Computational Methods for Nanoscale Applications Nanostructure Science and Technology SeriesEditor: DavidJ.Lockwood,FRSC NationalResearchCouncilofCanada Ottawa,Ontario,Canada Currentvolumesinthisseries: FunctionalNanostructures:Processing,CharacterizationandApplications EditedbySudiptaSeal LightScatteringandNanoscaleSurfaceRoughness EditedbyAlexeiA.Maradudin NanotechnologyforElectronicMaterialsandDevices EditedbyAnatoliKorkin,EvgeniGusev,andJanK.Labanowski NanotechnologyinCatalysis,Volume3 EditedbyBingZhou,ScottHan,RobertRaja,andGaborA.Somorjai NanostructuredCoatings EditedbyAlbanoCavaleiroandJeffT.DeHosson Self-OrganizedNanoscaleMaterials EditedbyMotonariAdachiandDavidJ.Lockwood ControlledSynthesisofNanoparticlesinMicroheterogeneousSystems VincenzoTurcoLiveri NanoscaleAssemblyTechniques EditedbyWilhelmT.S.Huck OrderedPorousNanostructuresandApplications EditedbyRalfB.Wehrspohn SurfaceEffectsinMagneticNanoparticles DinoFiorani InterfacialNanochemistry:MolecularScienceandEngineeringatLiquid-LiquidInterfaces EditedbyHitoshiWatarai NanoscaleStructureandAssemblyatSolid-FluidInterfaces EditedbyXiangYangLiuandJamesJ.DeYoreo IntroductiontoNanoscaleScienceandTechnology EditedbyMassimilianoDiVentra,StephaneEvoy,andJamesR.HeflinJr. AlternativeLithography:UnleashingthePotentialsofNanotechnology EditedbyCliviaM.SotomayorTorres SemiconductorNanocrystals:FromBasicPrinciplestoApplications EditedbyAlexanderL.Efros,DavidJ.Lockwood,andLeonidTsybeskov NanotechnologyinCatalysis,Volumes1and2 EditedbyBingZhou,SophieHermans,andGaborA.Somorjai (Continuedafterindex) Igor Tsukerman Computational Methods for Nanoscale Applications Particles, Plasmons and Waves 123 IgorTsukerman DepartmentofElectrical andComputerEngineering TheUniversityofAkron Akron,OH44325-3904 USA [email protected] SeriesEditor DavidJ.Lockwood NationalResearchCouncilofCanada Ottawa,Ontario Canada ISBN:978-0-387-74777-4 e-ISBN:978-0-387-74778-1 DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-74778-1 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007935245 (cid:1)c 2008SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC Allrightsreserved.Thisworkmaynotbetranslatedorcopiedinwholeorinpartwithoutthewritten permissionofthepublisher(SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC,233SpringStreet,NewYork,NY 10013,USA),exceptforbriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviewsorscholarlyanalysis.Useinconnection withanyformofinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilar ordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdevelopedisforbidden. Theuseinthispublicationoftradenames,trademarks,servicemarks,andsimilarterms,eveniftheyare notidentifiedassuch,isnottobetakenasanexpressionofopinionastowhetherornottheyaresubject toproprietaryrights. Cover Illustration: Real part of the electric field phasor in the Fujisawa-Koshiba photonic waveguide bend. From“ElectromagneticApplicationsofaNewFinite-DifferenceCalculus”,byIgorTsukerman,IEEE TransactionsonMagnetics,Vol.41,No.7,pp.2206–2225,2005. (cid:1)c 2005IEEE(bypermission). Printedonacid-freepaper. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To the memory of my mother, to my father, and to the miracle of M. Preface The purpose of this note ... is to sort out my own thoughts ... and to solicit ideas from others. Lloyd N. Trefethen ThreemysteriesofGaussianelimination Nobody reads prefaces. Therefore my preference would have been to write a shortonethatnobodywillreadratherthanalongonethatnobodywillread. However, I ought to explain, as briefly as possible, the main motivation for writing the book and to thank – as fully and sincerely as possible – many people who have contributed to this writing in a variety of ways. My motivation has selfish and unselfish components. The unselfish part is to present the elements of computational methods and nanoscale simulation to researchers, scientists and engineers who are not necessarily experts in computersimulation.Iamhopeful,though,thatpartsofthebookwillalsobe ofinteresttoexperts,asfurtherdiscussedintheIntroductionandConclusion. The selfish part of my motivation is articulated in L. N. Trefethen’s quote above. Whether or not I have succeeded in “sorting out my own thoughts” is not quite clear at the moment, but I would definitely welcome “ideas from others,” as well as comments and constructive criticism. * * * I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my parents for their incredible kindnessandselflessness,andtomywifeforherequallyincredibletoleranceof my character quirks and for her unwavering support under all circumstances. My son (who is a business major at The Ohio State University) proofread partsofthebook,replacedcommaswithsemicolons,singlequoteswithdouble quotes, and fixed my other egregious abuses of the English language. VIII Preface Overall, my work on the book would have been an utterly pleasant ex- perience had it not been interrupted by the sudden and heartbreaking death of my mother in the summer of 2006. I do wish to dedicate this book to her memory. Acknowledgment and Thanks Collaboration with Gary Friedman and his group, especially during my sabbatical in 2002–2003 at Drexel University, has influenced my research and the material of this book greatly. Gary’s energy, enthusiasm and innovative ideas are always very stimulating. During the same sabbatical year, I was fortunate to visit several research groups working on the simulation of colloids, polyelectrolytes, macro- and biomolecules. I am very grateful to all of them for their hospitality. I would particularly like to mention Christian Holm, Markus Deserno and Vladimir Lobaskin at the Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Polymerforschung in Mainz, Ger- many; Rebecca Wade at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Hei- delberg, and Thomas Simonson at the Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale in Strasbourg, France. Alexei Sokolov’s advanced techniques and experiments in optical sensors and microscopy with molecular-scale resolution had a strong impact on my students’andmyworkoverthelastseveralyears.IthankAlexeiforproviding a great opportunity for collaborative work with his group at the Department of Polymer Science, the University of Akron. Inthecourseofthelasttwodecades,Ihavebenefitedenormouslyfrommy communicationwithAlainBossavit(E´lectricit´edeFranceandLaboratoirede Genie Electrique de Paris), from his very deep knowledge of all aspects of computational electromagnetism, and from his very detailed and thoughtful analysis of any difficult subject that would come up. Isaak Mayergoyz of the University of Maryland at College Park has on many occasions shared his valuable insights with me. His knowledge of many areas of electromagnetism, physics and mathematics is very profound and often unmatched. My communication with Jon Webb (McGill University, Montr´eal) has al- ways been thought-provoking and informative. His astute observations and commentsmakecomplicatedmatterslookclearandsimple.Iwasverypleased thatProfessorWebbdevoted partofhissabbatical leavetoourjointresearch on Flexible Local Approximation MEthods (FLAME, Chapter 4). Yuri Kizimovich (Plassotech Corp., California) and I have worked jointly onavarietyofprojectsoverthelast25years.Hisoriginalthinkingandelegant solutions of practical problems have always been a great asset. Yury’s help and long-term collaboration are greatly appreciated. Even though over 20 years have already passed since the untimely death ofmythesisadvisor,Yu.V.Rakitskii,hisstudentsstillrememberverywarmly Preface IX his relentless strive for excellence and quixotic attitude to scientific research. Rakitskii’smaincontributionwastonumericalmethodsforstiffsystemsofdif- ferential equations. He was guided by the idea of incorporating, to the extent possible,analyticalapproximations intonumericalmethods.Thisapproachis manifest in FLAME that I believe Rakitskii would have liked. My sincere thanks go to • DmitryGolovaty(TheUniversityofAkron),forhishelponmanyoccasions and for interesting discussions. • Viacheslav Dombrovski, a scientist of incomparable erudition, for many pearls of wisdom. • Elena Ivanova and Sergey Voskoboynikov (Technical University of St. Petersburg, Russia), for their very, very diligent work on FLAME. • BenjaminYellen(DukeUniversity),formanydiscussions,innovativeideas, and for his great contribution to the NSF-NIRT project on magnetic as- sembly of particles. • Mark Stockman (Georgia State University), for sharing his very deep and broad knowledge and expertise in many areas of plasmonics and nano- photonics. • J. Douglas Lavers (the University of Toronto), for his help, cooperation and continuing support over many years. • Fritz Keilmann (the Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Biochemie in Martinsried, Germany), for providing an excellent opportunity for collaboration on problems in infrared microscopy. • BorisShoykhet(RockwellAutomation),anexcellentengineer,mathemati- cian and finite element analyst, for many valuable discussions. • Nicolae-Alexandru Nicorovici (University of Technology, Sydney, Aus- tralia), for his deep and detailed comments on “cloaking,” metamaterials, and properties of photonic structures. • H.NealBertram(UCSD–theUniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego),forhis support. I have always admired Neal’s remarkable optimism and enthusi- asm that make communication with him so stimulating. • Adalbert Konrad (the University of Toronto) and Nathan Ida (the Uni- versity of Akron) for their help and support. • Pierre Asselin (Seagate, Pittsburgh) for very interesting insights, particu- larlyinconnectionwitha priori errorestimatesinfiniteelementanalysis. • Sheldon Schultz (UCSD) and David Smith (UCSD and Duke) for famil- iarizing me with plasmonic effects a decade ago. I appreciate the help, support and opportunities provided by the Interna- tional Compumag Society through a series of the International Compumag Conferences and through personal communication with its Board and mem- bers: Jan K Sykulski, Arnulf Kost, Kay Hameyer, Franc¸ois Henrotte, Oszk´ar B´ıro´, J.-P. Bastos, R.C. Mesquita, and others. A substantial portion of the book forms a basis of the graduate course “Simulation of Nanoscale Systems” that I developed and taught at the X Preface University of Akron, Ohio. I thank my colleagues at the Department of Elec- trical&ComputerEngineeringandtwoDepartmentChairs,AlexisDeAbreu Garcia and Nathan Ida, for their support and encouragement. My Ph.D. students have contributed immensely to the research, and their work is frequently referred to throughout the book. Alexander Plaks worked on adaptive multigrid methods and generalized finite element methods for electromagneticapplications.LeonidProektwasinstrumentalinthedevelop- ment of generalized FEM, especially for the vectorial case, and of absorbing boundary conditions. Jianhua Dai has worked on generalized finite-difference methods. Frantisek Cˇajko developed schemes with flexible local approxima- tion and carried out, with a great deal of intelligence and ingenuity, a variety of simulations in nano-photonics and nano-optics. I gratefully acknowledge financial support by the National Science Foun- dation and the NSF-NIRT program, Rockwell Automation, 3ga Corporation and Baker Hughes Corporation. NECEurope(SanktAugustin,Germany)providednotonlyfinancialsup- port but also an excellent opportunity to work with Achim Basermann, an expert in high performance computing, on parallel implementation of the Generalized FEM. I thank Guy Lonsdale, Achim Basermann and Fabienne Cortial-Goutaudier for hosting me at the NEC on several occasions. A number of workshops and tutorials at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis1 have been exceptionally interesting and educational for me. I sincerelythanktheorganizers:DouglasArnold,DebraLewis,CheriShakiban, Boris Shklovskii, Alexander Grosberg and others. IamverygratefultoSergePrudhomme,thereviewerofthisbook,formany insightfulcomments,numerouscorrectionsandsuggestions,andespeciallyfor his careful and meticulous analysis of the chapters on finite difference and finite element methods.2 The reviewer did not wish to remain anonymous, which greatly facilitated our communication and helped to improve the text. Further comments, suggestions and critique from the readers is very welcome and can be communicated to me directly or through the publisher. Finally,IthankSpringer’seditorsfortheirhelp,cooperationandpatience. 1 Electrostatic Interactions and Biophysics, April–May 2004, Theoretical Physics Institute. Future Challenges in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, November 2004; New Paradigms in Computation, March 2005; Effective Theories for Materials and Macromolecules, June 2005; New Directions Short Course: Quantum Com- putation, August 2005; Negative Index Materials, October 2006; Classical and Quantum Approaches in Molecular Modeling, July 2007 – all at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, 2 Serge Prudhomme is with the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sci- ences (ICES), formerly known as TICAM, at the University of Texas at Austin.