COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Cover-to-cover translation of Zhurnal vychislitel’noi matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki LIST OF CONTENTS AND AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 36, 1996 © PERGAMON COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ZHURNAL VYCHISLITEL’NOI MATEMATIKI I MATEMATICHESKOI FIZIKI Chief Editor: YU. S. Osipov Deputy Chief Editor: M. K. KERIMOV EDITORIAL BOARD A . A. ABRAMOV S. P. KURDYUMOV V. V. VOEVODIN A . A. ARSEN’YEV A. A. SAMARSKII Yu. G. YEVTUSHENKO I. S. BAKHVALOV A. F. SIDOROV YE. P. ZHIDKOV A. P. FAVORSKII A. G. SVESHNIKOV Yu. I. ZHURAVLEV A. G. KULIKOVSKII F. P. VASIL’YEV Cover-to-cover translation of Zhurnal vychislitel’noi matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki Russian Original Copyright Nauka, 90 Profsoyuznaya ul., Moscow 117864 Scientific Translation Editor: R. C. GLAss, M.A., M.Sc., City University, London Translator: R. 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All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Rahway, NJ and additional entry points. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (ISSN 0965-5425) is published monthly in one volume, by Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, U.K. The annual subscription in the U.S.A. is US$1813. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics is distributed by Mercury Airfreight International Ltd, 2323 Randolph Avenue, Avenel, NJ 07001-2413. Postmaster: please send address corrections to Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics , c/o Elsevier Science Inc., Customer Support Department, 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, U.S.A. [Tel: (+1) 212-633-3730/1-888 4ES-INFO. Fax: (+ 1) 212-633-3680. E-mail: usinfo-f(]. The Item-Fee Code for this publication is: 0965—5425/96 $24.00 + .00. VOLUME CONTENTS VOL. 36, NO. | V. D. LISEIKIN The construction of structured adaptive grids—a review L. F. YUKHNO An algorithm for computing the rank and signature of a Hermitian partitioned-tridiagonal matrix A. I. KALININ, F. M. KIRILLOVA Optimization of systems with multidimensional controls according to and O. I. KOSTYUKOVA criteria which are invariant under some of the control effects E. N. GORDEYEV and V. K. LEONT’YEV A general approach to investigating the stability of solutions of problems of discrete optimization B. A. ISKENDEROV The principles of radiation for elliptic equations of higher order in a cylindrical domain R. R. GADYL’SHIN The asymptotic form of solutions of singularly perturbed Dirichlet problems R. V. KHACHATUROV A computational method of investigating the self-focusing of X-rays in a plasma A. V. SHCHEPROV A numerical investigation of the recondensation of a mixture of rarefied gases in a spherically symmetrical force field YE. I. VASIL’YEV A W-modification of Godunov’s method and its application to two- dimensional non-stationary flows of a dusty gas P. A. KRUTITSKII The second initial-boundary-value problem for the gravitational- gyroscopic wave equation N. YA. MOISEYEV Consistent approximation in Godunov-type difference schemes for one- dimensional problems of gas dynamics T. 1. SEREZHNIKOVA An algorithm for constructing sections and rectangular grids in domains in a plane VOL. 36, NO. 2 KH. D. IKRAMOV and V. N. CHUGUNOV Normality condition for a complex Toeplitz matrix L. V. CHONI and Yu. I. CHONI A modified minimum-residual algorithm R. P. TARASOV Digital spectral analysis in the algebra of formal polynomials and its application G. |. SHISHKIN Locally one-dimensional difference schemes for singularly perturbed parabolic equations N. G. UsHakov and A. A. FIRSOVA A monotone regularization method for one class of non-linear integral equations M. A. OL’SHANSKII The Stokes problem with a parameter A. A. Amosov and A. A. ZLOTNIK Quasi-averaged equations of the one-dimensional motion of a viscous barotropic medium with rapidly oscillating data KH. B. ALLAKHVERDIYEV The two-dimensional gravitational-gyroscopic wave equation and Yu. D. PLETNER A. V. KRAVTSOV Natural oscillations of a viscous, continuously stratified liquid in a closed and S. Ya. SEKERZH-ZENKOVICH vessel V. I. KOpPCHENOV and I. N. LASKIN A finite-difference scheme for the numerical solution of parabolized Navier-Stokes equations V.V. Aristov and I. G. MAMEDOVA Parallel algorithms for solving the Boltzmann kinetic equation I. V. SAVENKOV Unsteady axisymmetric flow through tubes with elastic walls A. T. Kas’ko, A. M. KRoT A fast algorithm for calculating the inverse convolution for signal and and YE. B. MINERVINA image reconstruction VOL. 36, NO. 3 Ku. D. IKRAMOV A canonical form for projectors under unitary similarity K. A. LEBEDEV A method of finding the initial approximation for Newton’s method A. M. SHLOMA The solution of operator equations with incomplete information I. P. MySOvSKIKH A representation of the reproducing kernel of a sphere F. P. Vasit’vyev, A. NEDICH A regularized continuous linearization method for minimization problems and M. YACHIMOVICH with inaccurate initial data P. N. VABISHCHEVICH Vector additive difference schemes for first-order evolutionary equations A. P. MIKHAILOV, V. V. STEPANOVA The existence and properties of self-similar solutions of the Cauchy and A. A. SHAMRAI problem for the equations of gas dynamics V. V. GUDKOV The explicit form of wave solutions of the evolutionary equations G. |. SHISHKIN The grid approximation of parabolic equations with singular initial conditions V. M. BELov, N. S. DozorTsEva, A two-stage version of a scheme for solving the two-dimensional heat T. A. RYBAL’CHENKO and V. A. SUKHANOV conduction equation with rapidly changing coefficients Yu. N. SUBBOTIN Near-orthogonalization in the finite element method M. P. GALANIN An estimate of the spectral boundaries of a difference operator for problems of quasistationary electrodynamics A. V. RODIONOV A numerical method for solving Euler’s equations which retains the approximation on a deformed net S. P. Popov A modification of the Shasta gas-dynamic scheme N. V. PoGorELov and A. Yu. SEMENOV A modification of the non-reflecting boundary conditions for gas-dynamic simulation in astrophysics M.N. Vyacyi, E. N. GORDEYEV The stability of the Voronoi diagram and S. P. TARASOV Yu. A. KRIKSIN Solutions of the system of Hamilton difference equations with external action VOL. 36, NO. 4 1996 A. S. Popov Cubature formulae of high orders of accuracy for a sphere which are invariant with respect to the tetrahedral group A. F. IZMAILOV Lagrange methods for finding degenerate solutions of conditional extremum problems A. S. ANTIPIN, A. NEDICH A two-step linearization method for minimization problems and M. YACHIMOVICH V. I. PINCHUKOV Flow correction in multidimensional problems of hyperbolic and parabolic type V.S. RYABEN’KII Potentials for general linear systems of difference equations on abstract grids S. L. DEGTYAREV The stability of locally implicit difference schemes for the two-dimensional heat-conduction equation S. P. Popov Examples of numerical solutions of the stable Kadomtsev—Petviashvili equation with sources A. I. TOLSTYKH and D. A. SHIROBOKOV Difference schemes with compact fifth-order approximations for spatial flows of a viscous gas I. A. VASIN The inverse problem of selecting a linearization coefficient for the Navier— Stokes equations with integral overdetermination S. S. MAKHANOV and A. Yu. SEMENOV A two-dimensional non-negative algorithm for calculating the flow of a liquid in an open channel V. A. VSHIVKOV The approximation properties of the particles-in-cells method V. V. Aristov, F. G. CHEREMISIN Unsteady reflection of a shock from a wedge for the Boltzmann equation and I. N. SHISHKOVA L. A. BAZYMA A modification of Godunov’s finite difference scheme on a mobile grid and V. I. KHOLYAVKO G. K. KAMENEV An algorithm for approximating polyhedra K. G. SABIRYANOVA An additive optimum covering problem Yu. A. KRIKSIN Constructing conservative difference schemes for problems of classical mechanics VO3L6, .NO. 5 1996 L. F. YUKHNO An eigenvalue property of the product of two rectangular matrices F. P. VasiL’ Ev, A. Nepié A two-step regularized method of linearization for solving minimization and M. YACHIMOVICH problems A. F. IZMAILOV Higher-order methods for finding irregular solutions of non-linear operator equations A. G. KOROTCHENKO An approximately optimal algorithm for finding an extremum for a certain class of functions I. V. KONNOV A general approach to finding stationary points and the solution of related problems E. N. GORDEYEV The method of non-uniform coverings for a special form of discrete optimization M. M. SMIRNOV The logical convolution of the criterion vector in the problem of approximating a Pareto set A. S. AVDEYEV and A. B. VASIL’YEVA A step-type contrasting structure for a system of two singularly perturbed second-order equations V. YE. VOLKOV Asymptotically fast approximate methods of solving Laplace’s difference equation in a cube Yu. I. MOKIN A special method for computing the matrices of difference schemes for one-dimensional integral equations J. AHNER, V. V. DYAKIN Eigenvectors of the magnetostatic operator for a spheroid and V. YA. RAYEVSKII V. P. ORLOV Non-local solvability of a one-dimensional mathematical model of viscoelasticity O. A. Dremov, A. KH. PERGAMENT, A method of modelling the development of sedimentary basins Yu. A. POVESHCHENKO and Ye. A. SAMARSKAYA G. G. MALINETSKII Cellular automata for some gas dynamic processes and M. YE. STEPANTSOV V. P. KozYREV The description and generation of all minimal colourings of an interval graph and the solution of associated problems S. I. Dupov An inner bound of a convex set by a norm body Corrigendum VOL. 36, NO. 6 YE. YE. TYRTYSHNIKOV Parallel methods for generalized Toeplitz systems KH. D. IkRAMOvV and V. N. CHUGUNOV Rational solvability of the inverse Silva problem Ye. F. GALBA Iterative methods for calculating a weighted pseudoinverse O. N. NovoseLov and A. F. FoMIN The efficiency of discrete sine and cosine transforms of random sequences V. P. GERGEL’ A method of using derivatives in the minimization of multiextremum functions V. F. Butuzov and Ye. A. DERKUNOVA Asymptotic form of the solution of the heat conduction equation with a non-linear heat source in a thin rod A. Yu. SHCHEGLOV The monotonicity of the solution of the mixed problem for the quasilinear heat-conduction equation with a discontinuous coefficient S. I. SOLOV’YEVA The uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem for the stationary heat equation I]. O. ARUSHANYAN Numerical solution of boundary integral equations of the second kind in domains with corners V. V. TERNOVSKII and A. M. KHAPAYEV Statement and solution of a problem of the theory of non-linear oscillations N. V. MUZYLEV The uniqueness of the solution of an inverse problem of non-equilibrium sorption dynamics Yu. S. KosoLapovy and A. S. LIBERZON An implicit relaxation method for calculating steady two-dimensional flows of a spontaneously condensing vapour N. S. VASILYEV A parallel algorithm and computer architecture for calculating an inertia matrix Yu. G. BULYCHEY and I. V. BuRLAI The differentiation of functions with a finite spectrum on a non-uniform interpolation grid VOL. 36, NO. 7 A. GeorGE and Ku. D. IKRAMOV Hankel matrices commuting with tridiagonal matrices V. N. KUBLANOVSKAYA The estimation of irremovable errors A. F. IzMaiLov and A. A. TRET’YAKOV Local regularization of certain classes of non-linear operator equations Yu. G. YEVTUSHENKO and V. G. ZHADAN Dual barrier-projection and barrier-Newton methods for linear programming vi D. VasiLe and A. V. GULIN 861 A difference eigenvalue problem D. Yu. Ivanov and R. P. TARASOV 869 Numerical solution of integral equations with a one-parameter symmetry semi-group R. R. GADYL’SHIN 889 Perturbation of the Laplacian spectrum when there is a change in the type of boundary condition on a small part of the boundary I. D. TURETAYEV 899 An investigation of finite difference schemes for the modified Korteweg— de Vries equation P. G. AKISHIN, I. V. PUZYNIN 915 A method for the numerical solution of three-dimensional polaron and Yu. S. SMIRNOV equations V. L. KAMSKII, YU. V. MEDVEDEV 923 The method of stochastic dynamics in the Wigner formulation of quantum and V. S. FILINOV mechanics A. YE. POYEDINCHUK, YU. A. TUCHKIN 935 Wave diffraction in a locally heterogeneous medium and V. P. SHESTOPALOV V. B. KARAMYSHEV, V. M. KOVENYA, 947 A method of accelerating the convergence of the method of global S. G. CHERNY!I and P. A. SHASHKIN iterations for solving simplified Navier-Stokes equations V. A. TUPCHIYEV 957 The global solvability of Cauchy’s problem for a system of gas-dynamics equations describing barotropic spatial flow D. BAHLMANN and V. G. KORNEYEV 969 A fast solver for the clamped plate problem in a rectangle based on a boundary potentials method VOL. 36, NO. 8 1996 V. N. KUBLANOVSKAYA 983 Relative factorization of polynomials of several variables and V. B. KHAZANOV Ku. D. IKRAMOV 989 A method of recognizing a regular eigenvalue S. G. SOLODKI 991 The discretization of ill-posed problems A. V. VOITISHEK 997 Discrete-stochastic procedures for the global estimation of an integral which depends on a parameter V. M. RYABOV 1011 Quadrature formulae for evaluating singular integrals of oscillating functions A. A. ABRAMOV and A. A. ASLANYAN 1017 Ona singular boundary-value problem for linear Hamiltonian systems of ordinary differential equations M. K. KERIMOV 1027 Special functions which occur in the theory of non-linear oscillations G. Yu. KULIKOV 1041 Convergence theorems for iterative Runge-Kutta methods with a constant integration step S. I. SERDYUKOVA 1055 A CAS REDUCE investigation of the stability of Rusanov’s scheme with conditions at domain joints V. B. ANDREYEV and N. V. KopTeva 1065 A study of difference schemes with the first derviative approximated by a central difference ratio A. V. GULIN and L. F. YUKHNO 1079 Numerical investigation oft he stability of two-layer difference schemes for the two-dimensional heat-conduction equation P. A. KRUTITSKII 1087 The mixed problem for the Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected region A. B. SAMOKHIN and A. S. SAMOKHINA 1097 A method of solving problems of the diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a three-dimensional dielectric solid A. I. Boropin, V. A. IVANOV 1113. Numerical investigation of supersonic flow around blunt bodies in the and S. V. PEIGIN model of a viscous shock layer Ye. M. SHAKHOV 1123 The axisymmetric non-linear steady flow of a rarefied gas in a pipe of circular cross-section Vii P. K. VOLKOV Calculation of local characteristics of a liquid with gas bubbles A. G. Kuz’MIN The interaction of a shock wave with a sonic line M. A. Naipa and A. S. FONAREV A modification of the method of alternating directions for calculating axisymmetric unsteady transonic flows Ye. V. Dyukova, Yu. I. ZHURAVLEV Algebraic-logic synthesis of correct recognition procedures based on and K. V. RUDAKOV elementary algorithms VO3L6, .NO. 9 1996 . B. BAKUSHINSKII 1169 Linear approximation of the solutions of non-linear operator equations . A. MoROZOV 1175 Regularization when there is considerable interference . F. IZMAILOV 1183 Stable methods for finding 2-regular solutions of non-linear operator equations . S. LEONOV 1193 Functions of several variables with bounded variation in ill-posed problems . S. TIKHONOV 1205 Mixed global and local search methods as optimization algorithms ._S. ALEKSEYEV 1213 Algorithms for the multicriterial comparison of versions of the solution where the criteria are ranked in importance . N. SHABLITSKAYA 1223 The solution of Cauchy’s problem for a system of second-order linear differential equations, unsolvable for the highest derivative G. |. SHISHKIN 1233 Approximation of the solutions and diffusion flows of singularly perturbed boundary-value problems with discontinuous initial conditions A. B. VASIL’YEVA, N. N. NEFEDOV 1251] An internal transition layer in a singularly perturbed initial-value problem and I. V. RADCHENKO M. B. TVERSKOI 1257 Non-linear waves in a stratified liquid which are independent of the vertical coordinate P. V. PLOTNIKOV and L. V. SHURSHALOV 1265 Radiation effects in the intense interaction of a cloud of interplanetary dust and the earth’s atmosphere V. V. NEGODA and K. G. SAYADYAN 1277 The use of transonic slender-body theory to calculate the spatial flow over — a wing-fuselage configuration A. P. MALYSHEV 1295 A monotone difference scheme of increased accuracy for the computer simulation of wave processes A. N. KRAIKO and N. I. TILLYAYEVA 1299 The method of characteristics and semi-characteristic variables in problems of profiling supersonic parts of axisymmetric and plane nozzles B. D. ANNIN and V. M. SADOvVSKII 1313 The numerical realization of a variational inequality in the dynamics of elastoplastic bodies VO3L6, .NO. 10 1996 M. V. Noskov and A. R. SEMENOVA Cubature formulae of high trigonometric accuracy for periodic functions of four variables N. D. MOROZKIN The convergence of finite-dimensional approximations in the problem of the optimal one-dimensional heating taking phase constraints into account I. 1.M ELAMED and I. KH. SIGAL A computational investigation of linear parametricization of criteria in multicriteria discrete programming N. A. MELLER, B. V. PAL’TSEV A rapidly convergent iterative domain-decomposition method for and I. Il. CHECHEL’ boundary-value problems for a second-order elliptic equation with a parameter Vill N. A. STRELKOV Cross-type projection-grid analogues of the Laplace operator I. V. DENISOV A boundary-value problem for a quasilinear singularly perturbed parabolic equation in a rectangle A. L. GLADKOV Unbounded solutions of the non-linear heat-conduction equation with strong convection at infinity G. P. ASTRAKHANTSEV The decomposition method for solving elliptic problems in a three- dimensional domain S. V. BOGATYREV Slow motions in the combustion problem in the case of an autocatalytic reaction A. A. ABRAMOV, A. YE. MIKHINOV The instability of longshore currents in the breaker zone and V. I. UL’YANOVA A. A. Amosov and A. A. ZLOTNIK An estimate of the error of quasi-averaging of the equations of motion of a viscous barotropic medium with rapidly oscillating data M. A. GIL’MAN, A. G. MIKHEYEV The two-scale model and other methods for the approximate solution of and T. L. TKACHENKO the problem of diffraction by rough surfaces V. V. OSTAPENKO A method of increasing the order of the weak approximation of the laws of conservation on discontinuous solutions D. V. SADIN A modified large-particle method for calculating unsteady gas flows in a porous medium S. A. VELICHKO, N. A. VLADIMIROVA, The influence of permeable boundaries on transonic flow past an airfoil Yu. B. Lirsuits, I. A. SOLNTSEV and A. M. SOROKIN A. B. AL’SHIN, YU. D. PLETNER The solvability of one external initial and boundary-value problem for the and A. G. SVESHNIKOV ion-acoustic wave equation V. G. IMEDASHVILI and E. N. POTETYUNKO A variational approach to the construction of the asymptotic form in the problem of the harmonic oscillations of a liquid VO3L6, .NO. 11 1996 L. A. KNIZHNERMAN The simple Lanczos procedure: estimates of the error of the Gauss quadrature formula and their applications V. P. GerpDT, V. N. RoOBUK The construction of finitely represented Lie algebras and V. M. SEVER’YANOV N. L. ZMATRAKOV Approximation by local two-dimensional splines of smoothness C R. P. TARASOV Numerical inversion of integral Wiener-Hopf operators with a causative operator kernel in multidimensional inverse problems of unsteady heat conduction T. K. MELIKOV An analogue of Pontryagins’s maximum principle in systems with neutral- type delay M. K. KERIMOV On certain special functions that arise in the solution of ordinary differential equations by asymptotic methods A. A. ASLANYAN The investigation of certain properties of the self-conjugate eigenvalue problem I. A. SAVIN The rate of convergence on a piecewise-uniform grid of a difference scheme for the parabolic equation B. M. PALATNIK and V. I. PISKAREV The use of a high-accuracy numerical scheme to model two-phase flow through a porous medium A. M. Denisov and A. A. Popov Two-dimensional Doppler tomography ix O. A. VYACHKILEV. N. B. IL*INSKII. The inverse boundary-value problem for a turbine cascade situated on an G. R. ISMAGILOVA. A. V. POTASHEV axisymmetric stream surface in a layer of variable thickness and YE. V. POTASHEVA B. V. PAVLov and O. YE. RODIONOVA An averaging technique for the discretization of the kinetic integro- differential equation K. V. Popov and A. V. TIKHONRAVOV New uniqueness classes for determining the parameters of a stratified medium from its energy reflectance A. YU. SEMENOV A method of calculating the non-linear filtration equation for which the solution satisfies bilateral estimates VOL. 36, NO. 12 1996 B. 1. KVASOV Algorithms of isogeometric approximation by generalized cubic splines V. F. SNIGIREV A non-classical version of the boundary conditions for a cubic vector spline M. L. GriGor’yveEVA and Ye. I. OSTROVSKII Computing integrals of discontinuous functions by the method of dependent tests N. S. VASIL’YEV The search for a fixed point of a consistently monotone mapping V. G. MALINOV Four-parameter two-step projection minimization methods V. B. ANDREYEV and I. A. SAVIN The computation of boundary flow with uniform accuracy with respect to a small parameter I. V. DENISOV An estimate of the residual term in the asymptotic form of the solution of a boundary-value problem V. K. SAUL’ YEV*® A difference method for solving parabolic equations of any order N. S. BAKHVALOV, G. P. PANASENKO The effective properties of structures and composites with inclusions in the and M. E. EGLit form of walls and rods S. A. VELICHKO, Yu. B. LiFsHITs, Correction for the influence of the walls of a transonic wind tunnel V. M. NEILAND and I. A. SOLNTSEV I. V. YeEGorov and D. V. IvANov The use of fully implicit monotone schemes to model plane internal flows Yu. V. ZAIKA The solvability of the equations for a model of gas transfer through membranes with dynamic boundary conditions A. V. SHCHEPROV Calculation of the electron distribution function of a semiconductor plasma in an electric field I. N. LARINA and V. A. Rykov Calculation of plane flows of a rarefied gas at low Knudsen numbers 1. V. SAVENKOV The development of wave packets in a boundary layer on a bumpy surface Letter to the Editor Yu. G. YEVTUSHENKO and V. G. ZHADAN Concerning some publications on internal point methods Volume Contents/Author Index for Volume 36, 1996