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Computational Particle Accelerator Physics - AMAS PDF

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Computational Particle Accelerator Physics - Multidisciplinary Science for next generation Accelerators A. Adelmann (PSI-AMAS) MIT Physics Colloquium - May 2, 2013 ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page1/67 .... Cyclotron Precise Modeling Accelerators of Accelerators Staged Modelinga Physicsap- Experiment 3foldway proximation Numerical IsoDAR DAEδALUS HPC approx- imation ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page2/67 Outline 1 The DAEδALUS & IsoDAR Experiments 2 Models for Precise Accelerator Modeling 3 End Titles ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page3/67 The DAEδALUS1 - π+ decay-at-rest (DAR) experiment [J.M.Conrad,M.H.ShaevitzPRL104,141802(2010)] What do we want to study: oscillation from ν¯ to ν¯ µ e 800 p MeV is nicely at the plateau of the delta resonance p+C →π+ →νµ+µ+ µ+ →e+ν¯µνe trade energy versus intensity Low ν¯ contamination (10 4) e − O complementary to LBNE: is in ν mode, and short base line Method of detection inverse β-decay: ν¯ +p e++n e → 1(Decay-At-restExperimentforδCP studiesAttheLaboratoryforUndergroundScience) ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page4/67 The DAEδALUS - π+ decay-at-rest (DAR) experiment [J.M.Conrad,M.H.ShaevitzPRL104,141802(2010)] What do we want to study: oscillation from ν¯ to ν¯ µ e 800 p MeV is nicely at the platepau+oCf t→heπd+el→taνrµes+onµa+nce !"#$%%&'()*+,(-&-$%$./*3333337777773333332S6;3:>))))))) ! =! "=/ 02)) µ+ →e+ν¯µνe 3) >) :3) 0$%(1:>2).2,"* 23) 2>) trade energy versus intensity CJD-&KD"%',)#L"0&D@%)) C-HE-")=DI#%(-')#F""&DF%&,)&#'&G%())) ?"'%)A+76)53)".@(&5B0)5) <("#$%&'() .&/$%&'() !"#$%&'() Low ν¯ contamination (10 4) *++(,(#"'-#)) *++(,(#"'-#)) *++(,(#"'-#)) e O − .0=-)'/-0):,(7>1)451) .84-5/10),(1) .23-4/501,)(1) complementary to LBNE (ν 378).9) :7;).9) 678).9) mode) MD/(#N#-0D/)/('(+'-#O) P/$/-=(/)H"'(#) Method of detection inverse ?#) Q&R0&/)%+&DK,,"'-#) β-decay: ν¯ +p e++n e → ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page5/67 Accelerator Requirements [A.Adelmannetal. arXiv:1207.4895] 800 MeV p on target power on target: 1, 2 and 5 MW on the three sites size small cost effective construction & operation modules our approach H+ Cyclotron design (L. Calabretta arXiv:1107:0652) 2 relaxes space charge, 2p per unit of charge 1+ allows to extract with a stripping process ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page6/67 The IsoDAR Experiment - beta decay-at-rest of 8Li [A.Bungau,etal. PRL109141802(2012)] What do we want to study: ν¯ disappearance due to oscillations. e p(60 MeV)+9Be 8Li+2p+n distinguish the (3+1), (3+2) → n+7Li 8Li model from the oscillation → β decay: 8Li 8Be+e +ν¯ pattern (sterile neutrinos) − e → 20 cm 7Li (99.99%) sleeve Proton beam 9Be target surrounded by D2O ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page7/67 Short History on Cyclotrons First Cyclotron, E. Lawrence, Berkeley, 1929. The device is put into a magnetic field, curving the ion trajectories and one electrode is used several times. At the centre, a heated filament ionises an injected gas: This is the ion source Meson factories: LANL, Triumf & PSI PSI has still the record in intensity, 2.4 mA @ 590 MeV hundert’s of Cyclotrons are in operation, covering a wide range of application fields in basics sciences, technology and medicine. ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page8/67 The Principe of Charged Particle Accelerators & Cyclotrons m v2 0 =qvB (1) 0 ρ guide the particles accelerate the particles Revolution time t= 2πρ = 2πm0 v qB 0 t is not a function of Energy if β c (cid:28) 2π Cyclotron frequency ω = c t Constraint ω =nω rf c ∆E =qU ∼ ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page9/67 The Principe of Charged Particle Accelerators & Cyclotrons m v2 guide the particles 0 =qvB (1) 0 ρ accelerate the particles 2πρ 2πm Revolution time t= = 0 v qB 0 t is not a function of Energy if β c (cid:28) 2π Cyclotron frequency ω = c t Constraint ω =nω rf c ∆E =qU ∼ ComputationalParticleAcceleratorPhysics-MultidisciplinarySciencefornextgenerationAccelerators MITPhysicsColloquium-May2,2013Page9/67

Computational Particle Accelerator Physics - Multidisciplinary Science for next generation Accelerators. MIT Physics Colloquium - May 2, 2013 Page 1 / 67
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