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Lecture Notes in Computational Science 62 and Engineering Editors TimothyJ.Barth MichaelGriebel DavidE.Keyes RistoM.Nieminen DirkRoose TamarSchlick Frank Graziani Editor Computational Methods in Transport: Verification and Validation With77Figuresand33Tables ABC FrankGraziani LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory 7000EastAve. Livermore,CA94550-9234 USA graziani1@llnl.gov ISBN978-3-540-77361-0 e-ISBN978-3-540-77362-7 LectureNotesinComputationalScienceandEngineeringISSN1439-7358 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008920256 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):85A25,68U20,65Z05,65G99 (cid:1)c 2008Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsare liableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Coverdesign:WMXDesignGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 spinger.com Preface In a wide variety of applications, accurate simulation of particle transport is necessary whether those particles be photons, neutrinos, or charged parti- cles. For inertial confinement fusion, where one is dealing with either direct drive through photon or ion beams or indirect drive via thermal photons in a hohlraum, the accurate transport of energy around and into tiny capsules requires high-order transport solutions for photons and electrons. In astro- physics, the life cycle of the stars, their formation, evolution, and death all require transport of photons and neutrinos. In planetary atmospheres, cloud variability and radiative transfer play a key role in understanding climate. These few examples are just a small subset of the applications where an ac- curate and fast determination of particle transport is required. Computational Methods in Transport Workshop (CMTW) is devoted to providing a forum for interdisciplinary discussions among transport experts from a wide range of science, engineering, and mathematical disciplines. The goalis to advancethe fieldofcomputationaltransportby exposingthe meth- odsusedinaparticularfieldtoawideraudience,therebyopeningchannelsof communicationbetweenpractitionersinthefield.Theoriginalconceptforthe workshop was born at the SCaLeS (scientific case for large scale simulation) meeting held in Washington, DC in June 2003. The discussions at SCaLeS were lively and informative, and it was clear that the opportunity to meet with experts outside of a particular subfield created new insights into the problems being discussed. In 2004, the first CMTW was held at Granlibakken Conference Center in Lake Tahoe. A group of speakers and participants from academia, the national laboratories, and industry attended workshop. The workshop’s goal of providing a forum, where researchers could discuss successes and failures of their methods across discipline boundaries in an invigorating and relaxing atmosphere, that would benefit the transport community at large, was not only met but also greatly exceeded. As in 2004, the goal of CMTW in 2006 was to open channels of commu- nication and cooperation so that (1) existing methods used in one field could VI Preface be applied to other fields and (2) greater scientific resource could be brought to bear on the unsolved outstanding problems. In 2006, the focus was on a cross-cutting issue affecting all of the transport disciplines, verification and validation(V&V). To put it into as succinct a formas possible, arethe equa- tions being solved correctly, and are the correct equations being solved? A verificationand validation programassures a scientist that a simulation code mirrors reality and is not just an expensive computer game. The workshop attempted to bring together experts from various scientific and engineering disciplines that use transport with experts in the verification and validation community. Theexecutiveandscientificorganizingcommitteesworkedextremelyhard at putting together a conference designed to stimulate discussion and inter- action among attendees. My deepest thanks go out to them for their long and hard work. In addition, the continued support of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Mark Green and Stanley Osher of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) has been the main reason why the Computational Methods in Transport Workshop exists. Executive Committee: Frank Graziani (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Mark Green (IPAM and UCLA) David Keyes (Columbia University) James McGraw (Lawrence Livermore National laboratory) Stanley Osher (IPAM and UCLA) Scientific Committee: Marvin Adams (Texas A & M University) John Castor (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Anthony Davis (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Ivan Hubeny (University of Arizona) Tom Manteuffel (University of Colorado at Boulder) Tony Mezzacappa (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) List of Contributors John I. Castor N.A. Gentile Lawrence Livermore National Lab University of California P.O. Box 808 Lawrence Livermore National Livermore, CA 94551, USA Laboratory castor1@llnl.gov P.O. Box 808 Livermore, CA 94550, USA Anthony B. Davis gentile1@llnl.gov Los Alamos National Laboratory Space & Remote Sensing Group Frank Graziani (ISR-2) Lawrence Livermore National Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Laboratory adavis@lanl.gov Livermore, CA, 94550-9234, USA graziani1@llnl.gov R. Furfaro Department of Aerospace and Sri Harsha Tharkabhushanam Mechanical Engineering, University Institute of Computational of Arizona Engineering and Sciences, The Tucson, AZ, USA University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX, USA Irene M. Gamba harsha@ices.utexas.edu The Department of Mathematics and Institute of Computational J.C. Helton Engineering and Sciences, The Department of Mathematics and University of Texas at Austin Statistics, Arizona State University Austin, TX, USA Tempe, AZ 85287-1804, USA gamba@math.utexas.edu jchelto@sandia.gov B.D. Ganapol Franc¸ois M. Hemez Department of Aerospace and Los Alamos National Laboratory Mechanical Engineering, University X-1 Mail Stop B259 of Arizona Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA Tucson, AZ, USA hemez@lanl.gov VIII List of Contributors Kayo Ide A. Saltelli Institute of Geophysics and European Commission-Joint Planetary Physics and Department Research Centre of Atmospheric & Oceanic Ispra, Italy Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095,USA Didier Sornette kayo@atmos.ucla.edu Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics and Department of Earth & Space James R. Kamm Sciences, University of California Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Angeles, CA 90095,USA Applied Science & Methods Development Group (X-1) Laboratoire de Physique de la Los Alamos, NM 87545,USA Mati`ere Condens´ee (CNRS UMR kammj@lanl.gov 6622) and Universit´e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France David S. Miller and Lawrence Livermore National D-MTEC, ETH Zu¨rich Laboratory 8032 Zu¨rich, Switzerland Livermore, CA 94550, USA dsornette@ethz.ch millerds@llnl.gov Charles Tong B. Pinty Lawrence Livermore National Global Environment Monitoring Laboratory Unit, Institute of Environment Livermore, CA 94550-0808,USA and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission Jean-Luc Widlowski Ispra, Italy Global Environment Monitoring Unit, Institute of Environment M. Saisana and Sustainability, Joint Research European Commission-Joint Centre of the European Commission Research Centre Ispra, Italy Ispra, Italy Jean-Luc.Widlowski@jrc.it Contents Verification (Mostly) for High Energy Density Radiation Transport: Five Case Studies J.I. Castor ...................................................... 1 A General Strategy for Physics-Based Model Validation Illustrated with Earthquake Phenomenology, Atmospheric Radiative Transfer, and Computational Fluid Dynamics D. Sornette, A.B. Davis, J.R. Kamm, and K. Ide .................... 19 Spectral Solvers to Non-Conservative Transport for Non-Linear Interactive Systems of Boltzmann Type I.M. Gamba and S.H. Tharkabhushanam ............................ 75 The Art of Analytical Benchmarking B.D. Ganapol and R. Furfaro......................................105 Implicit Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulations of Four Test Problems N.A. Gentile ....................................................135 The Prompt Spectrum of a Radiating Sphere: Benchmark Solutions for Diffusion and Transport F. Graziani .....................................................151 Some Verification Problems with Possible Transport Applications D.S. Miller......................................................169 Canopy Reflectance Model Benchmarking: RAMI and the ROMC J.-L. Widlowski, B. Pinty, and The RAMI participants ...............177 X Contents Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Models of Complex Systems J.C. Helton .....................................................207 A Brief Overview of the State-of-the-Practice and Current Challenges of Solution Verification F.M. Hemez and J.R. Kamm......................................229 Expert Panel Opinion and Global Sensitivity Analysis for Composite Indicators M. Saisana and A. Saltelli ........................................251 A Practical Global Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Multi-Physics Applications C. Tong and F. Graziani..........................................277 Color Plates ...................................................301 Verification (Mostly) for High Energy Density Radiation Transport: Five Case Studies J.I. Castor Summary. In this review I will first describe some of thesalient characteristics of high-energy-densityphysics(HEDP),andin particular thechallenges ofsimulating HEDPradiationtransport.Thebalanceofthereviewistakenupwithdiscussionsof five case studies in HEDP radiation transport that illustrate some of the problems that are faced. The five case studies are: (1) the Marshak wave; (2) what I call the star-in-space problem; (3) the radiative shock wave; (4) the so-called crooked-pipe problem;and(5)acasethatillustrateshowseverethedifficultymaybeofchoosing a sufficient set of discrete angles for 3-D radiation transport. 1 Introduction In this review I will first describe some of the salient characteristics of high- energy-densityphysics(HEDP),andinparticularthechallengesofsimulating HEDP radiation transport. The balance of the review is taken up with dis- cussionsoffive casestudies inHEDP radiationtransportthatillustrate some of the problems that are faced. The five case studies are: (1) the Marshak wave;(2) what I call the star-in-spaceproblem; (3) the radiative shock wave; (4) the so-called crooked-pipe problem; and (5) a case that illustrates how severe the difficulty may be of choosing a sufficient set of discrete angles for 3-D radiation transport. 1.1 High-Energy-Density Physics Characteristics HEDPisacross-disciplinarysubject,andoverlapshigh-energyastrophysics– active galaxies and quasars, X-ray binary stars – on one side and mechani- cal engineering on the other. While it may be true that “Close only counts in horseshoes, hand-grenades and astrophysics,” the engineering applications make greater demands on the fidelity of the simulations. One key characteristic of those problems is complexity. This may be the geometrical complexity of an object assembled from tens of pieces with com- plicated shapes, and their very inhomogeneous material properties such as

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