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NH, ars COMPUTER a NETWORKS ELSEVIER Computer Networks 32 (2000) 771-773 www.elsevier.com/locate/comnet Author Index Volume 32 Afek, Y., Y. Mansour and Z. Ostfeld, Phantom: a thresholds and its application to signaling simple and effective flow control scheme (3) 277 system no. 7 with congestion control (2) 149 Afifi, H., see Elloumi, O. (3) 307 Choi, S.H., see Choi, B.D. (2) 149 Aggarwal, S., S. Paul, D. Massey and D. Caldararu, A flexible multicast routing protocol for group Deogun, J.S., see Ali, M. (5) 539 communication (1) 35 Distefano, V., see Bianco, A. (5) 617 Ahmad, I., see Hou, Y.T. (2) 185 Dolev, S. and A. Kesselman, Bounded latency Ajmone Marsan, M., E. Leonardi, M. Meo and F. scheduling scheme for ATM cells (3) 325 Neri, Modeling slotted WDM rings with du Bousquet, L., F. Ouabdesselam, J.-L. Richier and discrete-time Markovian models (5) 599 N. Zuanon, Feature interaction detection using a (4) 419 Ali, M., B. Ramamurthy and J.S. Deogun, Routing synchronous approach and testing and wavelength assignment with power consid- Elloumi, O., N. Golmie, H. Afifi and D. Su, A erations in optical networks (5) 539 simulation-based study of TCP dynamics over Ando, T., K. Takahashi, Y. Kato and N. Shiratori, HFC networks (3) 307 Maintenance of mobile system ambients using a Eramo, V. and M. Listanti, Wavelength converter process calculus (2) 229 sharing in a WDM optical packet switch: Atlee, J.M., see Siddiqi, S. (4) 471 dimensioning and performance issues (5) 633 Estrin, D., see Varadhan, K. (1) 1 Betti, S., E. Bravi and M. Giaconi, Analysis of the performance of subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) Facciorusso, C., see Hoffner, Y. (6) 717 optical systems (5) 563 Field, S. and M. Waidner, Electronic Commerce Bianco, A., V. Distefano, A. Fumagalli, E. Leonardi (Guest Editorial) (6) 667 and F. Neri, A posteriori versus a priori access Field, S., see Hoffner, Y. (6) 717 strategies in slotted all-optical WDM rings (5) 617 Fu, Q., P. Harnois, L. Logrippo and J. Sincennes, Binetti, S., G. Notaro and R. Sabella, Granularity in Feature interaction detection: a LOTOS-based all-optical WDM networks for large geographi- approach (4) 433 (5) 557 cal areas Fumagalli, A., see Bianco, A. (5) 617 (4) 389 Blumenthal, R., see Griffeth, N. (4) 487 Blumenthal, R., see Griffeth, N. Gagnaire, M. and R. Sabella, Optical networks for Bouma, L.G., N. Griffeth and K. Kimbler, Feature new generation Internet and data communica- Interations in Telecommunications Systems tion systems (Guest Editorial) (5) 515 (Guest Editorial) (4) 383 Gagnaire, M. and S. Stojanovski, Stream traffic Bravi, E., see Betti, S. (5) 563 management over an ATM passive optical network (5) 571 Caldararu, D., see Aggarwal, S. (1) 35 Gemelos, S.M., see White, I.M. (5) 587 Castanon, G., L. Tancevski and L. Tamil, Optical Giaconi, M., see Betti, S. (5) 563 packet switching with multiple path routing (5) 653 Golmie, N., see Elloumi, O. (3) 307 Chang, D.-W., H.-R. Ke and R.-C. Chang, Adaptive- Govindan, R., see Varadhan, K. (1) 1 level memory caches on World Wide Web servers (3) 261 Greenwald, A.R., see Kephart, J.O. (6) 731 Chang, R.-C., see Chang, D.-W. (3) 261 Gregoire, J.-C., see Griffeth, N. (4) 389 Chao, H.J., see Hou, Y.T. (2) 185 Gregoire, J.-C., see Griffeth, N. (4) 487 Choi, B.D., S.H. Choi, B. Kim and D.K. Sung, Griffeth, N., R. Blumenthal, J.-C. Gregoire and Analysis of priority queueing system based on T. Ohta, A feature interaction benchmark 1389-1286/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S1389-1286(00)00111-0 772 Author Index | Computer Networks 32 (2000) 771-773 for the first feature interaction detection con- Ng, N.O.L. and C.K. Tham, Connection admission test (4) 389 control of ATM network using integrated MLP Griffeth, N., R. Blumenthal, J.-C. Gregoire and T. and fuzzy controllers (1) 61 Ohta, Feature interaction detection contest of Notaro, G., see Binetti, S. (5) 557 the Fifth International Workshop on Feature Interactions (4) 487 Ohta, T., see Griffeth, N. (4) 389 Griffeth, N., see Bouma, L.G. (4) 383 Ohta, T., see Griffeth, N. (4) 487 Ostfeld, Z., see Afek, Y. (3) 277 Hall, R.J., Feature combination and interaction QOuabdesselam, F., see du Bousquet, L. (4) 419 (4) 449 detection via foreground/background models (2) 185 Paul, S., see Aggarwal, S. (1) 35 Hamada, T., see Hou, Y.T. (6) 731 Peha, J.M., Dynamic pricing and congestion Hanson, J.E., see Kephart, J.O. (4) 433 control for best-effort ATM services (3) 333 Harnois, P., see Fu, Q. Pfitzmann, A., see Wolf, G. (6) 685 Hoffner, Y., C. Facciorusso, S. Field and A. Schade, Pullen, J.M., The Network Workbench: network Distribution issues in the design and implemen- simulation software for academic investigation tation of a virtual market place (6) 717 of Internet concepts (3) 365 Hou, Y.T., D. Wu, B. Li, T. Hamada, I. Ahmad and H.J. Chao, A differentiated services architecture Ramamurthy, B., see Ali, M. (5) 539 for multimedia streaming in next generation Richier, J.-L., see du Bousquet, L. (4) 419 Internet (2) 185 Rogge, M.S., see White, I.M. (5) 587 Rouskas, G.N., see Sivaraman, V. (2) 211 Kang, S., J. Shin and M. Kim, Interoperability test suite derivation for communication protocols (3) 347 Sabella, R., see Binetti, S. (5) 557 Kato, Y., see Ando, T. (2) 229 Sabella, R., see Gagnaire, M. (5) 515 Kazovsky, L.G., see White, I.M. (5) 587 Safavi, M., see Yaghmaee, M.H. (1) 17 Ke, H.-R., see Chang, D.-W. (3) 261 Schade, A., see Hoffner, Y. (6) 717 Kephart, J.O., J.E. Hanson and A.R. Greenwald, Schmid, B., see Stanoevska-Slabeva, K. (6) 701 Dynamic pricing by software agents (6) 731 Shin, J., see Kang, S. (3) 347 Kesselman, A., see Dolev, S. (3) 325 Shiratori, N., see Ando, T. (2) 229 Kim, B., see Choi, B.D. (2) 149 Shrikhande, K., see White, I.M. (5) 587 Kim, M., see Kang, S. (3) 347 Siddiqi, S. and J.M. Atlee, A hybrid model for Kimbler, K., see Bouma, L.G. (4) 383 (4) 471 specifying features and detecting interactions Konstantas, D. and J.-H. Morin, Agent-based com- (4) 433 Sincennes, J., see Fu, Q. mercial dissemination of electronic information (6) 753 Sisto, R., Using binary decision diagrams for Kraimeche, B., Design and analysis of the Stacked- representation and analysis of communication Banyan ATM switch fabric (2) 171 protocols (1) 81 Sivaraman, V. and G.N. Rouskas, A reservation Lau, W.C. and S. Li, Sojourn-time analysis on protocol for broadcast WDM networks and nodal congestion in broadband networks (2) 125 stability analysis (2) 211 Leonardi, E., see Ajmone Marsan, M. (5) 599 Spath, J., Dynamic routing and resource allocation Leonardi, E., see Bianco, A. (5) 617 in WDM transport networks (5) 519 Li, B., see Hou, Y.T. (2) 185 Stanoevska-Slabeva, K. and B. Schmid, Internet Li, S., see Lau, W.C. (2) 125 electronic product catalogs: an approach be- Listanti, M., see Eramo, V. (5) 633 yond simple keywords and multimedia (6) 701 Logrippo, L., see Fu, Q. (4) 433 Stojanovski, S., see Gagnaire, M. (5) 571 Su, D., see Elloumi, O. (3) 307 Mansour, Y., see Afek, Y. (3) 277 Sung, D.K., see Choi, B.D. (2) 149 Massey, D., see Aggarwal, S. (1) 35 Menhaj, M.B., see Yaghmaee, M.H. (1) 17 Takahashi, K., see Ando, T. (2) 229 Meo, M., see Ajmone Marsan, M. (5) 599 Tamil, L., see Castanon, G. (5) 653 Morin, J.-H., see Konstantas, D. (6) 753 Tancevski, L., see Castanon, G. (5) 653 Mott, S., The second generation of digital com- Tham, C.K., see Ng, N.O.L. (1) 61 merce solutions (6) 669 Mouftah, H., see Zhang, H. (1) 99 Varadhan, K., R. Govindan and D. Estrin, Persistent route oscillations in inter-domain routing (1) 1 Neri, F., see Ajmone Marsan, M. (5) 599 Neri, F., see Bianco, A. (5) 617 Waidner, M., see Field, S. (6) 667 Author Index | Computer Networks 32 (2000) 771-773 White, I.M., D. Wonglumsom, K. Shrikhande, S.M. Yaghmaee, M.H., M. Safavi and M.B. Menhaj, Gemelos, M.S. Rogge and L.G. Kazovsky, The An intelligent usage parameter controller based architecture of HORNET: A _ packet-over- on dynamic rate leaky bucket for ATM net- WDM multiple-access optical metropolitan area works (1) 17 ring network (5) 587 Yang, O.W., see Zhang, H. (1) 99 Wolf, G. and A. Pfitzmann, Properties of protection goals and their integration into a user interface (6) 685 Zhang, H., O.W. Yang and H. Mouftah, A hop-by- Wonglumsom, D., see White, I.M. (5) 587 hop flow controller for a virtual path (1) 99 Wu, D., see Hou, Y.T. (2) 185 Zuanon, N., see du Bousquet, L. (4) 419 L I E eae SST RsWicateecMria E et i ng COMPUTER NETWORKS ELSEVIER Computer Networks 32 (2000) 775-776 www.elsevier.com/locate/comnet Subject Index Volume 32 ABR flow control, 277 Distortion noise, 567 ACK compression, 307 Distributed communication, 685 Adaptive-level policy, 261 Dynamic pricing, 731 Agent technology, 753 Dynamic routing, 523 All-optical networks, 603 ATM, 61, 307, 333, 347 Economic software agents, 731 ATM networks, 17 Education projects, 365 ATM switch, 171 Electronic commerce, 731, 753 ATM traffic management, 575 Electronic documents, 753 Authentication, 669 Electronic market places, 717 Automated specification-based testing, 419 Electronic product catalogs, 701 Automatic test generation, 347 Electro-optic external modulator, 567 Emergent behavior, 731 Banyan fabric, 171 Best effort service, 185 Feature interaction detection, 419, 433 Best-effort traffic, 333 Feature interactions, 389, 449, 471, 487 BGP, | Fibre-In-The-Loop, 575 Binary decision diagrams, 81 Flow control, 277 Biometrics, 669 Formal methods, 449 Bipartite matching, 325 Formal techniques, 433 Buffer management, 185 Formal validation, 433 Fuzzy control, 61 Cache management policy, 261 Fuzzy traffic control, 17 Call admission control, 61 Channel allocation, 171 Generalized folding algorithm, 149 Clipping impulsive noise, 567 Genetic algorithms, 543 Clock recovery, 591 Granularity, 561 Communication protocol testing, 347 Communication system signaling, 389, 487 HFC, 307 Communication system software, 389, 487 Hop-by-hop control, 99 Composite specifications, 471 Hybrid fiber/coaxial (HFC), 567 Conference, 35 Congestion avoidance, 307 IDRP, 1 Congestion control, 99, 149, 277, 333 Information economy, 731 CORBA trading service, 717 Integrated services networks, 333 Credit cards, 669 Intelligent transport systems, 229 Inter-domain, | Debit cards, 669 Inter-domain multicast, 35 Deflection routing, 657 Interferometric noise, 567 Dialogues, 717 Internet, 669 Differentiated services, 185 Interoperability of electronic markets, 701 Digital certificates, 669 Interoperability testing, 347 Digital commerce, 669 IP over WDM, 637 1389-1286/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S1389-1286(00)00112-2 776 Subject Index | Computer Networks 32 (2000) 775-776 Locality, 229 Reachability analysis, 471 Loss probability, 149 Reservation protocols, 211 LOTOS, 81, 433 Routing, | Routing strategy, 523 MAC protocols, 603, 621 Maintenance of mobile systems, 229 Scalability, 185 MAP, 149 Scheduling, 325 Market place information (advertising and searching) space, 717 Secure content encapsulation, 753 Markov chains, 603 Security, 669 Markov modulated Bernoulli process (MMBP), 211 Semiconductor laser, 567 Match-making, 717 Service disciplines, 575 Mean delay, 149 SET, 669 Memory cache, 261 Shared tree, 35 Metropolitan area network, 591 Shopbots, 731 Mobile multicast, 35 Shortest path tree, 35 Mobility, 229 Simulation, 365 Multi-agent systems, 731 Single-hop optical networks, 211 Multicast routing, 35 Slotted rings, 603 Multilateral security, 685 Smart market, 333 Multimedia streaming, 185 Smartcards, 669 Software maintenance, 389, 487 Network protocols, 365 Software requirements and specifications, 389, 487 Neural network, 61 : Software validation, 449 Next damemesnieies Internet, 185 Software verification and validation, 389, 487 Nodal congestion, 125 Sojourn-time analysis, 125 Non-convergence, | SS7 network, 149 Nonlinear effects in fiber propagation, 561 Stability eae fairness. 99 Steiner tree, 35 Online retailing, 669 Subcarrier multiplexing (SCM), 567 Online shopping, 701 Subcarrier signaling, 591 Optical amplification, 543 Switch, 325 Optical cross-connects, 561 Switching tree, 35 Optical networking, 591 Symbolic model checking, 81 Optical packet switching, 637 Synchronous programming, 419 Optical rings, 621 Optical switching, 657 TCP, 307 Optical transport network, 523 TCP flow control, 277 Output queuing, 171 Telephony systems, 433 Overload control, 125 Traffic management, 17 Packet switching, 657 Transaction integrity, 669 Packet-over-WDM, 591 TTCN, 347 Passive Optical Network (PON), 575 - Per hop behavior, 185 Usability test, 685 Performance analysis, 657 Usage parameter control, 17 Performance evaluation, 523, 603 User interface, 685 m-calculus, 229 Policy, 1 Validation of telecommunication services, 419 Power constraints, 543 Verification, 669 Pricebots, 731 Virtual market middleware, 717 Pricing, 333 Privacy, 669 Wavelength conversion, 637 Protection goals, 685 Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), 211, 543, 637 Protocol engineering, 81 Wavelength-routed networks, 543 Public key infrastructure, 669 WDM, 523, 621 WDM networks, 561, 603 QBD process, 149 WDM transmission, 561 QoS specifications, 125 Web server, 261

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