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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com science @oinecr: COMPUTER NETWORKS Computer Networks 45 (2004) 859-861 www.elsevier.com/locate/comnet Author Index Volume 45 Abhyankar, S., see de Morais Cordeiro, C. (2) 119 Conti, M., see Anastasi, G. (3) 295 Agarwal, A., see Wang, L. (2) 77 Critchlow, D. and N. Zhang, Security enhanced Agrawal, D.P., see de Morais Cordeiro, C. (2) 119 accountable anonymous PKI certificates for Akan, O.B., see Vuran, M.C. (3) 245 mobile e-commerce (4) 483 Akyildiz, I.F., see Vuran, M.C. (3) 245 Crowcroft, J., see Gevros, P. (6) 835 Akyildiz, I.F., A eulogy for Olga Casals (3) 243 Akyildiz, I.F. and H. Rudin, Editorial (2) 75 De Cleyn, P., N. Van den Wijngaert, L. Cerda and Altman, E., R. El Azouzi and T. Jiménez, Slotted C. Blondia, A smooth handoff scheme using Aloha as a game with partial information (6) 701 IEEE802.11 triggers—design and implementa- Amyot, D. and L. Logrippo, Guest editorial: tion (3) 345 Directions in feature interaction research (5) 563 de Morais Cordeiro, C., S. Abhyankar and D.P. Anastasi, G., M. Conti, E. Gregori and A. Passar- Agrawal, Reducing power consumption and ella, A performance study of power-saving enhancing performance by direct slave-to-slave polices for Wi-Fi hotspots (3) 295 and group communication in_ Bluetooth Androutsellis-Theotokis, S., see Vlachos, V. (2) 195 WPANs (2) 119 Atwood, J.W., see Wang, L. (2) 77 Deng, R.H., see Ren, K. (6) 687 Diaz-Verdejo, J.E., see Estévez-Tapiador, J.M. (2) 175 Dikaiakos, M.D.,, Intermediary infrastructures for Balaouras, P. and I. Stavrakakis, Controlling smoothness and loss rate for elastic continuous : the World Wide Web ; (4) 421 media tes (3) 363 Dini, P., A. Clemm, T. Gray, F.J. Lin, Banerjee, S., C. Kommareddy and B. Bhattacharjee, - Loon we - gy heeeaenegesibda vocal Efficient peer location on the Internet (1) 5 enabled mechanisms for feature interactions: Bao. F.. see Ren. K (6) 687 reality, expectations, challenges (5) 585 Arty i . Dominguez, M.A., see Marifio, P. (6) 767 Barcelo, J.M., J.I. Nieto-Hipolito and J. Garcia- Dreizin. V Bar-Nov. A >) 155 Vidal, Study of Internet autonomous system ee +e eee (2) iinntt erconnectitviviittyy fif rom BG P routtiinng g ttaabbll es (33)) 333 es adeet &.. oc Alten, 5. (6) 701 Barford, P., see Gast, J. (1) 35 F ; a Bar-Noy, A., V. Dreizin and B. Patt-Shamir Estévez-Tapiador, J.M., P. Garcia-Teodoro and Sie Pe 4am : ’ J.E. Diaz-Verdejo, Measuring normality in Efficient algorithms for periodic scheduling (2) 155 Bhattacharjee, B., see Banerjee, S. (1) 5 HTTP traffic for anomaly-based intrusion Blondia, C., see De Cleyn, P. (3) 345 detection (2) 175 Bloendeia , C. ae I. Setavnraeka kis,G ee Seiteor ial:I Fujita, N., Y. Ishikawa, A. Iwata and R. Izmails ov, memory of Olga Casals (3) 241 é Bu, T., L. Gao and D. Towsley, On characterizing Coarse-grain replica management strategies for BGP rote table avant , (1) 45 dynamic replication of Web contents (1) 19 Galluccio, L., A. Leonardi and G. Morabito, Tuning Casares-Giner, V., P. Garcia-Escalle and V. Pla, transmission power for TCP fairness in next Evaluation of CELLULAR IP mobility tracking generation wireless networks: an analytical procedures (3) 261 paradigm (2) 207 Cerda, L., see De Cleyn, P. (3) 345 Gao, L., see Bu, T. (1) 45 Chan, S.-H.G., see He, J. (4) 505 Gao, Y., see He, G. (6) 743 Chua, K.C., see Tan, S.K. (6) 819 Garcia-Escalle, P., see Casares-Giner, V. (3) 261 Clemm, A., see Dini, P. (5) 585 Garcia-Teodoro, P., see Estevez-Tapiador, J.M. (2) 175 doi:10.1016/S1389-1286(04)00171-9 860 Author Index | Computer Networks 45 (2004) 859-861 Garcia-Vidal, J., see Barcelo, J.M. (3) 333 Marino, P., M.A. Dominguez, F. Poza and Gast, J. and P. Barford, Representing the Internet F. Vazquez, Using LOTOS in the specification as a succinct forest (1) 35 of industrial bus communication protocols (6) 767 GauthierDickey, C., see Zappala, D. (1) 55 Matsumoto, K.-i., see Nakamura, M. (5) 605 Gevros, P. and J. Crowcroft, Distributed resource Metzger, A.,, Feature interactions in embedded (6) 835 (5) 625 management with heterogeneous linear controls control systems (5) 645 (6) 819 Goguen, H.H., see Zave, P. Mohan, G., see Tan, S.K. (5) 585 (2) 207 Gray, T., see Dini, P. Morabito, G., see Galluccio, L. (3) 295 (4) 379 Gregori, E., see Anastasi, G. Motwani, R., see Psounis, K. Harrison, D., Y. Xia, S. Kalyanaraman and Nakamura, M., P. Leelaprute, K.-i. Matsumoto and A. Venkatesan, An accumulation-based, closed- T. Kikuno, On detecting feature interactions in loop scheme for expected minimum rate and the programmable service environment of Inter- weighted rate services (6) 801 net telephony (5) 605 He, G., Y. Gao, J.C. Hou and K. Park, A case for Ngin, H.-T. and C.-K. Tham, Scaled time priority: exploiting self-similarity of network traffic in an efficient approximation to waiting time (4) 449 TCP congestion control (6) 743 priority (3) 333 He, J. and S.-H.G. Chan, TCP and UDP perfor- Nieto-Hipolito, J.I., see Barcelo, J.M. mance for Internet over optical packet-switched (6) 743 networks (4) 505 Park, K., see He, G. (3) 295 Hofmann, M., R. Kravets and J.D. Touch, Guest Passarella, A., see Anastasi, G. (2) 155 editorial: The Global Internet (1) 1 Patt-Shamir, B., see Bar-Noy, A. (3) 281 Hou, J.C., see He, G. (6) 743 Perros, H., see Washington, A.N. (3) 261 Pla, V., see Casares-Giner, V. (6) 767 Ishikawa, Y., see Fujita, N. (1) 19 Poza, F., see Marino, P. (4) 379 Iwata, A., see Fujita, N. (1) 19 Prabhakar, B., see Psounis, K. Izmailoy, R., see Fujita, N. (1) 19 Psounis, K., A. Zhu, B. Prabhakar and R. Motwani, Modeling correlations in web traces and im- Jiménez, T., see Altman, E. (6) 701 plications for designing replacement policies (4) 379 Kalyanaraman, S., see Harrison, D. (6) 801 Reiff-Marganiec, S., see Dini, P. (5) 585 Kikuno, T., see Nakamura, M. (5) 605 Reiff-Marganiec, S. and K.J. Turner, Feature Kim, K., see Ren, K. (6) 687 interaction in policies (5) 569 Kommareddy, C., see Banerjee, S. (1) 5 Ren, K., T. Li, Z. Wan, F. Bao, R.H. Deng and Kravets, R., see Hofmann, M. (1) 1 K. Kim, Highly reliable trust establishment Kuo, T.-W., see Lo, S.-W. (6) 715 scheme in ad hoc networks (6) 687 Kwok, Y.-K., see Shek, L.L.-Y. (2) 99 Roberts, J.W.,, A survey on statistical bandwidth sharing (3) 319 (2) 143 Lai, C., see Zhang, C.N. Rudin, H., see Akyildiz, I.F. igs 7 (6) 715 Lam, K.-Y., see Lo, S.-W. (5) 605 Leelaprute, P., see Nakamura, M. Sethi, A.S., see Steinder, M. (4) 537 (2) 207 Leonardi, A., see Galluccio, L. Shek, L.L.-Y. and Y.-K. Kwok, An integrated (6) 715 Li, G.-H., see Lo, S.-W. approach to scatternet traffic management in (6) 687 Li, T., see Ren, K. Bluetooth ad hoc networks (2) 99 (5) 585 Lin, F.J., see Dini, P. Shin, H.-Y. and J.-L.C. Wu, The study of dynamic Liu, L. and Y. Lu, Dynamic traffic controls for multi-channel scheme with channel de-alloca- Web-server networks (4) 523 tion in wireless networks (4) 463 Lo, S.-W., T.-W. Kuo, K.-Y. Lam and G.-H. Li, Shuai, D. and H. Zhao, A new generalized cellular Efficient location area planning for cellular automata approach to optimization of fast networks with hierarchical location databases (6) 715 packet switching (4) 399 Lo, V., see Zappala, D. (1) 55 Siva Ram Murthy, C., see Madhyastha, H.V. (2) 221 Logrippo, L., see Amyot, D. (5) 563 Smith, T.M., see Zave, P. (5) 645 Logrippo, L., see Dini, P. (5) 585 Spinellis, D., see Vlachos, V. (2) 195 Lu, Y., see Liu, L. (4) 523 Stavrakakis, I., see Balaouras, P. (3) 363 Stavrakakis, I., see Blondia, C. (3) 241 Madhyastha, H.V. and C. Siva Ram Murthy, Steinder, M. and A.S. Sethi, Probabilistic fault Efficient dynamic traffic grooming in service- diagnosis in communication systems through differentiated WDM mesh networks (2) 221 incremental hypothesis updating (4) 537 Author Index | Computer Networks 45 (2004) 859-861 Tan, S.K., G. Mohan and K.C. Chua, Link schedul- Wang, L., A. Agarwal and J.W. Atwood, Modelling ing state information based offset management and verification of interworking between SIP for fairness improvement in WDM optical burst and H.323 (2) 77 switching networks (6) 819 Washington, A.N. and H. Perros, Call blocking Tham, C.-K., see Ngin, H.-T. (4) 449 probabilities in a traffic-groomed tandem optical Touch, J.D., see Hofmann, M. a4 network (3) 281 Towsley, D., see Bu, T. (1) 45 Wu, J.-L.C., see Shin, H.-Y. (4) 463 Turner, K.J.,, Analysing interactive voice services (5) 665 Turner, K.J., see Reiff-Marganiec, S. (5) 569 Xia, Y., see Harrison, D. (6) 801 Van den Wijngaert, N., see De Cleyn, P. (3) 345 Zappala, D., V. Lo and C. GauthierDickey, The Vazquez, F., see Mario, P. (6) 767 multicast address allocation problem: theory Venkatesan, A., see Harrison, D. (6) 801 and practice (1) 55 Viachos, V., S. Androutsellis-Theotokis and Zave, P., H.H. Goguen and T.M. Smith, Compo- D. Spinellis, Security applications of peer-to- nent coordination: a telecommunication case peer networks (2) 195 study (5) 645 Vuran, M.C., O.B. Akan and L.F. Akyildiz, Spatio- Zhang, C.N. and C. Lai, A systematic approach for temporal correlation: theory and applications encryption and authentication with fault toler- for wireless sensor networks (3) 245 ance (2) 143 Zhang, N., see Critchlow, D. (4) 483 Wan, Z., see Ren, K. (6) 687 Zhao, H., see Shuai, D. (4) 399 Wang, J., M. Zhou and H. Zhou, Clock synchro- Zhou, H., see Wang, J. (6) 731 nization for Internet measurements: a clustering Zhou, M., see Wang, J. (6) 731 algorithm (6) 731 Zhu, A., see Psounis, K. (4) 379 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ecience @oinecr: COMPUTER NETWORKS Computer Networks 45 (2004) 863-865 www.elsevier.com/locate/comnet Subject Index Volume 45 Ad hoc networks, 99, 687 Dynamic channel allocation, 463 Address allocation, 55 Dynamic replication, 19 Admission control, 319 AlI/MD, 363 E-commerce, 483 Analytical models, 295 Edge services, 421 Anomaly detection, 175 Elastic flows, 363 Anonymity, 483 Elastic traffic, 319 Anti-virus, 195 Embedded system, 625 Application-level intrusion detection, 175 Encryption, 143 Authentication, 143 Error correction, 143 Autonomous system clustering, 35 Event correlation, 537 Autonomous system relationships, 35 Fair scheduling, 155 Balanced fairness, 319 Fairness, 207, 505, 819 BGP, 45 Fast packet switching, 36 BGP routing tables, 333 Fault localization, 537 Blocking probability, 463 Fault tolerance, 143 Bluetooth, 99, 119 Feature, 665 Border gateway protocol, 35 Feature interactions, 569, 585, 605, 625, 645 Broadcast disks, 155 Fieldbuses, 767 Burst dropping performance, 819 Formal description techniques (FDTs), 767 Formalisms, 585 Call blocking probabilities, 281 Call processing language, 605 Generalized cellular automata, 399 CDMA, 207 Grooming architecture, 221 Cellular neural network, 399 Group communication, 5 Channel de-allocation, 463 Guard channel, 463 Clock dynamics, 731 Computer and network security, 175 H.323, 77 Computer networks, 399 Handoff, 345, 463 Congestion control, 363, 743 Hierarchical round robin, 155 Customer utility, 523 Hierarchy, 5 HTTP attacks, 175 Decomposition algorithm, 281 Deflection routing, 505 IEEE802.11, 345 Differentiated QoS, 505 Ingress buffering, 505 Differentiated services, 449, 801 Intermediary systems, 421 Digital signature, 143 Internet, 55, 483 Direct slave-to-slave communication, 119 Internet routing, 35, 45 Distributed feature composition, 645 Internet telephony, 605 Distributed trust model, 687 Internet topology, 35, 333 Download time, 19 Internet traffic theory, 319 Dropping probability, 463 Interworking, 77 doi:10.1016/S1389-1286(04)00172-0 864 Subject Index | Computer Networks 45 (2004) 863-865 Intrusion detection, 195 Privacy, 483 IP networks, 261 Probabilistic reasoning, 537 IVR (Interactive Voice Response), 665 Processor sharing, 319 Proportional delay, 449 Proxy servers, 421 JxTA, 195 QoS, 523 Location area planning, 715 Quality of service (QoS), 119, 449, 801 Location management, 261, 715 Location updates, 715 Long-range dependent (LRD), 743 Rate adaptation schemes, 363 Lotos (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification), 665, Replacement schemes, 379 767 Replica management, 19 Request sequence model, 379 Requirements engineering, 625 MAC protocol, 245 Rerouting, 221 Markov chain, 701 Reward-based admission, 523 MDP, 523 Route-update management, 261 Mobile Internet, 295 Routing, 99 Mobile IP, 345 Routing control, 523 Mobility management, 261 Multi-rate Erlang loss network, 281 Multicast, 55, 119 Scalability, 19 Multimedia, 363 Scatternet, 99, 119 Scheduling, 819 Security, 483, 687 Nash equilibrium, 701 Segmented backup, 221 Network measurements, 731 Self-similar, 743 Next generation wireless networks, 207 Semantic warnings, 605 Service, 665 One-way metrics, 731 Service bundling, 585 Optical burst switching, 819 Service provisioning, 585 Optical Internet, 505 Service-differentiation, 221 Optical networks, 281 Set covering, 715 Optical packet-switched networks, 505 SIP, 77 Optimization-based congestion control, 801 Slotted Aloha, 701 Overlays, 5 Small-world networks, 333 Spatial correlation, 245 Survivability, 221 Packet aggregation, 505 Packet switching networks, 261 Paging, 261 TCP, 207, 505 PCS, 715 Telecommunications features, 585 Peer location, 5 Temporal correlation, 245 Peer-to-peer, 195 Time series segmentation, 731 Performance analysis, 379 Time-slot scheduling, 99 Performance evaluation, 119 Traceroute, 35 Periodic scheduling, 155 Traffic grooming, 221, 281 Personal mobility, 645 Transport protocol, 245 Personalized and mobile services, 421 Triangle inequality, 5 Pervasive, 99 Trust management, 687 aa e Piconet, 119 Policies, 569, 585 UDP, 505 Policy conflict, 569 URL rewriting, 19 Power consumption, 119 Power management, 207 Power saving, 295 Validation, 767 Power-laws, 333 VOCAL, 605 Pricing, 701 Voice over IP, 77, 645 Subject Index | Computer Networks 45 (2004) 863-865 VoiceXML (Voice eXtensible Markup Language), 665 Wi-Fi, 295 VoIP, 605 Wireless access network, 345 Wireless networks, 261 Wavelength division multiplexing, 819 Wireless sensor networks, 245 WDM optical mesh network, 221 World Wide Web, 421 Web, 295 WorldFIP, 767 Web caching, 379 Web server, 523 Web traces, 379 XML, 605

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