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GO GRAPHIC! 10 HAND SCANNERS TESTED! JANUARY 1992 WE CHOOSE THE TOP 20 POWER PRODUCTS OF 1991 COMPUTER FLEA MARKETS I TIPS FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS NORTON DESKTOP SONY LASER LIBRARY Food for the senses at a price that makes sense: $749* Introducing CD Gallery1." The Interactive CD-ROM System from NEC. Isthistheofferyou'vebeen hungryfor?Cash inbigonthesensationalworld ofCD-ROMwith sevenexcitingsoftwaretitlesforthe IBM PC and 100% compatibles, with all the necessary hardware including the amazing NEC CDR-36 CD-ROM reader, KOSS* SA/30amplified stereospeakers andeven stereoheadphones,all forjust $749?There'salsoaCDGalleryversionavailableforthe Macintoshatjust$699fOr:ifyouwanttoupgradetotheNECCDR-73,oneofthefastestreadersonthemarket,it'sjust$1,050*for the IBM XT/AT. And it's all incredibly easy to set up and use. But don't chew on this offer too long because supplies are limited. 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CM012 CircleReaderServiceNumber209 COMPUTE VOLUME 14, NO. 1, ISSUE 137 JANUARY 1992 6 6O EDITORIAL LICENSE PROGRAMMING POWER By Clifton Karnes By Tom Campbell What's the home Before you computer market like start programming in today, and Windows, take what will it look like a deep breath and get tomorrow? yourself ready. 8 62 NEWS & NOTES TIPS & TOOLS Sierra refurbishing its Access a tool classics, chest of tiny ML programs, softening laser printers' take the delay impact on the out of formatting disks, environment, and more. and more. 12 66 FEEDBACK INTRODOS Learn the subtleties By Tony Roberts of program in Using a few stallation, publish from your file-naming tricks, desktop, count you can create scientifically in Latin. a simple file-retrieval and more. system. 16 68 READERSHIP SURVEY HARDWARE CLINIC Tell us about By Mark Minasi yourself and what you Now that laser printers like and are affordable, don't like about COMPUTE. it's time to learn what Pete Turner's dynamic coverphotoshouts HappyNew Yearand can go wrong. 18 Congratulations to all the COMPUTEChoice SHAREPAK awardwinners. Featuredisa TandyMFC, themultimedia machine By Rchard C. Leinecker that's thisyear's winnerforbestpersonalcomputer. COMPUTE/NET January offers a By Richard C. Leinecker mix of programs sure to A game and two utilities delight everyone. that are absolutely free to you. 20 36 58 THE COMPUTE CHOICE AWARDS TEST LAB: HAND-HELD DISK UPDATE 74 What were the best SCANNERS By Richard C. Leinecker POINT & CLICK software and hardware We hit the pages With COMPUTE/NET, By Clifton Karnes products of 1991? running with ten hand it's easier than ever to get Give Windows a Find out what the winners held scanners that technical help on drag-and-drop facelift are in this issue. bring a world of images GEnie, AmericaOnline, and, with Norton's And theenvelope please . . . to your desktop. soon, CompuServe. new Desktop for Windows. COMPUTE(ISSN0I94-357X)ispublishedmonlhlyintheUnitedStalesandCanadabyCOMPUTEPublicationsInternationalLtd !965 Broacway,NewYork,NY 10023-5965 Volume 14,Number !.Issue 137 CopynghtQ 1991 byCOMPUTEPublicationsInternational Ltd Allrightsreserved.Tel (212)496-6100 COMPUTEisaregisteredtrademarkofCOMPUTEPublicationsIniernaiional Lid Printedinthe USAanddistributedworldwidebyCurtisCirculationCompany.PO Box9102,Pennsauken,NJ08109 Second-classpostaqepaidatNew York,NY,andjatadditionalmailingoffices POSTMASTER:SendaddresschangesloCOMPUTEMagazine RO Box3245 Harlan IA 51537-3041. lei (800)727-6937 Entirecontentscopyrighled Allrightsreserved Nothingmaybereproducedinwholeorinpartwithout writtenpermissionfromthepublisher Subscriptions:US.AFO-31994oneyear;Canadaandelsewhere-S2594oneyear snglecopies 5295inUS Thepublisherdisclaimsallresponsibilitytoreturnunsolicitedmatter,andallrightsinportionspublishedthereo'remainthe solepropertyofCOMPUTEPublicationsinternationalLtd LetterssentloCOMPUTEoritseditorsbecomethepropertyo!themaaazine Editoralofficesarelocatedat324W WendoverAve..Ste.200.Greensboro NC27406 Tel (919)275-9609 COMPUTE JANUARY 1992 You must have heard how SOUND BLASTER took the PC market by storm... Now the HURRICANE.. ■■■'.■■• "It'sthenext-generationsoundcard I anditisloaded! Theoperativewordis "twice." Ithastwicethesound M. channels(22)oftheoriginalSound /Game Port Blasterwithtwicethequalityofsound TfieMultimediaSoundStandard instereo,aswellasstereoDACsfor digitizedspeechandsoundeffects." "Withitsassociatedsoftware,ithas Computer Gaming World quietly(nopunintended,butwhatthe heck)becomethestandardsoundsystem August1991 foradvancedPCs." JerryPournelle, BYTE June1991 ■■■"-.■■■ At a devastatingprice of $299-95 COMPUTEAugust1991 "Thebigquestionis,atalistpriceof " ...CreativeLabsisnowturning and you get a "chock-full of features": $249.95,istheSoundBlasterworththe investment? Yes,yes,athousandtimes upthevolumewiththeSoundBlaster * StereoDACfordigitizedsoundoutput yes!!!" PCHOMEJOURNAL Pro. It'sbasicallytwoSoundBlasters * Stereovoicerecordingfrommic,CDorLine-in onasinglecardwithadditional * Samplingrate4KHzto44KHz How many"yesl!!"wouldyougivenow multimediafeaturesthrownin. Ithas * Stereo22-voiceFMmusicsynthesizer thattheSoundBlasterlistpriceisreduced twinFMchipscapableofcreating22 * Stereomixerwithdigitalvolumecontrols to$169.95! Andyouget: individualvoices,twoDACsforstereo * MIDIinterfacewithadaptorandcables * DACfordigitizedvoiceoutput voiceandsound-effectsplayback,a * Built-inCD-ROMinterface ' ADCforvoicerecording stereomicrophonejack,andabuilt-in * JoystickPort * 11-voiceAdLibFMsynthesizer stereomixerthatcanadjustthe * MicrophoneAGCamplifier * FullduplexMIDIinterface volumeofallyourSoundBlasteraudio * Poweramplifier(4Wperchannel) ( * JoystickPort sources(stereoDAC,stereoFM, microphone,stereoline-in,CD-Audio andloadsofFREEbundled software: * Microphoneamplifier * MIDISequencer I * Poweramplifier(4Wperchannel) andPCinternalspeaker). * Pro-lntelligentOrgan ' Bundledsoftware:•IntelligentOrgan Thebuilt-inmixermakesthe * VEDIT2-VoiceEditor&Utilities •TalkingParrot•VoiceToolkit SoundBlasterProfullycompliantwith * SBTALKER-text-to-speech •SBTALKER•DRSBAITSO Microsoft'sMultimediaLevel1 synthesizerwithDRSBA1TSO2 •JukeboxforWindows3.0 Extensionsto Windows. Multimedia softwarewillbeabletofade-in,fade- " TalkingParrot-voicein/out SoundBlasterMicroChannelVersion outandpanthevariousaudiosources application. isalsoavailable. * MMPLAYMultimediaPresentation tocreateelaboratesoundmontages. TheSoundBlasterProincludes * CDmusicplayer NorthAmericamasterdistributor: " Windows3.0DLLand Brown-WaghPublishing aCD-ROMinterfaceforeitheran soundapplications 130DKnowlesDriveLosGatosCA95030 internalorexternalCD-ROMplayer. Foryournearestdealer,call1-800-4510900 There'salsoaninternalconnectorfor Tel(408)3783838 Fax(408)3783577 CD-Audio. TheMIDIinterfaceis compatiblewiththeoriginalSound Blaster'sMIDIinterfacebutaddsthe CREflTIVE LflBS, INC. MIDItime-stampthat'spartof Microsoft'snewmultimediastandard. 2050DuaneAvenueSantaClaraCA95054 . Allinall,theSoundBlasterPro Tel(408)9861461 Fax(408)9861777 isnhnnk-fuHofnewfeatures,vetit's OutsideNorthAmerica,contact: fullycompatiblewithitsyounger 3DUKQ brother." BUSIER CREflTIVE TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. ReprintedbypermissionolCOMPUTE ©1901, 75AyerRajahCrescent#02-04Singapore0513 COMPUTEPublicationsInternationalLtd Tel(65)7730233" Fax(65)7730353 MicosollandWindowsateregisterediracemaifcsolMicrosoft CoipandAdLibisaregistereOtrademarkolAdLibInc. SoundBlasterisatradernarkolCreativeLabs.Inc. CircleReaderServiceNumber125 COMPUTE 90 76 MULTIMEDIA PC SONY LASER LIBRARY By David English By Peter Scisco Something unusual All you need to enter was born in the Hall of the world of Meteorites CD-ROM from your PC on October 8, 1991. 78 93 WORKPLACE WORLD OF ELECTRONIC By Daniel Janal GAMES Find out how one manager Games Gone Global, reaches out Principles ofGood Game to touch home base. Design, Computer Game Ethics, The Ultimate 80 Game Machine COMPUTER FLEA MARKETS By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols 110 Finding the best bargains GAMEPLAY means you have By Howard Millman to look in the right places. What are the psychological payoffs for playing 84 computer games, and what ARTS & LETTERS are the drawbacks? By Robert Bixby Is the computer a creative 113 artist or REVIEWS simply a clever artifact? We check out The Terminator, 86 the hard-hitting game from SID MEIER'S CIVILIZATION Bethesda Softworks, By Keith Ferrell as well as an inexpensive Find out notebook computer, what it takes to create, Leading Technology's rule, and 9800NB. We also manage a civilization. look at today's leading computer software 88 and hardware, including PATHWAYS FastLynx LapPack, By Steven Anzovin 144 Teenage Mutant Ninja Using fractals, CONVERSATIONS Turtles World we can re-create natural By Darren P. Mckeeman Tour—Electric Crayon scenes and explore The human side Deluxe. NEC unknown landscapes, but of the Strategic Defense Graphics CDs, Mace we can also spy buster. Express Recovery, compress images in a way What did it take to crack ThunderStrike, Flow that actually the German spy Charting 3, adds detail to the original ring? Clifford Stoll tells all. and Dvorak on Typing. artwork. COMPUTE GOES ONLINE Join COMPUTE'S editors and contributors onAmerica OnlineorGEnie. Get wired with our expert online guide following page 72. COMPUTE JANUARY 1992 Slusuatiurraaicdv.HhMfcrografixIX-sipx-r1".andprintedby(beCitizenGSX-HOPLUSpnffiiiwilloptionalCok*OrCommand THE GSX-14O PLUS. Not All Dot Matrix Printers Are For The Birds. Creating color this brilliant willruffle thefeathers ofmost Windows. Using thelatestcolorsaturation controltechnology, printers. It demands 360x360 dot-per-inch resolution. Plus theGSX-140PLUSprintstrue, bright, accurate WYSIWYG theability to controlboth colordensityandsaturation. colorsat high resolutions. Nowyou can have both. Affordably. Even when running Whetherprinting in monochrome orcolor, the GSX-140 Microsoft'" Windows1". Allyou needis Citizen's new 24- PLUS iseasy to use, too, thanks to Citizen's Command-VueTV wire GSX-140 PLUSprinterandits exclusive, user- controlpanel withplain Englishprompts. A quick menu installedoption. Coloron Command1". With vividburstsof offers instantaccess to theprintersettingsyou change most color, yourspreadsheetscan beeasierto read, your often. Andit even remembersyourfourfavoriteappli graphics easierto understand, andyourpresen cations, setting them up thewayyou want whenever tationsallthe more brilliant. you use them. The GSX-140 PLUS isfully compatible SotakealookatCitizen'sGSX-140PLUS withsoftwareapplications runbyMS-DOS®. today. Forthe nameofyournearest dealer. Availableatnoextracost, aspecialprinter call 1-800-4-PRINTERS. driverassures optimumperformance with ^CITIZEN ©W\CiuicnAmerkaCorporjlHJn.Citiren.ColoronCommand,ComnWlttHieandihc-Citizentogoan-tr.i<k.-irurksof(heC1U2™WWdlCoUi! MicrosoftanJWinduw:.dietrademarksofMfctmoACorporation.Miaograf*<--JtvpMEH.-dtrademark,andMicrost-ifxDesisntrisatrademarkofMiin)(jrafs,Inc CircleReaderServiceNumber166 EDITORIAL LICENSE Clifton Karnes ACOMDEX/Fall, held this they're going to use their new And as Star's Gallup sur oast October in Las Ve computer to earn money. vey shows, the home market gas, Nevada, printer man- This was a surprise, as was isanything butone-dimension i ufacturer Star Micron- the fact that nearly a third of al. In fact, home users place ics hosted a breakfast press all homemachinesare current demands on their machines conference to present the re ly being used to earn income. that far exceed the responsi sults of a Gallup survey it had A large number—76 per bilities given to the home PC's commissioned on the home cent—say they want to use corporate cousins. computer market. their PCs to bring work Nothing demonstrates this Some of the results were home. More than half of this multifaceted nature of home startling, some were what we group think that the comput computing or shows the expected to hear, butall point er will increase their chance range of COMPUTE'S cover ed to a growing, healthy of a promotion (or increase age better than our annual home computer market. Here their chance of keeping their COMPUTE Choice Awards, are some highlights. present job if their company wherewechoosethebestsoft downsizes). ware and hardware products A look at this About 80 per for the year. year's COMPUTE centofthoseplan In this issue, you'll find our Choices will ning to buy a PC choices of the best products convince you that say they're inter for 1991 in the categories of home computer ested in the ma homeoffice,entertainment, dis users are a varied and chines as educa covery (education), and tech exciting group. tional tools—both nology. for their children A look at this year's Choic and themselves. es will convince you that Of those plan home computer users are a ning to buy for varied and exciting group. the first time, 59 The awards show that home percent state that users are interested in every they want a com thing from the best operating puter to play systems to the tops in educa games. For those tion for their children, from the upgrading, this mostdemanding fantasy/role- number is slightly playing game tothe best utili higher—about 62 ty, from the hottest arcade ac percent. tion to the most feature-rich Obviously, programming language. According to the survey, there's a lot of overlap in Star's Gallup survey and about 25 percent ofall Ameri these figures. It's clear that our own COMPUTE Choice can households have home most people planning to buy awards give a clear idea of computers. That's no sur a PC are interested in all home computer users in prise. The news is that 23 per three areas—home office, ed broad strokes, but we're inter cent of all households plan to ucation, and entertainment. ested in our readersas individ buy a computer in the next What does all this boil uals, too. That's why, every two years. That's 21 million down to? In short, a phenom fewmonths, weincludearead households. enal growth in home comput ership survey in our pages. In Of this 21 million, roughly ing that's being fueled by a this issue, you'll find such a one-quarter are upgrading; combination of interests in survey, and we hope you'll the majority, however, are first- home office, education, and take the time to fill it out. This time buyers. This means that entertainment. surveywill provideuswith spe the installed base of home At COMPUTE, we have cific information about you, computers is going to nearly more than a passing interest in your equipment, what you double in the next two years. the home computer market. like about COMPUTE, and Why are all these Ameri For 13years, it'sbeenourman what you'd like to see cans buying PCs? The three date as a magazine to serve changed. We use the results E's: earnings, entertainment, this exciting and constantly from these surveys to fine- and education. evolving group. We're dedicat tune COMPUTE so it's the Of those planning to buy a ed tothe home computer as a magazine you want. Talk to machine, nearly half say tool for the entire family. us. Were listening. O 6 COMPUTE JANUARY 1992 Before GeoWorks Writer: After GeoWorks Writer. Ican'tbelievehoweasyitwas documentsaredazzling!And Ididitall lishingfeatureslikemulti-column layouts, tocreateanewsletterthatlooksthisgood. myselfinafewminuteson myfirstdaywith easyimportingofgraphics (itcomeswith Evenprinteditonmydoggyolddotmatrix GeoWorksWriter. clipart!)...evenitsownaward-winning printernoless!Yousee, beforeGeoWorks Hardtobelieve?Well,GeoWorksWriter graphicalenvironment* thatmakesusing Writer'" mydocumentswereweak, Hut isthecompletewordprocessorthatcomes itaseasyasclickingamouse.Andifyou nowit'sanewme. I'mpumped up!My withover-n templatesforeverythingfrom thinkit'samazingalone,justwaituntilyou businessformsto resumestonewsletters. secitworkingwiththerestofthePersonal jiiinmiiniuiiiniiif Justcustomizeoneofthemfcttyourbusi OfficeSeriesteam. ness,that'sall/did. Idroppedinthe Soifyou'retiredofwimpywriting, make Writer words,andbingo. Beautiful. Itwaseven achange. GoforGeoWorks.'" Ifitcan make WYSIWYGsotherewasnotime-wasting melookthisgood, imaginewhatitcando surprises.What1 sawon myscreenwas foryou." whatcameoutinlaser-quality,on my SeeYourDenierOrOrderNow, littleprimer. 30-DayMoney-BackGuarantee! Vup.GeoWorksWriterhaseverythingI 1-800-772-0001 Ext. 10W needtolookgreatincludingdesktoppub 1-800-465-1234Ext, towinCanada *PCComputingsMostValuableProduct.InfoWorldsProductOfThetear,Compute'sEditor'sChoice,SoftwarePublishersAssociation:CriticsChoice; BestCreativity/Productivily:BestConsumerProduct:BestNewUseofaComputer.PCMagazineTechnicalExcellenceAwardFinalist. £>GEOWOR.I<S Btrkeley.CA (iecffibite.RtmiiiiiIOfficeScrii-sandGeoWorbDesfeuerareir.tiltmarksofCtuWurks,Inc.£ 1991 CircleReaderServiceNumber155 NEWS & NOTES Redesigning the Classics Scott Murphyand Mark Crowe size mouse pad that comes Some of Sierra On-Line's clas have whipped up some brand equipped with a transparent sic role-playing games are new space magic. plastic cover into which a va getting dramatic facelifts. The Space QuestI VGAisavail rietyoftemplate sheetscan be "new" classics feature the able now for a suggested re inserted for at-a-glance key same characters and stories, tail price of $59.95. Look for board and mouse operating but animation, background, VGA versions of Police Quest commands. musical scores, and sound ef I and Quest for Glory I to Templates,availablefor Win fects have been greatly en come soon. For more informa dows3.0, WordPerfect5.1, Ex hanced totake full advantage tion, contact Sierra On-Line, cel for Windows 3.0, Lotus 1- of high-resolution VGA color, P.O. Box485, Coarsegold, Cal 2-3 release 3.1, PC/MS-DOS stereo sound capabilities, ifornia 93614; (209) 683-4468. 2.1-4.1, and Word for Win and Sierra's new point-and- JILLCHAMPION dows (and there's one you click interface, which means can customize yourself), sell no more type-in commands Politically Correct for $9.95 to $14.95 each. Sug and lots of character action. Laser Printing gested retail price for the pad Space Quest I now joins Ifyou work for a politically cor alone is $12.95. A special King'sQuestI, Mixed-UpMoth rect, environmentally aware mouse pad kit, including the erGoose, and LeisureSuitLar- "green" office, you've already mouse pad, one template, begun recycling alu and an eight-page booklet on Space Quest I fans minum soft drink mouse use and care is avail can expect cans and used pa able for $19.95. lifelike characters, per, and you've Educational Systems says stereo sound, stoppedusingStyro- the SmartPad is actually one and some spacey new foam coffee cups, of the best pads going and twists In You can help re would be even without tem the classic game's duce the load on plates. Its hardtopsurface pro redesign. overflowing landfills vides a blend of low friction even more by recy for high-speed mouse control cling the toner car and texture to ensure traction. tridges used in la The SmartPad could only be ser printers, thanks better if the mouse could to a free cartridge- readthe template! recycling program For more information, con from Lexmark, a tact Educational Systems, 706 worldwide manufac Landwehr Road, Northbrook, Il turer and marketer linois 60062: (708) 498-3780. ofdesktop and per ALANBECHTOLD sonal printers, type writers, keyboards, GeoWorks in Progress and supplies. The folks at GeoWorks were By providing spe busy in 1991. Last summer, cial prepaid return they released a much-im ryand becomes thenewestSi postage mailers, Operation Re proved GeoWorks Ensemble erra original to be released in source, as the new program is version 1.2 package. The new VGA. The game has been re known, encourages IBM Las- release builds on Ensemble's designed to emulate a 1950s erPrinter customers in the U.S. high performance and ease of sci-fiflick—campy spacecrea to return used cartridges to use by providingarangeofad tures and all—without chang Lexmark. The cartridges are ditional features, including a ing the story's essence. then disassembled and sentto spelling checker for GeoWrile, However, along with the ar various recycling centers. support for more than 300 ad rivalofanew-and-improvedlife IBM LaserPrinter customers ditional printers, the popular like Roger Wilco, a dynamic with questions about Opera game Tetris. numerous tem soundtrack based on the origi tion Resource can call (800) plates, and more. Version 1.2 nal Space Quest theme, and 848-9894 foradditional details. is sent free to all registered dramatic newbackground illus owners of version 1.0. trations, Sierra warns experi Helpful Mouse Pads Earlyinthefall,GeoWorksre enced players who think they The Microref SmartPad from leasedthreenewadd-on,easy- know the game that creators Educational Systems is a full- to-install font libraries—Fun 8 COMPUTE JANUARY 1992

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