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Computer Arithmetic and Self-Validating Numerical Methods Edited by Christian Ullrich Institut für Informatik Universität Basel Basel, Switzerland ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Boston San Diego New York London Sydney Tokyo Toronto This book is printed on acid-free paper. ® Copyright © 1990 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Computer arithmetic and self-validating numerical methods / edited by Christian Ullrich p. cm—(Notes and reports in mathematics in science and engineering; v. 7) Proceedings of an international conference held Oct. 2-6, 1989, Basel, Switzerland. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-12-708245-X (alk. paper) 1. Computer arithmetic—Congresses. 2. Numerical analysis—Congresses. I. Ullrich, Christian. II. Series. QA76.9.C62C663 1990 004'.01'51-dc20 90-816 CIP Printed in the United States of America 90 91 92 93 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. E. Adams (199), University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Kaiserstr. 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Federal Republic of Germany G. Alefeld (55), University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Kaiserstr. 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Federal Republic of Germany H. Behnke (155), Technical University of Clausthal, Institute for Mathematics, D-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Federal Republic of Germany G. Bohlender (1), University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Kaiserstr. 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Federal Republic of Germany L. Collatz (189), University of Hamburg, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Bun- desstr. 55, D-2000 Hamburg 13, Federal Republic of Germany G. F. Corliss (91), Marquette University, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, William Wehr Physics Building, Milwaukee, WI53233 F. Goerisch (137), Technical University of Clausthal, Institute for Mathematics, D-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Federal Republic of Germany K. Hafner (33), Siemens AG, Zentralbereich Forschung und Technik, Otto-Hahn- Ring 6, D-8000 München 83, Federal Republic of Germany Ζ. He (137), Technical University of Clausthal, Institute for Mathematics, D-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Federal Republic of Germany E. Kaucher (269), University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Kaiserstr. 12, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, Federal Republic of Germany L. B. Rail (73), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Mathematics, 610 Walnut Street, Madison, WI 53706 J. Schröder (247), University of Cologne, Institute for Mathematics, Weyertal 86-90, D-5000 Cologne 41, Federal Republic of Germany vii viii Contributors C. Schulz-Rinne (269), ΕΤΗ Zürich, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ΕΤΗ Zen- trum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland H. J. Stetter (171), Technical University of Vienna, Institute for Applied and Numer- ical Mathematics, A-1040 Vienna, Austria C. Ullrich (115), University of Basel, Institute for Informatics, Mittlere Str. 142, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland Preface Computer performance is expanding year by year. Increasingly expensive experi- ments and development of prototypes can be replaced by mathematical models for the simulation of technical processes on a computer. A good example is the large field called numerical fluid dynamics. However, this process shifts the responsiblity for reliable results to physical and mathematical models, and thus the automatic verifi- cation of computed results becomes an essential tool. Automatic result verification permits distinction between the effects of a mathematical model and computation- al inaccuracies. Only when numerical errors are virtually eliminated can physical and mathematical models be developed systematically. Many workshops and tutorials have been devoted to this area during the last decade. The most recent event, a first international conference on "Computer Arith- metic and Self-Validating Numerical Methods," was held from October 2 to 6, 1989, in Basel. This volume is a collection of invited papers from this meeting. The contributed papers will be published in a special issue of the IMACS Journal "Mathematics and Computers in Simulation." Previous related volumes published by Academic Press include Computer Arithmetic in Theory and Practice [Kulisch and Miranker, 1981], Introduction to Interval Computations [Alefeld and Herzberger, 1983], Self-Validating Numerics for Function Space Problems [Kaucher and Miranker, eds., 1984], A New Approach to Scientific Computation [Kulisch and Miranker, eds., 1983], PASCAL- SC: A Computer Language for Scientific Computation [Bohlender, Ullrich, Wolff von Gundenberg, Rail, 1987] and Reliability in Computing [Moore, ed., 1988]. In the first part of this book, a number of papers give a tutorial introduction to the following topics: computer arithmetic with operations of maximum accuracy, differentiation arithmetic and enclosure methods, and programming languages for self-validating numerical methods. In the second part, the authors discuss the deter- mination of guaranteed bounds for eigenvalues by variational methods and the guaran- ix χ Preface teed inclusion of solutions of differential equations. Finally, an appendix supplies the IMACS-GAMM Resolution on Computer Arithmetic, which is intended to influence and put pressure on manufacturers to implement computer arithmetic oper- ations with necessary care. Acknowledgments Support for the symposium from the following sources is gratefully acknowledged: the Institute for Informatics, the University of Basel, the Government of the Kanton Basel-Stadt and the Nationalfonds of Switzerland; GAMM (Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik); Gl (Gesellschaft fur Informatik); IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation); F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., Basel; IBM Schweiz; NCR Schweiz; Sandoz AG, Basel. An excellent demonstration of software was made possible by efforts of Daniel Hollenstein and others at the IBM offices at Basel and Zürich. Many thanks are due to my collaborators Carlos Falco Korn, Stefan König, Roman Reith, and others from the Institute for Informatics of the Basel University. Last but not least, many thanks to our secretary, Agnes Mathys, who took care untiringly of organizational work of the symposium. xi What Do We Need Beyond IEEE Arithmetic ? G. Bohlender Institut für Angewandte Mathematik Universität Karlsruhe Federal Republic of Germany Abstract: While the four usual floating-point operations are the basis of real floating- point arithmetic, the scalar product is the basis of the operations in higher numerical spaces, such as matrices, vectors, etc. In addition, an exact scalar product is an in- valuable tool for the verified solution of numerical problems by means of enclosure methods. Therefore, computer arithmetic including such an exact scalar product is a significant extension of IEEE arithmetic. In this paper, several algorithms for an im- plementation are sketched, problems are discussed and solutions are suggested; finally, typical designs and implementations are summarized and illustrated. 1 Introduction Under unfavourable conditions, the small rounding error which is involved in each floating-point operation can totally invalidate results. This may happen even after only a few operations, as was demonstrated in [Rump 83a, Rump 83b, Ham 89, Ratz 89, Schu 89]. Let us study two simple examples: 50 50 1. The sum (1 -f 10 ) - 10 returns the wrong result 0 using ordinary floating-point operations. 2. Consider a linear equation system A · χ = b with the matrix and the vectors b = and χ = (x{). The true solution of this linear system is x = 205117922,x = 83739041. But even in IEEE double precision x 2 arithmetic, the following completely wrong results are computed 02 2 02 1 a = X\ = Û&22/(ÛH " ~~ " a) 102558961 X2 = —a2i/(an · α 2 — αΐ2 · α ι) = 41869520.5 2 2 Note that the computation of x\ and x involves only four floating-point opera- 2 tions each! Computer Arithmetic and Self-Validating 1 Copyright © 1990 by Academic Press, Inc. Numerical Methods All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0-12-708245-X 2 G. Bohlender These examples show that ordinary floating-point arithmetic does not suffice to compute reliable and precise results. While the first example can evidently be solved by means of an exact scalar product or an exact sum, the second example requires more subtle methods. For this purpose, enclosure methods have been developed which compute a verified interval enclosure of a given problem. These enclosure methods are again based on the exact evaluation of scalar products. For interval arithmetic see [Moo 66, Ale 74, Ale 83], for enclosure methods see [Kul 82, Kul 83a, Kau 84, Kau 87, Kul 88, Moo 88, Kul 89, Uli 90] and other papers in this volume. Enclosure methods are typically programmed in computer languages like PASCAL-SC, FORTRAN-SC, etc. which have special extensions for scientific and engineering computations; see [Nea 84, Boh 86a, Boh 87a, Kul 87a, Kul 87b, Ble 87, Metz 88, Fal 89, Hus 88, Hus 89a, Hus 89b, Hahn 88, Hahn 89]. For an overview over systems which involve enclosure methods see e.g. [Boh 89a]. In the following sections, let us concentrate on the implementation of an augmented floating-point arithmetic and in particular on the optimal scalar product. Directed roundings (which are needed for interval arithmetic) are required by the IEEE standard for floating-point arithmetic [IEEE 85, IEEE 87] and are therefore available on many modern floating-point processors. In section 2, the scalar product for floating-point numbers is defined and its relation to the IEEE norm for floating-point arithmetic is discussed. In section 3, several algorithms are roughly sketched for the computation of scalar products with maximum accuracy. In section 4, some problems are described which exist in the implementation of these algorithms in software or hardware and several solutions for each problem are suggested. In section 5, some typical designs and implementations of the scalar product in scientific research projects and in commercial products are summarized including concepts for vector processors, parallel processors, and VLSI implementations. In section 6, finally these ideas are summarized. 2 Scalar products and IEEE arithmetic In the past twenty years, a uniform mathematical theory has been developed by Kulisch and Miranker [Kul 76a, Kul 81]. It describes how an arithmetic operation * which is defined on a superset R can be transferred on a subset F. The basic idea is to execute the operation * in the superset R exactly and round the result into the subset F by means of a so-called semimorphism • (a monotone projection with certain algebraic properties). This method can be used to define operations for all customary spaces of numerical computation, such as real and complex floating-point numbers, intervals, matrices, vectors, etc. Let us choose the set R = 1R of real numbers, and the subset F = F(6,p, e , e ) m t n max of floating-point numbers which is characterized by four integer constants: base b > 2, precision ρ > 1, minimum exponent e ; and maximum exponent e . The set F m n m a x contains floating-point numbers of the form (-l)'.b<-(0.dd...d), 12 p where s is the sign, e the exponent (e ; < e < e ), and d^ are base-ό digits of m n m a x the mantissa (0 < di < 6 — 1). (This representation differs slightly from the IEEE What Do We Need Beyond IEEE Arithmetic? 3 representation where the decimal point is between the first and the second digit.) Let * be any of the customary operations +,—,·,/ and let • be one of the roundings Ο (round to nearest), V (round towards minus infinity), Δ (round towards plus infinity), or Ο (truncate, round towards zero). Then the procedure described above agrees τ exactly with the definition of operations in the IEEE norms for floating-point arith- metic ([IEEE 85] for binary arithmetic, [IEEE 87] for base-independent arithmetic). Nevertheless, the two methods are clearly different. The aims of IEEE arithmetic are standardization and reasonable definition of real floating-point arithmetic; a consider- able effort was made to define computations with infinities, signed zeros, and "NaNs" (for non-numeric data), and to provide exception handling, etc. In contrast, the definition by semimorphism is not specialized on real floating-point arithmetic but instead provides a uniform definition of arithmetic operations for all customary higher numerical spaces as well. Therefore, it is less specific about data formats, etc. While the term "vector processor" is usually defined in a technological sense, here we can interpret the idea of a semimorphism as a mathematical definition of a vector processor. All these operations in the higher numerical spaces can be implemented efficiently, if the basic operations for real floating-point numbers are defined by semimorphism (or equivalently according to the IEEE norm), if the directed roundings toward plus or minus infinity are available, and if a scalar product with maximum accuracy is available. For all floating-point operands a;, 6, G F, such a scalar product shall compute the correctly rounded result • (a! · b + a · b + ... + a - b) x 2 2 n n as if it first produced an intermediate result correct to infinite precision and with un- bounded range, and then rounded this intermediate result to the destination floating- point system according to the selected rounding mode •. This contrasts with the traditional computation of a scalar product which involves a rounding in each multi- plication and addition. In the following sections, always such a scalar product with maximum accuracy is meant, even if this is not explicitly mentioned. Note that this definition conforms with the IMACS-GAMM Resolution on Com- puter Arithmetic [IGR 89] about the elementary compound operations "accumulate" for the components of a vector and "multiply and accumulate" for two vectors. Let us conclude this section with a remark about scalar products and IEEE arith- metic: in addition to the usual numeric values, a floating-point system according to the IEEE norm contains special representations for signed infinity, signed zeros, and not- a-number (which is intended to encode non-numeric information in the floating-point format and is frequently used in connection with exception handling). These special values can be handled in a scalar product as defined in the IEEE norm. Exceptions and traps in a scalar product can again be handled as described in the IEEE norm; of course the exceptions underflow, overflow and inexact can never occur during the com- putation of the "infinitly precise" intermediate result, but only when this intermediate result is rounded to the destination floating-point format.

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