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Preview Computational Investigation of the Performance and Back-Pressure Limits of a Hypersonic Inlet

5 d ?,:_,'_:i ! AIAA 2002 - 0508 Computational Investigation of the Performance and Back-Pressure Limits of a Hypersonic Inlet \ Mach Number 116,000 4.500 510.50000 0.000 Michael K. Smart Jeffery A. White Lockheed Martin Engineering and Hypersonic Airbreathing Sciences Propulsion Branch NASA Langley Research Center NASA Langley Research Center 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit 14-17 January 2002 / Reno, NV I For permission to copy or republish, contact the copyright owner named on the first page. For AIAA-held copy- right, write to AIAA, Permissions Oepartment, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344. Computational Investigation of the Performance and Back-Pressure Limits of a Hypersonic Inlet Michael K. Smart Nomenclature Aeronautical Engineer A,C,E,G,I,K pressure instrumentation Lockheed Martin Engineering and streamlines Sciences H enthalpy; zero-base reference NASA Langley Research Center rh mass flow rate MS 168, Hampton VA 23681. M Mach number p pressure Jeffery A. White PR inlet compression ratio; pJp_ Aerospace Engineer Pr inlet total pressure recovery; Pt.e/Pt.I Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion q dynamic pressure Branch R gas constant for air = 287.035 J/kg K NASA Langley Research Center Re Reynolds number MS 168, Hampton VA 23681. T temperature x axial length along model y height Abstract z width A computational analysis of Mach 6.2 t2 angle-of-attack operation of a hypersonic inlet with rectangular- 2/ ratio of specific heats to-elliptical shape transition has been performed. The results of the computations are compared ODET Turning angle for detached shock with experimental data for cases with and OLE External turning angle of the cowl without a manually imposed back-pressure. leading edge While the no-back-pressure numerical solutions r/xp Process Efficiency match the general trends of the data, certain features observed in the experiments did not 1- (pR)<' r,/r appear in the computational solutions. The T]KI) = (cid:0)IT) ''-y''r I--(L, I /Tt.e)(PR reasons for these discrepancies are discussed and r/m; Kinetic Energy Efficiency possible remedies are suggested. Most importantly, however, the computational analysis increased the understanding of the consequences of certain aspects of the inlet design. This will enable the performance of future inlets of this class to be improved. Subscripts Computational solutions with back-pressure I inlet entrance under-estimated the back-pressure limit back Back-pressure observed in the experiments, but did supply c stagnation chamber significant insight into the character of highly e inlet exit back-pressured inlet flows. n normal t total t2 Pitot w wall Introduction Copyright © 2002 by M.K.Smart, published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and The design of efficient inlets for hypersonic vehicles utilizing airframe integrated Astronautics, Inc. with permission. scramjetmodulesisa subjectof interesitn the forward point. The throat was 28.6 cm (11.3 in) high-speedpropulsioncommunity. In these downstream of cowl closure, and was followed configurationtshevehiclebowshockperforms by a 15.2 cm (6 in) long elliptical isolator. The theinitialcompressiona,ndthecaptureshape inlet had an overall contraction ratio of 4.74 and fortheinletofeachscramjemt oduleisrequired an internal contraction ratio of 2.15. The toberectangular.Otherrequirementasrethat capture area of 113.8 cm2 (17.6 in2 ) was 15.2 inletswill startbeforeramjettake-ovesrpeeds cm (6.0 in) wide, 11.0 cm (4.3 in) high at its arereached(Mach3-4),operateovera large plane of symmetry, and had sharp leading edges. Machnumberrange,andbeefficientduring Inlet instrumentation consisted of vehiclecruise. For structuraland heating surface pressure taps, Pitot and static pressure reasonst,hereisalsoastrongdesiretohavean probes and co-axial surface thermocouples. intakewithfixedgeometryandnorequirement Figure 2 shows a schematic of the nominal for boundarylayerbleed. Anotherdesirable streamlines along which surface pressure taps featureofa hypersonicinletforsomescramjet were distributed in the inlet. Pressure taps were applicationsis a transitionfroma rectangular concentrated on the right-hand side of the model capturetoanellipticalthroat.Thistransitionis (as the model had a vertical plane of symmetry) desirablebecausetheinletmaythenbeusedin and were placed on the six streamlines (labeled combinationwith anellipticalcombustor.An A, C, E, G, I and K in Fig. 2) at 15 different ellipticalcombustoirs superiortoarectangular axial stations along the inlet. A photograph of combustorin termsof the structuralweight the cruciform rake is shown in Fig. 3. It was required to withstand a specified installed at the exit of the inlet and contained 24 pressure/thermloaald,andthelevelofheatload Pitot probes and 12 static probes. The static and viscousdrag generatedper poundof probes were equally spaced along the horizontal processeadir.Ellipticalcombustoraslsoreduce and vertical branches of the rake, whereas, the undesirableeffectsassociatedwith hypersonic Pitot probes were concentrated near the walls to cornefrlows. more accurately measure the viscous losses in A detailedmethodologfyor thedesign the inlet. The static probes were designed for offixedgeometryr,ectangular-to-ellipticsahlape internal supersonic flow measurements using the transition(REST)inletswasreportedin Ref.l. method of Pinckney. 3 A description of the experimental testing of a REST inlet with a design point of Mach 6.0 in a Property Test Point 1 Test Point 2 hypersonic wind tunnel with a freestream Mach Pc MPa (psia) 3.01 (437) 2.67 (390) number of 6.2 was reported in Ref. 2. The HcMJ/kg (BTU/lbm) 0.702 (302) 0.556 (239) current paper describes the computational Mj 6.176 6.178 analysis of the Mach 6.0 REST inlet flowfields Pt kPa (psia) 1.393 (0.202) 1.241 (0.180) generated at conditions corresponding to the Tt K(°R) 81.1 (145.9) 64.0(115.3) experiments. 2 Computational solutions are Pt._ MPa (psia) 2.672 (387.5) 2.366 (343.1) presented for conditions with and without a Tt.j K(°R) 690(1242) 550(991) manually applied back-pressure. Rel x 106 m-I (ft "1) 12.0 (3.66) 15.6 (4.77) ql kPa (psi') 37.3 (779) 33.2 (694) Experimental Model_ Instrumentation and rnzkg/s (lb/s) 0.757 (1.669) 0.760 (I.675) Test Conditions Figure I shows a photograph of the Capture Area cm 2 I 13.8 (17.64) 113.8 (17.64) three-dimensional inlet model that was used in (in') the experiments of Ref. 2. The complete model Table 1. Wind Tunnel Test Conditions. was 175 cm (69 in.) in length and consisted of the REST inlet, a cruciform rake, a dump- The experiments were conducted in the isolator tube, a mass flow meter, and supporting NASA Langley Arc Heated Scramjet Test structure. The inlet had highly swept leading Facility (AHSTF). 4 AHSTF Mach 6.2 nozzle edges, a total length of 94.6 cm (37.2 in), and calibrations are reported in Ref. 5 for a range of cowl closure 50.8 cm (19.9 in) from the most wind tunnel total conditions. These indicated thatthenozzleflowcontainedvortexpairsatthe domain was decomposed into is also shown in mid-point of each wall, and some non- Fig. 4. Regions are defined in VULCAN as a uniformityof propertiesin thecore. Theinlet block or a group of blocks that are solved wasthereforepositionedso thatits projected together simultaneously and that are solved capturetubecontainedashighaproportionof using the same algorithm. In this case the coreflowaspossible.Twonominaltestpoints regions consist of groups of blocks solved using wereestablishefdortheexperimentaplrogram. either a psuedo-temporal space-marching TableI lists the facility stagnationchamber procedure to solve the parabolized Navier- conditionsfor these test points and the Stokes (PNS) equations or a spacially elliptic equivalenIt-D propertiesoftheflowwithinthe (hyperbolic in time) procedure to solve the full inletcapturestreamtube. TheseI-D properties Navier-Stokes (FNS) equations. Each plane of wereusedasuniforminflowconditionsforthe the space-marched regions was converged four computations. orders of magnitude in the root-mean-square of the L_,norm of the residual before advancing to Computational Anal?sis the next plane. The elliptic regions were The NASA Langley code VULCAN 6 converged four orders of magnitude in the root- was used to solve the inlet flowfield on typical mean-square of the L_ norm of the residual in grids with between 1.17 and 1.25 million grid the aggregate. points. VULCAN is a 3-D, upwind, viscous, Several interesting grid generation compressible flow solver, for cell-centered techniques were used to improve grid quality structured multi-block grids. For the current and to simplify the grid generation process. The computations the working fluid was air which grids used were generated with GRIDGEN such was assumed to behave as a calorically perfect that no singularities (collapsed block faces) were gas with 2/= 1.4. The two-equation k-co present. This was made possible by employing model of Wilcox 7 was used to model the grid block topologies such as displayed in Fig.5, which shows a portion of the grid used to mode/ turbulence and the wall matching functions of Wilcox 7 were also used to reduce the number of the most forward leading edge of the inlet. In addition, discontinuous or non-C(0) block-to- grid points required to resolve the wall boundary block patching, a new feature recently layers. Both the external flow below the inlet incorporated into VULCAN, was utilized to and the internal flow through the inlet were solved. simplify the grid generation process. The non- C(0) block-to-block patching allows solution The computations were performed using information to be communicated among blocks a distributed memory parallel (MPI) version of VULCAN on 10 of the 18 (667 MHz DEC whose faces are partially or fully collocated but whose face grid point coordinates are not C(0) Alpha 21264 CPU) compute nodes that make up continuous across the block-to-block interface. the Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion Branch (HAPB) HyprWulf cluster. This parallel cluster runs Ver. 7.0 of the Red Hat Linux operating Computational Results and Comparisons system and uses the MPICH form of MPI to with Experiments communicate over a fast Ethernet private Two Mach 6.2 nozzle test conditions were network. The CPU time required for a solution included in the experimental test program (Table without back-pressure was approximately 8 1). Two CFD solutions of the inlet were hours. Solutions with back-pressure typically completed for Test Point 2; one with back- required 48 hours of computation. pressure (T,JTt._ = 0.647) and one without back- The grid topology used for the pressure (T,JT_.I = 0.631). A single CFD computations contained either 41 blocks for solution without back-pressure (T,,,/Tt 1= 0.438) cases without back-pressure or 43 blocks for was completed for Test Point 1. While the two cases with back-pressure. Figure 4 presents a solutions without back-pressure had different side view of the grid on the symmetry plane. values of T,,./Tt._ and Reynolds number, the The number of regions that the computational features of the flowfileds were quite similar, so the following discussion of the Test Point 2 solutionwithoutback-pressuirsealsoapplicable conditions of the current work. The shape of the tothesolutionperformeadtTestPointI. highly swept cowl leading edges was determined The computationarlesultsare compared in the inlet design procedure _ to be coincident directly with the data collected in the with the shock generated by the top and side experimentaplrogram2. This data was in the leading edges at the design point of Mach 6.0. form of: However, for a shock to remain attached to a 1. Surface pressure measurements along swept leading edge, the external turning angle of the six instrumentation streamlines. the leading edge must be less than the shock 2. Pitot and static pressure probe detachment angle normal to the leading edge. measurements at the exit of the inlet. Figure 8 shows a plot of the normal Mach 3. I-D performance properties calculated number (M,), the external angle of the cowl by integration of the probe data at the leading edge (OLE), and the shock detachment exit of the inlet. angle (/gnET) corresponding to M,, versus CFD solutions without Back-Pressure streamwise distance along the cowl leading Figure 6 shows the symmetry plane edges. It is clear from Fig. 8 that t_LE > Ore:T Mach number contours of the computational along a good proportion of the length of the solution of the REST inlet flowfield at Test cowl leading edges. Hence the shock Point 2, TJTt, I = 0.631, o' =0.0 ° and no back- detachment shown in Fig. 7 should be present at pressure. Note that the shock wave generated by Mach 6.2 for this inlet. Reduction of 0_.E such the top and side leading edges of the inlet that 0t.L. < tgoEr along the length of the cowl focuses near the crotch of the cowl, and reflects back towards the top of the inlet where it is would be expected to improve inlet efficiency at substantially cancelled at the inlet throat. A conditions close to the design point of Mach 6.0. At conditions below Mach 6.0 the shock from small amount of flow spillage appears below the cowl in Fig. 6; however, the inlet mass capture the top and side leading edges passes below the was computed to be very close to 100% of the cowl leading edges with no adverse effects. flow in the capture tube, as compared with the Figure 9 shows a comparison of the value of 96% obtained from flow-meter experimental and CFD generated surface measurements in the experiment. pressure distributions along the instrumentation More features of the highly three- streamlines (Fig. 2). In the portion of the inlet dimensional inlet flowfield are shown in Fig. 7, upstream of the crotch the experimental and which highlights the Mach number contours in computational pressure distributions are almost two cross-planes normal to the streamwise identical. Downstream of the crotch the direction; one plane upstream of the cowl experimental and computational distributions closure and one downstream of the crotch but show the same trends and attain similar pressure before the throat. The axial positions of these levels at the exit. However, the experimental cross-planes are shown in Fig. 6. Note the data showed evidence of a shock wave curved nature of the shock generated by the top beginning on the cowl (streamline I) at x = 32 and side leading edges (shown in the leading in. that propagated downstream until it reached cross-plane) and also that it was not attached to the top of the inlet (streamline A) at x = 37 in. the cowl leading edges. Also note that the Figure 10(a) shows the normalized Pitot reflected cowl shock is curved and essentially and static pressure distributions on the sweeps across the cowl and side of the inlet as it horizontal branch of the exit rake, along with the propagates downstream to the throat. The corresponding computational results. The CFD interaction of the swept cowl shock with the and experimental values match reasonably well, inlet boundary layer produces some local except near the center of the rake where the bulging of the cowl boundary layer. experimental Pitot pressure is lower and the Shock detachment at the cowl leading experimental static pressure is higher than in the edges was an unexpected feature of the REST computation. Figure 10(b) shows a comparison inlet flowfield at the slightly over-sped of the Mach number and total pressure distributions calculated from these rake conditionsand uniform inflow. Therefore, measuremenwtsith thecomputation.Asone differencebsetweentheexperimenatndtheCFD wouldexpect,theexperimenatndCFDmatch musteitherbeduetodifferencesin theinflow upreasonablwyellawayfromthecenterofthe conditions,deficienciesin the computational rake,but the differencesnearthe symmetry modelor someunexpectedflow phenomenon. planeareevenmorepronouncedthanin Fig. Themajordifferencesbetweentheexperimental 10(a).ThereducedPitottostaticpressurreatio measuremenatsndthe computationaslolution intheexperimenletadstoanoticeabldeipinthe werethepresenceofashockwavepropagating Machnumberin thecenterof therakeanda downstreamoftheinletthroat,andthepresence correspondingdrop in total pressure. In of a regionof low momentumflow nearthe contrastt,hecomputationaslolutionshowedno cowl at the inlet exit. After significant evidenceof anydropin theMachnumberor investigationof all aspectsof theexperimental totalpressurenearthecenteroftherake.Probe programandthecomputationaalnalysis,some interferencaendotherproblemasssociatewdith possiblecauseosfthesedifferenceasre: rakemeasurementhsavebeenruled out as 1. The assumptionof uniform inflow causeosfthephenomeno2n. conditionsinthecomputations. Figure1l(a)showsthenormalizePditot 2. Inadequatemodelingof theflow near andstaticpressuredistributionsonthevertical theinletsideleadingedges. branch of the exit rake, along with the 3. A smallpositiveangle-of-attacokf the correspondincgomputationarelsults.Herethe inletrelativeto thenozzleduringthe differencesbetweenthe experimentaland experiments. computationarlesultsare morepronounced. With regard to (1), the non-uniform WhilethePitotpressuredistributionspeaksat experimental inlet capture flow was approximatelyy = 0.4in. for bothexperiment approximateidn thecomputationassa uniform andcomputationth,eexperimentPalitotpressure inflowwiththesame1-Dintegratedquantities dropswell belowthecomputationavlalueson asthecapturestreamtuboeftheinlet. Theloss thelowerhalfoftherake.Thevaluesofstatic ofdetailassociatewdiththisapproximationmay pressurearefairlyuniformandreasonablwyell be responsiblefor some of the observed matchedinthelowertwo-thirdsoftherake,but differencesbetweenthe experimentandthe the experimentalstatic pressurejumps by computationI.nordertoresolvethisissueC, FD approximatel5y0%in thetopone-thirdof the solutionsmustbecompletedwithanon-uniform rake,whilethecomputationavlalueremainsat inflowthatmatchetshenozzlecalibrations. the samelevel. The suddenrise in static Withregardto(2),inorderto simplify pressurenearthe top of the rakeis further theblockingstructureandreducecomputation evidenceofa shockpropagatindgowntheinlet time,noattemptwasmadetocomputetheflow (also indicatedby the experimentaslurface adjacentto thesidesof theinlet. As longas pressuredistributionsof Fig.9). Figurel l(b) flow wasattachedatthesideleadingedgesof showsthe Mach numberandtotal pressure theinlet,thissimplificationdoesnotaffectthe distributionscalculatedfromtheverticalrake accuracyof the solution. During the re- measurementtosgetherwiththecorresponding examinationofthemodelingassumptionmsade computationavlalues.Thefigureclearlyshows in the computationalsolution, a shock thepresencoefaregionoflowmomentumflow detachmenatnalysisof thesideleadingedges adjacentto the centerof the cowl in the (similartothatshowninFig.8forthe cowl) was experimentaldata that is absentfrom the performed. The results of this analysis indicated computationasol lution. that the external angle of the inlet side leading Tobeginadiscussioonfthereasonfsor edge was above the local shock detachment the differencesbetweenthe experimental angle over a portion of its length. It is therefore measuremenatsndthecomputationaslolutions, probable that flow was not attached to the side it is importantto notethattheCFDsolution leading edges in the experiment. Extra showsaninletflowfieldthatisclosetowhatwas computational blocks must be added to expectefdortheRESTinletatslightlyover-sped determine if losses associated with a detached sideleadingedgeshockareresponsibleforthe and constructing a series of elliptical-annular observeddifferencesbetweentheexperimental strips on each Pitot probe in the horizontal and dataandcomputationarelsults. vertical branches of the rake. Properties at each Withregardto(3),thesensitivityofthe Pitot probe were assumed to correspond to the inlet flowfieid to positiveangle-of-attackis average value over the strip, and equivalent I-D indicatedbyacomparisonbetweenFigs.12(a) properties were calculated by integration over all and (b), which show the distributionof the strips. 2 Given that probes on the lower normalizedtotalpressuraettheexitoftheinlet portion of the vertical rake were positioned in an forcomputationwsith o' =0.0 ° and 0.5°. Both area of particularly low momentum flow, it is Figs. 12(a) and (b) show the boundary layer on believed that experimental I-D parameters the top and sides of the inlet and a clearly calculated in this way are skewed to indicate defined core flow. For O'=0.0 °, the cowl lower performance than delivered by the actual boundary layer bulges on either side of the inlet. Figure 14 shows equivalent I-D mass symmetry plane due to its interaction with the flow weighted values of total pressure recovery swept cowl shock. There is also a region of the (PT), kinetic energy efficiency (r/_) and core flow above the center of the cowl with process efficiency (rlKn), versus wall-to-total relatively low total pressure. For o_=0.5 °, the temperature ratio (Tw / T,._ ), based on the off-center cowl boundary layer bulges become more defined and have increased in size. experimental rake data (as just described) and integration of the computational solution over Furthermore, the low total pressure region above the entire inlet exit. The computational the center of the cowl now extends all the way to the horizontal rake. These differences between solutions show considerably more efficient inlet the computational solution at O'=0.0 ° and 0.5° operation than indicated by the experimental are similar to the differences between the values. The efficiency of the actual inlet is believed to be somewhere between the two. O_=0.0 ° computation and the experiment. Therefore it is possible that some inadvertent CFD Solutions with Back-Pressure positive angle-of-attack could be contributing to the observed differences. Numerical simulation of inlet operation with an imposed back-pressure can require up to As an addition to this discussion, some an order of magnitude increase in computational further computational solutions were performed time as compared to cases without back- to investigate the effect of reduced cowl leading pressure. Furthermore, full computation of edge external angle. In particular, OLE was highly back-pressured flowfields generated in reduced to the point where a shock detachment the complete inlet/dump-isolator/flow-meter analysis indicated that _t_< ODLT. along the geometry in the current work, would require a entire length of the cowl. Interestingly, the significant increase in the grid size and computational solution of this inlet geometry complexity beyond the no-back-pressure grid. continued to show shock detachment along the As an alternative to solving the full inlet/dump- length of the cowl leading edges, however with isolator/flow-meter flowfield, the back-pressure significantly reduced stand-off. Figure 13 shows performance of the REST inlet was computed in the distribution of total pressure ratio at the inlet the current study by solving the flowfield exit for this computation. A comparison generated by applying a back-pressure to a long between Figs. 12(a) and 13 indicates that constant area tube connected downstream of the reduced cowl leading edge shock stand-off inlet exit. This geometry, which can be viewed reduced the scale of the cowl boundary layer as modeling a REST inlet with a very long bulges. Hence the cowl leading edge external constant area isolator, significantly decreased angle is an important parameter in the overall the grid complexity and computational time for a design of a REST inlet. back-pressured computation, while still Equivalent one-dimensional inlet supplying a detailed solution of the flowfield in performance properties were calculated in Ref. 2 a back-pressured REST inlet. A subsonic, by dividing the inlet exit area into four sections constant pressure boundary condition was appliedattheendofthetube,andthelengthof computational solution. Computations with Pback tuberequiredto performthiscomputationwas > 195 kPa either did not fully converge, or the increaseduntila solutioncouldbeestablished shock train moved too far upstream and withnoreversefdlowattheexit. unstarted the inlet. Figure 17 shows a Figure15showsthe symmetryplane comparison of the experimental surface pressure pressurceontoursforthecomputationaslolution distributions along instrumentation streamlines of theRESTinletatTestPoint2,Tw/Tt._= at the maximum back-pressure condition, with 0.647,O'=0.0 °and Pb._ck= 195 kPa. For clarity, the computational results at Pback = 195 kPa. only the fully closed portion of the inlet is The experimental plots clearly show that a shown in Fig. 15, along with the tube extension. disturbance stablized well upstream of the inlet It can be seen that the imposed back-pressure throat, and that pressure distributions on each generated an asymmetric shock train which streamline were quite similar downstream of stabilizes just downstream of the inlet throat. cowl closure. In contrast, the computational The shock train feeds furthest upstream on the solutions show a disturbance slightly upstream top of the inlet due to the presence of the of the inlet throat at the top of the inlet relatively thick top wall boundary layer. The (streamline A), and considerable variation initial wave in the train emanates from the top of between the pressure distributions on each the inlet and sweeps downstream to the cowl streamline. before undergoing numerous reflections in a The reasons why the computational decreasing area. The flow adjacent to the top of solution would not converge at the back- the inlet is separated by the initial shock and pressure levels observed in the experiments is not known. It should be recognized, however, remains highly distorted along the full length of the inlet and tube extension. that back-pressured fiowfieids contain large Figure 16 shows the Mach number scale separated regions, shear layers well away contours in three cross planes normal to the from surfaces and extremely complicated shock streamwise direction, giving a more complete wave interactions. It may be that current turbulence models used in the framework of the view of the highly three-dimensional back- pressured flowfield. The axial positions of these Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations, are cross-planes are indicated in Fig. 15. The most not sufficiently developed to enable prediction upstream cross-plane is well ahead of the throat of hypersonic inlet back-pressure limits. and is not effected by the back-pressure. The middle cross-plane is just downstream of the Conclusions throat and shows an area of highly distorted flow Results of the computational analysis of spread around the top and sides of the inlet. Mach 6.2 operation of a three-dimensional However, the cowl boundary layer remains hypersonic inlet were reported. The fixed unaffected by the back-pressure. The final geometry inlet had a design point of Mach 6.0, an overall contraction ratio of 4.74 and an cross-plane is at the exit of the inlet and indicates that the highly distorted flow on the internal contraction ratio of 2.15. It also featured highly swept leading edges and a top and sides of the inlet has formed into two off-center lobes that extend at least two-thirds of smooth transition from a nearly rectangular the distance to the cowl. In this plane the shock capture to an elliptical throat. The computations train isconcentrated in the center of the inlet in a were conducted in concert with a previously region adjacent to the cowl. reported experimental testing program to (I) As far as comparisons between the compare the computational and experimental back-pressured computational results and the results, and (2) supply detailed information about the inlet flowfield that cannot be obtained experiments are concerned, it was observed in the experiment that the inlet could support a from experiment. Computations with and significantly higher back-pressure than indicated without a manually imposed back-pressure were by the CFD. In other words, the inlet exhibited included in the study. While the numerical solutions of the no- the ability to support a stable shock train further upstream than was possible in a fully converged back-pressure flowfields accurately predicted the overall compressionratio and surface experiment indicated that the CFD under- pressuredistributionsin theinlet,comparisons predicted the back-pressure limit of the REST with the experimentadlataindicatedthat a inlet. This may be a consequence of numberof featuresobservedintheexperiments inadequacies in the modeling of turbulence. did not appearin the computations.These included a shock wave that persisted References downstreamof theinletthroat;andaregionof JSmart, M.K., "Design of Three- lowmomentumflowthatwasobservednearthe Dimensional Hypersonic Inlets with cowlattheinletexit. 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Langley Scramjet Test Complex", AIAA Paper It is currently planned to introduce remedies for No. 96-3243, 32nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE (1) and (2) in the near future, at which point the Joint Propulsion Conference, July 1-3, 1996. affect of (3) can be more accurately assessed. 5Thomas, S.R., Voland, R.T., and Guy, The computational solutions supplied R.W., "Test Flow Calibration Study of the great insight into some inadvertent features of Langley Arc-Heated Scramjet Test Facility", the flowfields generated by operating inlets of AIAA paper No. 87-2165, 23rd Joint Propulsion this class at slightly over-sped conditions. In Conference, San Diego, California, June 1987. particular, the problem of shock detachment on 6White, J.A., and Morrison, J.H., "A the cowl leading edges due to excessive external pseudo-temporal multi-grid relaxation scheme leading edge angle. Computational solutions for solving the parabolized Navier-Stokes with reduced external leading edge angle equations", AIAA Paper 99-3360, 14thAIAA indicated that losses associated with this shock Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, detachment had a considerable effect on the Norfolk VA, June 1999. character of the overall flow at the inlet exit. In 7Wilcox, D. C., Turbulence Modeling this instance CFD has been a valuable tool for for CFD, 2nd Edition, DCW Industries Inc., recognizing the impact of cowl leading edge 1998. external angle on the overall performance of the inlet. Highly back-pressured inlet operation was modeled with a simplified grid topology that substituted a long constant area tube for the more complicated geometry used in the experiments. These computations showed that an imposed back-pressure generated an asymmetric oblique shock train just downstream of the throat which separated the top and side wall boundary layer. Flow near the top of the inlet remained highly distorted due to the presence of the shock train. Comparisons with

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