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Computational Structural Mechanics & Fluid Dynamics. Advances and Trends PDF

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COMPUTATIONAL STRUCTURAL MECHANICS AND FLUID DYNAMICS Advances and Trends Papers presented at the Symposium on Advances and Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics Held 17-19 October 1988, Washington, D.C. Editors AHMED K. NOOR Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, The George Washington University, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A. DOUGLAS L. DWOYER Manager, Hypersonic Technology Office, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A. Sponsored by the George Washington University and NASA Langley Research Center in cooperation with the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD NEW YORK BEIJING · FRANKFURT SAO PAULO SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO CAS 30:l/2-A U.K. Pergamon Press pic, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 0X3 OBW, England U.S.A. 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Initially, to make it possible for Pergamon Journals to convert material into data strips, we will support only certain computers and software languages. For additional information on the Softstrip System in Pergamon publications, please write to Director of Publishing, Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523, USA. Computers & Structures Vol. 30, No. 1/2, p. vii, 1988 Pergamon Press pic. Printed in Great Britain. PREFACE In the last two decades computational structural mechanics (CSM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have emerged as new disciplines combining structural mechanics and fluid dynamics with approximation theory, numerical analysis, and computer science. The use of CSM and CFD has transformed much of theoretical mechanics and abstract science into practical and essential tools for a multitude of technological developments which affect many facets of our life. Major advances in CSM and CFD continue to take place on a broad front. The new advances are manifested by the development of sophisticated computational models to simulate mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic behavior of fluids and structures; efficient discretization techniques; computational strategies and numerical algorithms; as well as versatile and powerful software systems for solution of complex fluids and structures problems. Examples of such problems abound and come from diverse engineering systems including microelectronic devices, nuclear reactors, high-speed flight vehicles, and the space station. Two major factors have contributed to the rapid pace of development of CSM and CFD in recent years. The first factor is the significant advances in computational technology and the explosive growth in computer hardware capability. This progress shows no sign of abating; all indications are that the changes during the next decades will prove to be even greater, particularly with the introduction of novel forms of computer architecture (e.g. multiprocessor systems, neural networks and optical computers). The second major factor is the growing interaction among a number of disciplines including applied mechanics, control technology, numerical analysis and software design. Despite the significant advances made in each of the CSM and CFD disciplines, there has not been enough interaction and cross fertilization between the two disciplines. Consequently, some of the techniques used in one discipline were either rediscovered by, or remained unknown to, researchers working in the other discipline. As a step to remedy this situation and to establish strong interaction among researchers in CSM and CFD, a three-day symposium entitled Advances and Trends in Computational Structural Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics was held in Washington, DC, 17-19 October 1988. The organizing committee expected that by bringing together leading experts and active researchers in areas which could impact future development of both the CSM and CFD disciplines, formal presentations and personal interaction would increase communication and foster effective development of the computational mechanics technology. The 41 papers contained in this volume document some of the major advances that have occurred in both the CSM and CFD disciplines and help identify future directions of development in these fields. The topic headings in the symposium are largely represented by the 10 section headings of this volume, namely: Fluid Structure Interaction and Aeroelasticity; CFD Technology and Reacting Flows; Micromechanics, Deformable Media and Damage Mechanics; Stability and Eigenproblems; Probabilistic Methods and Chaotic Dynamics; Perturbation and Spectral Methods; Element Technology (Finite Volume, Finite Elements and Boundary Elements); Adaptive Methods; Parallel Processing Machines and Applications; and Visualization, Mesh Generation and Artificial Intelligence Interfaces. The fields covered by this symposium are rapidly changing, and if new results are to have the maximum impact and use, they must reach workers in the field as soon as possible. This consideration led to the decision to publish the proceedings prior to the symposium. Special thanks go to Pergamon Press for their cooperation in publishing this volume and to Dean Harold Liebowitz, School of Engineering and Applied Science of The George Washington University for making arrangements for the publication. The editors express their sincere thanks to the many individuals and organizations who contributed to the planning of this symposium; in particular to the members of the technical program committee for their contributions to the various phases of this symposium. Special thanks go to the authors of the papers, for the effort they have put forth in the preparation of their manuscripts, and to the symposium secretary, Mrs Mary Torian, for her constant help and support. The assistance of the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers are especially appreciated. It is our earnest hope that the publication of these proceedings will help broaden awareness within the engineering community of the recent advances in computational structural mechanics and fluid dynamics, and will serve the profession well. The George Washington University Ahmed K. Noor NASA Langley Research Center Douglas L. Dwoyer Hampton, VA 23665 U.S.A. Vll Computers & Structures Vol. 30, No. 1/2, pp. 1-13, 1988 0045-7949/88 $3.00 + 0.00 Printed in Great Britain. © 1988 Pergamon Press pic. INTERACTION OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES FOR AIRCRAFT APPLICATIONS GURU P. GURUSWAMYI Applied Computational Fluids Branch, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, U.SA. Abstract—Strong interactions occur between the flow about an aircraft and its structural com- ponents, which result in several important aeroelastic phenomena. These aeroelastic phenomena can significantly influence the performance of aircraft. At present, closed-form solutions are available for aeroelastic computations when flows are in either linear subsonic or supersonic range. However, for complex nonlinear flows containing shock waves, vortices and flow separations, computational methods are still under development. Several phenomena that can be dangerous and can limit the performance of an aircraft are due to the interaction of these complex flows with flexible aircraft components such as wings. For example, aircraft with highly swept wings experience vortex-induced aeroelastic oscillations. The simulation of these complex aeroelastic phenomena requires coupling the fluid and structural analysis. This paper provides a summary of the development of such coupled methods and their applications to aeroelasticity. Results based on the transonic small perturbation equations and the Euler equations are presented. INTRODUCTION developed for computing time-accurate aeroelastic Strong interactions of structures and fluids are responses of typical sections by using the modal common in many engineering environments. Such equations of motion [4]. This was successfully in- interactions can give rise to physically important corporated in the two-dimensional, unsteady, tran- phenomena such as those which occur for aircraft sonic code LTRAN2 (the present improved ver- due to aeroelasticity. Aeroelasticity deals with the sion is called ATRAN2)[5]. The method was science that studies the mutual interaction between demonstrated to compute the transonic flutter aerodynamic forces and elastic forces for aircraft. boundaries of typical sections. This procedure was Aeroelasticity significantly influences the perfor- later extended for wings and was incorporated in mance of aircraft. Correct understanding of aero- the ATRAN3S[6] code, the Ames version of Air elastic characteristics is important for safe and Force/NASA XTRAN3S[7,8], a code for tran- efficient performance of aircraft. sonic aeroelastic analysis of aircraft. ATRAN3S is To date, exact methods are available for making the most advanced code for aeroelastic analyses aeroelastic computations when flows are in either based on the transonic small perturbation (TSP) the linear subsonic or supersonic range. However, equations. Currently, ATRAN3S is being used for for complex flows containing shock waves, vor- generic research in unsteady aerodynamics and tices, and flow separations, computational methods aeroelasticity of almost full aircraft config- are still under development. Several phenomena urations^]. Though codes based on the potential that can be dangerous and limit the performance of flow theory give some practically useful results, an aircraft occur due to the interaction of these they cannot be used for cases such as separated complex flows with flexible aircraft components flows. Now, given the availability of new, efficient, such as wings. For example, aircraft with highly numerical techniques and faster computers[10] the swept wings experience vortex-induced aeroelastic time has come to consider Euler/Navier-Stokes oscillations [1]. Several undesirable aeroelastic (ENS) equations for aeroelastic applications. phenomena occur in the transonic range which are Codes based on the ENS equations have already due to the presence and movement of shock waves. been applied for practically interesting problems Limited wind tunnel and flight tests have shown a involving steady flows. Generic codes such as critical aeroelastic phenomena such as a low tran- ARC3D[11], NASA Ames Research Center's sonic flutter speed due to shock wave mo- three-dimensional ENS code, have been used for tions [2, 3]. For the hypersonic vehicles, panel several scientific investigations. A state-of-the-art flutter may play an important role in its design. survey of ENS codes is given in [12]. Research In order to accurately compute the interactions codes such as ARC3D have produced practically between fluids and structures, it is necessary to useful codes such as the TNS code, NASA Ames solve the fluid and structural equations of motion Transonic Navier-Stokes code based on zonal simultaneously. Such a procedure was first grids. TNS has successfully computed complex, separated, steady flows about wings and wing-body configurations[13]. Most of the work to date, by tPrincipal Analyst, Sterling Federal Systems. using the ENS equations, are limited to either 1 2 GURU P. GURUSWAMY NS-T - THIN LAYER NAVIER-STOKES FP- FULL POTENTIAL TSP - TRANSONIC SMALL PERTURBATION LIFTING AIRFOILS (EULER) WING-BODY SWEPT WINGS WING-BODY WING-BODY (TSP) (FP) (EULER) (NS-T) έ- -v STEADY T SWEPT WING AIRFOILS FULL AIRCRAFT WING-BODY SWEPT WING (TSP) (FP) (TSP) (FP) (NS-T) AIRFOILS AIRFOILS SWEPT WINGS WING-BODY (TSP) (FP) (FP) (TSP) r^r UNSTEADY i— Λ" SWEPT WINGS AIRFOILS WING (TSP) (EULER) (EULER RESEARCH) WINGS WINGS AIRFOILS AIRFOILS (FP) (EULER (TSP) (EULER) ^Λ -RE+SE ARCH) AEROELASTIC SWEPT WINGS WING-BODY (TSP) (TSP) 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Fig. 1. Milestones in the development of computational aerodynamics for aircraft. steady flow or, at the most, unsteady flows about GOVERNING AERODYNAMICS EQUATIONS AND rigid bodies. Coupling of the ENS equation with APPROXIMATIONS the structural equation of motion has just Computations in this paper were done by using begun [14], the Euler equations. However, all techniques The present paper summarizes the development presented in this paper can be easily extended to of advanced computational fluid dynamics tech- compute results using the Navier-Stokes equations. niques and their application to aeroelasticity. The Euler equations of motion The strong conservation law form of the Euler equations are used for shock-capturing purposes. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The equations in Cartesian coordinates in non- A brief chronology of the development of com- dimensional form can be written as putational fluid dynamics (CFD) for aircraft ap- plications is shown in Fig. 1 (based on Fig. 2 of dO dE dF dG [10]). Figure 1 shows the lag in the development of — + — + — +— = 0Λ, (1) dt dx dy dZ aeroelastic methods using CFD. The main reason for this lag is the lack of efficient unsteady methods where in CFD for computationally intensive aeroelastic calculations. The typical computational time for P aeroelastic studies is about two orders more than pu that required for steady state studies. This increase Q = pv in computational time is due to the need of un- pw steady computations and additional complexities in L e physics associated with aeroelasticity. The history of the CFD applications to aeroelasticity is sum- Γ PW " - pv i pW Ί marized in Fig. 2. This figure shows the fact that a IP"2 + P puv puw lot needs to be done in the area of the use of exact E = puv , F = pv2 + p , G = pvw flow equations for aeroelastic applications. As seen puw pvw pw2 + p in Fig. 2, most advanced aeroelastic applications l(e + p)u. J,e + p)v. -{e + p)w\ use the TSP equations. A major part of this paper (2) discusses the use of the TSP theory to investi- gate several practically interesting aeroelastic The Cartesian velocity components M, V and w are phenomena. The current development of aeroelas- nondimensionahzed by a«, (the free-stream speed of tic computational methods based on the ENS sound), density p is nondimensionahzed by p; the x equations is also presented. total energy per unit volume e is nondimen- Interaction of fluids and structures for aircraft applications 3 BASED ON UNSTEADY TIME ACCURATE METHODS TSP FP EULER NAVIER STOKES 1978 ? 1986 ? 1982 1984 1988 ? 1986 ? ? ? 1988 ? ? ? Fig. 2. History of CFD applications to aeroelasticity. sionalized by p^ai; and the time t is nondimen- reported by Pulliam and Chaussee [16], both based sionalized by c/a where c is the root chord. Pres- on implicit approximate factorization, are used. sure can be found from the ideal gas law as Both algorithms were implemented in a new code, ENSAERO, a general-purpose aeroelastic code p = (y-l)[e- 0.5 p(u2 + v2 + w2)] (3) based on the ENS equations and the modal struc- tural equations of motion with time-accurate and throughout γ is the ratio of the specific heats. aeroelastic configuration adaptive grids. Results To enhance numerical accuracy and efficiency presented in this paper are from ENSAERO ver- and to handle boundary conditions more easily, the sion 1, which uses the diagonal algorithm to solve governing equations are transformed from the the Euler equations. Cartesian coordinates to general curvilinear coor- The diagonal algorithm used in this paper is a dinates by using simplified version of the Beam-Warming scheme. In the diagonal algorithm, the flux Jacobians are r= t diagonalized so that the computational operation count is reduced by 50%. The diagonal scheme is ξ=ξ(χ,γ,ζ,ή first-order-accurate in time and yields time-ac- (4) curate shock calculations in a non-conservative 7} = η(χ, y, z, i) mode. More details of this scheme can be found in [16]. £=£(x,y,z,f). Transonic small perturbation equations Several numerical schemes have been developed A decade ago when CFD was becoming popular to solve the transformed form of eqn (1). In this for aeronautical applications, the use of the com- work, the algorithm developed by Beam and plete ENS equation was not practical because of Warming [15] and the diagonal algorithm extension the lack of efficient methods and computer 4 GURU P. GURUSWAMY resources. As a result, several simplified equations where [φ] is the modal matrix and {q} is the were derived from the Euler form of eqn (1). For generalized displacement vector. The final matrix unsteady transonic calculations, among the most form of the aeroelastic equations of motion is useful of the simplified equations has been the m{q} + [G]{q} + [K]{q} = {Fl, (7) transonic small perturbation (TSP) equations based on the potential flow theory[17]. The TSP theory where [M], [G] and [K] are modal mass, damp- has resulted in production codes such as ing and stiffness matrices, respectively. {F} is ATRAN3S, which has been successfully used for the aerodynamic force vector defined as advanced aeroelastic applications [18]. (i)p^[0]T[A]{AC} and [A] is the diagonal area The TSP equation used in ATRAN3S is p matrix of the aerodynamic control points. Αφ„ + Βφ = [Εφ + Ρφ2 + G02L + [φ + Ηφφ\ The aeroelastic equation of motion [eqn (7)] is χι χ χ y ν χ ν solved by a numerical integration technique based on the linear acceleration method[4]. + [<fcL, (5) where AEROELASTIC RESULTS FROM THE TSP THEORY A = Ml; B = 2Mi; E = (1 - Ml); This section describes aeroelastic results from the TSP equations coupled with the modal struc- F = -Ö)(7+l)Aß; 0 = -Θ(γ-3)Λβ; tural equations of motion. All results presented are from ATRAN3S, the NASA Ames version of Air H = -(y-\)Ml Force/NASA, XTRAN3S. Following this code several other codes have been developed. Results The timely success in using eqn (5) for aero- shown in this section are representative of all such elastic applications was because of its simplicity in developments. grid requirements and boundary conditions. In this Transonic aeroelastic calculations of rectangular paper, results obtained using both the Euler equa- wings tion [eqn (1)] and the TSP equation [eqn (5)] will be presented. The successful development of the two-dimen- sional code LTRAN2, which employs an alternat- ing-direction-implicit (ADI), finite-difference AEROELASTIC EQUATIONS OF MOTION scheme, led to the development of three-dimen- The governing aeroelastic equations of motion sional, unsteady, transonic, aerodynamic codes. of a flexible wing are obtained by using the Ray- LTRAN3, the earlier low-frequency version of leigh-Ritz method (Chap. 9 of [19]). In this ATRAN3S[6] was developed for time-accurate method, the resulting aeroelastic displacements at calculations. The time-accuracy of this code was any time are expressed as a function of a finite set validated against unsteady experimental data[21]. of assumed modes. The contribution of each Figure 4 taken from [21] shows the magnitude and assumed mode to the total motion is derived by the the phase angle of the unsteady pressures for a Lagrange's equation. Furthermore, it is assumed rectangular wing oscillating in its first bending that the deformation of the continuous wing struc- mode. Time-accurate computations have ac- ture can be represented by deflections at a set of curately captured the effects of unsteady motion of discrete points. This assumption facilitates the use the shock wave. The rise in the phase angle behind of discrete structural data, such as the modal the shock wave, which is one of the salient features matrix, the modal stiffness matrix, and the modal of the unsteady transonic flow, has been predicted mass matrix. These are generated by a finite-ele- accurately by LTRAN3. This code was success- ment analysis or by experimental influence fully applied to compute the flutter boundaries of coefficient measurements. In this study, the finite- rectangular wings by using coupled and uncoupled element method is employed to obtain the modal methods. Figure 4 shows the good comparison of data. Figure 3 shows the first five modes of a unsteady pressures and flutter boundary computed rectangular wing computed by modeling the wing from LTRAN3 with the experiment and NAS- with a 16 degrees-of-freedom rectangular finite TRAN, respectively. element[20]. The scheme used in LTRAN3 is not adequate It is assumed that the deformed shape of the for fighter wings since it uses the classical shearing wing can be represented by a set of discrete dis- transformation technique [6]. As a result, a new placements at selected nodes. From the modal code, ATRAN3S[6], was developed for general- analysis the displacement vector {d} can be purpose applications to both transport and fighter expressed as wings by using a modified shearing trans- formation [6]. Additional capabilities such as {d} = W{ql (6) supersonic free streams were added to this code. Interaction of fluids and structures for aircraft applications 5 Fig. 3. Mode shapes and frequencies of a rectangular wing using the finite element method. Figure 5(a) shows the stable, near neutrally plots of dynamic pressure vs Mach number from stable, and unstable responses at M=l.l for a both computations and the experiment are shown rectangular wing of aspect ratio 5 with a 6% thick in Fig. 5(b). The 'transonic dip' in the flutter curve parabolic airfoil computed by solving eqn (7). which extends to the zone of supersonic free The flutter speeds were computed by numerically streams can be seen in the figure. These results interpolating the dynamic pressures to match a illustrate the importance of CFD codes to compute response that corresponds to zero damping. The aeroelasticity in the transonic regime.

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