relatcd problems and were assigned the task of constructing a program that would plan the recondi- toning of the equipment in power stations—initially for one month. Until then, the technicians had been preparing such plans without the aid of computers, Although the chess program was not complete even after ten. years, the: program PIONEER-2 for computing the monthly repair schedule for the Interconnected Power System of Russian Central was completed in a few months. In mid-October of 1980 a medium-speed computer constructed the plan in 40 seconds. When, at the end of the month, the mathematician A- Reznitsky turned over the results to the Central Dispatch Control (CDO) of the power system, he was treated with disbelief, since the plan already prepared by the technicians differed from the computed plan. In a day or v vi Pratace to the English Edition $0, however, things were cleared up. PIONEER-2 turned cut to be more competent than the humans. Using the methods of the chess master, the computer very quickly found a high priority variation in the plan, tested the possibility of improving it, and produced the results. PIONKER-2 was at once adopted by the CDC for implementation. In the following year. PIONEER-3 was developed to produce the annual plan for ail power stations in the USSR. The plan for 1982 was produced in 9 minutes 19 seconds. If onc notes that the monthly plan deatt with 200 units for 30 days, and the annual plan with 600 units for 365 days, one must be amuzed; the dimension of the full-width search tree for the annual plan is essentially infinite. The truth of the matter is that by using the chess master’s method, the search problem is reduced to one of analysis, and therefore the solution depends arly weakly on the dimensions of the search. In 1982 the program was updated. Tt not only produces the plan, but Necessary minimizes the increase in the reserve power that must be dedi- cated to offset the output of the units in repair. The technicians like this very much, since now they can only approximate the amount of reserve power needed for maintenance; the computer itself made the value of the reserve more precise. However, the program was more complex and the 1983 plan consumed 12 mimutes 6 seconds. Why should the maintenance planning present a simpler problem than chess? The answer is not hard to find. Let us look at two schemes for solving, an enumerative problem. Scheme {a} corresponds to a solution of the problem by a full-width search. It is a simple scheme, but suitable only for the case in which the branching factor during the search is small; only then can we obtain a dcop solution, For a branching factor appreciably greater than unity we can in General obtain only a weak and superficial solution because of the €atastrophic growth of the scarch tree. Moreover, and this is the essential Point, since the full-width search is nat connected with the essence of the problem we are trying to solve, a good positions! estimate is excluded; without it we cannot find a good sobution. The chess master uses Scheme (b). He processes his initial information, establishes a gost for the inexact game, establishes a multi-level system, sets Priorities for the inclusion of moves for consideration, and constructs a positional estimate. After this, the game of chess—a scarch task of very high dimension—reduces (0 a problem in analysis; the branchiag factor remains close to unity, and nothing prevents reaching a deep solution. We can now see why maintenance planning is easier than chess. In the Planning prablem, the initial information fed to the computer searcely needs Processing, it is already in a form suitable for analysis. In chess, on the ether hand, the data destined for analysis is decply hidden in the initial data, The principal task consists in transforming the initinl data to a form table for analysis. Herein lies one of the reasons for our delay in finishing R-1. Preface to the Enolish Edition, me vii Nevertheless, the chess program has made some we looked on chess as a three-level system (attack unjectories a ee and attacked pieces, fields of play. the ensemble of fields) we now model the game of chess asa four-level systemn. A ficld of play has a somewhat abstract nature; on the basis of the ficld we have now formed a real chain of trajectories (this is the third level) and an ensemble of such chains (the fourth level) which is 4 genuine mathematical model of a position. We had already developed the concept of the compound field, composed of a number of simpic fields, but we did not know how to analyze it. The priority for inclusion of moves in the search was based on the “practicabil- ity” of the several trajectories, and such a priority did not yield good results. We now base the priority on the practicability of a chain of trajectories, which we call a compound field. To a first approximation we may say that the trajectories in a chain belong to two fields. A chain must have its own Basic attack trajectory and, of course, the target of attack. As we noted above, an ensemble of chains constitutes the mathematical model. “The positional estimate is now based not only on material values but also on the situational valuc of the pieces. The concept of the situational value had already heen introduced in the author's earlier book Computers, Chess, and Long-range Planning, but it was not formalized. We have now suc- ceeded in doing that. The greater the yalue of a chain (of trajectories) with which a piece is connected, the higher the situndanal value of that piece. This was tested on a position in a game by Botvinnik—Capablanca. We succeeded for the first time in increasing the positional estimate in the course of a sacrificial combination. We are currently sharpening some new developments, after which PIONEER will be suggested for the analysis of quiescent positions. Few people believe in the success of our work. Nevertheless, I had not expected Ken Thompson to be skeptical; so far as I know, Clauile Shannon also skeptical. This is most curious, since in the historical development of an artificial chess master there have been only two major events: the fundamental work by Shannon (1949), and the construction of BELLE. a high-speed specialized computer by Thompsen (1980). BELLE bas attained national master rating and is World Champion among chess-playing com puters. However, BELLE uses the brute force method, and this is hardly capable of further progress. It is the computer's turn to adopt @ more fruitful method—perhaps PIONEER. And if PIONEER is unsuccessfol. we must believe that some other method will be found. The problem must and will be solved. , Nore: Recently the solution to the musiatenance planning problem bas again been advanced. The program PIONEER-5 will be completed in December. It will deal with a whole set of pesca opens Be maintenance process, instead of with one resource only. Sinee Ehise sources are Aizen Tecal and in part centralized, PIONEER will begin wath Tocal prelitainary plans, for orientation, and then proceed to the second ao! vl Prelate to te Englsh Elion bie rel, Dl ce ever te proces and our nly tothe lover lel, where priory il be pe he erin ote need nergy site the oa plans wl hen be opting Alter FONEERS basses comple is r, one may ase ao fit appoint it wl be capable of ling any branch of the economy As foc PIONEER thre temas the comlon ofthe postin tliat andthe fut progres canbe mace Mowcow MM Borat June, 198 Preface to the Russian Edition ‘This book gives an account of the theory needed for the solution of inexact enumeration problems; the theory as expounded here is to some extent based on hypothesis, since our experience does not yet fully support our theoretical position. When our chess program PIONEER begins to play at master strength, we may say that the theory has a solid basis. The (unfinished) history of the development of strong chess programs is connected with a struggle betweon two dilfereat trends. The prevailing opinion, for a long time, was that the computer should not imitate a chess master’s thought processes, and that the method for play by a niachine should be based on an exhaustive search for possible moves. Since the first successes of PIONEER, the position has changed to some extent; from now en, computer programs will increasingly tend to imitate humans. ‘The first part of the book contains a general statement of the method thal, in our opinion, should be used for the solution of inexact enumerative control problems; we use the game of chess as an example to show how the general theary can be successfully applied. A detailed exposition of the algorithmic basis is given in the appendices, which were written by mathe- maticians whe took part in the development of PIONEER. They should be of interest to program designers and should aid in the practical application of the principles set forth in this book.

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