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Computer Arithmetic, Part 5 - Electrical and Computer Engineering PDF

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Part V Real Arithmetic Parts Chapters 1 . Numbers and Arithmetic 2 . Representing Signed Numbers I . Number Representation 3 . Redundant Number Systems 4 . Residue Number Systems 5 . Basic Addition and Counting 6 . Carry-Lookahead Adders s I I . Addition / Subtraction n 7 . Variations in Fast Adders o ti 8 . Multioperand Addition a r e 9 . Basic Multiplication Schemes p O 1 0 . High-Radix Multipliers y I I I. Multiplication 1 1 . Tree and Array Multipliers r a 1 2 . Variations in Multipliers nt e m 1 3 . Basic Division Schemes e 1 4 . High-Radix Dividers El I V . Division 1 5 . Variations in Dividers 1 6 . Division by Convergence 1 7 . Floating-Point Reperesentations 1 8 . Floating-Point Operations V . Real Arithmetic 1 9 . Errors and Error Control 2 0 . Precise and Certifiable Arithmetic 2 1 . Square-Rooting Methods 2 2 . The CORDIC Algorithms V I . Function Evaluation 2 3 . Variations in Function Evaluation 2 4 . Arithmetic by Table Lookup 2 5 . High-Throughput Arithmetic 2 6 . Low-Power Arithmetic V I I . Implementation Topics 2 7 . Fault-Tolerant Arithmetic 22 88 .. PRaescto, nPfrigesueranbt,l ea nAdr iFthumtuerteic Appendix: Past, Present, and Future May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 1 About This Presentation This presentation is intended to support the use of the textbook Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs (Oxford U. Press, 2nd ed., 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-532848-6). It is updated regularly by the author as part of his teaching of the graduate course ECE 252B, Computer Arithmetic, at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Instructors can use these slides freely in classroom teaching and for other educational purposes. Unauthorized uses are strictly prohibited. © Behrooz Parhami Edition Released Revised Revised Revised Revised First Jan. 2000 Sep. 2001 Sep. 2003 Oct. 2005 May 2007 May 2008 May 2009 Second May 2010 Apr. 2011 May 2012 May 2015 May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 2 V Real Arithmetic Review floating-point numbers, arithmetic, and errors: • How to combine wide range with high precision • Format and arithmetic ops; the IEEE standard • Causes and consequence of computation errors • When can we trust computation results? Topics in This Part Chapter 17 Floating-Point Representations Chapter 18 Floating-Point Operations Chapter 19 Errors and Error Control Chapter 20 Precise and Certifiable Arithmetic May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 3 “According to my calculation, “It’s an inexact science.” you should float now ... I think ...” May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 4 17 Floating-Point Representations Chapter Goals Study a representation method offering both wide range (e.g., astronomical distances) and high precision (e.g., atomic distances) Chapter Highlights Floating-point formats and related tradeoffs The need for a floating-point standard Finiteness of precision and range Fixed-point and logarithmic representations as special cases at the two extremes May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 5 Floating-Point Representations: Topics Topics in This Chapter 17.1 Floating-Point Numbers 17.2 The IEEE Floating-Point Standard 17.3 Basic Floating-Point Algorithms 17.4 Conversions and Exceptions 17.5 Rounding Schemes 17.6 Logarithmic Number Systems May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 6 17.1 Floating-Point Numbers No finite number system can represent all real numbers Various systems can be used for a subset of real numbers Fixed-point w.f Low precision and/or range Rational p/q Difficult arithmetic Floating-point sbe Most common scheme Logarithmic log x Limiting case of floating-point b Fixed-point numbers Square of x = (0000 0000.0000 1001) Small number two neither number y = (1001 0000.0000 0000) Large number two representable Floating-point numbers x = 1.001  2–5 x =  s  be or  significand  baseexponent y = 1.001  2+7 A floating-point number comes with two signs: Number sign, usually appears as a separate bit Exponent sign, usually embedded in the biased exponent May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 7 Floating-Point Number Format and Distribution Fig. 17.1 Typical ± e s floating-point Sign E x p o n e n t : S i g n i f i c a n d : number format. Signed integer, Represented as a fixed-point number 0 : + often represented 1 : – as unsigned value Usually normalized by shifting, by adding a bias so that the MSB becomes nonzero. Fig. 17.2 Subranges In radix 2, the fixed leading 1 1.001  2–5 and special values in Range with h bits: can be removed to save one bit; floating-point number [–bias, 2 h –1–bias] this bit is known as "hidden 1". 1.001  2+7 representations. Negative numbers Positive numbers – max – FLP – min – 0 min + FLP + max + + Sparser Denser Denser Sparser Overflow Underflow Overflow region regions region Midway Underflow Typical Overflow example example example example May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 8 Floating-Point Before the IEEE Standard Computer manufacturers tended to have their own hardware-level formats This created many problems, as floating-point computations could produce vastly different results (not just differing in the last few significant bits) To get a sense for the wide variations in floating-point formats, visit: http://www.mrob.com/pub/math/floatformats.html In computer arithmetic, we talked about IBM, CDC, DEC, Cray, … formats and discussed their relative merits First IEEE standard for binary floating-point arithmetic was adopted in 1985 after years of discussion The 1985 standard was continuously discussed, criticized, and clarified for a couple of decades In 2008, after several years of discussion, a revised standard was issued May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 9 17.2 The IEEE Floating-Point Standard IEEE 754-2008 Standard Short (32-bit) format (supersedes IEEE 754-1985) Also includes half- & 8 bits, 23 bits for fractional part bias = 127, (plus hidden 1 in integer part) quad-word binary, plus –126 to 127 some decimal formats Sign Exponent Significand 11 bits, bias = 1023, 52 bits for fractional part –1022 to 1023 (plus hidden 1 in integer part) Long (64-bit) format Fig. 17.3 The IEEE standard floating-point number representation formats. May 2015 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 10

May 2012 Computer Arithmetic, Real Arithmetic Slide 2 About This Presentation Edition Released Revised Revised Revised Revised First Jan. 2000 Sep. 2001 Sep. 2003 Oct
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