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COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Also by Ukandi G. Damachi THEORIES OF MANAGEMENT AND THE EXECUTIVE IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD THE ROLE OF TRADE UNIONS IN DEVELOPING SOCIETIES (with Everett Kassalow) MANPOWER SUPPLY AND UTILIZATION IN GHANA, NIGERIA AND SIERRA LEONE (editor with Kodwo Ewusi) HUMAN RESOURCES AND AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT (with V. P. Diejomaoh) PUBLIC POLICY, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION IN WEST AFRICA (with V. P. Diejomaoh) SOCIAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA (with Hans Dieter Seibel) INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN AFRICA (with Hans Dieter Seibel and Lester Trachtman) SELF-MANAGEMENT IN YUGOSLAVIA AND THE DEVELOPING WORLD (with Hans Dieter Seibel) SELF-HELP ORGANIZATIONS (with Hans Dieter Seibel) MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS IN AFRICA (with Hans Dieter Seibel) FROM BLACK AFRICA LEADERSHIP IDEOLOGY IN AFRICA: Attitudes Toward Socio-Economic Development THE ROLE OF TRADE UNIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: With a Case Study of Ghana NIGERIAN MODERNIZATION: The Colonial Legacy CREATING INDUSTRIAL PEACE IN NIGERIA CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS IN NIGERIAN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (with Tayo Fashoyin) Also by H. Ray Souder SIMPLE LINEAR AND MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS Computers and Co1nputer Applications in Developing Countries Edited by Ukandi G. Damachi Professor and Dean, Faculty of Business Administration University of Lagos H. Ray Souder Associate Professor of Management University of Central Florida and Nicholas A. Damachi Adjunct Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering University of Cincinnati M MACMILLAN PRESS © Ukandi G. Damachi. H. Ray Souder and Nicholas A. Damachi 1987 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1987 All rights reserved. No reproduction. copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended), or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WClE 7A E. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1987 Published by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Computers and computer applications in developing countries. 1. Electronic digital computers Developing countries I. Damachi, Ukandi Godwin II. Souder, H. Ray III. Damachi, Nicholas A. 004'.09172'4 QA76.5 ISBN 978-0-333-41383-8 ISBN 978-1-349-08647-4 (eBook) DOl 10.1007/978-1-349-08647-4 To Mr Justin Jabekong Damachi Mrs Justina Lami Damachi Mrs Luella Goering Mr William Goering (deceased) Contents Preface XI Acknowledgements XV Notes on the Contributors xvi 1 Computers and Developing Nations l Nicholas Damachi and H. Ray Souder 1.1 Introduction l 1.2 Potential Applications l 1.3 Impediments to Computer Utilisation in Developing Nations. 3 1.4 Lessons from Developed Countries 4 1.5 Centralised Versus Decentralised Computer Systems 6 1.6 Systems Analysts Issues and Problems 7 1. 7 Philosophy of the Book 9 1.8 Organisation of the Book lO 1.9 Summary 12 2 Data Processing: an Overview 13 Jan Prickett 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 What is Data Processing? 14 2.3 Data Processing Functions 14 2.4 The Data Processing Cycle 21 2.5 The Data Processing System 22 2.6 Data Processing and Computer Information Systems 23 3 Computer Hardware Considerations 25 Rick D. Stuart 3.1 Introduction 25 3.2 Terminology 26 3.3 Input Devices 28 3.4 Central Processing Unit 30 3.5 Output Devices 31 3.6 Non-Generic Hardware 33 VII viii Contents 3.7 System Hardware Selection 37 3.8 Future Projections 44 3.9 Summary 45 4 Computer Software Concepts 49 Sudesh Duggal 4.1 Introduction 49 4.2 Components of a Computer System 49 4.3 Computer Software and its Categories 50 4.4 Operating Systems 52 4.5 Types of Operating Systems 55 4.6 Summary 58 4.7 Future Outlook 59 5 Historical Development of Programming Languages 61 Nicholas A. Damachi and Jagtar Chaudhry 5.1 Introduction 61 5.2 Computer Languages 61 5.3 BASIC 62 5.4 Fortran 63 5.5 Pascal 64 c 5.6 64 5.7 Other Computer Languages 65 5.8 Recommendations 65 5.9 Deciding the Right Operating System 66 5.10 Graphics 68 5.11 Spreadsheets 69 5.12 Word Processing 70 5.13 Computer-Aided-Design and Manufacturing 71 5.14 Software Checklist 74 5.15 Special Software Considerations in Developing Countries 75 6 Strategic Management and the Computer 79 William Holloway and William Lindsay 6.1 Introduction 79 6.2 Strategic Management 80 6.3 Day-to-Day Management Versus Strategic Management 82 6.4 The Process of Strategic Management 82 Contents IX 6.5 The External Environment 84 6.6 External Environment Data Analysis 86 6.7 Environmental Impact and Weighting 88 6.8 Internal Environment Data Analy"sis 89 6.9 The Sources of Strategic Information 92 6.10 Information Systems For Strategic Planning 97 7 Accounting Applications 103 Mohamed Bayou 7.1 Introduction 103 7.2 Applications in Financial Accounting 104 7.3 Applications in Managerial Accounting 108 7.4 Computer Applications in Auditing 113 7.5 Applications in Taxations 115 7.6 Major Problems Involved in Computer Applications 116 8 Computer Applications in Service Industries 123 0. Geoffrey Okogbaa 8.1 Introduction 123 8.2 Automation and the Developing Nations 125 8.3 Need for Computerisation 126 8.4 Computer Application 128 8.5 Areas of Computer Application 129 8.6 Economic Feasibility 141 8.7 Social Implications 142 8.8 Conclusions 142 9 Computer Applications in Information Retrieval and Writing for Technology Transfer 145 William Leigh and Michael Berry 9.1 Computer-Aided Research and Writing 145 9.2 Information Retrieval 145 9.3 Review and Analysis of Citations 149 9.4 Organisation of Information and Ideas 151 9.5 Artificial Intelligence for Research and Writing 152 9.6 Interactive Editing Systems 154 9.7 A Computer-Based Personal Research and Writing Environment 156 9.8 The Circle Closes 157 X Contents 10 Database Management and Application Systems for Managers and Accountants 159 William Leigh and Michael Doherty 10.1 Introduction 159 10.2 Background-Database Management Systems 160 10.3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Algebra 162 10.4 Expressing Data Processing Functions with Relational Operators 164 10.5 A Menu-Interpreter 168 10.6 Toward the Executable Application Schema 168 10.7 User-Facility Architecture 169 10.8 Summary and Conclusion 170 11 Looking Forward 173 Richard L. Shell 11.1 Introduction 173 11.2 Computer Hardware in the Future 175 11.3 Computer Software in the Future 183 11.4 Information Systems and Computer Applications in the Future 188 11.5 Human Resource Considerations 194 11.6 Epilogue 196 Index 199

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